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News - Metz Actualités du Centre de Documentation
News - Metz
Actualités du Centre de
Mars-Avril 2013
ACD n°73
Horaires de la Bibliothèque :
Lundi au Jeudi : 8h30 – 12h30 ; 14h – 18h
Vendredi : 8h30 – 12h30 ; 14h – 17h30
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Dernières acquisitions
Classe 000 – Généralités / Informatique
005.43 ESP « Créez des applications pour Android » : F. Espiau.- Simple IT.- 2012
Conçu pour les débutants, ce livre vous apprendra pas à pas comment développer
des applications pour Android. 30 chapitres de difficulté progressive ; 3 travaux
pratiques pour vous exercer. Seul prérequis : connaître le Java.
006.3 LAM « Computational Intelligence and Its Applications : Evolutionary
Computation, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Techniques
» : H.K. Lam.- Imperial College Press.- 2012
This book focuses on computational intelligence techniques and their applications. It
brings together many different aspects of the current research on intelligence
technologies such as neural networks, support vector machines, fuzzy logic and
evolutionary computation, and covers a wide range of applications from pattern
recognition and system modeling, to intelligent control problems and biomedical
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
applications. Fundamental concepts and essential analysis of various computational
techniques are presented to offer a systematic and effective tool for better
treatment of different applications, and simulation and experimental results are
included to illustrate the design procedure and the effectiveness of the approaches.
Classe 100 – Philosophie et Psychologie
121.63 TAL « Antifragile » : N.N. Taleb.- Penguin Books.- 2013
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the bestselling author of The Black Swan and one of the
foremost thinkers of our time, reveals how to thrive in an uncertain world. Just as
human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension, and rumors or riots
intensify when someone tries to repress them, many things in life benefit from stress,
disorder, volatility, and turmoil. What Taleb has identified and calls “antifragile” is
that category of things that not only gain from chaos but need it in order to survive
and flourish.
153.8 JOU « La soumission librement consentie » : R-V. Joule ; J-L. Beauvois.Presses Universitaires de France.- 2009
Amener quelqu'un à faire en toute liberté ce qu'il doit faire est finalement moins
compliqué qu'on ne le croit. Il existe aujourd'hui une somme impressionnante de
connaissances scientifiques sur lesquelles on peut s'appuyer pour influencer les
personnes sans même qu'elles s'en rendent compte. Évidemment, cela s'appelle de
la manipulation. Mais, qu'on le veuille ou non, la manipulation peut être mise au
service des causes les plus sombres comme des plus nobles. On peut par
manipulation amener quelqu'un à s'aliéner dans une secte, tout autant que l'amener
à conduire plus prudemment, à dévorer les auteurs au programme du bac, à
s'investir dans le travail, etc. Ces connaissances relèvent de la psychologie de
l'engagement. Elles sont au coeur de ce livre qui illustre leurs applications dans des
domaines aussi variés que la formation, la lutte contre les accidents de travail ou
contre le sida, le management, le marketing et même la thérapie.
181.112 DAN « Le bonheur selon Confucius » : Y. Dan.- Pocket.- 2012
Les "entretiens" de Confucius sont nés il y a 2500 ans et font partie de ces trésors de
sagesse que l'humanité ne cesse de redécouvrir pour son plus grand bonheur. Pour
révéler toute l'actualité de ces écrits ancestraux, un regard neuf est parfois
nécessaire. C'est ce que nous propose Yu Dan qui revisite les enseignements d'hier,
pour nous aider à mieux vivre aujourd'hui.
