OpenBordersMB A


OpenBordersMB A
> Dutch
> English
> French
> German
Die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft (DG) ist das kleinste belgische Bundesland, das sich im Osten Belgiens
aus neun Gemeinden zusammensetzt und rund 76 000 Einwohner zählt. Ihre Lage am Schnittpunkt des
germanischen und romanischen Kulturraums zwischen den Niederlanden, Deutschland, Luxemburg und der
belgischen Wallonie macht die DG zu einer Grenzregion par excellence, in der Mobilität eine grundlegende
Rolle spielt. Dies trifft auch in erheblichem Maße auf die Studenten unserer Gemeinschaft zu, von denen ein
sehr großer Teil in den benachbarten Universitätsstädten Lüttich, Aachen, Maastricht und Hasselt studiert.
Diese besondere Situation wird von den Menschen in unserer Gegend als große Bereicherung erfahren und
prägt die ostbelgische Mentalität entscheidend.
Die DG hat die Wichtigkeit der grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation seit langem erkannt und setzt diese
systematisch in den verschiedensten Lebensbereichen um. So ist es kein Zufall, dass der Sitz der Euregio
Maas-Rhein in der Hauptstadt der DG angesiedelt ist. Symbolischerweise befindet er sich zusammen mit
meinem Amtssitz in einem Gebäudekomplex, welcher auf die im 17. und 18. Jhd. in der gesamten Euregio
florierende Tuchmacherindustrie zurückgeht.
Umso glücklicher bin ich, dass der MBA, bei dem ebenfalls Wirtschaft, Kooperation und das Zusammentreffen
der Kulturen im Zentrum stehen, in Eupen unterrichtet werden wird. Nach seiner Renovierung wird hierfür
als Tagungsort ein Klosterkomplex im Herzen Eupens zur Verfügung gestellt, der neben einer ruhigen
Lernatmosphäre zudem stilvolle und schlichte Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten bietet. Ich bin somit fest davon
überzeugt, dass sich alle Teilnehmer sehr wohl bei uns fühlen werden und hoffe, dass sie neben dem
Unterricht auch Zeit finden, einen Abstecher in die atemberaubende Natur unserer Region zu machen.
Ministerpräsident der
Gemeinschaft Belgiens
Pour une Management School, un MBA a vocation à délivrer une expertise globale en management au
meilleur niveau international. C’est donc une ambition. C’est aussi la pointe avancée d’un savoir-faire et d’une
expertise validée auprès de la communauté d’affaires. C’est, enfin, la manifestation de ce qui fait la singularité,
le caractère unique de l’Ecole.
HEC Management School de l’Université de Liège s’associe à ses partenaires de la Applied University of Aachen
et de l’Université de Hasselt pour vous offrir OpenBordersMBA. Pas simplement un MBA supplémentaire
mais aussi un levier pour vous permettre de devenir les entrepreneurs de l’espace européen par excellence,
entre Belgique, Hollande et Allemagne. Un espace d’une richesse économique, financière et culturelle
exceptionnelle dont l’influence est réelle dans le monde entier. Les économies de ces trois pays sont intimement
interconnectées. Ce sont des territoires de créativité, d’innovation et de compétitivité. Un consortium de trois
Business Schools vous offre un diplôme universitaire de MBA délivré à partir d’une collaboration étroite entre
un corps professoral pointu et des dirigeants, experts, capables d’appréhender simultanément la dynamique
compétitive de ces trois marchés et leur ouverture global à la planète.
Nous avons reçu le soutien de la Communauté Germanophone de Belgique pour vous offrir un lieu unique,
prestigieux et symbolique de cette capacité à dépasser ces frontières.
Etre diplômé de OpenBordersMBA, c’est perfectionner sa capacité à être un leader européen dans un
environnement interculturel exigeant et être capable de faire partager ce talent à des collaborateurs et à des
partenaires au-delà des différences culturelles et linguistiques qui persistent entre ces trois grand pays, au
croisement de l’Europe du Nord et du Sud.
Directeur général et Doyen de HEC-ULg
© M.Snakers
De Universiteit Hasselt is een zelfstandige, ondernemende universiteit die staat voor actief onderwijs
op maat van de student; toponderzoek in speerpuntdomeinen; ondernemerschap en innovatie via
haar rol als academische denktank en voor een uitgesproken internationale oriëntatie in onderwijs en
onderzoek. Academische en wetenschappelijke vrijheid, samen met maatschappelijk engagement zijn
de basisprincipes in alles wat we ondernemen.
Hoewel de Universiteit Hasselt zich profileert als een zelfstandig kenniscentrum met welomschreven
onderzoeksspeerpunten in de Technologische Topregio Eindhoven-Aken-Limburg, is samenwerking
cruciaal voor ons. We zijn ervan overtuigd dat excelleren enkel kan door intensief samen te werken.
