Sport, olympics and play cultures all around the world » Monthly


Sport, olympics and play cultures all around the world » Monthly
Supervisor : Pr Dr Patrick Clastres Director of the Global Sport & Olympic Studies Center UNIL (Lausanne University) The « Global Sport & Olympic Studies Center » (GS&OSC) is a university research laboratory created in Summer 2015 as part of the Social and Political Science Faculty and the Sport Science Institute at Lausanne University (UNIL). The Center’s academic activities are so far concerned by play culture, sport and olympics at different scales from local to global. The « longue durée » historical approach which is the core aspect of this academic project is conceived as a dialogue with the different social sciences. Its monthly workshop is open to every student and scholar from all over the world. « Sport, olympics and play cultures all around the world » Monthly Research Workshop Global Sport & Olympic Studies Center (GS&OSC) Sport Sciences Institute (ISSUL) Social and Political Science Faculty (FSSP) Lausanne University (UNIL) This monthly research workshop in history of sport and olympic studies is opened to the students of Master’s degree, to the PhD students and the post-­‐PhD students, to the researchers and the teachers of the ISSUL, of the UNIL and of the other Swiss and foreign universities, from all fields (philosophy and ethics, psychology, anthropology, ethnology, sociology, history, economics, law, media studies, area studies, cultural studies…), and who are specialized or not in sport and olympic studies. The seminar will be introduced by the supervisor and then he will give the floor to a guest who will act as a discussant. The driving principle of this seminar is to be a workshop which is participative and collaborative. Participants are expected to read the works and articles subject to debate in order to argue themselves. Besides, the PhD students, the post-­‐PhD students, the senior researchers and the professors who transit through Lausanne are encouraged to present their work, even they are not in connection with the concerned session. It is requested that they send a project at least one month before the session. Once a month, a Thursday from 10 to 12 a.m. The presentations and the exchanges will take place in French and also in English. Contact and subscription to the mailing list : [email protected] Academic Year 2015-­‐2016 Program « THE GENESIS OF SPORT. REVISITING CLASSICS » Building Geopolis, room 5899 Session 1 : 19th November 2015 Thorstein Veblen, 1899. The Theory of the Leisure Class, The Macmillam Company. Théorie de la classe de loisir, tr. fr., Gallimard, 1970, coll. « Tel », 2007, preceded by Raymond ARON, « Avez-­‐vous lu Veblen ? ». Further reading: Pierre BOURDIEU, 1978. « Comment peut-­‐on être sportif ? », (1978, HISPA), Questions de sociologie, éditions de Minuit, 1980, pp. 173-­‐195 Pierre BOURDIEU, 1979. La Distinction. Critique sociale du jugement, Paris, éd. de Minuit. Session 2 : 21st January 2016 Johan Huizinga, 1938. Homo Ludens. Proeve Ener Bepaling Van Het Spelelement Der Cultuur. Groningen, Wolters-­‐Noordhoff cop. Homo ludens. Essai sur la fonction sociale du jeu, Paris, Gallimard, 1951, coll. « Tel », 2008.
949_.pdf Further reading: Arnold Van Gennep, 1925. Les Jeux et les Sports populaires de France, Paris, éd. du CTHS, 2015 (inédit), édité et introduit par Laurent Sébastien Fournier, « La postérité d’un manuscrit » (p. 5-­‐43). Roger Caillois, 1958. Les jeux et les hommes. Le masque et le vertige, Paris, Gallimard, 1958, édition revue et augmentée, 1967. Roger Caillois, 1968. Jeux et sports, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « La Pléiade », 1968. Guest : Laurent Sébastien Fournier, MCF HDR, Université d’Aix-­‐Marseille, Idemec, UMR 7307, Institut d’ethnologie européenne, méditerranéenne et comparative Session 3 : 25th February 2016 Marcel Mauss, 1934 (1935), « Les techniques du corps », Journal de Psychologie, vol. xxxii, n° 3-­‐4, 15 mars-­‐15 avril 1935, Conférence prononcée devant la Société de psychologie le 17 mai 1934, rééd. Sociologie et anthropologie, Paris, PUF, 1950, pp. 365-­‐386.
corps.html Further reading: Jacques ULMANN, 1965. De la gymnastique aux sports modernes, Paris, J. Vrin. Georges VIGARELLO, 1986, « Les techniques corporelles et les transformations de leurs configurations », STAPS, V. 7, 13, pp. 19-­‐22. Georges VIGARELLO, 1988. Techniques d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Une histoire culturelle du sport, Paris, Revue EPS. Henning EICHBERG, 1997. Body Cultures, Essays on Sport, Space and Identity, Edited by John Bale and Chris Philo, London et New-­‐York, Routledge. Guest : Jean-­‐François Bert (sous réserve), MER, Institut religions, cultures, modernité (IRCM), UNIL (Lausanne University)­‐francois-­‐bert.html Session 4 : 24th March 2016 Norbert ELIAS & Eric DUNNING, [1966-­‐1983]. Quest for Excitement. Sport and Leisure in the Civilizing Process. Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1986. The first four articles of this book was published between 1966 and 1971. Sport et civilisation. La violence maîtrisée, tr. fr., Paris, Fayard, 1994, preceded by Roger CHARTIER, « Le sport ou la libération contrôlée des émotions ». Guest : Marc Joly, chargé de recherche CNRS, laboratoire Printemps (Professions, Institutions, Temporalités), Unité Mixte de Recherche 8085 CNRS -­‐ Université de Versailles Saint Quentin.­‐professions-­‐institutions-­‐temporalites-­‐
365603.kjsp?RH=1300285291712 Session 5 : 21st April 2016 Allen GUTTMANN, 1978. From Ritual to Record. The Nature of Modern Sports. New York, Columbia University Press, revised edition, 2004. Du rituel au record. La nature des sports modernes, tr. fr., L’Harmattan, coll. « Espaces et Temps du sport », 2006, preceded by Thierry Terret, « Allen Guttmann, From Ritual to Record et l’histoire du sport ». Further reading: George L. MOSSE, 1996. The Image of Man. The Creation of Modern Masculinity, New York, Oxford University Press. L’Image de l’homme. L’invention de la virilité moderne, tr. fr., Paris, éd. Abbeville, 1997. Session 6 : 19th May 2016 Guest : Sébastien Darbon, chargé de recherche CNRS, UMR 7307, Institut d’ethnologie européenne, méditerranéenne et comparative Further reading: Paul YONNET, 1998. Systèmes des sports, Paris, Gallimard, NRF, coll. « Bibliothèque des sciences humaines ». Sébastien DARBON, 2015. Les fondements du système sportif. Essai d’anthropologie historique, Paris, L’Harmattan. Workshop Conclusions by Patrick Clastres