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
Classe 300 – Sciences Sociales
302 GLA « Outliers : the story of success » : M. Gladwell.- Penguin Books.- 2008
In this stunning book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through
the world of "outliers"--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most
successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different? His answer is
that we pay too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little
attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation,
and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing. Along the way he explains the
secrets of software billionaires, what it takes to be a great soccer player, why Asians
are good at math, and what made the Beatles the greatest rock band. Brilliant and
entertaining, Outliers is a landmark work that will simultaneously delight and
306.46 SER « Petite poucette » : M. Serres.- Éd. le Pommier.- 2012
Le monde a tellement changé que les jeunes doivent tout réinventer. Nos sociétés
occidentales ont déjà vécu deux révolutions : le passage de l'oral à l'écrit, puis de
l'écrit à l'imprimé. Comme chacune des précédentes, la troisième, tout aussi décisive,
s'accompagne de mutations politiques, sociales et cognitives. Ce sont des périodes
de crises. De l'essor des nouvelles technologies, un nouvel humain est né : Michel
Serres le baptise «Petite Poucette» - clin d'oeil à la maestria avec laquelle les
messages fusent de ses pouces. Petite Poucette va devoir réinventer une manière de
vivre ensemble, des institutions, une manière d'être et de connaître... Débute une
nouvelle ère qui verra la victoire de la multitude, anonyme, sur les élites dirigeantes,
bien identifiées ; du savoir discuté sur les doctrines enseignées ; d'une société
immatérielle librement connectée sur la société du spectacle à sens unique... Ce livre
propose à Petite Poucette une collaboration entre générations pour mettre en
oeuvre cette utopie, seule réalité possible.
331.11 DOW « Cambridge English for Job-hunting » : C. Downes.- Cambridge.- 2008
Cambridge English for Job-hunting is designed to develop the specialist English
language knowledge and communication skills that job-seekers need to apply for and
secure jobs. Ideal for both working professionals and those new to the world of
employment, the course comprises six standalone units covering core areas such as
CV preparation, cover letter writing, and answering interview questions. Authentic
materials such as genuine CVs and cover letters give learners practical experience in
understanding and preparing vital documents. The course also offers valuable advice
to help improve job-hunters' confidence, including help with difficult interview
questions and how to present yourself effectively.
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
Classe 400 – Langues
428 BRO « Complete IELTS Bands 6.5-7.5 » : G. Brook-Hart, V. Jakeman.- Cambridge
University Press.- 2012
Complete IELTS combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with
stimulating topics aimed at young adults wanting to study at university. The Student's
Pack consists of the Student's Book with Answers with CD-ROM and the Audio CDs
which contain all the material for the listening activities. The Student's Book with
Answers contains 8 topic-based units with stimulating activities to ensure that
students gain skills practice for each of the four papers of the IELTS exam. It also
contains a complete IELTS practice test to allow students to familiarise themselves
with the format of the exam. The CD-ROM contains additional skills, grammar,
vocabulary and listening exercises.
428 CAM « Cambridge IELTS 9 » : Cambridge University Press.- 2013
Cambridge IELTS 9 contains four authentic IELTS past papers from Cambridge ESOL,
providing excellent exam practice. The Student's Book with answers allows students
to familiarise themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using
authentic test material. It contains four complete tests for Academic candidates, plus
extra Reading and Writing modules for General Training candidates. An introduction
to these different modules is included in each book, together with with an
explanation of the scoring system used by Cambridge ESOL. A comprehensive section
of answers and tapescripts makes the material ideal for students working partly or
entirely on their own. Audio CDs containing the listening tests material are available
separately, or as part of a self-study pack.
Classe 500 – Sciences-Naturelles / Mathématiques / Physique
515 DAC « Mathematical Analysis for Engineers » : B. Dacorogna.- Londres :
Imperial College Press.- 2012
This book follows an advanced course in analysis (vector analysis, complex analysis
and Fourier analysis) for engineering students, but can also be useful, as a
complement to a more theoretical course, to mathematics and physics students. The
first three parts of the book represent the theoretical aspect and are independent of
each other. The fourth part gives detailed solutions to all exercises that are proposed
in the first three parts.
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530.09 PIC « Le beau livre de la physique » : C.A. Pickover.- Paris : Dunod.- 2012
Après le succès du Beau livre des maths, ce magnifique ouvrage en couleur présente
en 250 étapes les grandes idées et les découvreurs de la physique. Les entrées sont
chronologiques, du Big bang il y a 13,7 milliards d'années aux théories qui envisagent
le destin de l'univers, dans quelques milliards d'années. Chaque idée fait l'objet d'un
court descriptif (1 page) et est accompagnée d'une belle et évocatrice illustration en
579 LOI « Guide des diatomées : plus de 200 micro-algues siliceuses
photographiées » : Maurice Loir.- Paris : Delachaux et Niestlé.- 2004
Les diatomées jouent un rôle primordial dans la vie des écosystèmes marins et sont à
l'origine des réseaux alimentaires. Maurice Loir, directeur de recherche (e.r.) en
biologie cellulaire et moléculaire à l'INRA, les photographie depuis de nombreuses
années. Avec ce livre, il offre aux lecteurs passionnés - enseignants, étudiants,
formateurs en aquaculture et conchyliculture - une documentation précise et
attractive pour découvrir le monde vivant et invisible des eaux douces et salées. Il
s'adresse aussi plus simplement aux lecteurs curieux des mystères de la vie et qui
souhaitent pénétrer la beauté cachée des diatomées.
