The Bantu Bibliography Supplement


The Bantu Bibliography Supplement
Bantu Bibliography
Compiled by Jouni Filip Maho
16 oktober 2011
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Table of contents
Abbreviations & acronyms ...................................................
Miscellaneous errata & corrigenda ........................................
1. Language by language survey ........................................
2. Comparative studies .....................................................
3. Proto-Bantu..................................................................
4. The “Bantu expansion”...................................................
5. Bantu classifications and surveys .....................................
6. Bibliographical works .....................................................
Index of language and dialect names....................................
Index of personal names .....................................................
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
This is a preliminary supplement to The Bantu Bibliography (publ. late 2008). Compiling anything that aims to be comprehensive is bound to fail at many levels, especially when the scope is
to cover any and all literature dealing with a group of 400-500 languages. Not only is the
number of titles voluminous and disparate, it is also constantly growing, day by day. Hence this
supplement, which collects those titles that for one or other reason were missed in the main
publication. There is also a small errata section further below.
I will not repeat here the entire introduction from the Bantu Bibliography here, except the part
which explains the format used.
Chapters and headings
The chapter and section numbering is the same here as it is in the main bibliography. Note,
however, that I have only included those sections for which there are any updates. Hence if a
section seems to be missing, it is because there are no updates for that particular section.
The languages are ordered according to their so-called Guthrie codes. More specifically, the
order is:
A10, A11, A12, ...
A20, A21, A22, ...
A30, A31, A32, ...
A zone miscellaneous, unsorted references
B10, B11, ...
B20, B201, ...
and so on, zone by zone.
Notes on the format of entries
The underlying format for the bibliographical entries is the following:
Referential code
MAIN LANGUAGE NAME (specification, e.g. geographical), variant
name, another variant name, incl. dialect (variant name), another
dialect (variant name), etc.
References listed alphabetically.
Each language section starts with a bullet “•”. This is followed, on the same line, by a referential language code based on the widely-used coding system devised by Malcolm Guthrie.
On the next line, the main language name is given in small capitals. This may or may not be
followed by one or several alternate names (differing forms, variant spellings, etc.) given in
regular font (i.e. not small caps). For example:
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
SWATI, Swazi, Siswati, Ngwane
Davey, Anthony S. 1990. A Swati comparative list. SAJAL, 10, p. 372-383.
Gill, Virginia. 195x. Morphological differences between the Swazi and
Xhosa languages. Thesis. Cape Town: UCT.
Msimang, Christian Themba. 1989. Some phonological aspects of the
Tekela Nguni dialects. PhD thesis. Pretoria: UNISA.
Ziervogel, Dirk. 1970. A Swazi dialogue. Limi, 10, p. 25-29.
Ziervogel, Dirk. 1972. Nog ’n Swazisamespraak. Limi, 14, p. 50-53.
Note that the first paragraph (the one starting with a bullet) is slightly indented so as to remain
visually distinctive even when browsing quickly through the pages.
Occasionally it is convenient to list references pertaining to a particular dialect in a section of its
own. These appear directly after the section for the main language. Typographically the dialectsections are distinguished by lacking a bullet, having their Guthrie codes in parentheses, and
having the main dialect name appear in regular font (instead of small caps). Other than that, the
dialect-sections follow the same template as do the language-sections. For example, the section
for Galwa B11c, a dialect of Myene B11, begins as follows:
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta. 1897. Travels in West Afria: Congo Français,
Corisco and Cameroons. London: Macmillan. Pp xvii, 743.
Future amendments
Further supplements are likely to appear. The present compiler will appreciate any additions,
suggestions and comments regarding the scope and form of the Bantu Bibliography. Just send
an email to ‹[email protected]›, but allow a few days before expecting a reply.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
missing reference details (e.g. a title)
Archiv afrikanistischer Manuskripte (monograph series)
Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere (Frankfurt-am-Main)
Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique (Paris)
Administration, Administração, Administrasie, etc.
journal published by IAI in London (other Africa-titled journals are specified)
Africana linguistica (journal)
African studies (journal); formerly BSt
American anthropologist (journal)
Annals, Annales, etc.
Annales Aequatoria (journal)
Anonymous (i.e. work without specified author, incl. those often credited to
so-called corporate authors)
journal published by the Anthropos-Institut (other Anthropos-titled journals
are specified)
Annual publication in African linguistics (journal)
Arquivo do Património Cultural (Maputo)
Académie Royale des Sciences Coloniales (Bruxelles)
Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-Mer (Bruxelles)
article number (e.g. the journal Man numbers it articles)
African Studies Association (Atlanta GA)
Association of Social Athropologists
African Studies Centre/Center (various locations), Afrika-Studiecentrum
Association, Associação, Associazione, etc.
Afrika und Übersee (journal)
Bachelor of Arts
Basler Afrika Bibliographien (Basel)
Baraza la Kiswahili la Taifa / National Kiswahili Council (Dar es Salaam)
Band, Bände
Bachelor of Education
Bibliothèque, Bibliotheek, Biblioteek, etc.
Berkeley Linguistics Society
Botswana notes and records
Bantu studies (journal); later AfrSt
Boston University conference on language development
Beiträge zur Afrikanistik
DLitt et Phil
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Centre/Center of/for African Studies (various locations)
Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (Cape Town)
Cahiers des religions africaines (Kinshasa)
Cahiers d’études africaines (Paris)
Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Africaines (Bruxelles)
Centre de Linguistique Théoretique et Appliquée [Lubumbashi]
Centre d’Etudes Pastorales (Kinshasa)
Centre d’Etude des Problemes Sociales Indigenes (Elisabethville)
Centre d’Etudes des Religions Africaines (Kinshasa)
Centre International des Civilizations Bantu (Libreville)
Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae (Missionaires de Scheut)
Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies, State University
of Leiden
Centre de Recherche et d’Information Socio-Politiques (Bruxelles)
Cambridge University Press
Diplôme d’études approfondies
Description Systématique des Langues Nationales
Department, Departement, Département, Departamento, etc.
Diplôme d’études supérieures
Doctor of Literature and Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
East African Educational Publishers (Nairobi)
East African geographical review
East African Institute of Social Research (Kampala)
East African Literature Bureau (Nairobi)
East African languages and dialects (monograph series)
East African Swahili Committee, Makerere College (Kampala)
Editions, Ediciones, Edições, Editrice, Edizione, Editore, etc.; also Editor(s)
edition, édition, edição, edizione, edición, etc.
Doctor of Education
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (various locations)
Editrice Missionaria Italiana (Bologna)
Esquisses Linguistiques
European Academy
Faculty, Faculté, Faculdade, etc.
Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines (various locations)
Grammatische Analysen afrikanischer Sprachen (monograph series)
Graduate Linguistics Students Association, University of Massachusetts at
Groupe de Recherche en Langues et Cultures Orales (GRELACO), Univ.
Omar Bongo (Libreville)
Hamburger afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere (online serial)
History in Africa (journal)
Human Sciences Research Council (Pretoria)
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
International African Institute (London); formerly: IIALC
Institut für Afrikanistik und Aegyptologie, Universität Wien
International Institute of African Languages and Cultures (London); later: IAI
Instituto de Investigação Científica de Angola (Luanda)
International journal of African historical studies
Institute of Kiswahili Research, University of Dar es Salaam (= TUKI)
Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo
University of Foreign Studies
Imprimerie, Imprensa, Imprenta, Impressão
Instituto Nacional do Desenvolvimento da Educação Ministério da Educação
Institut National d’Etudes Politiques (Kinshasa)
Institute, Institut, Instituto, Instituut, Institutt, etc.
Institut Royal de l’Afrique Centrale (Bruxelles); formerly: IRCB
Institut Royal Colonial Belge (Bruxelles); later: IRAC
International Standard Book Number (current ISBN contains 13 digits, old
ones had 10 digits)
Institut Supérieur Pédagogique
Institute Supérieur Théologique de Kinshasa
Indiana University Linguistics Club (Bloomington)
Journal of Asian and African studies (journal publ. by E.J. Brill)
Journal of Asian and African studies / Ajia Afuriku gengo bunka kenkyu,
(journal publ. by ILCAA)
Journal of African cultural studies
Journal of African history
Journal of African languages and linguistics
Journal des Africanistes; formerly: Journal de la Société des Africanistes
Junta de Investigações Científicas do Ultramar (Lisboa)
Junta de Investigações do Ultramar (Lisboa)
Journal of pidgin and creole languages
Journal of the [Royal] African Society
Journal de la Société des Africanistes; later: Journal des Africanistes
Journal of West African languages
Koninklijk Akademie voor Koloniale Wetenschappen (Brussel)
Kongo-Overzee (journal)
Linguistics Association for SADC Universities
Library, Librairie
“Languages in Contact and Conflict in Africa” Research and Development
Programme, Gerhard Mercator University (Duisburg)
Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap / Netherlands Graduate School
of Linguistics (Utrecht)
Languages of Tanzania Project, University of Dar es Salaam
Language and Popular Culture in Africa
Language problems and language planning (journal)
Linguistics Students Organization, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lesser Used Languages and Computational Linguistics (conference series)
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Master of Arts
Magister Bibliothecologiae (thesis)
Master of Education
Mitteilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den deutschen
Mitteilungen, Mittheilungen
Master of Philosophy
Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale (Tervuren); formerly: MRCB
Musée Royal du Congo Belge (Tervuren); later: MRAC
Mission(ary) Society
Master of Science
Michael Scott Oral Records Project (Windhoek)
number, numero, Nummer, etc.
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet / Nordic Africa Institute (Uppsala); formerly: SIAS
National Educational Company of Zambia (Lusaka)
Núcleo de Estudo de Línguas Moçambicanas, Faculdade de Letras,
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Maputo)
Nordic journal of African studies
new series, nouvelle série, serie nuove, nieuwe reeks, neue Folge, etc. (Note
that “NS 21 [31]” means a previous series numbering continued alongside
the new.)
Occasional papers in linguistics (Dar es Salaam)
Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique d’Outre-Mer (Paris)
Oxford University Press
Pan South African Language Board (Johannesburg)
Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen
Doctor of Philosophy
Project for Alternative Education in South Africa, University of Cape Town
part(s), partie(s), parte(s), Teil(e), deel(e), etc.
Publisher(s), Publishing, Publications, Publikasies, Publicações,
Publicaciónes, Publikacii, etc.
Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys
Pontificia Università Gregoriana (Roma)
Royal Anthropological Institute [of Great Britain and Ireland] (London)
Refer, Referred, Reference, etc.
Revue gabonaise des sciences de l’homme
Royal Geographical Society of London
Révérend PèreSAIRR South African Institute of Race Relations
South African journal of African languages
South African journal of linguistics
South African journal of science
Studies in African linguistics
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Southern African linguistics and applied language studies
South African Music Rights Organisation (Johannesburg)
Société des Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (Paris)
Scandinavian Institute of African Studies (Uppsala); later: NAI
Swedish International Development Authority
SIL International (Dallas), earlier known as Summer Institute of Linguistics,
Société Internationale de Linguistique, Sociedade Internacional de Linguística
SIL electronic survey reports
SIL electronic working papers
Slovak Association for the Study of English
School of Oriental and African Studies [orig.: School of Oriental Studies],
University of London
Society, Société, Sociedade
special, spécial, spéciaux, etc.
Studies in Bantoetale (journal)
Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika
State University of New York
South-West Africa (Namibia), Südwest-Afrika, Suidwes-Afrika
Schriften zur Afrikanistik / Research in African studies
Transafrican journal of history
Tanganyika notes and records [until 1965], Tanzania notes and records [from
Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam (= IKR)
Université Catholique de Louvain
University of California at Los Angeles
University of Cape Town
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Maputo)
uitgawe, uitgave
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Université Libre de Bruxelles
University of Namibia (Windhoek)
Université Nationale du Zaïre
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Paris)
Universiteit van Suid-Afrika / University of South Africa (Pretoria)
University, Universität, Universiteit, Universitet, Université, Universidade,
Univerzita, etc.
University of Natal Press
University of Zambia
University Press
University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg)
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
volume(s), volume/volumi, tome(s), tomo(s), Band/Bände, etc.
Witwatersrand University Press (Johannesburg)
Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes
Zeitschrift für afrikanische, ozeanische und ostasiatische Sprachen
Zeitschrift für afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen
Zeitschrift für afrikanische Sprachen
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie
Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Any book of any length seems to need correcting. The Bantu Bibliography is no different.
There were some misplaced entries and some faulty ones, and even more that were missing
alltogether. The ones that were missed and those that need substantial correcting are given in the
supplementary bibliography sections that follow.
In addition, the following corrections need to be made:
p. xxii
p. xxiii
ARPAC, Arquivo do Património Cultural (Maputo)
ZeES, Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen
(Due to a careless search/replace operation, Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen appears
in the original Bantu Bibliography with two abbreviations, viz. ZeES and ZfES. The latter
appears in the list of abbreviations, the former does not.)
p. 766
p. 766
B741 Ngungwoni
B771 Nchinchege
p. 818
p. 831
Koritschoner see Cory, Hans [Koritschoner]
Ondo see Mvé-Ondo, Bonaventure
p. 803
p. 803
p. 805
p. 806
p. 822
p. 822
p. 833
p. 843
Bulck, Vaast van
Bulck, Gaston van
Condor, C.R.
Cox, Elizabeth E.
Makokila, Nanzanza
Makolila, M.
Prinsloo, Daniël Jaco-bus
Whrmuller, G.
should be Bulck, Gaston [Vaast] van
should be Bulck, Gaston [Vaast] van
should be Conder, C.R.
should be Cox, Elizabeth Ellen
should be Makolila, Nenzenze
should be Makolila, Nenzenze
delete entry
should be Wehrmuller, G.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Supplement to the Bantu Bibliography, part 1
A10 Lundu-Balong Group
A101 = A11, A111, A112, A113, A114, A115, A12, A121, A122, A123
OROKO, incl. Londo (Lundu), Ngolo, Bima, Lotanga (Dotanga, Batanga), Koko
(Lokoko, Bakoko), Londo ba Diko, Lue (Lolue, Balue, West Kundu), Mbonge Kundu
(Lokundu, Bakundu), Ekombe
Starwalt, Coleen Grace Anderson. 2008. The acoustic correlates of ATR harmony in seven- and
nine-vowel African languages: a phonetic inquiry into phonological structure. PhD thesis.
Univ. of Texas at Arlington. Pp xxxi, 475.
MANENGUBA, Mbo, incl. Nle mbuu, Nlaa mboo, Mienge, Nswase (Basossi), Akoose
(Bakossi), Elung, Bafun, Mwahed, Bakaka (Ehob mkaa’), Babong, Mwaneka, and others
Hedinger, Robert. 2008. A grammar of Akoose, a northwest Bantu language. Publ. in linguistics, 143. SIL Int’l. Pp 317. ISBN 978-1-55671-222-7.
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO in association with SIL.
A20 Duala Group
KPE, Mokpwe, Bakwiri
Ardener, Edwin W. 1971. Belief and the problem of woman Bakweri. In: The interpretation of
ritual: essays in honor of I.A. Richards, p. 135-158. Edited by J.S. la Fontaine. London:
Tavistock Publ.
Ittmann, Johannes. 1935. Von der Gottesvorstellung der Bakwiri. Africa, 8, p. 355-37.
Mukoko-Mokeba, Magnus P. 1963. Philosophical bases of Bakweri mysticism. Abbia, 3, p. 3944.
Mukoko-Mokeba, Magnus P. 1963. Fondement philosophique du mysticisme Bakweri. Abbia,
3, p. 44-47.
SU, Isu, Isubu, Bimbia
Keller, I. 1902. Astronomische Ansichten der Isubu in Kamerun. ZfAOOS, 6, p. (?).
A24, A241, A25, A26, A261
Bureau, Rene. 1962. Ethno-sociologie religieuse des Douala et apparentés. Recherches et
études camérounaises, 7/8. Yaoundé: Inst. des Recherches Scientifiques du Cameroun.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Botne, Robert Dale. 2005. Motion, time and tense: on the grammaticalization of come and go in
Bantu. SAL, 35 (2), p. 127-188.
Ebding, Friedrich. 1938. Duala Märchen gesammelt und übersetzt. ZfES, 18, p. 140-152.
Ebding, Friedrich. 1959. Duala Sprichwörter. Micro bibliotheca, 31. Posieux: Anthropos-Inst.
Pp 230.
Etia, Léopold Moume. 1962. La langue de douala. Clermont-Ferrand (France): Impr. G. de
Hebga, Meinrad. 1968. Le concept de métamorphose d’homme en animal chez les Duala et
Ewondo, “bantu” du sud-Cameroun, 2 vols. Thèse de 3e cycle. FLSH, Univ. de Rennes.
Hecklinger, Ph. 1920/21. Duala-Sprichwörter. ZfES, 11, p. 35-70, 125-160, 220-239, 306-315.
Rosny, Eric de. 1981. Les yeux de ma chèvre: sur les pas des maîtres de la nuit en pays douala
(Cameroun). Paris: Libr. Plon. Pp 458.
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO in association with SIL.
LIMBA, Mulimba, Malimba
Lamberty, Melinda. 2009. A rapid appraisal survey of Malimba in Cameroon. SIL electronic
survey reports, n. 2009-004. Pp 20.
A30 Bubi-Benga Group
Ricquier, Birgit. 2005. De taalsituatie in Equatoriaal-Guinea. Lisensiaatverhandeling. Univ.
Gent. Pp 136.
BOBE, Bubi, Ediya
Allen, William; Thomson, T.R.H. 1848. A narrative of the expedition sent by her majesty’s
government to the River Niger in 1841, under the command of Captain H.D. Trotter, 2 vols.
London: Richard Bentley. Pp xviii, 509; viii, 511.
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta. 1897. Travels in West Afria: Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons. London: Macmillan. Pp xvii, 743.
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta. 1900. Travels in West Africa: Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons. 2nd ed. London & New York: Macmillan. Pp xx, 541.
Molino, A. Martin del. 1956. L’idée de Dieu chez les Bubis de Fernando Poo. Revue du clergé
africain, 11, p. 32-43.
BATANGA, incl. Banoo (Bano’o), Bapuku
Good, Albert Irwin. 19xx. Unpubl. Banok grammar (part of record group 170, IV). Philadelphia: Presbyterian Historical Soc. Archives.
Nassau, Robert Hamill. 1912. Where animals talk: West African folk lore tales. Boston:
Richard G. Badger. Pp 250.
Richard, Madeleine. 1970. Histoire, tradition et promotion de la femme chez les Batanga,
Cameroun. Publ. de CEEBA, série II: mémoirs et monographies, 2. Bandundu. Pp 150.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
KOMBE, Ngumbi
Nassau, Robert Hamill. 1912. Where animals talk: West African folk lore tales. Boston:
Richard G. Badger. Pp 250.
Nassau, Robert Hamill. 1912. Where animals talk: West African folk lore tales. Boston:
Richard G. Badger. Pp 250.
A40 Basaa Group
BASAA, Mbene, Mvele
Makasso, Emmanuel-Moselly. 2010. Functions of prosody in spontaneous speech in Bàsàa
(Bantu A43): the case of melisms. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory.
Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO in association with SIL.
A43b, A43c
Mpeke, [Baba] Simon. 1934. La religion des Bakoko au Cameroun. Louvain: Museum Lessianum.
Schwab, George. 19xx. Unpubl. Basa grammar and English-Basa dictionary (part of record
group 57, I). Philadelphia: Presbyterian Historical Soc. Archives.
A44, A441
NEN, Tunen, Banen
Mahend, Betind Pierre Libère. 1966. Rites et croyances à l’enfance chez les Banen du
Cameroun / Benema bi Banen ba Kamerun na mobu ma behonol eloa ye mon. Paris: Présence
Africaine. Pp 126.
MANDI, Lemande, Numaand
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO in association with SIL.
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO in association with SIL.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
A50 Bafia Group
KPA, Rikpa’, Bafia
Leidener, Rosmarie. 1982. La médecine traditionnelle chez les Bekpak (Bafia) du Cameroun, 2
vols. Collectanea instituti anthropos, 26-27. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. Pp 360; 312. ISBN-10 388345-355-2, 3-88345-356-0.
A60 Sanaga Group
GUNU, Nugunu
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO in association with SIL.
A70 Ewondo-Fang Group
Bostoen, Koen; Nzang Bie, Yolande. 2010. On how “middle” plus “associative/reciprocal”
became “passive” in the Bantu A70 languages. Linguistics, 48 (6), p. 1255-1307.
Nzang Bie, Yolande. 2008. La dérivation causative dans les langues bantu du groupe A70. AfrL,
14, p. 85-108.
Velde, Mark van de. 1993. Proper names and the so-called class 1a in Eton. Leuvense bijdragen, 92, p. (?).
Velde, Mark van de. 2000. Esquisse de l’iton, langue bantoue camerounaise. Thèse de DEA.
Bruxelles: ULB.
Velde, Mark L.O. van de. 2003. Proper names and the so-called class 1a in Eton. Leuvense bijdragen, 92 (3/4), p. 43-59.
Velde, Mark van de. 2006. The alleged class 2a prefix bo in Eton, a plural word. Proc. of the
annual meeting of the BLS, 31, p. 119-130.
Velde, Mark van de. 2008. A grammar of Eton. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp 432. ISBN
Velde, Mark L.O. van de. 2008. Un cas de changement phonologique par réanalyse morphonologique en éton. AfrL, 14, p. 177ff.
Velde, Mark L.O. van de. 2009. Eton tonology and morphosyntax: a holistic typological
approach. In: New challenges in typology, v. 2, p. 35-62. Edited by P. Epps & A. Archipov.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Velde, Mark L.O. van de. 2010. The syntax of verb complements and the loss of the applicative
in Eton (A71). In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten
Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
EWONDO, Yaunde
Hebga, Meinrad. 1968. Le concept de métamorphose d’homme en animal chez les Duala et
Ewondo, “bantu” du sud-Cameroun, 2 vols. Thèse de 3e cycle. FLSH, Univ. de Rennes.
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO in association with SIL.
Tsala, Théodore. 1958. Moeurs et coutumes funebres des Ewondo. Etudes camerounaises, 56,
p. 8-112.
Awouma, J. 1965. Esquisse d’une étude socio-culturelle d’un conte bulu (sud-Cameroun).
Présence africaine, NS 55, p. 83-91.
Good, Adolphus Clemens. 18xx. Unpubl. list of Bulu words for tribal families (part of record
group 169, I). Philadelphia: Presbyterian Historical Soc. Archives.
Good, Albert Irwin. 1940. Two unpubl. Bulu grammars (part of record group 170, IV). Philadelphia: Presbyterian Historical Soc. Archives. [One written in English, the other in Bulu. Only
the latter is dated 1940.]
Good, Albert Irwin. 19xx. Unpubl. materials on Bulu proverbs and folk tales (part of record
group 170, IV). Philadelphia: Presbyterian Historical Soc. Archives.
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO in association with SIL.
FANG, Pangwe, Pahouin
Allogo, M.-F. Andeme. 1980. Esquisse phonologique de nzaman de Makokou. Mémoire de
licence. Libreville: Univ. Omar Bongo.
Azombo-Menda, S. 1975. Analyse structurale de la chanson Pahouine. Camelang (Yaoundé), 4,
p. (?).
Engonga, Bikoro B. 1987. Cosmologie bantu: origine de la vie, du monde et de dieu chez les
Fang. Muntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA, 6, p. 105-119.
Fernandez, James William. 1966. Principles of opposition and vitality in Fang aesthetics. Jrnl of
aesthetics and art criticism, 25, p. 52-64.
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta. 1897. Travels in West Afria: Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons. London: Macmillan. Pp xvii, 743.
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta. 1900. Travels in West Africa: Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons. 2nd ed. London & New York: Macmillan. Pp xx, 541.
Nassau, Robert Hamill. 1912. Where animals talk: West African folk lore tales. Boston:
Richard G. Badger. Pp 250.
Nguema-Obam, Paulin. 1983. Aspects de la religion fang: essai d’interprétation de la formule
de bénédiction. Paris: Ed. Karthala. Pp 100. ISBN-10 2-86537-094-1.
Nzang Bie, Yolande. 2005. Pour une approche comparative de la numération dans quelques
langues bantu de la région du nord-ouest: le cas du Gabon. Ann. de l’Univ. Omar Bongo, 11, p.
Nzang Bie, Yolande. 2005. Quelques aspects de l’évolution du système des classes nominales
du fang: le cas des préfixes nominaux. Ann. de la FLSH, 14, p. (?).
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Ricquier, Birgit. 2005. De taalsituatie in Equatoriaal-Guinea. Lisensiaatverhandeling. Univ.
Gent. Pp 136.
Trezenem, E. 1936. Note ethnographique sur les tribus Fan du Moyen Ogooue (Gabon). JSA, 6,
p. 65-93.
Zoe-Obianga, J. 1968. Le Tyi dans la notion du respect de la personne chez les Fan-Bulu-Beti:
essai sur la morale traditionnelle des Pahouins. Thèse de 3ème cycle. Univ. de Strasbourg.
A80 Makaa-Njem Group
GYELE, Bagyeli, Bakola
Ricquier, Birgit. 2005. De taalsituatie in Equatoriaal-Guinea. Lisensiaatverhandeling. Univ.
Gent. Pp 136.
SHIWE, Oshieba, Ossyeba, “Fang Makina”
Ollomo Ella, Régis. 2007. Phonologie fonctionnelle du shiwe. Mémoire de maîtrise. Libreville:
Univ. Omar Bongo.
Ollomo Ella, Régis. 2008. La syntagmatique du shiwe, langue bantu du Gabon. Mémoire de
master 2. Univ. de la Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3).
MVUMBO, Kwasio, Ngumba, Magbea, Bujeba
Good, Albert Irwin. 19xx. Unpubl. Mabea grammar (part of record group 170, IV). Philadelphia: Presbyterian Historical Soc. Archives.
MAKAA, South Mekaa
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO in association with SIL.
BEKOL, Kol, Bikele
Henson, Bonnie J. 2009. Defining the word in Kol. In: Selected proc. of the 38th annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic theory and African language documentation, p. 128140. Edited by Masangu Matondo, Fiona McLaughlin & Eric Potsdam. Somerville MA:
Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Henson, Bonnie J. 2010. Second position effects in Kol, a Bantu language of Cameroon. In:
Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina
Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
NYEM, Njem, Zimu
Akumbu, Pius Wuchu. 2006. Njém phonology. PhD thesis. Dept. of African Languages and
Linguistics, Fac. of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, Univ. of Yaoundé I. Pp xxiv, 281.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Akumbu, Pius Wuchu. 2009. Tone in Njyem nouns: a Register Tier Theory perspective. SKY
jrnl of linguistics, 22, p. 87-42.
Bates, George Latimer. 191x. Unpublished vocabularies of Mabea, Fang, Bulu, Njima/Njem.
[Among the many unpublished sources used by Johnston (1919:811ff).]
Beavon, Keith H. 2003. Njyem-French-English lexicon. Yaoundé: SIL Int’l.
Guthrie, Malcolm. 1971. Comparative Bantu, 2: Bantu prehistory, inventory and indexes.
London: Gregg Int’l. Pp 180. ISBN-10 0-576-11002-7.
Johnston, Harry Hamilton. 1919/22. A comparative study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu
languages, 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Pp xi, 819, map; xii, 544.
KOO(N)ZIME,, Nzime
Anderson, Stephen Craig; Comrie, Bernard. (Ed.) 1991. Tense and aspect in eight languages of
Cameroon. Publ. in linguistics, 99. Dallas: SIL and the Univ. of Texas at Arlington. Pp xiv,
Barreteau, Daniel; Beavon, Keith H. 1989. Les categories grammaticales en koozime, langue
bantu parlée au sud-est du Cameroun. In: Description de langues camerounaises, p. 333-408.
Edited by Daniel Barreteau & Robert Hedinger. Programme de coopération linguistique: projets
Beavon, Keith H. 1977. Phonological analysis of the Konsime language (dialect of Lomié).
Yaoundé: SIL Cameroon. Pp iii, 58, xxi.
Beavon, Keith H. 1978. A comparative analysis and historical reconstruction of Konsime noun
class prefixes and consonantal phonemes. Yaoundé: SIL Cameroon. Pp 51.
Beavon, Keith H. 1979. Studies in the discourse grammar of Konzime, a Bantu language of
Cameroon. MA thesis. Univ. of Texas at Arlington. Pp 107.
Beavon, Keith H. 1982. The relative clause in Koozime. Yaoundé: SIL Cameroon. Pp 30.
Beavon, Keith H. 1983. Expressions of location in Koozime. JWAL, 13 (2), p. 33-51.
Beavon, Keith H. 1983. A phonology of Konzime. In: Africana linguistica, v. 9, p. 109-136.
Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines, 110. Tervuren.
Beavon, Keith H. 1983. Cours d’initiation à l’orthographe de la langue koozime. Yaoundé:
SIL Cameroun. Pp 128.
Beavon, Keith H. 1984. A partial typology of Konzime (Bantu) discourse. In: Theory and application in processing texts in non-Indoeuropean languages, p. 211-271. Ed. by Robert E.
Longacre. Papers in textlinguistics, 43. Hamburg: Helmut Buske.
Beavon, Keith H. 1984. Tone and intonation in Konzime. Cahiers du Dépt. des Langues Africaines et Linguistique de l’Univ. de Yaoundé, 3, p. 23-37.
Beavon, Keith H. 1985. Two relativization strategies in Koozime discourse. JWAL, 15 (1), p.
Beavon, Keith H. 1986. Anaphora, pronouns and reference in Konzime. In: Pronominal systems, p. 167-189. Edited by Ursula Wiesemann. Continuum: Schriftenreihe zur Linguistik, 5.
Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
Beavon, Keith H. 1991. Koozime verbal system. In: Tense and aspect in eight languages of
Cameroon, p. 47-103. Edited by Stephen Craig Anderson & Bernard Comrie. Publ. in linguistics, 99. Dallas: SIL and the Univ. of Texas at Arlington.
Beavon, Keith H.; Beavon, Mary. 1996. Lexique kóonzime-français. Yaoundé: SIL Cameroun.
Pp 121.
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO; SIL.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
BEKWEL, Bakwele
Bouka, Léonce Yembi. 1995. Structures phonologiques et structures prosodiques: le modèle
bekwel. Thèse de doctorat. Univ. Libre de Bruxelles.
Puèch, Gilbert. 1990. Bekwel. RGSH, 2, p. 127-128.
Lowe, Ivan; Murrell, Paul. 2010. The semantics of three Mpyemo prepositions. In: A mosaic of
languages and cultures: studies celebrating the career of Karl J. Franklin, p. 201-226. Edited
by Kenneth A. McElhanon & Ger Reesink. SIL e-books, 19. Dallas: SIL Int’l.
Ouzilleau, [Dr]. 1911. Notes sur la langue des pygmées de la Sanga, suivies de dix vocabulaires. Revue d’ethnographie et de sociologie, 2, p. 75-92.
Thornell, Christina. 2010. Morphology of plant names in the Mpiemo language. In: Bantu
languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell.
EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
A90 Kaka Group
KAKO, Kaka, Yaka
Ouzilleau, [Dr]. 1911. Notes sur la langue des pygmées de la Sanga, suivies de dix vocabulaires. Revue d’ethnographie et de sociologie, 2, p. 75-92.
Tadadjeu, Maurice. 1993. Cameroun. In: Alphabets of Africa, p. 57-105. Edited by Rhonda L.
Hartell. Dakar: UNESCO in association with SIL.
A zone: miscellaneous, unsorted
Bahoken, J.-C. 1961. La notion de ‘bedimo’ chez les bantu du Cameroun. JSA, 31, p. 91-96.
Bahoken, J.-C. 1967. Clairières métaphysiques africaines: essai sur la philosophie et la
religion chez les bantu du sud-Cameroun. Paris: Présence Africaine. Pp 124.
B10 Myene (Group)
Deacken, M. 1985. Ethique et morale chez les Ngwèmyènè du Gabon à travers leur littérature
orale: réflexions sur les fondements éthiques et moraux tels qu’ils sont conçus dans la littérature orale ngwèmyènè. Thèse de doctorat de 3e cycle. Univ. Paris-Val-de-Marne (Paris 12).
Delorme, A. 1877. Dictionnaire français-pongoué. Mission de la Congrégation du Saint Esprit
et du Saint-Coeur de Marie. Pp 354.
Gachon, J.-B. 1881. Dictionnaire pongoué-français. Mission de la Congrégation du Saint
Esprit et du Saint-Coeur de Marie. Pp xxxix, 287.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
[Anon.] 1890. Africa proverbs and riddles. Tuapeka times (New Zealand), February 5, p. 3.
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta. 1897. Travels in West Afria: Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons. London: Macmillan. Pp xvii, 743.
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta. 1900. Travels in West Africa: Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons. 2nd ed. London & New York: Macmillan. Pp xx, 541.
Nassau, Robert Hamill. 1912. Where animals talk: West African folk lore tales. Boston:
Richard G. Badger. Pp 250.
Rongo, Orungu
Ambouroue, Odette. 2006. De la tonalité des nominaux en orungun (B11b). AfrL, 12, p. 1-23.
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta. 1897. Travels in West Afria: Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons. London: Macmillan. Pp xvii, 743.
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta. 1900. Travels in West Africa: Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons. 2nd ed. London & New York: Macmillan. Pp xx, 541.
B20 Kele Group
NDASA, Andasa
Bouka, Léonce Yembi. 1989. Teke and its dialects in Congo: status of the research. In: Proc. of
the round table on assuring the feasibility of standardization within dialect chains, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, September 1988, p. 63-75. Edited by T.G. Bergman. Nairobi: SIL.
SAMA, Osamayi
Mokrani, Soraya. 2005. Eléments nouveaux en vue de la description de la langue samaye
(B25): éléments de phonologie et de morphologie. Mémoire de master. Univ. Lumière (Lyon
2). Pp 150.
SEKI(YANI), Bulu, Sheke
Ricquier, Birgit. 2005. De taalsituatie in Equatoriaal-Guinea. Lisensiaatverhandeling. Univ.
Gent. Pp 136.
Bouka, Léonce Yembi. 1989. Teke and its dialects in Congo: status of the research. In: Proc. of
the round table on assuring the feasibility of standardization within dialect chains, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, September 1988, p. 63-75. Edited by T.G. Bergman. Nairobi: SIL.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
KOTA, Ikota
Andersson, Efraim. 1972. The concept of justice and morality among the Bakuta in the CongoBrazzaville. Ethnos (Stockholm), 37, p. 5-39.
Perron, P. 1964. Lexique français-ikota, 2 vols. Makoukou (Gabon): Mission Catholique.
B30 Tsogo Group
VOVE, Ghevove, Pove, “Bubi”
Mickala-Manfoumbi, Roger. (Ed.) 2006. Essai de grammaire pove: langue bantoue du groupe
B30. Libreville: Ed. Raponda Walker.
TSOGO, Ghetsogo, Mitsogo
Sillans, Roger. 1967. Motombi, mythes et énigmes initiatiques des Mitsogbo du Gabon central,
1: la route de la vie. Paris: Présence Africaine.
Sillans, Roger. 1972. Mobonghwe, mythes et énigmes initiatiques des Mitsogbo du Gabon central, 2: la route de la mort. Paris: Présence Africaine.
KANDE, Okande
Grollemund, Rébecca. 2005. Esquisse de description de l’okande: langue bantoue du groupe
B30. Thèse de Masters 1. Univ. Lumière (Lyon 2).
Grollemund, Rébecca. 2006. Les Okandé du Gabon, locuteurs d’une langue en danger (langue
bantoue du groupe B30): langue et culture. Thèse de Masters 2. Univ. Lumière (Lyon 2). Pp
B40 Shira-Punu Group
Emejulu, James D.; Pambo-Loueya, Constant-Félix. 1990. Ghilumbu. RGSH, 2, p. 197-201.
B50 Nzebi Group
NZEBI, Njabi
Clements, George N. 1991. Vowel height assimilation in Bantu languages. Proc. of the annual
meeting of the BLS, 17, suppl., p. 25-64.
Mondzo, J.C. 1980. Réflexions sur l’éducation au Gabon: le cas de l’ethnie Ndzebi. Mémoire
de licence. [Details wanting.]
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
B60 Mbete Group
MBAAMA, Mbamba
Adam, A.G. 1996. Sagesse obamba (Haut-Ogooué). Muntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du
CICIBA, 7, p. 109-119.
Bouka, Léonce Yembi. 1989. Teke and its dialects in Congo: status of the research. In: Proc. of
the round table on assuring the feasibility of standardization within dialect chains, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, September 1988, p. 63-75. Edited by T.G. Bergman. Nairobi: SIL.
B70 Teke (Group)
Bouka, Léonce Yembi. 1989. Teke and its dialects in Congo: status of the research. In: Proc. of
the round table on assuring the feasibility of standardization within dialect chains, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, September 1988, p. 63-75. Edited by T.G. Bergman. Nairobi: SIL.
Dechamps, Roger. 1982. La identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour les sculptures en
Afrique, 11: la sculpture teke du Zaïre et du Congo. Africa-Tervuren, 28 (3), p. 37-41.
Dusselje, E. 1910. Les Tegues de l’Alima. Anvers: De Cauwer.
Gabati, J.-M. 1969. Notions de l’âme et de l’esprit de mort chez les Teke. In: Mort, funérailles,
deuil et culte des ancêtres chez les populations du Kwango/Bas-Kwilu, p. 109-110. Publ. de
CEEBA, série I: rapports et comptes rendus des sessions d’Etudes Ethno-Pastorales, 3.
Ibalico, Marcel. 1955. L’origine des Batéké d’Impila. Liaison: organe des cercles culturelles
de l’Afrique Equatoriale Français (Brazzaville), 46, p. 37-39.
TEGHE, North Teke, incl. Keteghe, Latege (Kateghe)
Linton, Pauline. 2009. The noun class system of Latege. 3rd edition. Libreville: GRELACO;
SIL Int’l. Pp 26.
WEST TEKE, incl. Tsaayi, Laali, Yaa, Tyee
Bouka, Léonce Yembi. 1989. Teke and its dialects in Congo: status of the research. In: Proc. of
the round table on assuring the feasibility of standardization within dialect chains, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, September 1988, p. 63-75. Edited by T.G. Bergman. Nairobi: SIL.
KUKWA (South Teke)
Bouka, Léonce Yembi. 1989. Teke and its dialects in Congo: status of the research. In: Proc. of
the round table on assuring the feasibility of standardization within dialect chains, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, September 1988, p. 63-75. Edited by T.G. Bergman. Nairobi: SIL.
WUUMU, Wumbu
Masuka, A. 1952. Proverbes Bagumbu. Aequatoria, 15, p. 135-140.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
B80 Tiene-Yanzi Group
BOMA, Buma
Balanda, G. 1969. L’organisation judiciare chez les Basakata, les Badja, et les Baboma. In:
L’organisation judiciare en Afrique noire, p. 109-129. Bruxelles: Inst. de Sociologie, ULB.
Selvaggi, G. 1968. La notion de dieu chez les Boma. In: Dieu, idoles et sorcellerie dans la
région Kwango/Bas-Kwilu, p. 67-71. Publ. de CEEBA, série I: rapports et comptes rendus des
sessions d’Etudes Ethno-Pastorales, 2. Bandundu.
Storme, R.P.M. 1955. Ngankabe, la prétendue reine des Baboma, d’après H.M. Stanley.
Mémoire. Bruxelles: Académie Royale des Sciences Coloniales.
MFINU, Funika, Mfununga
Daeleman, Jan. 1958. Mfinu-Texten. KO, 24 (4/5), p. 225-238.
Vos, [Mgr] de. 1910. Les Banfunungu. La revue congolaise, 1, p. (?).
B84 (= B87)
MPUONO, Mpuun, Mbuun, Mbunda, Babunda
Angus, F. 1960. Quelques considerations sur la vie privée d’antan chez les Ba-bunda (Ambun).
In: Pour servir. Mayidi (Congo Belge).
Biletsi, E. 1967. La solidarité chez les Ambun et l’éthique chrétienne. Mémoire de licence.
Kinshasa: Univ. Lovanium.
Biletsi, E. 1968. La solidarité chez les Ambun. Etudes congolaises (Kinshasa), 11 (1), p. 4-24.
Bostoen, Koen; Mundeke, Léon Pierre [Otom’si-Ebok]. 2011. Passiveness and inversion in
Mbuun (Bantu B87, DRC). Studies in language, 35 (1), p. 72-111.
Flament, E. 1934. Contribution à l’étude des Babunda. Congo, 15?, p. (?).
Greggio, G. 1931. Tra i Babunda nel Congo Belga. La civiltà cattolica (Roma), 82 (4), p. (?).
Kalamba, A. 1957. Etude descriptive sur le culte des ancestres ches les Ambun. In: Pour servir.
Mayidi (Congo Belge). [Details wanting.]
Kalamba, A. 1957. Conceptions de l’au-delà et ses répercussions dans la vie morale chez les
Ambun. Revue du clergé africain, 12, p. 21-24.
Muluwa, Joseph Koni. 2010. La dénomination de plantes en mbuun, mpiin et nsong: procédés
de creation lexicale et principes sémantiques. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and
theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Muluwa, Joseph Koni; Bostoen, Koen. 2008. Un recueil de proverbes mbuun d’Imbongo (R.D.
Congo, bantu B87). AnnAeq, 29, p. 381-423.
Muluwa, Joseph Koni; Bostoen, Koen. 2010. Les plantes et l’invisible chez les Mbuun, Mpiin
et Nsong (Bandundu, RD Congo): une approche ethnolinguistique. SUGIA, 21, p. 95-122.
Mundeke, Léon Pierre [Otom’si-Ebok]. 1988. Variation phonologique du mbuun. Pistes et
recherches (Kikwit), 3, p. (?).
Ngatshi, Kamvudi. 1978. Esquisse critique d’une anthropologie politique bantu à travers les
sociétés secrètes Mbuum. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp
Weeks, G. 1937. La peuplade des Ambundu. Congo, 18, p. (?).
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
YANS, Yanzi, incl. Mbiem, Yeei, Tsong (Nsong, Songo, Ntsuo), Mpur (Mput),
Beaucorps, Rémi de. 1941. Les Basongo de la Luniungu et de la Gobari. Mémoires de l’IRCB,
coll. in-8°, section des sciences morales et politiques, 10:3. Bruxelles. Pp 172.
Beaucorps, Rémi de. 1943. La propriété ches les Basongo de la Luniungu et de la Gobari. Bull.
des jurisdictions indigenes et du droit coutumier congolais (Elisabethville), 11, p. 1-10.
Beaucorps, Rémi de. 1951. L’évolution économique chez les Basongo de la Luniungu et de la
Gobari. Mémoires de l’IRCB, coll. in-8°, section des sciences morales et politiques, 20:4.
Bruxelles. Pp 68.
Bongo-Pasi, Moke Sangol. 1983. Ethique familiale yansi face à l’avortement provoqué. Anthropos, 78 (5/6), p. 878-880.
Bostoen, Koen; Muluwa, Joseph Koni. 2007. Un recueil de proverbes nsong (R.D. Congo,
bantu B85d). AnnAeq, 28, p. 521-578.
Hochegger, Herrmann. 1968. La notion de l’être suprême chez les Yansi. In: Dieu, idoles et
sorcellerie dans la région Kwango/Bas-Kwilu, p. 77-82. Publ. de CEEBA, série I: rapports et
comptes rendus des sessions d’Etudes Ethno-Pastorales, 2. Bandundu.
Hochegger, Herrmann. 1969. Conceptions de la mort, rites de sépulture et deuil chez NsalaMbanda (Yansi). In: Mort, funérailles, deuil et culte des ancêtres chez les populations du
Kwango/Bas-Kwilu, p. 45-51. Publ. de CEEBA, série I: rapports et comptes rendus des
sessions d’Etudes Ethno-Pastorales, 3. Bandundu.
Kibanga, M. 1975. Images parentales et représentation divine chez les adolescents yansi
scolarisés de Kinshasa. Mémoire en licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp
Kikama, Kividi. 1979. Etude du concept mwool chez les Yansi et son intégration au christianisme. Mémoire de licence. Kinshasa: Fac. de Théologie Protestante.
Kunkala, Nsamne Manzal’a. 1975. Mariage et vie conjugale yanz. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de
Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Muluwa, Joseph Koni. 2006. Phytonymes et zoonymes en nsong (R.D. Congo): une étude
linguistique de la faune et de la flore. Mémoire de DEA. Bruxelles: ULB.
Muluwa, Joseph Koni. 2010. La dénomination de plantes en mbuun, mpiin et nsong: procédés
de creation lexicale et principes sémantiques. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and
theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Muluwa, Joseph Koni; Bostoen, Koen. 2008. Noms et usages des plantes utiles chez les
Nsong. Göteborg africana informal series, 6. Dept. of Oriental and African Languages, Göteborg Univ.
Muluwa, Joseph Koni; Bostoen, Koen. 2010. Les plantes et l’invisible chez les Mbuun, Mpiin
et Nsong (Bandundu, RD Congo): une approche ethnolinguistique. SUGIA, 21, p. 95-122.
Plaen, Guy de. 1974. Les structures d’autorité des Bayanzi. Paris: Ed. Universitaires. Pp 335.
Schweizer, B. 1968. La notion de dieu chez les Yansi. In: Dieu, idoles et sorcellerie dans la
région Kwango/Bas-Kwilu, p. 72-74. Publ. de CEEBA, série I: rapports et comptes rendus des
sessions d’Etudes Ethno-Pastorales, 2. Bandundu.
Simon, J. 1968. Nziam Mpwo chez les Yansi du goupement Kimobo. In: Dieu, idoles et sorcellerie dans la région Kwango/Bas-Kwilu, p. 74-77. Publ. de CEEBA, série I: rapports et comptes rendus des sessions d’Etudes Ethno-Pastorales, 2. Bandundu.
Swartenbroeckx, Pierre. 1969. La magie ches les Yanzi du Congo. Bull. de la Société Royale
Belge d’Anthropologie et de Préhistoire, 80, p. (?).
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Thiel, Josef Franz. 1963. Gottesglaube und Ahnenkult der Bayansi. In: Festschrift Paul Schebesta zum 75. Geburtstag, gewidmet von Mitbrüdern, Freuden und Schülern, p. 215-222.
Studia instituti anthropos, 18. St. Augustin: Anthropos-Inst.
Thiel, Josef Franz. 1972. Die übermenschlichen Wesen bei den Yansi und einigen ihrer Nachbarn. Anthropos, 67, p. 649-689.
Zara, Mfwo Bameninkie. 1973. Foi chrétienne et croyances magiques chez les Yansi. Mémoire
de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 160.
NGUL, incl. Ngwi
Alengila, Wurengor. 1978. Ewu ou la palabre chez les Angwi: éléments pour une philosophie
de la palabre africaine. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp
Katesi, Yime-Yime. 1994. Notes on some customary beliefs and practices of the Angwi-Angye.
AnnAeq, 15, p. 23-32.
Nziem, Isidore Ndaywel è. 1973. Note sur les structures d’autorité chez les Ngwi (Bas-Kasaï),
et leur origine. Cultures au Zaïre et en Afrique (Kinshasa), 2, p. 85-103.
MPIIN, Pindi
Muluwa, Joseph Koni. 2010. La dénomination de plantes en mbuun, mpiin et nsong: procédés
de creation lexicale et principes sémantiques. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and
theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Muluwa, Joseph Koni; Bostoen, Koen. 2010. Les plantes et l’invisible chez les Mbuun, Mpiin
et Nsong (Bandundu, RD Congo): une approche ethnolinguistique. SUGIA, 21, p. 95-122.
B zone: miscellaneous, unsorted
Hombert, Jean-Marie. 1990. Les langues du Gabon: état des connaissances. RGSH, 2, p. 29-36.
Hombert, Jean-Marie. 2009. La diversité culturelle de l’Afrique est menacée. La recherche, 429
(avril), p. 36-39.
Mayer, Raymond. 1990. Histoire de l’écriture des langues du Gabon. RGSH, 2, p. 65-91.
Mundeke, Léon Pierre [Otom’si-Ebok]. 2004. Phonologie historique de la zone B. Kinshasa:
Nzang Bie, Yolande. 2005. Pour une approche comparative de la numération dans quelques
langues bantu de la région du nord-ouest: le cas du Gabon. Ann. de l’Univ. Omar Bongo, 11, p.
Raponda Walker, André. 1937. Dénominations astrales au Gabon. Bull. de la Société des
Recherches Congolaises (Brazzaville), 24, p. 150-166.
C10 Ngondi Group
DIBOLE, Babole
Leitch, Myles Francis. 2009. Persistent labials, slippery coronals: the puzzle of Dibole consonant features. Toronto working papers in linguistics, 30, p. 69-90.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Starwalt, Coleen Grace Anderson. 2008. The acoustic correlates of ATR harmony in seven- and
nine-vowel African languages: a phonetic inquiry into phonological structure. PhD thesis.
Univ. of Texas at Arlington. Pp xxxi, 475.
C102, C103
Ouzilleau, [Dr]. 1911. Notes sur la langue des pygmées de la Sanga, suivies de dix vocabulaires. Revue d’ethnographie et de sociologie, 2, p. 75-92.
Thomas, Jacqueline Mauricette Christiane. 1988. Temps et espace: du vécu au linguistique
(exemples dans quatre langues d’Afrique centrale). In: Temps et aspects: actes du colloque
CNRS, Paris, 24-26 octobre 1985, p. 55-81. Edited by Nicole Tersis-Surugue & Alain Kihm.
Numéraux spéciaux de la SELAF, 19. Paris: Ed. Peeters.
Guille-Escuret, Georges. 1998. La révolution agricole des pygmées Aka: de la structure dans
l’événement et réciproquement. L’homme, 38 (147), p. 105-126.
Monama, Mbui. 1981. Le langage rituel des jumeaux: le cas des Banzari. In: Langage et philosophie: actes de la 4e semaine philosophique de Kinshasa du 23 au 27 avril 1979, p. 295-304.
Recherches philosophiques africaines, 6. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Ouzilleau, [Dr]. 1911. Notes sur la langue des pygmées de la Sanga, suivies de dix vocabulaires. Revue d’ethnographie et de sociologie, 2, p. 75-92.
Thomas, Jacqueline Mauricette Christiane. 1988. Temps et espace: du vécu au linguistique
(exemples dans quatre langues d’Afrique centrale). In: Temps et aspects: actes du colloque
CNRS, Paris, 24-26 octobre 1985, p. 55-81. Edited by Nicole Tersis-Surugue & Alain Kihm.
Numéraux spéciaux de la SELAF, 19. Paris: Ed. Peeters.
