symphorien ntibagirirwa - University of Richmond


symphorien ntibagirirwa - University of Richmond
Symphorien Ntibagirirwa
Fraternité Saint Dominique.
Kigali, Rwanda
B.P. 946 Kigali
cell: +250 78 639 5583
[email protected]
Alternative Address :
Fraternité Saint Dominique
22B Avenue de l’Industrie
B.P. 2960 Bujumbura
cell: +257 79 944 690
Date of Birth:
July 19, 1966
Kiremba- Gasorwe
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA
BA Honours, Philosophy and Religious Studies
30 June 1995
Dissertation: Best form of government according to Thomas Aquinas
University of Natal, SOUTH AFRICA (Presently University of Kwa-Zulu Natal)
BA Honours, Philosophy (Political Ethics)
14 April 1999
Dissertation: Michael Sandel’s Liberalism and the Limits of justice.
University of Natal, SOUTH AFRICA (Presently University of Kwa-Zulu Natal)
MA in Philosophy
11 April, 2000
Dissertation: A Retrieval of Aristotelian Virtue Ethics from African Social and Political Humanism
CV-Symphorien Ntibagirirwa
Saint Joseph’s Theological Institute, SOUTH AFRICA
(Pontifical Urbaniana University)
BA Theology
29 February, 2000
University of Natal, SOUTH AFRICA
MA Theology
9 April, 2002
Dissertation : An Ethical Approach to Economic Globalization: An Alternative to Samir Amin’s
Humanism and Hans Küng’s Global Ethic and its Implications in the Burundian Context.
University of Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA
PhD Philosophy
Dissertation finalised (awaiting award), 2012
Dissertation: Philosophical premises for African economic development: Sen’s capability approach
University of Natal, Pietermartzburg, South Africa (Assistant lecturer) (1997-2001)
Saint John Vianney College, Pretoria, South Africa (Philosophy Department ) (since 2008)
Major Seminary, Bujumbura, Burundi (Philosophy Department ) (since 2002)
University of Ngozi, Burundi (Faculty of Law) (since 2002)
Light University, Bujumbura, Burundi (Faculty of Law)
International Leadership University, Bujumbura , Burundi (since 2012)
Assessing the impact of development projects (Nederlands Committee Burundi- NCB) : 2002-2006
Validations of plans of reconstruction and development (Ministry of Planning -Burundi) : 2002-2005
Strategic planning of development and poverty reduction (Certificate of Whole Systems- WS; Global
Business Network Europe- GBN): 2003
Joint Japan/World Bank Fellowship: Research on The link between local cultural values and
projects of economic development: an interpretation in the light of the capability approach (Mendoza
School of Business, University of Notre Dame, USA), 2009
Research on responsible leadership, focusing on Private-Public Partnership in Development (German
Technical Cooperation, GTZ & University of Pretoria, 2010
Director & Editor of Revue Ethique et Société, 2004- 2011
CV-Symphorien Ntibagirirwa
Research through fellowships
1. On the link between cultural values and projects of economic development: An interpretation in the
light of the capability approach. Joint Japan/World Bank Bank Fellowship, Mendoza School of
Business, University of Notre Dame, 2009.
2. The quest of economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Kellog Institute, University of Notre
Dame and Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Fellowships, 2009.
3. Leadership in African Value System: implications for Africa’s Quest of Economic Development.
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) & Faculty of Economics and Management, University of
Pretoria, 2009 - 2010.
4. Responsible Leadership and Africa’s Quest for Economic Development. Business and Information
(BAI 2011).
Chapters in Books
A bantu-philosophical approach to economic ordering. In Conversation in Philosophy: Knowledge
and Freedom. Forthcoming (2012), Cambridge Scholars publishers.
Cultural Values, Economic Growth and Development. In G. Moore (ed.), Fairness in International
Trade, Springer, 2010.
A wrong way: From Being to Having in the Africa Value System. In Patrick Giddy (ed). Protest and
Engagement: Philosophy after Apartheid at a Historically Black South African University.
Washington, D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (2003).