Vandaar dat we ernaar streven om binnen de kennisregio onderzoek, onderwijs en technologietransfer
te versterken door een continue samenwerking met andere universiteiten.
We zijn verheugd om samen met HEC-ULg en FH Aachen een uniek Euregionaal MBA-programma aan te
bieden waarmee we de brug naar het bedrijfsleven versterken. Met dit programma bouwen we verder
aan onze internationale oriëntering waarmee zowel onze studenten als docenten een extra troef in
handen geven. We willen graag vanuit onze expertises bijdragen aan deze kenniscreatie en -transfer
binnen de Euregio om mee te bouwen aan een netwerk dat het venster op de wereld verder opent.
Decaan - Faculteit Bedrijfseconomische Wetenschappen (BEW)
Universiteit Hasselt
FH Aachen is located in a region where three European countries meet, a region in the heart of Europe
and at the core of European integration. Cultures and languages interact and overlap. Internationality is
daily experience. Thinking globally even in a very local environment is a challenging and appealing task
for daily business. We, the Faculty of Business Studies of FH Aachen, are very pleased to be a partner in
this MBA project preparing for a successful career in our region. For more than 30 years FH Aachen and
especially its Faculty of Business Studies has successfully created and operated international doubledegree programs in the field of business and management: Bachelor as well as master programs with
partner universities from European and Non-European countries without losing sight of the international
region we live in. Close collaboration with partners from our neighbouring countries was always in
the centre of our thinking and acting. Thus, creating an international, but regional MBA program for
executives and managers from companies in our region seems to be just a logical step. But, it is not less
than the highlight of the collaboration of the last decades
Norbert JANZ
Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies of FH Aachen
© «FH Aachen/Andreas Herrmann»
> Dutch > English> French> German
An executive program for experienced managers
Three partners
Despite the economic crisis, MBAs have never been so popular. Businesses have realised they have good
reason to invest in the development of their managers.
Drawing on a tradition of more than one hundred years of business academic training, Universiteit
Hasselt, Fachhochschule Aachen and HEC-ULg have combined their efforts to offer the best program for
managers. The OpenBordersMBA starts in September and February.
International lecturers
Building on the reputation of their academics and their close relationships with local and international
businesses, the three partner institutions have emphasized the inter-regional and international aspects
of the program’s content, course languages (Dutch, English, French, German) and the backgrounds of
lecturers, guest speakers and tutors. They come from Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, as well
as other European countries and from outside Europe.
Master in
Foundation Module
Master in Management Science,
option MBA
or MBA standalone
1st Year,
1st 4-month term
1st Year,
2nd 4-month term
2nd Year,
1st 4-month term
2nd Year,
2nd 4-month term
Accounting and
Financial Tools
Strategic and
Market Finance
Economic, Ethical
and Technological
Impacts -
Business Law
The Firm’s
Design and
Marketing Basis
and Self
Business Game
- Strategic and
Market Finance
Management of
Business Law
in a Euregional
Final Paper (2)
Business English
Optimizing IT
Resources and
Final Paper (1)
CIT Tools
Developing potential
The Meuse-Rhine Euregion encompasses five regions, three countries, three languages, four million
inhabitants and 250.000 businesses. Working in Euregional projects means opening up to German,
Dutch and international markets.
The goal of the OpenBordersMBA is to help today’s managers build on their experience and develop their
skills, taking advantage of this privileged geographic location.
Program objectives
The program is composed of 4 modules with specific goals:
• to establish basic managerial skills pertaining to the main functions of business
(Use Management Tools)
• to develop an international vision of the market and the tools to survey the competition
(Think Globally)
• to enrich the palette of operational know-how relating to the internal management of a business,
taking into account the potential of the Euregion’s economic environment (Act Locally)
• to develop strategic skills and ethical thinking (Decide)
Program structure and languages
This new Euregio MBA is really a good news for future generations.
It shall train future leaders speaking key languages and developing their openness towards
strong business regions, between Paris and Berlin but also between Amsterdam and
The future winners in business world shall be multicultural leaders. French speaking, my
family is from Eupen’s area, I graduated from Liège, made Erasmus in Maastricht and achieved
a marketing thesis in Aachen while started my career in Luxembourg. After some time in
Amsterdam, I am back in Liege since some years and practicing languages is a daily need.
Writing a business plan in English, making roadshows in Dutch in Amsterdam or Brussels,
negotiating business agreements from our affiliate company based in Düsseldorf.
French in the office.
Euregio is the cornerstone of Europe and therefore is certainly one of the current strongest
economic area in the world.