Bahuchet, Serge. (Ed.) 1979. Pygmées de Centrafrique: études ethnologiques, historiques et
linguistiques sur les “Ba.Mbenga” (aka/baka) du nordouest du bassin congolais. Bibl. de la
SELAF, 73-74; Etudes pygmées, 3. Paris. Pp 180.
Mangulu, André Motingea; Bonzoi, Mwamakasa. 2008. Aux sources du lingála: cas du mbenga
de Mankanza. African study monographs (Kyoto), 38, p. 1-93.
Mortier, P. Rodolf. 1941. Classificate der talen van Ubangi. Aequatoria, 4, p. 1-8.
Mortier, P. Rodolf. 1946. Ubangi onder linguistisch opzicht. Aequatoria, 9, p. 104-112.
Regnault, M. 1911. Les babenga, négrilles de la Sangha. L’anthropologie, 22, p. 261-288.
NGONDI, Ngundi
Ouzilleau, [Dr]. 1911. Notes sur la langue des pygmées de la Sanga, suivies de dix vocabulaires. Revue d’ethnographie et de sociologie, 2, p. 75-92.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
PANDE-GONGO, Pande-Bogongo
Ouzilleau, [Dr]. 1911. Notes sur la langue des pygmées de la Sanga, suivies de dix vocabulaires. Revue d’ethnographie et de sociologie, 2, p. 75-92.
ENYELE, Inyele
Ouzilleau, [Dr]. 1911. Notes sur la langue des pygmées de la Sanga, suivies de dix vocabulaires. Revue d’ethnographie et de sociologie, 2, p. 75-92.
BONGILI, Bongiri
Mangulu, André Motingea. 2008. Aspects du bongili de la Sangha-Likouala, suivis de
l’esquisse du parler énga de Mampoko, Lulonga. ILCAA language monograph series, 4.
Tokyo. Pp xii, 107. ISBN 978-4-87297-996-1.
Ouzilleau, [Dr]. 1911. Notes sur la langue des pygmées de la Sanga, suivies de dix vocabulaires. Revue d’ethnographie et de sociologie, 2, p. 75-92.
C20 Mboshi Group
Ibara, Yvon Pierre Ndongo. 2007. The syntactic interpretation of overt NPs in Embosi. SKASE
jrnl of theoretical linguistics, 4 (2), p. 62-72.
Starwalt, Coleen Grace Anderson. 2008. The acoustic correlates of ATR harmony in seven- and
nine-vowel African languages: a phonetic inquiry into phonological structure. PhD thesis.
Univ. of Texas at Arlington. Pp xxxi, 475.
KWALA, Likwala
Lebeuf, Jean-Paul. 1962/64. Le mythe de la création chez les Likouba et les Likouala (Congo).
In: Comptes rendus du 6e congrès international des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques, Paris 1960, v. 2, pt. 2, p. 421-427. Musée de l’Homme, Univ. de Paris.
KUBA, Likuba
Lebeuf, Jean-Paul. 1962/64. Le mythe de la création chez les Likouba et les Likouala (Congo).
In: Comptes rendus du 6e congrès international des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques, Paris 1960, v. 2, pt. 2, p. 421-427. Musée de l’Homme, Univ. de Paris.
C30 Bangi-Ntomba Group
Burssens, Amaat Frans Stephanie. 1954. The so-called Bangala and a few problems of arthistorical and ethnographical order. KO, 20, p. (?).
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Boeck, Egide de. 1904. Notions du lingala ou langue du haut-fleuve: vocabulaire et phrases
pratiques. Nouvelle Anvers: Mission du Sacré-Coeur. Pp 38.
Boeck, Egide de. 1911. Grammaire du lingala. 2e éd. Nouvelle Anvers: Mission du SacréCoeur. Pp 55.
Boeck, Egide de. 1912. Vocabulaire du lingala. 2e éd. Nouvelle Anvers: Mission du SacréCoeur. Pp 94.
Boeck, Egide de. 1914. Eeinige begrippen van lingala met woordenlijst en gebruikelijke volzinnen. 3e uitg. Bruxelles: Dewarichet. Pp 49.
Boeck, Egide de. 1937. Vocabulaire lingala-français, français-lingala. 2e éd. Turnhout (Belgique): Impr. Henri Proost. Pp 344.
Boeck, Egide de; Peeters, Edward. 1942. Theoretische en practische cursus in lingala: met
woordenlijst en samenspraken. Trad. de la français. Tongerloo (Belgique): Sint Norbertus
Druk. Pp 127.
Brisard, Frank; Meeuwis, Michael. 2009. Present and perfect in Bantu: the case of Lingala.
JALL, 30 (1), p. 21-44.
Dubinsky, Stanley; Nzwanga, Mazemba. 1995. Expletive subjects in Lingala: a challenge to
Burzio’s generalisation. In: Grammatical relations: theoretical approaches to empirical questions. Edited by Clifford S. Burgess, Katarzyna Dziwirek & Donna B. Gerdts. Stanford: CSLI
Harrison, Anette Renée. 2008. Directives in Lingala: participation and subjectivity in a Congolese women’s church group. PhD thesis. Univ. of California at Santa Barbara. Pp xix, 310.
Mangulu, André Motingea; Bonzoi, Mwamakasa. 2008. Aux sources du lingála: cas du mbenga
de Mankanza. African study monographs (Kyoto), 38, p. 1-93.
Mazongelo, Libongo-Nday. 1980. Vers une terminologie philosophique en langues bantu: essai
de traduction en Langala d’Amour et responsabilité de Karol Wojtyla. Mémoire de licence.
Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp xxvi, 202.
Meeuwis, Michael. 2010. A grammatical overview of Lingála. Studies in African linguistics,
81. Munich: Lincom Europa. Pp 209. ISBN 978-3-86288-023-2.
Miriongi, Wasilwa. 2000. Msingi wa lugha ya lingala = Basics of the Lingala language. Tala
(Kenya): Ya Solo Enterprises. Pp 87.
Tanghe, J. 1951. Mabale stories [pt. 1]. KO, 17, p. 369-372.
Tanghe, J. 1952. Mabale stories [pt. 2]. KO, 18, p. 305-307.
Tanghe, J. 1953. Mabale stories [pt. 3]. KO, 19, p. 146-148.
Tanghe, J. 1954. Mabale stories [pt. 4]. KO, 20, p. 265-266.
Tanghe, J. 1955. Mabale stories [pt. 5]. KO, 21, p. 298-299.
ENGA, Baenga
Mangulu, André Motingea. 2008. Aspects du bongili de la Sangha-Likouala, suivis de
l’esquisse du parler énga de Mampoko, Lulonga. ILCAA language monograph series, 4.
Tokyo. Pp xii, 107. ISBN 978-4-87297-996-1.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Henderson, Brent. 2009. Anti-agreement and [person] in Bantu. In: Selected proc. of the 38th
annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic theory and African language documentation, p. 173-181. Edited by Masangu Matondo, Fiona McLaughlin & Eric Potsdam.
Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Everbroeck, Nestor van. 1961. Mbom’ipoku, le seigneur à l’abîme: histoire, croyances, organisation clanique, politique, judiciare, vie familiale des Bolia, Sengele, et Ntomb’e Njale. Ann. du
MRAC: archives d’ethnographie, 3. Tervuren. Pp 310.
SAKATA, incl. Djia (Badia), Bai (Kibay), Tuku (Ketu)
Balanda, G. 1969. L’organisation judiciare chez les Basakata, les Badja, et les Baboma. In:
L’organisation judiciare en Afrique noire, p. 109-129. Bruxelles: Inst. de Sociologie, ULB.
Bompaka, Nkeyi Makany. 1973. L’évolution actuelle des régimes matrimoniaux en coutume
Sakata. Ann. de la Fac. du Droit de l’UNAZA, 2, p. 77-106.
Borms, [?]. 1905. Notes ethnographiques sur le lac du Léopold II. La belgique coloniale, 11, p.
Bylin, Eric. 1955. Att giftas: en undersökning om äktenskapet mot bakgrunden av de sexuella
uppträdandet hos sakatafolket = To marry: an investigation into marriage in view of the
sexual behaviour among the Sakata people. Uppsala Univ. Pp 50.
Colldén, Lisa. 1970. Four Sakata tales. Ethnos (Stockholm), 35, p. 116-122.
Denis, Jules. 1935. L’organisation d’un peuple primitif. Congo, 16 (1), p. 481-502.
Fievez, [?]. 1897. Les lacs Tumba et Léopold II. La belgique coloniale, 2, p. 40-43.
Focquet, C.-D. 1924. Les populations indigènes du territoire de Nkutu et de Nsontin, connus
également sous le nom de Badia, Lesa, Basakata. Congo, 5 (2), p. 129-171.
Izai, B.D. 1964. Religionen i Basakata = Religion among the Basakata. Thesis. Stockholm:
Ize-Sense, I.N.K. 1975. Le service funèbre traditionnel chez les Basakata. Mémoire. Kinshasa:
Kalemashe-Monshe, I. 1972. Les institutions politiques traditionelles chez les Basakata.
Mémoire. Lubumbashi: UNAZA.
Mafili, Ipo-Abelela. 1980. Quelques genres mineurs de la littérature orale sakata: essai d’analyse métafolklorique. Travail de fin d’études. Lubumbashi: UNAZA.
Makalebo, N. 1979. Education traditionelle et le phénomène de la délinquance juvenile chez les
Basakata. Mémoire de diplôme d’état. Univ. de Dakar.
Modjumvela, A.A. 1973. Oeuvre de la mission baptiste suédoise chez les Basakata. Mémoire.
Ecole du Théologie Evangelique de Kinshasa.
Monsengo, Osantwene. 1974. Le père aui ne voulait pas de fille: mythes tere et nkundu. Publ.
de CEEBA, sér. II, 18. Bandundu. Pp vi, 203.
Motima, Kebashuni Ntua. 1980. Du rituel l’Ikpa: monstration de l’intersubjectivité chez les
Basakata. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 43.
Mundeke, Léon Pierre [Otom’si-Ebok]. 1994. Réflexes consonantiques du sakata. Kinshasa:
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Ndukutea, I.O. 1973. L’ame selon le peuple des Sakata. Mémoire. Ecole du Théologie Evangelique de Kinshasa.
Ngule-Kele, A. 1971. Société et vie religieuse chez le peuple “Sakata”. Mémoire. Bukavu: ISP.
Niamadjomi, L. 1966. Fiançailles et mariage chez les baSakata. In: Le mariage, la vie familiale et
l’éducation coutumière chez diverses ethnies de la Province de Bandundu, p. 22-23. Publ. de
CEEBA, sér. I, 1. Bandundu.
Nkiere, Mpa-Osu Bokuna. 1975. L’organisation politique traditionelle des basakata en République du Zaire. Les cahiers du CEDAF, sér. 1: sociologie, anthropologie, 7/8, p. (?).
Nkiere, Mpa-Osu Bokuna. 1976. L’organisation politique traditionelle des basakata en République du Zaire. Thèse de 3ème cycle. Univ. René Descartes (Paris 5).
Orshoven, J. van. 1966. Le mariage coutumier chez les baSakata. In: Le mariage, la vie familiale et l’éducation coutumière chez diverses ethnies de la Province de Bandundu, p. 17-21.
Publ. de CEEBA, sér. I, 1. Bandundu.
Sousberghe, Léon de. 1966. Classes ou générations nobles chez les Sâ. Bull. des séances de
l’ARSOM, NS 12 (1), p. (?).
Sundberg, W. 1937. Monkando mo ito. Stockholm: Westerbergs. Pp 120.
Tylleskär, K.; Tylleskär, Thorkild. 1988. Cassava and child health among Sakata: a nutritional
study of an ethnic group in northern Bandundu region in Zaire. Minor field study reports, 16.
Dept. of Pediatrics, Uppsala Univ. Pp 71.
Viaene, Ernest; Bernard, Fernand. 1909. Chez les Lessa [pt. 1]. Bull. de la Soc. Royale Belge de
Géographie, 33, p. 464-510.
Viaene, Ernest; Bernard, Fernand. 1910. Chez les Lessa [pt. 2]. Bull. de la Soc. Royale Belge de
Géographie, 34, p. 198-229.
Weiland, N. 1969. Le culte des ancêtres chez les Sakata. In: Mort, funérailles, deuil et culte des
ancêtres chez les populations du Kwango/Bas-Kwilu, p. 132-135. Publ. de CEEBA, sér. I, 3.
Yenkon, [?]. 1970. Le système de parenté et les système politique chez les Basakata au Lac
Léopold II. Dakar: Environnement et Dévéloppement du Tiers Monde.
Borms, [?]. 1905. Notes ethnographiques sur le lac du Léopold II. La belgique coloniale, 11, p.
Everbroeck, Nestor van. 1961. Mbom’ipoku, le seigneur à l’abîme: histoire, croyances, organisation clanique, politique, judiciare, vie familiale des Bolia, Sengele, et Ntomb’e Njale. Ann. du
MRAC: archives d’ethnographie, 3. Tervuren. Pp 310.
Fievez, [?]. 1897. Les lacs Tumba et Léopold II. La belgique coloniale, 2, p. 40-43.
Mpongo, Laurent. 1968. Pour une anthropologie chrétienne du mariage au Congo: vers un
rituel chrétien du mariage conforme au génie des Ntomb’e Njale. Kinshasa: Ed. du CEP. Pp
xxix, 201.
Mpongo, Laurent. 1968. La célébration du mariage coutunier par les Ntomb’e du Lac Léopold
II. CdRA, 2, p. 289-300.
Mpongo, Mpoto Mamba. 1976. Le critère de moralité dans l’éthique sexuelle des Ntomba [pt.
1]. Telema, 2 (8), p. 53-58.
Mpongo, Mpoto Mamba. 1977. Le critère de moralité dans l’éthique sexuelle des Ntomba [pt.
2]. Telema, 3 (10), p. 67-75.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Everbroeck, Nestor van. 1961. Mbom’ipoku, le seigneur à l’abîme: histoire, croyances, organisation clanique, politique, judiciare, vie familiale des Bolia, Sengele, et Ntomb’e Njale. Ann. du
MRAC: archives d’ethnographie, 3. Tervuren. Pp 310.
Fievez, [?]. 1897. Les lacs Tumba et Léopold II. La belgique coloniale, 2, p. 40-43.
Ngila, Bompeti. 1996. L’usage symbolique des l’habillement dans la palabre Bolia au Zaïre.
Revue africaine des sciences de la mission, 3 (4), p. 121-129.
LOSENGO cluster
Mangala, Ngala
Burssens, Amaat Frans Stephanie. 1954. The so-called Bangala and a few problems of arthistorical and ethnographical order. KO, 20, p. (?).
Mokaka, Mwa Bomunga. 1977. Ndeko ou pacte du sang chez les Bangala de Bomongo: essai
d’analyse de la notion d’amour du prochain en un milieu africain. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de
Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 76.
Mokaka, Mwa Bomunga. 1978. La solidarité entre les vivants et les morts chez les Bangala de
Bomongo. Mémoire de DES. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 84.
Mokaka, Mwa Bomunga. 1979. Ndeko, le pacte du sang: une expression de la solidarité chez
les Bangala de Bomongo. CdRA, 13 (26), p. 231-267.
Meeuwis, Michael. 1999. Buntungu’s “Mokingi mwa Mputu”: a Boloki perception of Europe
at the end of the 19th century. LPCA text archives, 1. Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology,
Univ. of Amsterdam.
Philippe, R. 1961. La pêche en saison chez les Boloki. Africa-Tervuren, 7 (82-84, 106-109).
Philippe, R. 1963. Les Boloki du Luki. Africa-Tervuren, 9 (42-43).
Kröger, Heidrum. 2003. O tom nas línguas bantu. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 1,
p. 107-124.
C40 Ngombe Group
Mbandi, Esongi Pape. 1992. La dialectique de la dénotation et de la connotation dans la nomination: éléments pour une sémiologie structurale et pragmatique des anthroponymes bantu
Ngombe-Henza. Thèse de doctorat. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Mokobe, Njoku. 1979. Le fondement éthique des rites gémellaires chez les Ngombe Mowea de
Gombalo. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 101.
Mbandi, Esongi Pape. 1981. L’universel philosophique et ses prolégomènes dans le discours
parémiologique Genza. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 84.
Koloma, Matongi. 1993. Eléments de description du baati, parler bantou de la region du
Haut-Zaïre. Mémoire de licence. Mbandaka: ISP.
C50 Soko-Kele Group
POKE, Pfoke, Topoke, Gesogo
Liolo, Olo-o-Bia. 1965. Le concept moto: pour une étude systématique du concept moto dans
la pensée de Topoke. Mémoire de licence. Kinshasa: Univ. Lovanium(?). Pp 69.
KELE, Lokele, “Yalulema”
Bokanga, Itindi. 1988. Bibliographie des Lokele. Cahiers de religions africaines (Kinshasa), 12
(43/44), p. 143-174.
C60 Mongo-Nkundo Group
MONGO-NKUNDO, Lomongo, Lonkundo
Bittremieux, Leo. 1921/22. Godsdienstbegrippen bij de Nkundu’s van ’t Leopoldmeer, Kongo.
Anthropos, 16/17, p. 628-632.
Bittremieux, Leo. 1922. Godsdienstbegrippen bij de Nkundu’s van ’t Leopoldmeer. Congo, 3,
p. (?).
Boelaert, Edmond. 1936. De elima der Nkundo. Congo, 17 (1), p. 42-52.
Boelaert, Edmond. 1938. De rechtsproeven bij de Nkundo. Congo, 19 (2), p. 526-546.
Boelaert, Edmond. 1939. Bene- and maledictie bij de Nkundo. Congo, 20 (2), p. 376-379.
Boelaert, Edmond. 1957. De dood bij de Nkundo. Ann. de Notre Dame du Sacré Coeur,
Borgerhout, 68, p. 154-155.
Boelaert, Edmond. 1957. La mort chez les Nkundo. Ann. de Notre Dame du Sacré Coeur,
Borgerhout, 69, p. 155-156.
Bongango, Kalambay. 1977. L’étude des tabous chez les Mongo de Basankusu. Mémoire de
licence. Kinshasa: UNAZA.
Esol’eka, Likote l’Ofete Nkanzamba. 1974. La conscience morale chez les Mongo. Mémoire
de licence. Kinshasa: UNAZA. Pp iv, 89.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Goethem, E. van. 1950. Le dieu des Nkundo. Aequatoria, 13, p. 1-6, 41-48.
Hensey, Andrew Fitch. 1924. My children of the forest. New York: George H. Doran. Pp 221,
Heusch, Luc de. 1956. Vie quotidienne des Mongo du Kasaï. Bruxelles: Exploration du Monde.
Pp 48.
Hulstaert, Gustaaf. 1959. Losako, salutation solennelle des Nkundó. Mémoires de l’ARSC,
section des sciences morales et politiques, 20:1. Bruxelles. Pp 223.
Hulstaert, Gustaaf. 1974. La société politique nkundo. Etudes zaïroises de l’INEP 2, p. 85-107.
Hulstaert, Gustaaf. 1985. Mongo et Kuba: le nom de dieu. CdRA, 19 (38), p. 291-294.
Hulstaert, Gustaaf. 1988. L’ethnie mongo. Les nouvelles rationalités africaines, 11, p. 397-403.
Kerken, Georges van der. 1938. Religion, science et magie au pays des Mongo. Bull. des
séances de l’IRCB, 9 (2), p. 202-292.
Kröger, Heidrum. 2003. O tom nas línguas bantu. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 1,
p. 107-124.
Monsengo, Osantwene. 1974. Le père aui ne voulait pas de fille: mythes tere et nkundu. Publ.
de CEEBA, sér. II, 18. Bandundu. Pp vi, 203.
Bokote, incl. Bombomba
Bombute, Ekoliaka Boyawa. 1975. La notion de la parole chez les Mongo dans la circonscription de Bolenge, zone de Monkoto. Mémoire de licence. Kinshasa: Fac. de Théologie Protestante.
Mangulu, André Motingea. 2001. Lopolotsi: poèmes anciens d’un esclave bombomba. LPCA
text archives, 2. Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Univ. of Amsterdam.
Konda, Ekonda
Everbroeck, Nestor van. 1974. Ekond’e Mputela: histoire, croyances, organisation clanique
politique, sociale et familiale des Ekonda et de leurs Batoa. Ann. du MRAC: archives d’anthropologie, 21. Tervuren. Pp xiv, 306.
Mbolokala, Imbuli. 1982. Education et proverbes chez les Ekonda. Eduafrica, 8, p. 159-165.
Mbolokala, Imbuli. 1992. Les Ekonda et le concept de solidarité. In: Forschungen im Zaire: in
memoriam Erika Sulzman. Edited by E.W. Müller & Anna-Maria Brandstetter. Mainzer
Afrika-Studien, 1. Münster: Lit Verl.
Mbolokala, Imbuli. 1993. Le proverbe ekonda et le concept de solidarité: témoignage d’une
tradition servant de base au développement. In: Tradition, spiritualité et développement: actes
de la 13e semaine philosophique de Kinshasa, 1992, p. 41-55. Recherches philosophiques
africaines, 22. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Mbolokala, Imbuli. 1996. “Ebanga” ou la rationalité du communautarisme Ekonda. In: Philosophie africaine, rationalité et rationalités: actes de la 14e semaine philosophique de Kinshasa
du 24 au 30 avril 1994, p. 313-322. Recherches philosophiques africaines, 24. Fac. de
Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Baselle, Baang’Osema. 1979. Le mariage chez les Mongo de Boende. Mémoire de licence.
Kinshasa: Fac. de Théologie Protestante.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Jacobs, Joannes. 1997. Shimo ya Lofokefoke, le récit épique de Lofokefoke: textes otetela et
lombole. Nte Ntekete (?), 3, p. vi-vii, 1-25.
BAFOTO, Batswa de l’Equateur
Boelaert, Edmond. 1947. Les batswa: notes démographiques. Aequatoria, 10, p. 134-136.
Schebesta, Paul Joachim. 1934. Die Religion der Bacwa-Pygmoiden am Equator, BelgischKongo. Archiv für Religionswissenschaft, 32, p. 38-51.
C70 Tetela Group
Ahondju, Mathilde Wendenda. 1994. Dynamique des représentations sociales de l’intelligence
chez les Tetela (Zaïre): étude des notions de Yimba-Lomba. Mémoire. Univ. de Genève.
Baluti, Katukandany. 1988. Les proverbes tetela: étude thématique et socio-culturelle. Thèse de
3e cycle. Univ. Paris-Val-de-Marne (Paris 12). Pp 234.
Bokanga, Itindi; Djomo, Lola. 1989. La dynamique de la personne dans la religion et culture
tetela. Revue africaine de théologie (Kinshasa), 13, p. 274-276.
Dimandja, Eluy’a Kondo. 1979. Homme d’autrui: étude sémantique à partir des parémies tetela.
CdRA, 13 (25), p. 109-129.
Djongolele, Tshudi. 1991. La notion d’aîné chez les Atetela du Zaïre. CdRA, 24, p. 113-121.
Hagendorens, J. 1970. La parenté, l’alliance, la succession chez les tetela. Pastoralia (San José
CA), 4 (2), p. 102-106.
Hagendorens, J. 1979. Proverbes tetela. Leuven. Pp 283.
Heusch, Luc de. 1954. Autorité et prestige dans la société tetela. Zaïre, 10, p. 1011-1027.
Jacobs, Joannes. 1996. Shimo ya Kudukese, l’épopée de Kudukese: texte otetela. Nte Ntekete
(?), 1, p. 1-39.
Jacobs, Joannes. 1997. Shimo ya Lofokefoke, le récit épique de Lofokefoke: textes otetela et
lombole. Nte Ntekete (?), 3, p. vi-vii, 1-25.
Jacobs, John. 2000. Elementen van de kosmologie van de Tetela (D.R. Congo) en van de andere
bevolkingsgroepen. Bull. des séances de l’ARSOM, NS 46 (4), p. 457-472.
Labaere, Raphael Hubert. 1964. Les termes qui désignent “dieu” en tetela. Pastoralia (San
José CA), 2 (2), p. 15-17.
Labaere, Raphael Hubert. 1986. Devinettes tetela, avec traduction. Wezembeek-Oppem (Belgique): Pères Passionistes. Pp 185.
Labaere, Raphael Hubert. 1995. Le mal moral: le péché, mpekaato, koolo (pl. akoolo), munga
en tetela? Wezembeek-Oppem (Belgique): Pères Passionistes. Pp 11.
Lola, Nicolas Djomo. 1976. L’impact de l’inconscient dans les distiques tetela (Zaïre): étude
ethno-psychanalytique. Mémoire de diplôme. Univ. de Paris. Pp 133.
Lola, Nicolas Djomo. 1981. Lieux de l’expérience et du sens du soi. Essai de compréhension
du système de la personnalité dans ses rapports aux formes constitutives de la fondation de
sens: la cas de la socio-culture otetela (Zaïre). Thèse de 3e cycle. Univ. René Descartes (Paris
5). Pp 516.
Lola, Nicolas Djomo. 1988. La dynamique de la personne dans la religion et la culture tetela.
Bibl. du CERA, 11. Kinshasa.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Lomonde, Shosola. 1980. Survie et morale chez les Tetela du Sankuru. Mémoire de licence.
Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 127.
Longoya, Djongondo. 1977. Doka ou le problème du mal chez les Tetela. Mémoire de licence.
Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 88.
Mayola, Mavunza Lwanga. 1982. La logique de classes et les mécanismes des procès tropologiques, instruments d’analyse et d’interprétation philosophiques des proverbes tetela dans
‘Métaphore et métonymie dans les symboles parémiologiques’ de Nkombe Oleko. Cahiers de
l’ISP (Gombe), série B, 3 (2), p. 398-421.
Ndjovu, André Nguwo. 1978. Onto: l’homme-personne dans la pensée traditionelle tetela.
Mémoire. Univ. de Fribourg (Suisse). Pp 221.
Nyeme, J.A. 1969. La mort chez les Atetela [pt. 2]. Pastoralia (San José CA), 5 (7), p. 7-12.
Nyeme, J.A. 1969. La mort chez les Atetela [pt. 1]. Pastoralia (San José CA), 5 (6), p. 22-36.
Shongo, Longengo. 1990. Le consentement au mariage chez les Tetela hier et aujourd’hui:
culture tetela et foi chrétienne. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Pp 173.
Tshonga, Onyumbe; Wemboloke, Lowenga la. 1991. Le rituel du lokashi (eternuement) chez les
Tetela. AnnAeq, 12, p. 125-132.
Tulamba, Berthold Openge Djamba wa. 1978. Les proverbes: structure et fonction du langage
symbolique chez les Tetela, Zaïre. Mémoire. Paris: EHESS.
Turner, J. 1969. L’ethnie tetela. Etudes africaines du CRISP (Bruxelles), (1969), p. (?).
Utshudi, E.-D. 1969. Les interdits et tabous chez les Atetela. Congo-Afrique, 33, p. 149-157.
Wetshemongo, Michel Kamomba. 1998. Le système verbal de l’òtètèla, langue bantu du Congo
(Zaïre). In: Systèmes verbaux, p. 197-212. Edited by Fernand Bentolila. Louvain-la-Neuve: Ed.
Wemalowa, Louis. 2002. De l’entendement et du coeur: conseils et réflexions sur les travaux
actuels en langue otetela. Nte Ntekete (?), 13, p. 51-61.
Wemalowa, Mbudi Tokopanga. 1997. Shimo ya Kudukese: woho wa hende la diomboelo
dy’eteketa emoci / L’épopée Kudukese version no 2 avec explication des concepts importants.
Nte Ntekete (?), 2, p. viii-ix, 26-83.
KUSU, Fuluka, Kongola
Ally, J.A. 1949. La mort chez les Bakusu. La voix du congolaise (Léopoldville), 5, p. (?).
Riel, F. van; Plaen, Guy de. 1967. Données sur les Binja des environs de Kasongo. Ann. du
MRAC: archives d’ethnographie, 10. Tervuren. Pp x, 36.
YELA, Boyela
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1976. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions. African arts (Los
Angeles), 9 (2), p. 8-15, 79-80.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1977. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions: Mbole, Yela and
Pere. African arts (Los Angeles), 10 (1), p. 54-61, 99-100.
Molin, S. 1933. Notes sur les Boyela. Congo, 14, p. (?).
Rop, Albert Jozef de. 1955. Lilwa-beeldjes bij de Boyela. Zaïre, 9, p. 115-123.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
KELA, Lemba
Empain, A. 1922. Les Bakela de la Loto. Bull. de la Société Royale Belge de Géographie, 46, p.
C80 Bushoong Group
Cornet, Joseph. 1976. A propos des statues N’Dengese. Arts d’Afrique noire: arts premiers,
17, p. (?).
HENDO, Lohendo, “Songomeno”
Ngonga-Ke-Mbembe, Hubert. 1976. Approche littéraire sur la prière hindo: analyse sémantico-formelle. Mémoire de licence. Lubumbashi: UNAZA. Pp 220.
Cornet, Joseph. 1982. Art royal kuba. Milan: 5 Continents Ed. Pp 343.
Dechamps, Roger. 1970. Première note concernant l’identification anatomique des bois utilisés
pour les sculptures en Afrique. Africa-Tervuren, 16 (3/4), p. 77-83.
Denolf, Prosper. 1933. De Oto-legenden bij de Bangongo en de Bashobwa. Congo, 14 (1), p.
Hulstaert, Gustaaf. 1985. Mongo et Kuba: le nom de dieu. CdRA, 19 (38), p. 291-294.
Huysman, Alfred. 1904. Les Bakubas. Bull. de la Soc. Royale Belge de Géographie, 28, p. (?).
Jadot, J.-M. 1947. Le miracle bushongo: contribution à la philosophie et à l’histoire de l’art
mélanien au Congo belge. Revue congolaise illustrée, 19 (9), p. 3-11.
Meurant, Georges. 1986. Shoowa design: African textiles from the kingdom of Kuba. London
& New York: Thames & Hudson. Pp 206.
Mulamba, Mutatayi. 1982. Regard sur la statuaire kuba: art religieux africain. CdRA, 16 (31/32),
p. 113-133.
Vansina, Jan. 1958. Les croyances religieuses des Kuba. Zaïre, 12, p. 725-758.
Douglas, Mary Tew. 1954. The Lele of the Kasai. In: African worlds: studies in the cosmological ideas and social values of African peoples. Edited by Daryll Forde. London: OUP for the
Mbaka, Makinda. 1997. Le système traditionnel des anthroponymes leele. Pistes et recherches
(Kikwit), 12 (3), p. (?).
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
C zone: miscellaneous, unsorted
Conrau, G. 1898. Einige Beiträge über die Völker zwischen Mpundu und Bali. MFGDS, 11, p.
Mokuba, M. Ipan. 1974. Contribution à l’étude des localités du Zaïre: l’émiettement du milieu
rural. Mémoire. Lubumbashi: UNAZA.
Rossignon, [?]. 1897. Le pays baigné par la Mfimi, la Lukenie et le lac Léopold II. La belgique
coloniale, 3, p. 101-103, 114-116, 149-151, 163-164, 364-367, 389-392.
Tassa, Okombe-Lukumbu G. 1977. Processus d’intégration des emprunts linguistiques en
bantou et promotion des langues nationales. Etudes rwandaises, 10 (2), p. 29-38.
D10 Mbole-Enya Group
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1976. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions. African arts (Los
Angeles), 9 (2), p. 8-15, 79-80.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1977. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions: Mbole, Yela and
Pere. African arts (Los Angeles), 10 (1), p. 54-61, 99-100.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1976. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions. African arts (Los
Angeles), 9 (2), p. 8-15, 79-80.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1977. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions [pt. 3]: Lengola,
Metoko, and Komo. African arts (Los Angeles), 10 (2), p. 52-58.
Jak, J. 1938. Einige ethnographie over de Walengola-Babira. Congo, 19 (1), p. (?).
Jak, J. 1939. De Walengola. Congo, 20 (2), p. 47-55.
METOKO, Mituku
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1976. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions. African arts (Los
Angeles), 9 (2), p. 8-15, 79-80.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1977. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions [pt. 3]: Lengola,
Metoko, and Komo. African arts (Los Angeles), 10 (2), p. 52-58.
ENYA, Ena, Genya
Koloni, Jean. 1971. Eléments de morphologie et de vocabulaire de la langue enya. Mémoire de
licence. Kinshasa: Université Lovanium.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
D20 Lega-Holoholo Group
Lecoste, Baudouin. 1954. Bangengele et Wasongola: contribution à l’établissement d’une carte
des groupes ethniques du Congo Belge. Bull. des jurisdictions indigenes et du droit coutumier
congolais (Elisabethville), 22 (10), p. (?).
LIKO, Lika
Kutsch Lojenga, Connie [Constance]. 2008. Nine vowels and ATR vowel harmony in Lika, a
Bantu language in D.R. Congo. AfrL, 14, p. 63-84.
Wit, Gerrit de. 2010. Lika phonologie. SILEWP 2010-002. Dallas: SIL Int’l. Pp 11.
BA(A)LI, South-East Bua (Bwa)
Brandt, L. 1923. Note sur le mambela des Babali. Congo, 4, p. (?).
Schebesta, Paul Joachim. 1930/31. Die Babali-Neger. Mitt. der Geographischen Gesellschaft
Wien, (?), p. (?).
KOMO, Kumu
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1957. La société kumu face au Kitawala. Zaïre, 11, p. 7-40.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1976. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions. African arts (Los
Angeles), 9 (2), p. 8-15, 79-80.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1977. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions [pt. 3]: Lengola,
Metoko, and Komo. African arts (Los Angeles), 10 (2), p. 52-58.
Devisch, Renaat; Mahieu, Wauthier de. 1979. Mort, deuil et compensations mortuaires ches les
Komo et les Yaka du nord au Zaïre. Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines, 96. Tervuren. Pp viii,
Gerard, J. 1956. Les grands initiations chez les Bakumu du nord-est et populations
avoisinantes. Zaïre, 10 (1), p. 87-94.
Mahieu, Wauthier de. 1973. Het komo-masker: oorsprong en functie. Africa-Tervuren, 19, p.
Mahieu, Wauthier de. 1973. Le temps dans la culture komo. Africa, 43, p. 2-17.
Mahieu, Wauthier de. 1975. Cosmologie et structuration de l’espace chez les Kumu. Africa, 45
(2), p. 123-138.
Mwene-Batende. 1982. Mouvements messianiques et protestation sociale: le cas du Kitawala
chez les Kumu du Zaïre. Bibl. du CERA, 8. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 304.
SONGOLA, Songoora, North Binja
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1976. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions. African arts (Los
Angeles), 9 (2), p. 8-15, 79-80.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Lecoste, Baudouin. 1954. Bangengele et Wasongola: contribution à l’établissement d’une carte
des groupes ethniques du Congo Belge. Bull. des jurisdictions indigenes et du droit coutumier
congolais (Elisabethville), 22 (10), p. (?).
LEGA-MWENGA, Lega-Ntara, Isile
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1976. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions. African arts (Los
Angeles), 9 (2), p. 8-15, 79-80.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1977. Schemata in Lega art. In: Form in indigenous art: schematisation in
the art of aboriginal Australia and prehistoric Europe, p. 59-65. Edited by Peter J. Ucko.
Canberra: Australian Inst. of Aboriginal Studies.
Busungu, Masumbuko wa. 1979. Esquisse grammaticale du Lega: phonologie et morphologie.
Travail de fin d’études. Bukavu: ISP.
Faik-Nzuji, M. Clémentine. 1992. “Mutanga” ou corde de la sagesse des Balega. L’Africain:
revue des étudiants africains en Belgique, 31 (155), p. 15-17.
Klopper, S. 1985. Speculation on Lega figurines. African arts (Los Angeles), 19 (1), p. 64-69.
Kun, Nicholas de. 1966. L’art lega. Africa-Tervuren, 12, p. 69-99.
Mutuza, R.E. 1972. Le Bwame, la superstructure de la société Lega: frein ou moteur au développement? Thèse de doctorat. Fac. de Philosophie, Inst. Catholique de Paris. Pp 436.
Mutuza, R.E. 1977. Le Bwame, la superstructure de la société Lega: frein ou moteur au développement? In: La philosophie africaine, p. 159-165. Recherches philosophiques africaines, 1. Fac.
de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Mutuza, R.E.; Ngindu, Mushete. 1978. Bwame, la superstructure de la société Lega: frein ou
moteur au développement? Présence africaine, nouvelle série bilingue, 105/106, p. 11-28.
Ngozi, Isaya Makungu ma. 1977. Les canons de l’esthétique lega. CdRA, 24, p. 4.
Zuesse, Evan M. 1978. Action as the way of transcendance: the religious significance of the
Bwami cult of the Lega. Jrnl of religion in Africa, 9, p. 62-72.
LEGA-MALINGA, Lega-Shabunda
Kyankenge, M. Kita. 1985. La technologie traditionnelle de la métallurgie du fer chez les Balega
de Pangi (Zaïre). Muntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA, 3, p. 85-100.
Mutuza, R.E. 1972. Le Bwame, la superstructure de la société Lega: frein ou moteur au développement? Thèse de doctorat. Fac. de Philosophie, Inst. Catholique de Paris. Pp 436.
Mutuza, R.E. 1977. Le Bwame, la superstructure de la société Lega: frein ou moteur au développement? In: La philosophie africaine, p. 159-165. Recherches philosophiques africaines, 1. Fac.
de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Mutuza, R.E.; Ngindu, Mushete. 1978. Bwame, la superstructure de la société Lega: frein ou
moteur au développement? Présence africaine, nouvelle série bilingue, 105/106, p. 11-28.
ZIMBA, Nyangwe, South Binja
Maes, Joseph. 1911. Zimba. Man, 11, p. (?).
Riel, F. van; Plaen, Guy de. 1967. Données sur les Binja des environs de Kasongo. Ann. du
MRAC: archives d’ethnographie, 10. Tervuren. Pp x, 36.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Thilmany, R. 1939. Chefferie des Bango-Bango. Bull. des jurisdictions indigenes et du droit
coutumier congolais (Elisabethville), 7, p. (?).
Delhaise, Charles Godefroid Félix François. 1908. Ethnographie congolaise: chez les Warundi
et les Wahorohoro. Bull. de la Société Royale Belge de Géographie, 32, p. (?).
D30 Bira-Nyali Group
GURU, Boguru
Anderson, [Capt.] 1911. Some tribal customs in their relatives to medicine and morals in the
Nyam-Nyam and Gour peoples. In: Fourth report of the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories. Edited by Andrew Balfour. Khartoum: Gordon Memorial College.
BHELE, Peri, Pere
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1976. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions. African arts (Los
Angeles), 9 (2), p. 8-15, 79-80.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1977. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions: Mbole, Yela and
Pere. African arts (Los Angeles), 10 (1), p. 54-61, 99-100.
BILA, Forest Bira
Schebesta, Paul Joachim. 1951. Die Beschneidungsschule (Nkumbi) bei Wald-Babira und
Bambuti. Anthropos, 46, p. 980-994.
Schebesta, Paul Joachim. 1966. Verwandtschaftsterminologie der Ituri-Pygmäen und der Waldneger Bira und Balese. Anthropos, 61, p. 460-576.
Sporcq, J. 1975. The Bira of the savanna and the Bira of the rain forest: a comparative study of
two populations of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Jrnl of human evolution, 4 (6), p.
BIRA, Plains Bira, Sese, Sumbura
Sporcq, J. 1975. The Bira of the savanna and the Bira of the rain forest: a comparative study of
two populations of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Jrnl of human evolution, 4 (6), p.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
BVANUMA, South Nyali
Schebesta, Paul Joachim. 1966. Die Süd-Nyali oder bafuaNuma am Albertsee. Wiener völkerkundliche Mitt., 13 (8), p. 37-54.
BUDU, Bodo, Ebudu
Frieke-Kappers, Claertje. 2007. The creative use of genre features: continuity and change in
patters of language use in Budu, a Bantu language of Congo (Kinshasa). PhD thesis. Free
Univ. of Amsterdam. Pp xv, 450.
Frieke-Kappers, Claertje. 2008. The communicative value of acculturated language: the case of
Budu adjectives. In: Translation and interculturality: Africa and the West. Edited by Stella
Linn, Maarten Mous & Marianne Vogel. SzA, 16. Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang.
D40 Nyanga Group
Augustin, Paul. 1959/60. La coutume des Wanianga. Bull. des jurisdictions indigenes et du
droit coutumier congolais (Elisabethville), 28/29, p. 105-142.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1956. De hond bij de Nyanga: rituel en sociologie. Mémoires de
l’ARSOM, coll. in-8°, classe des sciences morales et politiques, NS 8:3. Bruxelles. Pp 168.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1958. Les divisions du jour et de la nuit chez les Nyanga. Aequatoria, 21,
p. 134-138.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1976. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions. African arts (Los
Angeles), 9 (2), p. 8-15, 79-80.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1978. Hero and chief: epic literature from the Banyanga, Zaire Republic.
Berkeley: Univ. of California Press. Pp xii, 320.
Biebuyck, Daniel P.; Biebuyck, Brunhilde. 1987. We test those whom we marry: an analysis of
thirty-six Nyanga tales. Traditional cultures in modern Africa, 1. Budapest: African Research
Program, Dept. of Regional Geography, Loránd Eötvös Univ. Pp 115.
D50 Bembe-Buyi Group
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1962. Les mitamba: système de mariages enchaînés chez les Babembe
(Territoire de Fizi, Province du Kivu, République du Congo). Mémoires de l’ARSOM, coll. in8°, classe des sciences morales et politiques, NS 27:2. Bruxelles. Pp 34.
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1972. Bembe art. African arts (Los Angeles), 5 (3), p. 12-19, 75-84.
Dechamps, Roger. 1973. La identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour les sculptures en
Afrique, 3: la sculpture bembe de l’est du Zaïre. Africa-Tervuren, 19 (4), p. 103-108.
Gossiaux, P. 1974. Recherches sur l’art bembe. Arts d’Afrique noire: arts premiers, 11, p. 2640.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Kun, Nicholas de. 1979. L’art boyo. Africa-Tervuren, 25, p. 29-44.
Zangrie, L. 1947/50. Les institutions, la religion et l’art des Babuye. L’ethnographie, NS 45, p.
E50 Kikuyu-Kamba (C. Kenya) Group
KIKUYU, Gikuyu
Bottignole, Silvana. 1981. Una chiesa africana si interroga: cultura tradizionale kikuyu e cristianesimo. Brescia (Italia): Morcelliana.
Bottignole, Silvana. 1984. Kikuyu traditional culture and Christianity: self examination of an
African church. Transl. from Italian. Nairobi: Heinemann Educational Books. Pp xi, 233.
Burton, Michael; Kirk, Lorraine. 1979. Ethnoclassification of body parts: a three-culture study.
Anthropological linguistics, 21 (8), p. 379-399.
Cayzac, J. 1910. La religion de Kikuyu (Afrique orientale). Anthropos, 5, p. 309-319.
Good, Charles M.; Kimani, V.; Lawry, J.M. 1980. Gukunura mundu mugo: the initiation of a
Kikuyu medicine man. Anthropos, 75 (1/2), p. 87-116.
Hambly, Wilfrid Dyson. 1920. The native races of East Africa. Native races of the British
Empire series, 3. London: OUP (Humphrey Milford).
Kenyatta, J. 1937. Kikuyu religion: ancestor-worship and sacrifical practices. Africa, 10, p. 308328.
Kinoti, Hannah W. 1983. Aspects of Gikuyu traditional morality. PhD thesis. Univ. of Nairobi.
Kröger, Heidrum. 2003. O tom nas línguas bantu. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 1,
p. 107-124.
Lombardi, Linda. 1993. Dahl’s Law in Kikuyu. Univ. of Maryland working papers in linguistics, 1, p. (?).
Nyagah, Judith W. 1994. The acquisition of initial English consonant clusters by Kikuyu
children. (Thesis?) Univ. of Reading.
Pauw, Guy de; Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de. 2009. African language technology: the data-driven
perspective. In: LULCL II 2008: proceedings of the 2nd colloquium on lesser used languages
and computer linguistics, Bozen-Bolzano, 13th-14th November 2008, p. 79-96. Edited by V.
Lyding. EURAC books, 54. Bozen-Bolzano (Italy): European Academy.
Plane, Mark. 1991. An analysis of contemporary Kikuyu oral and written narratives. MA
thesis. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison.
Taibl, Agnes. 2009. “Kikuyu Problem” und “Luo Agenda”: zur Politisierung von Ethnizität in
Kenia 2007. Stichproben, 16, p.(?).
Wagacha, Peter Waiganjo; Pauw, Guy de; Githinji, Peter. 2006. A grapheme-based approach to
accent restoration in Gîkûyû. In: Proc. of the 5th international conference on language
resources and evaluation (LREC 2006), Genoa, Italy, May 2006, p. 1937-1940. European
Language Resources Assoc.
Wanjeri, Michael Maina. 2006. Language and gender: male domination among the Kikuyu of
Kenya, East Africa. Undergraduate C-level essay. Karlstad Univ., Sweden.
Wanjohi, Gerald J. 1978. An African conception of God: the case of the Gikuyu. Jrnl of religion in Africa, 9 (2), p. 6-10.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Wanjohi, Gerald J. 1990. The philosophy of Gikuyu proverbs: an epistemological contribution.
In: Denken unterwegs: Philosophie im Kräftefeld sozialen und politischen Engagements, p.
383-394. Edited by Henk Oosterling & Frans de Jong. Amsterdam: B.R. Gruner.
EMBO, Kiembu
Saberwal, Satish. 1969. Rapport and resistence among the Embu of central Kenya. In: Stress
and response in fieldwork. Edited by F. Henry & Satish Saberwal. New York: Holt, Rinehart &
MERO, Kimeru
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Muriungu, Peter. 2010. Accounting for the three readings of the causative morpheme in
Kîîtharaka. NJAS, 19 (3), p. 181-200.
Muriungu, Peter. 2011. An anti-locality restriction on subject wh-phrases in Kîîtharaka. Lingua,
121 (5), p. 822-831.
KAMBA, Kikamba, Kekamba
Osborne, Myles. 2010. The Kamba and Mau Mau: ethnicity, development, and chiefship, 19521960. IJAHS, 43 (1), p. 63-88.
Pauw, Guy de; Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de. 2009. African language technology: the data-driven
perspective. In: LULCL II 2008: proceedings of the 2nd colloquium on lesser used languages
and computer linguistics, Bozen-Bolzano, 13th-14th November 2008, p. 79-96. Edited by V.
Lyding. EURAC books, 54. Bozen-Bolzano (Italy): European Academy.
E60 Chaga Group
Stambach, Amy. 2000. Lessons from Kilimanjaro: schooling, community, and gender in East
Africa. New York: Routledge. Pp xv, 206. ISBN-10 0-203-90105-3.
“CHAGA” (unspecified)
Gutmann, Bruno. 1926. Das Recht der Dschagga. Arbeiten zur Entwicklungspsychologie, 7.
München: Verl.-Handlung Oskar Beck. Pp 777.
Ntiro, S.J. 1953. Desturi wa Wachagga = Customs of the Chagga people. Nairobi. Pp vi, 50.
[Details wanting.]
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Steiner, F.B. 1954. Chagga truth: a note on Gutmann’s account of the Chagga concept of truth
in ‘Das Recht der Dschagga’. Africa, 24, p. 364-369.
E621 (= E61, parts of E62a)
WEST KILIMANJARO, Chaga, incl. Meru (= E61), Mashami (= E62a)
Carlsson, Ellen. 2003. To have and to hold: continuity and change in property rights institutions governing water resources among the Meru of Tanzania and the BaKgatla in Botswana,
1925-2000. Lund studies in economic history, 28. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Pp 290.
ISBN-10 91-22-02032-2.
Fokken, Hermann A. 1905/2010. Das Kisiha. Gramatica series, v. 5. München: Lincom
Europa. Pp 56. ISBN 978-3-89586-049-2.
Harjula, Raimo. 1969. God and the sun in Meru thought. Ann. of the Finnish Society for
Missiology and Ecumenics, 16. Helsinki.
Harjula, Raimo. 1978. Ancestral spirits as helpers among the Meru of Tanzania. Temenos
(Helsinki), 14, p. 53-78.
Larsson, Rolf. 2001. Between crisis and opportunity: livelihoods, diversification and inequality
among the Meru of Tanzania. Lund dissertations in sociology, 41. Stockholm: Almqvist &
Wiksell. Pp 528. ISBN-10 91-7267-101-7.
Rubanza, Yunus Ismail. 2008. Kimeru lexicon. LoT publ., 15. Dept. of Foreign Languages and
Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-19-7.
Rugemalira, Josephat Muhozi. 2008. Kimashami lexicon. LoT publ., 8. Dept. of Foreign
Languages and Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-08-1.
E622 (= parts of E62a, all E62b)
CENTRAL KILIMANJARO, Chaga, incl. Mochi (= E62a), Vunjo (= E62b)
Mrikaria, George. 2008. Kimochi lexicon. LoT publ., 17. Dept. of Foreign Languages and
Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-17-3.
Kahigi, Kulikoyela Kanalwanda. 2008. Kikahe lexicon. LoT publ., 18. Dept. of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-15-9.
Sewangi, Seleman Simon. 2008. Kigweno lexicon. LoT publ., 16. Dept. of Foreign Languages
and Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-16-6.
E70 Nyika-Taita Group
Gray, John Milner. 1957. Exorcising demons on the Swahili coast. Tomorrow: world digest of
psychical research and occult studies, 5, p. 43-48.
Hunt, K.J.; Hawthorne, W.D.; Russell, A.; Jones, A. 1981. Kaya, an ethnobotanical perspective: the report of the Oxford Ethnobotanical expedition to Kenya January to June 1981.
Oxford. Pp iv, 125, plates.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
POKOMO, Pfokomo, Kipokomo
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Werner, Alice. 1912/13. Manuscript grammar and vocabulary of Pokomo. [Ref. to by Johnston
NORTH MIJIKENDA, Nyika, incl. Giryama, Kauma, Conyi, Duruma, Rabai, Jibana,
Kambe, Ribe
Frank, William. 1953. Habari na desturi za Waribe = History and customs of the Ribe people.
London: Sheldon Press and Macmillan & Co. Pp ix, 65.
Mazrui, E.C. Orchardson. 1989. Spirit possession among the Mijikenda. Kenya past and
present, 21, p. 29-32.
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Mkangi, Katama. 1995. The perception of Islam by the Mijikenda of Kenya coast. In: Islam in
Kenya: proc. of the national seminar on contemporary Islam in Kenya, p. 109-115. Edited by
Mohamed Bakari & Saad S. Yahya. Nairobi: Mewa Publ.
