

Initiating a Sustainable
Development Culture
MACOSS implements “Les Valeurs Citoyennes de Maurice Ile Durable”
by launching the Rainwater Harvesting Project and Sommaire
Project 10
Editorial by Geerish Bucktowonsing, Chairperson of MACOSS
Project 11
Membership Forum – Consultation with Member Organisations in regards
to Strategy and Reform for MACOSS
Project 12
Open dialogue Forum on ‘Stregthening Family Values’ at Rose Belle and
Celebration of the International Day of Families 2014 at Roche Bois
Project 14
Dialogue Interculturel à l’île Maurice :
Défis et Perspectives
Project 15
Project 16
Project 17
Project 18
Non Award MQA course on Values in Healthcare
for carers working in the disability sector
Joint Seminar MACOSS/ DCP/ EU on
Advocacy and Dialogue
EISA country mission in Mauritius related to the APRM
Inauguration of an OpenAir Hortitherapy at
Verdun by OpenMind
SADC Gender Protocol Summit and Awards 2014
Celebration of World Blood Donor Day 2014 by ABDO
graced the function. Hon Devanand Virahsawmy, GOSK,
congratulated MACOSS for this initiative and stated that to
“Save Mother Earth” there is need to change the mindset
and behavior of people and that we all have to think outside
the box to ensure a better future for our children. He is very
happy that MACOSS has sent a project proposal to the MID
fund to equip other member affiliates having centres. He
promised his support to ensure that MACOSS goes forward
with this project.
World Environment Day 2014
In that respect, MACOSS intends to equip Member Affiliates
having a Centre with a Rain Water Harvesting System.
The main objectives are to provide a simple system for
rainwater harvesting which can be easily implemented;
to make the NGOs collect rainwater and make use of the
water for purposes other than drinking, to make the NGOs
to make savings on its water bills; and to encourage NGOs
to maintain and keep kitchen clean.
Welfare for Disabled Persons
MACOSS has embarked in a Rainwater Harvesting Project
with the view to create a rainwater utilization based society
for sustainable development and which goes in line with the
philosophy of ‘Maurice Ile Durable’. Water is essential for the
environment, food security and sustainable Development.
MACOSS is concerned in its mission to better serve
its beneficiaries and to help in constructing Mauritius
into a Sustainable Island and after the development of
‘Les Valeurs Citoyennes de Maurice Ile Durable’ by the
Council, we are now implementing its first value which
is ‘L’Eau C’est la Vie – Ne la Gaspillons pas’ through the
Rainwater Harvesting Project in partnership with Rotary
Club of Ebène and Secure Works.
Dialogue on the Concept of “One People
One Nation” in regards to Electoral Reforms
Project 13
MACOSS implements “les Valeurs Citoyennes de Maurice Ile Durable”
by launching the Rainwater Harvesting Project
Projects and Activities delivered in the session 2013-2014
under the Chairmanship of Mr Geerish Bucktowonsing
For Phase 1 ( June 2014 – August 2014), a survey has being
carried out by service providers and Rotary Club of Ebene to
finalise choice as per feasibility and is currently equipping
15 member affiliates in different districts of the Island with
this system. These NGOs are:
Association des Malades et des Handicapés de l’Est
(ii) Association des Parents de Déficients Auditifs (APDA),
(iii) Association des Parents pour la Réhabilitation des
Infirmes Moteurs (APRIM)
(iv) Association of Disability of Service Providers
(v) Centre de Solidarité pour une Nouvelle Vie
(vi) Dr Idrice Goomany Centre for the Prevention &
Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
(vii) Eastern Welfare Association for Disabled,
(viii) Fondation Georges Charles
(ix) Gandhi Breedh Ashram
(x) Mouvement Pour le Progrès de Roche Bois (MPRB)
(xi) Physically Handicapped Welfare Association (PHWA)
(xii) Shelter for Women and Children in Distress Trust Fund
(xiii) Society for Aid to Children Inoperable in Mauritius
(xiv) SOS Children’s Village Mauritius; and
(xv) Southern Handicapped Association (SHA)
The launch of the first NGO Rainwater Harvesting system
was held on the occasion of the International Environment
Day 2014 on Wednesday 4 June 2014 at the SOS Children’s
Village and Hon. Devanand Virahsawmy- GOSK, Minister of
Environment and Sustainable Development and Me Rashad
Racheed Daureeawoo, Mayor of Beau Bassin – Rose Hill
To mark the World Environment Day 2014, MACOSS
participated at an Exhibition organised by the Ministry of
Environment and Sustainable Development on 5 and 6 June
2014 at Octave Wiehe Auditorium, Reduit. Visitors including
students from both primary and secondary schools were
provided with information on the importance and benefits
of the Rainwater Harvesting System.