579.8 GRA « Ecology of Harmful Algae » : E. Granéli.- Berlin : Springer.- 2008
Harmful algae can cause a variety of deleterious effects, including the poisoning of
fish and shellfish, habitat disruptions for many organisms, water discoloration, beach
fouling, and even toxic effects for humans. In this volume, international experts
provide an in-depth analysis of harmful algae topics and offer a comprehensive
synthesis of the latest research in the field.
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
Classe 600 – Technologies / Sciences Appliquées
621.382 2 « Information Theory and Evolution : 2nd Edition » John Scales Avery.World Scientific.- 2012
Information Theory and Evolution discusses the phenomenon of life, including its
origin and evolution (and also human cultural evolution), against the background of
thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and information theory. Among the central
themes is the seeming contradiction between the second law of thermodynamics
and the high degree of order and complexity produced by living systems. This
paradox has its resolution in the information content of the Gibbs free energy that
enters the biosphere from outside sources, as the author will show. The role of
information in human cultural evolution is another focus of the book. The first
edition of Information Theory and Evolution made a strong impact on thought in the
field by bringing together results from many disciplines. The new second edition
offers updated results based on reports of important new research in several areas,
including exciting new studies of the human mitochondrial and Y-chromosomal DNA.
Another extensive discussion featured in the second edition is contained in a new
appendix devoted to the relationship of entropy and Gibbs free energy to economics.
This appendix includes a review of the ideas of Alfred Lotka, Frederick Soddy,
Nicholas Georgiescu-Roegen and Herman E. Daly, and discusses the relevance of
these ideas to the current economic crisis. The new edition discusses current
research on the origin of life, the distinction between thermodynamic information
and cybernetic information, new DNA research and human prehistory, developments
in current information technology, and the relationship between entropy and
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
Classe R – Romans, Nouvelles, Essais en anglais
Recent additions to the collections, thanks to the Department of Languages…
New novels, novellas, « quick reads » and language testing books are available !
R BOY « Waiting for sunrise » : W. Boyd.- Bloomsbury.- 2013
From one of our most celebrated and imaginative writers comes a spellbinding novel
about deception, betrayal, psychoanalysis, and the mysteries of the human heart.
William Boyd follows his critically acclaimed novels A Good Man in Africa, Brazzaville
Beach, and Ordinary Thunderstorms with a razor-sharp, incandescent thriller in
Waiting for Sunrise. A provocative exploration of the line between consciousness and
reality is nested within a tense, rollercoaster plotline following as a young English
actor ensnared in a bewildering scandal with an enigmatic woman in early twentiethcentury Vienna. Sophisticated, page-turning, and unforgettable, Boyd’s Waiting for
Sunrise is a triumph of literary fiction from one of the most powerful, thoughtprovoking writers working today.
R BOY « The Dare » : J. Boyne.- Black Swan.- 2009
At the start of his school holidays, Danny Delaney is looking forward to a trouble-free
summer. But when his mother returns home one afternoon, flanked by two
policemen, he knows that something terrible has happened. Mrs Delaney has
accidentally hit a small boy with her car. The boy is in a coma at the local hospital and
nobody knows if he will ever wake up. Consumed by guilt, Danny's mother closes
herself off, while Danny and his father are left to pick up the pieces of their fractured
family. Told in John Boyne's unique style from the point of view of a twelve-year-old
boy, "The Dare" is a brilliantly compelling story about how one moment can change a
family forever.
R COL « The Hunger Games 1 » : S. Collins.- Scholastic.- 2008
In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a
shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. Long ago the districts waged
war on the Capitol and were defeated. As part of the surrender terms, each district
agreed to send one boy and one girl to appear in an annual televised event called,
"The Hunger Games," a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss
Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death
sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the Games. The terrain, rules,
and level of audience participation may change but one thing is constant: kill or be
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
R COL « The Hunger Games 2 : Catching fire » : S. Collins.- Scholastic.- 2011
Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games with fellow
district tribute Peeta Mellark. But it was a victory won by defiance of the Capitol and
their harsh rules. Katniss and Peeta should be happy. After all, they have just won for
themselves and their families a life of safety and plenty. But there are rumors of
rebellion among the subjects, and Katniss and Peeta, to their horror, are the faces of
that rebellion. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge.