Newman, John F.; Newman, Bonnie. 1988. Duruma verb description. Nairobi: Bible Translation & Literacy, East Africa.
Sperling, D.C. 1985. Islamization in the coastal region of Kenya to the end of the nineteenth
century. Hadith (Nairobi), 8, p. 33-82.
Udvardy, Monica L. 1990. Kifudu: a female fertility cult among the Giriama. In: The creativity
communion: Africal folk models of fertility and the regeneration of life, p. 137-152. Edited by
Anita Jacobson-Widding & Walter E.A. van Beek. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
Udvardy, Monica L. 1991. Gender, power and the fragmentation of fertility among the Giriama
of Kenya. In: Body and space: symbolic models of unity and division in African cosmology and
experience, p. 143-154. Edited by Anita Jacobson-Widding. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
Udvardy, Monica L. 1992. The fertility of the post-fertile: concepts of gender, aging and reproductive health among the Giriama of Kenya. Jrnl of cross-cultural gerontology, 7 (4), p. 289306.
Udvardy, Monica L. 1995. The lifecourse of property and personhood: provisional women and
enduring men among the Giriama of Kenya. Research in economic anthropology, 16, p. 325348.
Volk, Erez. 2007. High, low and in between: Giryama tonology. MA thesis. Tel-Aviv Univ. Pp
Waaijenberg, Hendrik. 1993. Land and labour in Mijikenda agriculture, Kenya, 1850-1985.
ASC research reports, 53. Leiden.
Waaijenberg, Hendrik. 1994. Mijikenda agriculture in coast province of Kenya: peasants in
between tradition, ecology and policy. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Inst. Pp 307.
Willis, Justin; Miers, Suzanne. 1997. Becoming a child of the house: incorporation, authority
and resistance in Giryama society. JAH, 38 3), p. 479-495.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
E73, E731, E732
SOUTH MIJIKENDA, incl. Digo, Segeju, Degere
Gerlach, Luther P. 1959. Some basic Digo conceptions of health and disease. In: One-day
symposium on attitudes to health and disease among some East African tribes, p. 9-34.
Kampala: EAISR.
Mazrui, E.C. Orchardson. 1989. Spirit possession among the Mijikenda. Kenya past and
present, 21, p. 29-32.
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Mkangi, Katama. 1995. The perception of Islam by the Mijikenda of Kenya coast. In: Islam in
Kenya: proc. of the national seminar on contemporary Islam in Kenya, p. 109-115. Edited by
Mohamed Bakari & Saad S. Yahya. Nairobi: Mewa Publ.
Nicolle, Steve M. 2006. Concise grammar of the Digo language. In: Mgombato: Digo-EnglishSwahili dictionary, p. 204-214. Edited by Joseph Mwalonya, Alison Nicolle, Steve M. Nicolle
& Juma Zimbu. EALL 16. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Nicolle, Steve M. 2007. The grammaticalization of tense markers: a pragmatic reanalysis.
Cahiers chronos, 17, p. 47-65.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Sperling, D.C. 1985. Islamization in the coastal region of Kenya to the end of the nineteenth
century. Hadith (Nairobi), 8, p. 33-82.
Willis, Justin; Miers, Suzanne. 1997. Becoming a child of the house: incorporation, authority
and resistance in Giryama society. JAH, 38 (3), p. 479-495.
TAITA, incl. Dabida, Kasigau
Verbi, V.; Austin, [Miss]. 19xx. Kidabida vocabulary and grammatical notes. [Ref. to by Johnston (1919:788).]
E741 (= E74b)
SAGALA, Kisagala
Verbi, V.; Austin, [Miss]. 19xx. Kisagala vocabulary and grammatical notes. [Ref. to by Johnston (1919:788).]
E zone: miscellaneous, unsorted
Bakari, Mohamed; Yahya, Saad S. (Ed.) 1995. Islam in Kenya: proc. of the national seminar
on contemporary Islam in Kenya. Nairobi: Mewa Publ. Pp xiv, 339.
Kaburu, Wilfred. 1995. African traditional religion: interaction with Islam in Kenya. Univ. of
Birmingham. [Details wanting.]
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
F10 Tongwe-Bende Group
TONGWE, Sitongwe
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
BENDE, Sibende
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
F20 Sukuma-Nyamwezi Group
SUKUMA, Kesukuma, “Gwe”
Kröger, Heidrum. 2003. O tom nas línguas bantu. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 1,
p. 107-124.
Madulu, Ndalahwa F. 1998. Changing lifestyles in farming societies of Sukumaland: Kwimba
District, Tanzania. Working papers, 27. Leiden: ASC.
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Pfister, G.F. 1962. Marriage among the central Basukuma. Anthropological quarterly, 35, p.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
NYAMWESI, Kinyamwezi
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Schoenberger, Paul. 1995. Nyamwezi names of persons. Anthropos, 90 (1/3), p. 109-132.
Spellig, F. 1927. Über Geheimbünde bei den Wanyamwezi. ZfE, 59, p. 62-66.
SUMBWA, Shisumbwa
Kahigi, Kulikoyela Kanalwanda. 2008. Sisumbwa dictionary. LoT publ., 13. Dept. of Foreign
Languages and Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-13-5.
Kahigi, Kulikoyela Kanalwanda. 2008. Derivation in Sisumbwa. OPiL, 3, p. 53-81.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
KIMBU, Kikimbu
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
F30 Nilamba-Rangi Group
NILAMBA, Nilyamba, Ilamba, incl. Ihaanzu (Isanzu)
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
NYATURU, Kinyaturu, Remi
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
RANGI, Langi, Irangi, Kirangi
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Stegen, Oliver. 2007. Matumizi ya lugha za asili na umuhimu wake: mfano wa lugha ya Kirangi
= The use of indigenous languages and its significance: the case of Kirangi. OPiL, 2, p. 126135.
Stegen, Oliver. 2010. What can stylistic comparison of Rangi stories tell us about grammatical
description? In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère
& Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
MBUGWE, Buwe, Kiumbugwe
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
G10 Gogo-Kagulu Group
GOGO, Cigogo
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
KAGULU, Cikagulu, Kikagulu, North Sagara, Megi
Beidelman, Thomas Owen. 1980. Women and men in two East African societies. In: Explorations in African systems of thought: papers given at a seminar organized for the African
Studies Program at Indiana University in 1977, p. 143-164. Edited by Ivan Karp & Charles
Stephen Bird. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
Beidelman, Thomas Owen. 1991. Containing time: rites of passage and moral space of bachelard among the Kaguru, 1957-1966. Anthropos, 86 (4/6), p. 443-461.
Petzell, Malin. 2008. The Kagulu language of Tanzania: grammar, text and vocabulary.
EALL, 19. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. Pp 234. ISBN 978-3-89645-704-2.
Petzell, Malin. 2010. Further analysis of negation in Kagulu. In: Bantu languages: analyses,
description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln:
Rüdiger Köppe.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
G20 Shambala Group
PARE, Pare-Asu
Danholz, Jakob Janssen. 1916. Im Banne des Geisterglauben: Züge des animistischen Heidentums bei den Wasu in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Leipzig: Evangelisch-Lutherischen Mission. Pp 133.
Mreta, Abel Yamwaka. 2008. Chasu lexicon. LoT publ., 14. Dept. of Foreign Languages and
Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-14-2.
Porter, Karen Ann. 2004. “Marriage is trouble”: an analysis of kinship, gender identity, and
sociocultural change in rural Tanzania. Anthropos, 99 (1), p. 3-14.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
MBUGU, Kimbugu cha Kawaida, Outer Mbugu, “Normal Mbugu”
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
SHAMBALA, Shambaa, Sambaa, Kishambala
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Riedel, Kristina. 2009. The syntax of object marking in Sambaa: a comparative Bantu perspective. PhD thesis. Leiden Univ.
Riedel, Kristina. 2010. Coordination and subject/object marking in Sambaa. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL
20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
BONDEI, Kibondei
Kiango, John G. 2008. Kibondei lexicon. LoT publ., 20. Dept. of Foreign Languages and
Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-21-0.
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
G30 Zigula-Zaramo Group
ZIGULA, Zigua, Kizigula
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Mochiwa, Zakaria S.M. 2008. Kizigula lexicon. LoT publ., 21. Dept. of Foreign Languages and
Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-22-7.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
ZARAMO, Dzalamo, Kizaramo
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Swantz, Marja-Liisa. 1993. Human body as a symbol of resistence: the case of the Zaramo of
Tanzania. Occ. papers from the Inst. of Development Studies, 14. Univ. of Helsinki. Pp 36.
Swantz, Marja-Liisa; Mjema, Salome; Wilde, Zenya. 1995. Blood, milk and death: body symbols and the power of regeneration among the Zaramo of Tanzania. Westport CN: Bergin &
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
RUGURU, Luguru, Cilugulu
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Legère, Karsten. 2009. Plant names in the Tanzanian Bantu language Vidunda: structure and
(some) etymology. In: Selected proc. of the 38th annual conference on African linguistics:
linguistic theory and African language documentation, p. 217-228. Edited by Masangu
Matondo, Fiona McLaughlin & Eric Potsdam. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Legère, Karsten. 2009. Missionary contributions to Bantu languages in Tanzania: James
Thomas Last (1850-1933) and the Vidunda language. Historiographica linguistica, 36 (2/3), p.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
G40 Swahili Group
Nzunga, Michaël P.K. 1997. Sheng and Engsh: the booming offspring of linguistic intermarriage. In: Languages in contrast, p. 87-94. Edited by Ingrid Riscom. African studies series,
51. Bayreuth Univ.
Bosire, Mokaya. 2009. What makes a Sheng word unique? Lexical manipulation in mixed
languages. In: Selected proc. of the 39th annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic
research and language in Africa, p. 77-85. Edited by Akinloye Ojo & Lioba Moshi. Somerville
MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Caron, Bernard. 2008. As línguas vernáculas urbanas na África: o caso do sheng. In: África no
Brasil: a formação da língua portuguesa, p. 89-100. Edited by J.L. Fiorin & M. Petter. São
Paolo (Brazil): Ed. Contexto.
Githinji, Peter. 2008. Sexism and (mis)representation of women in Sheng. JACS, 20 (1), p. 1532.
Githiora, Chege. 2008. Ambivalent attitudes: perception of Sheng and its speakers. NJAS, 17
(2), p. 113-136.
Kang’ethe-Iraki, Frederick. 2004. Cognitive efficiency: the Sheng phenomenon in Kenya.
Pragmatics, 14 (1), p. (?).
King’ey, Kitula Geoffrey; Kobia, John. 2008. Lugha kama kitambulisho: changamoto ya Sheng
nchini Kenya = Language as identity: the challenge of Sheng in Kenya. NJAS, 16 (3), p. 320332.
Nzunga, Michaël P.K. 1997. Sheng and Engsh: the booming offspring of linguistic intermarriage. In: Languages in contrast, p. 87-94. Edited by Ingrid Riscom. African studies series,
51. Bayreuth Univ.
Raymond, Ohonde Ochieng. 2000. Sheng variations: a comparative study of the lexical variations of Eastlands Sheng. BA thesis. Univ. of Nairobi.
Samper, David Arthur. 2002. Talking Sheng: the role of a hybrid language in the construction
of identity and youth culture in Nairobi, Kenya. PhD thesis. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania. Pp 301.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
SHABA SWAHILI, Katanga Swahili, Lubumbashi Swahili
Blommaert, Jan. 2001. The other side of history: grassroots literacy and autobiography in
Shaba (Congo). General linguistics, 38 (1), p. 133-155.
Blommaert, Jan. 2003. Writing as a problem: African grassroots writing, economies of literacy,
and globalization. Language in society, 33, p. 643-671.
Fabian, Johannes. 2001. Commenting Kalundi’s comments: notes on the ethnography of translating the “Vocabulary of the town of Elisabethville”. Jrnl of language and popular culture in
Africa (online), 1/3.
Fabian, Johannes. 2002. The times of the “Vocabulaire”: commentary on a conversation with
Baba Ngoie Léon. Jrnl of language and popular culture in Africa (online), 2/1.
Fabian, Johannes. 2008. Language and labor: conversations about work, language, and life transcribed, translated, and commented. Archives of popular Swahili, 10:1. Dept. of Sociology
and Anthropology, Univ. of Amsterdam.
MWANI, Kimwani
Floor, Sebastian. 1999. Confirmative demonstratives. Working papers from SIL Int’l, Mozambique, 1, p. 1-15.
Floor, Sebastian. 2003. Demonstrativos confirmativos. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 1, p. 1-15.
SIDI (Pakistan), Habsi
Baptiste, F.A. 1998. African presence in India. Africa quarterly (New Delhi), 38, p. 75-90, 91126.
Bhattacharya, D.K. 1970. Indians of African origin. CEA, 10 (40), p. 579-582.
Burton, Richard Francis. 1851. [Specimens of the Sidi language]. In: Sindh, and the races that
inhabit the valley of the Indus. London: W.H. Allen & Co.
Catlin-Jairazbhoy, Amy; Alpers, Edward A. (Ed.) 2004. Sidis and scholars: essays on African
Indians. Trenton NJ: Red Sea Press.
Jayasuriya, Shihan de Silva; Pankhurst, Richard K.P. (Ed.) 2003. The African diaspora in the
Indian Ocean. Trenton NJ & London: Africa World Press; Turnaround. Pp 276. ISBN-10 086543-980-X.
Kadetodad, N.K. 1999. The ultimate reality and meaning of the Sidis of North Kanara District,
Karnataka, India. Ultimate reality and meaning, 22 (2), p. 96-105.
Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf. 1992. African settlements in India. NJAS, 1 (1), p. 83-86.
Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf. 2008. Bantu origins of the Sidis of India. In: Proc. of the international
conference on the African diaspora in the Indian Ocean and Asia, Goa University, Panjim,
India, 9-16 January, 2006, p. (?).
Micklem, James. 2001. Sidis in Gujarat. Occasional papers from CAS, 1. Univ. of Edinburgh.
Patel, Jayanti K. 1986. African settlements in Gujarat. India quarterly, July/Sept. 1986, p. 238246.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
G42 (i.e. G41, G42, G43)
SWAHILI, Kiswahili, incl. Tikuu (Tikulu, Bajuni, Gunya), Socotra Swahili, Mwiini (Miini,
Barawa, Mbalazi), Amu, Pate, Siu, Ozi, Mvita, Ngare, Jomvu, Changamwe, Kilindini,
Mrima (Mtang’ata, Lugha ya Zamani), Unguja, Mambrui, Malindi, Fundi, Chwaka,
Vumba, Nosse Be, Pemba, Tumbatu, Ka(l)e (Makunduchi), Mafia (Mbwera), Kilwa,
[Anon.] 1919. African native languages: Miss Werner’s studies Swahili literature. Christian
science monitor, December 5, p. 18.
[Anon.] 1998. A rough guide phrasebook: Swahili. Rough Guides. Pp 272.
[Anon.] 2006. The rough guide phrasebook: Swahili. 3rd ed. Rough Guides. Pp 224.
[Anon.] 1992. Kamusi ya istilahi za sayansi na tekninolojia: shule ya msingi = Dictionary of
science and technology: primary schools, book 1. Dar es Salaam: BAKITA.
[Anon.] 2006. English-Swahili dictionary / Kamusi ya kiingereza-kiswahili. 3rd ed. Dar es
Salaam: TUKI. Pp 1030.
Abdulla, Anu; others. 2002. Swahili-suomi-swahili-sanakirja = Swahili-Finnish-Swahili
lexicon. Saarijärvi (Finland). Pp 403.
Abubu, Maryam. 1981. Methali za kiswahili: maana na matumizi= Swahili proverbs: meaning
and use. Nairobi: Shungwaya Publ. Pp 35.
Amidu, Assibi Apatewon. 2009. Matrix nominal phrases in Kiswahili Bantu: a study of their
effects on argument syntax. GAAS, 34. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Pp 236.
Amory, Deborah Peters. 1994. The politics of identity on Zanzibar. PhD thesis. Stanford Univ.
Arnold, Rainer. 1973. Swahili literature and modern history: a necessary remark on literary
criticism. Kiswahili, 42/43, p. 68-73.
Bacuez, Paul. 1997. Honneur et pudeur dans la société swahili de Zanzibar. JdA, 67 (2), p. 2548.
Bakari, Mohamed; Yahya, Saad S. (Ed.) 1995. Islam in Kenya: proc. of the national seminar
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Bakiri, Mtoro bin Mwinyi. 1903. Desturi wa Waswahili = Customs of the Swahili people. [Details wanting.]
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Bittremieux, Leo. 1924. Vertellingen uit Mayombe. Leuven: Vlaamse Boekenhalle. Pp 160.
Bittremieux, Leo. 1937. Woordkunst der Bayombe. Anvers: Standaard-Boekhandel. Pp 224.
Bittremieux, Leo. 1938. Rituele dichtkunst in Mayombe. KO, 4, p. 1-11.
Cleene, Natalis de. 1938. Note sur la société Yombe. Congo, 19, p. (?).
Grauwe, Jan de. 2009. Lexique yoómbe-français, avec index français-yoómbe. Edité par Koen
Bostoen. Tervuren series for African language documentation and description, 1. Tervuren:
MRAC. Pp 216. ISBN 978-9-0747-5262-6.
Jacobs, John. 2000. Elementen van de kosmologie van de Tetela (D.R. Congo) en van de andere
bevolkingsgroepen. Bull. des séances de l’ARSOM, NS 46 (4), p. 457-472.
Khonde, Mvumbi. 1975. Les choses et les mots: approche formelle et sémantique des motifs
artistiques yombe. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 133.
Khonde, Kingiela. 1980. La notion de vie humaine chez les Yombe à partir des proverbes.
Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Khuala, Mvumbi. 1980. Le rôle de la parole dans une philosophie de la “présence”: essai
d’analytique existentielle de la notion de personne en société Yombe à travers quelques actes
de langage. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 157.
Kivanga-Kwanda, Bonaventure. 1970. Dieu et la magie dans la société traditionelle Yombe.
Revue du clergé africain, 25, p. 299-335.
Lehuard, Raoul. 1977. Les phemba du Mayombe. Suppl. to Arts d’Afrique noire, v. 17. Villiersle-Bel (France).
Mantuba-Ngoma, Mabiala. 1989. Frauen, Kunsthandwerk und Kultur bei den Yombe in Zaire.
Arbeiten aus dem Mainzer Inst. für Ethnologie und Afrika-Studien, 1. Göttingen: Ed. Re. Pp
xiv, 356. ISBN-10 3-927636-02-9.
Mbadu, Kikhela. 1975. La réconciliation traditionelle Yombe: son expression sacramentelle
dans une liturgie africaine. Thèse de doctorat. Roma: Collegium Anselmianum. Pp xxvii, 302.
Mertens, Frans. 19xx. Methodische lessen in het Kiyombe / Woordenlijst behoorend bij de
methodische lessen. Pp 211. [Listed in the Scripta confratrum; see part 6.]
Mertens, Frans. 19xx. Kiyombs woordenboek / Dictionnaire du kiyombe / Zina ki Yombe, 3
vols. Pp xi, 652; 198; 187. [Listed in the Scripta confratrum; see part 6.]
Mertens, Frans. 19xx. Leçons méthodiques de kiyombe. Pp 87. [Listed in the Scripta confratrum; see part 6.]
Mertens, Frans; others. 19xx. Voorgezette lessen in het Kiyombe. Pp 121. [Listed in the Scripta
confratrum; see part 6.]
Mue-Nlimba. 1953. Historia politica do Maiombe. Portugal em Africa, 10, p. (?).
Mwila, M. 1981. Un rite d’initiation yombe: le ki-kuumbi. CdRA, 15, p. 41-75.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Ngoma-Binda. 1976. L’existence selon l’homme yombe: essai d’herméneutique du phénomène
Nzola. Mémoire de licence. Lubumbashi: UNAZA. Pp x, 120.
Ngoma-Binda. 1976. Herméneutique de quelques interdits et structures de défoulement en
société yombe. Zaïre-Afrique, 108, p. 489-502.
Nzuzi, Bibaki. 1978. Le “je” (la personne) dans la relation clanique des Bayombe vu à la lumière du “je” de la relation “je-tu” chez Buber. Raison ardente (Kinshasa), 4, p. 47-54.
Nzuzi, Bibaki. 1992. Le dieu-mère chez les Yombe: inculturation et discours “proverbial” sur
dieu. Raison ardente (Kinshasa), 37, p. 87-118.
Thamba-Khonde, A.A. 1964. Commentaire des proverbes Yombe. In: Anthologie des écrivains
congolais, p. 47-73. Kinshasa: Min. de la Culture, Congo-Kinshasa.
Tsiku-Lufua, Body di. 1983. Les droits de l’homme dans la famille yombe. Raison ardente
(Kinshasa), 16, p. 37-43.
West Kongo
Bittremieux, Leo. 1930. Symbolisme in de negerkunst of beeldspreuken der Bawoyo’s [pt. 1].
Congo, 11, p. (?).
Bittremieux, Leo. 1934. Symbolisme in de negerkunst of beeldspreuken der Bawoyo’s [pt. 2].
Congo, 15, p. (?).
Mandemwo, P. 1960. Notes sur le royaume de Ngoyo. Kinshasa. [Details wanting.]
Tshido, V. 1961. Devinettes des Bawoyo. Ngonge Kongo: carnets de sciences humaines
(Léopoldville), 9, p. (?).
Vaz, M. Martins. 1955. Filosofia popular do fiote, casamento indigena no enclave de Cabinda.
Portugal em Africa, 12 (67), p. 29-36.
Vaz, M. Martins. 1970. Filosofia tradicional dos Cabindas, 2 vols. Lisboa: Agência Geral do
Ultramar. Pp 386.
Bwende, incl. Sonde
Manker, Ernst. 1932. Niombo: die Totenbestattung der Babwende. ZfE, 64, p. (?).
Widman, Ragnar. 1967. The Niombo cult among the Babwende. Monograph series from the
Ethnographical Museum of Sweden, 11. Stockholm. Pp 67.
East Kongo, incl. Santu, Ntandu
Butaye, Réne. 1902. Une pèlerinage à Kisantu. Missions Belges des Compagnons de Jesus.
South-East Kongo, incl. Zombo, Nkanu
Mbiavanga, Fernando. 2008. An analysis of verbal affixes in Kikongo, with special reference to
form and fucntion. MA thesis. Pretoria: UNISA. Pp xvi, 167.
Misha, D. wa. 2006. Kizombo and English noun phrase agreement and word order. BA
thesis. Luanda: Univ. Agostinho Neto.
Ryckmans, André. 1957. Choix de devinettes des Bankanu et Bayaka du territoire de Popokabaka. Zaïre, 11, p. 563-592.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
H20 Kimbundu Group
MBUNDU, Kimbundu
Barros, Elizabete Umbelino de. 2005. Traços de quimbundo em uma comunidade religiosa /
Kimbundu’s terms in the religious community. Papia, 15, p. 116-120.
Bastin, Marie-Louise. 1969. Arts of the Angolan peoples, 4: Mbundu / L’art d’un peuple
d’Angola, 4: Mbundu. African arts (Los Angeles), 2 (4), p. 30-76.
Chatelain, Héli. 1896. Die begriffe und Wörter für “Leben”, “Seele”, “Geist”, und “Tot” im
Kimbundu. ZfAOS, 2, p. 42-45.
Johnes, Arthur James. 1854. Philological proofs of the original unity and recent origin of the
human race, derived from a comparison of the languages of Asia, Europe, Africa, and
America, being an inquiry how far the differences in the languages of the globe are referrible
to causes now in operation. London: John Russell Smith. Pp lx, 172, 103.
SONGO, Nsongo, Kisongo
Bastin, Marie-Louise. 1969. Arts of the Angolan peoples, 3: Songo / L’art d’un peuple
d’Angola, 3: Songo. African arts (Los Angeles), 2 (3), p. 50-81.
H30 Yaka Group
YAKA, Kiyaka
Beir, L. de. 1975. Les bayaka de M’Nene N’toombo Lengelenge. Collectanea instituti anthropos, 5. St. Augustin: Anthropos-Inst. Pp 326. ISBN-10 3-88345-335-8.
Beir, L. de. 1975. Religion et magie des bayaka. Collectanea instituti anthropos, 4. St. Augustin:
Anthropos-Inst. Pp 191. ISBN-10 3-88345-329-3.
Dechamps, Roger. 1977. La identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour les sculptures en
Afrique, 8: la sculpture yaka et suku du Zaïre et d’Angola. Africa-Tervuren, 13 (1), p. 23-27.
Devisch, Renaat. 1972. Signification socio-culturelle des masques chez les Yaka. Bol. do IICA,
9 (2), p. 151-176.
Devisch, Renaat. 1977. Processes of articulation of meaning and ritual healing among the northern Yaka. Anthropos, 72 (5/6), p. 683-708.
Devisch, Renaat. 1987. Le symbolisme du corps entre l’indicible et le sacré dans la culture
yaka. CdRA, 20/21, p. 145-165.
Devisch, Renaat. 1991. Symbol and symptom among the Yaka of Zaïre. In: Body and space:
symbolics models of unity and division in African cosmology and experience, p. 283-302.
Edited by Anita Jacobson-Widding. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
Devisch, Renaat. 1991. Mediumistic divination among the northern Yaka of Zaïre: etiology and
ways of knowing. In: African divination systems: ways of knowing, p. 112-132. Edited by
Philip Michael Peek. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
Devisch, Renaat. 1993. Weaving the threads of life: the Khita gyn-eco-logical healing cult
among the Yaka. Univ. of Chicago Press. Pp 344.
Devisch, Renaat; Mahieu, Wauthier de. 1979. Mort, deuil et compensations mortuaires ches les
Komo et les Yaka du nord au Zaïre. Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines, 96. Tervuren. Pp viii,
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Kiala, Ngoma. 1980. Réflexions sur la division dans la culture pelende. Mémoire de licence.
Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Luhangu, D. 1968. La notion de dieu chez les Yaka. In: Dieu, idoles et sorcellerie dans la
région Kwango/Bas-Kwilu, p. 13-19. Publ. de CEEBA, série I: rapports et comptes rendus des
sessions d’Etudes Ethno-Pastorales, 2. Bandundu.
Mafouta, Izenzama. 1990. De la pertinence en catéchèse du langage proverbial africain: le cas
des proverbes Yaka. Mémoire. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 61.
Mafwanikisa. 1979. Mbelo, la place des ancêtres sans la pensée religieuse Yaka du Kwango
Nord. Mémoire de licence. Kinshasa: Fac. de Théologie Protestante.
Plancquaert, M. 1930. Les sociétés secrètes chez les Bayaka. Bibl. Congo, 31. Louvain: Impr. J.
Kuyl-Otto. Pp 131, plates.
Plancquaert, M. 1932. Les Jaga et les Bayaka du Kwango: contribution historico-ethnographique. Mémoires de l’ARSOM, coll. in-8°, classe des sciences morales et politiques, 3:1.
Bruxelles: Libr. Falk fils. Pp 84, plates.
Roy, H. van. 1968. La notion de l’être suprême chez les Yaka. In: Dieu, idoles et sorcellerie
dans la région Kwango/Bas-Kwilu, p. 19-63. Publ. de CEEBA, série I: rapports et comptes
rendus des sessions d’Etudes Ethno-Pastorales, 2. Bandundu.
Ryckmans, André. 1957. Choix de devinettes des Bankanu et Bayaka du territoire de Popokabaka. Zaïre, 11, p. 563-592.
Verschuur, A. 1968. Fables et légendes Yaka. In: Dieu, idoles et sorcellerie dans la région
Kwango/Bas-Kwilu, p. 64-66. Publ. de CEEBA, série I: rapports et comptes rendus des
sessions d’Etudes Ethno-Pastorales, 2. Bandundu.
Vorbichler, Anton. 1956. Symbolische Denken der Balonso-Bayaka, Belgisch Kongo. KO, 22,
p. 187-206.
Vunza, Mbay. 1989. Dieu comme une mère dans la culture Yaka. Raison ardente (Kinshasa),
30, p. 55-71.
Weyns, J. 1960. Contribution à l’étude du complexe stylistique Ba-Yaka et Ba-Suku (Kwango,
Congo Belge). In: Comptes rendus du 6e congrès international des sciences anthropologiques
et ethnologiques. Musée de l’Homme, Univ. de Paris.
SUKU, Kisuku
Dechamps, Roger. 1977. La identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour les sculptures en
Afrique, 8: la sculpture yaka et suku du Zaïre et d’Angola. Africa-Tervuren, 13 (1), p. 23-27.
Kopytoff, Igor. 1961. Extension of conflict as a method of conflict resolution among the Suku
of the Congo. Jrnl of conflict resolution, 5, p. 61-69.
Kopytoff, Igor. 1980. Revitalization and the genesis of cults in pragmatic religion: the kita rite
of passage among the Suku. In: Explorations in African systems of thought: papers given at a
seminar organized for the African Studies Program at Indiana University in 1977, p. 183-212.
Edited by Ivan Karp & Charles Stephen Bird. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
Munday, Mulopo Mandy. 1987. La dynamique du langage rituel suku en temps de crise. Les
nouvelles rationalités africaines, 8, p. 664-676.
Vondo, Tshakala. 1983. La sémantique des mythes Suku: essai d’herméneutique. Mémoire de
licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 97.
Weyns, J. 1960. Contribution à l’étude du complexe stylistique Ba-Yaka et Ba-Suku (Kwango,
Congo Belge). In: Comptes rendus du 6e congrès international des sciences anthropologiques
et ethnologiques. Musée de l’Homme, Univ. de Paris.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
SOONDE, Kisoonde
Diata, M. 1981. Etude descripto-comparative des démonstratifs soonde (H56), suku (H32) et
mbala (H41). Travail de fin d’études. Univ. de Lubumbashi.
Kamwiziku, Wozol’Apangi. 1986/87. La dialogique du sacré dans l’existentiel soonde. CdRA,
20/21 (39/42), p. 119-121.
Kamwiziku, Wozol’Apangi. 1988. L’enfant d’autrui dans la dialogique soonde: essai d’une
philosophie africaine de l’homme. Cahiers zaïrois d’études politiques et sociales, 9, p. 202219.
Kamwiziku, Wozol’Apangi. 1990. Le sous-sol du schéma idéologique soonde. Mnara (Lubumbashi), 16, p. 12-19.
Kamwiziku, Wozol’Apangi. 1991. Interhumanité et idéologie de la compétence dans la culture
soonde. Revue philosophique de Kinshasa, 5 (7/8), p. 135-144.
Kamwiziku, Wozol’Apangi. 1993. Dialogique de la nature et rituel de réconciliation en Afrique:
la symbolique du “misanga” soonde. In: Tradition, spiritualité et développement: actes de la
13è semaine philosophique de Kinshasa du 5-11 avril, 1992, p. 19-26. Recherches philosophiques africaines, 22. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Kamwiziku, Wozol’Apangi. 1995. Parémiologie et interhumanité dans la culture soonde. In:
Philosophical focus on culture and traditional thought systems in development, p. 176-186.
Edited by Joseph Major Nyasani. Nairobi: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
H40 Mbala-Hunganna Group
MBALA, Kimbala, Gimbaala
Engwall, Ruth. 1983. Congo-Hungana: an ethnographic survey of the Hungana and related
peoples of Bandundu region in the Republic of Zaïre (formerly Kwilu Province in Belgian
Congo). Tallahassee FL: Y.E. Sheline. Pp xxxv, 504.
Mafema, C. 1962/63. La responsabilité en société Bambala. Dialogue et culture (Bruxelles),
mars 1963.
Mandiangu, Miba Masangani. 1981. Interconnexion des interdits sexuels chez les Mbala:
approche phénoménologique. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Pierpoint, J. du. 1932. Les Bambala. Congo, 13, p. (?).
Pongo, Kivula. 1984. Etude comparée des contes du décepteur dans les littératures luba et
mbala. Mémoire de licence. Univ. de Lubumbashi.
Torday, Emil; Joyce, T. Athol. 1906. Notes on the ethnography of the Bahuana. Jrnl of the RAI,
36, p. (?).
Kazwala, Mayanga. 1977. La dialectique de participation comme marque de la personnelité
africaine: cas du groupe Hungaana. Mémoire de licence. Lubumbashi: UNAZA.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
H zone: miscellaneous, unsorted
Baptista, Pedro João; José, Amaro. 1873. Journey of the Pombeiros, P.J. Baptista and Amaro
José, across Africa from Angola to Tette on the Zambeze [transl. by B.A. Beadle]. In: The lands
of Cazembe. London: John Murray for RGSL.
JD40 Konzo-Ndandi Group
KONZO, Konjo, Lukonjo
Khambale, Balinandi. 2006. Lhukonzo-English and English-Lhukonzo dictionary. Kampala:
Fountain Publ. Pp 320. ISBN 978-9970-02-574-9.
NANDI, Ndandi, Kinande, incl. Shu
Clements, George N. 1991. Vowel height assimilation in Bantu languages. Proc. of the annual
meeting of the BLS, 17, suppl., p. 25-64.
Duchâteau, Armand. 1970. Kultur der Bonande volgens hun spreekworden en roodsels.
Anthropos, 65, p. (?).
Henderson, Brent. 2009. Anti-agreement and [person] in Bantu. In: Selected proc. of the 38th
annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic theory and African language documentation, p. 173-181. Edited by Masangu Matondo, Fiona McLaughlin & Eric Potsdam.
Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Kenstowicz, Michael J. 2009. Two notes on Kinande vowel harmony. Language sciences, 31
(2/3), p. 248-270.
Matsoro, Mitonde. 1979. Approches symboliques des rêves chez les Nande. CdRA, 13 (26), p.
Mauka, Mathe Bulalo. 1979. Les rites funèbres chez les Nande. Mémoire de licence. Kinshasa:
Fac. de Théologie Protestante.
Packard, Randall Matthews. 1980. Social change and the history of misfortune among the
Bashu of eastern Zaïre. In: Explorations in African systems of thought: papers given at a
seminar organized for the African Studies Program at Indiana University in 1977, p. 237-267.
Edited by Ivan Karp & Charles Stephen Bird. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
Starwalt, Coleen Grace Anderson. 2008. The acoustic correlates of ATR harmony in seven- and
nine-vowel African languages: a phonetic inquiry into phonological structure. PhD thesis.
Univ. of Texas at Arlington. Pp xxxi, 475.
Waswandi, Ngoliko Kakule. 1985. Nyamuhanga: la conception de dieu chez les Nande du
Zaïre. CdRA, 19 (38), p. 249-268.
Waswandi, Ngoliko Kakule. 1990. Culte sacrificiel à dieu Nyamuhanga chez les Nande du
Zaïre et signification du sacrifice. Revue africaine de théologie (Kinshasa), 14 (27/28), p. 65101.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
JD50 Shi-Hunde Group
NYINDU, Kinyindu
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 1976. Sculpture from the eastern Zaire forest regions. African arts (Los
Angeles), 9 (2), p. 8-15, 79-80.
HUNDE, Kihunde, Kobi
Botne, Robert Dale. 2005. Motion, time and tense: on the grammaticalization of come and go in
Bantu. SAL, 35 (2), p. 127-188.
Viaene, L. 1923. Uit de kunstschat der Bahunde. Congo, 7, p. 28-35, 226237.
Viaene, L. 1951. La vie domestique des Bahunde. KO, 17, p. (?).
Viaene, L. 1952. Organization politique des Bahunde. KO, 18, p. (?).
Viaene, L. 1952. La religion des Bahunde (Kivu). KO, 18, p. 388-425.
Viaene, L. 1955. Coup d’oeil sur la littérature orale des Bahunde (Kivu). KO, 21, p. 212-240.
Viaene, L. 1956. Coup d’oeil sur la vie intellectuelle des Bahunde (Kivu). KO, 22, p. 360-383.
HAAVU, Gihaavu
Aramazani, Birusha. 1975. Conceptualisation du manger dans le champ notionnel de la sexualité
en langue bavu. Bull. d’information du CELTA: linguistique et sciences humaines (Lubumbashi), 17, p. 3-27.
Balegamire, Bazilashe J.; Rusimbuka, J.M. Ngoboka. (Ed.) 1991. Langue et culture en Afrique:
le cas des Bahavu du Zaïre - mélanges à la mémoire d’Aramazani Birusha A. (1943-1987).
Kinshasa & Louvain-la-Neuve: Ed. Noraf. Pp 244. ISBN-10 2-87184-015-6.
Balegamire, Bazilashe J. 1991. L’exigence de transparence dans les relations interpersonnelles:
le sens du serment chez les Bahavu (Zaïre). In: Langue et culture en Afrique: le cas des Bahavu
du Zaïre, p. 101-121. Edited by Bazilashe J. Balegamire & J.M. Ngoboka Rusimbuka.
Kinshasa & Louvain-la-Neuve: Ed. Noraf.
Bapolisi, Bahunga Polepole. 1991. La mort dans les proverbes des Bahavu. In: Langue et
culture en Afrique: le cas des Bahavu du Zaïre, p. 87-100. Edited by Bazilashe J. Balegamire &
J.M. Ngoboka Rusimbuka. Kinshasa & Louvain-la-Neuve: Ed. Noraf.
SHI, Nyabungu
Burume, Louis Lwigulira. 1968. Le céremonial du mariage, acte socio-religieux chez les Bashi.
CdRA, 2 (4), p. 301-313.
Colle, [R.P.]. 1921. L’organisation politique des Bashi. Congo, 2, p. 657-684.
Colle, [R.P.]. 1925. La notion de dieu chez les Bashi. Congo, 6 (2), p. 37-41.
Colle, [R.P.]. 1929. La notion de l’âme désincarnée chez les Bashi. Congo, 10 (1), p. 583-597.
Defour, Georges. 1995. Eléments d’identification de 400 plantes médicinales et vétérinaires du
Bushi, 2 vols. Bukavu: Ed. Bandari. Pp 116; 125.
Kagaragu, Ntabaza. 1976. Les croyances religieuses des Bashi à travers les proverbes. CdRA,
10 (19), p. 139-144.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Kesel, P. de. 1939. De kunst bij de Bashi. Nieuw Afrika: het missietijdschrift der Witte Paters,
Missionarissen van Afrika, (1939), p. (?).
Masson, Paul. 1960. Trois siècles chez les Bashi. Ann. du MRAC: archives d’ethnographie, 1.
Tervuren. Pp 126.
Mulago, Vincent. 1954. L’union vitale bantu chez les Bashi, les Banyarwanda et les Burundi
face à l’unité vitale ecclésiale. Thèse de doctorat. Roma: Univ. de la Propagande.
Mulago, Vincent. 1956. L’union vitale bantu, ou le Principe de cohésion de la communauté chez
les Bashi, les Banyarwanda et les Barundi. Ann. lateranensi, 20, p. 61-263.
Mulago, Vincent. 1969. Le culte de lyangombe chez les Bashi et les Banyarwanda. CdRA, 3 (6),
p. 299-314.
Mweze, Chirhulwire Nkingi. 1985. Bibliographie sur les Bashi du Kivu. CdRA, 34, p. 145-168.
Mweze, Chirhulwire Nkingi. 1990. Stratégies discursives et argumentatives des parémies des
Bashi (est du Zaïre): éléments de pragmatique de la communion verbale. Thèse de doctorat.
Fac. de Philosophie et Lettres, Univ. de Liège. Pp 557.
Mweze, Chirhulwire Nkingi. 1990. Bibliographie sur les Bashi du Kivu. Pistes africaines
(Gembloux), 1 (2-3), p. 281-287, 485-490.
Mweze, Chirhulwire Nkingi. 1991. La notion de temps chez les Bashi du Kivu. L’Africain:
revue des étudiants africains en Belgique, 150, p. 16-25.
Mweze, Chirhulwire Nkingi. 1994. Dire Dieu: analyse de quelques parémies théophores des
Bashi du Sud-Kivu (Zaïre). Revue philosophique de Kinshasa, 8 (14), p. 25-60.
Mweze, Chirhulwire Nkingi. 1996. Le champ discursif de la communication verbale des Bashi
du Kivu (Zaïre). Revue africaine de communications sociales (Kinshasa), 1 (1), p. 117-137.
Mweze, Chirhulwire Nkingi. 1997. Les noms officiels de dieu chez les Bashi. La revue de
Kabare (Kinshasa), 3, p. 15-17.
Mweze, Chirhulwire Nkingi. 1999. Bibliographie sur les Bashi du Sud-Kivu, République
Démocratique du Congo. Bibl. du CERA, 16. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp
JD60 Ruanda-Rundi Group
RWANDA, Kinyarwanda
Albert, Ethel M. 1960. My ‘boy’, Muntu (Ruanda-Urundi). In: In the company of man. Edited
by J.B. Casagrande. New York: Harper & Row Publ.
Anastase, [Frère]. 1961. Le nom et ses implications dans la culture bantoue. Servir: organe des
élèves et anciens élèves des sections spéciales du Groupe Scolaire d’Astrida, 22 (4), p. 120135.
Bangamwabo, François-Xavier. 1989. Etude sociolinguistique du contact de langues: le kinyarwanda et le giciga au Rwanda. Thèse de doctorat nouveau régime. Univ. de Rouen.
Bizige-Ngabo, Herménégilde. 1985. Description of the vowels in Kinyarwanda lexical items.
MA thesis. Durham Univ.
Bostoen, Koen; Harushimana, Gaspard. 2003. Parole et savoir-faire populaires: conversations
à propos de la poterie des Twa au Burundi. LPCA text archives, 4. Dept. of Sociology and
Anthropology, Univ. of Amsterdam.
Bourgeois, René. 1954/58. Banyarwanda et Barundi, 4 vols. Mémoires de l’ARSOM, coll. in8°, classe des sciences morales et politiques, nouvelle série. Bruxelles.
Bulck, Gaston [Vaast] van. 1957. La dialectique des Barundi. Zaïre, 11, p. 1021-1029.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Calvet, Louis-Jean. 2001. Les politiques linguistiques en Afrique francophone: état des lieux du
point du vue de la politologie linguistique. In: Les langues dans l’espace francophone: de la
coexistence au partenariat, p. 145-176. Edited by Robert Chaudenson & Louis-Jean Calvet.
Paris: L’Harmattan.
Classe, L.P. 1929. The supreme being among the Baryarwanda of Ruanda. Primitive man
(Washington DC), 2 (3/4), p. 56-57.
Codere, Helen. 1970. Field work in Rwanda, 1959-1960. In: Women in the field. Edited by
Peggy Golde. Chicago: Aldine Publ.
Delhaise, Charles Godefroid Félix François. 1908. Ethnographie congolaise: chez les Warundi
et les Wahorohoro. Bull. de la Société Royale Belge de Géographie, 32, p. (?).
Gafaranga, Joseph. 1998. Elements of order in bilingual talk: Kinyarwanda-French language
alternation. Thesis. Lancaster Univ.
Gafaranga, Joseph. 2007. Talk in two languages. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp xii, 225.
ISBN 978-1-403-94861-8.
Gansemans, J. 1988. Les instruments de musique du Rwanda: étude ethnomusicologique. Ann.
du MRAC, sciences humaines, 127. Tervuren. Pp 361. ISBN-10 90-6186-276-0.
Habiyakare. 1977. La présence et le lien vital aux sources de la sagesse rwandaise. Thèse de
doctorat. Louvain-la-Neuve: ISP.
Habyarimana, Hilaire. 2007. Multilingualism and change on the Kinyarwanda sound system
post-1994. MA thesis. Johannesburg: UWits.
Hertefelt, Marcel d’; Lame, Danielle de. 1987. Société, culture et histoire du Rwanda: encyclopédie bibliographique 1863-1980/87, 2 vols. Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines, 124. Tervuren. Pp xxix, 1849. ISBN-10 90-900202-6-8.
Hoffman, Mika Christine. 1991. The syntax of argument-structure-changing morphology. PhD
thesis. Cambridge MA: MIT.
Kamugunga, Callixte. 1984. Apprendre le kinyarwanda. 2e éd. Kigali. Pp 43, 311, 41.
Lame, Danielle de. 1996. Une colline entre mille, ou, le calme avant la tempête: transformations et blocages du Rwanda rural. Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines, 54. Tervuren. Pp 358.
ISBN-10 90-7589-401-5.
Lame, Danielle de. 2005. A hill among a thousand: transformations and ruptures in rural
Rwanda. Transl. by Helen Arnold. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press. Pp xix, 540. ISBN-10
Mbori, Bob John Obwang’i. 2008. The interface between language attitudes and language use
in a post-conflict context: the case of Rwanda. DLitt & Phil thesis. Pretoria: UNISA.
McCorriston, Megan. 2002. Language learning in sub-Saharan Africa: trilingualism in
Rwanda’s education system. MSc thesis. Univ. of Oxford. Pp ii, 82.
Mulago, Vincent. 1954. L’union vitale bantu chez les Bashi, les Banyarwanda et les Burundi
face à l’unité vitale ecclésiale. Thèse de doctorat. Roma: Univ. de la Propagande [Collegio
Urbano de Propaganda Fide?].
Mulago, Vincent. 1956. L’union vitale bantu, ou le Principe de cohésion de la communauté chez
les Bashi, les Banyarwanda et les Barundi. Ann. lateranensi, 20, p. 61-263.
Mulago, Vincent. 1969. Le culte de lyangombe chez les Bashi et les Banyarwanda. CdRA, 3 (6),
p. 299-314.
Myers, Scott P. 2003. F0 timing in Kinyarwanda. Phonetica, 60 (2), p. 71-97.
Pages, A. 1934. Le vie intellectuelle des noirs du Ruanda. Congo, 15, p. 357-389, 481-503, 657671.
Rosendal, Tove. 2006. The noun classes of Rwanda: an overview. MISS: meddelanden från
inst. för svenska språket (Göteborg), 56, p. 143-161.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Rosendal, Tove. 2010. Linguistic landshapes: a comparison of official and non-official
language management in Rwanda and Uganda, focusing on the position of African languages.
PhD thesis. Dept. of Languages and Literatures, Univ. of Gothenburg.
Rutasiyire, Antoine. 1987. Kinyarwanda and English phonology: a contrastive study of the
segmentals. MA thesis. Bangor: Univ. College.
Ruzindana, Mathias. 1991. An interlanguage study of vowel duration in the advanced Kinyarwanda speakers of English. Thesis. Univ. of Reading.
Smith, Pierre. 1975. Le récit populaire au Rwanda. Classiques africaines, 17. Paris: Libr.
Armand Colin. Pp 431.
Troupin, Georges; Donneaux, Anne. 1982. Plantes ligneuses du Rwanda: lexique des noms
kinyarwanda. Butare: INRS. Pp 35.
Vester, H. 19xx. English-Kishwahili-Runyarwanda-Luganda, English-Luganda-Lukiga-Doggang-Dholuo, Français-Kinyarwanda, English-Lunyoro. Unpubl. wordlists, ref. Ms/380469.
London: SOAS. Pp c.400.
Walker, Rachel; Byrd, Dani; Mpiranya, Fidèle. 2009. An articulatory view of Kinyarwanda
coronal harmony. Phonology, 25 (3), p. (?).
RUNDI, Kirundi
Bigirimana, Jean Baptiste. 2008. Langue et droit: le droit à la langue en contexte de diglossie
français-kirundi au Burundi. LPLP, 32 (1), p. 23-46.
Bourgeois, René. 1954/58. Banyarwanda et Barundi, 4 vols. Mémoires de l’ARSOM, coll. in8°, classe des sciences morales et politiques, nouvelle série. Bruxelles.
Bucumi, J. 1964. Imâna: some names of God in the Kirundi language. Int’l philosophical
quarterly, 4, p. 394-418.
Mulago, Vincent. 1954. L’union vitale bantu chez les Bashi, les Banyarwanda et les Burundi
face à l’unité vitale ecclésiale. Thèse de doctorat. Roma: Univ. de la Propagande [Collegio
Urbano de Propaganda Fide?].
Mulago, Vincent. 1956. L’union vitale bantu, ou le Principe de cohésion de la communauté chez
les Bashi, les Banyarwanda et les Barundi. Ann. lateranensi, 20, p. 61-263.
Ngoyagoye, E. 1969. La responsabilité de l’homme devant Imana dans les noms et les proverbes kirundi. Au coeur de l’Afrique (Bujumbura), 9, p. 18-32.
Ngoyagoye, E. 1969. La conscience professionnelle des Barundi dans leurs proverbes. Au
coeur de l’Afrique (Bujumbura), 9, p. 291-302.
Ngoyagoye, E. 1971. Le sens du péché chez les Barundi. Au coeur de l’Afrique (Bujumbura),
11, p. 263-268.
Ntahombaye, P. 1994. Politique et aménagement linguistique au Burundi. In: Langues et sociétés en contant, p. 517-528. Edited by Pierre Martel & Jaques Maurais. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.
Ntawurishira, L. 1985. Burundi: system of education. In: Int’l encyclopaedia of education, p.
596-600. Edited by Torsten Husen & T. Neville Postletwaite. New York: Pergamon Press.
Rwantabagu, Herménégilde. 1999. Progress and problems in the implementation of a mother
tongue policy in education in Africa: the case of the Kirundization programme in Burundi. In:
Comparative perspectives on language and literacy, p. 293-303. Edited by Leslie Limage.
Dakar: UNESCO.
Zuure, Bernard. 1926. Imana, le dieu des Barundi. Anthropos, 21, p. 733-776.
Zuure, Bernard. 1929. Croyances et pratiques religieuses des Barundi. Bibl. Congo, 22.
Bruxelles: Ed. de l’Essorial. Pp 206.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Zuure, Bernard. 1932. L’âme du Murundi. Etudes sur l’histoire des religions, 7. Paris: G.
Beauchesne. Pp 502.
Zuure, Bernard. 1948/49. Croyances et pratiques religieuses des Barundi révélées par leur
usages et pratiques. Grand Lacs, 63 (9), p. 66-69.
Zuure, Bernard. 1949. Les croyances des Barundi révélées par leur contes. Grand Lacs, 64
(19), p. 11-14.
Otterloo, Karen van; Otterloo, Roger van. 2011. The Kifuliiru language, 2 vols. Publ. in
linguistics. Dallas: SIL Int’l. Pp 1132. ISBN 978-1-55671-279-1.
HANGAZA, Kihangaza
Rubagumya, Cashmir M. 2006. Igihangaza lexicon. LoT publ., 6. Dept. of Foreign Languages
and Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 9987-691-06-4.
HA, Kiha
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Scherer, J.H. 1959. The Ha of Tanganyika [pt. 1]. Anthropos, 54 (5/6), p. 841-904.