MACOSS took advantage of this exhibition to promote the
seven values of “Les Valeurs Citoyennes de Maurice Ile
Durable” which are:
L’Eau c’est la vie, ne la gaspillons pas
La terre c’est notre mère nourricière, ne la polluons pas
La nature c’est sacré ne la détruisons pas
Notre pays n’est pas une déchetterie réduisons, réutilisons
et recyclons nos déchets
• Réduisons notre empreinte carbone, produisons et
consommons des produits locaux
• Notre diversité culturelle, c’est notre identité apprenons
à vivre dans la tolérance
• L’Engagement c’est notre vocation, encourageons la
vie associative afin d’échanger et de partager une vie
CDs and brochures on “Les Valeurs Citoyennes de Maurice
Ile Durable” were also distributed to all visitors including
MACOSS On the move - August 2014
Editorial du Chairperson de la MACOSS
Un agenda
“ Notre priorité majeur à la MACOSS aujourd’hui,
est de développer un plan d’action sur 3 ans. ”
Geerish Bucktowonsing
Le souci majeur de la MACOSS aujourd’hui, est de
développer un plan d’action établi sur un minimum de 3
ans. Ce serait un grand pas en avant car on aurait une
vision claire des priorités de la plateforme. Il faut passer au
« Thinking Beyond 2015 ». En effet, l’atteinte des objectifs
du Millénaire pour le Développement a été plus ou moins
une réussite et plusieurs projets ont pu être effectués
tant au niveau international que national. A Maurice, des
succès été enregistrés pour les objectifs 3, 6 et 7 que sont
respectivement la promotion de l’égalité des sexes et
l’autonomisation des femmes, le combat contre le VIH/Sida,
le paludisme et d’autres maladies enfin, la promotion d’un
environnement durable. Le plus important à souligner est
que ces engagements nous ont permis de mettre en place un
agenda global surtout en ce qui concerne la sensibilisation
de l’opinion publique sur de nombreux points tels que les
changements climatiques, la sécurité alimentaire, les droits
de l’Homme etc.
C’est avec beaucoup de joie que
nous avons constaté que le slogan de
la MACOSS « We Seek to Serve » est
aujourd’hui revigoré.
Le conflit israélo-palestinien doit nous interpeller tous, il
est impensable que les décideurs n’arrivent pas à régler un
problème qui perdure depuis plus de 40 ans. En moins d’un
mois, près de 2000 morts ont été enregistré (Palestiniens
en majorité et Israéliens) sans parler des dégâts matériels.
Certaines familles ont trouvé la mort, les plus affectés
sont les femmes et les enfants. Le plus déplorable est le
fait que les frappes se sont declenchées lors du mois de
Ramadan. Au niveau des ONG et de la société civile, nous
continuerons à prêcher la promotion d’entente mutuelle
ainsi que l’instauration d’une culture de paix à tous les
niveaux. Nous devons éviter de tels conflits, Maurice doit
rester un exemple dans le monde.
A ce jour, nous avons pu développer un partenariat
dynamique entre la MACOSS, ses sponsors, ses
membres affiliés et l’Etat qui nous permet de réaliser
un record de projet d’activités dans un esprit de mettre
le service au-dessus de toute autre considération.
En effet, nous avons réussi à réaliser plus de 30 activités
depuis le démarrage du nouveau comité jusqu’à ce jour.
Ceci n’aurait pu être possible sans l’appui de nos sponsors
qui ont toujours soutenu de façon spontanée les multiples
activités de notre organisation parmi lesquelles figurent la
promotion des valeurs familiales à Roche Bois, les cours
de formation ou encore le projet national de l’installation
de 15 Rainwater Harvesting System dans des Centres des
ONG à travers le pays. Une mention spéciale au Rotary
Club d’Ebène & Secureworks pour avoir parrainé en partie
ce projet, ce qui a permis sa réalisation.
La vision du Premier Ministre de faire de Maurice une île
durable est noble, mais cela ne pourra se faire sans la pleine
et entière participation de tous les citoyens et citoyennes
de Maurice. Au lendemain de la déclaration de cette vision
en 2008, avec quelques amis volontaires, nous avons pu
développer le principe des valeurs citoyennes dont le
premier stipule « L’eau C’est la vie, ne la gaspillons pas».
Aujourd’hui, en faisant la promotion de ce projet Rainwater
4 MACOSS On the move - August 2014
avoir à l’esprit que le potentiel principal de Maurice
réside dans ses ressources humaines et nombre sont les
organisations qui ont besoin de renouvellement d’effectif.
Les jeunes doivent être mis à contribution, nous avons le
devoir de les encourager à s’y mettre.
Hommage à une
Harvesting System, nous apportons notre contribution à la
réalisation de cette vision pour aider à sauver la planète.
Nous ne devons pas nous voiler la face, pendant que
Singapour enregistre une perte de 5% d’eau, Maurice est à
près de 50% avec des fuites sur les conduites d’eau.