R COL « The Hunger Games 3 : Mocking Jay» : S. Collins.- Scholastic.- 2011
Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now
that she's made it out of the bloody arena alive, she's still not safe. The Capitol is
angry. The Capitol wants revenge. Who do they think should pay for the unrest?
Katniss. And what's worse, President Snow has made it clear that no one else is safe
either. Not Katniss's family, not her friends, not the people of District 12. Powerful
and haunting, this thrilling final installment of Suzanne Collins's groundbreaking The
Hunger Games trilogy promises to be one of the most talked about books of the year.
R CON « The book of lost things » : J. Connolly.- Hodder.- 2007
High in his attic bedroom, twelve-year-old David mourns the death of his mother. He
is angry and alone, with only the books on his shelf for company. But those books
have begun to whisper to him in the darkness, and as he takes refuge in his
imagination, he finds that reality and fantasy have begun to meld. While his family
falls apart around him, David is violently propelled into a land that is a strange
reflection of his own world, populated by heroes and monsters, and ruled over by a
faded king who keeps his secrets in a mysterious book... The Book of Lost Things. An
imaginative tale about navigating the journey into adulthood, while doing your best
to hang on to your childhood.
R DIA « This is how you lose her » : J. Diaz.- Faber.- 2012
Junot Diaz's new collection, This Is How You Lose Her, is a collection of linked
narratives about love - passionate love, illicit love, dying love, maternal love - told
through the lives of New Jersey Dominicans, as they struggle to find a point where
their two worlds meet. In prose that is endlessly energetic and inventive, tender and
funny, it lays bare the infinite longing and inevitable weaknesses of the human heart.
Most of all, these stories remind us that the habit of passion always triumphs over
experience and that 'love, when it hits us for real, has a half-life of forever.
R ELL « Clandestine » : J. Ellroy.- Windmill Books.- 2012
Fred Underhill is a young cop on the rise in Los Angeles in the early 1950's -- a town
blinded to its own grime by Hollywood glitter; a society nourished by newspaper lies
that wants its heroes all-American and squeaky clean. A chance to lead on a possible
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
serial killing is all it takes to fuel Underhill's reckless ambition - and it propels him into
a dangerous alliance with certain mad and unstable elements of the law enforcement
hierarchy. When the case implodes with disastrous consequences, it is Fred Underhill
who takes the fall. His life is in ruins, his promising future suddenly a dream of the
past. And his good and pure love for a crusading woman lawyer has been corrupted
and may not survive. But even without the authority of a badge, Fred Underhill
knows that his only hope for redemption lies in following the investigation to its grim
conclusion. And the Hell to which he has been consigned for his sins is the perfect
place to hunt for a killer who hungers but has no soul.
R FFO « Shades of grey » : J. Fforde.- Hodder.- 2010
Welcome to Chromatacia, where the societal hierarchy is strictly regulated by one's
limited color perception. And Eddie Russet wants to move up. But his plans to
leverage his better-than-average red perception and marry into a powerful family are
quickly upended. Juggling inviolable rules, sneaky Yellows, and a risky friendship with
an intriguing Grey named Jane who shows Eddie that the apparent peace of his world
is as much an illusion as color itself, Eddie finds he must reckon with the cruel regime
behind this gaily painted façade.
R GRA « Animals in Translation : the woman who thinks like a cow » : T. Grandin ;
C. Johnson.- Bloomsbury.- 2006
"Animals in Translation" is the culmination of Temple Grandin's extraordinary life's
work, drawing upon the latest research, her distinguished career as an animal
scientist and her own experience of being autistic. With co-author Catherine
Johnson, Grandin argues that while 'normal people' convert experience into words
and abstractions, animals and autistics process the world as sensory information specific pictures, sights and sounds. This difference is the key to understanding how
animals see, think and feel. As much a revelation about life with autism as it is about
life with animals, "Animals in Translation" explores pain, fear, aggression, love,
friendship, communication and learning in a startling book that will change the way
you think about animals.