Scherer, J.H. 1961. The Ha of Tanganyika [pt. 2]. Anthropos, 56 (1/2), p. 273-274.
JE10 Nyoro-Ganda Group
RUNYAKITARA (artificial)
Katushemererwe, Fridah; Hanneforth, Thomas. 2010. Finite state methods in morphological
analysis of Runyakitara verbs. NJAS, 19 (1), p. 1-22.
TALINGA (Kitalinga)-BWISI (Lubwisi)
Starwalt, Coleen Grace Anderson. 2008. The acoustic correlates of ATR harmony in seven- and
nine-vowel African languages: a phonetic inquiry into phonological structure. PhD thesis.
Univ. of Texas at Arlington. Pp xxxi, 475.
NYORO, Runyoro, Kyopi
Byaruhanga-Akiiki, A.B.T. 1971. Religion in Bunyoro. PhD thesis. Kampala: Makerere Univ.
Charsley, S.R. 1968. Population growth and development in northeast Bunyoro. EAGR, 6, p.
Roscoe, John. 1915. The northern Bantu: an account of some Central African tribes of the
Uganda Protectorate. Cambridge archaeological and ethnological series. CUP. Pp xii, 305.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Turner, B.J. 1967. Ecological problems of cattle ranching in Bunyoro. EAGR, 5, p. 9-20.
Vester, H. 19xx. English-Kishwahili-Runyarwanda-Luganda, English-Luganda-Lukiga-Doggang-Dholuo, Français-Kinyarwanda, English-Lunyoro. Unpubl. wordlists, ref. Ms/380469.
London: SOAS. Pp c.400.
TOORO, Rutooro
Ataragaboine, G. 1973. The concept of the Supreme Being among the Batoro. Occ. papers in
African traditional religion and philosophy (Kampala), 19 (204), p. (?).
Kaji, Shigeki. 2009. Tone and syntax in Rutooro, a toneless Bantu language of western Uganda.
Language sciences, 31 (2/3), p. 239-247.
Lobho-lwa-Djugudjugu. 1979. Société et politique en Afrique traditionnelle: Bahema et Walendu du Zaïre. Kinshasa: Presses Univ. du Zaïre. Pp 325, xxv.
Lobho-lwa-Djugudjugu. 1981. Idéologie et religion dans l’univers socio-politique Hema et
Lendu de l’Ituri (Haut-Zaïre). In: Combats pour un christianisme africain: mélanges Mulago,
p. 211-242. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
JE13, JE14
NKORE (Nyankore, Runyankore)-KIGA (Ciga, Luciga)
Asiimwe, Allen. 2007. Morpho-syntactic patterns in Runyankore-Rukiga. MA thesis. Trondheim: NTNU.
Bangamwabo, François-Xavier. 1989. Etude sociolinguistique du contact de langues: le kinyarwanda et le giciga au Rwanda. Thèse de doctorat nouveau régime. Univ. de Rouen.
Cisterino, M. 1977. Evolution of birth names among the Kiga of western Uganda. Anthropos,
72 (3/4), p. 465-485.
Kaji, Shigeki. 2004. A Runyankore vocabulary. Asian and African lexicon series, 44. Tokyo:
Peace, K. 1966. The Ankole ranching scheme. EAGR, 4, p. 62-65.
Roscoe, John. 1915. The northern Bantu: an account of some Central African tribes of the
Uganda Protectorate. Cambridge archaeological and ethnological series. CUP. Pp xii, 305.
Splansky, J.B. 1969. Some geographic characteristics of permanent retail institutions in Ankole.
East African geographical review, 7, p. 61-78.
Twesigye, Emmanuel K. 1996. Traditional religion: death among the Bakiga of Uganda. Occ.
papers in African traditional religion and philosophy, 2:19. Kampala: Makerere Univ.
Vester, H. 19xx. English-Kishwahili-Runyarwanda-Luganda, English-Luganda-Lukiga-Doggang-Dholuo, Français-Kinyarwanda, English-Lunyoro. Unpubl. wordlists, ref. Ms/380469.
London: SOAS. Pp c.400.
GANDA, Luganda
Bakabulindi, J. 1974. The traditional wisdom of the Baganda concerning moral behaviour. Occ.
papers in African traditional religion and philosophy (Kampala), 17, p. (?).
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Bayiga, Florence Tendo. 2005. Communicating casual relations in Luganda. MA thesis.
Trondheim: NTNU.
Dutcher, Katharine; Paster, Mary. 2008. Contour tone distribution in Luganda. In: Proc. of the
27th West Coast conference on formal linguistics, p. 123-131. Edited by Natasha Abner &
Jason Bishop. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Fallers, Lloyd Ashton. 1964. The king’s men: leadership and status in Buganda on the eve of
independence. London & New York: OUP for the EAISR. Pp xxvi, 414.
Ferrari-Bridgers, Franca. 2009. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the final vowels [i] and
[a] in Luganda deverbal nouns. In: Selected proc. of the 39th annual conference on African
linguistics: linguistic research and language in Africa, p. 23-31. Edited by Akinloye Ojo &
Lioba Moshi. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Hambly, Wilfrid Dyson. 1920. The native races of East Africa. Native races of the British
Empire series, 3. London: OUP (Humphrey Milford).
Hanson, Holly. 2009. Mapping conflict: heterarchy and accountability in the ancient capital of
Buganda. JAH, 50 (2), p. 179-202.
Haydon, E.S. 1960. Law and justice in Buganda. African law series, 2. London: Butterworths.
Pp xxxix, 342.
Henderson, Brent. 2009. Anti-agreement and [person] in Bantu. In: Selected proc. of the 38th
annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic theory and African language documentation, p. 173-181. Edited by Masangu Matondo, Fiona McLaughlin & Eric Potsdam.
Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Kodesh, Neil. 2010. Beyond the royal gaze: clanship and public healing in Buganda.
Charlottesville VA: Univ. of Virginia Press. Pp xi, 264. ISBN 978-0-8139-2927-9.
Lugira, A.M. 1968. Redemption in Ganda traditional belief. The Uganda jrnl, 32 (2), p. 199203.
Lugira, A.M. 1969. Redemption in Ganda traditional belief. CdRA, 5, p. 13-24.
Mair, Lucy P. 1940. Native marriage in Buganda. London: OUP for IIALC.
McPherson, Laura; Paster, Mary. 2009. Evidence for the Mirror Principle and morphological
templates in Luganda affix ordering. In: Selected proc. of the 39th annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic research and language in Africa, p. 56-66. Edited by Akinloye Ojo &
Lioba Moshi. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Nahayo, Sylvia. 2007. Tracking referents in Luganda discourse. MA thesis. Trondheim:
Nakayiza, Judith. 2005. Selected topics in Luganda phonology. MA thesis. Trondheim: NTNU.
Nakijoba, Sarah. 2008. A comparative analysis of a translated text: a case study of C.
Kalinda’s translation into Luganda of G. Orwell’s novel ‘Animal farm’. MA thesis. Trondheim: NTNU.
Nsimbi, Michael B. 1975. Traditional religion in Buganda. Bull. of the Pontifical Council for
Interreligious Dialogue (Rome), 28/29, p. 159-163.
Pak, Marjorie. 2008. A-movement and intervention effects in Luganda. In: Proc. of the 27th
West Coast conference on formal linguistics, p. 361-369. Edited by Natasha Abner & Jason
Bishop. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Richards, Audrey I. 1968. The Ganda. In: Problems in African history: the precolonial centuries. Edited by Robert Oakley Collins, James McDonald Burns & Erik Kristofer Ching.
Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Rosendal, Tove. 2010. Linguistic landshapes: a comparison of official and non-official language management in Rwanda and Uganda, focusing on the position of African languages. PhD
thesis. Dept. of Languages and Literatures, Univ. of Gothenburg.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Stam, N. 1903. The religious conceptions of some tribes of Buganda. Anthropos, 3, p. 213-218.
Stephens, Rhiannon. 2009. Lineage and society in precolonial Uganda. JAH, 50 (2), p. 203-221.
Vester, H. 19xx. English-Kishwahili-Runyarwanda-Luganda, English-Luganda-Lukiga-Doggang-Dholuo, Français-Kinyarwanda, English-Lunyoro. Unpubl. wordlists, ref. Ms/380469.
London: SOAS. Pp c.400.
Wamala, E. 1992. The socio-political philosophy of traditional Buganda society. In: The foundations of social life: Ugandan philosophical studies. Edited by Albert Titus Dalfovo.
Washington DC: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
SOGA, Lusoga, incl. Kenyi
Roscoe, John. 1915. The northern Bantu: an account of some Central African tribes of the
Uganda Protectorate. Cambridge archaeological and ethnological series. CUP. Pp xii, 305.
Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de; Nabirye, Minah. 2010. A quantitative analysis of the morphology,
morphophonology and semantic import of the Lusoga noun. AfrL, 16, p. 97-154.
GWERE, Lugwere
Kagaya, Ryohei. 2005. A tonal analysis of nouns of the Gwere language [in Japanese]. JAASTokyo, 69, p. 123-176.
Nzogi, Richard. 2009. Disambiguating grammatical tone in Gwere orthography by using clarifying words. SILEWP 2009-003. SIL Int’l. Pp 11.
JE20 Haya-Jita Group
NYAMBO, Runyambo, “Karagwe”
Rugemalira, Josephat Muhozi. 2005. A grammar of Runyambo. LoT publ., 4. Dept. of Foreign
Languages and Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN-10 9987-691-03-X.
Rugemalira, Josephat Muhozi. 2010. The -ag- TAM marker and the boundary between
cliticization and affixation in Bantu. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory.
Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
HAYA, Ruhaya
Kamanzi, A. 2007. “Our way”: responding to the Dutch aid in the District Rural Development
Programme of Bukoba, Tanzania. African studies coll., 4. Leiden: ASC.
Manji, Ambreena. 2000. ‘Her name is Kamundage’: rethinking women and property among the
Haya of Tanzania. Africa, 70 (3), p. 482-500.
Muzale, Henry R.T. 2006. Dictionary of Ruhaya-English-Kiswahili / Ikaningambo y’Oruhaya.
LoT publ., 7. Dept. of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. Pp 424.
ISBN 9987-691-05-6.
Muzale, Henry R.T. 2008. Focus in Ruhaya. OPiL, 3, p. 42-52.
Rubanza, Yunus Ismail 1988. Linear order in Haya verbal morphology: theoretical implications. PhD thesis. East Lansing: Michigan State Univ. Pp xv, 323.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
ZINZA, Dzindza, Cijinja
Rubanza, Yunus Ismail. 2008. Luzinza lexicon. LoT publ., 9. Dept. of Foreign Languages and
Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-10-4.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
KEREBE, Kikerebe
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Thornell, Christina. 2004. The verb phrase in the Kerebe language. In: Interdependence of diachronic and synchronic analyses, p. 249-281. Edited by Folke Josephson & Ingmar Söhrman.
Studies in language, companion series, 103. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publ.
JITA, Cijita
Mdee, James Salehe. 2008. Kijita lexicon. LoT publ., 12. Dept. of Foreign Languages and
Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-12-8.
RURI, Rori, Ciruri
Massamba, David Phineas Bhukanda. 2005. Eciruuri lexicon. LoT publ., 3. Dept. of Foreign
Languages and Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. Pp 250. ISBN-10 9987-691-04-8.
JE30 Masaba-Luhya Group
Stam, N. 1910. The religious conceptions of the Kavirondo. Anthropos, 5, p. 359-362.
Stam, N. 1919/20. Bantu Kavirondo of Mumias district (near Lake Victoria). Anthropos, 14/15,
p. 968-980.
MASA(A)BA, Lumasaba, incl. Gisu, Kisu, Bukusu, Syan
Roscoe, John. 1915. The northern Bantu: an account of some Central African tribes of the
Uganda Protectorate. Cambridge archaeological and ethnological series. CUP. Pp xii, 305.
Bukusu, Lubukusu
Diercks, Michael J.K. 2010. Agreement with subjects in Lubukusu. Phd thesis. Washington
DC: Georgetown Univ. Pp xv, 422.
Diercks, Michael J.K. 2011. The morphosyntax of Lubukusu locative inversion and the
parameterization of Agree. Lingua, 121 (5), p. 702-720.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Odden, David [Arnold]. 2009. Tachoni verbal tonology. Language sciences, 31 (2/3), p. 305324.
LU(H)YIA, incl. Hanga, Tsotso, Karabasi, East Nyala
Ebarb, Kristopher; Marlo, Michael R. 2009. Conditioning factors in the realization of tone:
LuNyala verbs. In: African linguistics across the dfiscipline. Edited by Jonathan C. Anderson,
Christopher R. Green & Samuel Gyasi Obeng. Working papers in linguistics, 8. Bloomington:
Kanyoro, Rachel Msimbi Angogo. 1989. The Abaluyia of Kenya: one people, one language. In:
Proc. of the round table on assuring the feasibility of standardization within dialect chains,
Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, September 1988, p. 86ff. Edited by T.G. Bergman. Nairobi:
Mausolf, Elisabeth. 1996. Die Bedeutung des Waldes in der Sozio-Ökonomie der Luyia.
Göttinger Beiträge zur Land- und Forstwirtschaft in den Tropen und Subtropen, Reihe H, 113.
Göttingen: Goltze. Pp 127. ISBN-10 3-88452-439-9.
JE40 Logooli-Kuria Group
Sewangi, Seleman Simon. 2008. Kiikizo lexicon. LoT publ., 11. Dept. of Foreign Languages
and Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-11-1.
Obiero, O.J. 2008. Evaluating language revitalization in Kenya: the contradictory face and place
of the local community factor. NJAS, 17 (4), p. 247-268.
GUSII, Kisii
LeVine, Robert A. 1959. Gusii sex offenses: a study in social control. AmAnthr, 61, p. 962-990.
Nyasani, Joseph Major. 1969. Die britischen Strafexpeditionen gegen den Kisii-Stamm: als ein
Beispiel der gewaltsamen Einrichtung einer Kolonie, 1895-1909. Inaugural-Dissertation. Univ.
zu Köln. Pp vii, 235.
Nyasani, Joseph Major. 1984. The British massacre of the Gusii freedom defenders. Nairobi
Bookmen. Pp v, 85.
KURIA, Koria
Ruel, M.D. 1965. Religion and society among the Kuria of East Africa. Africa, 35, p. 295-306.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
MacWilliam, Anita [Sister]. 19xx. KiSimbita manuscript grammar. Musoma (Tanzania): Maryknoll Language School. Pp 66.
Mreta, Abel Yamwaka. 2008. Kisimbiti lexicon. LoT publ., 10. Dept. of Foreign Languages and
Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam. ISBN 978-9987-691-09-8.
Kihore, Yared Magori. 2000. Historical and linguistic aspects of Kihacha. In: Lugha za
Tanzania / Languages of Tanzania: studies dedicated to the memory of Prof. Clement
Maganga, p. 67-80. Edited by Kulikoyela Kanalwanda Kahigi, Yared Magori Kihore &
Maarten Mous. CNWS publ., 89. Leiden.
Aunio, Lotta [Harjula]. 2010. Ikoma nominal tone. AfrL, 16, p. 3-30.
K10 Ciokwe-Luchazi Group
CIOKWE, Chokwe, Tshokwe
Areia, Manuel Laranjeira Rodrigues de. 1977. Notes pour l’étude de l’ethnobotanique dans la
culture tshokwe. Contribuições para o estudo da antropologia portuguesa, 10:1. Inst. de
Anthropologia, Univ. de Coimbra. Pp 82, plates.
Areia, Manuel Laranjeira Rodrigues de. 1985. Les symboles divinatoires: analyse socio-culturelle d’une technique de divination des Cokwe de l’Angola (ngombo ya cisuka). Publ. do
Centro de Estudos Africanos, 4. Inst. de Anthropologia, Univ. de Coimbra. Pp 555, plates.
Areia, Manuel Laranjeira Rodrigues de; David, Jean. 2003. Chokwe and their Bantu neighbours. Zürich: Galerie Walu. Pp 131. ISBN-10 3-9522495-1-3.
Bastin, Marie-Louise. 1969. Arts of the Angolan peoples, 1: Chokwe / L’art d’un peuple
d’Angola, 1: Chokwe. African arts (Los Angeles), 2 (1), p. 40-64.
Bastin, Marie-Louise. 1988. Entités spirituelles des Tshokwe (Angola). Quaderni poro
(Milano), 5, p. 9-61.
Crowley, Daniel. 1965/66. An African aesthetic. Jrnl of aesthetics and art criticism, 24 (4), p.
Dechamps, Roger. 1975. La identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour les sculptures en
Afrique, 6: la sculpture ciokwe et lunda du Zaïre. Africa-Tervuren, 21 (3/4), p. 53-59.
Dechamps, Roger. 1976. La identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour les sculptures en
Afrique, 7: la sculpture ciokwe d’Angola. Africa-Tervuren, 22 (1), p. 9-16.
Delille, P.A.; Burssens, Amaat Frans Stephanie. 1935/36. Tshokwe-teksten. KO, 2, p. 41-60.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Hauenstein, Alfred. 1987. Le culte des ‘mahamba’ chez les Tchokwe. Bull. annuel du Musée
d’Ethnographie de Genéve, 30, p. 97-115.
Hauenstein, Alfred. 1988. Examen des motifs décoratifs chez les Ovimbundu et Tchokwe
d’Angola. Publ. do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 10. Inst. de Anthropologia, Univ. de Coimbra.
Pp 85.
Kawasha, Boniface Kaumba. 2008. Relative clauses and subject inversion in Chokwe, Kaonde,
Lunda and Luvale. AfrL, 14, p. 37-62.
Kumbi-Kumbi, Kahanga Félicien. 1994. La conception du temps à travers la pédagogie initiatique des Lunda-Cokwe. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Lehuard, Eric. 1988. Art en mythologie tshokwe. Arts d’Afrique noire: arts premiers, 68, p. 4346.
Matthe, Marcus; Lloyd, David. 2005. Chokwe art and its history. Lusaka. Pp vii, 163.
Mayr, Gernot; Areia, Manuel Laranjeira Rodrigues de; Kerr, Reynold C.; Linville, Marlene S.
2003. Chokwe and their Bantu neighbours. Zürich: Galerie Walu.
Nange, Kudita wa Sesemba. 1974. Tshikumbi, tshiwila et mungonge, trois rites d’initiation chez
les Tshokwe du Kasai occidental. Cultures au Zaïre et en Afrique (Kinshasa), 5, p. 111-135.
Nange, Kudita wa Sesemba. 1974. Un rite d’initiation chez les Tshokwe: mukanda ou
tshamvula. CdRA, 8, p. 55-108.
Nange, Kudita wa Sesemba. 1980. Paroles et gestes dans la culture Cokwe: une lecture sémantique de l’invisible dans le visible. CdRA, 14 (27/28), p. 283-316.
Redhina, J. 1949. Costumes religiosos e feiticistas dos Kiokos de Angola. Lisboa: Soc. Astoria.
Struyf, P. Ivo. 1939. L’être suprême chez les Tutshokwe (Batshioko). Congo, 20 (1), p. 361386.
Wastiau, Boris. 2006. Chokwe. Milan: 5 Continents Ed. Pp 140. ISBN-10 88-7439-293-1.
LUIMBI, Ciluimbi
Silva, Oziel Marques da; Nascimento, Antonio Elias; Ntondo, Zavoni. 2011. A língua bantu
angolana lwimbi (K12A) e a busca etimológica dos bantuísmos brasileiros. Papia, 21 (2), p.
NGANGELA, Cingangela, Nyemba
Behrend, Heike. 1998. Sonderforschungsbereich 389, Teilprojekt C6: Gewaltformem und
Liedenserfahrungen im Norden Namibias / Violence, exile and landscape: Nyemba refugees in
Kaisosi and Kehemu (Rundu, Namibia). In: Kultur- und Landschaftswandel im ariden Afrika:
Entwicklungsprozesse unter ökologischen Grenzbedingungen / Sonderforschungsbereich 389:
Ergebnisbericht für die Jahre 1995/2-1996-1997-1998/1, p. 363-387. Inst. für Afrikanistik,
Univ. zu Köln.
Fleisch, Axel. 2008. Language history in S.E. Angola: the Ngangela-Nyemba dialect cluster.
SUGIA, 19, p. (?).
Ntondo, Zavoni. 2003. Eléments de description du ngangela. Thèse de doctorat. Univ. Lumière
(Lyon 2).
Ntondo, Zavoni. 2006. Morfologia e sintaxe do Ngangela. Luanda: Ed. Nzila.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
LUCHAZI, Lujazi, Ponda
Kubik, Gerhard. 1987. African space/time concepts and the tusona ideographs in Luchazi culture with a discussion of possible cross-parallels. Music (?), 6 (4), p. 53-89.
Kubik, Gerhard. 1990. Vivimu vya mukatikati: dilemma tales and ‘arithmetical puzzles’ collected among the Valuchazi. SAJAL, 10 (2), p. 59-68.
Kubik, Gerhard. 1992. Luchazi riddle session: analysis of recorded texts in a south-central
Bantu languages. SAJAL, 12 (2), p. 51-83.
LWENA, Luvale
Bastin, Marie-Louise. 1969. Arts of the Angolan peoples, 2: Lwena / L’art d’un peuple
d’Angola, 2: Lwena. African arts (Los Angeles), 2 (2), p. 46-80.
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Delille, P.A. 1930. Besnijdenis bij de Aluunda’s en de Aluena’s in de streek ten zuiden van
Belgisch Congo. Anthropos, 25, p. 851-858.
Kawasha, Boniface Kaumba. 2008. Relative clauses and subject inversion in Chokwe, Kaonde,
Lunda and Luvale. AfrL, 14, p. 37-62.
Milimo, J.T. 1972. Bantu wisdom. Lusaka: NECZAM. Pp 119.
Wastiau, Boris. 2000. Mahamba: the transforming arts of spirit possession among the Luvalespeaking people of the Upper Zambezi. Studia instituti anthropos, 48. Fribourg: Ed. Universitaires. Pp 325. ISBN-10 3-7278-1293-1.
MBWELA, Shimbwera
Silva, Janine Félix da; Ribeiro, Rosa Maria de Lima; Ndonga, Mfuwa. 2011. A língua bantu
angolana mbwela (K17) e a busca etimológica dos bantuísmos brasileiros. Papia, 21 (2), p. 291302.
K20 Lozi (Group)
LOZI, Silozi, “Kolololo”
[Anon.] 2007. Silozi orthography. Windhoek: Gamsberg Macmillan Publ. ISBN 978-99916-0847-1.
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Lewanika, Godwin A. Mbikusita. 1949. English-Lozi phrase book. London: Macmillan. Pp 53.
Milimo, J.T. 1972. Bantu wisdom. Lusaka: NECZAM. Pp 119.
Nkolola, Mildred Wakumelo; Mbata, Raphael; Haingura, Paulinus; Makumbi, Boniface;
Muganda, Robert; Nairenge, Karel; Kavari, Jekura Uaurika; Mbenzi, Petrus. 2008. A unified
standard orthography for Namibian Bantu languages: Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Rukwangali,
Rumanyo, Silozi and Thimbukushu. CASAS monograph series, 229. Cape Town. ISBN-10 1920294-52-6.
Reynolds, Barrie. 1963. Magic, divination, and witchcraft among the Barotse of Northern
Rhodesia. London: Chatto & Windus.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Seidel, Frank. 2005. The Bantu languages of the Eastern Caprivi: a dialectometric analysis and
its historical and sociolinguistic implications. SAJAL, 26 (4), p. 207-242.
K30 Luyana Group
KWANGALI, Kwangari, Rukwangari, incl. Mbundza
Diaz, Herbert Ndango. 1992. A definite edition and analysis of the Tjakova myth of the
Vakavango. PhD thesis. Cape Town: UCT. Pp 375, plates.
Lategan, Martha Margrietha. 1980. Sending- en staatsonderwys vir die inheemse bevolking van
die Kavango: ’n histories-pedagogiese besinning. MA tesis. Pretoria: UNISA.
Lusakalalu, Pedro. 2001. Languages and glossonymic units: contribution to the assessment of
the linguistic diversity of Angola and Namibia. AAP, 66, p. 47-65.
Nkolola, Mildred Wakumelo; Mbata, Raphael; Haingura, Paulinus; Makumbi, Boniface;
Muganda, Robert; Nairenge, Karel; Kavari, Jekura Uaurika; Mbenzi, Petrus. 2008. A unified
standard orthography for Namibian Bantu languages: Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Rukwangali,
Rumanyo, Silozi and Thimbukushu. CASAS monograph series, 229. Cape Town. ISBN-10 1920294-52-6.
Rooyen, P.H. van. 1977. Die inheemse reg van die Kavango. MA tesis. Univ. van Stellenbosch.
K331, K332
MANYO, Rumanyo, incl. Sambyu (Shishambyu), Gciriku (Dciriku, Rugciriku)
[Anon.] 2004. Rumanyo ntjangitito / orthography 2. Windhoek: Gamsberg Macmillan Publ.
ISBN-10 99916-0-510-X.
Diaz, Herbert Ndango. 1992. A definite edition and analysis of the Tjakova myth of the
Vakavango. PhD thesis. Cape Town: UCT. Pp 375, plates.
Eirola, Martti; Bradley, Jan; Laitinen, Arto. 1990. Kavango, the Sambiyu tribe: the way of life of
the Mupapama river terrace community. Rundu (Namibia).
Lategan, Martha Margrietha. 1980. Sending- en staatsonderwys vir die inheemse bevolking van
die Kavango: ’n histories-pedagogiese besinning. MA tesis. Pretoria: UNISA.
Lusakalalu, Pedro. 2001. Languages and glossonymic units: contribution to the assessment of
the linguistic diversity of Angola and Namibia. AAP, 66, p. 47-65.
Nkolola, Mildred Wakumelo; Mbata, Raphael; Haingura, Paulinus; Makumbi, Boniface;
Muganda, Robert; Nairenge, Karel; Kavari, Jekura Uaurika; Mbenzi, Petrus. 2008. A unified
standard orthography for Namibian Bantu languages: Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Rukwangali,
Rumanyo, Silozi and Thimbukushu. CASAS monograph series, 229. Cape Town. ISBN-10 1920294-52-6.
Rooyen, P.H. van. 1977. Die inheemse reg van die Kavango. MA tesis. Univ. van Stellenbosch.
Seifert, Marc. 2007. Zur Anlage eines modernen Schulwörterbuches im Rumanyo (Bantusprache Namibias). In: Beiträge zur 1. Kölner Afrikawissenschaftlichen Nachwuchstagung
(KANT I), 12.-14. Mai 2006. Edited by Marc Seifert & others. Inst. für Afrikanistik, Univ. zu
MBUKUSHU, Thimbukushu
[Anon.] 2006. Thimbukushu orthography 3. Windhoek: Gamsberg Macmillan Publ. ISBN-10
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Diaz, Herbert Ndango. 1992. A definite edition and analysis of the Tjakova myth of the
Vakavango. PhD thesis. Cape Town: UCT. Pp 375, plates.
Fisch, Maria. 2005. The Mbukushu in Angola: a history of migration, flight and royal rainmaking. HCTISA 11. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. Pp 99. ISBN-10 99916-2-135-0.
Lategan, Martha Margrietha. 1980. Sending- en staatsonderwys vir die inheemse bevolking van
die Kavango: ’n histories-pedagogiese besinning. MA tesis. Pretoria: UNISA.
Nkolola, Mildred Wakumelo; Mbata, Raphael; Haingura, Paulinus; Makumbi, Boniface;
Muganda, Robert; Nairenge, Karel; Kavari, Jekura Uaurika; Mbenzi, Petrus. 2008. A unified
standard orthography for Namibian Bantu languages: Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Rukwangali,
Rumanyo, Silozi and Thimbukushu. CASAS monograph series, 229. Cape Town. ISBN-10 1920294-52-6.
Rooyen, P.H. van. 1977. Die inheemse reg van die Kavango. MA tesis. Univ. van Stellenbosch.
MASI, Mashi
Muhasha, Mihigi ya. 1996. Time expression in Mashi as contrasted with English. Revue africaine de communications sociales (Kinshasa), 1 (1), p. 197-222.
Bostoen, Koen. 2009. Shanjo and Fwe as part of Bantu Botatwe: a diachronic phonological
approach. In: Selected proc. of the 39th annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic
research and language in Africa, p. 110-130. Edited by Akinloye Ojo & Lioba Moshi.
Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
K40 Subiya-Totela Group
FWE, Cifwe
Bostoen, Koen. 2009. Shanjo and Fwe as part of Bantu Botatwe: a diachronic phonological
approach. In: Selected proc. of the 39th annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic
research and language in Africa, p. 110-130. Edited by Akinloye Ojo & Lioba Moshi.
Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Seidel, Frank. 2005. The Bantu languages of the Eastern Caprivi: a dialectometric analysis and
its historical and sociolinguistic implications. SAJAL, 26 (4), p. 207-242.
Seidel, Frank. 2005. The Bantu languages of the Eastern Caprivi: a dialectometric analysis and
its historical and sociolinguistic implications. SAJAL, 26 (4), p. 207-242.
K42, K401
KUHANE, Chikuhane, Subiya, incl. Mbalangwe (= K401)
Mathangwane, Joyce Thambole; Mtenje, Al[fred] D. 2010. Tone and reduplication in Wandya
and Subiya. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère
& Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Ramsden, F.L. 1977. The Basubiya. BA thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History, Univ. of Botswana
and Swaziland.
Samuzala, C. 2003. A history of the Basubiya of Chobe. BA thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History,
Univ. of Botswana.
Seidel, Frank. 2005. The Bantu languages of the Eastern Caprivi: a dialectometric analysis and
its historical and sociolinguistic implications. SAJAL, 26 (4), p. 207-242.
K zone: miscellaneous, unsorted
Behrend, Heike. 1998. Sonderforschungsbereich 389, Teilprojekt C6: Gewaltformem und
Liedenserfahrungen im Norden Namibias / Violence, exile and landscape: Nyemba refugees in
Kaisosi and Kehemu (Rundu, Namibia). In: Kultur- und Landschaftswandel im ariden Afrika:
Entwicklungsprozesse unter ökologischen Grenzbedingungen / Sonderforschungsbereich 389:
Ergebnisbericht für die Jahre 1995/2-1996-1997-1998/1, p. 363-387. Inst. für Afrikanistik,
Univ. zu Köln.
Bostoen, Koen. 2009. Shanjo and Fwe as part of Bantu Botatwe: a diachronic phonological
approach. In: Selected proc. of the 39th annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic
research and language in Africa, p. 110-130. Edited by Akinloye Ojo & Lioba Moshi.
Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Kubik, Gerhard. 1992/93. Das “ethnische” Panorama Ostangolas und der Nachbargebiete.
Bull. of the Int’l Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, 34/35, p.
Proepper, Michael. 2006. Der ethnographische Forschungsstand zum Kavangogebiet in Nordost Namibia 2006: eine kommentierte Bibliographie. BAB working papers, 1/2007. Basel. Pp
L10 Pende Group
PENDE, Pheende
Bittremieux, Leo. 1938. De inwijking der Baphende’s. Congo, 19, p. 2-15.
Bittremieux, Leo. 1939. De Baphende’s van Luanda. Congo, 20, p. 1-42.
Bittremieux, Leo. 1940. Een verhaal van de Baphende. Congo, 21, p. 150-153.
Maes, Joseph. 1935. Le camp de Mashita Mbanza et les migrations des Bapende. Congo, 16, p.
Mbonyinkebe, Sebahire. 1988. Sens et sagesse des masques au pays des Phende du Zaïre. Les
nouvelles rationalités africaines, 10, p. 263-275.
Mikaba, A. Pulu. 1977. De l’âme et du corps chez Descartes et chez les Phende. Mémoire de
licence. Univ. de Lubumbashi. Pp 86.
Mudiji, Malamba Th. 1969. En lisant l’homme selon la philosophie pende. CdRA, 3, p. 133138.
Mudiji, Malamba Th. 1979. Le masque phende giwoyo du musée de l’Institut Supérieur
d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de l’Art de l’UCL. Revue des archéologues et historiens d’art de
Louvain, 12, p. 169-193.
Mudiji, Malamba Th. 1979. Les masques mbuya ou mikanda des Phende (Zaïre): contexte,
production, styles et usages. Mémoire de licence. Louvain-la-Neuve: UCL.
Mudiji, Malamba Gilombe. 1981. Formes et fonctions symboliques des masques mbuya des
Phende. Thèse de doctorat. Louvain-la-Neuve: UCL.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Mudiji, Malamba Gilombe. 1989. Le langage des masques africains: étude des formes et
fonctions symboliques des mbuya des Phende. Recherches philosophiques africaines, 15. Fac.
de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 287.
Sousberghe, Léon de. 1958. L’art pende. Mémoires de l’Académie Royale de Belgique, 2e
série, 9:2. Bruxelles. Pp ix, 165, plates.
L12b (= H33)
HOLO, Holu, Hungu
Daeleman, Jan. 2003. Notes grammaticales et lexique du kiholu. Studies in African linguistics,
58. München: Lincom Europa. Pp 78. ISBN-10 3-89586-756-X.
Maesen, Albert. 1956. Les Holo du Kwango. Reflets du monde (Bruxelles), 9, p. (?).
Neyt, François. 1982. L’art Holo du Haut-Kwango. München: Gallerie Jahn. Pp 160.
L20 Songe Group
Denolf, Prosper. 1954. Aan de rand van de Dibese. Mémoires de l’IRCB, coll. in-8°, section
des sciences morales et politiques, 34. Brussel. Pp 846.
Ceyssens, Rik. 1973. Les masques en bois des kete du sud, région du Kasai Occidental,
République du Zaïre [pt. 1]. Africa-Tervuren, 19 (4), p. 85-96.
Ceyssens, Rik. 1974. Les masques en bois des kete du sud, région du Kasai Occidental,
République du Zaïre [pt. 2]. Africa-Tervuren, 20 (1), p. 3-12.
Ceyssens, Rik. 1990. Les masques des kete du sud. Africa-Tervuren, 32, p. 10-23.
Bogaerts, H. 1939. Gewoontelijke strafbepalingen tegen het overspel bij de Babindi. Congo, 20
(2), p. 533-536.
Denolf, Prosper. 1952. Een kongolese stam die de ‘bruidschat’ niet kende: de Balualua
(Kasayi). KO, 28 (2/3), p. 249-262.
Timmermans, P. 1967. Les Lwalwa. Africa-Tervuren, 13 (3/4), p. 73-90.
SONG(Y)E, Yembe, incl. Nsapo (Sapo Sapo), Milembwe
Dechamps, Roger. 1975. La identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour les sculptures en
Afrique, 5: la sculpture songye. Africa-Tervuren, 21 (1/2), p. 27-33.
Kabamba, Nkamany A. Baleme. 1983. Art et culture songye. Kinshasa: Ed. Nkamanyland.
Merriam, Alan Pankhurst. 1961. Death and religious philosophy of the Basongye. The Antioch
review (Yellow Springs OH), 21, p. 293-309.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Merriam, Alan Pankhurst. 1977. Music change in a Basongye village. Anthropos, 75 (5/6), p.
Merriam, Alan Pankhurst. 1978. Kifwebe and other masked and unmasked societies among the
Basongye. Africa-Tervuren, 24, p. 57-73, 89-101.
Mestach, Jean Willy. 1985. Etudes songye: formes et symbolique, essai d’analyse. München:
Gallerie Jahn. Pp 183.
Stappers, Leo. 1951. Godsverering bij de Baamilembwe. Aequatoria, 14, p. 121-124.
Stappers, Leo. 1952. Het intreden van het kind bij de Baamilembwe. KO, 18, p. 1-5.
Stappers, Leo. 1952. Prayer of a Milembwe woman after child’s birth. KO, 18, p. 6-7.
Stappers, Leo. 1968. Dieu chez les Baamilembwe. CdRA, 2, p. 171-172.
Timmermans, P. 1962. Les Sapo Sapo près de Luluabourg. Africa-Tervuren, 7, p. 29-53.
L30 Luba Group
Petit, Pierre. 2005. Art et histoire des Luba méridionaux, 2: ethnicité, histoire politique et ateliers
sur les frontières sud du royaume. Anthropos, 100 (1), p. 17-34.
Petridis, Constantine. 2005. Art et histoire des Luba méridionaux, 1: la collection du Pére
Peeraer à l’Université de Gand. Anthropos, 100 (1), p. 5-16.
Thiel, Josef Franz. 1976. Ahnen, Geister, Höchste Wesen: Religionsethnologische Untersuchungen im Zaïre-Kasai-Gebiet. Studia instituti anthropos, 24. St. Augustin: Anthropos-Inst. Pp
200. ISBN-10 3-9213-8955-0.
LUBA-LULUA, incl. Luba-Kasai (Tshiluba, Ciluba), Lulua (Luluwa)
Bamuinikile-Mudiasa, S. 1969. La mort et l’au-delà chez les Baluba du Kasai: position
traditionnelle et perspectives catéchétiques. Mémoire de maîtrise. Lubumbashi: CEPSI. Pp 120.
Bamuinikile-Mudiasa, S. 1970. La mort et l’au-delà chez les Baluba du Kasai: position
traditionnelle et perspectives catéchétiques. Problèmes sociaux congolais (Lubumbashi), 90/91,
p. 103-220.
Biaye, M. 1951. Moeurs et coutumes funebres chez les Baluba du Kasai. La voix du congolaise
(Léopoldville), (?), p. (?).
Brandt, L. 1921. Het heelal van den Muluba: vertellingen van de Baluba’s [pt. 1]. Congo, 2 (1),
p. 249-268.
Brandt, L. 1922. Het heelal van den Muluba: vertellingen van de Baluba’s [pt. 2]. Congo, 2 (2),
p. 50-64.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1935. Vertellingen van de Baluba’s. Congo, 16, p. (?).
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1935. Uit de taalschat van de Baluba en de Bena-Moyo. Congo, 16, p.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1935. De gierigheid in de spreekwoorden der Baluba en BalubaMongo. Congo, 16, p. 376-388, 585-597, 725-736.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1936. De kasala zang der Baluba. Congo, 17, p. 680-705.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1936. De kasala-Zang van den Bakwanga-stam. Congo, 17 (2), p.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1937. De kasala-Zang der Bakwa-Tshimini. Congo, 8 (1), p. 103133.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1937. De bruidschat en de verloving in de spreekwoorden der Luluaen Baluba-menschen. Congo, 18, p. (?).
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1937. “Geeven aan anderman” in de spreekwoorden der Balubamenschen. Congo, 18, p. 377-411.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1939. De gastvrijheid in de spreekwoorden der Luba-menschen.
Congo, 20 (1), p. 295-310, 412-432.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1940. Het vrijgezellen-leven in de spreekwoorden van Luba en Moyovolk. Congo, 21 (1), p. 47-79.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1940. De psychologie der Baluba in hun spreekwoorden over ziekten
[pt. 1]. Congo, 21 (1), p. 284-306.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1944. Godsgebeden bij de Baluba. Aequatoria, 7, p. 28-34.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1945. Pour plus d’étude des valeurs indigènes luba. Aequatoria, 8, p.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1947. De psychologie der Baluba in hun spreekwoorden over ziekten
[pt. 2]. Zaïre, 1, p. 55-72.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1947. Gebeden der Baluba. Aequatoria, 10, p. 4-16.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1949. Dispositions pénales coutumières chez les Baluba et les Bena
Lulua du Kasai [pt. 1]. L’aide médicale aux missions (Bruxelles), 21 (1), p. 13-16.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1949. Dispositions pénales coutumières chez les Baluba et les Bena
Lulua du Kasai [pt. 2]. L’aide médicale aux missions (Bruxelles), 21 (2), p. 14-16.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1949. Etude sur les dispositions coutumières contre l’adultère chez
les Baluba et les Bena Lulua du Kasai. Bull. du CEPSI, 8, p. 5-46.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1949. Het godsbegrip bij de Baluba van Kasaï. Zaïre, 3, p. 743-764.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1950. Dispositions pénales coutumières chez les Baluba et les Bena
Lulua du Kasai [pt. 3]. L’aide médicale aux missions (Bruxelles), 22 (1), p. 18-19.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1950. Dispositions pénales coutumières chez les Baluba et les Bena
Lulua du Kasai [pt. 4]. L’aide médicale aux missions (Bruxelles), 22 (3), p. 54-55.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1953. Regels van de toonabsorptie in het Tshiluba. KO, 19 (2/3), p.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1955. Fondements de l’idée de dieu chez les Baluba. Rythmes du
monde, NS 3, p. 220-228.
Caeneghem, Raphaël van. 1955. Hekserij bij de Baluba van Kasai. Brussel: KAKW. Pp 155.
Cibwabwa, Mukuku. 1989. Vivere e morire da stregoni nei racconti luba (Zaïre). Afriche
(Genova), 1 (2), p. 2-33.
Clercq, Auguste de. 1928. La peur et la honte chez les noirs baluba. Congo, 9 (2), p. 588-601.
Clercq, Auguste de. 1931. Littérature indigène luba. Congo, 12 (2), p. 165-185.
Clercq, Auguste de. 1931. L’attitude des Baluba vis-á-vis de la pénétration des idées européennes. Bull. des séances de l’IRCB, 2 (1), p. 46-51.
Clercq, Auguste de. 1951. Vocabulaire luba-français et français-luba. Vicariat de Luluabourg.
Pp 114.
Dechamps, Roger. 1971. La identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour les sculptures en
Afrique, 2: la sculpture luluwa. Africa-Tervuren, 17 (3), p. 79-86.
Faik-Nzuji, M. Clémentine. 1974. Kasala: chant héroïque Luba. Lubumbashi: Presses Univ.
du Zaïre.
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LUBA-KATANGA, Luba-Shaba, Kiluba
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Maes, Joseph; Peeraer, Servaas. 1936. Symbolisme und Negerkunst bij de Baluba. Artes africanae, 2, p. 3-24.
Malderen, A. van. 1940. Contribution à l’histoire et à l’ethnologie des indigènes du Katanga.
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Mwamba, Patrice. 1970. Le concept de fécondité des Bahemba et Baluba du Katanga: essai
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Ntumba, Kabela Cici Kosakante. 1977. Notion de responsabilité en éthique bantu: une approche de la responsabilité vécue selon les Baluba. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie
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Ntumba, Kabela Cici Kosakante. 1978. Conscience et responsabilité en éthique bantu / Critique
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Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa. Pp 78.
Ntumba, Kabela Cici Kosakante. 1980. Vie morale et responsabilité morale selon la vécu traditionnel luba. In: Ethique et société: actes de la 3e semaine philosophique de Kinshasa, 1978, p.
225-237. Recherches philosophiques africaines, 5. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Peeraer, Servaas. 1936. Dood en onderwereld bij de Baluba Shankadi. KO, 2, p. 193-225.
Peeraer, Servaas. 1939/40. Dieu selon la conception des Baluba. Grand Lacs, 56 (8), p. 13-24.
Peters, J. 1948. Philosopheren met de Baluba’s. Het missiewerk (Nijmegen), 27, p. 1-15.
Pongo, Kivula. 1984. Etude comparée des contes du décepteur dans les littératures luba et
mbala. Mémoire de licence. Univ. de Lubumbashi.
Roberts, Mary H. Nooter. 1984. Luba leadership arts and the politics of prestige. New York:
Columbia Univ.
Roberts, Mary H. Nooter; Roberts, Allen F. 1997. Luba. New York: Rosen Publ. Pp 64. ISBN10 0-8239-2002-X.
Roberts, Mary H. Nooter; Roberts, Allen F. 2007. Luba. New ed. Milan: 5 Continents. Pp 145.
ISBN-10 88-7439-297-4.
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Sendwe, Jason. 1954. Traditions et coutumes ancestrales des Baluba Shankadi. Bull. trimestriel
du CEPSI (Elisabethville), 24, p. 87-120.
Tempels, Placied. 1935/36. Het tellen 1 tot 10 bij de Baluba-Shankadi. KO, 2, p. 62-64.
Tempels, Placied. 1935/36. Hoe de Baluba-Shankadi zich de wereld voorstellen. KO, 2, p. 129138.
Tempels, Placied. 1938. Raadsels in Midden-Katanga. KO, 4, p. 203-209.
Tempels, Placied. 1946/47. De studie van de bantoe-talen in het licht der bantoe-filosofie. KO,
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Tempels, Placied. 1948. L’étude des langues bantues à la lumière de la philosophie bantoue.
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Tempels, Placied. 1978. Le concept fondamental de l’ontologie Bantu: texte inédit du Père
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Theuws, Théodore Jacques A. 1954. Texte luba (Katanga). Elisabethville: CEPSI. Pp 153.
Theuws, Théodore Jacques A. 1958. Croyance et culte chez les Baluba. Présence africaine, NS
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Theuws, Théodore Jacques A. 1960. Naître et mourir dans le rituel luba. Zaïre, 14, p. 115-13.
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Theuws, Théodore Jacques A. 1961. De Luba-mens. Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines, 38.
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Wymeersch, Patrick. 1972. Les Luba du Shaba et leur cycle de vie. Africa (Roma), 27, p. 589598.
HEMBA, East Luba, incl. Zeela
Agthe, Johanna. 1983. Luba Hemba: Werke unbekannter Meister. Afrika-Sammlung, 1. Frankfurt-am-Main: Museum für Völkerkunde. Pp 162.
Boulanger, A. 1974. Yambe à l’aube des symboles: essai d’anthropologie religieuse zela.
Kasombo, Michael. 1988. Parenté ou affinité en bantu: cas de la langue kizééla. Africanistique
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Kazadi, Ntolé. 1986. Scarification et langage chez les Bahemba. Linguistique et sciences humaines (Kinshasa), 25 (1), p. 89-110.
Maes, R. 1960. Rapport sur le releve des coutumes en circonscription Bazela. Bull. des jurisdictions indigenes et du droit coutumier congolais (Elisabethville), 29 (3), p. 179-182.
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Malderen, A. van. 1936. Organisation politique et judiciaire coutumieres des Bazela de Kiona
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Mwamba, Patrice. 1970. Le concept de fécondité des Bahemba et Baluba du Katanga: essai
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Neyt, François. 1977. La grande statuaire hemba du Zaïre. Louvain-la-Neuve: Inst. Superior
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Nollevaux, Jules. 1949. La cosmogonie des bazela. Aequatoria, 12, p. 121-128.
SANGA, Garengaze, South Luba
Grévisse, F. 1945. Les Basanga. Lovania: revue universitaire catholique d’Afrique centrale, 6,
p. 16-29.
Kabengele, Munanga. 1973. Rites pratiques et croyances relatifs à l’enfance chez les Basanga
du Shaba. Zaïre-Afrique, 3, p. 543-556, 607-624.
Katwebe, Mwenze. 1979. La conception de dieu chez les Basanga. Mémoire de licence.
Kinshasa: Fac. de Théologie Protestante.
Vandevivere, Omer. 1963. Quelques sentences Kisanga sur la vie et la mort. Problèmes sociaux
congolais (Lubumbashi), 63, p. 81-93.
L40 Kaonde (Group)
KAONDE, Kahonde
Bantje, Han; Gansemans, J. 1978. Kaonde song and ritual / La musique et son role dans la vie
sociale et rituelle luba. Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines, 95. Tervuren. Pp vi, 121.
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Kawasha, Boniface Kaumba. 2008. Relative clauses and subject inversion in Chokwe, Kaonde,
Lunda and Luvale. AfrL, 14, p. 37-62.
Wright, John Lisle. 2007. An outline of Kikaonde grammar. Lusaka: UNZA Press.
L50 Lunda Group
SALAMPASU, incl. Luntu (= L511)
Bogaerts, Henri. 1937. Onomastecon van ’t Luntuvolk. Congo, 8, p. 1-26.
Bogaerts, Henri. 1950. Bij de Basala Mpasu, de koppensnellers van Kasai. Zaïre, 3, p. 380-382.
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Bogaerts, Henri. 1951. Un aspect de la structure sociale chez les Bakwa Luntu. Zaïre, 5 (6), p.
Jobart, A. 1925. Chez les Bassalam Pasu du Haut Kasa. Bull. de la Société Belge d’Etudes
Coloniales, 32, p. 280-292.
Pruitt, William Franklin. 1973. An independent people: a history of the Sala Mpasu of Zaire
and their neighbors. PhD thesis. Evanston: Northwestern Univ. Pp xi, 499.
LUNDA, incl. Ndembu
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Dechamps, Roger. 1975. La identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour les sculptures en
Afrique, 6: la sculpture ciokwe et lunda du Zaïre. Africa-Tervuren, 21 (3/4), p. 53-59.
Delille, P.A. 1930. Besnijdenis bij de Aluunda’s en de Aluena’s in de streek ten zuiden van
Belgisch Congo. Anthropos, 25, p. 851-858.
Heintze, Beatrix. (Ed.) 1999. Max Buchners Reise nach Zentralafrika 1878-1882: Briefe,
Berichte, Studien. Afrika-Archiv, 22. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. Pp 539. ISBN-10 3-89645-160-X.
Kalema, Abanda wa 1989. Analyse componentielle de quelques toponymes bantu: cas de la
langue lunda. Ann. de l’Inst. Supérieur Pédagogique (Mbandaka), 8, p. 1-21.
Kaumba, Lufunda Samajiku. 1982. Le droit au nom: le cas des Andembu. In: Philosophie et
droits de l’homme: actes de la 5e semaine philosophique de Kinshasa, 1981, p. 439-451.
Recherches philosophiques africaines, 7. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Kawasha, Boniface Kaumba. 2008. Passivization in Lunda. JALL, v. 28 (1), p. 37-56.
Kawasha, Boniface Kaumba. 2008. Relative clauses and subject inversion in Chokwe, Kaonde,
Lunda and Luvale. AfrL, 14, p. 37-62.
Kitenge, A. 1963. Le passe de l’ethnie Lunda d’apres la tradition orale recuiellie en territoire
de Kapanga. Bruxelles.
Kumbi-Kumbi, Kahanga Félicien. 1994. La conception du temps à travers la pédagogie initiatique des Lunda-Cokwe. Mémoire de licence. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Lima, A. Mesquitela. 1959. A religiâo dos povos da Lunda. Mensário administrativo (Luanda),
149/154, p. 65-81.
Milimo, J.T. 1972. Bantu wisdom. Lusaka: NECZAM. Pp 119.
Turner, Victor W. 1960. Muchana the hornet, interpreter of religion (Northern Rhodesia). In: In
the company of man. Edited by J.B. Casagrande. New York: Harper & Row Publ.
Turner, Victor W. 1961. Ritual symbolism, morality and social structure among the Ndembu.
Human problems in British Central Africa, 30, p. 1-10.