Selon les experts, 55% du volume d’eau utilisé ne nécessite
pas une qualité d’eau potable et que moins de 3% de
l’eau rendue potable, sert à l’alimentation humaine, nous
comprenons que nous devons nous atteler à exploiter près
de 3 700 millions mètres cubes d’eau qui arrosent le pays
chaque année, encore que la consommation en moyenne
d’eau en 2013 a été de 165 litres par tête d’habitant,
comparativement à 153 litres en Europe selon la National
Economic and Social Council (NESC). Il est impératif de
développer davantage ce projet en vue d’utiliser les eaux
de pluies à d’autres fins à savoir : le nettoyage, le lavage de
voiture, l’arrosage etc...
Jeunesse: investir dans la formation
Une attention particulière devra être accordée à la jeunesse.
Cette dernière devra être sensibilisée à un engagement plus
considérable au niveau des ONG. Ne dit –on pas que la
jeunesse représente l’avenir ? D’ailleurs, je suis moi-même
un produit de la fédération jeunesse de Port Louis. Je me
réjouis des invitations des organisations de jeunesse et ainsi
l’occasion de découvrir de visu leur engagement. Nous pouvons citer la Mauritius Council of Youth Leaders,
Youth Network of Mauritius, Youth Empowerment Forum
International, MYF, Muslim Youth Federation, Youth For
Christ entre autres. Ils investissent dans la formation des
jeunes qui ont besoin d’avoir leurs capacités renforcées
afin de s’engager davantage dans le social, cela est d’une
importance capitale car la génération des jeunes née après
2000 symbolise l’avenir de ce pays. Nous devons toujours
Dans une ère où se développe de plus en plus
l’individualisme, nous voudrions rendre hommage à
une combattante du social qui nous a malheureusement
quittés. Il s’agit de l’activiste et avocate Radha Gungaloo,
observatrice de la société mauricienne, militante des
droits de la femme et fondatrice de l’ONG SOS Femmes,
qui à quelques niveaux que ce soit a tendu la main à
de nombreuses personnes. Nous devrons nous souvenir
de son dévouement et sa vision. Personnellement, je ne
peux oublier les mots qu’elle prononça à mon égard au
lendemain de mon élection à la tête de la MACOSS : «
…La jeunesse doit s’engager pour façonner la société de
demain… ». Repose en Paix Radha, tu as inspiré plusieurs,
la lutte continue.
Je terminerai en mentionnant qu’il est impératif que nous
nous engagions dans l’engagement social en évitant de
dénigrer qui que ce soit, mais plus, en nous inspirant de
modèles forts, des modèles d’engagement, des modèles de
volontaires professionnels, faire notre part, apporter notre
touche, notre pierre à l’édifice pour la construction d’une
MACOSS On the move - August 2014
Membership Forum – Consultation with Member Organisations
in regards to Strategy and Reform for MACOSS
MACOSS organised a Membership Forum on 6 March 2014
at the Octave Wiéhe Auditorium, Réduit as there was a
general consensus to Reform MACOSS. The objectives of
the Forum were to bring on board all member affiliates to
discuss on elements of reform and to develop a strategic
plan 2014-2017 to better equip MACOSS to enable it to
face the new challenges and be the dynamic platform for
the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Mauritius.
125 representatives of member affiliates attended and
contributed in the Membership Forum. The Forum was
a starting point for sharing views and defining new focus
to complete a new branding exercise of the Council.
Representatives of CSOs deliberated on the following issues:
Legal Framework, Strategy and operational Management
Management of Finance
Accountability & Ethics.
Moreover, the findings of a survey carried out with
member affiliates and interviews carried out with relevant
stakeholders by Strategy and Reform Committee of MACOSS
were also shared.
Mrs. Jane Valls gave an exposé on ethics. She stressed
on the need for NGOs to be ethical in all their dealings.
NGOs, she said should have a Code of ethics to maintain
a high standard of integrity. The Code of Ethics provides
a meaningful set of principles and standards to guide the
NGOs actions and decisions. She stated that NGOS among
others must have clear policies on recruitment, vetting of
staff or members, procurement, conflict of interest, gifts,
internal investigations disciplinary code and procedures.
Mr. Jacques Dinan, Coordinator Caritas Africa made
a presentation on best Practices on Transparency and
Accountability. He stated that NGOs should foster
transparency, maintain integrity and promote voluntarism.
He added that NGOs have to be service oriented, respectful
6 MACOSS On the move - August 2014
Open dialogue Forum on ‘Stregthening Family Values’ at Rose Belle and
Celebration of the International Day of Families 2014 at Roche Bois
of human rights, passion for a cause, accountability, show
open collaboration as well as work for public interest and
be truthful to causes. Moreover, with regards to financial
accountability he stated that NGOs must have the ability
to account for money properly, show how money has been
used and have financial reports which are not misleading.
In this session, MACOSS is laying emphasis on the
importance of family. We are stressing on strengthening a
number of values that are important in the progress of the
family in Mauritius.
