The reptile zoo at school


The reptile zoo at school
Public cible
Écouter, Parler (POC) : A1+
The reptile zoo at school
Le zoo de reptiles, unique en Irlande, s’est déplacé jusque dans une école pour faire
découvrir ses animaux aux plus jeunes. L’initiative a pour but de lutter contre les
stéréotypes véhiculés contre les reptiles et de réconcilier le public avec ces animaux
qui ne sont en fait pas plus dangereux que d’autres si on les traite bien.
RTÉ reporter, Orla Walsh: Lizards and spiders and snakes.
Pupils all together: Ohhhh!
RTÉ reporter: Oh my! There was a sense of nervous excitement at Athea National School recently when
Ireland’s only reptile zoo paid them a visit. The special treat was due to a competition the students won and
they were certainly delighted with the prize.
Pupil Andrew O’Riordan: It was cool, really cool, and I didn’t expect to see them so big, like I thought they’d
be really small.
Pupil Sarah Keily: When I saw the crocodile, I was a bit scared, but when I went up and touched it was really
rough. I learned that the crocodile always sheds its skin.
Pupil Becky O’Connor: My favourite animal was a tarantula because it wasn’t with any hair [sic] or anything,
it was very soft.
Pupil Jacob Connelly: I liked to see the big yellow python and the crocodile, those are my two favourites.
And then there was a snapping turtle which the closing of the mouth was so loud, I was expecting it to be
quite a bit quieter.
Pupils all together: Ohhhh!
RTÉ reporter: Although creatures like these might seem scary at first, the zoo aims to help all people realize
that there’s more to reptiles than you might think.
Member of the reptile zoo, David Dunne: With reptiles especially people kind of have a lot of misconceptions
and so what we really like to do is kind of expose them to the animals and show them that they’re not maybe
as bad as everyone kind of makes them out to be; so they are just like any other animal, as long as they’re
treated correctly, they can be just as nice as a dog or a cat.
RTÉ reporter: Well that may be true, but I still think the students and even the teachers were very brave to
get so close to so many reptiles. If you think you could give it a go or would just like to find out more about
creatures like these, visit the website
Anglais / Collège / nº 35 / janvier-mars 2016
Objectifs et démarche pédagogique
Peut identifier l’élément principal de nouvelles télévisées sur un événement, un accident, etc., si le commentaire
est accompagné d’un support visuel. – Écouter, A1+
Peut faire de très brèves annonces préparées avec un contenu prévisible et appris de telle sorte qu’elles soient
intelligibles par des auditeurs attentifs. – Parler (POC), A1+
Tâche : production orale en continu
¾¾ Établir la carte d’identité d’un reptile et la présenter à la classe.
Contenu grammatical
¾¾ Be au prétérit simple
¾¾ La négation au présent simple
¾¾ Les comparatifs
Contenu lexical
¾¾ Les animaux : lizards and spiders and snakes, Ireland’s only reptile zoo, a tarantula, big yellow python, the
crocodile, a snapping turtle, creatures, the zoo, reptiles, animal, a dog or a cat, reptiles.
Contenu culturel
¾¾ Les différents types d’animaux dans les pays anglophones
Démarche proposée
Phase 1 : découverte du sujet
¾¾ Montrer l’image figée et procéder à un brainstorming pendant lequel les élèves donnent toutes leurs idées et
émettent des hypothèses sur le sujet de la vidéo. Il peut se faire en français selon le niveau du groupe classe.
Phase 2 : travail sur le sens et la langue
¾¾ Première visualisation du reportage en entier. Donner comme consigne de se concentrer sur les images et
d’essayer de trouver la thématique du reportage.
¾¾ Distribuer la fiche de travail et clarifier tout doute sur les énoncés des activités proposées. Relire les énoncés
et reformuler ou expliquer.
¾¾ Deuxième visualisation du reportage en fractionné. Faire des pauses après chaque phrase pour que les
élèves aient le temps de compléter les activités. Le travail peut se faire de manière individuelle.
¾¾ Troisième visualisation du reportage en entier afin de permettre aux élèves de vérifier leurs réponses.
Correction en groupe classe.
Phase 3 : élaboration de la tâche
¾¾ Lecture et explication des consignes en groupe classe puis élaboration de la tâche.
¾¾ La page d’accueil du site du zoo :
Anglais / Collège / nº 35 / janvier-mars 2016
Corrigé des activités
Stage 1: Learn about the topic – Look at the paused image and say as much as you can about it.
Les élèves essaient de dire à quoi ils pensent en voyant l’image figée et quel peut être le lien avec la
vidéo. Ils peuvent avoir des réponses variées.
