JellyCam A Stop Motion Software - RÉCIT


JellyCam A Stop Motion Software - RÉCIT
A Stop Motion Software
Where can I get this software?
You can download the software at the following address:
Click on Install Now
To run JellyCam, you will need to install Adobe Air on your computer. Download it for
free at this address:
You are now ready to use JellyCam.
Sandra Laine, Service national du RÉCIT, Domaine des langues
JellyCam Tutorial
Choose between the two options on pages 2 and 3, then follow the steps on
pages 4 and 5.
First option: Use a webcam to capture the images.
Before you start your film, save your project on your computer.
To create your film, follow these simple steps.
You can also preset your
webcam to take pictures.
Enter your number and
then, press start.
1- Select your webcam by clicking here.
The image should appear in this window.
2- Press on the spacebar to
capture an image or click this
To create a great stop motion film, you need to move the objects very slowly. We
suggest to add the onion skin option. It is very helpfull because you can view multiple
frames at the same time.
Each time you move your object, you take a picture. Donʼt forget to save your work
Sandra Laine, Service national du RÉCIT, Domaine des langues
Second option: Use pictures taken from a digital camera.
The first thing that you want to do is take your picture froma a digital camera. For best
results, put your device on a tripod and move it only if you have to change your shot.
Then move your objects very slowly and take a picture each time you move them.
When you are finished:
1- Click on this icon
You will have two options to import your pictures:
2- Select all your pictures and drag them in this window
3- Browse on your computer to import your pictures into the software
Sandra Laine, Service national du RÉCIT, Domaine des langues
When you take your pictures, you can see each one in this window.
In this menu, you have options:
- You can duplicate a picture. Click on the picture, then on
- You can reverse your pictures: click on Select All, then Reverse. If
you want to reverse only a couple of pictures, select them
manually: keep your finger on the shift button and select each
pictures you wish to reverse.
- You can delete a picture if you donʼt like the result.
You can preview your film in this window.
1- Enter the number of frames
per second that you wish to
have. For a smoother animation,
enter between 16 to 24 frames
per second.
2- Then, press play to preview
your film.
When you are satisfied with your work, you can create a video file. With this file, you
will be able to add sounds, music, narration and text in a video editing software such as
Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, Pinnacle and others, for example.
Sandra Laine, Service national du RÉCIT, Domaine des langues
Click on Create Video File, then on Create File.
This window will appear. Click on Contine. Your project in done!
For further information, watch a video demo :
Sandra Laine, Service national du RÉCIT, Domaine des langues