Mrs. Shivani B. D. Georgijevic, Lecturer at University
of Mauritius provided an overview on Modern Legal
Framework. She stated that legal framework can be changed
according to what is needed in the current environment or
can be implemented according to the existing laws. She
went through the four clauses of MACOSS Act of 1960
namely the Executive Committee; the Membership, the
Education/Training and Independence. According to her, to
have good governance in MACOSS a dynamic MACOSS Act
with the following should be considered:
(i) A 2nd Open Dialogue Forum on “Strengthening our
Family Values” on 29 March 2014 in the Lecture Theatre,
Sookdeo Bissoondoyal State College - Rose Belle.
In this context, MACOSS organized:
This event was graced by the presence of Hon Doctor
Vasant Kumar Bunwaree, Minister of Education and Human
Resources. Four resourceful personalities addressed the
audience on the following topics:
Executive Committee: Section 7 item 10 to add “at least”
as it shows a level of flexibility.
(ii) Membership: Admissibility criteria may be made to
apply for continuity of membership
(iii) Education/Training: Training can be conducted with
respect to the provisions of the law relevant to NGOs and
management thereof; this would help to professionalise
organisations which are members of MACOSS and the
work they accomplish.
(iv) Independence: MACOSS has to be independent in its
function guaranteed by its constitution; the nature of
the work of MACOSS and its members in representing
civil society, its welfare, political involvement and
activities should not be mixed with work undertaken as
members of MACOSS. All these can be secured in the
law. Transparency is another essential factor that can be
addressed by law.
Professor Soodursun Jugessur, CSK, GOSK Pro
Chancellor and Chairman of the University of Mauritius
and President of Sukhi Parivaar, ‘Family Values Crisis’.
Mr Rajendra Reedha, Executive Committee Member of
MACOSS, ‘Spirituality and Family’
Mr Goolam Cader Ally, Chairperson of Sports Education
Nationwide Association (SENA), “Les valeurs que nous
enseignent le sport’
Mr Munsoo Kurrimboccus, Chairperson of Youth
Network Mauritius, “Youth and Values’.
An exhibition on family values was also displayed by the
“Indian Ocean Centre for Human Values in Family Life” and
the Youth Network Mauritius.
(ii) Celebration of the International Day of Families at
Roche Bois on 15 May 2014 .
To mark the International Day of Families which is
celebrated worldwide each year on 15th May in 1993,
MACOSS in collaboration with the ‘Mouvement pour le
Progrès de Roche Bois’ (MPRB) celebrated this special day
2014 at the Seat of MPRB at GMS Marcel Gueho Street,
Cité Roche .The theme was ‘Nou la Fors C Nou Fami’.
Families and NGOs of the Northern Region attended this
Hon. Shakeel Razack Mohamed, Minister of Labour,
Industrial Relations and Employment honored this event
by his presence. A Keynote Address was made by His
Grace The Most Reverend Ian Ernest Bishop of Mauritius
and the Archbishop of Indian Ocean and Mrs Gayeetree
Samboo, MSK, Chairperson of Indian Ocean Centre for
Human Values in Family Life gave a brief exposé on ‘La
famille Source du Bonheur’. Reverend Ernest withdrew
the attention on the important role of each member of the
family and stated that there should not be any ‘demission
parental’ and abandons children. Cakes were distributed
to 50 children present at the event.
Mr. Dhurvandranand Seethiah, Lecturer at University of
Mauritius made a presentation on Strategy and Operational
Management. He explained what is strategic planning
and the role of vision in strategy. He defined Strategic
Planning as the systematic process of envisioning a desired
future, translating this vision into broadly defined goals or
objectives and set a sequence of steps to achieve them.
The Chairperson and members of the Council thank
Member Affiliates for their participation in the forum.
The Strategy and Reform Committee is now preparing a
Strategic Plan with the help a consultant for the upcoming
3 years based on the recommendations of the Membership
Forum and the Survey.
MACOSS On the move - August 2014
Project 10
Project 11
MACOSS implements les Valeurs Citoyennes de Maurice Ile Durable by launching the
Rainwater Harvesting Project and Sommaire
Membership Forum – Consultation with Member Organisations in regards to Strategy
and Reform for MACOSS
Project 12
Open dialogue Forum on ‘Stregthening Family Values’ at Rose Belle and Celebration
of the International Day of Families 2014 at Roche Bois
Project 13
Dialogue on the Concept of “One People One Nation” in regards to Electoral Reforms
8 MACOSS On the move - August 2014
Project 14
Dialogue Interculturel à l’île Maurice : Défis et Perspectives
Project 15
Welfare for Disabled Persons
Project 16
Non Award MQA course on Values in Healthcare for carers
working in the disability sector
Project 18
EISA country mission in Mauritius related to the APRM
MACOSS On the move - August 2014
Dialogue on the Concept of “One People One Nation”
in regards to Electoral Reforms
MACOSS is concerned with the Strengthening of Democracy
in Mauritius. Following the “White Paper on Electoral
Reform”, the Council organized a dialogue with its member
affiliates on 2nd May 2014 on the concept of “One People
One Nation”. This platform provided opportunity to collect
views and comments of the 40 participating affiliates on the
Best Reform to consolidate Democracy. The major points
discussed are the following:
1.The delimitation of Constituencies
Members present stated that there is disparity in the
electoral members in constituencies and there is need to
have constituencies with equal number of voters. There was
general agreement that the Electoral Commission need to
review the system that dates back to the Barnwell Commission
of 1966. It was also proposed to have one member per
constituency with a total of 70 to 80 constituencies.