R GRE « The Fault in Our Stars » : J. Green.- Penguin Books.- 2012
"I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, then all at once." Despite the tumorshrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been
anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a
gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support
Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten. Insightful, bold, irreverent,
and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning author John Green's most ambitious
and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic
business of being alive and in love.
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
R HEN « A Sea Change » : V. Henry.- Orion Books.- 2013
Jenna is known as The Ice Cream Girl. She doesn't mind the name one bit. After all,
it's a happy name, and there are far worse jobs than selling ice creams on Everdene
beach. Craig spends as much time as he can at the beach hut in Everdene he rents
with a few of his mates. As a policeman, it is a restful change from his daily life, and
he's surfing mad. One weekend he's down there on his own when he notices a girl on
the beach. He's young, free and single and she catches his eye. But on this particular
summer weekend, both Jenna and Craig's lives are about to change...
R JON « The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and
Disappeared » : J. Jonasson.- Hesperus.- 2012
A reluctant centenarian much like Forrest Gump (if Gump were an explosives expert
with a fondness for vodka) decides it’s not too late to start over... After a long and
eventful life, Allan Karlsson ends up in a nursing home, believing it to be his last stop.
The only problem is that he's still in good health, and in one day, he turns 100. A big
celebration is in the works, but Allan really isn't interested (and he'd like a bit more
control over his vodka consumption). So he decides to escape. He climbs out the
window in his slippers and embarks on a hilarious and entirely unexpected journey,
involving, among other surprises, a suitcase stuffed with cash, some unpleasant
criminals, a friendly hot-dog stand operator, and an elephant (not to mention a death
by elephant). It would be the adventure of a lifetime for anyone else, but Allan has a
larger-than-life backstory: Not only has he witnessed some of the most important
events of the twentieth century, but he has actually played a key role in them.
Starting out in munitions as a boy, he somehow finds himself involved in many of the
key explosions of the twentieth century and travels the world, sharing meals and
more with everyone from Stalin, Churchill, and Truman to Mao, Franco, and de
Gaulle. Quirky and utterly unique, The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the
Window and Disappeared has charmed readers across the world. Jonas Jonasson is a
former journalist and media consultant. He lives in Sweden.
R LEE « A Dream Come True » : M. Lee.- Orion Books.- 2007
Until that fateful day in Brighton, Maggie had thought she would never be happy
again ...Maggie's once happy marriage has turned sour, leaving her tied to a husband
who no longer seems to love her. So she continues to work, keeps in touch with her
friends and tries not to think about the lack of love in her life. But all that changes
when Maggie meets someone who transforms how she feels about herself and turns
her entire world upside down.
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
R LEH « Shutter Island » : D. Lehane.- Bantam Books.- 2009
The year is 1954. U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels and his new partner, Chuck Aule, have
come to Shutter Island, home of Ashecliffe Hospital for the Criminally Insane, to
investigate the disappearance of a patient. Multiple murderess Rachel Solando is
loose somewhere on this remote and barren island, despite having been kept in a
locked cell under constant surveillance. As a killer hurricane relentlessly bears down
on them, a strange case takes on even darker, more sinister shades—with hints of
radical experimentation, horrifying surgeries, and lethal countermoves made in the
cause of a covert shadow war. No one is going to escape Shutter Island unscathed,
because nothing at Ashecliffe Hospital is what it seems. But then neither is Teddy
R MAN « Conversations with Myself » : N. Mandela.- MacMillan.- 2010
Nelson Mandela is widely considered to be one of the most inspiring and iconic
figures of our age. Now, after a lifetime of taking pen to paper to record thoughts
and events, hardships and victories, he has bestowed his entire extant personal
papers, which offer an unprecedented insight into his remarkable life. A singular
international publishing event, Conversations with Myself draws on Mandela’s
personal archive of never-before-seen materials to offer unique access to the private
world of an incomparable world leader. Journals kept on the run during the antiapartheid struggle of the early 1960s; diaries and draft letters written in Robben
Island and other South African prisons during his twenty-seven years of incarceration;
notebooks from the postapartheid transition; private recorded conversations;
speeches and correspondence written during his presidency—a historic collection of
documents archived at the Nelson Mandela Foundation is brought together into a
sweeping narrative of great immediacy and stunning power. An intimate journey
from Mandela’s first stirrings of political consciousness to his galvanizing role on the
world stage, Conversations with Myself illuminates a heroic life forged on the front
lines of the struggle for freedom and justice.