Turner, Victor W. 1962. Themes in the symbolism of Ndembu hunting ritual. Anthropological
quarterly, 35, p. 37-57.
Turner, Victor W. 1965. Ritual symbolism, morality and social structure among the Ndembu.
In: African systems of thought: studies presented and discussed at the 3rd international
African seminar in Salisbury, December 1960, p. 79-95. Edited by Meyer Fortes & Germaine
Dieterlen. Oxford: OUP for the IAI.
Turner, Victor W. 1972. Les tambours d’affliction: analyse des rituels chez les Ndembu de
Zambie. Trad. par M.-C. Giraud. Paris: Gallimard. Pp 368.
Turner, Victor W. 1975. Revelation and divination in Ndembu ritual. Ithaca NY: Cornell Univ.
Vanhalle, G.L. 1952. De familiale gewoonten der Alunda. Band (Léopoldville), 7, p. 25-38, 6271, 105-114, 136-143, 187-192, 226-234, 275-285.
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Yav, Ditend Meteb. 1979. La conception de la mort et de l’au-delà chez les Lunda. Mémoire de
licence. Kinshasa: Fac. de Théologie Protestante.
RUUND, Luwunda, incl. Kanincin
Devos, Maud; Tshibanda, Michael Kasombo; Auwera, Johan van der. 2010. Jespersen cycles in
Kanincin: double, triple and maybe even quadruple negation. AfrL, 16, p. 155-182.
L zone: miscellaneous, unsorted
Almeida, Francisco José Maria de Lacerda y. 1873. Lacerda’s journey to Cazembe in 1789
[transl. and annotated by Captain R.F. Burton]. In: The lands of Cazembe. London: John
Murray for RGSL.
Baptista, Pedro João; José, Amaro. 1873. Journey of the Pombeiros, P.J. Baptista and Amaro
José, across Africa from Angola to Tette on the Zambeze [transl. by B.A. Beadle]. In: The lands
of Cazembe. London: John Murray for RGSL.
Grévisse, F. 1956. Notes ethnographiques relatives à quelques populations autochtones du
Haut-Katanga industriel [pt. 1-4]. Bull. trimestriel du CEPSI (Elisabethville), 32, p. 65-207; 33,
p. 68-148; 34, p. 54-133; 35, p. 73-132.
Grévisse, F. 1957. Notes ethnographiques relatives à quelques populations autochtones du
Haut-Katanga industriel [pt. 5-8]. Bull. trimestriel du CEPSI (Elisabethville), 36, p. 86-138; 37,
p. 54-113; 38, p. 111-172; 39, p. 47-130.
Grévisse, F. 1958. Notes ethnographiques relatives à quelques populations autochtones du
Haut-Katanga industriel [pt. 9-10]. Problèmes sociaux congolais (Elisabethville), 40, p. 57-79.;
41, p. 25-68.
M10 Fipa-Mambwe Group
Maurice, M. 1931. La maladie et la mort chez les Bapimbwe. Bibliotheca africana (Innsbruck),
4 (2), p. 22-31.
Lindfors, Anna-Lena; Woodward, Mark; Nagler, Louise. 2010. A sociolinguistic survey of the
Fipa speech community: ethnic identity and dialect diversity. SILESR 2010-023. SIL Int’l.
Hamberger, Alois. 1909. Religiösen Überlieferungen und Gebräuchen der Landschaft Mkulwe
(Deutsch-Ostafrika). Anthropos, 4, p. 295-317.
Hamberger, Alois. 1910. Nachtrag zu den religiösen Überlieferungen und Gebräuchen der
Landschaft Mkulwe (Deutsch-Ostafrika). Anthropos, 5, p. 798-907.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
M14, M15
MAMBWE-RUNGU, Mambwe-Lungu
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Key, Michael Parrish. 2006. Headed spans and Bantu tonology. In: Papers in Optimality
Theory III. Edited by Leah Bateman, Michael O’Keefe, Ehren Reilly & Adam Werle. Univ. of
Massachusetts occ. papers in linguistics, 32. Amherst MA: GLSA.
Nasukawa, Kuniya. 2010. Prosodic affiliation of NC sequences in Lungu (Cilungu). In: Bantu
languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell.
EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
M20 Nyiha-Safwa Group
WANDA, Wandia, incl. Sichela
Lindfors, Anna-Lena; Woodward, Mark; Nagler, Louise. 2009. A sociolinguistic survey of the
Sichela speech community. SILESR 2009-014. SIL Int’l. Pp 20.
Mathangwane, Joyce Thambole; Mtenje, Al[fred] D. 2010. Tone and reduplication in Wandya
and Subiya. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère
& Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
NYIHA, Nyika
Lindfors, Anna-Lena; Woodward, Mark; Nagler, Louise; Krüger, Susanne. 2009. A sociolinguistic survey of the Nyiha and Nyika language communities in Tanzania, Zambia and
Malawi. SILESR 2009-012. SIL Int’l.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Kutsch Lojenga, Connie [Constance]. 2010. Vowel shortening in the noun phrase in Malila. In:
Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina
Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
M30 Nyakyusa-Ngonde Group
Botne, Robert Dale. 2005. Motion, time and tense: on the grammaticalization of come and go in
Bantu. SAL, 35 (2), p. 127-188.
Botne, Robert Dale. 2007. A grammatical sketch of Chindali (Malawian variety). Philadelphia:
American Philosophical Soc.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Hekken, P.M. 1986. Leven en werken in een Nyakyusa dorp. Research reports, 28. Leiden:
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Schumann, Carl. 1899/2010. Grundriss einer Grammatik der Kondesprache. Gramatica series,
75. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-094-7.
Willis, Justin. 2001. ‘Beer used to belong to older men’: drink and authority among the
Nyakyusa of Tanzania. Africa, 71 (3), p. 373-390.
M40 Bemba Group
Davis-Roberts, Christopher. 1981. Kutumbuwa ugonjwua: concepts of illness and transformation among the Tabwa. Social science and medicin, 15, p. 309-316.
Dechamps, Roger. 1982. La identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour les sculptures en
Afrique, 10: la sculpture des tabwa du Zaïre. Africa-Tervuren, 28 (1), p. 8-13.
Grunne, Bernard de. 1980. La sculpture batabwa. Doctoraalscriptie. Louvain-la-Neuve: Univ.
Catholique de Louvain.
Maurer, Evan M.; Roberts, Allen F. 1986. The rising of a new moon: a century of Tabwa art.
Ann Arbor: Museum of Art, Univ. of Michigan. Pp xvi, 288.
Vleugels, J. 1972. Moeurs et coutumes principales des Batabwa. Problèmes sociaux zaïrois
(Lubumbashi), 98/99, p. 3-13.
BEMBA, Icibemba
[Anon.] 19xx. Grammaire et exercices pratiques: ChiBemba-Français. Elisabethville: Mission
Salésiennes. Pp 106.
Campbell, Dugald. 1922. In the heart of Bantuland: a record of twenty-nine years’ pioneering
in central Africa among the Bantu peoples, with a description of their habits, customs, secret
societies and languages. London: Seeley, Service & Co. Pp 313.
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Corbeil, J.J.; Plesner, Margaret. 1982. Mbusa: sacred emblems of the Bemba. Mbala (Zambia)
& London: Moto-Moto Museum; Ethnographica Publ. Pp 118. ISBN-10 0-905788-15-X, 0905788-20-6.
Dauphin-Tinturier, Anne-Marie. 1989. Communication et tradition dans l’univers bemba
(Zambie). Genève-Afrique, 27 (1), p. 89-106.
Dauphin-Tinturier, Anne-Marie. 2009. Espaces, mythes et rituels bemba dans le nord de la
Zambie. JdA, 79 (1), p. 97-118.
Frost, Mary. 1977. Inshimi and imilumbe: structural expectations in Bemba oral imaginative
performance. PhD thesis. Dept. of African Languages and Literature, Univ. of WisconsinMadison.
Guillerme, L. 1920. Dictionnaire français-kibemba, précédé d’un abrégé de grammaire.
Malines (Belgique): L. Godenne. Pp 456.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Henderson, Brent. 2009. Anti-agreement and [person] in Bantu. In: Selected proc. of the 38th
annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic theory and African language documentation, p. 173-181. Edited by Masangu Matondo, Fiona McLaughlin & Eric Potsdam.
Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Kasonde, Alexander Raymond Makasa. 2009. Phonologie et morphologie de la langue bemba.
Studies in African linguistics, 75. München: Lincom Europa. Pp 402. ISBN 978-3-89586-8238.
Kula, Nancy Chongo; Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen. 2008. Phonological and syntactic phrasing in
Bemba relatives. JALL, v. 28 (2), p. 123-148.
Kula, Nancy Chongo; Marten, Lutz. 2010. Argument structure and agency in Bemba passives.
In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina
Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Lewanika, Godwin A. Mbikusita. 1949. English-Bemba phrase book. Originally prepared for
Lozi by Mr G. Mbikusita with the help of Rev. A.J. Cross, and adapted for Bemba by Daunti L.
Yamba. London: Macmillan.
Lewanika, Godwin A. Mbikusita. 1959. English-Bemba phrase book. 3rd ed. London:
Macmillan. Pp vii, 45.
Milimo, J.T. 1972. Bantu wisdom. Lusaka: NECZAM. Pp 119.
Mutambwa, Mulumbwa; Verbeek, Leon. 1997. Bulumbu: un mouvement extatique au sud-est
du Zaïre à travers la chanson traditionnelle. Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines, 157.
Tervuren. Pp 414. ISBN-10 2-87398-001-X.
Verbeek, Leon. 1990. Le monde des esprits au sud-est du Shaba et au nord de la Zambie.
Biblioteca di scienze religiose, 89. Roma. Pp 305. ISBN-10 88-213-0192-3.
Verbeek, Leon. 1992. L’histoire dans les chants et les danses populaires: la zone culturelle
bemba du Haut-Shaba (Zaïre). Enquêtes et documents d’histoire africaine, 10. Louvain-laNeuve: Centre d’Histoire de l’Afrique. Pp xvi, 137.
Verbeek, Leon. 1993. Initiation et mariage dans la chanson populaire des Bemba du Zaïre.
Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines, 139. Tervuren. Pp 345.
Verbeek, Leon. 2001. Mort et douleur dans une société africaine: chansons de deuil, de tristesse et de levée de deuil du sud-est du Katanga, 2 vols. Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines,
163. Tervuren. Pp 362, [363]-595. ISBN-10 90-75894-36-8.
Verbeek, Leon. 2006. Contes de l’inceste, de la parenté et de l’alliance chez les Bemba (Rép.
démocratique du Congo). Paris: Ed. Karthala. Pp 501. ISBN 978-2-84586-726-0.
M50 Lala-Bisa-Lamba Group
M51, M52
LALA-BISA, Bi(i)sa-Lala
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Stefaniszyn, Bronislaw. 1981. The Ambo and their ideas on ultimate reality and meaning. Ultimate reality and meaning, 4, p. 272-278.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Milimo, J.T. 1972. Bantu wisdom. Lusaka: NECZAM. Pp 119.
Collard, H.J. 1920. Petite grammaire du lala-lamba, tel qu’il se parle de Sakania à Elisabethville. Elisabethville: Freytag. Pp 124.
Milimo, J.T. 1972. Bantu wisdom. Lusaka: NECZAM. Pp 119.
M60 Lenje-Tonga (Bantu-Botatwe) Gr.
Luna, Kathryn de. 2010. Classifying Botatwe: M60 languages and the settlement chronology of
south-central Africa. AfrL, 16, p. 65-96.
Chaplin, J.H. 1962. Notes on some sites in Soli history. Northern Rhodesia jrnl, 5 (1), p. 5056.
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Taylor, Henry James. 1916. Capetown to Kafue: the story of an eighteen thousand miles
journey. London: W.A. Hammond. Pp 127.
TONGA, Plateau Tonga
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Colson, Elizabeth. 1980. The resilience of matrilineality: Gwembe and Plateau Tonga
adaptations. In: The versatility of kinship: essays presented to Harry S. Baseheart, p. 145-163.
Edited by Linda S. Cordell & Stephen Beckerman. New York: Academic Press.
Kröger, Heidrum. 2003. O tom nas línguas bantu. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 1,
p. 107-124.
Lewanika, Godwin A. Mbikusita. 1950. English-Tonga phrase book. Originally prepared for
Lozi by G.A.M. Lewanika with the help of the late Rev. A.J. Cross, and adapted for Tonga by
Levi P. Joppe and Alvin Hobby. London: Macmillan; Northern Rhodesia & Nyasaland Publ.
Bureau. Pp 47.
Milimo, J.T. 1972. Bantu wisdom. Lusaka: NECZAM. Pp 119.
Scudder, Thayer; Colson, Elizabeth. 1980. Long-term research in Gwembe Valley, Zambia. In:
Long-term field research in social anthropology. Edited by George M. Foster, Thayer Scudder,
Elizabeth Colson & Robert V. Kemper. New York: Academic Press.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Taylor, Henry James. 1916. Capetown to Kafue: the story of an eighteen thousand miles
journey. London: W.A. Hammond. Pp 127.
M zone: miscellaneous, unsorted
Campbell, Dugald. 1922. In the heart of Bantuland: a record of twenty-nine years’ pioneering
in central Africa among the Bantu peoples, with a description of their habits, customs, secret
societies and languages. London: Seeley, Service & Co. Pp 313.
Yablochkov, L.D. 1960. De la consolidation nationale des peuples dans la Rhodésie du Nord et
le Nyassaland. In: Des africanistes russes parlent de l’Afrique. Edited by Ivan I. Potekhin &
Maria V. Rait. Paris: Présence Africaine.
N10 Manda Group
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Komba, James J. 1961. God and man: religious elements of the Ngoni of the south-west
Tanganyika viewed in the light of Christian faith. Roma: Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana. Pp
Komba, James J. 1961. God and man (Ngoni du Tanganyika). Euntes docete (Roma), 14, p. 63123.
Moser, Rupert R. 1981. Nominale Kategorien der Ngoni (SW-Tanzania): Simulacrum der mentalen Grammatik oder europäisches Konstrukt? In: Symbole und Gesellschaft in Afrika: Beiträge zur kognitiven Anthropologie Schwarzafrikas. Ethnologica helvetica, 5. Zürich: Schweizerisch Ethnologische Gesellschaft.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Brantley, Cynthia. 1997. Through Ngoni eyes: Margaret Read’s matrilineal interpretations from
Nyasaland. Critique of anthropology, 17 (2), p. 147-170.
Ownby, Carolyn Postma. 1985. Early Nguni history: the linguistic evidence and its correlation
with archaeology and oral tradition. PhD thesis. Los Angeles: UCLA. Pp 319.
Weule, Karl. 1908. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse meiner ethnographischen Forschungsreise
in den Sudosten Deutsch-Ostafrikas. Suppl. 1 to Mitt. aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten.
Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler & Sohn. Pp x, 150.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Yoneda, Nobuko. 2009. Information structure and sentence formation in Matengo. In: Current
issues in unity and diversity of languages: collection of the papers selected from the CIL 18,
held at Korea University in Seoul, on July 21-26, 2008, p. 443-453. Seoul: Linguistic Society
of Korea.
Yoneda, Nobuko. 2010. Topical hierarchy and grammatical agreement in Matengo (N13). In:
Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina
Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Yoneda, Nobuko. 2011. Word order in Matengo (N13): topicality and informational roles.
Lingua, 121 (5), p. 754-771.
TONGA, Siska
Mkochi, Winfred. 2009. Bimoraic word minimality condition in Chitonga: OT analysis. SKY
jrnl of linguistics, 22, p. (?).
N20 Tumbuka Group
TUMBUKA, Chitumbuka
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Chase, Robert. 2004. A comparison of demonstratives in the Karonga and Henga dialects of
Tumbuka. Undergraduate paper. Amherst: Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Massachusetts. Pp 11.
Downing, Laura J. 2010. Prosodic phrasing in relative clauses: a comparative look at Zulu,
Chewa and Tumbuka. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by
Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Fraser, Donald. 1922. Winning a primitive people: sixteen years’ work among the warlike tribe
of the Ngoni and the Senga and Tumbuka peoples of Central Africa. London: Seeley, Service &
Kimper, Wendell A. 2004. Question formation in the Karonga dialect of Tumbuka. Undergraduate paper. Amherst: Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Massachusetts. Pp 11.
Maislin, Joshua. 2004. Applicative suffix in Tumbuka. Undergraduate paper. Amherst: Dept. of
Linguistics, Univ. of Massachusetts. Pp 8.
Milimo, J.T. 1972. Bantu wisdom. Lusaka: NECZAM. Pp 119.
Shiozaki, Lisa. 2004. Concordial agreement in the Karonga dialect of Tumbuka. Undergraduate paper. Amherst: Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Massachusetts. Pp 22.
Warren, Whitney. 2004. Verbal morphology in Karinga Tumbuka. Undergraduate paper.
Amherst: Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Massachusetts. Pp 16.
N30 Chewa-Nyanja (Group)
CHEWA-NYANJA, Nyanja-Chewa, Chichewa
Aguilar, Laurel B. de. 1995. Masks, society and hierarchy among the Chewa of central Malawi.
Anthropos, 90 (4/6), p. 407-421.
Batteen, Christopher. 2006. Syntactic constraints in Chichewa/English code-switching. LSO
working papers in linguistics, 6, p. 1-9.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Breugel, J.W.M. van. 2001. Chewa traditional religion. Zomba: Kachere. Pp 292.
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Downing, Laura J. 2010. Prosodic phrasing in relative clauses: a comparative look at Zulu,
Chewa and Tumbuka. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by
Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Ernesto, Fernando. 1998. Uma descripção morfo-sintáctica das extensões verbais em cinyanja.
Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Hoffman, Mika Christine. 1991. The syntax of argument-structure-changing morphology. PhD
thesis. Cambridge MA: MIT.
Kaphagawani, D.N.N.; Chidammodzi, H.F. 1983. Chewa cultural ideas and system of thought
as determined from proverbs: a preliminary analysis. Pula, 3 (2), p. 29-37.
Kaphagawani, D.N.N.; Chidammodzi, H.F. 1988. Chewa cultural ideas and system of thought:
an analysis. In: Philosophie et culture: actes du 17e congrès mondial de philosophie, v. 4, p.
279-285. Edited by Venant Cauchy. Montréal: Ed. Montmorency.
Mchombo, Sam A. 1980. Dative and passive in Chichewa: an argument for surface grammar.
In: Proc. of the 3rd Africa languages congress, p. 141-161. Edited by P.J. Wentzel. Pretoria:
Milimo, J.T. 1972. Bantu wisdom. Lusaka: NECZAM. Pp 119.
Mtenje, Al[fred] D. 1983. On the irrelevancy of the cycle to Bantu phonology. SAJAL, 3 (1), p.
Nazombe, Anthony J.M. 1991. The text and the social context: witchcraft and death in nantongwe songs. Religion in Malawi, 3, p. 34-38.
Paas, Steven. 2003. English-Chichewa/Chinyanja dictionary. Buku la mvunguti, 19. 3rd ed.
Zomba: Kachere. Pp 456. ISBN-10 99908-76-30-4.
Pota, P.P. 2001. Classroom experiences in teaching through Chichewa or English in a predominantly Ciyao speaking area. In: Cross-border languages within the context of mother tongue
education. Edited by Joachim Friedrich Pfaffe. Zomba: Centre for Language Studies, Univ. of
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Sindima, Harvey J. 1991. Bondedness, moyo and umunthu as the elements of a Chewa spirituality: organizing logic and principle of life. Ultimate reality and meaning, 13, p. 5-20.
N40 Senga-Sena Group
NSENGA, Cinsenga, Senga
Chaplin, J.A. 1967. Vernacular month names from Zambia. AfrSt, 26 (3), p. 145-169.
Fraser, Donald. 1922. Winning a primitive people: sixteen years’ work among the warlike tribe
of the Ngoni and the Senga and Tumbuka peoples of Central Africa. London: Seeley, Service &
Santos jnr, J.R. dos. 1944. Contribuïção para o estudo da antropologia de Moçambique: algumas tribos do distrito de Tete. Memórias da Junta das Missões Geográficas e de Investigações
Colonias, série antropológica e etnológica, 2. Porto: Tipografia Mendonça. Pp 416.
Santos jnr, J.R. dos. 1945. Contribution à l’étude de l’anthropologie de Mozambique: quelques tribus du district de Tete (résumé) / Contribution to the study of anthropology of
Mozambique: some tribes of the Tete district (summary). Porto: Tipografia Mendonça. Pp 44.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
KUNDA, Chikunda
Santos jnr, J.R. dos. 1944. Contribuïção para o estudo da antropologia de Moçambique: algumas tribos do distrito de Tete. Memórias da Junta das Missões Geográficas e de Investigações
Colonias, série antropológica e etnológica, 2. Porto: Tipografia Mendonça. Pp 416.
Santos jnr, J.R. dos. 1945. Contribution à l’étude de l’anthropologie de Mozambique: quelques tribus du district de Tete (résumé) / Contribution to the study of anthropology of
Mozambique: some tribes of the Tete district (summary). Porto: Tipografia Mendonça. Pp 44.
NYUNGWE, Chinyungwe, Tete
Adalima, Isabel Laimone. 2005. Regras de reescrita em língua cinyungwe. Tese de licenciatura.
Maputo: UEM.
Baptista, Pedro João; José, Amaro. 1873. Journey of the Pombeiros, P.J. Baptista and Amaro
José, across Africa from Angola to Tette on the Zambeze [transl. by B.A. Beadle]. In: The lands
of Cazembe. London: John Murray for RGSL.
Domingos, Ventura Mulatinho. 1999. A problemática de selecção de estratégias de comunicaçã o em tradução: o caso da tradução de algumas expressões referenciais do português
para o cinuyngwe. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Santos jnr, J.R. dos. 1944. Contribuïção para o estudo da antropologia de Moçambique: algumas tribos do distrito de Tete. Memórias da Junta das Missões Geográficas e de Investigações
Colonias, série antropológica e etnológica, 2. Porto: Tipografia Mendonça. Pp 416.
Santos jnr, J.R. dos. 1945. Contribution à l’étude de l’anthropologie de Mozambique: quelques tribus du district de Tete (résumé) / Contribution to the study of anthropology of
Mozambique: some tribes of the Tete district (summary). Porto: Tipografia Mendonça. Pp 44.
Xavier, Floriano Cardoso da Costa. 2004. Empréstimos linguísticos: o caso dos falantes
nhungue. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
N44, N45, N46
SENA OF MOZAMBIQUE, incl. Rue/Barwe (= N45), Podzo (= N46)
Almeida, Francisco José Maria de Lacerda y. 1889. Diário da viagem de Moçambique para os
rios de Sena. Lisboa: Min. dos Negocios da Marinha e Ultramar, Portugal. Pp 31.
Almeida, Francisco José Maria de Lacerda y. 1936. Travessia de Africa: edição acrescida do
diário da viagem de Moçambique para os rios de Sena e do diário do regresso a Sena pelo
Padre Francisco Joao Pinto. Com uma introducção crítica do Dr Manuel Múrias. Lisboa:
Agência Geral das Colónias. Pp 411.
Bongece, Pita. 2003. Cisena 100 anos depois. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Chiruca, Félix Oliveira Gumbe. 2007. A formação do futuro nas línguas sena, ndau e changana: uma perspectiva de análise contrastiva. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Fortuna, Paulo Jaime; others. 1998. Bukhu ya kupfundzisa malembero a Cisena / Livro de
ortografia de língua Sena. Beira: NILS; INDE. Pp 51.
Funnell, Barry John. 2004. A contrastive analysis of two standardised varieties of Sena. MA
thesis. Pretoria: UNISA.
Heins, Barbara. 1999. Observações preliminares sobre os demonstrativos na língua Sena. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 1, p. 95-106.
Heins, John H. 2001. Semantic structure analysis in Sena. Working papers from SIL Mozambique, 2, p. 61-80.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Heins, John H. 2003. A transliteração de nomes próprios na língua Sena. Trabalhos em curso
(SIL Mozambique), 1, p. 51-73.
Heins, John H. 2003. Análise de estrutura semântica da língua Sena. Trabalhos em curso (SIL
Mozambique), 2, p. 65-87.
Milimo, J.T. 1972. Bantu wisdom. Lusaka: NECZAM. Pp 119.
Ndapassoa, António Teodoro Miguel. 1998. O herói esperto nas narrativas orais sena. Tese
de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Otolino, Armindo. 2000. A combinação e ordem das extensões verbais em cisena. Tese de
licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Pampalk, Josef. 2003. Nzerumbawiri: provérbios sena. Maputo: Paulinas.
Pampalk, Josef. 2008. Mphyanga? Contos sena. Sabedoria do povo, hoje, 2. Maputo: Paulinas.
ISBN 978-9966-08-341-8.
Ramiro, Armando Artur. 2006. Empréstimos lexicais do português no cisena. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Schebesta, Paul Joachim. 1926/27. Ethnographie der Asena am unteren Sambesi, 1: soziale
Einrichtung. Bibliotheca africana (Innsbruck), 2, p. (?).
Schebesta, Paul Joachim. 1928/29. Ethnographie der Asena am unteren Sambesi, 2: die Religion. Bibliotheca africana (Innsbruck), 3, p. (?).
Simbe, Dionísio. 2004. Dicionário chisena-português. Maputo: Impr. Universitária.
Velho, Felizmina Walters. 1994. Alguns aspectos da tradução de termos didácticos para o
cisena. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Funnell, Barry John. 2004. A contrastive analysis of two standardised varieties of Sena. MA
thesis. Pretoria: UNISA.
N zone: miscellaneous, unsorted
Yablochkov, L.D. 1960. De la consolidation nationale des peuples dans la Rhodésie du Nord et
le Nyassaland. In: Des africanistes russes parlent de l’Afrique. Edited by Ivan I. Potekhin &
Maria V. Rait. Paris: Présence Africaine.
P10 Matuumbi Group
P11, P12
NDENGELEKO, Ndengereko, incl. Rufiji (Ruihi) (= P12)
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Ström, Eva-Marie. 2006. Morphonological alternations in the noun class prefixes of Ndengereko. MISS: meddelanden från inst. för svenska språket (Göteborg), 56, p. 163-179.
Ström, Eva-Marie. 2009. The situation of Ndengeleko, a coastal Tanzanian language (P10). In:
Selected proc. of the 38th annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic theory and
African language documentation, p. 229-241. Edited by Masangu Matondo, Fiona McLaughlin
& Eric Potsdam. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
MATUUMBI, Kimatuumbi
Clements, George N. 1991. Vowel height assimilation in Bantu languages. Proc. of the annual
meeting of the BLS, 17, suppl., p. 25-64.
Krumm, Bernhard. 1912/2010. Grundriss einer Grammatik des Kimatumbi. Gramatica series,
4. München: Lincom Europa. Pp 70.
Odden, David [Arnold]. 1990. VVNC in Kimatuumbi and Kikongo. SAJAL, 10 (4), p. 159-165.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Urmanchieva, Anna Yu. 2010. Grammaticalization of narrative patterns in Ngindo verbal
morphology. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère
& Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
P20 Yao Group
P21, P22
YAO, incl. Mwera
Botne, Robert Dale. 2005. Motion, time and tense: on the grammaticalization of come and go in
Bantu. SAL, 35 (2), p. 127-188.
Dacala, Alfredo Carlos. 1994. Variaçoes alomórficas no nome em ciyao (yao) e cicopi (chope).
Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Moser, Rupert R. 1984. Die Rückgang von Matriorienterung; die Mwera von Südtanzania.
Genève-Afrique, 21 (2), p. (?).
Pota, P.P. 2001. Classroom experiences in teaching through Chichewa or English in a predominantly Ciyao speaking area. In: Cross-border languages within the context of mother tongue
education. Edited by Joachim Friedrich Pfaffe. Zomba: Centre for Language Studies, Univ. of
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Tanner, Darren. 2006. Context insensitive vowel hiatus resolution in Ciyao. Univ. of Washington working papers in linguistics, 25, p. 1-24.
Weule, Karl. 1908. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse meiner ethnographischen Forschungsreise
in den Sudosten Deutsch-Ostafrikas. Suppl. 1 to Mitt. aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten.
Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler & Sohn. Pp x, 150.
Floor, Sebastian. 1999. Confirmative demonstratives. Working papers from SIL Int’l, Mozambique, 1, p. 1-15.
Floor, Sebastian. 2003. Demonstrativos confirmativos. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 1, p. 1-15.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Kamugisha, J. 1983. Symbols and change in beliefs: an inquest into Makonde initiation rites.
Pastoral orientation service (Tanzania), 5, p. 21-32.
Kraal, Peter. 2009. Makonde. In: Coding participant marking: construction types in twelve
African languages, p. 239-279. Edited by Gerrit Jan Dimmendaal. Studies in language, companion series, 110. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publ.
Leach, Rhoda Martyn. 1999. The Makonde matrilineal system. Working papers from SIL Int’l,
Mozambique, 1, p. 17-25.
Leach, Rhoda Martyn. 2003. O sistema matrilinear Makonde. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 1, p. 17-26.
Leach, Rhoda Martyn. 2004. Os Makonde de Moçambique: alguns termos de parentesco e costumes de apelidação. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 3, p. 43-60.
Mitilela, Rosa da Conceição Reny João. 2004. A variações almórficas do prefixo da classe em
ximakonde. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Ndungangu, Crisanto Daúdi. 2002. Géneros e funções da poesia oral makonde. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Ruffo, Christopher K.; Birnie, Ann; Tengnäs, Bo. 2002. Edible wild plants of Tanzania.
Technical handbooks, 27. Nairobi: Regional Land Management Unit, SIDA.
Weule, Karl. 1908. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse meiner ethnographischen Forschungsreise
in den Sudosten Deutsch-Ostafrikas. Suppl. 1 to Mitt. aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten.
Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler & Sohn. Pp x, 150.
P30 Makhuwa Group
MAKHUWA, Emakhuwa, Makua
Afido, Pedro J. 1997. Contribuição para o estudo dos morfemas do presente do indicativo no
emakhuwa. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Bacar, Amido. 2005. As diferenças semânticas entre as extensões causativa -eha- e intensiva
-eha- quando aplicadas aos radicais verbais em emakhuwa. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo:
Bernardo, Maurício. 2005. A morfofonologia das marcas do passado remote imperfectivo em
emakhuwa. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Chimuzu, António Mateus. 2002. Reorganização das classes nominais em makhuwa: o caso
dos nomes dos animais. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Floor, Sebastian. 1999. Confirmative demonstratives. Working papers from SIL Int’l, Mozambique, 1, p. 1-15.
Floor, Sebastian. 2003. Demonstrativos confirmativos. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 1, p. 1-15.
Gerrits, Trudie. 2002. Infertility and matrilineality: the exceptional case of the Macua of
Mozambique. In: Infertility around the globe, p. 233-246. Edited by Marcia C. Inhorn & Frank
van Balen. Berkeley: Univ. of California.
Henriques, Júlio. 2004. Análise contrastiva de algumas expressões tabú entre português e
emakhuwa no domínio do sexo e da sexualidade. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
José, António Alí. 2001. Emattipani: variante ou sub-variante do emakhuwa. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Kröger, Oliver. 2006. Algumas notas gramaticais sobre a língua Emakhuwa. Nampula: SIL
Mozambique. Pp 35.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Machungoe, Raimundo Saula Pinto. 2004. Estratégias de resolução de hiatos no emacua. Tese
de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 2010. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Orientalia series,
9. München: Lincom Europa. ISBN 978-3-86290-017-6.
Victor, António. 2000. A cortesia na cultura e língua emakhuwa. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo:
Wal, Jenneke van der. 2010. Functions of demonstratives in Makhuwa narratives. AfrL, 16, p.
Wal, Jenneke van der. 2010. Makhuwa non-subject relatives as participial modifiers. JALL, 31
(2), p. (?).
Weule, Karl. 1908. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse meiner ethnographischen Forschungsreise
in den Sudosten Deutsch-Ostafrikas. Suppl. 1 to Mitt. aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten.
Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler & Sohn. Pp x, 150.
Central Makhuwa, “Makhuwa-Makhuwana”
Mucussete, José Adamo. 2007. A representação de aspectos sócio-culturais na canção tradicional macua de Nampula. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Chirima, Shirima
Alfazema, João Paulo Manuel; Cantauíle, João Saide; Kröger, Heidrum; Rijone, Maria Helena
João. 2006. Algumas notas gramaticais sobre a língua Imarenje. Monogr. linguísticas
moçambicanas, 3. Nampula: SIL Mozambique. Pp 38.
Cabiço, José; Chagala, António de Carvão. 2003. Uma breve gramática da língua Takwane.
Breves gramáticas, 4. Nampula: SIL Mozambique. Pp 38.
Cabiço, José; Kröger, Oliver; Nihoro, Manuel; Shrum, Jeffery; Shrum, Margaret; Whitley,
Jinean. 2006. Algumas notas gramaticais sobre a língua Etakwane. Monogr. linguísticas
moçambicanas, 2. Nampula: SIL Mozambique. Pp 46.
Massimaculo, Pedro Alberto. 2004. Reduplicação verbal em cirima. Tese de licenciatura.
Maputo: UEM.
Marrevone, Emarevone
Kröger, Oliver. 2010. Discourse function of inverted passives in Makua-Marevone narratives.
In: The expression of information structure: a documentation of its diversity across Africa, p.
165-192. Edited by Ines Fiedler & Anne Schwarz. Typological studies in language, 91.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publ.
Langa, Pércida Albino. 2002. Empréstimos lexicais do português no emarevoni. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Naharra, Enaharra
Wal, Jenneke van der. 2009. Word order and information structure in Makhuwa-Enahara.
LOT dissertation series, 215. Utrecht: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
KOTI, Ekoti, “Angoje”
Albino, Salimo Paulino; Lyndon, Ada; Selemane, Abdul; Jesus, José; Braimo, Dinis Felício;
Atumane, Assane Mecussiba; Lyndon, Chris. 2007. Algumas notas gramaticais sobre a língua
Ekoti. Monogr. linguísticas moçambicanas, 4. Nampula: SIL Mozambique. Pp 40.
Mucanheia, Francisco Ussene. 1997. Algumas considerações sobre a formação do ekoti. Tese
de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
SAKATI, Esakati, Sangaji, Nathembo
Devos, Maud. 2008. The expression of modality in Shangaci. AfrL, 14, p. 3-36.
Buramo, Cipriano José; Sulude, João António. 2003. Uma breve gramática da língua Xuabo.
Nampula: SIL Mozambique. Pp 36.
Carvalho, Hermínia Stuart Torrie. 2002. Formas de cumprimento na língua echuwabo. Tese de
licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Mualava, Hugo. 1999. Estratégias de tradução do português para o echuwabo aplicadas aos
módulos de informação sanitária da região africana da OMS. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo:
Suege, Iza Luís. 2006. Classes nominais e sistemas de concordância em chuwabu. Tese de
licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Vinton, Jim; Vinton, Virginia. 2001. A linguistic survey of the Chuwabu language cluster. Working papers from SIL Mozambique, 2, p. 31-49.
Vinton, Jim; Vinton, Virginia. 2003. Levantamento linguístico da língua chuwabu e suas variantes. Trabalhos em curso (SIL Mozambique), 2, p. 35-51.
R10 Umbundu Group
UMBUNDU, Mbundu, Nano
Hambly, Wilfrid Dyson. 1931. Serpent worship in Africa. Fieldiana: anthropology, 21:1.
Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History.
Hauenstein, Alfred. 1976. Fables et contes angolais. Studia instituti anthropos, 24. St.
Augustin: Anthropos-Inst. Pp 294. ISBN-10 3-9213-8905-4.
Hauenstein, Alfred. 1980. Rites et coutumes liés à l’élevage du bétail dans le sud de l’Angola.
Collectanea instituti anthropos, 17. St. Augustin: Anthropos-Inst. Pp 228. ISBN-10 3-88345346-3.
Hauenstein, Alfred. 1988. Examen des motifs décoratifs chez les Ovimbundu et Tchokwe
d’Angola. Publ. do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 10. Inst. de Anthropologia, Univ. de Coimbra.
Pp 85.
Lusakalalu, Pedro. 2001. Languages and glossonymic units: contribution to the assessment of
the linguistic diversity of Angola and Namibia. AAP, 66, p. 47-65.
Schuchardt, Hugo. 1883. Über die Benguela-Sprache. Sitzungsberichte der (kaiserlichen)
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, philosophisch-historische Klasse, 103 (1), p. 21-32.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Stover, Wesley Maier. 1887. Otuikanda tuokufetika lokutanga Umbundu. Benguela: West
Central African Mission. Pp 49.
R13, R14
Lusakalalu, Pedro. 2001. Languages and glossonymic units: contribution to the assessment of
the linguistic diversity of Angola and Namibia. AAP, 66, p. 47-65.
Tastevin, Constant F. 1933. Les conceptions mystiques de Nyanekas, peuple bantou de l’Afrique méridionale. In: Comptes rendus du 15e congrès international d’anthropologie et
d’archéologie préhistoriques, Paris, 1931, p. 753-754. Paris.
R20 Wambo (Group)
WAMBO, Oshiwambo
[Anon.] 1994. Adult literacy in Ondangwa and Windhoek: a survey of adult learners’ literacy
skills. SSD research reports, 16. Windhoek: Multi-Disciplinary Research Centre, UNAM. Pp
41. ISBN-10 0-947433-50-3.
Ausiku, Kashindi J. 2010. An evaluation of the implementation of the Namibian language-ineducation policy in the upper primary phase in Oshana Region. MA thesis. Pretoria: UNISA.
Cunningham, Tony; others. 1992. Oshanas: sustaining people, environment, and development
in central Owambo, Namibia. Edited by Alan Marsh and Mary Seely. Windhoek: Desert
Research Foundation of Namibia and SIDA. Pp 52. ISBN-10 99916-709-0-4.
Dymond, G.W. 1950. The idea of God in Ovamboland, South West Africa. In: African ideas of
God: a symposium, p. 135-155. Edited by Edwin William Smith. London: Edinburgh House
Elago, Hileni. 1997. Ovambo men’s experiences of participation in the Second World War
(1939-1945). In: New historical writing in Namibia: three research papers. Windhoek: Namibian History Trust, UNAM.
Fourie, David J. 1992. Oshiwambo: past, present and future. Discourse, 4. Windhoek:
Gewald, Jan-Bart. 2003. Near death in the streets of Karibib: famine, migrant labour and the
coming of Ovambo to central Namibia. JAH, 44 (2), p. 211-239.
Lusakalalu, Pedro. 2001. Languages and glossonymic units: contribution to the assessment of
the linguistic diversity of Angola and Namibia. AAP, 66, p. 47-65.
Miescher, Giorgio. 2006. The Ovambo reserve Otjeru (1911-1938): the story of an African
community in central Namibia. BAB working papers, 1/2006. Basel. Pp 22.
Mweshida, Johanna. 1997. Nicknames in Ovamboland: some preliminary deliberations. In: New
historical writing in Namibia: three research papers. Windhoek: Namibian History Trust,
Nkolola, Mildred Wakumelo; Mbata, Raphael; Haingura, Paulinus; Makumbi, Boniface;
Muganda, Robert; Nairenge, Karel; Kavari, Jekura Uaurika; Mbenzi, Petrus. 2008. A unified
standard orthography for Namibian Bantu languages: Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Rukwangali,
Rumanyo, Silozi and Thimbukushu. CASAS monograph series, 229. Cape Town. ISBN-10 1920294-52-6.
Simola, Raisa. 2001. Encounter images in the meetings between Finland and South-West Africa
/ Namibia. In: Encounter images in the meetings between Africa and Europe, p. 195-205.
Edited by Mai Palmberg. Uppsala: NAI.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens; Namuandi, M. 1992. Oshindonga workbook: a practical course for
beginners. Windhoek: Gamsberg Macmillan Publ. Pp 129. ISBN-10 0-86848-690-6.
Kwanyama, “Humba”
[Anon.] 2004. Oshikwanyama omushangelo / orthography 3. Windhoek: Gamsberg Macmillan Publ. ISBN-10 99916-0-514-2.
Brambilla, Chiara. 2007. Voci di frontiera: borderscape creativi e geografie pluriversali (il caso
della frontiera Angola/Namibia e l’identita kwanyama). Afriche e orienti, 3/4, p. (?).
Shilongo, Teressia N. 2007. The transition from Oshikwanyama to English as a medium of
instruction: a case study of a rural Namibian school. MEd thesis. Grahamstown: Rhodes
Univ. Pp x, 210.
Steinbergs, Aleksandra. 1985. Final vowels in deverbative nouns in OshiKwanyama. Papers
from the annual meetings of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Assoc., 9, p. 127-136.
Tastevin, Constant F. 1938. La religion des Wakwanyama (Angola). Revue d’histoire des
missions (Paris), 15, p. 264-284.
Zimmermann, Wolfgang. 1978. Enkele gedagte oor die kwalifiseerende krag van klasprefikse in
die Suidwestale. Limi, NS 6, p. 66-73.
[Anon.] 2004. Oshindonga orthography 3. Windhoek: Gamsberg Macmillan Publ. ISBN-10
Hahn, G.H. 18xx. Unpubl. Ndonga vocabulary Cape Town: Grey Coll., South African Public
Libr. [Details wanting. Ref. by Johnston (1919:800).]
Hahn, Johannes Theophilus. 1883. Unpubl. Ndonga grammar. [Details wanting. Ref. to by
Johnston (1919:800).]
Melaku-Tjirongo, E.; Devereux, S. 1993. Adult literacy in Uukwaluudhi, northern Namibia.
SSD research reports, 5. Windhoek: Multi-Disciplinary Research Centre, UNAM. Pp 46, 20.
ISBN-10 0-947433-35-X.
R30 Herero Group
HERERO, Otjiherero
Beck, Rose Marie. 2006. “We speak Otjiherero but we write in English”: disempowerment
through language use in participatory extension work. In: Along the routes to power:
explorations of the empowerment through language. Edited by Martin Pütz, Joshua A.
Fishman & JoAnne Neff-van Aertselaer. New York & Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Förster, Larissa. 2005. Land and lanscape in Herero oral culture: cultural and social aspects
of the land question in Namibia. Windhoek: Namibian Inst. for Democracy & KonradAdenauer-Stiftung. Pp 20.
Frenssen, Gustave. 1908. Peter Moor’s journey to southwest Africa: a narrative of the German
campaign. Transl. from German by Margaret May Ward. London & Boston: Arch. Constable
& Co.; Houghton Mifflin & Co. Pp 244.
Gewald, Jan-Bart. 2000. Colonization, genocide and resurgence: the Herero of Namibia 18901933. In: People, cattle, and land: transformations of a pastoral society in southwestern
Africa, p. 187-226. Edited by Michael Bollig & Jan-Bart Gewald. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Gewald, Jan-Bart. 2002. Missionaries, Hereros, and motorcars: mobility and the impact of
motor vehicles in Namibia before 1940. IJAHS, 35 (2/3), p. 257-285.
Gewald, Jan-Bart. 2004. Imperial Germany and the Herero of southern Africa: genocide and the
quest of recompense. In: Genocide, war crimes and the West: history and complicity, p. 59-77.
Edited by Adam Jones. London: Zed Books.
Gewald, Jan-Bart. 2004. The Herero genocide: German unity, settlers, soldiers, and ideas. In:
Die (koloniale) Begegnung: AfrikanerInnen in Deutschland (1880-1945), Deutsche in Afrika
(1880-1918), p. 109-127. Edited by Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst & Reinhardt Klein-Arendt.
Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang.
Henrichsen, Dag. 2000. Ozongombe, omavita and ozondjembo: the process of (re)pastoralization amongst Herero in pre-colonial 19th-century central Namibia. In: People, cattle, and
land: transformations of a pastoral society in southwestern Africa, p. 149-185. Edited by
Michael Bollig & Jan-Bart Gewald. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Heywood, Annemarie; Lau, Brigitte; Ohly, Rajmund. (Ed.) 1992. Warriors, leaders, sages and
outcasts in the Namibian past: narratives collected from Herero sources for the Michael Scott
Oral Records Project, 1985-6. Windhoek: MSORP. Pp 223. ISBN-10 0-86976-250-8.
Hoffmann, Anette. 2006. Ein unsichtbares Denkmal für eine Anerkennung des Monumentcharakters eines Otjiherero praise poems (omutando) für die Old Location in Windhoek.
BAB working papers, 5/2005. Basel. Pp 16.
Kavari, Jekura Uaurika. 1993. Moods in Otjiherero. BA Honours thesis. Windhoek: UNAM.
Kavari, Jekura Uaurika. 1994. Moods in Otjiherero. Fasette, Facets, Facetten (Windhoek), 12,
p. 27-29.
Kavari, Jekura Uaurika; Marten, Lutz. 2009. Multiple noun class prefixes in Otjiherero. In:
Proc. of the 2nd conference on language documentation and linguistic theory. Edited by Peter
K. Austin, Oliver Richards Bond, David Nathan & Peter Sells. London: SOAS.
Lusakalalu, Pedro. 2001. Languages and glossonymic units: contribution to the assessment of
the linguistic diversity of Angola and Namibia. AAP, 66, p. 47-65.
Marten, Lutz. 2011. Information structure and agreement: subjects and subject agreement in
Swahili and Herero. Lingua, 121 (5), p. 787-804.
Nkolola, Mildred Wakumelo; Mbata, Raphael; Haingura, Paulinus; Makumbi, Boniface;
Muganda, Robert; Nairenge, Karel; Kavari, Jekura Uaurika; Mbenzi, Petrus. 2008. A unified
standard orthography for Namibian Bantu languages: Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Rukwangali,
Rumanyo, Silozi and Thimbukushu. CASAS monograph series, 229. Cape Town. ISBN-10 1920294-52-6.
Werner, Wolfgang. 1998. No one will become rich: economy and society in the Herero
reserves in Namibia, 1915-1946. Namibia studies series, 2. Basel: Pierrette Schlettwein Publ.
Pp 254. ISBN-10 3-908193-01-X.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Mbanderu, East Herero
Kandapaera, K. 1992. War, flight, asylum: a brief history of the Ovambanderu of Ngamiland,
Botswana, 1896-1961. BA thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History, Univ. of Botswana.
Kandjou, M. 2001. Ovambanderu struggle against Herero subjugation. BA thesis. Gaborone:
Dept. of History, Univ. of Botswana.
North-West Herero, Kaokoland Herero, incl. Himba, Zemba
Bollig, Michael. 1997. Contested places, graves and graveyards in Himba culture. Anthropos, 92
(1/3), p. 35-50.
Crandall, David Peter. 1989. The construction of personhood in dual descent systems: some
African cases. MPhil thesis. Univ. of Oxford. Pp ii, 140.
Crandall, David Peter. 1992. The OvaHimba of Namibia: a study of dual descent and values.
DPhil thesis. Univ. of Oxford. Pp x, 268.
Crandall, David Peter. 2000. The place of stunted ironwood trees: a year in the lives of the
cattle-herding Himba of Namibia. New York: Continuum. Pp viii, 269. ISBN-10 0-8264-1270X.
Crandall, David Peter. 2004. Himba flora taxonomy and herbal medicines. Anthropos, 99 (1), p.
Medeiros, Carlos Laranjo. 1981. VaKwandu : history, kinship, and systems of production of an
Herero people of south-west Angola. Lisboa: JICU. Pp 75.
Miescher, Giorgio; Rizzo, Lorena. 1998. Registratur AA.4 Epupa, water, energy, ‘indigenous /
tribal peoples’ and chieftaincy: a bibliography of Namibian newspaper articles 1990-96 with
special reference to Kaoko. Basel: BAB. Pp 164. ISBN-10 3-905141-71-9.
Miescher, Giorgio; Henrichsen, Dag. 2000. New notes on Kaoko: the northern Kunene Region
(Namibia) in texts and photographs. Basel: BAB. Pp 310.
Rice, Mary. 2002. Heat, dust and dreams: an exploration of people and environment in
Kaokoland and Damaraland, Namibia. Cape Town: Cornelis Struik Publ. Pp 160. ISBN-10 186872-632-0.
Rizzo, Lorena. 2006. The elephant shooting: inconsistencies of colonial law and indirect rule in
Kaoko (north-western Namibia) in the 1920s and 1930s. BAB working papers, 3/2006. Basel.
Pp 30.
Rothfuss, Eberhard. 1998. Fremdenverkehr in NW-Namibia unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ethnotourismus bei den ‘Himba’ in der nördlichen Kunene-Region. Staatsexamen.
Univ. Freiburg (Schweiz).
Rothfuss, Eberhard. 2004. Ethnotourismus - Wahrnehmungen und Handlungsstrategien der
pastoralnomadischen Himba (Namibia): ein hermeneutischer, handlungstheoretischer und
methodischer Beitrag aus sozialgeographischer Perspektive. Passauer Schriften zur Geographie, 20. Univ. Passau. Pp 191. ISBN-10 3-9807866-3-3.
Wärnlöf, Christofer. 2000. The “discovery” of the Himba: the politics of ethnographic film
making. Africa, 70 (2), p. 175-191.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Botswana Herero
Gewald, Jan-Bart. 2002. “I was afraid of Samuel, therefore I came to Sekgoma”: Herero
refugees and patronage politics in Ngamiland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1890-1914. JAH, 43
(2), p. 211-234.
Kaotozu, K.K. 1994. From subjugation to politics of collaboration: an introduction to the
history of the Ovaherero of Tsabong, 1830-1870. BA thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History,
Univ. of Botswana.
Kebonang, Boammaruri Bahumi. 1988. The socio-economic and political history of the Herero
of Mahalapye, Central District, 1922-1984. BA thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History, Univ. of
Pennington, Renée; Harpending, Henry C. 1993. The structure of an African pastoralist
society: demography, history, and ecology of the Ngamiland Herero. Research monographs on
human population biology, 11. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Pp xvi, 268. ISBN-10 0-19-852286X.
Serefete, O. 2003. The Baherero of Pilane in the Kgatleng District. BA thesis. Gaborone: Dept.
of History, Univ. of Botswana.
Stanley, B.H. 1996. The Otjiherero-speaking people of Gantsi: from wanderers to settlers,
1890s-1960s. BA thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History, Univ. of Botswana.
R40 Yeyi (Group)
YEYI, Shiyeyi, Siyei, “Kuba”
Kebiditswe, K. 1984. Surbordination and conflict in Ngamiland: the Bayei protest of 1948. BA
thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History, Univ. of Botswana.
Lukusa, Stephen T.M. 2009. Shiyeyi-English dictionary. Languages of the world: dictionaries,
42. Munich: Lincom Europa. Pp 356. ISBN 978-3-89586-289-2.
Motlaloso, S.G.R. 1994. Class and ethnicity in Ngamiland: the case of the Bayei, 1906-1990s.