2. Registration of Political Parties
Political Parties should be recognized and registered entities
(Registrar of Associations among others) and to ensure that
accountability prevails. Hence, be in line with the AntiCorruption Act.
3.Qualification of Candidates
It was suggested that at time of registering as candidate, the
latter should present a Morality/Character Certificate and he
should be a resident of his/her constituency.
4. Gender Representation
There is a need to have a representation of more women as
candidate in each constituency.
5. Proportional Representative
Proportional should also take into consideration
Representatives of Civil Society, Trade Unions including
fishermen, representatives of agro industry among others
and professionals with specific expertise.
6. Term of Office
In view to follow example of democracy in USA it was
suggested that the mandate for Ministers, Prime Minister
and other key positions should not exceed two successive
7. Regulation and Financing
There is a need for transparency and equity in the funding
of political parties registered for elections. Political Parties
should present their Annual Audited Accounts to the
Electoral Commission as well as to the public on demand
for transparency and accountability.
10 MACOSS On the move - August 2014
8. Electoral Commission
Electoral Commission of Mauritius should be given more
power as it is the case in India. This would enable the
Commission to enforce Code of Conduct and best practices
among all candidates and political parties.
The Electoral Commission should be given the power to
take actions whenever there is a breach in terms of behavior
and filthy language as well as other bad practices.
9. Financing
Measures should be taken to prevent political parties from
accepting any financing from illegal sources. The issue of
money laundering should be addressed.
10. Elections in the Republic of Mauritius
It was suggested that a system be set up so that the General
Elections, Municipal Councils’ Elections and Village
Councilors’ Elections be held in the same period so that the
country is not in constant electoral campaigns.
11. Addressing absenteeism and education of voters
It was noted that in certain constituencies, there was an
increase of voters’ absenteeism. It was recommended to
address this issue by making voting “mandatory” and a
system of “proxy” to ensure full participation at elections
12. Alternate to Best Loser System
It is important to devise the most appropriate system that in
the same go guarantee the representations of all Mauritians
and attract the best candidates irrespective of caste, colour
and creed to lead the country.
The proposals were forwarded to the Electoral Reform Unit
of the Prime Minister’s Unit for consideration.
Dialogue Interculturel à l’ile Maurice : Défis et Perspectives
In this world of fast communication where people of
different cultures interact daily for various reasons, it
is becoming increasingly important to build bridges
between people of different cultures. With the view
of promoting inter-cultural dialogue among people
of different cultures ain Mauritius, the Chairperson
of MACOSS has set up a new committee entitled “La
promotion de l’inter-culturalité” which is presided by
Mrs Allia Syed Hossen-Gooljar, Deputy Chairperson
In the context of the World Day for Cultural Diversity
for Dialogue and Development, MACOSS organized a
conference and a half-day workshop entitled “Dialogue
Interculturel à l’Ile Maurice – Défis et Perspectives” on
Saturday 24 May 2014 at the Municipality of Quatre
The chief guest was Honourable Mookhessur Choonee,
Minister of Arts and Culture. His Worship. Mr. Danen
Beemadoo, Mayor of Municipality of Quatre Bornes,
also addressed the audience on that occasion.
Dr Amina Barkatoolah, International Consultant
in Human Resources Management introduced the
subject. She gave the meaning of the ‘culture’ which
is a system of values, traditions and beliefs which is
transmitted from generation to generation. She insisted
on the need to differentiate ‘culture’ and ‘religion’.
She argued that to promote a genuine intercultural
dialogue there is a need to overcome stereotypes.
in Mauritius”. Prof Bunwaree talked about the terms
that are often used in the press and the media such as
‘Nation Building’, ‘Pays Arc-en-Ciel’. She pointed out
that we should be very careful about these terms since
very often they do not reflect the reality in Mauritius.
She drew the attention of the audience about prejudices
which exist in the Mauritian society. However, Prof.
Bunwaree thinks that Mauritians do come together
when faced with adversity. In fact, during the flash flood
in March 2013, Mauritians helped all victims without
3. Mrs. Wendy Rose-Gujadhur, Head of Intercultural
Department of ICJM made an exposé on “Eduquer
les Jeunes à l’Interculturel, Une Nécessité! She
talked on the importance of educating the youth on
the need of intercultural dialogue. She gave a brief
on the situation of intercultural dialogue worldwide.
