French Section 30 - Print activities


French Section 30 - Print activities
Languages Online - Answers and Translations
French Section 30 - Print activities
No. 1
Le corps
The parts of the body
No. 2
Du singulier au pluriel
la dent
le bras
la main
le doigt
la jambe
le genou
le pied
les yeux
Singular to Plural
the eye
the ear
the tooth
the shoulder
the arm
the hand
the finger
the leg
the knee
the foot
the toe
the eyes
No. 3
Jacques a dit
Jacques a dit: touchez le nez
Touchez le genou gauche!
Faute! Éliminé!
Simon says
Simon says: touch your nose
Touch your left knee!
Wrong! You're out!
No. 4
Le loto
la tête
le nez
la bouche
la langue
le cou
le genou
la dent
la poitrine
le bras
la main
le doigt
le ventre
la jambe
le pied
The head
The eye
The ear
The nose
The mouth
The tongue
The neck
The knee
The tooth
The shoulder
The chest
The arm
The hand
The finger
The stomach
The leg
The foot
The toe
No. 5
Dessine ton robot
Il a de longues jambes. Il a trois yeux rouges.
Draw a robot
It has long legs. It has three red eyes.
No. 6
Mon robot, c'est comment?
Mon robot a de grandes oreilles. Il a de longs bras. Il a de
courtes jambes.
Draw my robot
My robot has big ears. It has long arms. It has short legs.
No. 7
Les gestes
Body Language and Gestures
Languages Online - French Section 30- Print activities - Page 1 of 1

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