Reinforcement of the Alaverdi Monastery, Georgia Media:


Reinforcement of the Alaverdi Monastery, Georgia Media:
Reinforcement of the Alaverdi Monastery, Georgia
Torrential rains tormented Georgia
in June 2011. Massive floods and mudslides occured in the eastern and western regions of the
country, especially in the Kakheti province. Alaverdi St. George Father Monastery, an 11th c
entury Georgian Orthodox complex located in the Kakheti region (historically the most i
nteresting region in Georgia), was severely affected.
The cathedral was inundated for weeks
with 40 cm of water from the Alazani river. As a result of the humid conditions, the fundaments
of the church building have weakened and the 11th and 15th -16th frescos are deteriorating. The
Alaverdi metropolitan bishop and the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection have
developed an extensive plan to stabilize the murals and the fundaments of the cathedral and to
reduce the effect of reoccurring flooding and landslides.
The Cultural Emergency Response (CER) programme
of the Prince Claus Fund contributes to this initiative by reinforcing the terrain by setting up g
abions and a drainage system to stop the devastating effects of inundation and sustain the m
onastery's future. The emergency works, as part of the total relief project, are indispensible in o
rder to make sure that the church will be sustainable as in June the wet season will start again.
The emergency works are indispensible
Information: Background information
Alaverdi cathedral is unique; parts of the monastery date back to 6th century and its architecture is made out of harmoniously integrated styles from d
ifferent periods. With a height of over 55 meters, Alaverdi Cathedral is the second tallest religious building in Georgia and breaths monumentality and gr
andeur. The mural paintings, stemming from three different periods, are one of the most important cultural treasures of the building.
Furthermore, the complex is significant
for its socio- historical background. It is the place where not only Georgians but also numerous ethnic groups come onpilgrimage. It functions as a place for w
orship and communal meetings, and provides a stage for one of the most important religious and folk celebrations, Alaverdoba. Historically Alaverdoba lasted f
or three weeks in a three-step cycle, reflecting pre-Christian cults related to the Moon. In the 19th century, a tradition of agricultural fair was added to the fe
stival. Alaverdoba survived the Soviet era and is still widely celebrated in Kakheti, attended by locals as well as visitors from the neighboring communities su
ch as the Kists from the Pankisi Gorge. Alaverdi monastery is enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative list since 2007.
Programme: CER
La mission de la CER est d'offrir une aide d'urgence aux patrimoines culturels endommagés ou détruits par une catastrophe naturelle ou causée par l'h
omme. La CER a été créée en 2003 suite à la dévastation et au pillage du Musée National d'Irak. La CER considère que le sauvetage de la culture peut apporter
espoir et consolation aux communautés sinistrées, contribuer à leur faire retrouver la conscience de leur propre valeur, rétablir la continuité et préserver leur i
dentité. Pour la CER, l'aide culturelle d'urgence fait partie intégrante de l'aide humanitaire d'urgence.
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