She then talked about the situation in Mauritius and
the problem of prejudices faced by some people
in Mauritius. She then defined the concept “interculturality”. She stressed on the need to put the
youth on board as far as intercultural dialogue
is concerned and she gave reasons for including
youngsters on this important and sensitive issue.
The presentations were followed by 2 group discussions to
reflect on the following themes :(i)
The following
1. Mr Chit Dukhira, President of Selex talked about
“Unity in Diversity in Plural Mauritius”. He expressed
his feelings on the challenges he encountered when
he took post in a new job in town as he came from
a village. He explained how he had to adapt to the
different styles of living and the attitude of the people.
He also stated that he had always collaborated with
one another in different projects and always shared the
responsibilities with each and everyone irrespective of
ethnic background.
Quelles sont les conditions selon vous pour arriver à un
vrai dialogue des cultures au sein de la République de
Maurice ?
(ii) Comment communiquer avec l’autre pour amener une
ouverture vers d’autres cultures présentes à l’île Maurice ?
(iii) Quel est le rôle de l’éducation dans la promotion du
dialogue interculturel dans la République de Maurice ?
The recommendations gathered during the group
discussions were used to produce a report and a copy
will be forwarded to the UNESCO to share the Mauritian
philosophy on the subject.
2. Prof. Sheila Bunwaree, Professor of Sociology and
Development Studies, University of Mauritius made a
presentation on “Identity Secularism and Inter-culturality
MACOSS On the move - August 2014 11
Welfare for Disabled Persons
In view of improving the welfare of the disabled
persons in Mauritius, Mr Geerish Bucktowonsing,
Chairperson of MACOSS and Mr Lutchmeecant
Soopal, Chairperson of the Welfare of the Disabled
Committee had a meeting with Mr Gunputh, Acting
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and
Human Resources to take cognizance of conditions
and modalities of the Rs 60 million allocated to
disabled centres.
Following this meeting, a half day interactive meeting
with representatives of NGOs working in the disability
sector were held on 13 February 2014 in the Training
Unit of the Ministry of Social Security, National
Solidarity and Reform Institutions.
The objectives were :
to inform NGOs about the outputs of the meeting at the
Ministry of Education
to gather opinions of the NGOs on the fund allocated
to them.
to provide a platform to these NGOs to discuss on the
difficulties encountered by persons with disabilities in
getting access to shopping malls
to discuss about ways and means to make the malls
disabled user friendly
12 MACOSS On the move - August 2014
Non Award MQA course on Values in Healthcare for carers
working in the disability sector
During a brainstorming session, the NGO leaders
expressed their concerns about the disparity between
the salary of teachers in primary schools and those
working in handicapped centres. NGO representatives
were encouraged to enroll themselves on training
program at certificate and diploma levels which is
run at the Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE) and
Mauritius Institute and Training Development (MITD).
The Decentralized Corporation Programme (DCP)
funded by the European Union and operating under
the Ministry of Finance and Economy Development
in collaboration with the Mauritius Council of Social
Service organized two events on the theme “Policy
Advocacy and Dialogue” on 1st and 2nd July 2014 at
Gold Crest Hotel, Quatre-Bornes.
The accessibility to Mall is a matter of concern.
Despite legislation, only a limited number of public
buildings are user friendly to disabled people.
Difficulties encountered by disabled persons have
been communicated to Directors of malls for future
possible actions.
The High Level Seminar on Policy Dialogue took place
on 1 July 2014 and was delivered by Tania DiolleLecturer of the University of Mauritius. 35 NSAs/
NGOs and 5 Senior officials from key ministries
namely : Ministry of Social Integration and Economic
Empowerment, Ministry of Social Security and Reform
Institutions and, Ministry of Education and Human
Resources were present. The overall objective of this
event were to Sensitize government officials and,
NGOs on the benefits of policy dialogue and also, to
familiarize the audience with policy dialogue settings.
This interaction event was an opportunity (i.e. a
platform) where senior officials and NGOs leaders
were able to discuss and share best practices to
reinforce working relationship that is establishing a
line of communication for positive change and moved
forward for partnering.
On 2 July 2014, the workshop focused on Negotiation
skills and techniques for NSAs/NGO leaders. It
was carried out by Mr. Geerish Bucktowonsing in
his capacity as Professional Manager. Sixty (60)
representatives of NSAs/NGOs attended this training.
Participants were introduced to negotiation as a
technique to decision making. Its importance in the
day to day activities of NGOs and were elaborated
with appropriate examples. NGOs took cognizance
of the best style of negotiations to be adopted in a
number of circumstances. (Presentation is available
MACOSS On the move - August 2014 13
MACOSS partnership with International Agencies
Inauguration of an Open Air Hortitherapy at Verdun by OpenMind
Joint Seminar MACOSS/ DCP/ EU on Advocacy and Dialogue
MACOSS is renewing its programme of training and
formation for its member affiliates. For this session, MACOSS
in collaboration with Positive Approach to Total Health
(P.A.T.H) is currently running a Non Award MQA training
on “Values in Health Care” once weekly from 3 July 2014 to
14th August 2014. Due to a number of applications, there
will be two batches of training. The first batch has twenty
seven representatives of NGOs. The training sessions are
delivered on a voluntary basis by Mr Pradeep Jagutpal,
MQA registered trainer supported by Mr Dave Dyall, who
are respectively the President and Secretary of PATH.
