Valoree McKay (Le fran^ais suit 1`anglais) Thanlc you for writing in


Valoree McKay (Le fran^ais suit 1`anglais) Thanlc you for writing in
Valoree McKay
From: Kalene DeBaeremaeker <[email protected]>
Sent: March-30-15 10:26 AM
To: Valoree McKay
Subject: FW: New Democrats support reinstating the mandatory long-form census // Les neodemocrates appuient Ie retablissement du questionnaire detaille obligatoire de
FYI- Mulcair's reaction to Bill C-626 letter is below.
From: Tom Muicair [maifto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 4:16 PM
To: Kalene DeBaeremaeker
Subject: New Democrats support reinstating the mandatory long-form census // Les neo-democrates appuient Ie
retabfissement du questionnaire detaiile obligatoire de recensement
(Le fran^ais suit 1'anglais)
Thanlc you for writing in support of Bill C-626, legislation calling for the reinstatement of the mandatory longform census. While we supported Bill C-626, it was recently defeated when the Conservative majority
government voted against it.
New Democrats agree that the mandatory long-form census is essential to government planning and policymaking as well as helpful to social science and humanities research.
In 2011, NDP MP Brian Masse tabled legislation similar to Bill C-626. However, C-626 differed in that it sets a
lower threshold for the number of households sampled in the mandatory census and does not contain a
provision to ensure that future censuses are comparable over time. Bill C-626 also lacked the important
measures included in Brian Masse's bill that aimed to limit the amount of Ministerial interference.
Despite its shortcomings, NDP MPs still supported Bill C-626 and its intent to bring back the long-form census.
Going forward, NDP Industry Critic Peggy Nash will continue to monitor all developments relating to Statistics
Thanks again for getting in touch.
All the best,
Tom Mulcair, M.P. (Outremont)
Leader of the Official Opposition
New Democratic Party of Canada
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Je vous remercie de votre lettre appuyant Ie projet de loi C-626, qui vise a retablir Ie questionnaire detaille
obligatoire de recensement Le Nouveau Parti democratiquc etait en faveur de ce projet de loi, mais il a
recemment ete rejete par la majorite conservatrice.
Les neo-demo crates considerent que Ie formulaire detallle obligatoire est essentiel a la planification et a la prise
de decisions par Ie gouvemement, en plus de constituer un instrument utile de recherche en sciences humaines
et sociales.
En 2011,1c depute neo-democrafe Brian Masse a presente un projet de loi semblable a C-626. Ce demier etablit
toutefois un semi mains eleve quant au nombre de menages faisant partie de 1'echantillon pour Ie recensement
obligatoire, et 11 ne contient aucune disposition visant a s'assurer que les recensements se ressemblent au fil des
ans. De plus, contrairement au projet de loi presente par M. Masse, il ne comprend malheureusement aucune
mesure visant a limiter 1'ingerence mimsterielle.
Malgre ces lacunes, les deputes neo-democrates ont appuye Ie projet de lot C-626 et I'intention de retablir Ie
questionnaire detaille de recensement. Peggy Nash, la porte-parole du NPD en matiere d'industrie, continuera
par aUleurs a surveiller tous les changements touchant Statistique Canada.
Merci de nouveau d'avoir communique avec moi.
Smceres salutations,
Tom Mulcair, depute (Outi'emont)
Chef de 1'Opposition officielle
Nouveau Parti democratique du Canada
Suivez Thomas sur Facebook, Twitter et Flickr:

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