BA thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History, Univ. of Botswana.
Seidel, Frank. 2005. The Bantu languages of the Eastern Caprivi: a dialectometric analysis and
its historical and sociolinguistic implications. SAJAL, 26 (4), p. 207-242.
Seidel, Frank. 2007. A Yeyi grammar (R.41). Dissertation. Inst. für Afrikanistik, Univ. zu Köln.
Seidel, Frank. 2007. The distal marker -ka- and motion verbs in Yeyi. APAL, 5, p. (?).
Seidel, Frank. 2008. A grammar of Yeyi, a Bantu language of southern Africa. GAAS 33.
Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. Pp 464. ISBN 978-3-89645-549-9.
Seidel, Frank. 2008. The hodiernal past domain and the concept of recentness in Yeyi. AfrL, 14,
p. 151-176.
Vossen, Rainer. 2003. Was haben Schnalze im Bantu verloren? Zum Problem der Rekonstruktion von Kontaktgeschichte im südlichen Afrika. Sprawozdania z posiedzen komisji naukowych
(Krakow), 45 (2), p. 49-51.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
S10 Shona Group
S11, S12, S13, S14, S15 ≈ S10
SHONA, Chishona
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S20 Venda (Group)
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S30 Sotho-Tswana Group
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Letsatsi, R.B. 1984. The impact of labour migration on Botswana: a case study of Balete of
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Makgamatha, Phaka M. 1988. Use of expansible images in the Northern Sotho nomwane production. SAJAL, 8 (1), p. 7-15.
Makgamatha, Phaka M. 1989. System of binary oppositions in the North Sotho nomwane of
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Makgamatha, Phaka M. 1992. Functionality of character in the Northern Sotho narrative.
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Mokgokong, Pothinus C. 1966. Popular themes in Northern Sotho prose fiction. Limi, 1, p. 4952.
Mokgokong, Pothinus C. 1968. A brief survey of modern literature in the South African Bantu
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3rd Africa languages congress, p. 193-201. Edited by P.J. Wentzel. Pretoria: UNISA.
Mosarwe, K.M. 1976. The history of Baseleka of eastern Botswana. BA thesis. Gaborone:
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Mzwinila, M.M. 1976. The Bakhurutshe of Tonota. BA thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History,
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Ojang, R.R. 1987. The impact of Christianity among the Balete of Ramotswa, 1935-1965. BA
thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History, Univ. of Botswana.
Phillips, H.Y. 1976. The BagaSeleka Barolong’s search for a homeland. BA thesis. Gaborone:
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Phorano, G. 1984. The changing role of chieftainship, 1930-1950: the case of Bangwaketse.
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Pretorius, Willem Jacobus. 1990. Comparative look at the development of heroic poetry in Northern Sotho. SAJAL, 10 (3), p. 125-131.
Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus. 1981. Lokatiewe voorsetselgroepe in Noord-Sotho. SAJAL, 1, suppl.,
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Raubenheimer, Rita I.; Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus. 1989. Item analysis for improving multiplechoice test items in Northern Sotho. SAJAL, 9 (2), p. 70-73.
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Schapera, Isaac. 1969. The early history of the Khurutshe. BNR, 2, p. 1-5.
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Swanepoel, C.B. 1987. Rhyme as a distinctive feature in the Northern Sotho sonnet. SAJAL, 7
(3), p. 87-93.
Turner, Nolene S. 1988. Comparison of the izibongo of the Zulu royal women, Mnkabayi and
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East Tswana, incl. Kgatla
Carlsson, Ellen. 2003. To have and to hold: continuity and change in property rights institutions governing water resources among the Meru of Tanzania and the BaKgatla in Botswana,
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North Tswana, incl. Ngwato, Tswapong, Kwena
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Mbuya, T.M. 1984. Legitimacy and succession in Tswana states: the case of Bakwena, 19301943. BA thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History, Univ. of Botswana.
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Sekgwama, J.Z. 1987. Babirwa-Bangwato relations, 1920-1966: politics of subordination. BA
thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History, Univ. of Botswana.
South Tswana, incl. Thlaping, Thlaro
Matthys, L.M.S. 1997. The Batlharo and their relations with their neighbours, 1820-1966. BA
thesis. Gaborone: Dept. of History, Univ. of Botswana.
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London: SOAS. Pp 10.
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S311 (= S31d)
KGALAGADI, Sekgalagadi, Qhalaxari
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Joffe, David; Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de; Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus. 2003. Computational
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Mokopela, Rachel Mmele. 2008. The reflection of indigenous knowledge in Northern Sotho
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Phaahla, Pinkie. 2008. The feasibility of Northern Sotho as a language of commerce and industry in the Limpopo and Gauteng provinces. MA thesis. Univ. of Johannesburg.
Phasha, Maction Nkgoropo. 2006. A lexical semantic analysis of selected verbs in Northern
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Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de. 2006. Internationalisation, localisation and customisation aspects
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Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de; Mogodi, M.P.; others. (Ed.) 2007. Oxford bilingual school dictionary: Northern Sotho and English / Pukuntshu ya polelopedi ya sekolo: Sesotho sa Leboa le
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Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de; Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus. 2000. Dictionary-making in the process
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Pedi, Masemola, Tau, Koni
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SWATI, Swazi, Siswati, Ngwane
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S50 Tswa-Rhonga Group
TSWA, Xitswa, incl. Dzibi, Dzonga
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Cumaio, Elsa Paula Mutemba. 2005. Estratégias de concordância do verbo com sintagma
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CHANGANA, Xichangana, Tsonga
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Davidson, Hannah Frances. 1915. South and south central Africa; a record of fifteen years’
missionary labors among primitive peoples. Elgin IL: Self-publ.
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José, Orlando. 1997. Condições de ocorrência dos fonemas /o/ e /u/ em posição final das
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Khoza, Nosizi Cordelia. 2008. Characterisation in Xitsonga prose narratives: folktales, myths
and legends. MA thesis. Univ. of Johannesburg.
Langa, David. 2001. Reduplicação verbal em xichangana. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: Fac. de
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Langa, Julieta Machimuassana. 1991. Estratégias de tradução de algumas expressões referenciais da língua portuguesa para a língua tsonga. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
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Magaia, João Almeida. 1999. O caso da coexistência do ronga e do changana na cidade de
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Manjate, Maria de Fátima. 1997. Avaliação da prática de tradução do português para o tsonga
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Marivate, Cornelius T.D. 1976. Content and plot structure in Tsonga folktales. Limi, NS 4, p.
Marivate, Cornelius T.D. 1978. Clan praises in Tsonga. Limi, NS 6, p. 31-43.
Mathumba, Isaac D. 1975. A Tsonga dictionary in the making. Limi, NS 3 (2), p. 33-34.
Mayevu, G.S. 1976. The ideophone in Tsonga. Limi, NS 4, p. 85-89.
Melembe, Ema Julieta. 2002. A tradução da mensagem publicitária do português para as
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Moiane, Cândida. 2000. Empréstimos lexicais do português no changana. Tese de licenciatura.
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Moreno, Albertina das Dores Gonçalves. 1994. Variação fonética do ronga da cidade de
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Nhaombe, Henrique Ernesto. 1991. Semântica das expressões idiomáticas do tsonga formadas
a partir de metáforas antropomórficas e de metáforas animais. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo:
Nhaombe, Henrique Ernesto. 1997. L’usage idiomatique du langage: analyse sémantique et
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Nhaombe, Henrique Ernesto. 2002. Vers une approche semantique et culturelle des idiomes:
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4, p. 60-67.
Sitoe, Zacarias André. 2005. Efeitos morfo-sintácticos da aplicação das extensões verbais em
xichangana: o caso de -ek- e -el- nos verbos transitivos. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Sombhane, Mihloti Penelope. 2008. The speech act of apology in Xitsonga educational
contexts. MA thesis. Univ. of Stellenbosch.
Taljaard, P.C.; Mathumba, Isaac D. 1976. Twenty super-ordinates with their co-hyponyms in
Zulu and Tsonga. Limi, NS 4, p. 26-33.
Tchaúque, Hortêncio Elias. 2006. Concordância entre o nome e seus modificadores na língua
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Urcy, Anchura Aligy Abdula. 1999. Estrutura temática nos textos escritos em changana e
português. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
RHONGA, Xironga
Abdula, Samira Abdul Latifo. 2003. Estratégias de coordenação de numerais com nomes em
ronga. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Chaual, Raquel de Lisboa. 2001. Os ideofones na língua xirhonga. Tese de licenciatura.
Maputo: UEM.
Guirrugo, Osvaldo Carlos. 2005. Estratégias de relativização em ronga: a construção restritiva. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Honwana, Carlos Luís dos Santos. 1999. A problemática da selecção de variantes dialectais
nas emissões da Rádio Moçambique: o caso de xirhonga. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Magaia, João Almeida. 1999. O caso da coexistência do ronga e do changana na cidade de
Maputo. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Melembe, Ema Julieta. 2002. A tradução da mensagem publicitária do português para as
línguas ronga e changana nos emissores da Rádio Moçambique. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo:
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Moreno, Albertina das Dores Gonçalves. 1994. Variação fonética do ronga da cidade de
Maputo: a influência do changana. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Tsinine, Felismina Ernesto. 2006. Avaliação da política linguística em relação ao xirhonga na
assembleia municipal da cidade de Maputo. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
S60 Copi Group
COPI, Cicopi
Alberto, Emília. 2006. Descrição morfológica de formação de nomes na língua copi. Tese de
licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Dacala, Alfredo Carlos. 1994. Variaçoes alomórficas no nome em ciyao (yao) e cicopi (chope).
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Guamba, Francisco Penicela. 2002. Cilambwe: variante do cicopi ou do gitonga? Tese de
licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Mazalo, Claudina. 2000. Mudança e retenção linguística da comunidade copi na cidade de
Maputo. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Nhantumbo, Nelsa João. 2005. O tempo verbal na língua copi. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo:
Nombora, Augusto Fernando. 2006. Reduplicação verbal na língua chope. Tese de licenciatura.
Maputo: UEM.
Pondeca, Américo Zavala. 2005. Anegação em chope. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Rodrigues, Célia Maria da Conceição. 2002. Estratégia de diminutivização na língua copi.
Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Vicente, Francisco Leonardo. 2004. Extensão aplicativa em copi. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo:
TONGA, Gitonga, Shengwe
França, Henrique Matias Elias. 2004. Neologismos de origem gitonga no português de
Moçambique: alguns exemplos e seu tratamento. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Gluckman, Max. 1934. The realm of the supernatural among the south-eastern Bantu: a study
of the practical working of religions and magic. BA Honours thesis. Johannesburg: UWits. Pp
Guamba, Francisco Penicela. 2002. Cilambwe: variante do cicopi ou do gitonga? Tese de
licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Guiloviça, Pascoal. 2006. Estratégias de revitalização das línguas bantu em vias de extinção: o
caso do guitonga no município da cidade de Inhambane. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Miranda, Nelpódio Anselmo. 2005. A semântica da reduplicação verbal em gitonga. Tese de
licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Nhacota, Eugenio. 1997. A tradução de neologismos e termos técnicos da árenas da SIDA /
DTS do português para o gitonga. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Paulo, Pedro Cecílio. 2005. Estabelecimento de fronteiras na escrita das palavras do gitonga.
Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Seleça, Candido David. 2003. Reduplicação verbal em guitonga. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo:
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
S zone: miscellaneous, unsorted
[Anon.] 1958. Bantu authorities and tribal administration. Pretoria: Dept. of Bantu Administration and Development, South Africa. Pp 19.
Allwood, Jens; Hendrikse, A.P. 2003. Spoken language corpora for the nine official languages
of South Africa. SALALS, 21 (4), p. 187-199.
Badenhorst, Jaco; Heerden, Charl van; Davel, Marelie; Barnard, Etienne. 2011. Collecting and
evaluating speech recognition corpora for 11 South African languages. Language resources
and evaluation, 45 (3), p. 289-309.
Besten, Hans den. 1993. Etnische nomenclatuur in Zuid-Afrika. In: ‘Waar komen de juiste
ideeën vandaan’: opstellen over taal, wetenschap en maatschappij, p. 11-15. Edited by Jan ten
Thije. Publ. van het Inst. voor Algemene Taalwetenschap, 59. Univ. van Amsterdam.
Bosch, Sonja E. 2010. Rule-based morphological analysis: shared challenges, shared solutions.
In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina
Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Breutz, Paul-Lenert. 1995. Pre-colonial Africa: the south-eastern Bantu cultural province.
Ramsgate UK: Self-published. Pp 109. ISBN-10 0-620-19041-8.
Chidester, David; Kwenda, Chirevo; Petty, Robert; Tobler, Judy; Wratten, Darrel. 1997. African
traditional religion in South Africa: an annotated bibliography. Westport CN: Greenwood
Cluver, August Dawid de Villiers. 1996. A selected bibliography on the sociology of language
with the emphasis on sources on language planning in Africa. Studia composita, 19. Pretoria:
UNISA. Pp xvi, 644. ISBN-10 0-86981-944-5.
Ellis, Barbaralyn. 1968. Religion among the Bantu in South Africa: a list of works published
after 1956. Diploma in librarianship. Johannesburg: UWits. Pp 15.
Grainger, Karen; Mills, Sarah; Sibanda, Mandla. 2010. “Just tell us what to do”: southern
African face and its relevance to intercultural communication. Jrnl of pragmatics, 42 (8), p.
Gugushe, R.N. 1970. Languages and language communication studies in South Africa. Cape
Town: OUP.
Hendrikse, A.P. 1992. Die uitspraakkenmerke van die Suid-Ostelike Bantoetale vir koorsang
en solosang. Johannesburg: SAMRO.
Hendrikse, A.P.; Poulos, George. 2006. Tagging agglutinative languages. Language matters,
39, p. (?).
Horrell, Muriel. 1964. A decade of Bantu education. Johannesburg: SAIRR. Pp 186.
Hurwitz, Nathan. 1964. The economics of Bantu education in South Africa. Johannesburg:
SAIRR. Pp 80.
Joffe, David; Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de. 2005. From TshwaneLex to TshwaneTerm: tailoring
terminology management for South Africa. Lexikos, 15, p. 312-315.
Kallaway, Peter. (Ed.) 1984. Apartheid and education: the education of black South Africans.
Johannesburg: Ravan Press. Pp vii, 409, plates. ISBN-10 0-86975-256-1.
Kallaway, Peter. (Ed.) 2002. The history of education under apartheid, 1948-1994: the doors
of learning and culture shall be opened. Cape Town: Pearson Education. Pp xvi, 399. ISBN-10
Kallaway, Peter; Kallaway, Jackie. 1983. A preliminary select bibliography of education for
black South Africans and related topics. Cape Town: Education Policy Unit, UCT. Pp 181.
ISBN-10 0-7992-0556-7.
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Kallaway, Peter; Kallaway, Jackie. 1984. Bibliography: the education of black South Africans.
In: Apartheid and education: the education of black South Africans. Edited by Peter Kallaway.
Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
Kallaway, Peter; Kallaway, Jackie; Sheward, Deborah. 1986. A bibliography of education for
Black South Africans. 2nd ed. Cape Town: Education Policy Unit, UCT. Pp 93. ISBN-10 07992-1015-3.
Kallaway, Peter; others. (Ed.) 1997. Education after apartheid: South African education in
transition. Cape Town: UCT Press. Pp x, 206. ISBN-10 1-919713-10-7.
Kros, Cynthia Joy. 1996. Economic, political and intellectual origins of Bantu education 19261951. PhD thesis. Johannesburg: UWits.
Kwetana, W.M. 2007. Empowerment and development through African languages in South
Africa in the 21st century. CASAS occasional papers, 32. Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-919932-828.
Maggs, Tim M. O’C. 1976. Iron age communities of the southern highveld. Occ. publ. of the
Natal Museum, 2. Pietermaritzburg: Council of the Natal Museum. Pp xviii, 326. ISBN-10 0620-01207-2.
Malan, Stephanus I. 1959. Gesamentlike katalogus van proefskrifte en verhandelinge van die
Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite, 1942-1958 / Union catalogue of theses and dissertations of the
South African universities, 1942-1958. Potchefstroom: PUCHO. Pp 216.
Mashamaite, K.J. 1992. Standard and non-standard: towards finding a suitable teaching
strategy. SAJAL, 12, suppl. 1, p. 47-56.
Mathivha, Tshiila Patrick. 1973. A review of the classification of the languages of the southeastern zone: a critical evaluation. BA thesis. Turfloop. Univ. of the North. Pp 19.
Msimang, Christian Themba 1984. A preliminary bibliographical survey of research on poetry
in southern African vernaculars. SAJAL, 4, suppl. 1, p. 20-40.
Murphy, Emmett Jefferson. 1973. Bantu education in South Africa. PhD thesis. Univ. of
Connecticut. Pp 258.
Murphy, Emmett Jefferson. 1974. The Bantu civilization of southern Africa. New York:
Crowell. Pp 272.
Niemandt, J.J. 1959/63. Bibliografie van die Bantoetale in die Unie van Suid-Afrika, 7 parts.
Suppl. to Bantoe-onderwysblad. Pretoria.
Nkondo, Curtis P.N. 1982. Trends in the teaching and study of African languages in southern
Africa. SAJAL, 2, suppl. 3, p. 50-57.
Noble, John. (Ed.) 1893. Illustrated official handbook of the Cape and South Africa: a résumé
of the history, conditions, populations, productions and resources of the several colonies,
states, and territories. Cape Town: J.C. Juta.
Ntsukunyane, T.V. 1982. Teaching an African language to non-native speakers: some thoughts.
SAJAL, 2, suppl. 3, p. 57-70.
Okhotina, Natalya Veniaminovna. 1960. Quelques problèmes liés à l’étude des langues
bantoues sud-orientales. In: Des africanistes russes parlent de l’Afrique. Edited by Ivan I.
Potekhin & Maria V. Rait. Paris: Présence Africaine.
Pettersson, Olaf. 1953. Chiefs and gods: religious and social elements in the south eastern
Bantu kingship. Studia theologica lundensia, 3. Lund: Gleerup. Pp 405.
Raper, Peter Edmund. 2004. New dictionary of South African place names. 3rd ed. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball Publ. Pp xxvii, 421. ISBN-10 1-86842-190-2.
Reagan, Timothy G. 1992. Language function and language variation: analytic models for the
South African context. SAJAL, 12, suppl. 1, p. 35-46.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Robinson, A.M. Lewin. 1943. Catalogue of theses and dissertations accepted for degrees by
the South African universities / Katalogus van proefskrifte en verhandelinge vir grade deur die
Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite goedgekeur, 1918-1941. Cape Town. Pp ix, 155.
Savory, Phyllis. 1974. Bantu folk tales from southern Africa. Cape Town: Howard Timmins. Pp
Scheub, Harold. 1996. The tongue is fire: South African storytellers and apartheid. ISBN-10
0-299-15090-9 hb, 0-299-15094-1 pb. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press. Pp xxvii, 448.
Schuring, Gerhard K.; Ellis, C.F. 1987. Shared languages and “language gaps” in South Africa: an analysis of census data. South African jrnl of labour relations, 11 (3), p. 37-45.
Serudu, S.M. 1984. A preliminary bibliographical survey of advanced research on prose in
southern African vernaculars, and the road ahead. SAJAL, 4, suppl. 1, p. 41-69.
Sutherland, L.S. 1925. The frontier question: relations between the Cape of Good Hope and
the Bantu tribes on its eastern frontier from the year 1834 to 1846. MA thesis. Johannesburg:
Swanepoel, C.B. 1986. The necessity of literature in the development of the black child in
southern Africa. SAJAL, 6, suppl., p. 1-14.
Theal, George McCall. 1886. Boers and Bantu: a history of the wanderings and wars of the
emigrant farmers from their leaving the Cape Colony to the overthrow of Dingan. Cape Town:
Saul Solomon & Co. Pp 128.
Traoré, Flavia Aiello. 1999. Afrilex e l’attività lessicografica in Sudafrica. Afriche e orienti, 2, p.
Tsotetsi, Josiah Oupa Khehla. 1999. The origins and demise of Bantu school boards and
school committees in the urban areas: with particular reference to Soweto 1953-1979. MEd
thesis. Johannesburg: UWits. Pp 85.
Tucker, Archibald Norman. 1973. Tone-marking in South African languages. In: Papers of the
Africa languages congress, University of South Africa, 22-23 March 1973, p. 243ff. Edited by
Dirk Ziervogel & others. Suppl. to Limi. Pretoria: UNISA.
Vossen, Rainer. 2003. Was haben Schnalze im Bantu verloren? Zum Problem der Rekonstruktion von Kontaktgeschichte im südlichen Afrika. Sprawozdania z posiedzen komisji naukowych
(Krakow), 45 (2), p. 49-51.
Webb, Victor N.[C.]. 1995. A sociolinguistic profile of South Africa: a brief overview. In:
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= The LiCCA (SA) report, p. 15-39. Edited by Victor N.[C.] Webb. LiCCA Research and
Development Programme, Univ. of Pretoria.
West, Martin. 1976. Abantu: an introduction to Black people of South Africa. Cape Town:
Cornelis Struik Publ. Pp 184.
Westley, David. 2002. An annotated bibliography of southern Bantu praise poetry. Discussion
papers in the African humanities, 29. ASC, Boston Univ. Pp 31.
Wyk, Egidius Benedictus van 1992. The concept of ‘standard language’. SAJAL, 12, suppl. 1,
p. 23-34.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Supplement to the Bantu Bibliography, part 2
2.1 Noun classes
Baumbach, Ernst J.M. 1987. Klasprefikse van Gondzze. SAJAL, 7 (1), p. 1-6.
Bosch, Sonja E. 1981. Development of verbal agreement in Bantu languages, with special reference to object agreement in Zulu. Limi, NS 9, p. 11-17.
Bosch, Sonja E. 1986. Subject agreement with denominal copulatives in Zulu. SAJAL, 6 (2), p.
Bosch, Sonja E. 1988. Aspects of subject conjunction in Zulu. SAJAL, 8 (3), p. 70-74.
Chanda, Vincent M. 1992. A study of nouns in Bantu classes 5, 9 and 10. Literature and languages seminar series, 4. Lusaka: Dept. of Literature and Languages, Univ. of Zambia. Pp 27.
Chimuzu, António Mateus. 2002. Reorganização das classes nominais em makhuwa: o caso
dos nomes dos animais. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Contini-Morava, Ellen [Lee]. 2008. Human relationship terms, discourse prominence, and
asymmetrical animacy in Swahili. JALL, 29 (2), p. 127-172.
Cumaio, Elsa Paula Mutemba. 2005. Estratégias de concordância do verbo com sintagma
nominal complexo na posição do sujeito no xithswa. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Davey, Anthony S. 1976. A look at phonological aspects of concord in Xhosa [pt. 1]. Limi, NS
4, p. 37-43.
Davey, Anthony S. 1977. A look at phonological aspects of concord in Xhosa [pt. 1]. Limi, NS
5, p. 11-17.
Gxilishe, D. Sandile; Denton-Spalding, Claire; Villiers, Peter A. de. 2008. The acquisition of
noun class marking in Xhosa: early sensitivity to form and function. In: BUCLD32, p. 167-176.
Edited by Harvey Chan, Heather Jacob & Enkeleida Kapia. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press.
Henderson, Brent. 2009. Anti-agreement and [person] in Bantu. In: Selected proc. of the 38th
annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic theory and African language documentation, p. 173-181. Edited by Masangu Matondo, Fiona McLaughlin & Eric Potsdam.
Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Kavari, Jekura Uaurika; Marten, Lutz. 2009. Multiple noun class prefixes in Otjiherero. In:
Proc. of the 2nd conference on language documentation and linguistic theory. Edited by Peter
K. Austin, Oliver Richards Bond, David Nathan & Peter Sells. London: SOAS.
Linton, Pauline. 2009. The noun class system of Latege. 3rd edition. Libreville: GRELACO;
SIL Int’l. Pp 26.
Louw, Jacobus Abraham. 1968. The semantic structure of classes 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Xhosa [pt. 1].
Limi, 5, p. 15-28.
Louw, Jacobus Abraham. 1969. The semantic structure of classes 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Xhosa [pt. 2].
Limi, 7, p. 27-56.
Malinga, R.M.M. 1986. Locative and comparative ku- in Xhosa. SAJAL, 6 (2), p. 79-90.
Manuel, Elsa Catarina de Nobre Carlos. 2004. Estudo do prefixo da classe cinco em ndau. Tese
de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Marten, Lutz. 2011. Information structure and agreement: subjects and subject agreement in
Swahili and Herero. Lingua, 121 (5), p. 787-804.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Misha, D. wa. 2006. Kizombo and English noun phrase agreement and word order. BA
thesis. Luanda: Univ. Agostinho Neto.
Mitilela, Rosa da Conceição Reny João. 2004. A variações almórficas do prefixo da classe em
ximakonde. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Nzang Bie, Yolande. 2005. Quelques aspects de l’évolution du système des classes nominales
du fang: le cas des préfixes nominaux. Ann. de la FLSH, 14, p. (?).
Plessis, J.A. du. 1982. The analysis of the infinitive. SAJAL, 2 (2), p. 18-48.
Plessis, J.A. du. 1982. Sentential infinitives or nominal infinitives? SAJAL, 2 (1), p. 1-19.
Posthumus, Lionel C. 1979. Kongruensie met besondere verwysing na Zulu. Limi, NS 7, p. 5062.
Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus. 1986. Ontwikkeling van prefikse, suffikse en voorstetsels in NoordSotho. SAJAL, 6 (4), p. 156-166.
Riedel, Kristina. 2010. Coordination and subject/object marking in Sambaa. In: Bantu
languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell.
EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Rosendal, Tove. 2006. The noun classes of Rwanda: an overview. MISS: meddelanden från
inst. för svenska språket (Göteborg), 56, p. 143-161.
Satyo, Sizwe C. 1980. Morphological and semantic regularities in Xhosa nouns. In: Proc. of the
3rd Africa languages congress, p. 313-333. Edited by P.J. Wentzel. Pretoria: UNISA.
Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de; Nabirye, Minah. 2010. A quantitative analysis of the morphology,
morphophonology and semantic import of the Lusoga noun. AfrL, 16, p. 97-154.
Shiozaki, Lisa. 2004. Concordial agreement in the Karonga dialect of Tumbuka. Undergraduate paper. Amherst: Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Massachusetts. Pp 22.
Ström, Eva-Marie. 2006. Morphonological alternations in the noun class prefixes of Ndengereko. MISS: meddelanden från inst. för svenska språket (Göteborg), 56, p. 163-179.
Suege, Iza Luís. 2006. Classes nominais e sistemas de concordância em chuwabu. Tese de
licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Tchaúque, Hortêncio Elias. 2006. Concordância entre o nome e seus modificadores na língua
changana. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Zimmermann, Wolfgang. 1978. Enkele gedagte oor die kwalifiseerende krag van klasprefikse in
die Suidwestale. Limi, NS 6, p. 66-73.
Velde, Mark van de. 1993. Proper names and the so-called class 1a in Eton. Leuvense bijdragen, 92, p. (?).
Velde, Mark van de. 2006. The alleged class 2a prefix bo in Eton, a plural word. Proc. of the
annual meeting of the BLS, 31, p. 119-130.
Yoneda, Nobuko. 2010. Topical hierarchy and grammatical agreement in Matengo (N13). In:
Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina
Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
2.2 Tense, aspect, mood, negation
Afido, Pedro J. 1997. Contribuição para o estudo dos morfemas do presente do indicativo no
emakhuwa. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Barrett-Keach, Camillia [Nevada] 1986. Word internal evidence from Swahili for AUX/INFL.
Linguistic inquiry, 17 (3), p. 559-564.
Bernardo, Maurício. 2005. A morfofonologia das marcas do passado remote imperfectivo em
emakhuwa. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Botne, Robert Dale. 2005. Motion, time and tense: on the grammaticalization of come and go in
Bantu. SAL, 35 (2), p. 127-188.
Botne, Robert Dale. 2009. Three properties of temporal organization in Bantu T/A systems. In:
African linguistics across the dfiscipline, p. 45-67. Edited by Jonathan C. Anderson,
Christopher R. Green & Samuel Gyasi Obeng. Working papers in linguistics, 8. Bloomington:
Botne, Robert Dale. 2010. Perfectives and perfects and pasts, oh my! On the semantics of -ile in
Bantu. AfrL, 16, p. 31-64.
Botne, Robert Dale; Kershner, Tiffany Lynne. 2008. Tense and cognitive space: on the organization of tense/aspect systems in Bantu languages and beyond. Cognitive linguistics, 19 (2), p.
Brisard, Frank; Meeuwis, Michael. 2009. Present and perfect in Bantu: the case of Lingala.
JALL, 30 (1), p. 21-44.
Carter, Hazel. 1990. Two Shona verbal infixes. SAJAL, 10 (4), p. 365-371.
Chiruca, Félix Oliveira Gumbe. 2007. A formação do futuro nas línguas sena, ndau e changana: uma perspectiva de análise contrastiva. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo: UEM.
Deen, Kamil Ud; Hyams, Nina. 2006. The morphosyntax of mood in early grammar with
special reference to Swahili. First language, 26 (1), p. 67-102.
Devos, Maud. 2008. The expression of modality in Shangaci. AfrL, 14, p. 3-36.
Hall, Linda. 2005. The -be relative tenses of Zulu. MA thesis. Univ. of Pretoria.
Katushemererwe, Fridah; Hanneforth, Thomas. 2010. Finite state methods in morphological
analysis of Runyakitara verbs. NJAS, 19 (1), p. 1-22.
Keach, N. 1986. Word-internal evidence from Swahili for AUX/INFL. Linguistic inquiry, 17, p.
Louw, Jacobus Abraham. 1987. Auxiliary verbs in Xhosa. SAJAL, 7 (1), p. 7-15.
Maho, Jouni Filip. 2008. Comparative TMA morphology in Niger-Congo: the case of persistive, and some other, markers in Bantu. In: Interdependence of diachronic and synchronic
analyses, p. 283-298. Edited by Folke Josephson & Ingmar Söhrman. Studies in language,
companion series, 103. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publ.
Moolman, M.M.K. 1984. The defective verbs -thi and -sho in Zulu. SAJAL, 4, suppl. 1, p. 135144.
Mtavangu, Norbert B. 2008. Tense and aspect in Ikehehe. OPiL, 3, p. 34-41.
Newman, John F.; Newman, Bonnie. 1988. Duruma verb description. Nairobi: Bible Translation & Literacy, East Africa.
Nhantumbo, Nelsa João. 2005. O tempo verbal na língua copi. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo:
Nicolle, Steve M. 1998. A relevance theory perspective on grammaticalization. Cognitive linguistics, 9 (1), p. 1-35.
Nicolle, Steve M. 2007. The grammaticalization of tense markers: a pragmatic reanalysis.
Cahiers chronos, 17, p. 47-65.
Plessis, J.A. du. 1982. The analysis of the infinitive. SAJAL, 2 (2), p. 18-48.
Plessis, J.A. du. 1982. Sentential infinitives or nominal infinitives? SAJAL, 2 (1), p. 1-19.
Posthumus, Lionel C. 1991. Past subjunctive or consecutive mood? SAJAL, 11 (3), p. 91-96.
Romão, Paulo Carlos. 2001. A negação verbal em xitshwa. Tese de licenciatura. Maputo:
Rubanza, Yunus Ismail 1988. Linear order in Haya verbal morphology: theoretical implications. PhD thesis. East Lansing: Michigan State Univ. Pp xv, 323.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Rugemalira, Josephat Muhozi. 2010. The -ag- TAM marker and the boundary between
cliticization and affixation in Bantu. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory.
Edited by Karsten Legère & Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Seidel, Frank. 2007. The distal marker -ka- and motion verbs in Yeyi. APAL, 5, p. (?).
Seidel, Frank. 2008. The hodiernal past domain and the concept of recentness in Yeyi. AfrL, 14,
p. 151-176.
Toews, Carmela. 2009. The expression of tense and aspect in Shona. In: Selected proc. of the
39th annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic research and language in Africa, p.
32-41. Edited by Akinloye Ojo & Lioba Moshi. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings
Urmanchieva, Anna Yu. 2010. Grammaticalization of narrative patterns in Ngindo verbal
morphology. In: Bantu languages: analyses, description and theory. Edited by Karsten Legère
& Christina Thornell. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Warren, Whitney. 2004. Verbal morphology in Karinga Tumbuka. Undergraduate paper.
Amherst: Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Massachusetts. Pp 16.
Wetshemongo, Michel Kamomba. 1998. Le système verbal de l’òtètèla, langue bantu du Congo
(Zaïre). In: Systèmes verbaux, p. 197-212. Edited by Fernand Bentolila. Louvain-la-Neuve: Ed.
Wilkes, A. 1990. Comments on the so-called indefinite copulative relatives in Zulu. SAJAL, 10
(1), p. 34-40.
2.3 Names of people and places
Baumbach, Ernst J.M. 1987. Gondzze voornaamwoorde. SAJAL, 7 (2), p. 43-46.
Chanda, Vincent M. 1992. A study of nouns in Bantu classes 5, 9 and 10. Literature and languages seminar series, 4. Lusaka: Dept. of Literature and Languages, Univ. of Zambia. Pp 27.
Cisterino, M. 1977. Evolution of birth names among the Kiga of western Uganda. Anthropos,
72 (3/4), p. 465-485.
Dickens, Sybil Maureen. 1985. Western influences on the Zulu system of personal naming.
MA thesis. Grahamstown: Rhodes Univ. Pp x, 258.
Heins, John H. 2003. A transliteração de nomes próprios na língua Sena. Trabalhos em curso
(SIL Mozambique), 1, p. 51-73.
Kalema, Abanda wa 1989. Analyse componentielle de quelques toponymes bantu: cas de la
langue lunda. Ann. de l’Inst. Supérieur Pédagogique (Mbandaka), 8, p. 1-21.
Kente, Maria G. 1995. The significance of personal names among the Bantu people of eastern
Africa. In: Philosophical focus on culture and traditional thought systems in development, p.
332-341. Edited by Joseph Major Nyasani. Nairobi: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Khumalo, James Steven Mzilikazi. 1984. New term for “Bantu” in linguistic studies. SAJAL, 4,
suppl. 1, p. 111-120.
Koopman, Adrian. 1990. Some notes on the morphology of Zulu clan names. SAJAL, 10 (4), p.
Lusakalalu, Pedro. 2005. Línguas e unidades glossonímicas. Luanda: Ed. Nzila.
Mbaka, Makinda. 1997. Le système traditionnel des anthroponymes leele. Pistes et recherches
(Kikwit), 12 (3), p. (?).
Mbandi, Esongi Pape. 1992. La dialectique de la dénotation et de la connotation dans la nomination: éléments pour une sémiologie structurale et pragmatique des anthroponymes bantu
Ngombe-Henza. Thèse de doctorat. Fac. de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa.
Mbandi, Esongi Pape. 2001. Le système anthroponymique, hier et aujourd'hui: considération
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Mbandi, Esongi Pape. 2002. Identités nominales en Afrique et nouvelles technologies. In: Identités culturelles et nouvelles technologies: actes de la 16e semaine philosophique de Kinshasa,
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Mweshida, Johanna. 1997. Nicknames in Ovamboland: some preliminary deliberations. In: New
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Neethling, Siebert Jacob. 1985. Naming in Xhosa folk-tales: a literary device. SAJAL, 5 (3), p.
Neethling, Siebert Jacob. 1988. Voorname in Xhosa. Nomina africana, 2 (2), p. 223-238.
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Pongweni, Alec J.C. 1983. What’s in a name? A study in Shona nomenclature. Gweru: Mambo
Press. Pp 98.
Raper, Peter Edmund. 2004. New dictionary of South African place names. 3rd ed. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball Publ. Pp xxvii, 421. ISBN-10 1-86842-190-2.
Redinha, José. 1964. Origem e generalização do nome “Angola”. Ultramar, 5 (15), p. 5-16.
Roden, D. 1974. Some geographical implications from the study of Ugandan place names.
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Schoenberger, Paul. 1995. Nyamwezi names of persons. Anthropos, 90 (1/3), p. 109-132.
Velde, Mark van de. 1993. Proper names and the so-called class 1a in Eton. Leuvense bijdragen, 92, p. (?).
Velde, Mark L.O. van de. 2003. Proper names and the so-called class 1a in Eton. Leuvense bijdragen, 92 (3/4), p. 43-59.
2.4 Miscellaneous, unsorted
[Anon.] 1928. Origin of the Bantu language: an enigma. Christian science monitor, September
Bostoen, Koen. 2005. A diachronic onomasiological approach to early Bantu oil palm vocabulary. SAL, 34 (2), p. 143-188.
Bostoen, Koen. 2007. A comparative linguistic approach to the history of iron-working among
Savannah Bantu speech communities: a critical appraisal of Klein-Arendt (2004). AuÜ, 89, p.
Bostoen, Koen. 2008. Semantic vagueness and cross-linguistic lexical fragmentation in Bantu:
impeding factors for linguistic palaeontology. SUGIA, 19, p. (?).
Bostoen, Koen. 2008. Bantu spirantization: morphologization, lexicalization and historical
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Botne, Robert Dale; Vondrasek, Rose. (Ed.) 2002. Explorations in African linguistics: from
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Buell, Leston Chandler; Riedel, Kristina; Wal, Jenneke van der. 2011. What the Bantu
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séances de l’IRCB, 25 (1), p. 258-259.
Carstens, Vicky May. 2011. Hyperactivity and hyperagreement in Bantu. Lingua, 121 (5), p.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Cat, Cécile de; Demuth, Katherine Alison. (Ed.) 2008. The Bantu-Romance connection: a comparative investigation of verbal agreement, DPs, and information structure. Linguistics today /
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Daeleman, Jan. 1967. Historique du Bantu: problème et méthodes de la philologie africaine.
Lubumbashi: CELTA. Pp 19.
Danoz, A. 1982. Etica africana bantù: notas para su definición. Moralia (Madrid), 4, p. 401420.
Downing, Laura J. 2011. The prosody of ‘dislocation’ in selected Bantu languages. Lingua,
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Fivaz, Derek. 1978. The case for semantics in Bantu language courses. Limi, NS 6, p. 82-88.
Fivaz, Derek. 1984. Truth claims in African language descriptions. SAJAL, 4 (1), p. 83-94.
Gaines, Richard. 2002. On the typology of directional verbs in Bantu. In: Explorations in
African linguistics: from Lamnso to Sesotho. Edited by Robert Dale Botne & Rose Vondrasek.
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Henderson, Brent. 2011. Agreement, locality, and OVS in Bantu. Lingua, 121 (5), p. 742-753.
Hennings, Helene. 1938. Studien zur Bedeutungsbildung im Bantu. Archiv für gesamte
Psychologie, 101, p. 463-533.
Hyman, Larry Michael. 2008. Directional asymmetries in the morphology and phonology of
words, with special reference to Bantu. Linguistics, 46 (2), p.(?).
Hyman, Larry Michael. 2009. The natural history of verb-stem reduplication in Bantu. Morphology, 19 (2), p. 177-206.
Kabamba, Nkamany A. Baleme. 1999. Bantu ethnic and traditional realities in CongoKinshasa. Libreville: CICIBA. Pp 141.
Khumalo, James Steven Mzilikazi. 1984. New term for “Bantu” in linguistic studies. SAJAL, 4,
suppl. 1, p. 111-120.
Kiyomi, Setsuko. 1993. A typological study of reduplication as a morpho-semantic process:
evidence from five language families (Bantu, Australian, Papuan, Austroasiatic and MalayoPolynesian). PhD thesis. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Pp xv, 314.
Legère, Karsten; Thornell, Christina. (Ed.) 2010. Bantu languages: analyses, description and
theory. EALL 20. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. Pp xiv, 347. ISBN 978-3-89645-705-9.
Liénart, G. 1968. La signification du nom chez les peuples bantu. Le langage et l’homme, 3 (7),
p. 42-54.
Madiya, Clémentine Faïk-Nzuji. 1992. Eléments de phonologie et de morphophonologie des
langues bantu. Série pédagogique de l’Inst. de Linguistique de Louvain, 17. Louvain-la-Neuve:
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Mazongelo, Libongo-Nday; Wetshingolo, Lotanga. 1981. L’herméneutique de la traduction et
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Muzale, Henry R.T.; Rugemalira, Josephat Muhozi. 2008. Researching and documenting the
languages of Tanzania. Language documentation & conservation (Honolulu), 2 (1), p. 68-108.
Ngonyani, Deogratias S. 2008. Infinitival relatives in Bantu languages. OPiL, 3, p. 1-22.
Pavan, Adalberto. 1973. Umanesimo bantù. Quaderni Nigrizia, series, 3, 2. Bologna: EMI. Pp
Ricquier, Birgit; Bostoen, Koen. 2008. Resolving phonological variability in Bantu lexical
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Riedel, Kristina. 2009. Object marking in wh-questions in Bantu. In: Selected proc. of the 39th
annual conference on African linguistics: linguistic research and language in Africa, p. 67-76.
Edited by Akinloye Ojo & Lioba Moshi. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
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Rugemalira, Josephat Muhozi 2008. Adjectives in Bantu. OPiL, 3, p. 23-33.
Schmidl, Marianne. 1915. Zahl und Zählen in Afrika. Mitt. der anthropologischen Gesellschaft
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Schroeder, Leila. 2008. Bantu orthography manual. SIL e-books, 9. SIL Int’l. ISBN 978-155761-221-0. Pp 289.
Schroeder, Leila. 2010. Bantu orthography manual. Revised (2nd) ed. SIL e-books, 9. SIL
Int’l. Pp 292.
Starwalt, Coleen Grace Anderson. 2008. The acoustic correlates of ATR harmony in seven- and
nine-vowel African languages: a phonetic inquiry into phonological structure. PhD thesis.
Univ. of Texas at Arlington. Pp xxxi, 475.
Sturgis, Theodore Gilbert. 1967. A study of the statistical relationships between certain
variables and success in learning certain African languages. EdD thesis. New York: Syracuse
Univ. Pp xiv, 211.
Willoughby, William Charles. 1928. The soul of the Bantu: a sympathetic study of the magicoreligious tractices and beliefs of the Bantu tribes of Africa. Garden City NY & London:
Doubleday, Doran & Co. and the Student Christian Movement Press. Pp xxvi, 476.
Zaslavsky, Claudia. 1973. Africa counts: number and pattern in African culture. Boston:
Prindle, Weber & Schmidt. Pp viii, 328.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Supplement to the Bantu Bibliography, part 3
Büttner, Carl Gotthilf. 1877/80. Contribution to a comparative dictionary of the Bantu languages. Trans. of the South African Philosophical Soc., 1 (3), p. 165-191.
Ricquier, Birgit. 2007. Het probleem van ‘osculante’ reconstructies bij historisch-vergelijkend
onderzoek naar culinaire woordenschat in de Bantutalen. Proefschrift (MA). Univ. Gent.
Ricquier, Birgit; Bostoen, Koen. 2008. Resolving phonological variability in Bantu lexical reconstructions: the case of ‘to bake in ashes’. AfrL, 14, p. 109-150.
Schadeberg, Thilo C. 1970. Büttner’s contribution to a comparative dictionary of the Bantu
languages. Africana marburgensia, 3 (2), p. 31-35.
Segerer, Guillaume. 2004. Comparisons lexicales entre le proto-bantu et les langues banda: un
échantillon. In: Langues et cultures: terrains d’Afrique (hommage à France Cloarec-Heiss), p.
121-135. Edited by Pascal Boyeldieu & Pierre Nougayrol. Afrique et langage, 7; Publ. de la
SELAF, 428. Louvain: Ed. Peeters.
Teil-Dautrey, Gisèle. 2006. Quand des contraintes distributionnelles éclairent la structure d’une
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Teil-Dautrey, Gisèle. 2008. Et si le proto-bantu était aussi une langue, avec ses contraintes et ses
déséquilibres. Diachronica, 25 (1), p. 54-110.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Supplement to the Bantu Bibliography, part 4
Inskeep, Ray R. 1975. Some remarks on the problems of “Bantu origins”. Postgraduate
seminar paper on the societies of southern Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries, SSA/74/10.
London: ICS. Pp 9.
Maggs, Tim M. O’C. 1976. Iron age communities of the southern highveld. Occ. publ. of the
Natal Museum, 2. Pietermaritzburg: Council of the Natal Museum. Pp xviii, 326. ISBN-10 0620-01207-2.
Murdock, George Peter. 1968. Expansion of the Bantu. In: Problems in African history: the
precolonial centuries. Edited by Robert Oakley Collins, James McDonald Burns & Erik
Kristofer Ching. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Robertson, J.H.; Bradley, R. 2000. A new paradigm: the African early iron age without Bantu
migrations. HiA, 27, p. 287-323.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Supplement to the Bantu Bibliography, part 5
Borland, Colin H. 1982. How basic is “basic” vocabulary? Current anthropology (Chicago),
23 (3), p. 315-316.
Borland, Colin H. 1982. African linguistic prehistory and the numerical analysis of vocabulary.
SAJAL, 2, suppl. 1, p. 1-35.
Johnston, Harry Hamilton. 1968. The distribution and characteristics of the Bantu languages.
In: Problems in African history: the precolonial centuries. Edited by Robert Oakley Collins,
James McDonald Burns & Erik Kristofer Ching. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Maho, Jouni Filip. 2008. Indices to Bantu languages. Studies in African linguistics, 73.
Munich: Lincom Europa. Pp 187. ISBN 978-3-89586-688-3.
Mathivha, Tshiila Patrick. 1973. A review of the classification of the languages of the southeastern zone: a critical evaluation. BA thesis. Turfloop. Univ. of the North. Pp 19.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Supplement to the Bantu Bibliography, part 6
Besides purely bibliographical works, I have added references also to more historiographical
[Anon.] 2004. Scripta confratrum: Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae (Scheut). Leiden:
Katholiek Documentatie- en Onderzoekscentrum voor Religie, Cultuur en Samenleving. Pp 73.
Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton. 1961. The East African Swahili Committee. Recorded sound,
2, p. 55-56.
Batibo, Herman M. 2001. Background to the Languages of Tanzania Project. In: Languages of
Tanzania (LoT) Project: workshop I final report, p. 14-17. Edited by Josephat Muhozi Rugemalira & Henry R.T. Muzale. Dept. of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Univ. of Dar es
Batibo, Herman M. 2007. Mikakati ya kuendeleza lugha za Botswana: mfano wa kuigwa na
Mradi wa Lugha za Tanzania = Strategies of developing languages in Botswana: a model for the
Languages of Tanzania Project. OPiL (Dar es Salaam), 2, p. 54-66.
Bennett, Norman Robert. 1984. The Arab state of Zanzibar: a bibliography. Boston: G.K. Hall
& Co. Pp xvii, 231. ISBN-10 0-8161-8455-0.
Bertoncini-Zúbková, Elena. 1977. An annotated bibliography of Swahili novels and stories published between 1960-1975. Asian and African studies (Bratislava), 13, p. 181-191.
Bertoncini-Zúbková, Elena. 1986. An annotated bibliography of Swahili fiction and drama
published between 1975-1984. Research in African literatures, 17 (4), p. 525-562.
Biersteker, Ann [Joyce]; Plane, Mark. 1989. Swahili manuscripts and the study of Swahili
literature. Research in African literatures, 20 (3), p. 449-472.
Bing, T.B. 1982. The Sotho orthographies: yesterday, today and tomorrow. SAJAL, 2, suppl. 2,
p. 1-19.
Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel. 1858. Arbeiten in Süd-Afrika. PGM, 4, p. 418-419.
Blok, Henri Peter. 1952. Nieuwe aanwinsten op het gebied van geluidsopnamen van afrikaanse
talen aan de Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden. KO, 18, p. 432-435.
Blok, Henri Peter. 1957. De studie van de bantoetalen in Nederland. Med. van het Afrika Inst.,
11 (5), p. 134-139.
Bokanga, Itindi. 1988. Bibliographie des Lokele. Cahiers de religions africaines (Kinshasa), 12
(43/44), p. 143-174.
Bradlow, Frank Roberts. 1987. Printing for Africa: the story of Robert Moffat and the Kuruman Press. Kuruman: Moffat Mission Trust. Pp vii, 36.
Brain, James Lewton. 1965. Swahili in Syracuse. Swahili, 35 (1), p. 68-73.
Brauner, Siegmund. 1994. Frühe Quellen zur Geschichte des Schona. In: Perspektiven afrikanistischer Forschung: Beiträge zur Linguistik, Ethnologie, Geschichte, Philosophie und Literatur, X. Afrikanistentag, Zürich, 23.-25. Sept. 1993, p. 73-84. Edited by Thomas Bearth,
Wilhelm Johann Georg Möhlig, Beat Sottas & Edgar Suter. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Brincker, Peter Heinrich. 1900. Unsere Ovambo-Mission, sowie Land, Leute, Religion, Sitten,
Gebräuche, Sprachen u.s.w. der Ovakuanjama-Ovambo. Rheinische Missionstraktate, 101.
Barmen-Wuppertal: Rheinische Miss.-Ges. Pp 76.
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Caruso, Yuusuf S. 2009. Swahili acquisitions at Columbia University Libraries, 1979-2006.
New York: Columbia Univ. Libraries.
Chidester, David; Kwenda, Chirevo; Petty, Robert; Tobler, Judy; Wratten, Darrel. 1997. African
traditional religion in South Africa: an annotated bibliography. Westport CN: Greenwood
Claver, Karera P. 1982. Bibliographie signalétique des écrits académiques disponibles au
Centre de Bibliographie Rwandaise: thèses, mémoires et essais de 2è cycle. Butare: Bibl.
Centrale, Univ. Nationale du Rwanda. Pp 80.
Cluver, August Dawid de Villiers. 1995. Lexicography in South Africa. In: Language in South
Africa: an input into language planning for a post-apartheid South Africa = The LiCCA (SA)
report, p. 401-410. Edited by Victor N. Webb. LiCCA Research and Development Programme,
Univ. of Pretoria.
Cluver, August Dawid de Villiers. 1996. A selected bibliography on the sociology of language
with the emphasis on sources on language planning in Africa. Studia composita, 19. Pretoria:
UNISA. Pp xvi, 644. ISBN-10 0-86981-944-5.
Dammann, Ernst. 1971. Deutsche Missionare als Erforscher der Sprachen im südlichen Afrika.
Afrikanischer Heimatkalender (Windhoek), 42, p. 59-65.
Dau, R.Sh. 1968. A brief survey of modern literature in the South African Bantu languages:
Venda. Limi, 6, p. 44-60.