R MAR « A game of thrones (1) » : George R.R. Martin.- HarperVoyager.- 2011
HBO's hit series A game of thrones is based on George R R Martin's internationally
bestselling series A song of ice and fire, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age.
A game of thrones is the first volume in the series. Summers span decades. Winter
can last a lifetime. And the struggle for the Iron Throne has begun. As Warden of the
north, Lord Eddard Stark counts it a curse when King Robert bestows on him the
office of the Hand. His honour weighs him down at court where a true man does
what he will, not what he must ...and a dead enemy is a thing of beauty. The old gods
have no power in the south, Stark's family is split and there is treachery at court.
Worse, the vengeance-mad heir of the deposed Dragon King has grown to maturity in
exile in the Free Cities. He claims the Iron Throne.
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
R MAR « A clash of kings (2) » : George R.R. Martin.- HarperVoyager.- 2011
A comet the color of blood and flame cuts across the sky. Two great leaders—Lord
Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon—who hold sway over an age of enforced peace
are dead, victims of royal treachery. Now, from the ancient citadel of Dragonstone to
the forbidding shores of Winterfell, chaos reigns. Six factions struggle for control of a
divided land and the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms, preparing to stake their
claims through tempest, turmoil, and war. It is a tale in which brother plots against
brother and the dead rise to walk in the night. Here a princess masquerades as an
orphan boy; a knight of the mind prepares a poison for a treacherous sorceress; and
wild men descend from the Mountains of the Moon to ravage the countryside.
Against a backdrop of incest and fratricide, alchemy and murder, victory may go to
the men and women possessed of the coldest steel...and the coldest hearts. For
when kings clash, the whole land trembles.
R MAR « A storm of sword ; Part 1 : Steel and snow (3) » : George R.R. Martin.HarperVoyager.- 2011
The Seven Kingdoms are divided by revolt and blood feud. In the northern wastes, a
horde of hungry, savage people steeped in the dark magic of the wilderness is poised
to invade the Kingdom of the North where Robb Stark wears his new-forged crown.
And Robb’s defences are ranged against the South, the land of the cunning and cruel
Lannisters, who have his younger sisters in their power. Throughout Westeros, the
war for the Iron Throne rages more fiercely than ever, but if the Wall is breached, no
king will live to claim it.
R MAR « A storm of sword ; Part 2 : Blood and gold (3) » : George R.R. Martin.HarperVoyager.- 2011
The Starks are scattered. Robb Stark may be King in the North, but he must bend to
the will of the old tyrant Walder Frey if he is to hold his crown. And while his
youngest sister, Arya, has escaped the clutches of the depraved Cersei Lannister and
her son, the capricious boy-king Joffrey, Sansa Stark remains their captive.
Meanwhile, across the ocean, Daenerys Stormborn, the last heir of the Dragon King,
delivers death to the slave-trading cities of Astapor and Yunkai as she approaches
Westeros with vengeance in her heart.
R MAR « A feast for crows (4) » : George R.R. Martin.- HarperVoyager.- 2011
A Feast for Crows brings to life dark magic, intrigue and terrible bloodshed as the
war-torn landscape of the Seven Kingdoms is threatened by destruction as vast as
any in its violent past. The War of the Five Kings has ripped Westeros apart. The
bloodthirsty, treacherous and cunning Lannisters occupy the Iron Throne, with allies
as ruthless as themselves. Lord Frey was host at the Red Wedding, so called for the
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
massacre of the guests, their screams unheard above the music of the feast. Euron
Crow's Eye is as black a pirate as ever raised a sail, sworn to deliver the whole of
Westeros to the ironborn. No less to be feared are their enemies. The Starks of
Winterfell and the Martells of Dorne seek vengeance for their dead. And the last of
the Targaryens, Daenerys Stormborn, will bring fire and blood to King's Landing when
her young dragons reach their terrifying maturity. The last war fought with dragons
was a cataclysm powerful enough to shatter the Valyrian peninsula, now a smoking,
demon-haunted ruin half drowned by the sea. Against a backdrop of alchemy and
murder, victory may go to the men and women possessed of the coldest steel ...and
the coldest hearts.