Stage 2: Build up knowledge
A. Focus on the context. Complete the following chart.
Adults and children
A reptile zoo visits a school
In a school in Ireland
B. Understand the message
1. Choose the right answer.
a. We can see three …....... at first. o monkeys b. They are very … o dangerous c. We can see some … o books d. The children are very … þ impressed e. On the table, there is a big … þ snake f. The children can ..…. the animals. o hit g. The children won a … o cake h. They are very … þ delighted o fish þ calm þ pupils o indifferent o spider o ignore þ competition o sad 2. Decide whether the sentences are true or false.
a. We see rabbits in the video. b. The zoo is the only one like it in the country. c. A pupil, Andrew, thinks that it is very cool. d. Sarah was not scared at all when she saw the crocodile. e. The crocodile never sheds its skin. f. Jacob doesn’t like the big yellow python. g. Reptiles just need to be treated correctly. þ reptiles
o agitated
o objects
o quiet
o mouse
þ touch
o show
o disappointed
/ false
true / false
true / false
true / false
true / false
true / false
true / false
C. Work on language
1. Name the items below. Use a dictionary if you need to.
2. Cross out the word which doesn’t belong.
a. snake / python / shark / lizard / crocodile
b. falcon / raven / blackbird / sparrow / spider
c. wolf / cat / dog / rabbit / guinea pig
d. crocodile / hamster / rat / mouse
3. Determine what animal is being described below.
a. It is green and it has got four legs, it croaks: it is a frog.
b. It is long, it crawls and it may be poisonous: it’s a snake.
c. It does not exist anymore but it is big and it has got bumps on its back: it’s a dinosaur.
d. It is usually green, it has a shell and it walks very slowly: it’s a turtle.
Anglais / Collège / nº 35 / janvier-mars 2016
4. Work on opposites. Match the words from the left column to their opposites in the right one.
1. large
2. wild animal
3. dangerous
4. nice
5. violent
a. calm
b. mean
c. harmless
d. pet
e. small
Anglais / Collège / nº 35 / janvier-mars 2016
Fiche d’activités
The reptile zoo at school
Nom :
Classe :
Date :
Ta mission : After a visit to the reptile zoo during a school trip in Ireland, you choose one reptile and
make its identity card. Then you must present this reptile and its characteristics to the class.
Stage 1: Learn about the topic – Look at the paused image and say as much as you can about it.
Stage 2: Build up knowledge
A. Focus on the context. Complete the following chart.
B. Understand the message
1. Choose the right answer.
a. We can see three …....... at first. o monkeys b. They are very … o dangerous c. We can see some … o books d. The children are very … o impressed e. On the table, there is a big … o snake f. The children can ..…. the animals. o hit g. The children won a … o cake h. They are very … o delighted o fish o calm o pupils o indifferent o spider o ignore o competition o sad 2. Decide whether the sentences are true or false.
a. We see rabbits in the video. b. The zoo is the only one like it in the country. c. A pupil, Andrew, thinks that it is very cool. d. Sarah was not scared at all when she saw the crocodile. e. The crocodile never sheds its skin. f. Jacob doesn’t like the big yellow python. g. Reptiles just need to be treated correctly. o reptiles
o agitated
o objects
o quiet
o mouse
o touch
o show
o disappointed
/ false
true / false
true / false
true / false
true / false
true / false
true / false
C. Work on language
1. Name the items below. Use a dictionary if you need to.
.............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ..............................
2. Cross out the word which doesn’t belong.
a. snake / python / shark / lizard / crocodile
b. falcon / raven / blackbird / sparrow / spider
c. wolf / cat / dog / rabbit / guinea pig
d. crocodile / hamster / rat / mouse
Anglais / Collège / nº 35 / janvier-mars 2016
The reptile zoo at school
Nom :
Classe :
Fiche d’activités
Date :
3. Determine what animal is being described below.
a. It is green and it has got four legs, it croaks: it is a .....................................
b. It is long, it crawls and it may be poisonous: it’s a .....................................
c. It does not exist anymore but it is big and it has got bumps on its back: it’s a .....................................
d. It is usually green, it has a shell and it walks very slowly: it’s a .....................................
4. Work on opposites. Match the words from the left column to their opposites in the right one.
1. large
2. wild animal
3. dangerous
4. nice
5. violent
a. calm
b. mean
c. harmless
d. pet
e. small
Stage 3: produce
¾¾ Be as specific as possible.
¾¾ Use adjectives, adverbs and colours.
¾¾ Use the simple present tense.
Anglais / Collège / nº 35 / janvier-mars 2016

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