Dlamini, Dudu Nomangwane Bawinile. 2005. The management of indigenous knowledge in
Swaziland, with specific reference to the Swaziland National Library Service (SNLS). MBibl
thesis. Bellville: Dept. of Library and Information Science, Univ. of the Western Cape.
Doke, Clement Martyn. 1958. Scripture translation into Bantu languages. AfrSt, 17 (2), p. 8299.
Doke, Clement Martyn. 1962. The loss of Bantu scholars in 1962. The South African outlook,
(December 1962), p. 183.
Ellis, Barbaralyn. 1968. Religion among the Bantu in South Africa: a list of works published
after 1956. Diploma in librarianship. Johannesburg: UWits. Pp 15.
Fodor, István. 1983. Introduction to the history of Umbundu: L. Magyar’s records and the
later sources. Hamburg: Helmut Buske. Pp 327. ISBN-10 3-87118-554-X.
Fortune, George. 1969. 75 years of writing in Shona. Zambezia, 1 (1), p. 55-67.
Gérard, Albert S. 1972. Towards a history of South African literatures. Commonwealth literature and the world. Brussells: Didier.
Gilmour, Rachael. 2006. Grammars of colonialism: representing languages in colonial South
Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp x, 231. ISBN 978-1-4039-3381-2, ISBN-10 14039-3381-2.
Goto, Tadahisa. 1968. The development of Swahili dictionaries [English summary]. Afurika
kenkyu / Jrnl of African studies (Tokyo), 7, p. 92.
Grigorieva, Tamara. 1966. Swahili studies in the Soviet Union in 1965. Swahili, 36 (2), p. 4955.
Groenewald, P.S. 1984. Lys van literêre werke in Noord-Sotho. SAJAL, 4, suppl. 1, p. 161ff.
Haasbroek, F.T. 1988. Lys van literêre werke in Tswana tot ingang van 1988. SAJAL, 8, suppl.
1, p. 58-70.
Hamilton, John Taylor. 1912. Twenty years of pioneer missions in Nyasaland: a history of
Moravian missions in German East Africa. Bethlehem PA: Soc. for Propagating the Gospel.
Pp 192.
Heald, Suzette. 1998. Isaac Schapera: a bibliography. Pula, 12, p. 100-115.
Heepe, Martin. 1920. Probleme der Bantu-Forschung in geschichtlichem Überblick. ZDMG,
74, p. 1-60.
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Hertefelt, Marcel d’; Lame, Danielle de. 1987. Société, culture et histoire du Rwanda: encyclopédie bibliographique 1863-1980/87, 2 vols. Ann. du MRAC, sciences humaines, 124. Tervuren. Pp xxix, 1849. ISBN-10 90-900202-6-8.
Heyse, Théodore. 1948. Bibliographie du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi (1939-1947):
littérature, arts oraux indigènes. Cahiers belges et congolais, 6. Bruxelles: Georges van
Campenhout. Pp 32.
Heyse, Théodore. 1950. Bibliographie du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi (1939-1949):
beaux-arts, urbanisme, arts indigènes, cinéma. Cahiers belges et congolais, 11. Bruxelles:
Georges van Campenhout. Pp 46.
Heyse, Théodore. 1951. Bibliographie du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi (1939-1950):
politique générale, politique indigène, enseignement, cultes et missions. Cahiers belges et
congolais, 16. Bruxelles: Georges van Campenhout. Pp 64.
Heyse, Théodore. 1951. Bibliographie du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi (1939-1950):
hygiène et assistance sociale, service médical, ethnographie, langues et linguistique. Cahiers
belges et congolais, 17. Bruxelles: Georges van Campenhout. Pp 52.
Heyse, Théodore. 1952. Bibliographie du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi (1939-1951):
documentation générale, bibliographies et centres d’études, expositions, presse et propagande.
Cahiers belges et congolais, 19. Bruxelles: Georges van Campenhout. Pp 58.
Heyse, Théodore. 1952. Bibliographie du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi (1939-1951):
documentation générale, folklore, philatélie, sports, tourisme. Cahiers belges et congolais, 20.
Bruxelles: Georges van Campenhout. Pp 41.
Hombert, Jean-Marie. 1990. Bibliographie des langues du Gabon. RGSH, 2, p. 335-355.
Hone, Ilse. 1981. The history of the development of Tsonga orthography. BA honours thesis.
Pretoria: UNISA.
Hurskainen, Arvi. 1990. African studies in the University of Helsinki. Lugha (Uppsala), 4, p.
Hussein, Ebrahim. 1968. An annotated bibliography of Swahili theatre. Swahili, 39, p. 49-60.
Jadin, Louis. 1966. Importance des acquisitions nouvelles des Archives Historiques de l’Angola
à Loanda pour l'histoire de l’Afrique Centrale 1726-1915. Bull. des séances de l’ARSOM,
nouvelle série, 12 (6), p. (?).
Kallaway, Peter; Kallaway, Jackie. 1983. A preliminary select bibliography of education for
black South Africans and related topics. Cape Town: Education Policy Unit, UCT. Pp 181.
ISBN-10 0-7992-0556-7.
Kallaway, Peter; Kallaway, Jackie. 1984. Bibliography: the education of black South Africans.
In: Apartheid and education: the education of black South Africans. Edited by Peter Kallaway.
Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
Kallaway, Peter; Kallaway, Jackie; Sheward, Deborah. 1986. A bibliography of education for
Black South Africans. 2nd ed. Cape Town: Education Policy Unit, UCT. Pp 93. ISBN-10 07992-1015-3.
Khamisi, Abdu Mtajuka. 1987. Trends in Swahili lexicography. Kiswahili, 54 (1/2), p. 192-201.
Kiango, John G. 2005. Tanzania’s historical contribution to the recognition and promotion of
Swahili. Africa & Asia, 5, p. 157-166.
Kropacek, Lubos. 1994. Fifty years of Swahili studies in Prague. Archiv orientální, 62, p. 365368.
Lanham, Leonard Walter; Prinsloo, Karel P. (Ed.) 1978. Language and communication studies
in South Africa: current issues and directions in research and inquiry. Cape Town: OUP. Pp
259. ISBN-10 0-19-570144-5.
Lenake, J.M. 1968. A brief survey of modern literature in South African Bantu languages:
Southern Sotho. Limi, 6, p. 75-81.
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Lepine, Richard. 1981. Swahili fiction bibliography: an update to 1980. Africana jrnl: a bibliographic library and review forum, 12, p. 197-218.
Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf. 1982. The present situation of Swahili in Scandinavia. Lugha (Uppsala), 2, p. 63-64.
Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf. 1984. Ten years of Swahili at Uppsala University. Lugha (Uppsala), 3,
p. 3-4.
Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf. 1991. African studies in Scandinavia. In: Language standardization in
Africa / Sprachstandardisierung in Afrika / Standardisation en langues en Afrique, p. 245-247.
Edited by Norbert Cyffer, Klaus Schubert, Hans-Ingolf Weier & Ekkehard Wolff. Hamburg:
Helmut Buske.
Lodhi, Mohamed Y. 1977. The development and spread of Swahili in Scandinavia. Lugha
(Uppsala), 1, p. 39-45.
Louwrens, Louis J. 1990. Contributions made by the Portuguese to the development of Bantu
linguistics between 1500 and 1917. SAJAL, 10, suppl. 1, p. 71-83.
Madumulla, J.S. 1989. Another look at Kiswahili scholarship. Kiswahili, 56, p. 10-24.
Maho, Jouni Filip. 2000. The linguistic legacy of the early missionaries in southern Africa. In:
Tongues and texts unlimited: studies in honour of Tore Janson on the occasion of his sixtieth
birthday, p. 143-154. Edited by Hans Aili & Peter af Trampe. Dept. of Classical Languages,
Univ. of Stockholm.
Maile, M.L. 1956. The secular press and the Bantu, with special reference to the effects of, and
necessity for, non-Christian and Christian literature. In: Christian literature for the Bantu of
South Africa, p. 120-126. Johannesburg.
Malan, Stephanus I. 1959. Gesamentlike katalogus van proefskrifte en verhandelinge van die
Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite, 1942-1958 / Union catalogue of theses and dissertations of the
South African universities, 1942-1958. Potchefstroom: PUCHO. Pp 216.
Malepe, Adam Tsele. 1968. A brief survey of modern literature in the South African Bantu
languages: Tswana. Limi, 6, p. 68-75.
Marivate, Cornelius T.D. 1968. A brief survey of modern literature in the South African Bantu
languages: Tsonga. Limi, 6, p. 36-44.
Massamba, David Phineas Bhukanda. 2002. The Languages of Tanzania (LoT) Project:
prospects and challenges. LASU jrnl, 1, p. 121-128.
Meeussen, Achille Emiel. 1965. Vijf jaar Lolemi-activiteit. Africa-Tervuren, 15, p. 1-3.
Meeuwis, Michael. 1999. The White Fathers and Luganda: to the origins of French missionary
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Penn, Claire. 1998. The study of child language in South Africa. Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica, 50 (5), p. 256-270.
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The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Aka (C104) 28
Akoose (A15C) 14
Ambo (M521) 105
Amu (G42a) 55, 64
Andasa (B201) 22
Angoje (P311) 115
Baali (D21) 40
Babole (C101) 27
Babong (A15C) 14
Babunda (B84) 25
Baca (S402) 136
Badia (C34b) 31
Baenga (C315) 30
Bafia (A53) 17
Bafia Group (A50) 17
Bafoto (C611) 36
Bafun (A15C) 14
Bagyeli (A801) 19
Bai (C34c) 31
Bajuni (G41) 55, 64
Bakaka (A15C) 14
Bakoko (A114) 14
Bakoko (A43b) 16
Bakola (A801) 19
Bakossi (A15C) 14
Bakundu (A122) 14
Bakwele (A85b) 21
Bakwiri (A22) 14
Bali (D21) 40
Balue (A12) 14
Banen (A44) 16
Bangala (C30a) 29
Bangi-Ntomba Group (C30)
Bangubangu (D27) 42
Bano’o (A32a) 15
Banoo (A32a) 15
Bantu-Botatwe Group (M60)
Bapuku (A32b) 15
Barawa (G412) 55, 64
Barwe (N45) 110
Basaa (A43a) 16
Basaa Group (A40) 16
Basic Bantu (S40a) 136
Basossi (A15B) 14
Batanga (A113) 14
Batanga (A32) 15
Batswa de l’Equateur (C611)
Bekol (A832) 19
Bekwel (A85b) 21
Bemba (M42) 104
Bemba Group (M40) 104
Bembe (D54) 43
Bembe-Buyi Group (D50)
Bena (G63) 67
Bena-Kinga Group (G60) 67
Bende (F12) 49
Bene (A74b) 18
Benga (A34) 16
Benge-Baati (C43) 34
Bhaca (S402) 136
Bhele (D31) 42
Biisa (M51) 105
Bikele (A832) 19
Bila (D311) 42
Bima (A112) 14
Bimbia (A23) 14
Binja, North (D24) 40
Binja, South (D26) 41
Binji (L22) 93
Bira (D32) 42
Bira, Forest (D311) 42
Bira, Plains (D32) 42
Bira-Nyali Group (D30) 42
Birwa (S32e) 134
Bisa (M51) 105
Bobe (A31) 15
Bodo (D332) 43
Bogongo (C12b) 29
Boguru (D302) 42
Bokote (C61b) 35
Bolia (C35b) 33
Boloki (C36e) 33
Boma (B82) 25
Bombomba (C61b) 35
Bondei (G24) 52
Bongili (C15) 29
Bongiri (C15) 29
Botswana Herero (R312)
Boyela (C74) 37
Bua, South-East (D21) 40
Bubi (A31) 15
Bubi (B305) 23
Bubi-Benga Group (A30) 15
Budu (D332) 43
Budza (C37) 33
Buja (C37) 33
Bujeba (A81) 19
Bukusu (JE31c) 85
Bulu (A74a) 18
Bulu (B21) 22
Buma (B82) 25
Bushoong (C83) 38
Bushoong Group (C80) 38
Buwe (F34) 50
Buyi (D55) 44
Bvanuma (D331) 43
Bwa, South-East (D21) 40
Bwende (H16e) 72
Bwisi (JE102) 81
Caffre (S41) 137
Central Kenya Group (E50)
Central Kilimanjaro (E622)
Central Kongo (H16b) 71
Central Makhuwa (P31a)
Central Tswana (S31a) 128
Chaga (E62) 45
Chaga Group (E60) 45, 46
Changamwe (G42b) 55
Changana (S53) 148
Chewa-Nyanja (N31) 108
Chichewa (N31) 108
Chikuhane (K42) 91
Chikunda (N42) 110
Chinyungwe (N43) 110
Chirima (P31c) 114
Chishona (S10) 121
Chitumbuka (N21) 108
Chokwe (K11) 87
Chwaka (G42G) 55
Cicopi (S61) 151
Cifwe (K402) 91
Ciga (JE14) 82
Cigogo (G11) 50
Cijinja (JE23) 85
Cijita (JE25) 85
Cikagulu (G12) 51
Ciluba (L31a) 94
Cilugulu (G35) 52
Ciluimbi (K12a) 88
Cimwiini (G412) 64
Cingangela (K12b) 88
Cinsenga (N41) 109
Ciokwe (K11) 87
Ciokwe-Luchazi Group
(K10) 87
Cipogolo (G51) 67
Ciruri (JE253) 85
Citotela (K411) 91
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Civili (H12) 69
Comorian (G44) 67
Conyi (E72c) 47
Copi (S61) 151
Copi Group (S60) 151
Cuabo (P34) 115
Dabida (E74a) 48
Dciriku (K332) 90
Degere (E732) 48
Dengese (C81) 38
Dibole (C101) 27
Digo (E73) 48
Djia (C34b) 31
Dotanga (A113) 14
Duala (A24) 14
Duala Group (A20) 14
Duruma (E72d) 47
Dzalamo (G33) 52
Dzamba (C322) 31
Dzibi (S51a) 148
Dzindza (JE23) 85
Dzonga (S51b) 148
East Herero (R31b) 119
East Kongo (H16g) 72
East Luba (L34) 99
East Nyala (JE32f) 86
East Shona (S15) 124
East Tswana (S31b) 130
Ebudu (D332) 43
Echuwabo (P34) 115
Ediya (A31) 15
Ehob mkaa’ (A15C) 14
Ekombe (A123) 14
Ekonda (C61e) 35
Ekoti (P311) 115
Elung (A15C) 14
Emakhuwa (P31) 113
Emarevone (P31d) 114
Embo (E52) 45
Ena (D14) 39
Enaharra (P31e) 114
Enga (C315) 30
Engsh (G40d) 53
Enya (D14) 39
Enyele (C141) 29
Esakati (P312) 115
Eton (A71) 17
Evale (R212) 117
Ewondo (A72) 18
Ewondo-Fang Group (A70)
Fanagalo (S40a) 136
Fang (A75) 18
Fang Makina (A803) 19
Fingo (S401) 136
Fipa (M13) 102
Fipa-Mambwe Group (M10)
Forest Bira (D311) 42
Fuliiro (JD63) 81
Fuluka (C72) 37
Fundi (G42F) 55
Funika (B83) 25
Fwe (K402) 91
Galwa (B11c) 22
Ganda (JE15) 82
Garengaze (L35) 100
Gcaleka (S41e) 141
Gciriku (K332) 90
Gengele (D20a) 40
Genya (D14) 39
Gesogo (C53) 34
Ghetsogo (B31) 23
Ghevove (B305) 23
Gihaavu (JD52) 77
Gikuyu (E51) 44
Gimbaala (H41) 75
Giryama (E721) 47
Gisu (JE31a) 85
Gitonga (S62) 151
Gogo (G11) 50
Gogo-Kagulu Group (G10)
Gongo (C12b) 29
Gunu (A622) 17
Gunya (G41) 55, 64
Guru (D302) 42
Gusii (JE42) 86
Gwe (F21) 49
Gweno (E65) 46
Gwere (JE17) 84
Gyele (A801) 19
Ha (JD66) 81
Haavu (JD52) 77
Habla Bantu (H10c) 68
Habla Congo (H10c) 68
Habsi (G404) 54
Hacha (JE432) 87
Hadimu (G43c) 66
Hanga (JE32a) 86
Hangaza (JD65) 81
Harava (S12) 123
Haya (JE22) 84
Haya-Jita Group (JE20) 84
Hehe (G62) 67
Hema (JE121) 82
Hemba (L34) 99
Hendo (C82) 38
Herero (R31) 117
Herero Group (R30) 117
Herero, Botswana (R312)
Herero, East (R31b) 119
Herero, Kaokoland (R311)
Herero, North-West (R311)
Heva (S12) 123
Himba (R311) 119
Hlengwe (S511) 148
Holo (L12b) 93
Holoholo (D28) 42
Holu (L12b) 93
Huana (H42) 75
Humba (R21) 117
Hunde (JD51) 77
Hunganna (H42) 75
Hungu (L12b) 93
Hurutshe (S31a) 128
Icibemba (M42) 104
Ihaanzu (F31b) 50
Ikalanga (S16) 124
Ikizu (JE402) 86
Ikoma (JE45) 87
Ikota (B25) 23
Ila (M63) 106
Ilamba (F31) 50
Inyele (C141) 29
Irangi (F33) 50
Isanzu (F31b) 50
Isikhethu (S407) 137
Isile (D25) 41
Isixhosa (S41) 137
Isizulu (S42) 141
Isu (A23) 14
Isubu (A23) 14
Jibana (E72f) 47
Jita (JE25) 85
Jomvu (G42b) 55
Kae (G43c) 55, 66
Kaffir (S41) 137
Kagulu (G12) 51
Kahe (E64) 46
Kahonde (L41) 100
Kaka (A93) 21
Kaka Group (A90) 21
Kako (A93) 21
Kalanga (S16) 124
Kale (G43c) 55, 66
Kamba (E55) 45
Kambe (E72g) 47
Kande (B32) 23
Kanincin (L53) 102
Kanyoka (L32) 97
Kaokoland Herero (R311)
Kaonde (L41) 100
Karabasi (JE32e) 86
Karagwe (JE21) 84
Kasigau (E74c) 48
Katanga Swahili (G40f) 54
Kauma (E72b) 47
Kekamba (E55) 45
Kela (C75) 38
Kele (C55) 34
Kele Group (B20) 22
Kenyi (JE16-dialect) 84
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Kerebe (JE24) 85
Kesukuma (F21) 49
Kete (L21) 93
Keteghe (B71) 24
Ketu (C34d) 31
Kgalagadi (S311) 132
Kgatla (S31b) 130
Khurutshe (S31a) 128
Kibay (C34c) 31
Kibena (G63) 67
Kibondei (G24) 52
Kiembu (E52) 45
Kiga (JE14) 82
Kiha (JD66) 81
Kihangaza (JD65) 81
Kihehe (G62) 67
Kihunde (JD51) 77
Kikagulu (G12) 51
Kikamba (E55) 45
Kikerebe (JE24) 85
Kikimbu (F24) 50
Kikongo (H16) 69
Kikongo Group (H10) 68
Kikuyu (E51) 44
Kikuyu-Kamba Group (E50)
Kilimanjaro, Central (E622)
Kilimanjaro, West (E621) 46
Kilindini (G42b) 55
Kiluba (L33) 97
Kilwa (G43E) 55
Kimatuumbi (P13) 112
Kimbala (H41) 75
Kimbu (F24) 50
Kimbugu cha Kawaida
(G221) 51
Kimbundu (H21) 73
Kimbundu Group (H20) 73
Kimeru (E53) 45
Kimgao (G43f) 66
Kimwani (G403) 54
Kinande (JD42) 76
Kinga (G65) 68
Kinyamwezi (F22) 49
Kinyarwanda (JD61) 78
Kinyaturu (F32) 50
Kinyindu (JD501) 77
Kipangwa (G64) 68
Kipokomo (E71) 47
Kirangi (F33) 50
Kirundi (JD62) 80
Kisagala (E741) 48
Kishambala (G23) 51
Kisii (JE42) 86
Kisongo (H24) 73
Kisoonde (H32) 75
Kisu (JE31b) 85
Kisuku (H32) 74
Kiswahili (G42) 55
Kitalinga (JE102) 81
Kitchen Kafir (S40a) 136
Kiumbugwe (F34) 50
Kiunguja (G42d) 66
Kiyaka (H31) 73
Kiyombe (H16c) 71
Kizaramo (G33) 52
Kizigula (G31) 52
Kobi (JD51) 77
Koko (A114) 14
Kol (A832) 19
Kolololo (K21) 89
Kombe (A33b) 16
Komo (D23) 40
Konda (C61e) 35
Kongo (H16) 69
Kongo, Central (H16b) 71
Kongo, East (H16g) 72
Kongo, South (H16a) 70
Kongo, South-East (H16h)
Kongo, West (H16d) 72
Kongola (C72) 37
Koni (S32a) 134
Konjo (JD41) 76
Konzo (JD41) 76
Konzo-Ndandi Group
(JD40) 76
Koonzime (A842) 20
Koozime (A842) 20
Korekore (S11) 123
Koria (JE43) 86
Kota (B25) 23
Kota (C103) 28
Koti (P311) 115
Kpa (A53) 17
Kpe (A22) 14
Kuba (C27) 29
Kuba (C83) 38
Kuba (R41) 120
Kuhane (K42) 91
Kukwa (B77a) 24
Kulwe (M131) 102
Kumu (D23) 40
Kunda (N42) 110
Kundu (A122) 14
Kundu, West (A12) 14
Kuria (JE43) 86
Kusu (C72) 37
Kwala (C26) 29
Kwaluudhi (R241) 117
Kwangali (K33a) 90
Kwangari (K33a) 90
Kwanyama (R21) 117
Kwasio (A81) 19
Kwena (S31c) 131
Kyopi (JE11) 81
Laali (B73b) 24
Lala (M52) 105
Lala (S406) 137
Lala-Bisa-Lamba Group
(M50) 105
Lamba (M54) 106
Langi (F33) 50
Latege (B71) (.i.000
Kateghe (B71) 24
Lega (D25+D251) 41
Lega-Holoholo Group (D20)
Lega-Malinga (D251) 41
Lega-Mwenga (D25) 41
Lega-Ntara (D25) 41
Lega-Shabunda (D251) 41
Lele (C84) 38
Lemande (A46) 16
Lemba (C75) 38
Lengola (D12) 39
Lenje-Tonga Group (M60)
Lete (S31a) 128
Ligendza (C414) 34
Lika (D201) 40
Liko (D201) 40
Likuba (C27) 29
Likwala (C26) 29
Limba (A27) 15
Lingala (C30b) 30
Logooli-Kuria Group (JE40)
Lohendo (C82) 38
Lokele (C55) 34
Lokoko (A114) 14
Lokundu (A122) 14
Lolue (A12) 14
Lomongo (C61) 34
Londo (A11) 14
Londo ba Diko (A115) 14
Lonkundo (C61) 34
Losengo cluster (C36) 33
Lotanga (A113) 14
Lozi (K21) 89
Luba Group (L30) 94
Luba, East (L34) 99
Luba, South (L35) 100
Luba-Kasai (L31a) 94
Luba-Katanga (L33) 97
Luba-Lulua (L31) 94
Luba-Shaba (L33) 97
Lubukusu (JE31c) 85
Lubumbashi Swahili (G40f)
Lubwisi (JE102) 81
Luchazi (K13) 89
Luciga (JE14) 82
Lue (A12) 14
Luganda (JE15) 82
Lugha ya Zamani (G42c) 55
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Luguru (G35) 52
Lugwere (JE17) 84
Luhyia (JE32) 86
Luimbi (K12a) 88
Lujazi (K13) 89
Lukonjo (JD41) 76
Lulua (L31b) 94
Luluwa (L31b) 94
Lumasaba (JE31) 85
Lumbu (B44) 23
Lunda (L52) 101
Lunda Group (L50) 100
Lundu (A11) 14
Lundu-Balong Group (A10)
Lungu (M14) 103
Luntu (L511) 100
Lusoga (JE16) 84
Luvale (K14) 89
Luwunda (L53) 102
Luyana Group (K30) 90
Luyia (JE32) 86
Lwalu (L221) 93
Lwalwa (L221) 93
Lwena (K14) 89
Mabaale (C311) 30
Mabale (C311) 30
Mafia (G43D) 55, 66
Magbea (A81) 19
Makaa (A83) 19
Makaa-Njem Group (A80)
Makhuwa (P31) 113
Makhuwa Group (P30) 113
Makhuwa, Central (P31a)
(P31a) 114
Makonde (P23) 112
Makua (P31) 113
Makunduchi (G43c) 55, 66
Malawian Ngoni (N121) 107
Malawian Sena (N441) 111
Malila (M24) 103
Malimba (A27) 15
Malindi (G42E) 55, 66
Mambrui (G42E) 55, 66
Mambwe (M15) 103
Manda Group (N10) 107
Mandi (A46) 16
Manenguba (A15) 14
Mangala (C36d) 33
Manyika (S13) 123
Manyo (K331+K332) 90
Marrevone (P31d) 114
Masaaba (JE31) 85
Masaba (JE31) 85
Masaba-Luhya Group
(JE30) 85
Masemola (S32a) 134
Mashami (E621b) 46
Mashi (K34) 91
Masi (K34) 91
Matengo (N13) 107
Matuumbi (P13) 112
Matuumbi Group (P10) 111
Mbaama (B62) 24
Mbagani (L22) 93
Mbala (H41) 75
Mbala-Hunganna Group
(H40) 75
Mbalangwe (K401) 91
Mbalazi (G412) 55, 64
Mbamba (B62) 24
Mbanderu (R31b) 119
Mbangwe (B23) 22
Mbene (A43a) 16
Mbenga (C105) 28
Mbete Group (B60) 24
Mbiem (B86a) 26
Mbimu (A86c) 21
Mbo (A15) 14
Mbole (C61l) 35
Mbole (D11) 39
Mbole-Enya Group (D10)
Mboma (H16a) 70
Mbonge (A121) 14
Mboshi (C25) 29
Mboshi Group (C20) 29
Mbosi (C25) 29
Mbugu (G221) 51
Mbugu, Normal (G221) 51
Mbugu, Outer (G221) 51
Mbugwe (F34) 50
Mbukushu (K333) 90
Mbunda (B84) 25
Mbundu (H21) 73
Mbundu (R11) 115
Mbundza (K33b) 90
Mbuun (B84) 25
Mbwela (K17) 89
Mbwera (G43D) 55, 66
Megi (G12) 51
Mekaa, South (A83) 19
Mero (E53) 45
Meru (E621a) 46
Metoko (D13) 39
Mfengu (S401) 136
Mfinu (B83) 25
Mfununga (B83) 25
Mgao (G43F) 55, 66
Mienge (A15B) 14
Miini (G412) 55, 64
Mijikenda, North (E72) 47
Mijikenda, South (E73E732) 48
Milembwe (L23) 93
Mitsogo (B31) 23
Mituku (D13) 39
Mochi (E622a) 46
Mokpwe (A22) 14
Mombasa Swahili (G42b) 65
Mongo-Nkundo (C61) 34
Mongo-Nkundo Group
(C60) 34
Monokutuba (H10b) 68
Mozambican Sena (N44)
Mpiemo (A86c) 21
Mpiin (B863) 27
Mpondo (S41a) 141
Mpondomise (S41g) 141
Mpongwe (B11a) 22
Mpuono (B84) 25
Mpur (B86e) 26
Mput (B86e) 26
Mpuun (B84) 25
Mrima (G42c) 55, 66
Mtang’ata (G42c) 55
Mulimba (A27) 15
Munukutuba (H10b) 68
Mvele (A43a) 16
Mvita (G42b) 55
Mvumbo (A81) 19
Mwahed (A15C) 14
Mwaneka (A15C) 14
Mwani (G403) 54
Mwera (P22) 112
Mwiini (G412) 55, 64
Myene (B11) 21
Myene Group (B10) 21
Naharra (P31e) 114
Namibian Totela (K411) 91
Nandi (JD42) 76
Nano (R11) 115
Nata (JE45) 87
Nathembo (P312) 115
Ndali (M301) 103
Ndamba (G52) 67
Ndandi (JD42) 76
Ndasa (B201) 22
Ndau (S15) 124
Ndebele of Zimbabwe (S44)
Ndebele, North Transvaal
(S408) 137
Ndebele, South (S407) 137
Ndebele, South Transvaal
(S407) 137
Ndebele, Sumayela (S408)
Ndembu (L52) 101
Ndendeule (N101) 107
Ndengeleko (P11) 111
Ndengereko (P11) 111
Ndonga (R22) 117
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Nen (A44) 16
Ngala (C36d) 33
Ngando (C102) 28
Ngangela (K12b) 88
Ngare (G42b) 55
Ngindo (P14) 112
Ngolo (A111) 14
Ngombe (C41) 33
Ngombe Group (C40) 33
Ngondi (C11) 28
Ngondi Group (C10) 27
Ngoni of Malawi (N121)
Ngoni of Tanzania (N12)
Ngul (B861) 27
Ngulu (G34) 52
Ngumba (A81) 19
Ngumbi (A33b) 16
Ngundi (C11) 28
Nguni Group (S40) 135
Ngwaketse (S31a) 128
Ngwane (S43) 147
Ngwato (S31c) 131
Ngwi (B861) 27
Nhlangwini (S405) 136
Nilamba (F31) 50
Nilamba-Rangi Group (F30)
Nilyamba (F31) 50
Njabi (B52) 23
Njem (A84) 19
Nkanu (H16h) 72
Nkhumbi (R14) 116
Nkore (JE13) 82
Nkundo (C61) 34
Nkutu (C81) 38
Nlaa mboo (A15A) 14
Nle mbuu (A15A) 14
Normal Mbugu (G221) 51
North Binja (D24) 40
North Mijikenda (E72) 47
North Sagara (G12) 51
North Sotho (S32) 133
North Teke (B71) 24
North Transvaal Ndebele
(S408) 137
North Tswana (S31c) 131
North-West Herero (R311)
Nosse Be (G42I) 55
Nsapo (L23) 93
Nsenga (N41) 109
Nsong (B86d) 26
Nsongo (H24) 73
Nswase (A15B) 14
Ntandu (H16g) 72
Ntomba (C35a) 32
Ntsuo (B86d) 26
Nugunu (A622) 17
Numaand (A46) 16
Nyabungu (JD53) 77
Nyakyusa-Ngonde (M31)
Nyakyusa-Ngonde Group
(M30) 103
Nyala, East (JE32f) 86
Nyali, South (D331) 43
Nyambo (JE21) 84
Nyamwesi (F22) 49
Nyaneka (R13) 116
Nyanga (D43) 43
Nyanga Group (D40) 43
Nyangwe (D26) 41
Nyanja-Chewa (N31) 108
Nyankore (JE13) 82
Nyaturu (F32) 50
Nyem (A84) 19
Nyemba (K12b) 88
Nyiha (M23) 103
Nyiha-Safwa Group (M20)
Nyika (E72) 47
Nyika (M23) 103
Nyika-Taita Group (E70) 46
Nyindu (JD501) 77
Nyoro (JE11) 81
Nyoro-Ganda Group (JE10)
Nyungwe (N43) 110
Nzebi (B52) 23
Nzebi Group (B50) 23
Nzime (A842) 20
Okande (B32) 23
Old Mfengu (S401) 136
Oroko (A101) 14
Orungu (B11b) 22
Osamayi (B203) 22
Oshieba (A803) 19
Oshiwambo (R20) 116
Ossyeba (A803) 19
Otjiherero (R31) 117
Outer Mbugu (G221) 51
Ozi (G42a) 55, 64
Pahouin (A75) 18
Pande (C12a) 29
Pangwa (G64) 68
Pangwe (A75) 18
Pare (G22) 51
Pare-Asu (G22) 51
Pate (G42a) 55, 64
Pedi (S32a) 134
Pemba (G43a) 55
Pende (L11) 92
Pende Group (L10) 92
Pere (D31) 42
Peri (D31) 42
Pfoke (C53) 34
Pfokomo (E71) 47
Pheende (L11) 92
Phuthi (S404) 136
Pimbwe (M11) 102
Pindi (B863) 27
Plains Bira (D32) 42
Plateau Tonga (M64) 106
Podzo (N46) 110
Pogolo (G51) 67
Pogolo-Ndamba Group
(G50) 67
Pogoro (G51) 67
Poke (C53) 34
Pokomo (E71) 47
Ponda (K13) 89
Pondo (S41a) 141
Pove (B305) 23
Qhalaxari (S311) 132
Rabai (E72e) 47
Rangi (F33) 50
Remi (F32) 50
Rhonga (S54) 150
Ribe (E72h) 47
Rikpa’ (A53) 17
Rolong (S31a) 128
Rongo (B11b) 22
Rori (G61) 67
Rori (JE253) 85
Ruanda-Rundi Group
(JD60) 78
Rue (N45) 110
Rufiji (P12) 111
Rugciriku (K332) 90
Ruguru (G35) 52
Ruhaya (JE22) 84
Ruihi (P12) 111
Rukwangari (K33) 90
Rumanyo (K331+K332) 90
Rundi (JD62) 80
Rungu (M14) 103
Rungu (M41) 104
Runyakitara (JE10a) 81
Runyambo (JE21) 84
Runyankore (JE13) 82
Runyoro (JE11) 81
Ruri (JE253) 85
Rutooro (JE12) 82
Ruund (L53) 102
Rwanda (JD61) 78
Sagala (E741) 48
Sagara, North (G12) 51
Sakata (C34) 31
Sakati (P312) 115
Salampasu (L51) 100
Sama (B203) 22
Sambaa (G23) 51
Sambyu (K331) 90
Sanaga Group (A60) 17
Sanga (L35) 100
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Sangaji (P312) 115
Sango (G61) 67
Santu (H16g) 72
Sapo Sapo (L23) 93
Segeju (E731) 48
Sekgalagadi (S311) 132
Seki (B21) 22
Sekiyani (B21) 22
Seleka (S31a) 128
Sena of Malawi (N441) 111
Sena of Mozambique (N44)
Senga (N41) 109
Senga-Sena Group (N40)
Sengele (C33) 31
Sepedi (S32) 133
Sese (D32) 42
Sesotho (S33) 135
Sesotho sa Leboa (S32) 133
Setswana (S31) 126
Shaba Swahili (G40f) 54
Shambaa (G23) 51
Shambala (G23) 51
Shambala Group (G20) 51
Shanjo (K352) 91
Sheke (B21) 22
Sheng (G40e) 53
Shengwe (S62) 151
Shi (JD53) 77
Shi-Hunde Group (JD50) 77
Shimbwera (K17) 89
Shira-Punu Group (B40) 23
Shirima (P31c) 114
Shisango (G61) 67
Shishambyu (K331) 90
Shisumbwa (F23) 49
Shiwe (A803) 19
Shiyeyi (R41) 120
Shona (S10) 121
Shona, East (S15) 124
Shona, West (S16) 124
Shu (JD42) 76
Sibende (F12) 49
Sichela (M21) 103
Sidi (G404) 54
Silozi (K21) 89
Simbiti (JE431) 87
Sindebele (S44) 147
Siska (N15) 108
Siswati (S43) 147
Sitongwe (F11) 49
Siu (G42a) 55, 64
Siyei (R41) 120
Socotra Swahili (G411) 55
Sofala (S15) 124
Soga (JE16) 84
Sokili (M31) 104
Soko-Kele Group (C50) 34
Soli (M62) 106
Sonde (H16e) 72
Songe (L23) 93
Songe Group (L20) 93
Songo (B86d) 26
Songo (H24) 73
Songola (D24) 40
Songomeno (C82) 38
Songoora (D24) 40
Songye (L23) 93
Soonde (H32) 75
Sotho, North (S32) 133
Sotho, South (S33) 135
Sotho-Tswana Group (S30)
South Binja (D26) 41
South Kongo (H16a) 70
South Luba (L35) 100
South Mekaa (A83) 19
South Mijikenda (E73-E732)
South Ndebele (S407) 137
South Nyali (D331) 43
South Sotho (S33) 135
South Teke (B77) 24
South Transvaal Ndebele
(S407) 137
South Tswana (S31e) 132
South-East Bua (D21) 40
South-East Bwa (D21) 40
South-East Kongo (H16h)
Su (A23) 14
Suba (JE403) 86
Subiya (K42) 91
Subiya-Totela Group (K40)
Suku (H32) 74
Sukuma (F21) 49
Sukuma-Nyamwezi Group
(F20) 49
Sumayela Ndebele (S408)
Sumbura (D32) 42
Sumbwa (F23) 49
Swahili (G42) 55
Swahili Group (G40) 53
Swahili, Katanga (G40f) 54
Swahili, Lubumbashi (G40f)
Swahili, Mombasa (G42b)
Swahili, Shaba (G40f) 54
Swahili, Socotra (G411) 55
Swaka (M53) 106
Swati (S43) 147
Swazi (S43) 147
Syan (JE31d) 85
Taabwa (M41) 104
Tachoni (JE31e) 86
Taita (E74) 48
Talinga (JE102) 81
Tanzanian Ngoni (N12) 107
Tau (S32a) 134
Tebe (S13b) 123
Teghe (B71) 24
Teke (B70) 24
Teke, North (B71) 24
Teke, South (B77) 24
Teke, West (B73) 24
Tete (N43) 110
Tetela (C71) 36
Tetela Group (C70) 36
Tharaka (E54) 45
Thimbukushu (K333) 90
Thlaping (S31e) 132
Thlaro (S31e) 132
Tiene-Yanzi Group (B80) 25
Tikulu (G41) 55, 64
Tikuu (G41) 55, 64
Tonga (M64) 106
Tonga (N15) 108
Tonga (S62) 151
Tongwe (F11) 49
Tongwe-Bende Group (F10)
Tooro (JE12) 82
Topoke (C53) 34
Totela of Namibia (K411) 91
Tsaayi (B73a) 24
Tsambaan (B86f) 26
Tshiluba (L31a) 94
Tshivenda (S21) 125
Tshokwe (K11) 87
Tsogo (B31) 23
Tsogo Group (B30) 23
Tsong (B86d) 26
Tsonga (S53) 148
Tsotso (JE32b) 86
Tswa (S51) 148
Tswa-Rhonga Group (S50)
Tswana (S31) 126
Tswana, Central (S31a) 128
Tswana, East (S31b) 130
Tswana, North (S31c) 131
Tswana, South (S31e) 132
Tswapong (S31c) 131
Tuku (C34d) 31
Tumbatu (G43b) 55, 66
Tumbuka (N21) 108
Tumbuka Group (N20) 108
Tunen (A44) 16
Tyee (B73d) 24
Umbundu (R11) 115
Umbundu Group (R10) 115
Unguja (G42d) 55, 66
Venda (S21) 125
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Vidunda (G38) 53
Vili (H12) 69
Vove (B305) 23
Vumba (G42H) 55, 66
Vunjo (E622c) 46
Wambo (R20) 116
Wanda (M21) 103
Wandia (M21) 103
Wanji (G66) 68
West Kilimanjaro (E621) 46
West Kongo (H16d) 72
West Kundu (A12) 14
West Shona (S16) 124
West Teke (B73) 24
Wumbu (B78) 24
Wuumu (B78) 24
Xhosa (S41) 137
Xichangana (S53) 148
Xironga (S54) 150
Xitswa (S51) 148
Yaa (B73c) 24
Yaka (A93) 21
Yaka (C104) 28
Yaka (H31) 73
Yaka Group (H30) 73
Yalulema (C55) 34
Yambeta (A462) 16
Yans (B85) 26
Yanzi (B85) 26
Yao (P21) 112
Yao Group (P20) 112
Yaunde (A72) 18
Yeei (B86c) 26
Yela (C74) 37
Yembe (L23) 93
Yeyi (R41) 120
Yombe (H16c) 71
Zamba (C322) 31
Zaramo (G33) 52
Zeela (L34) 99
Zemba (R311) 119
Zezuru (S12) 123
Zigua (G31) 52
Zigula (G31) 52
Zigula-Zaramo Group (G30)
Zimba (D26) 41
Zimbabwe Ndebele (S44)
Zimu (A84) 19
Zinza (JE23) 85
Zombo (H16h) 72
Zulu (S42) 141
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
As a general rule of thumb, names are alphabetised according to the last constituent of a
composite name. In cases where this has not been done, a cross-reeference such as “Motingea
see Mangulu, André Motingea” has been added in the appropriate place.
Some names cause problems for some bibliographers. Sometimes it is difficult to deduce which
part of a name is the family name. Such is the case with “Munangeye-N’Kanza Nlandu”.
Some of these names may inadvertently have ended being erroneously alphabetised. Hence
when searching for a name in the index, it is always safest to look under all known name forms.
Some names appear with various spellings in different places, e.g. “Njovu” vs “Ndjovu”,
“Mkangonda” vs “Nkangonda”, “Dixon” vs “Dickson”. Hence one and the same name
may appear more than once in the index below. Again, it is always advisable to look up all
known name forms when looking for an entry.
Aaron, P. 128
Abdula, Samira Abdul Latifo
Abdulla, Anu 55
Abraham, D.P. 121
Abubu, Maryam 55
Adalima, Isabel Laimone 110
Adam, A.G. 24
Afido, Pedro J. 113, 156
Agar-O’Connell, R.M. 137
Agthe, Johanna 99
Aguilar, Laurel B. de 108
Ahondju, Mathilde
Wendenda 36
Akiiki see ByaruhangaAkiiki, A.B.T.
Akumbu, Pius Wuchu 19, 20
Alant, Erna 145
Albert, Ethel M 78
Alberto, Emília 151
Albino, Salimo Paulino 115
Alengila, Wurengor 27
Alexander, D. 127
Alexander, James Edward
Alfandega, P. 121, 124
Alfazema, João Paulo
Manuel 114
Allen, John Willoughby
Tarleton 165
Allen, William 15
Allogo, M.-F. Andeme 18
Allwood, Jens 152
Ally, J.A. 37
Almeida, Francisco José
Maria de Lacerda y 102,
Alnet, Aimee Johansen 67
Alpers, Edward A. 54
Ambouroue, Odette 22
Amidu, Assibi Apatewon 55
Amory, Deborah Peters 55
Anastase, [Frère] 78
Anderson, Stephen Craig 20
Anderson, [Capt.] 42
Andersson, Efraim 23
Angus, F. 25
António, David 123
Aramazani, Birusha 77
Ardener, Edwin W. 14
Areia, Manuel Laranjeira
Rodrigues de 87, 88
Arnold, Rainer 55
Asiimwe, Allen 82
Ataragaboine, G. 82
Atkinson, Norman D. 121
Atumane, Assane Mecussiba
Augustin, Paul 43
Aunio, Lotta [Harjula] 87
Ausiku, Kashindi J. 116
Austin, [Miss] 48
Auwera, Johan van der 102
Awouma, J. 18
Ayliff, John 136
Aziakpono, P. 137
Azombo-Menda, S. 18
Bacar, Amido 113
Bacuez, Paul 55
Badenhorst, Jaco 152
Bahoken, J.-C. 21
Bahuchet, Serge 28
Bailey, Richard Anthony 125,
135, 148
Bakabulindi, J. 82
Bakari, Mohamed 48, 55
Bakiri, Mtoro bin Mwinyi 55
Balanda, G. 25, 31
Balegamire, Bazilashe J. 77
Baloi, L.M.D. 134
Baluti, Katukandany 36
Bamuinikile-Mudiasa, S. 94
Bangamwabo, FrançoisXavier 78, 82
Bantje, Han 97, 100
Banza, Kamutenga 97
Bapolisi, Bahunga Polepole
Baptista, Pedro João 76, 102,
Baptiste, F.A. 54
Barnard, Etienne 152
Barreteau, Daniel 20
Barrett-Keach, Camillia
[Nevada] 55, 156
Barros, Elizabete Umbelino
de 73
Baselle, Baang’Osema 35
Basimolodi, Outlule Mother
Bastin, Marie-Louise 73, 87,
Batende see Mwene-Batende
Bates, George Latimer 20
Batibo, Herman M. 165
Batteen, Christopher 108
Baumbach, Ernst J.M. 148,
149, 155, 158
Bayiga, Florence Tendo 83
Beaucorps, Rémi de 26
Beavon, Keith H. 20
Beavon, Mary 20
Beck, Rose Marie 117
Becker, Jérôme 55
Beckerleg, Susan 55
Behrend, Heike 88, 92
Beidelman, Thomas Owen 51
Beinart, William 141
Beir, L. de 73
Belyaeva, Jenya 63
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Bennett, Norman Robert 165
Bergh, Petrus Lodewikus
Berliner, Paul 121
Bernard, Fernand 32
Bernardo, Maurício 113, 156
Bertoncini-Zúbková, Elena
55, 165
Besten, Hans den 152
Beverley, Robert Mackenzie
Bhattacharya, D.K. 54
Biaye, M. 94
Bie see Nzang Bie, Yolande
Biebuyck, Brunhilde 43
Biebuyck, Daniel P. 37, 39,
40, 41, 42, 43, 77
Biersteker, Ann [Joyce] 56,
Bigirimana, Jean Baptiste 80
Biletsi, E. 25
Bill, Mary C. 149
Billings, Sabrina 56
Binda see Ngoma-Binda
Bing, T.B. 165
Binza see Ndinga-KoumbaBinza, Steve
Birnie, Ann 45, 48, 49, 50, 51,
52, 53, 63, 67, 68, 81, 85,
87, 103, 104, 107, 109,
111, 112, 113
Bittremieux, Leo 34, 71, 72,
Bizige-Ngabo, Herménégilde
Blacking, John 125, 142
Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich
Immanuel 142, 165
Blij, Harm J. de 65
Bliss, Heather 121
Blok, Henri Peter 165
Blommaert, Jan 54
Bobeng, M. 131, 134
Boeck, Egide de 30
Boelaert, Edmond 34, 36
Bogaerts, H. 93
Bogaerts, Henri 100, 101
Böhme, Claudia 56
Bokanga, Itindi 34, 36, 165
Bollig, Michael 119
Bombute, Ekoliaka Boyawa
Bompaka, Nkeyi Makany 31
Bongango, Kalambay 34
Bongece, Pita 110
Bongela, Knobel Sakhiwo
Bongo-Pasi, Moke Sangol
Bonzoi, Mwamakasa 28, 30
Borland, Colin H. 121, 164
Borms, [?] 31, 32
Bosch, Sonja E. 135, 142,
152, 155
Bosire, Mokaya 53
Bostoen, Koen 17, 25, 26, 27,
78, 91, 92, 159, 160, 162
Botha, C.R. 137
Botha, J.J. 137
Botne, Robert Dale 15, 77,
103, 112, 135, 142, 157,
Bottignole, Silvana 44
Bouka, Léonce Yembi 21, 22,
Boulanger, A. 99
Bourdillon, Michael F.C. 123
Bourgeois, René 78, 80
Braam, Daryl 137, 140
Bradley, Jan 90
Bradley, R. 163
Bradlow, Frank Roberts 165
Braimo, Dinis Felício 115
Brain, James Lewton 165
Brambilla, Chiara 117
Brandt, L. 40, 94
Brantley, Cynthia 107
Brauner, Siegmund 165
Breugel, J.W.M. van 109
Breutz, Paul-Lenert 152
Bridgers see FerrariBridgers, Franca
Brincker, Peter Heinrich 165
Brisard, Frank 30, 157
Broeder, Peter 140, 142
Brown, David 136
Bruin, Annemarié de 142
Bücher, Hubert 121
Bucumi, J. 80
Buell, Leston Chandler 142,
Bulck, Gaston [Vaast] van
69, 78, 159
Bullock, H.L. 131
Bundy, Colin 137
Bunseki-Lumanisa, Fukiau
kia 69
Buramo, Cipriano José 115
Bureau, Rene 14
Burssens, Amaat Frans
Stephanie 29, 33, 87
Burton, Michael 44
Burton, Richard Francis 54
Burton, W.F.P. 97
Burume, Louis Lwigulira 77
Busungu, Masumbuko wa 41
Butaye, Réne 72
Büttner, Carl Gotthilf 162
Bwenge, Charles M.T 56
Byaruhanga-Akiiki, A.B.T.