R MAR « A dance with dragons ; Part 1 : Dreams and dust (5) » : George R.R.
Martin.- HarperVoyager.- 2011
In the aftermath of a colossal battle, new threats are emerging from every direction.
Tyrion Lannister, having killed his father, and wrongfully accused of killing his
nephew, King Joffrey, has escaped from King's Landing with a price on his head. To
the north lies the great Wall of ice and stone - a structure only as strong as those
guarding it. Eddard Stark's bastard son Jon Snow has been elected 998th Lord
Commander of the Night's Watch. But Jon has enemies both inside and beyond the
Wall. And in the east Daenerys Targaryen struggles to hold a city built on dreams and
R MAR « A dance with dragons ; Part 2 : After the feast (5) » : George R.R. Martin.HarperVoyager.- 2011
The future of the Seven Kingdoms hangs in the balance. In King's Landing the Queen
Regent, Cersei Lannister, awaits trial, abandoned by all those she trusted; while in
the eastern city of Yunkai her brother Tyrion has been sold as a slave. From the Wall,
having left his wife and the Red Priestess Melisandre under the protection of Jon
Snow, Stannis Baratheon marches south to confront the Boltons at Winterfell. But
beyond the Wall the wildling armies are massing for an assault.On all sides bitter
conflicts are reigniting, played out by a grand cast of outlaws and priests, soldiers and
skinchangers, nobles and slaves. The tides of destiny will inevitably lead to the
greatest dance of all.
R MCD « Life’s Too Short : True stories about life at work » : V. McDermid.- Bantam
Books.- 2010
Whether we love it or hate it, work has a huge impact on our lives and in recent
times working life has totally changed. So what is life really like at work today? From
builder to baker to social care worker, these writers let us know. Some of their
stories might surprise you. Some will make you laugh and some might make you cry.
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
The one thing they all prove is that you can never be sure what your working day will
R MCE « Solar » : I. McEwan.- Vintage Books.- 2011
Michael Beard is a Nobel Prize-winning physicist (and compulsive overeater) whose
best work is behind him. Trading on his reputation, he speaks for enormous fees,
lends his name to the letterheads of renowned scientific institutions, and
halfheartedly heads a government-backed initiative tackling global warming.
Meanwhile, Michael’s fifth marriage is floundering due to his incessant womanizing.
When his professional and personal worlds collide in a freak accident, an opportunity
presents itself for Michael to extricate himself from his marital problems,
reinvigorate his career, and save the world from environmental disaster. But can a
man who has made a mess of his life clean up the messes of humanity? A complex
novel that brilliantly traces the arc of one man’s ambitions and self-deception, Solar
is a startling, witty, and stylish new work—Ian McEwan at his finest.
R MCN « Today Everything Changes » : A. McNAB.- Corgi Books.- 2013
Abandoned as a baby, Andy McNab's start in life was tough. Growing up in South
London with foster parents, and surrounded by poverty, he attended seven schools
in as many years, disillusioned and in remedial classes. It wasn't long before his life
descended into petty crime. This book is the story of when life changed for Andy
R MOR « Home » : T. Morrison.- Chatto & Windus.- 2012
An angry and self-loathing veteran of the Korean War, Frank Money finds himself
back in racist America after enduring trauma on the front lines that left him with
more than just physical scars. His home -- and himself in it -- may no longer be as he
remembers it, but Frank is shocked out of his crippling apathy by the need to rescue
his medically abused younger sister and take her back to the small Georgia town they
come from, which he's hated all his life. As Frank revisits the memories from
childhood and the war that leave him questioning his sense of self, he discovers a
profound courage he thought he could never possess again. Toni Morrison's deeply
moving novel reveals an apparently defeated man finding his manhood -- and, finally,
his home. This is a stunning new novel, by the author of Beloved.
R ROW « The Casual Vacancy » : J.K. Rowling.- Little, Brown.- 2012
Abandoned as a baby, Andy McNab's start in life was tough. Growing up in South
London with foster parents, and surrounded by poverty, he attended seven schools
in as many years, disillusioned and in remedial classes. It wasn't long before his life
descended into petty crime. This book is the story of when life changed for Andy
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
R SPI « Maus » : A. Spiegelman.- Penguin Books.- 2003
Maus tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler’s Europe, and
his son, a cartoonist coming to terms with his father’s story. Maus approaches the
unspeakable through the diminutive. Its form, the cartoon (the Nazis are cats, the
Jews mice), shocks us out of any lingering sense of familiarity and succeeds in
“drawing us closer to the bleak heart of the Holocaust” (The New York Times).
