Application Development, .NET


Application Development, .NET
Application Development, .NET
Orsys, with 30 years of experience, is providing high quality, independant State of the Art
seminars and hands-on courses corresponding to the needs of IT professionals. Orsys
proposes a set of courses on the most important topics in IT technologies and management.
.NET : les fondamentaux, les langages et outils
SharePoint 2013 for Developers
(réf. HPD) Best
.... p.2
Perfectionnement C#
(réf. MUC)
.... p.4
Intégration et production
SharePoint 2013 for Administrators
(réf. HPA) Best
.... p.6
ORSYS, La Grande Arche, Paroi Nord, 92044 Paris La Défense cedex. Tél : +33 (0)1 49 07 73 73. Fax : +33(0)1 49 07 73 78
page 1
Hands-on course , 5
Ref : HPD
SharePoint 2013 for Developers
en environnement Visual Studio
> Application Development > .NET
ASP.NET developers.
Good knowledge of the
language C# 3.0 (or VB.Net).
Experience with ASP.Net 2.0
development is desirable.
The hands-on work will be in
C#. Functional knowledge of
SharePoint is requested.
You'll learn how to develop and deploy SharePoint applications. You'll see how to customize your graphical
interfaces, ensure the persistence of your data, and develop Web Parts and Workflows. You'll also learn how
to design client applications that interact with SharePoint.
1) Introduction to development in SharePoint
2) Server Object Model
3) Visual Web Parts
4) Flow management
5) Data management
6) Client Object Model (CSOM)
7) Customizing the user interface
8) Deploying solutions
1) Introduction to development in SharePoint 2013
- Architecture and artifacts.
- Web Application Model and SharePoint in the Cloud
- Documentation and best practices.
- Recommended outside tools.
2) Server Object Model
- The main spaces and subspaces of names.
- Managing common objects SPSite, SPWeb, SPList, etc.
- Managing application pages and error pages.
- Managing authorizations and auditing the SharePoint farm.
- Windows projects and SharePoint projects (SPContext).
Working with the Server Object Model via application pages.
3) Visual Web Parts
- Developing and deploying a visual Web Part.
- Customizing a Web Part's property window.
- Developing a connection between two Web Parts.
- Customizing a Web Part's menu.
Creating visual Web Parts.
4) Flow management
- Default flows.
- Developing a flow with SharePoint Designer 2013 and VS 2012.
- Creating activities. Deploying flows.
Creating a flow involving validation, document transfers, and tasks.
5) Data management
- Managing list data: CAML and LINQ queries.
- Managing external data via BCS.
- WCF Data Services and oData queries.
- Synchronous and remote event receivers
Writing queries
6) Client Object Model (CSOM)
- Object Model for .NET, JavaScript, Silverlight.
Designing a Web App via ECMAJavascript.
7) Customizing the user interface
- Customizing v4.master and creating styles.
- Customizing the menus via CustomAction.
ORSYS, La Grande Arche, Paroi Nord, 92044 Paris La Défense cedex. Tél : +33 (0)1 49 07 73 73. Fax : +33(0)1 49 07 73 78
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- Customizing the ribbon via CommanUIExtension.
- SP.UI infrastructure for dialogue boxes.
Customizing menus and the ribbon.
8) Deploying solutions
- SharePoint WSP solutions and diagram of a feature (SPFeature).
- Artifacts deployed and activated via a feature.
- Events attached to features.
- Notion of "Feature Stapling".
- Managing the updating of SharePoint applications.
Deploying an application.
ORSYS, La Grande Arche, Paroi Nord, 92044 Paris La Défense cedex. Tél : +33 (0)1 49 07 73 73. Fax : +33(0)1 49 07 73 78
page 3
Hands-on course , day(s)
Ref : MUC
Good knowledge of one of
the three languages aimed in
this course (Java, C#, C++).
Basic knowledge on concepts
of multicore development.
> Application Development > .NET
At the end of this course you'll have a better comprehension of Multicore architecture and programming:
multithreaded and multi process design techniques are presented along with languages dedicated to parallel
task programming. You'll also deal with synchronization constraints and, especially on how to avoid issues
when manipulating data.
1) Introduction
2) Application Design
3) Threads
4) Process
5) Parallel task programming
6) Conclusion
BOUML, an open source application, will be used for UML design; Visual Studio express#for C# and C++
programming; NetBeans# 6.x for Java. All demonstration samples will be based on UML, Java, C++ and DOT
1) Introduction
- The stakes of Multicore Programming in coming years.
- General view on technologies that will be used: processes, threads parallelism.
- Reminder of how a processor works.
- #Hyper threaded# architecture.
- INTEL# and AMD# processor architecture.
- Nvidia# and ATI# architecture.
- Preparing for synchronization aspects: common cases.
2) Application Design
- Design importance.