The Values in Healthcare training package was designed
in the UK and offers social workers and healthcare
practitioners a unique blend of experiential group exercises
and opportunities for reflection and self-enquiry. With its
emphasis on self-care and support, the programme helps
participants to identify their own values and discover
how their insights can enhance their personal lives and
revitalize their work.
The materials and activities introduce a number of core
values and encourage participants to explore ways of
expressing them in their personal lives and professional
practice. The learning outcomes will enable the social
workers at all levels and in all settings to cope better with
their work. This includes addressing the expectations of
others as well as their personal responses to situations so
helping to prevent problems of burnout, sickness absence
and staff retention.
MACOSS hopes that such training will enable our
carers to learn new techniques and deliver outstanding
services to beneficiaries.
The Chairperson, Mr. Geerish Bucktowonsing was invited
at the launching of OpenMind’s Open Air Horticultural
Therapy at Verdun. The prominent objective of OpenMind
is to promote the welfare of psychologically distressed
and vulnerable persons – children and adults – through
Art and Nature Therapy.
OpenMind focuses on the plight of people suffering
psychological disorders. Their condition drives them out
of social and economic activities, nips them out of their
social environment and often wrenches them from their
families and relatives and ultimately condemns them to
isolation and seclusion.
Through this project sponsored by UNDP, DCP/EU
and the US Embassy under the technical monitoring
of Fondation Ressources & Nature (FORENA),
OpenMind intends to provide soft treatment approach
to psychological distress by means of Horticultural
Therapy. Customised therapy programmes are devised to
reconstruct the self-confidence of beneficiaries and thus
facilitate their social integration and adaptation as well
as further develop their creative talents and promote
their economic and social well- beings.
EISA country mission in Mauritius
related to the APRM
MACOSS facilitated a team of researchers headed by
Mr. Grant Masterson, Project Manager: APRM from
The Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in
Africa (EISA) in conducting a baseline study through
interviews and focus group meetings with selected
civil society organizations in Mauritius from 7-8 April
2014. The purpose of this activity was to develop a
holistic understanding of the state of local Civil Society
Organizations and the way in which they engage with the
Government, particularly as it relates to the APRM.
EISA is an African Non-Governmental Organisation
that has facilitated civil society interactions with the
African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) since 2004 and
embarked on a three year programme (2012 – 2015) to
continue support of CSOs efforts to monitor governance
processes in African states. One of the key objectives of
the programme is to enhance meaningful participation of
non-state actors in the APRM.
14 MACOSS On the move - August 2014
SADC Gender Protocol Summit and
Awards 2014
MACOSS organized a series of consultations held amongst
Civil Society Organizations representatives at Le Suffren
Mr. Irfan Rahman – Electoral Commissioner
Mr. Rajen Bablee – Chairperson of Transparency
Mrs. Manda Boolell - Chairperson of NGO Trust Fund
Mr Ajay Sowdagur - Acting Officer in Charge, NGO Tru.
st Fund
Mr. I. Jeenghut – Independent Commission Against
Corruption (ICAC); and
Executive Committee Members of MACOSS
Their visit was culminated by a press conference
animated by Mr Grant Masterson of EISA and Mr
Geerish Bucktowonsing, Chairperson of MACOSS on 9
April 2014 at MACOSS. It has been agreed that EISA
and MACOSS will now organize a 2 day workshop in
Mauritius in August/September 2014 to share all the
findings with member affiliates.
Celebration of World Blood Donor Day
2014 by ABDO
The SADC Gender Protocol Summit and Awards Mauritius
National Summit 2014 took place on the 22nd and 23rd of
April 2014 at Gold Crest Hotel. The summit was attended
by a total of 70 participants (entrants, judges, chairpersons,
government entities and civil society organisations including
partners); 61 females and 9 males.
The summit is a combination of local government, media
and Alliance partners who were invited to share their best
practices under the three categories and in five themes as
As every year, the World Blood Donor day is celebrated on
the 14th June in 76 countries around the world to pay tribute
to voluntary blood donors, sponsors, organizers, volunteers
and all those who have contributed in one way or the other
in saving lives. The focus of this year’s World Blood Donor
Day campaign is “Safe blood for saving mothers”.
Association of Blood Donation Organisers jointly with
stakeholders of MACOSS commemorated
this special day on 14th June 2014 by launching its
souvenir magazine at Municipality of Quatre Bornes. Mr.
Bucktowonsing, Chairperson of MACOSS was the chief
guest for this event and addressed the audience on that day.