Bylin, Eric 31
Byrd, Dani 80
Cabiço, José 114
Caeneghem, Raphaël van 94,
Calderwood, H. 137
Callaway, Godfrey 138
Callewaert, E. 71
Calvet, Louis-Jean 79
Campbell see Roy-Campbell,
Zaline Makini
Campbell, Carol Ann 56
Campbell, Dugald 104, 107
Canonici, Noverino N. 142
Cantauíle, João Saide 114
Cantrell, J.V. 141
Caplan, Ann Patricia 66
Carlsson, Ellen 46, 130
Caron, Bernard 53
Carstens, Vicky May 159
Carter, Hazel 121, 157
Caruso, Yuusuf S. 56, 166
Carvalho, Hermínia Stuart
Torrie 115
Cat, Cécile de 160
Catlin-Jairazbhoy, Amy 54
Cavele, Álvaro Drumond
Adolfo 149
Cayzac, J. 44
Ceyssens, Rik 93, 97
Chacha see NyaigottiChacha, Chacha
Chagala, António de Carvão
Chambal, Ezra Alberto 149
Chambela, Rafael Sendela
Chamusso, Natália Alfredo
Chanda, Vincent M. 155, 158
Chaplin, J.A. 89, 100, 101,
103, 104, 105, 106, 108,
Chaplin, J.H. 106
Charsley, S.R. 81
Chase, Robert 108
Chatelain, Héli 73
Chaual, Raquel de Lisboa
Chelmsford, [Lord] 142
Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen 105
Chidammodzi, H.F. 109
Chidester, David 125, 138,
142, 147, 149, 152, 166
Chikane, Oglobry Bogopane
Chimbutane, Feliciano S. 149
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Chimuzu, António Mateus
113, 155
Chirgwin, A.M. 131
Chiruca, Félix Oliveira
Gumbe 110, 124, 149,
Chitiga, Miriam 121
Chivhanga, Ester 121
Chiwome, Emmanuel 122
Chunguane, Artur Júlio 148
Chuwa, Albina R. 56
Cibwabwa, Mukuku 95
Cisterino, M. 82, 158
Classe, L.P. 79
Claver, Karera P. 166
Cleene, Natalis de 71
Clements, George N. 23, 76,
112, 135
Clercq, Auguste de 95
Cluver, August Dawid de
Villiers 152, 166
Codere, Helen 79
Collard, H.J. 106
Colldén, Lisa 31
Colle, [R.P.] 77
Colson, Elizabeth 106
Comrie, Bernard 20
Conrau, G. 39
Contini-Morava, Ellen [Lee]
56, 155
Cook, Susan E. 126
Cope, Anthony T. 143
Cope, Trevor 143
Coplan, David Bellin 133
Corbeil, J.J. 104
Cornet, Joseph 38
Corrie, Decker 56
Crandall, David Peter 119
Crawford, Jean 133
Crowder, Michael 131
Crowley, Daniel 87
Cumaio, Elsa Paula Mutemba
148, 155
Cunningham, Tony 116
Curtin, Patricia Romero 64,
Cuvelier, Jean (Mwene Petelo
Boka) 69
Dacala, Alfredo Carlos 112,
Daeleman, Jan 25, 93, 160
Dammann, Ernst 166
Danholz, Jakob Janssen 51
Danoz, A. 160
Darroch, R.G. 65
Datta, Ansu K. 56
Dau, R.Sh. 125, 166
Dauphin-Tinturier, AnneMarie 104
Dautrey see Teil-Dautrey,
Davel, Marelie 152
Davey, Anthony S. 138, 147,
David, Jean 87
Davidson, A.B. 147
Davidson, Hannah Frances
147, 149
Davis-Roberts, Christopher
Deacken, M. 21
Decapmaker, J. 69
Dechamps, Roger 24, 38, 43,
69, 73, 74, 87, 93, 95, 97,
101, 104
Dederen, J.-M. 125
Deen, Kamil Ud 56, 157
Defour, Georges 77
Delhaise, Charles Godefroid
Félix François 42, 79
Delille, P.A. 87, 89, 101
Delorme, A. 21
Dembetembe, Norris
Clemens 121
Demuth, Katherine Alison
Denis, Jules 31
Dennett, Richard Edward 69
Denolf, Prosper 38, 93
Denton-Spalding, Claire 138,
Dery, Nicole 98
Deumert, Ana 138
Devereux, S. 117
Devisch, Renaat 40, 73
Devos, Maud 102, 115, 157
Diata, M. 75
Diaz, Herbert Ndango 90, 91
Dickens, Sybil Maureen 143,
Dickson, T. Ainsworth 66
Diercks, Michael J.K. 85
Dikole, Rrenyane Sesupo
Dillen, K. 97
Dimandja, Eluy’a Kondo 36
Dimpe, M. 131, 134
Dixie, Florence Caroline 143
Djomo, Lola 36
Djongolele, Tshudi 36
Djugudjugu see Lobho-lwaDjugudjugu
Dlamini, Dudu Nomangwane
Bawinile 166
Doke, Clement Martyn 121,
Domingos, Ventura
Mulatinho 110
Donley-Reid, Linda 56, 65
Donneaux, Anne 80
Donnelly, Simon Scurr 136
Dorman, M.H. 56
Douglas, Mary Tew 38
Downing, Laura J. 108, 109,
121, 135, 143, 160
Drayson, Alfred Wilks 138
Dube, Shumirai 121
Dubinsky, Stanley 30
Duchâteau, Armand 76
Dunham, Margaret 57
Dusselje, E. 24
Dutcher, Katharine 83
Dymond, G.W. 116
Eastman, Carol M. 56
Ebarb, Kristopher 86
Ebding, Friedrich 15
Edelstein, Peter 67
Eirola, Martti 90
Elago, Hileni 116
Ella see Ollomo Ella, Régis
Elliott, Aubrey 138
Ellis, Barbaralyn 152, 166
Ellis, C.F. 154
Emejulu, James D. 23
Empain, A. 38
Engonga, Bikoro B. 18
Engwall, Ruth 75
Ernesto, Fernando 109
Escuret see Guille-Escuret,
Esol’eka, Likote l’Ofete
Nkanzamba 34
Essrich, Carola 56
Etia, Léopold Moume 15
Everbroeck, Nestor van 31,
32, 33, 35
Extra, Guus 140, 142
Faass, Gertrud 133
Fabian, Johannes 54
Faik-Nzuji, M. Clémentine
41, 95
Fair, Laura 56
Fallers, Lloyd Ashton 83
Fargion, Janet Topp 57
Farrell, Eileen Ruth 57
Farsi, Shaaban Saleh 57
Feidel, Jan 57
Fernandez, James William 18
Ferrari-Bridgers, Franca 83
Fievez, [?] 31, 32, 33
Fisch, Maria 91
Fivaz, Derek 123, 160
Flament, E. 25, 97
Fleisch, Axel 88, 135
Floor, Sebastian 54, 57, 112,
Focquet, C.-D. 31
Fodor, István 166
Fokken, Hermann A. 46
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Förster, Larissa 118
Fortuna, Paulo Jaime 110
Fortune, George 121, 124,
143, 166
Fourche, J.A.T. 95
Fourie, David J. 116
França, Henrique Matias
Elias 151
Frank, William 47
Franken, Marjorie Ann 57
Fraser, Donald 108, 109
Freeman-Greenville, G.S.P.
Frenssen, Gustave 118
Friedrich, Christoph 57
Frieke-Kappers, Claertje 43
Frost, Mary 104
Fuentes, Jesus 68
Funnell, Barry John 110, 111
Fuze, Magema kaMagwaza
Fynn, Henry Francis 143
Gabati, J.-M. 24
Gaborone, M.R. 128
Gachon, J.-B. 21
Gadi, Bamba 69
Gafaranga, Joseph 79
Gaines, Richard 160
Gandija, Daniel 124
Gansemans, J. 79, 97, 100
Gaokgorwe, B.R. 128
Garmijn, Jules 96
Gatsheni see NdlovuGatsheni, S.J.
Gauthusi, S.L. 124
Gelfand, Michael 121
Gerard, J. 40
Gérard, Albert S. 166
Gerlach, Luther P. 48
Gerrits, Trudie 113
Gewald, Jan-Bart 116, 118,
Gill, Virginia 138, 147
Gilmour, Rachael 166
Githinji, Peter 44, 53
Githiora, Chege 53
Glassman, Jonathon Philip
57, 66
Gleerup, Edv. 70
Gleisner, Karin 57
Gluckman, Max 138, 143,
Goethem, E. van 35
Göhring, Heinz 97
Gomes, Feby Victor 124
Gonzales, Ashley 121
Good, Adolphus Clemens 18
Good, Albert Irwin 15, 18, 19
Good, Charles M. 44
Goot, Erik van der 63
Goslin, B. du P. 128
Gossiaux, P. 43
Goto, Tadahisa 166
Grainger, Karen 152
Grauwe, Jan de 71
Gray, John Milner 46, 57, 66
Green, Maia 67
Greenville see FreemanGreenville, G.S.P.
Greggio, G. 25
Grévisse, F. 100, 102
Grigorieva, Tamara 166
Grobler, Gerhardus M.M.
Groenewald, H.C. 143
Groenewald, P.S. 128, 129,
Grollemund, Rébecca 23
Gromova, Nelly
Vladimirovna 57
Grunne, Bernard de 104
Guadagna, Florinda 57
Guamba, Francisco Penicela
Guennec-Copens, Françoise
le 65
Gugushe, R.N. 152
Guillaume, M. 97
Guille-Escuret, Georges 28
Guillerme, L. 104
Guiloviça, Pascoal 151
Guirrugo, Osvaldo Carlos
Guthrie, Malcolm 20
Gutmann, Bruno 45
Gwaravanda, Ephraim 121
Gxilishe, D. Sandile 138, 155
Haasbroek, F.T. 126, 166
Habiyakare 79
Habyarimana, Hilaire 79
Hadebe, S.B. 143
Hagendorens, J. 36
Hahn, G.H. 117
Hahn, Johannes Theophilus
Haingura, Paulinus 89, 90,
91, 116, 118
Hale, Asa 57
Hall, Linda 143, 157
Hamberger, Alois 102
Hambly, Wilfrid Dyson 44,
83, 115
Hamilton, John Taylor 166
Hammond-Tooke, W. David
136, 145
Hanneforth, Thomas 81, 157
Hanson, Holly 83
Harjula, Raimo 46
Harpending, Henry C. 120
Harries, Lyndon [Pritchard]
Harrison, Anette Renée 30
Hartnell, William is Dr Who
Harushimana, Gaspard 78
Hauenstein, Alfred 88, 115
Hawthorne, W.D. 46
Haydon, E.S. 83
Haywood, Arthur Hubert
Wightwick 64
Heald, Suzette 166
Hebga, Meinrad 15, 18
Hecklinger, Ph. 15
Hedinger, Robert 14
Heepe, Martin 166
Heerden, Charl van 152
Heine, Bernd 57
Heins, Barbara 110
Heins, John H. 110, 111, 158
Heintze, Beatrix 101
Hekken, P.M. 104
Henderson, Brent 31, 76, 83,
105, 155, 160
Hendrikse, A.P. 138, 152
Hennings, Helene 160
Henrichsen, Dag 118, 119
Henriques, Andrade 148, 149
Henriques, Júlio 113
Hensey, Andrew Fitch 35
Henson, Bonnie J. 19
Hertefelt, Marcel d’ 79, 167
Heusch, Luc de 35, 36
Hexham, Irving 143
Heyse, Théodore 167
Heywood, Annemarie 118
Higgins, Christina 57
Hillewaert, Sarah 63
Hinawy, Mbarak bin Ali 65
Hino, Shun’ya 57, 58
Hirsch, Susan F. 58
Hirschberg, Walter 58
Hochegger, Herrmann 26
Hoffman, Mika Christine 64,
79, 109, 135
Hoffmann, Anette 118
Holladay, Virginia 96
Holt, Basil 138
Hombert, Jean-Marie 27, 167
Hone, Ilse 167
Honwana, Carlos Luís dos
Santos 150
Horrell, Muriel 152
Hughes, Richard 65
Hulstaert, Gustaaf 35, 38
Hunt, K.J. 46
Hurreiz, Sayyid Hamid 58
Hurskainen, Arvi 167
Hurwitz, Nathan 152
Hussein, Ebrahim 58, 167
Huysman, Alfred 38
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Hyams, Nina 56, 157
Hyman, Larry Michael 160
Ibalico, Marcel 24
Ibara, Yvon Pierre Ndongo
Ignat, Camelia 63
Ilunga, Mwenzemi 97
Inskeep, Ray R. 163
Iraki see Kang’ethe-Iraki,
Ireland, William 143
Irira, S.D. 58
Issa see Racine-Issa, Odile
Ittmann, Johannes 14
Izai, B.D. 31
Ize-Sense, I.N.K. 31
Jacobs, Joannes 36
Jacobs, John 36, 71, 97
Jacobson-Widding, Anita 69,
123, 124
Jadin, Louis 167
Jadot, J.-M. 38
Jafta, D.N. 138
Jafta, Lizo Doda 143
Jairazbhoy see CatlinJairazbhoy, Amy
Jak, J. 39
Jali see Mali-Jali, Nomfundo
Janmohamed, K.K. 65
Jayasuriya, Shihan de Silva
Jerrard, R. 58
Jesus, José 115
Jobart, A. 101
Joffe, David 63, 133, 134,
Joffe, P. 63
Johnes, Arthur James 69, 73
Johnston, Harry Hamilton
20, 164
Jolles, Frank 144
Jolles, Stephen 144
Jones, A. 46
Jones, A.M. 58
Jones, Neville 147
Jonghe, Edouard de 69
José, Amaro 76, 102, 110
José, António Alí 113
José, Orlando 149
Joyce, T. Athol 75
Kabadjov, Mijail 63
Kabamba, Nkamany A.
Baleme 93, 160
Kabasele, F. 98
Kabengele, Munanga 100
Kaburu, Wilfred 48
Kadetodad, N.K. 54
Kadyamusuma, McLoddy
Rutendo 122
Kagaragu, Ntabaza 77
Kagaya, Ryohei 84
Kahigi, Kulikoyela
Kanalwanda 46, 49
Kaji, Shigeki 82
Kalamba, A. 25
Kalema, Abanda wa 101, 158
Kalemashe-Monshe, I. 31
Kallaway, Jackie 152, 153,
Kallaway, Peter 152, 153,
Kamanzi, A. 84
Kamugisha, J. 113
Kamugunga, Callixte 79
Kamwiziku, Wozol’Apangi
Kandapaera, K. 119
Kandjou, M. 119
Kang’ethe-Iraki, Frederick
Kannemeyer, Henry Daniel
Kanyoro, Rachel Msimbi
Angogo 86
Kaotozu, K.K. 120
Kaphagawani, D.N.N. 109
Kappers see Frieke-Kappers,
Kasombo, Michael 99
Kasonde, Alexander
Raymond Makasa 105
Katesi, Yime-Yime 27
Katushemererwe, Fridah 81,
Katwebe, Mwenze 100
Kaumba, Lufunda Samajiku
Kavari, Jekura Uaurika 89,
90, 91, 116, 118, 155
Kawasha, Boniface Kaumba
88, 89, 100, 101
Kazadi, Ntolé 100
Kazwala, Mayanga 75
Keach see Barrett-Keach,
Camillia [Nevada]
Keach, N. 58, 157
Kebiditswe, K. 120
Kebonang, Boammaruri
Bahumi 120
Kekana, Thupana Solomon
Kele see Ngule-Kele, A.
Keller, I. 14
Kenstowicz, Michael J. 76
Kente, Maria G. 158
Kenyatta, J. 44
Kerken, Georges van der 35
Kerr, Reynold C. 88
Kerr, Telkin 141
Kershner, Tiffany Lynne 157
Kesel, P. de 78
Key, Michael Parrish 103
Kezilahabi, Euphrase 58
Khama, Tshekedi 131
Khambale, Balinandi 76
Khamisi, Abdu Mtajuka 167
Khoali, T.B. 126, 138
Khonde see ThambaKhonde, A.A.
Khonde, Kingiela 71
Khonde, Mvumbi 71
Khoza, Nosizi Cordelia 149
Khuala, Mvumbi 71
Khumalo, James Steven
Mzilikazi 144, 158, 160
Khumalo, Langa 147
Kiala, Ngoma 74
Kiango, John G. 52, 58, 167
Kibanga, M. 26
Kidd, Dudley 135, 141
Kihore, Yared Magori 58, 87
Kikama, Kividi 26
Kimani, V. 44
Kimper, Wendell A. 108
Kimpesa, N. 98
King’ey, Kitula Geoffrey 53,
58, 61
King, William Ross 138
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta 15,
18, 22
Kinoti, Hannah W. 44
Kipacha, Ahmad 66
Kirk, Lorraine 44
Kirsch, Beverley 138
Kitenge, A. 101
Bonaventure 71
Kiyomi, Setsuko 160
Klopper, S. 41
Knappert, Jan 58, 59, 65
Kobia, John 53
Kodesh, Neil 83
Koloma, Matongi 34
Koloni, Jean 39
Komati, Priscilla Refiloe 126
Komba, James J. 107
Kongolo, M.M. 97
Kooagile, T.A. 131
Koopman, Adrian 144, 158
Kopytoff, Igor 74
Kotsane, S.J. 129
Kotzé, Albert E. 126
Koumba see NdingaKoumba-Binza, Steve
Kraal, Peter 113
Kraska-Szlenk, Iwona 59
Kresse, Kai 59
Kröger, Heidrum 33, 35, 44,
49, 106, 114
Kröger, Oliver 113, 114
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Kropacek, Lubos 167
Kros, Cynthia Joy 153
Kruger, D. 139
Kruger, W.J. 139
Krüger, Casper J.H. 126
Krüger, Susanne 103
Krumm, Bernhard 112
Kubik, Gerhard 68, 89, 92
Kuhenga, Casimiri 59
Kula, Nancy Chongo 105
Kumbi-Kumbi, Kahanga
Félicien 88, 101
Kumbirai, J.C. 122
Kun, Nicholas de 41, 44
Kunkala, Nsamne Manzal’a
Kuper, Hilda [Beemer] 147
Kuse, W. 139
Kuswani, N.E.T. 124
Kutsch Lojenga, Connie
[Constance] 40, 103
Kuzwayo, Ellen 126
Kwanda see KivangaKwanda, Bonaventure
Kwenda, Chirevo 125, 138,
142, 147, 149, 152, 166
Kwetana, W.M. 153
Kyallo, Florence M. 64
Kyankenge, M. Kita 41
Labaere, Raphael Hubert 36
Laband, John 144
Lacerda see Almeida,
Francisco José Maria de
Ladzani, K.Y. 125
Lafon, Michel 67, 122, 124,
Laisse, Isaura 148
Laitinen, Arto 90
Lambert, H.E. 65
Lamberty, Melinda 15
Lame, Danielle de 79, 167
Lamula, Petros 144
Langa, David 149
Langa, Julieta
Machimuassana 149
Langa, Pércida Albino 114
Lanham, Leonard Walter 167
Larsson, Rolf 46
Lategan, Martha Margrietha
90, 91
Lau, Brigitte 118
Lawry, J.M. 44
Laydevant, F. 135
Lazaro, Cosmo Ambokile 59
Leach, Rhoda Martyn 113
Lebeuf, Jean-Paul 29
Lechani, A.N. 124
Lecoste, Baudouin 40, 41
Lee, Seunghun J. 149
Legère, Karsten 53, 59, 160
Lehuard, Eric 88
Lehuard, Raoul 71
Leidener, Rosmarie 17
Leitch, Myles Francis 27
Lenake, J.M. 133, 167
Lepekoane, P.M. 132
Lepine, Richard 59, 168
Lere, K.L. 129
Letsatsi, R.B. 129, 130
Letshama 126
LeVine, Robert A. 86
Lewanika, Godwin A.
Mbikusita 89, 105, 106
Liénart, G. 160
Lietard, L. 96
Lijongwa, Chiku 67
Lima, A. Mesquitela 101
Lindfors, Anna-Lena 102,
Linton, Pauline 24, 155
Linville, Marlene S. 88
Liolo, Olo-o-Bia 34
Lipson, D.L. 131
Lloyd, David 88
Lobho-lwa-Djugudjugu 82
Lockhart, L. 126
Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf 54,
Lodhi, Mohamed Y. 168
Lojenga see Kutsch Lojenga,
Lola, Nicolas Djomo 36
Lombardi, Linda 44
Lomonde, Shosola 37
Longoya, Djongondo 37
Loueya see Pambo-Loueya,
Louw, Jacobus Abraham 135,
139, 155, 157
Louwrens, Louis J. 139, 168
Love, Alison 122
Lowe, Ivan 21
Lucas, Ph. 98
Lufua see Tsiku-Lufua, Body
Lufuluabo, François-Marie
Lugira, A.M. 83
Luhangu, D. 74
Lukusa, Stephen T.M. 120,
Lumembu, Léonard Kasanda
Luna, Kathryn de 106
Luphondo, Nobuhle Beauty
Lusakalalu, Pedro 69, 90,
115, 116, 118, 158
Lusekelo, Amani 59
Lyndon, Ada 115
Lyndon, Chris 115
Maartens, Jeanne 142
Mabona, Mongameli 135
Mabunda, Elisabeth Rogério
Mac... see also Mc...
Macaba, Fátima João 149
MacGonacle, Elizabeth 124
Machobane, ’Malillo
[Morolong] Matshepo
Machungoe, Raimundo Saula
Pinto 114
Mackenrodt, Lisa 59
MacLean, D.A. 96
Maclin, Alice N. 59
MacMillan, W.M. 131
Macmillan, Hugh 147
Macuácuá, Túnia Isabel 148
MacWilliam, Anita [Sister]
Madiba, M.R. 125
Madiya, Clémentine FaïkNzuji 160
Madulu, Ndalahwa F. 49
Madumulla, J.S. 168
Maes, Joseph 41, 92, 98
Maes, R. 100
Maesen, Albert 93, 96, 100
Mafema, C. 75
Mafili, Ipo-Abelela 31
Mafouta, Izenzama 74
Mafwanikisa 74
Magaia, João Almeida 149,
Maggs, Tim M. O’C. 153,
Magwa, Wiseman 122
Mahend, Betind Pierre Libère
Mahieu, Wauthier de 40, 73
Mahlalela-Thusi, B. 140
Maho, Jouni Filip 157, 164,
Maile, M.L. 168
Mair, Lucy P. 83
Maislin, Joshua 108
Makalebo, N. 31
Makasso, EmmanuelMoselly 16
Makgamatha, Phaka M. 129
Makhambeni, Marjorie N.
Makhiwa, G. 131
Makumbi, Boniface 89, 90,
91, 116, 118
Makuya, T.N. 125
Malan, Stephanus I. 153, 168
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Malderen, A. van 98, 100
Malepe, Adam Tsele 126,
Mali-Jali, Nomfundo 139
Malikongwa, Albert G.T.K.
Malimabe-Ramagoshi, R.M.
Malinga, R.M.M. 139, 155
Mandemwo, P. 72
Mandiangu, Miba Masangani
Manfoumbi see MickalaManfoumbi, Roger
Mangulu, André Motingea
28, 29, 30, 35
Manjate, Maria de Fátima
Manji, Ambreena 84
Manker, Ernst 72
Mankutu, Ngango 69
Mantuba-Ngoma, Mabiala 71
Manuel, Elsa Catarina de
Nobre Carlos 124, 155
Manyeula, A. 130
Mapara, Jacob 122
Maphike, P.R.S. 133, 135
Marawu, Sithembele 139
Maret, Pierre de 98
Marivate, Cornelius T.D.
149, 150, 168
Marks, Shula 144
Marlo, Michael R 86
Marten, Lutz 59, 105, 118,
147, 155
Martin, Esmond Bradley 64,
Masabo see Tumbo-Masabo,
Zubeida N. Zuberi
Masaka, Dennis 121
Mashamaite, K.J. 153
Mashiri, Pedzisai 122
Mashiyane, Z.J. 134, 137
Masinyana, Sibabalwe Oscar
Masondo, T.Z. 144
Massamba, David Phineas
Bhukanda 59, 85, 168
Massimaculo, Pedro Alberto
Masson, Paul 78
Masuka, A. 24
Mathangwane, Joyce
Thambole 91, 103
Mathibidi, N. 131
Mathivha, Tshiila Patrick
153, 164
Mathonsi, Nhlanlha N. 144
Mathumba, Isaac D. 146, 150
Mati, P.X. 140
Matota, H. 69
Matsoro, Mitonde 76
Matthe, Marcus 88
Matthews, Z.K. 129
Matthys, L.M.S. 132
Mauka, Mathe Bulalo 76
Maurer, Evan M. 104
Maurice, M. 102
Mausolf, Elisabeth 86
Mautle, Gaontlatlhe 131, 132
Maveiev, V.V. 59
Mavoungou, Paul Achille 69
Maw, Joan 59
Mawomo, Kenneth 122
Mayer, Raymond 27
Mayevu, G.S. 150
Maynard, C.L. 141
Mayola, Mavunza Lwanga
37, 98
Mayr, Gernot 88
Mazalo, Claudina 151
Mazongelo, Libongo-Nday
30, 160
Mazrui, Alamin M. 59
Mazrui, Ali A. 59
Mazrui, E.C. Orchardson 47,
Mbaabu, Ireri 60
Mbadi, Lucas Mtutuzeli 139,
Mbadu, Kikhela 71
Mbaka, Makinda 38, 158
Mbandi, Esongi Pape 33, 34,
158, 159
Mbata, Raphael 89, 90, 91,
116, 118
Mbatha, Thabile 139
Mbatiah, Mwenda 60
Mbele, Joseph L. 60
Mbembe see Ngonga-KeMbembe, Hubert
Mbenzi, Petrus 89, 90, 91,
116, 118
Mbiavanga, Fernando 72
Mbolokala, Imbuli 35
Mbonyinkebe, Sebahire 92
Mbori, Bob John Obwang’i
Mbughuni, Patricia 60
Mbuya, T.M. 131
Mbwanga, Mayinga Mpasi
Mc... see also Mac...
McCorriston, Megan 79
Mchombo, Sam A. 109
McPherson, Laura 83
Mdee, James Salehe 60, 85
Medeiros, Carlos Laranjo
Meeussen, Achille Emiel 168
Meeuwis, Michael 30, 33,
157, 168
Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich]
[Michael] 47, 48, 49, 51,
52, 60, 112, 114, 168
Melaku-Tjirongo, E. 117
Melembe, Ema Julieta 150
Menda see Azombo-Menda,
Merriam, Alan Pankhurst 93,
Mertens, Frans 71
Mertens, Joseph 69, 70
Merwe, W.J. van der 122
Mestach, Jean Willy 94
Mesthrie, Rajend 139
Meurant, Georges 38
Mfoutou, Jean-Alexis 68
Mhlambi, Innocentia
Jabulisile 144
Miasuekama, L. 70
Mickala-Manfoumbi, Roger
Micklem, James 54
Midello, R.M.O. 58
Miers, Suzanne 47, 48
Miescher, Giorgio 116, 119,
Mikaba, A. Pulu 92
Milimo, J.T. 89, 101, 105,
106, 108, 109, 111, 122
Mills, Sarah 152
Milubi, N.A. 125
Mini, Buyiswa Mavis 140
Miranda, Nelpódio Anselmo
Miriongi, Wasilwa 30
Misenga, Nkongolo 96
Misha, D. wa 72, 156
Mitilela, Rosa da Conceição
Reny João 113, 156
Mjema, Salome 52
Mkanganwi, Kumbirai G.
Mkangi, Katama 47, 48, 60
Mkochi, Winfred 108
Mlacha, Shaaban A.K. 60
Mmari, G.R.V. 60
Mmipi, O. 129
Mngqibisa, Mandla Daniel
Mochiwa, Zakaria S.M. 52
Mockford, Julian 131
Modjumvela, A.A. 31
Moeng, B.E.M. 131, 132
Moephuli, I.M. 133
Mogodi, M.P. 134
Moiane, Cândida 150
Mokaka, Mwa Bomunga 33
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Mokeba see MukokoMokeba, Magnus P.
Mokgokong, Pothinus C.
129, 169
Mokhoane, Mpapa 135
Mokhonoana, Nelly 144, 169
Mokobe, Njoku 34
Mokopela, Rachel Mmele
Mokrani, Soraya 22
Mokuba, M. Ipan 39
Molelu, G.B. 134
Molepo, M.M. 127
Molin, S. 37
Molino, A. Martin del 15
Möller, Peter August 70
Molosiwa, Annah 127
Momanyi, Clara 60
Monaka, K.C. 132
Monama, Mbui 28
Mondzo, J.C. 23
Monsengo, Osantwene 31,
Monyatsi, P.P. 147
Moodley, Dianna Lynette
Mooko, Theophilus 131
Moolman, M.M.K. 144, 157
Morapedi, Setumile 127
Moreau, R.E. 60
Moreno, Albertina das Dores
Gonçalves 150, 151
Moritz, Walter 169
Morlighem, H. 95
Morrison, Michelle 67
Mortier, P. Rodolf 28
Mosarwe, K.M. 129
Moser, Rupert R. 60, 107,
Mosothwane, M.N. 130
Mosugelo, L. 132
Motima, Kebashuni Ntua 31
Motingea see Mangulu,
André Motingea
Motlaloso, S.G.R. 120
Mpeke, [Baba] Simon 16
Mphasha, Lekau Eleazar 133
Mpiranya, Fidèle 80
Mpolweni, Nosisi Lynette
Mpongo, Laurent 32
Mpongo, Mpoto Mamba 32
Mreta, Abel Yamwaka 51, 87
Mrikaria, George 46
Msimang, Christian Themba
126, 135, 136, 137, 144,
147, 153, 169
Msindo, Enocent 124, 148
Mtavangu, Norbert B. 67,
Mtenje, Al[fred] D. 91, 103,
Mtesigwa, Peter C.K. 60
Mtuze, P.T. 139
Mualava, Hugo 115
Mucanheia, Francisco
Ussene 115
Mucussete, José Adamo 114
Mudiasa see BamuinikileMudiasa, S.
Mudiji, Malamba Gilombe
92, 93
Mudiji, Malamba Th. 92
Mue-Nlimba 71
Mufuta, Kabemba 96
Muganda, Robert 89, 90, 91,
116, 118
Muhasha, Mihigi ya 91
Mujaki, Ahmad 60
Mujinga-Tshiala, Mbuyi 98
Mukalay, Elvire Gladys
Kisimba 98
Mukendji, Mbandakulu 96
Mukoko-Mokeba, Magnus
P. 14
Mulago, Vincent 78, 79, 80
Mulamba, Kashama 96
Mulamba, Mutatayi 38
Mulaudzi, S. 125
Muleya, M. 125
Muleya, S.R. 125
Mulokozi, Mugyabuso
Muchumbuzi 61
Muluwa, Joseph Koni 25, 26,
Munday, Mulopo Mandy 74
Mundeke, Léon Pierre
[Otom’si-Ebok] 25, 27,
31, 70
Murdoch, Cathy 98
Murdock, George Peter 163
Muriungu, Peter 45
Murphy, Emmett Jefferson
Murrell, Paul 21
Musau, Paul Muthoka 58,
Musehane, N.M. 125
Mutambwa, Mulumbwa 105
Mutuza, R.E. 41
Muzale, Henry R.T. 84, 160,
Mvuala, Mvondo 70
Mvungi, M.V. 61
Mwamba, Ngwesse 98
Mwamba, Patrice 98, 100
Mwansoko, Hermas J.M. 61,
Mwene-Batende 40
Mweshida, Johanna 116, 159
Mweze, Chirhulwire Nkingi
78, 169
Mwila, M. 71
Mwita, George J. 169
Myers, Garth 61
Myers, Scott P. 79
Mzolo, D. 144, 145
Mzwinila, M.M. 129
Nabirye, Minah 84, 156
Nagler, Louise 102, 103
Nahayo, Sylvia 83
Naidoo, Shamila 145
Nairenge, Karel 89, 90, 91,
116, 118
Nakayiza, Judith 83
Nakazima, Hisashi 61
Nakijoba, Sarah 83
Namuandi, M. 117
Nange, Kudita wa Sesemba
Nangu, Bongiwe B. 139
Nascimento, Antonio Elias
Nassau, Robert Hamill 15,
16, 18, 22
Nasukawa, Kuniya 103
Nazombe, Anthony J.M. 109
Ndalu, Ahmed E. 61
Ndapassoa, António Teodoro
Miguel 111
Nderitu, Sam 61
Hugues Steve 69
Ndjovu, André Nguwo 37
Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S.J. 148
Ndonga, Mfuwa 89
Ndukutea, I.O. 32
Ndungane, T.A. 140
Ndungangu, Crisanto Daúdi
Neethling, Siebert Jacob 139,
Newitt, Malyn D.D. 61
Newman, Bonnie 47, 157
Newman, John F. 47, 157
Neyt, François 93, 100
Ngabo see Bizige-Ngabo,
Ngatshi, Kamvudi 25
Ngcangca, D.J.M. 133
Ngcongwane, S.D. 136, 145
Ngila, Bompeti 33
Ngimbi, Nseka 70
Ngindu, Alphonse 96
Ngindu, Mushete 41
Ngoma see Mantuba-Ngoma,
Ngoma, Ferdinand 70
Ngoma-Binda 72
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Hubert 38
Ngonyani, Deogratias S. 160
Ngoyagoye, E. 80
Ngozi, Isaya Makungu ma
Nguema-Obam, Paulin 18
Ngugi, P.M.Y. 169
Ngule-Kele, A. 32
Ngwako, O.N. 132, 134
Nhacota, Eugenio 151
Nhantumbo, Nelsa João 151,
Nhaombe, Henrique Ernesto
Nhlekisana, Rosaleen
Oabona Brankie 127
Niamadjomi, L. 32
Nicolle, Steve M. 48, 61, 157
Niekerk, B.J. van 132
Niemandt, J.J. 153, 169
Nihoro, Manuel 114
Njozi, Hamza Mustafa 61
Nkabinde, A.C. 145
Nkiere, Mpa-Osu Bokuna 32
Nkolola, Mildred Wakumelo
89, 90, 91, 116, 118
Nkondo, Curtis P.N. 153
Nlandu, MunangeyeN’Kanza 70
Noble, John 153
Nogueira, Rodrigo de Sá 169
Nollevaux, Jules 100
Nombora, Augusto Fernando
Noronha, L.A. 61
Nsimbi, Michael B. 83
Ntahombaye, P. 80
Ntawurishira, L. 80
Ntiro, S.J. 45
Ntondo, Zavoni 88
Ntsan’wisi, Hudson W.
Ephraim 145, 150
Ntsukunyane, T.V. 153
Ntuli, D.B.Z. 145, 169
Ntumba, Kabela Cici
Kosakante 98
Nurse, Derek 169
Nyagah, Judith W. 44
Nyaigotti-Chacha, Chacha 61
Nyamupachitu, J.T.M. 124
Nyasani, Joseph Major 86
Nyelegba, B. 159
Nyeme, J.A. 37
Nyika, Nicholus 122
Nyota, Shimurai 122
Nzang Bie, Yolande 17, 18,
27, 156
Nziem, Isidore Ndaywel è 27
Nzogi, Richard 84
Nzuji see Faik-Nzuji, M.
Nzunga, Michaël P.K. 53
Nzuzi, Bibaki 72
Nzwaligwa, L.K.J. 124
Nzwanga, Mazemba 30
O’Connell see AgarHamilton, J.A.I.
Obam see Nguema-Obam,
Obianga see Zoe-Obianga, J.
Obiero, O.J. 86
October, Michellé 140
Odden, David [Arnold] 70,
86, 112
Ogechi, Nathan Oyori 61
Ohly, Rajmund 61, 118, 169
Ojang, R.R. 129
Okhotina, Natalya
Veniaminovna 153
Ollomo Ella, Régis 19
Ombuya, Sylvia 63
Oordt, Johan Frederik van
Opland, Jeff 140
Orshoven, J. van 32
Osborne, Myles 45
Osman, Abdul Kandary 124
others 55
Otlogetswe, Thapelo Joseph
Otolino, Armindo 111
Ottenheimer, Martin 67
Otterloo, Karen van 81
Otterloo, Roger van 81
Ouzilleau, [Dr] 21, 28, 29
Ownby, Carolyn Postma 107,
136, 140, 145, 147
Owomoyela, Oyekan 122
Paas, Steven 109
Packard, Randall Matthews
Pages, A. 79
Pahl, Herbert Walter 140
Pak, Marjorie 83
Pakenham, R.W.H. 61
Pambo-Loueya, ConstantFélix 23
Pampalk, Josef 111
Pankhurst, Richard K.P. 54
Paola, Monica de 63
Papels, Georg 70
Parkin, David J. 61
Pasi see Bongo-Pasi, Moke
Paster, Mary 83
Patel, Jayanti K. 54
Pathak, Achyut Ramkrishna
Paulo, Pedro Cecílio 151
Pauw, Berthold Adolf 127
Pauw, Guy de 44, 45, 61, 62,
96, 125, 133
Pavan, Adalberto 160
Peace, K. 82
Peak, R. 62
Peeraer, Servaas 98
Peeters, Edward 30
Penn, Claire 169
Pennington, Renée 120
Perron, P. 23
Peters, J. 98
Peterson, Derek 169
Petit, Pierre 94
Petridis, Constantine 94
Pettersson, Olaf 153
Petty, Robert 125, 138, 142,
147, 149, 152, 166
Petzell, Malin 51
Pfister, G.F. 49
Phaahla, Pinkie 133
Pharo, S. 125
Phasha, Maction Nkgoropo
Philippart, L. 70
Philippe, R. 33
Phillips, H.Y. 129
Phillips, Howard 169
Phorano, G. 129
Phukubje, Mapitsi Elizabeth
Pienaar, A.M. 140
Pieraerts, A. 96
Pierpoint, J. du 75
Pilaszewicz, Stanislaw 169
Plaen, Guy de 26, 37, 41
Plancquaert, M. 74
Plane, Mark 44, 165
Plesner, Margaret 104
Plessis, J.A. du 140, 156, 157
Plüddemann, Peter 139, 140
Poland, Marguerite 145
Poll, J.D.P. van der 135, 169
Pondeca, Américo Zavala 151
Pongo, Kivula 75, 98
Pongweni, Alec J.C. 122, 159
Porter, Karen Ann 51
Porter, Mary Ann 62
Posthumus, Lionel C. 145,
156, 157
Pota, P.P. 109, 112
Pouliquen, Bruno 63
Poulos, George 138, 152
Pouwels, Randall L. 62
Pretorius, Laurette 135, 142
Pretorius, Willem Jacobus
129, 133
Prins, Adriaan Hendrik
Johan 62, 64, 65, 169
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus 96,
129, 130, 133, 134, 156
Prinsloo, Karel P. 167, 169
Proepper, Michael 92, 170
Pruitt, William Franklin 101
Puèch, Gilbert 21
Qangule, S.Z. 140, 170
Qorro, Martha P. 62
Quella, Peter 135
Raab, Klaus 62
Racine-Issa, Odile 62
Radebe, M.A. 145
Ramagoshi see MalimabeRamagoshi, R.M.
Rametse, M.S. 129
Ramiro, Armando Artur 111
Ramsay, Jeff 132
Ramsden, F.L. 92
Rananga, Ntshengedzeni
Collins 125
Ranger, Terence O. 144
Rantao, Paul Mmolotsi 127
Rantshabeng, Collen K.L.
Raper, Peter Edmund 153,
Raphalalani, Matodzi
Rebecca 125
Raponda Walker, André 27
Ratsoma, N. 127
Ratsoma, Naledi 127
Raubenheimer, Rita I. 130,
Raum, Otto Friedrich 145
Raymond, Ohonde Ochieng
Reagan, Timothy G. 153
Redelinghuys, Hermanus
Jacobus 127
Redhina, J. 88
Redinha, José 159
Redmayne, Alison H. 67
Regnault, M. 28
Reid see Donley-Reid, Linda
Revington, T.M. 62, 66
Reynolds, Barrie 89
Rheinallt Jones, John David
Ribeiro, Rosa Maria de Lima
Rice, Mary 119
Richard, Madeleine 15
Richard, Phanuel 130
Richards, Audrey I. 83
Ricquier, Birgit 15, 19, 22,
160, 162
Riedel, Kristina 51, 156, 159,
Riel, F. van 37, 41
Rijone, Maria Helena João
Rizzo, Lorena 119, 168
Roberts see Davis-Roberts,
Roberts, Allen F. 98, 104
Roberts, Mary H. Nooter 98
Roberts, Simon 127, 130
Robertson, J.H. 163
Robinson, A.M. Lewin 154,
Rocca, Leo Della 63
Roden, D. 159
Rodrigues, Célia Maria da
Conceição 151
Rolleston, Ian H.O. 66
Rollins, Jack D. 63
Romão, Paulo Carlos 148,
Rooyen, P.H. van 90, 91
Rop, Albert Jozef de 37
Roscoe, John 81, 82, 84, 85
Rosendal, Tove 79, 80, 83,
Rosny, Eric de 15
Rossignon, [?] 39
Rothfuss, Eberhard 119
Roux, J.C. le 127
Roux, Jurie Charles le 127
Roy, H. van 74
Roy-Campbell, Zaline
Makini 63
Rubagumya, Cashmir M. 81
Rubanza, Yunus Ismail 46,
84, 85, 157
Rudwick, Stephanie 145
Ruel, M.D. 86
Ruffo, Christopher K. 45, 48,
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 63, 67,
68, 81, 85, 87, 103, 104,
107, 109, 111, 112, 113
Rugemalira, Josephat
Muhozi 46, 84, 158, 160,
161, 169, 170
Rusimbuka, J.M. Ngoboka
Russell, A. 46
Rutaagi, Robert K. 63
Rutasiyire, Antoine 80
Ruzindana, Mathias 80
Rwantabagu, Herménégilde
Rwechungura, Gabriel R. 63
Ryckmans, André 72, 74
Saberwal, Satish 45
Salim, Ahmed Idha 63
Samain, Alidoor 96
Samper, David Arthur 53
Samuzala, C. 92
Sanoto, R. 134
Santos jnr, J.R. dos 109, 110,
Satyo, Sizwe C. 140, 156
Savory, Phyllis 154
Schadeberg, Thilo C. 162
Schapera, Isaac 126, 127,
130, 131, 132, 137, 170
Schebesta, Paul Joachim 36,
40, 42, 43, 111
Schellenberg, Murray 122
Scherer, J.H. 81
Scheub, Harold 140, 145,
154, 170
Scheven, Albert 63
Schmidl, Marianne 161
Schoenberger, Paul 49, 159
Schrag, Norm 70
Schroeder, Leila 161
Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de
44, 45, 61, 62, 63, 84, 96,
125, 127, 133, 134, 145,
152, 156, 170
Schuchardt, Hugo 115
Schumann, Carl 104
Schuring, Gerhard K. 154
Schutte, A.G. 125
Schwab, George 16
Schwegler, Armin 68
Schweizer, B. 26
Scudder, Thayer 106
Sechele, G.K. 130
Sefo, Artur Ernesto 148
Segerer, Guillaume 162
Seibt, Uta 146
Seidel, Frank 90, 91, 92, 120,
Seifert, Marc 90
Sekgwama, J.Z. 132, 134
Sekhoela, William
Godwright 134
Sekhukhune, Phatudi D. 130
Seleça, Candido David 151
Selemane, Abdul 115
Selvaggi, G. 25
Sendwe, Jason 99
Sense see Ize-Sense, I.N.K.
Serefete, O. 120
Serudu, S.M. 154, 170
Setiloane, Gabriel M. 126
Sewangi, Seleman Simon 46,
63, 86
Shairi, Kala 63
Shariff, Ibrahim Noor 57, 63
Shaw, William 140
Shepherd, Gill 67
Sheward, Deborah 153, 167
Shillington, Kevin 132
Shilongo, Teressia N. 117
Shiozaki, Lisa 108, 156
Shoba, F.M. 140
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Shole, J.S. 127
Shongedza, Ignatiana 123
Shongo, Longengo 37
Shrum, Jeffery 114
Shrum, Margaret 114
Sibanda, Galen 136
Sibanda, Mandla 152
Sillans, Roger 23
Silva, Janine Félix da 89
Silva, Oziel Marques da 88
Simbe, Dionísio 111
Simelane, Bhekithemba
Doctor 140
Simola, Raisa 116
Simon, J. 26
Sindima, Harvey J. 109
Sineke, Thembela Gloria 140,
Sinyangwe, I. Maimbolwa
Sitoe, Zacarias André 150
Skorge, Silvia 138
Smet, Alfons Jozef 170
Smith, Pierre 80
Smith, Robert 170
Smith, Thornley 127, 140
Snoxall, Ronald A. 171
Solarsh, Barbara 145
Solomon, T.J. 96
Sombhane, Mihloti Penelope
Somlata, Zakhile 140
Sousberghe, Léon de 32, 93
Spalding see DentonSpalding, Claire
Spellig, F. 49
Sperling, D.C. 47, 48
Splansky, J.B. 82
Sporcq, J. 42
Staden, Paul Michael
Siegfried von 146
Stafford, J.E. 137
Stam, N. 84, 85
Stambach, Amy 45
Stanley, B.H. 120
Stappers, Leo 94, 96
Starwalt, Coleen Grace
Anderson 14, 28, 29, 76,
81, 161
Stefaniszyn, Bronislaw 105
Stegen, Oliver 50
Steinberger, Ralf 63
Steinbergs, Aleksandra 117
Steiner, F.B. 46
Stephens, Rhiannon 84
Storme, R.P.M. 25
Storms, A. 96
Storoshenko, Dennis Ryan
Stover, Wesley Maier 116
Strassner, Monica 144, 169
Ström, Eva-Marie 111, 156
Struyf, P. Ivo 70, 88
Strycker, L. 100
Stuart, James 146
Sturgis, Theodore Gilbert
Suege, Iza Luís 115, 156
Sulude, João António 115
Summers, Carol 123
Sundberg, W. 32
Sutherland, L.S. 140, 146,
Swanepoel, C.B. 130, 154
Swanepoel, C.F. 134
Swantz, Marja-Liisa 52
Swartenbroeckx, Pierre 26
Swartz, Marc J. 65
Szlenk see Kraska-Szlenk,
Tadadjeu, Maurice 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Taibl, Agnes 44
Taljaard, P.C. 146, 150
Tanghe, J. 30
Tanner, Darren 112
Taraldsen, Knut Tarald 136
Tarugarire, J. 123
Tassa, Okombe-Lukumbu G.
Tastevin, Constant F. 116,
Taylor, Henry James 106,
Tchaúque, Hortêncio Elias
150, 156
Teil-Dautrey, Gisèle 162
Tempels, Placied 99
Tengnäs, Bo 45, 48, 49, 50,
51, 52, 53, 63, 67, 68, 81,
85, 87, 103, 104, 107, 109,
111, 112, 113
Thamba-Khonde, A.A. 72
Theal, George McCall 128,
140, 146, 154
Thema, Benjamin Cogo 128
Theuws, Théodore Jacques
A. 96, 99
Thiel, Josef Franz 27, 94
Thilmany, R. 42
Thlondhlana, Juliet 123
Thomas, Jacqueline
Mauricette Christiane 28
Thomson, T.R.H. 15
Thornell, Christina 21, 85,
Thusi see Mahlalela-Thusi,
Timmermans, P. 93, 94, 96
Tinturier see DauphinTinturier, Anne-Marie
Tjirongo see MelakuTjirongo, Etamelahu
Tobler, Judy 125, 138, 142,
147, 149, 152, 166
Toews, Carmela 123, 158
Toit, Brian M. du 136
Tolmalcheva, Marina 63
Tooke see Hammond-Tooke,
W. David
Topan, Farouk M. 63, 65
Torday, Emil 75
Townshend, Philip 63
Traill, Anthony 146
Traoré, Flavia Aiello 63, 154
Trezenem, E. 19
Troupin, Georges 80
Tsala, Théodore 18
Tshabe, Sonwabo Lungile
Tshiala see Mujinga-Tshiala,
Tshiamalenga, Ntumba 97
Tshibalabala, Ali
Kankolongo wa Mbala 97
Tshibanda, Michael
Kasombo 102
Tshibasu, Mfuadi 99
Tshido, V. 72
Tshiomba, K. 97
Tshonga, Onyumbe 37
Tshungu, Bamesa Zakama 70
Tsiku-Lufua, Body di 72
Tsinine, Felismina Ernesto
Tsiu, Moruti William 135
Tsonope, Joseph 127
Tsotetsi, Josiah Oupa Khehla
Tucker, Archibald Norman
Tulamba, Berthold Openge
Djamba wa 37
Tumbo-Masabo, Zubeida N.
Zuberi 64
Turner, B.J. 82
Turner, J. 37
Turner, Nolene S. 130
Turner, Victor W 101
Turner, Victor W. 101
Twesigye, Emmanuel K. 82
Tylleskär, K. 32
Tylleskär, Thorkild 32
Udvardy, Monica L. 47
Urcy, Anchura Aligy Abdula
Urmanchieva, Anna Yu. 112,
Utshudi, E.-D. 37
The Bantu Bibliography Supplement -- rev. to 16 oktober 2011
Utzolino, Katharina 64
Vandevivere, Omer 100
Vanhalle, G.L. 101
Vansina, Jan 38, 171
Vaz, M. Martins 72
Velde, Mark L.O. van de 17,
Velde, Mark van de 17, 156,
Velho, Felizmina Walters
Venter, Johannes Andreas
Verbeek, Leon 105
Verbeke, F. 99
Verbi, V. 48
Verschuur, A. 74
Verstraelen, F.J.J. 99
Vesely, Rima 141
Vester, H. 64, 80, 82, 84
Vezha, Vincent Munyaradzi
Viaene, Ernest 32
Viaene, L. 77
Vicente, Francisco Leonardo
Victor, António 114
Viljoen, Johannes Jurgens
Villiers, Peter A. de 138, 155
Vinck, Honoré 168
Vinton, Jim 115
Vinton, Virginia 115
Visser, Marianna W. 141
Vleugels, J. 104
Volk, Erez 47
Volz, Stephen 128
Vondo, Tshakala 74
Vondrasek, Rose 135, 159
Vorbichler, Anton 74
Vos, [Mgr] de 25
Vossen, Rainer 120, 154
Vriese, Th. de 70
Vunza, Mbay 74
Waaijenberg, Hendrik 47
Wababa, Zola 140
Wagacha, Peter Waiganjo 44,
Wainwright, Alexander
Theodore 141, 146
Wal, Jenneke van der 114,
Walker, Rachel 80
Wamala, E. 84
Wamba, Ernest Wamba dia
Wamitila, Kyallo Wadi 64
Wanger, P. Willibald 146
Wanjeri, Michael Maina 44
Wanjohi, Gerald J. 44, 45
Wärnlöf, Christofer 119, 171
Warren, Whitney 108, 158
Wastiau, Boris 88, 89
Waswandi, Ngoliko Kakule
Webb, Colin de B. 146
Webb, Victor N.[C.] 154
Wedell, H. 64
Weeks, G. 25
Weiland, N. 32
Welsh, D.J.A. 141, 148
Wemalowa, Louis 37
Wemalowa, Mbudi
Tokopanga 37
Wemboloke, Lowenga la 37
Werner, Alice 47, 64
Werner, Wolfgang 118
West, Martin 154
Westley, David 154, 171
Wetshemongo, Michel
Kamomba 37, 158
Wetshingolo, Lotanga 160
Weule, Karl 107, 112, 113,
Weyns, J. 74
Whiteley, Wilfred Howell
Whiteside, Joseph 136
Whitley, Jinean 114
Wickler, Wolfgang 146
Widding see JacobsonWidding, Anita
Widman, Ragnar 72
Wiesauer, Eva 64
Wijeyewardene, Gehan T. 64
Wilde, Zenya 52
Wilkes, A. 137, 141, 146,
Wilkes, Arnett 145
Williams, F. Lukyn 171
Willis, Justin 47, 48, 104
Willoughby, William Charles
Wing, Joseph van 70
Wit, Gerrit de 40
Woodward, Mark 102, 103
Wookey, Alfred John 128
Wratten, Darrel 125, 138,
142, 147, 149, 152, 166
Wright, John B. 146
Wright, John Lisle 100
Wyk, Egidius Benedictus van
154, 171
Wymeersch, Patrick 99
Xaba, Mnganunomuzi A. 147
Xavier, Floriano Cardoso da
Costa 110
Yablochkov, L.D. 107, 111
Yahya, Saad S. 48, 55
Yambi, Josephine 64
Yav, Ditend Meteb 102
Yenkon, [?] 32
Yoneda, Nobuko 108, 156
Zangrie, L. 44
Zara, Mfwo Bameninkie 27
Zaslavsky, Claudia 161
Zenani, Nongenile
Masithathu 141
Zerbian, Sabine 126
Ziervogel, Dirk 147, 171
Zimmermann, Wolfgang 117,
Zins, Henryk 171
Zoe-Obianga, J. 19
Zotwana, Sydney Z. 138
Zúbková see BertonciniZúbková, Elena
Zuesse, Evan M. 41
Zulu, Corrine Zandile 147
Zungu, P.J. 147
Zuure, Bernard 80, 81