XXVIème Journée Jean-Claude Dreyfus


XXVIème Journée Jean-Claude Dreyfus
The Human Reproduction
La Reproduction Humaine
Friday 25th September 2009
Vendredi 25 septembre 2009
XXVIème Journée Jean-Claude
Amphithéâtre Jean-Pierre Luton
Faculté de Médecine
24 rue du Faubourg St Jacques, 75014 Paris, France
(métro St Jacques – RER B Port-Royal – Bus 83, 91)
09h00 Rémy Slama, INSERM U823, Grenoble, France
Environment and human reproduction
09h25 Eric Pailhoux, INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France
Goats as an alternative sex-determination model within
09h50 Reiner Veitia, Institut Cochin, Paris, France
FOXL2 involvement in ovary function
10h15 Paul Burgoyne, NIMR, London, UK
The role of the Y chromosome in female and male infertility in
the mouse
10h40 Bernard Jegou, INSERM U625, GERHM,Rennes, France
11h05– 11h20 Pause
11h20 Aminata Touré, Institut Cochin, Paris, France
Investigation of human asthenozoospermia syndrome
11h35 David L’Hôte, Institut Cochin, Paris, France
Genetic approaches of male infertility in the IRCS model
11h50 Alain Nicolas, Institut Curie, Paris, France
Meiosis and infertility from yeast to humans: the Dmc1
12h15 René Frydman, Hôpital Antoine-Béclère, Clamart, France
Assisted Reproductive Technologies: facts and questions
12h55 Jean-Philippe Wolf, Hôpital Cochin, Paris, France
Gamete membrane interaction during fertilization
13h20 – 14h30 Pause Déjeuner
14h30 René Habert, CEA, Fontenay aux Roses, France
Fetal testis development and chemical environment
14h55 Deborah Bourc’his, Institut Curie, Paris, France
Maternal versus paternal imprinting of the germ line: a functional
and evolutionary perspective
15h20 Gérard Chaouat, CNRS, Clamart, France
Implantation and cytokines
15h45 – 16h00 Pause
16h00 Thierry Fournier, INSERM U767, Paris, France
Role of PPARgamma in early human placental development
16h25 Richard Levine, NIH, Rockville, USA
An Excess of Circulating Anti-Angiogenic Factors: Final Common
Pathway to the Hypertensive Syndrome of Preeclampsia
16h55 Sandrine Barbaux, Institut Cochin, Paris, France
A screen for monoallelic expression in the human placenta
17h10 Bruno Borghese, Institut Cochin, Paris, France
Uterus and endometriosis
17h35 Michela Marzano, CERSES – CNRS UMR8137, Paris, France
Ethics in human reproduction
Journée gratuite pour les étudiants et
12h40 Patricia Fauque, Hôpital Cochin, Paris, France
Epigenetic and expressional effects of MAP technologies
18h00 Fin de la journée - Conclusions
Reprodev, au titre de la
APEMM CONGRES, Institut Cochin, 22 rue Méchain, 75014 Paris
3 Journée Reproduction
Michelle Liu – Marie-Andrée Guguen - mail : [email protected] – tel.+33-1-40516463/57
Ile de France
Registrations before 14th September 2009/Inscriptions avant le 14 septembre 2009 :
Researchers/chercheurs-post-docs : 60 €
Payment/Paiement : International payment, bank transfert (contact us)
PhD sudents/Doctorants-Etudiants : 30 €
Par chèque au nom de APEMM Gestion (Association loi 1901) ou bon de commande administratif

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