- Parallel Tasking (ex: calculation).
- Use of asynchronous mechanisms: processes, threads...
- From scratch application development: precautions and design.
- Avoiding #singletons#.
- Modifying an existing Multicore application: some of the issues.
- Making a correct choice of architecture: good balance between synchronization and performance.
- Choosing between multiprocess and multithread design.
3) Threads
- Thread organization in a system.
- Threads in systems and languages (sample: Java, .NET and C++).
- Thread contribution to industry applications.
- Thread scheduling in systems: #round robin# algorithm.
- Stacks management and #call stack# in threads.
- Multithreaded debuggers: ex Visual Studio andNetBeans#.
- Synchronization management objects: critical sections, Mutexesand Semaphores.
- #Thread safe# development.
- Development rules for multithreaded applications.
- Threading API in Windows, Java and DOT Net.
Threads and synchronization in DOT Net, Java and C++.
4) Process
- Memory addressing in processes.
- Multi process approach criteria.
- Overview of Inter Process Communication (IPC) techniques.
- Debugging Multi Process applications;new tools (ex: Visual Studio 2005).
- Multi Process: benefits and drawbacks of the technique.
- Unique feature: #AppDomain# in DOT Net.
Asynchronous tasks management through Windows API.
5) Parallel task programming
- Features and aims of parallel tasking.
- #Parallel FX#: the DOT Net library for parallel tasking.
- PFX architecture and spirit.
- TPL componentsand PLINQ.
ORSYS, La Grande Arche, Paroi Nord, 92044 Paris La Défense cedex. Tél : +33 (0)1 49 07 73 73. Fax : +33(0)1 49 07 73 78
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- C++ #OpenMp# library.
- Available #OpenMP# directives.
- Using graphical devices GPU for calculations.
- Nvidia (CUDA) and ATI developer kits.
- Applications samples that use the libraries.
- Code sample and comments.
Feature parallelized algorithms with PFX C#. Create parallelized algorithms with #OpenMP# and C++.
6) Conclusion
- Review of studied techniques.
- Multicore and the future of C++.
- Synthesis of design, threads, multiprocess and parallel tasking features.
ORSYS, La Grande Arche, Paroi Nord, 92044 Paris La Défense cedex. Tél : +33 (0)1 49 07 73 73. Fax : +33(0)1 49 07 73 78
page 5
Hands-on course , 3
Ref : HPA
System engineers or network
Good knowledge of system
and network administration.
Basic Knowledge of Office
and HTML.
SharePoint 2013 for Administrators
> Application Development > .NET
After installing and configuring SharePoint 2013, you'll learn to administer Web applications, service
applications, and content bases. You'll implement a security strategy to control access to them. Finally, you'll
see how to maintain and monitor the status of your server.
1) Overview of SharePoint 2013
2) Installing the environment
3) Web and service application management.
4) Administering sites
5) Setting up application services
6) Enterprise searching
7) Maintenance and diagnostics
1) Overview of SharePoint 2013
- Introduction of products and services.
- Main new features. General architecture.
2) Installing the environment
- Software and hardware prerequisites.
- Solution topologies. System settings.
- Overview of administration tools.
Installing a SharePoint environment. Configuration of services. Discovering the central administration. Using
3) Web and service application management.
- Web applications and service applications.
- Configuration of application settings.
- Content databases.
- Sites and collections of sites.
Creating a Web application, a managed path, a collection (Web interface and PowerShell). Adding and
configuring content bases.
4) Administering sites
- Security principles. Security in SharePoint.
- Quotas and blocks.
- Managing lists and libraries.
- Solutions and features.
Adding a security strategy. Configuring a security provider. Setting quotas and blocking sites. Deploying a
5) Setting up application services
- Managed metadata service.
- Business Connectivity Services. Excel Services.
- User profile and personal site service.
Configuring the managed metadata service, Business Connectivity Services, Excel Services, and the user
profile service.
6) Enterprise searching
- Searching in SharePoint.
- Search configuration.
- Advanced settings: Content sources, result origins, etc.
Indexing configuration. Adding content sources. Original edits of results. Creating a search center.
7) Maintenance and diagnostics
- Performance monitoring
- Diagnostic logs. The Developer Dashboard.
ORSYS, La Grande Arche, Paroi Nord, 92044 Paris La Défense cedex. Tél : +33 (0)1 49 07 73 73. Fax : +33(0)1 49 07 73 78
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- Backup-and-restore strategies.
- Disaster Recovery procedures.
- SharePoint update strategy.
- Installing language packs.
Viewing logs. Using the Developer Dashboard. Backing up a collection of sites with PowerShell. Installing a
language pack.
ORSYS, La Grande Arche, Paroi Nord, 92044 Paris La Défense cedex. Tél : +33 (0)1 49 07 73 73. Fax : +33(0)1 49 07 73 78
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