More, Less and As


More, Less and As
More, Less and As
AKA "Comparisons"
Unité 7B
in English...
...we compare people, things, etc. by using " –er" and
also the words "more, less, as"
—  She is taller than her mom.
—  We are more intelligent than you.
—  We are less selfish than they are.
—  I am just as pretty as she is.
To compare...
—  ...two people or things in French, you use the
—  plus + adj. + que (more ___ than)
—  moins + adj. + que (less ___ than)
—  aussi + adj. + que (as ____ than)
Be careful...
***you must conjugate the verb (être) to match
the first person/thing listed
Mes parents sont plus intelligents que tes
parents. My parents are more intelligent than your
Caroline est moins bavarde que moi. Caroline is
less talkative than I am.
Je suis aussi petite que ma soeur. I am as short
as my sister.
Be careful...
****you must also agree the adjective in number
and gender with the first person/thing listed
—  Thierry est plus grand que son frère.
Thierry is taller than his brother.
—  Ma mère est plus intelligente que mon père.
My mom is more intelligent than my dad.
—  Mes amis sont aussi sympathiques que vous.
My friends are as nice as you guys are.
Try these...
— 1) Amélie is more generous than
her sister.
— 2) Jean-Paul is just as tall as
— 3) My friends are not as (less)
smart as your friends.
—  1) Amélie is more generous than her sister.
—  Amélie est plus généreuse que sa soeur.
—  2) Jean-Paul is just as tall as Michel.
—  Jean-Paul est aussi grand que Michel.
—  3) My friends are not as (less) smart as your
—  Mes copains/amis sont moins intelligents
que tes copains/amis.