International Counoil for the Exploration of the Sea Report of


International Counoil for the Exploration of the Sea Report of
International Counoil for the
Exploration of the Sea
Report of the
C ,M,
Observer from the Permanent COllh'1lission
I hava been asked by the President of the Permanent COllh'1lission to give a
short review of what has happened during the last year within the seope of the
1946 Convention for the Regulation of the Meshes of Fishing Nets and the Size
Limits of Fieh,
At the fifth meeting of the Permanent Commieeion in May 1956 the
Commission agreed that the sixth meeting should be held in London in May 1957,
At this proposod meeting tho most important item on the agenda would have been, I
think, tho memorandu.m summarizing the views of the Contracting Govornments on the
1'81'01''0 of tho ad hoo Co~mittoe established at the fourth meeting of the Permanent
Commission, September 1955, under the chairmanship of MI'. Rollefsen. By force of
ciroumstanoes, however, the meeting was postponed and has now been fixod to begin
at the 22nd Oetober this year,
There are thus, no new decisions by the Permanent Commission to report at
this Council Meeting. Nevertheless I think this last year has beon of a very
great importance für the future work of the Pormanent Co:mmission, as during it the
report of Mr, Rollofsen's ad hoc Co~mitte8 has been translated into the languages
of thG different countriesand brought '00 thc attention of the organizations of
the fishing industry, Through the discl1ssions, partly within tho fishory
organ:i.zations partly betvyeen these organizations and govornment represento. ti ve8,
the prinoiples of fishery dynamics and also the leading principlos of future lNork
in fishery regulation and conservation must now 10 known to the fishermen taking
an active interost in their industry. The eduoational value 01' the report and
the discussions following it 880ms to mo to be of' the utmost importance as [t
foundation for further work in fishery conservution"
Areport on the recommondations and proposals of "Gho contracting Govern:~
ments in oonnection with the ad hoc Committee rOTIort will be presonted ut the
coming meeting by Dr. Lucas;. -
At the fifth meeting of tho Permanent Connnission another co:rnmittoe was
uppointod, with Dr. Lionesch as convoner, '00 s"Gudy the difficultios that arise in
the administration of Artiole 6 of the Convention and '00 considor possible methode
of overcoming the problems, Tho report from this Committee will be laid befare
tho Commission at the meeting, as vdll also bo the Gase with reports from thB
Liaison Committee cf this Council and cortain othor reports and documenta,
If tllUS during the last year no rosolutions hav8 been passed by the
Perm.anent Corrmission thore has nevortheless been a lot of activity within the
soope of the
C.M. 1957
Conseil International peur
l Exploration de 1a Mer
Assemblee Generale
Rapport ds 1IObseT'\re,teur
J1 a i
a la
COITllUission Permanente.
demande par 10 President de donner un rapport sommaire des
evenements ayant en lieu au eours de l'annlJe dernisre au dedans du champ
d'activite da la Convention de 1946 pour les regulations des mailles de
filets et des dimensions limitees des poissons.
sa cinquieme reunion, tenus ~ Londres au mois ds mai 1956~ la Commission
Permanente a decide 'lue so. si::d~me reu;:1ion devait avoir Heu ,l, Londres au mois
da mai 1957. Je erois gu'il. eette reunion, 'lui fut ajournee, 1e Memorandum
donnaut les points de vue sommaires des Gouvernements adhorants sur le rapport
elabore par 10 Comite ad hoc etabli ,l, 10. 'luatreieme reunion de la Commission
Permanente, 'saptembre 1955~ sous la priJsidence de M. Rollefsen, aurait ote
1a question 1a plus importante da l'Ordre du Jour. Du aux certaines
circonstanoes, la reunion acependant
ajournes" et elle doit avoir lieu
cette anneo, commen9ant 10 22 octobre.
A cotte reunion du Conseil i1 n'y a on cons8'luence pas da nouvelles
decisions prisee par 1a Colnmission Perme,nente ,l, rapporter. Je trouve,
nearunoins, gUB cette dorni~re anne8 a ete tr6s importante au futur travail
da 1a COTI1'1lission Permanente, aar au oours da cette annee 10 rapport elabore
par 18 Comite ad hoc da M~ Rollefsen a
traduit aux langues des divers
pays et ce rapport a ensuite ete porte
1 2 attention des organisations des
industries de pochee Grace aux discussions, partiellement pal~i les
organisations de peche, partiellement parmi ces organisations et los
r;;presentants des Gouvernements, les principes des forcGs dynami'lues de 1a
peche ainsi 'lue les principes 108 plus importants du futur travail ayant
traitcJ':x regulations da la poche et ,l, 1a oonservation, sont maintenant
connus par les pocheurs prenant un int6ret aotif
leur industrie. 11 me
semble, quo la valeur educative non seulement de ce rapport mai.s aussi des
discussions y relatives est d~un8 importance extreme corrm18 base pour les
futurs travaux concarnant 1'1.
des stooks de poiSBon.
Un rapport contenant les recommondations et les propositions dos
Gouvernements adherants au rapport du Comite ad hoc sera presente
prochaine reunion du CIEM par 1e Dr .Lucas,
d 8 1a CommlSSlon
A 1 a clnqU1.eme
. . ermanent e un nouveau Com).'t'e
cre~ et M~Liene8ch a
nomme Organisateur do ce Comite, dout 10 but
sera d'etudier los difficultes qui s'elevonte:l rapport i\ l'application da
l'Article 6 do la Gonvention, et il doit egalemont trouver dos solutions
possibles permettant de surmonter ces difficult6s. Lo rapport do ce Comite
sera sounds
la Comrnission
sa reunion, en marae temps gUß les :rapports
du Comi
de Liaison du CIEJ1IJ. et certalns Q.utres rapports et documents"
Bienque 113. Commission Permanente n 7ait done pas pris de nouvelle,s
, 1u t·~ons au cours d e ce tt
" F::<J ac t'
. I ' J_yr
t ense s' es't
- 8 dernlere
montree au dedans du oharnps d~activite de 113. Commission Permanente.