received - Moose Cree First Nation


received - Moose Cree First Nation
Ministry of the
Attorney General
Ministere du
Procureur general
Legal Appointments Office
c/o Ministry of Government Services
77 Wellesley St W, Box 720
Toronto ON M7A 1N3
Telephone: 416-326-4064
Bureau des nominations judiciaires
A/S Ministere des Services gouvernementaux
77, rue Wellesley ouest, CP 720
Toronto ON M7A 1N3
November 4, 2015/ Le 4 novembre 2015
Trista Emmy Echum
Moose Cree First Nation
P.O. Box 190
. Moose Factory ON POL 1WO
Instructions and Notice of Approval
in Principle - Commissioners for
NOV1U 2015
aking Affidavits
Directives et avis d 'approbation de
principe - commissaires aux
Dear Madam/Sir:
Madame/Monsieur :
Approval has been given to your request for an appointment as a
commissioner for taking affidavits commenc ing Novemb er 4, 2015. It
is effective only in the Province of Ontario and only while you are
working for Moose Cree First Nation, and is limited to work done in
connection with the business of that band.
titre de commissaire aux affidavits a
Votre demande de nomination
ete approuvee et prend effet le 4 novembre 2015 . Votre nomination
n'est valide que dans la province de /'Ontario, et pendant que vous etes
au service de Moose Cree First Nation et e/le n'autorise que le travail
accompli dans le cadre des activites de cette bande.
In accordance with Section 5 of the Commissioners for taking
Affidavits Act, the approved wording of your stamp is:
/'article 5 de la Loi sur /es commissaire s aux
affidavits , votre tampon doit indiquer ce qui suit:
Trista Emmy Echum, a Commissioner, etc., Province of Ontario, for Moose Cree First Nation . Expires November 4, 2018 .
No fee is chargeable.
Aucun droit n'es t exige.
N.B. The Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act does not itself
authorize commissioners to certify true copies of documents .
However, other legal instruments may exist that confer this authority
onto comm issioners. Commissione rs who plan to certify true copies
should consult their lawyers to ensure that they have the legal
authority to perform this function.
Review the wording of the stamp above to ensure that all
· information is correct. If changes are required, please write to the
Legal Appointments Office immediately . It is not permissible to add
or change any portion of the wording of your stamp without the
written consent of the Legal Appointments Office.
Purchase a rubber stamp with which to imprint the limitations
on your appointment onto the documents you commission. Please
ensure that the wording of your stamp is exactly as ~own above
You may commence using your authority as a comm issioner
for taking affidavits on the effective date indicated above, provided
you have obtained a stamp . A cert ificate serving as official
notification of your appointment will be sent to you by Offic ial !>r?
Documents Services of the Ministry of Government Services.7'
Changes: It is imperative that you notify this office at
the earliest opportunity of any change that may affect the limitations
placed on your appointment (e.g. your legal name, the name of the
. firm or organization for which you work, the geographical region in
which you work).
Renewals: Should you intend to renew your appointment
please write to the Legal Appointment s Office at least
two months prior to the expiry date.
~o \
Examinez le libelle du tampon ci-dessus pour veil/er /'exactitude de
la totalite de /'informa tion. Si des changemen ts sont requi s, veuillez
ecrire immediatement au Bureau des nominations judiciaires . II est
interdit d 'ajouter ou de modifier une partie du Jibe/le du tampon sans le
consentement ecrit du Bureau des nominations judiciaires.
Achetez un tampon en caoutchouc vous permettant d 'indiquer
/es limites de votre nomination sur /es documents qui re/event de votre
commission . Veuillez vous assurer que le libelle de votre tampon soil
exactemen t celui qui est indique ci-dessus.
Vous pouvez commencer
vous prevaloi r de votre
compe tence en tant que commissaire des affidavits
la date d 'entree
en vigueur indiquee ci-dessus, a condition que vous ayez obtenu un
tampon. Un certificat servant de notification officielle de votre
nomina tion vous sera envoye par le Service des documents officiels
du Ministere des Services gouvernementaux .
Changements: II est essentiel que vous avisie z ce bureau
des que possible de tout changement susceptible de porter
atteinte aux restrictions imposees
votre nomination (par
exemple , votre nom legal , la denomination socia/e pour laquelle
vous travaillez , le territoire dans lequel/e vous travaillez).
Renouvellements : si vous avez /'intention de
renouveler votre nomination , veuillez comm uniquer par ecrit
a vec le Bureau des nominations ju diciaires au moins deux
mois avant la date d 'expiration de votre mandat.
u y, I Veuillez agreer , Madame/Monsieur , / 'expression de nos sentiments !es meilleurs .
rd Martin, Legal Appointments Coordinator I coordonnateur aux nominations judiciaires
For the Legal Appointments Office I Pour le Bureau des nominations judiciaires

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