Jacques Galloy
Director & CFO
EVS Broadcast Equipment
Alumni HEC-ULg
Comment une Université peut-elle, au-delà de ses missions premières,
servir mieux encore les intérêts des entreprises, et collaborer activement
au renouveau économique d’une région?
Dans un environnement rendu chaque jour plus complexe, les sociétés,de toute taille,
recherchent des collaborateurs créatifs, conseillers de pointe à l’esprit critique aiguisé,
capables de se muer en décideurs responsables.
De par son interaction constante avec des partenaires du monde des entreprises, d’une part,
ainsi que par la diversité, la qualité et la pertinence de ses programmes de formation,
d’autre part, HEC-ULg est un allié des entrepreneurs, et un atout majeur pour
le développement en Province de Liège.
Le lancement d’un MBA, favorisant les échanges internationaux et le multilinguisme,
constitue une démonstration supplémentaire de la capacité de l’institution à s’adapter,
et à répondre aux exigences nouvelles imposées au management des entreprises.
Nous avons en commun cette quête de l’excellence et ce respect de la diversité, et nous
soutenons ardemment cette nouvelle initiative.
Bernard Jouan
BNP Paribas Fortis
Directeur Retail&Private Banking
The 4 Modules are dedicated to the Master in Management Science, option MBA.
The first module (September to December of year 1) is common to the other options of the Master in
Management Science and is entirely in French. The Open Borders MBA offers the possibility to skip the
first module by taking a test or having experience be accounted for.
The second module is entirely in English (February to May, Year 1).
In the third and fourth modules (September to December and February to May year 2) half of the
courses are delivered in English and the other half are in the second foreign language chosen by the
Summer schools are organized between Year 1 and Year 2 to improve second foreign language skills.
Gaining experience
Teaching methods are designed to provide experience to participants: small group projects, an
environment which ensures the effectiveness of all activities, active teaching methods, a body of
teaching staff and guest speakers who put in 200% and who sometimes travel long distances to work
with the candidates.
The Open Borders MBA provides participants with multiple opportunities to share their experience and
to learn from that of others thanks to:
• real life case studies, through experiences shared amongst participants or with tutors;
• guest speakers from the entrepreneurial world are involved in every seminar and tell about their
• required and recommended readings ;
• a network of participants, professionals, managers at all levels, and future international managers, as
well as through the alumni activities of the three partner institutions.
Personal commitment
The OpenBordersMBA is especially designed for working adults. Seminars start after 5pm or take place
at the weekend.
A commitment of at least 10 hours a week is required to prepare for lectures/tutorials. Lectures and
tutorials do not aim to introduce the subject matter, but to explore it in greater depth by bringing it to
life, developing examples, and doing exercises so as to ensure complete absorption of information and
rapid transfer to the work environment.
Return for businesses
In addition to developing their skills, managers who take part in this leading-edge program will have
to complete a project and a thesis project which will both be of great value to their company. The
infrastructure and expertise available through the program as part of the thesis project will genuinely
benefit the company.
The OpenBordersMBA is an opportunity to develop a Euregional network with fellow participants, with
the professors and experts who will coach them in their work and with the alumni of the three partner
Candidate profile
The OpenBordersMBA is aimed at:
• Executives;
• Holding at least a Master’s degree or equivalent ;
• 3 years’ executive-level professional experience ;
• Fluent in English. A command of Dutch, French or German as a second language is an asset in the
second year of the MBA. The OpenBordersMBA admission committee will examine and possibly
interview applicants failing to meet the above prerequisites.
• HEC-ULg Master’s degree in Management Sciences, option MBA
• MBA credential issued by FH Aachen, Universiteit Hasselt and HEC-ULg
Select OpenBordersMBA standalone (3 MBA modules) or Open Borders MBA as an option of your
Master in Management Sciences (1 Foundation module + 3 MBA modules)
1st4-month term
2nd4-month term
1st4-month term
Think Globally
Module 1
• MBA : 15.000 e (excluding VAT)
• HEC-ULg Master’s degree in Management Sciences, option MBA : 835 e/per year + 15.000 e
(excluding VAT)
1st4-month term
Act Locally
Module 2
Module 3
Price includes books and learning material, accomodation and catering.
Discounts are available to partner companies. Participants in this course are eligible for «Congé
Education» (professional development leave).
Starting dates
MBA Foundation Module (1) : September 2011, Tuesdays, Thursdays from 6 to 9 pm, Saturdays from 9
to 1pm, in HEC-ULg, rue Louvrex, 14, Liege
More Information
For descriptions of courses, to view the CVs of professors and experts, testimonies,
calendar and more, visit our web site:
of direct
[email protected]
Office : +32 4 232 74 15 – Mobile : +32 497 24 31 65
or [email protected] - Office : +32 4 232 72 99

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