He stressed on the recognition of volunteers in Mauritius
and Worldwide who by their noble actions is helping
to save many lives. We are all witnessing an increase in
demand for blood at hospitals and clinics due to increase of
accidents and complications due to a number of diseases.
It is worth noting that Mauritians in all walks of life
respond spontaneously whenever there is a blood donation
campaign in any region of Mauritius. The Chairperson of
MACOSS thanked ABDO for being a pioneer in 1971 and
for serving this cause.
Gender Based Violence
Climate Change
Women’s rights
Mr. Bucktowonsing was invited to form part of the panel
judging the category in the Leadership Government
Women’s Rights. The panel also consisted also of Mr. Brian
Glover and Mrs. Nivedita Nathoo. The leadership Winner
was Mrs. Soondaree Devi Soborun under the case study:
Listening, coaching and advising. Soondaree has been
nominated by her MBC staff for her great leadership skills.
MACOSS On the move - August 2014 15
‘Projects and Activities delivered in the session of 2013-2014
under the Chairmanship of Mr. Geerish Bucktowonsing’
Month /
Tue 15
Launching of Poverty Eradication Network (PEN) on International Poverty
Council Chamber of the City of
Port Louis
Sat 19
Setting up of PEN focal point in Roche Bois
Sun 20
Setting up of PEN focal point in La Laura
La Laura
Thu 24
Allocation of Flag Days for 2014 to Member Affiliates
Council Chamber of the City of Port
Thu 7
Sensitisation campaign to fight diabetes on World Diabetes Day
Council Chamber of the City of Port
Sat 23
Giving a helping hand to Clean Up Mauritius
Rivière Céré, Flacq
Sat 23
Promotion of Family Values on the theme “Renforcir les Valeurs Familiales
/Strengthening our Family Values”
FSC Building, Goodlands
Wed 27
Workshop on Governance and Integrity in NGOs (MACOSS/NGO TF and ICAC)
Training Unit of Ministry of Social
Thu 5
Celebration of International Volunteer Day 2013 ‘Zenes ek Volontaria’
March – MSC Complex to
Municipality of BB Rose Hill
Tue 17
Launch of Barometer 2013 (Gender Links in collaboration with MACOSS)
Municipal Council of Curepipe
Mon 6
Signature of new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between MACOSS and
Beijing NGO for International Exchanges
Visit to NGOs and MACOSS
Tue 7
Promoting friendship between Beijing Exchange Program participants and the
delegates from Beijing NGO for International Exchanges
Gold Crest
Thu 23
Launch of Book “Family Crisis – the Happy Family through Family Communion”
by Prof Jugessur (Sukhi Parivaar in collaboration with UOM and MACOSS)
R. Burrenchobay Lecture Theatre, University of Mauritius, Reduit
Thu 13
Interactive Session with NGOs working in the Disability Sector
MSS Training Unit, 2nd Fl RSB, P Louis
Thu 6
Membership Forum – Consultation with Member Organisations in regards to
Strategy and Reform for MACOSS
Octave Wiehe Auditorium, Réduit
Sat 29
Open dialogue Forum on Strengthening our Family Values
Sookdeo Bissoondoyal State College,
Rose Belle
Mon 7Wed 9
EISA country mission in Mauritius related to the APRM
Wed 9
Meeting with NGOs in Disability Sector
Fri 2
Dialogue on the Concept of ‘One People One Nation’ in regards to Electoral
Thu 15
Celebration of International Day of Families at Roche Bois
MPRB, Rue Guého, Roche Bois
Fri 16
Information Session on PEN focal point at Plaine Verte
Dr Idrice Goomany Centre
Sat 24
Conférence sur L’Inter culturalité à Maurice
Municipality of Quatre Bornes
Wed 4
Promoting Sustainable Mauritius by the signature of agreement between Rotary
Club of Ebene, SecureWorks and MACOSS and 15 NGOs benefitting from Rainwater Harvesting Plants
SOS Children Village, Beau Bassin
Mon 23
Inauguration of Rainwater Harvesting System and Launching of Training Courses
on Values in Health Care
Dr Idrice Goomany Centre, Plaine Verte
Training in Policy, Advocacy and Dialogue in collaboration with DCP/EU
Gold Crest
Thu 3
Beginning of 7 weeks Training - Values in Health Care (MQA Non Award
Course) for carers working in the disability sector
Tue 15
Recreational Day and Inauguration of 3rd Rainwater Harvesting System
ADSP, Royal Road, Long Mountain
Wed 16
EU Mauritius Country Roadmap (In collaboration with EU Mauritius)
Fri 18
Planting of trees and inaugurating of 4th Rainwater Harvesting System
Eastern Welfare Association Beau
Fri 18
Planting of Tress and inaugurating of 5th Rainwater Harvesting System
Association des Malades et des Handicapés de L’Est
16 MACOSS On the move - August 2014

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