R STO « The Help » : K. Stockett.- Penguin Books.- 2010
Enter a vanished and unjust world: Jackson, Mississippi, 1962. Where black maids
raise white children, but aren't trusted not to steal the silver... There's Aibileen,
raising her seventeenth white child and nursing the hurt caused by her own son's
tragic death; Minny, whose cooking is nearly as sassy as her tongue; and white Miss
Skeeter, home from College, who wants to know why her beloved maid has
disappeared. Skeeter, Aibileen and Minny. No one would believe they'd be friends;
fewer still would tolerate it. But as each woman finds the courage to cross
boundaries, they come to depend and rely upon one another. Each is in a search of a
truth. And together they have an extraordinary story to tell...
R TOL « The Hobbit » : J.R.R. Tokien.- HarperCollins.- 2011
The Hobbit is a tale of high adventure, undertaken by a company of dwarves in
search of dragon-guarded gold. A reluctant partner in this perilous quest is Bilbo
Baggins, a comfort-loving unambitious hobbit, who surprises even himself by his
resourcefulness and skill as a burglar. Encounters with trolls, goblins, dwarves, elves
and giant spiders, conversations with the dragon, Smaug, and a rather unwilling
presence at the Battle of Five Armies are just some of the adventures that befall
Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins has taken his place among the ranks of the immortals of
children’s fiction. Written by Professor Tolkien for his own children, The Hobbit met
with instant critical acclaim when published.
R TUC « Doctor Who : The Silurian Gift » : M. Tucker.- BBC Books.- 2013
'My new Fire-Ice will solve all the problems of the planet!' The world is on the brink
of crisis. As fuel runs short, society begins to break down. One man seems to have
the answer. But is it too good to be true? The Doctor arrives at an old oil refinery
near the South Pole, concerned by claims about this new form of energy. He soon
discovers something huge and terrifying is stalking the refinery. It brings death and
destruction in its wake. The battle has begun for planet Earth. A thrilling, all-new
adventure, featuring "The Doctor" as played by Matt Smith in the spectacular hit
series from BBC Television.
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
R WEI « Traitors of the Tower » : A. Weir.- Vintage Books.- 2010
More than four hundred years ago, seven people - five of them women - were
beheaded in the Tower of London. Three had been queens of England. The others
were found guilty of treason. Why were such important people put to death? Alison
Weir's gripping book tells their stories: from the former friend betrayed by a man set
on being king, to the young girl killed after just nine days on the throne. Alison Weir
is a wonderful storyteller. Through her vivid writing, history comes alive.
Bibliothèque Supélec – Campus de Metz - ACD n°73
Classe R – Romans, Nouvelles, Essais en français
R DEL « La première chose qu’on regarde » : G. Delacourt- J.-C. Lattès.- 2013
Le 15 septembre 2010, Arthur Dreyfuss, en marcel et caleçon Schtroumpfs, regarde
un épisode des Soprano quand on frappe à sa porte. Face à lui : Scarlett Johansson. Il
a vingt ans, il est garagiste. Elle en a vingt-six, et elle a quelque chose de cassé.
R KIN « 22/11/63 » : S. King.- Albin Michel.- 2013
2011. Jake Epping, jeune professeur au lycée de Lisbon Falls dans le Maine, se voit
investi d'une étrange mission par son ami Al, patron du diner local, atteint d'un
cancer. Une « fissure dans le temps » au fond de son restaurant permet de se
transporter en 1958 et Al cherche depuis à trouver un moyen d'empêcher l'assassinat
de Kennedy. Sur le point de mourir, il demande à Jake de reprendre le flambeau. Et
Jake va se trouver plongé dans les années 60, celles d'Elvis, de JFK, des grosses
cylindrées, d'un solitaire un peu dérangé nommé Lee Harvey Oswald, et d'une jolie
bibliothécaire qui va devenir l'amour de sa vie. Il va aussi découvrir qu'altérer
Une formidable reconstitution des années 60, qui s'appuie sur un travail de
documentation phénoménal. Comme toujours, mais sans doute ici plus que jamais,
King embrasse la totalité de la culture populaire américaine.
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