Papers presented in International Forums and Institutions
1. Leadership, African Value System, and Africa’s Economic Development. International Society of
Business Ethics and Economics, Kozminsky University, Warsaw, Poland, 12-15 July, 2012.
2. Trust-corruption relationship in Burundi. Paper presented at 11th Conference of BEN-Africa,
Zanzibar, 31October- 2 November, 2011.
3. Africa’s Quest for Economic Development and the Challenge of the Environmental care: a Response
from Sen’s Capability Approach. University of South Africa - UNISA (Pretoria), 12 October, 2011.
4. Responsible Leadership, African Value System, and Africa’s Quest for Economic Development
International Conference on Business and Information, Bangkok, 4-6 July, 2011.
CV-Symphorien Ntibagirirwa
5. Digging from the Roots of African Culture the State’s Responsibility for the Socio-economic Rights:
Sen’s Capability Approach to the Ombudsman’s Horizon. Paper presented at 3rd General Assembly
of the African Ombudsmen and Mediators Association, Luanda (Angola), 10-15 April 2010.
6. Making Africa’s Quest of economic Development and Environmental Care a Wedded Couple: Sen’s
Capability Approach. Paper presented at 10th Annual Conference of BEN-Africa, Nairobi, 30
August -1st September 2010.
7. The quest of economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Paper presented at Kellog Institute and
Ford Family Foundation, University of Notre Dame, USA, 20 April, 2009.
8. Schools of Thought in Economic Globalisation. Paper presented at The Bernard Connor Conference
Centre, Piertermaritzburg, South Africa, 2001.
9. A Wrong Way: From Being to Having in the African Value System. Paper presented at The School of
Governance, University of Durban, Westville, South Africa, 2001.
10. The Church and the Moral Education of Citizens. Paper presented at Gold Reef City, Johannesburg,
South Africa, 2000.
Some publications in periodicals
1. Cultural Values, Economic Growth and Development, Journal of Business Ethics, 84(3), 2009.
2. Aide, Croissance Economique, et Lutte Contre la Pauvreté: La Part du « bénéficiaire » de l’Aide
Publique au Développement, Ethique et Société, 4(2), 2007.
3. Le Miracle Asiatique: qu’Apprendre de l’Expérience Asiatique du Développement ? Ethique et
Société, 3(1), 2006.
4. La Main Invisible de la Nouvelle Economie Sociale : Quelle Gestion Envisager pour les
Nouveaux Mouvements Sociaux, Ethique et Société, 2(2), 2005.
5. Repenser la Finalité de l’Economie à l’Heure de l’Economisme, Ethique et Société, 1(1), 2004.
6. Vers une Education à la Conscience de l’Histoire, Ethique et Société, 1(1), 2004.
7. Schools of Thought in Economic Globalisation. Au Coeur de l’Afrique, 2002.
8. The Church and the Moral Education of Citizens. Review Grace and Truth, 2000.
9. De la Gestion du Pouvoir à l’Education Civique, Au Cœur de l’Afrique, 1997.
10. Le Leadership Burundais à travers les âges de la politique. Au Cœur de l’Afrique, 1996.
CV-Symphorien Ntibagirirwa
Membership to Academic Organisations and Networks:
International Society for Business, Ethics and Economics (ISBEE).
International Business Academics Consortium (IBAC) (Committee Member).
Business Ethics Network in Africa (BEN-Africa) (Committee member).
Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA).
Globethics- Geneva.
1. Deon ROSSOUW (Research supervisor):
Extraordinary Professor, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Director of « Ethics Institute South Africa », Pretoria.
Ex-President of International Society for Business, Ethics, and Economics (ISBEE).
E-mail: [email protected].
2. George ENDERLE (Supervisor for my World Bank Fellowship, Mendoza School of Business,
University of Notre Dame).
Ryan Professor of International Business Ethics, Mendoza College of Business.
University of Notre Dame, USA & International Business School, Shanghai, China
Email: [email protected].
3. Eale BOSELA
Rector of International Leadership University, Bujumbura, Burundi.
Email: [email protected].
CV-Symphorien Ntibagirirwa