Eat Nuts to Stay Healthy Bdocx


Eat Nuts to Stay Healthy Bdocx
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Eat Nuts to Stay Healthy
(Learning English,Voice of America, 2015)
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From VOA Learning English, this is the Health report.
People have known that nuts are part of a healthy diet. Now, researchers say eating a handful of
nuts or peanuts every day is linked to a lower risk of death from several major diseases.
Piet van den Brandt, professor of epidemiology at Maastricht University, led the research. He says
that eating nuts protects the health of both men and women.
Professor van den Brandt adds that you do not need as many nuts as health experts earlier
suggested. About 10 grams a day is enough to get the full health benefits of nuts. That’s about an
average-sized handful.
Nuts are high in fat and calories. So, eating a handful before dinner could help you to eat less. But
eating too many can ruin your appetite altogether.
Nuts differ in their fat and nutrient content. Almonds are among the least fatty nuts. Almonds also
have calcium and are high in Vitamin E, which helps to protect the body from disease.
Chestnuts have the least fat and fewest calories.
If you do not eat meat, cashews are good. They have lots of protein and minerals, including
magnesium, which may help to improve memory.
Walnuts are loaded with compounds that may help protect against cancer. They also have good fats
and omega-3s.
Pecans can help you feel less tired and pistachios help your hormone levels. However, the
researchers found that many peanut butters did not give the same health benefits as plain peanuts.
Dry-roasted peanuts are better, but nuts are most healthy when you eat them raw.
And that’s the Health & Lifestyle report.
I’m Carolyn Presutti.
Which are your favorite nuts?
01. Nuts
02. A healthy diet
03. A handful
04. Linked
05. Led the research
06. Than earlier suggested
07. Nut intake
des noix
un régime sain
une poignée
a mené, dirigé (lead led led)
qu’avait été suggeré dans un premier temps
la consommation de noix
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08. An average-sized handful
09. Fat
10. Ruin your appetite
11. Altogether
12. Almonds
13. Chestnuts
14. Cashews
15. Walnuts are loaded
16. Compounds
17. Plain peanuts
18. Raw
une poignée moyenne
la graisse
couper votre appétit
des amands
les châtaignes
des noix de cajou
les noix (de noyer) sont chargés de ..
des substances
des cacahuètes ordinaries