Newsletter16th Sept


Newsletter16th Sept
16th September 2011
The EPC Primary Newsletter
Telephone: +886 2 8145 9007
Volume No: 02
Welcome to the 2nd edition of this years Wen Lin Journal - the fortnightly newsletter for
the European Primary Campus.
Inside this newsletter you will find all the latest goings on for the French Section, German
Section, British Infant Section and British Junior Section. We also frequently have articles
from other parts of the school community such as the library staff and PTA.
Inside this week’s journal…
The French Section introduce their bilingual day
Mercedes sponsor bamboo house for the German Section
Introducing the NEW - Teacher Feature
Who’s in the British Infant Section Year 2 classes?
What have Year 3 been up to in the British Junior Section?
Search for books using our library database, ‘Oliver’
We also have…
Our usual letters from Mrs. Martin and Ms. Corry and contributions from the library staff.
School Website Links
British Infant Section
British Junior Section
French Section
German Section
Notre journée de Petite Section
Our Day In The Bilingual Petite Section
Lorsque nous arrivons à l’école David, Florent et Essema nous accueillent et nous savons si
nous avons le jour en Français ou en Anglais. Nous faisons un bisou à papa ou maman et une
belle journée commence. When we arrive at school we kiss our parents goodbye and we enter
the class to see who our teacher is “Is it David or Florent?” When we see the teacher, then we
know what language we are speaking this day. Essema is always here with a big smile and we
know we will have a wonderful school day
Le début de la journée débute par le regroupement: on
s’assoit sur le banc autour du tapis, on parle du temps
qu’il fait dehors, de la date et on compte les présents,
les absents, les garçons et les filles, et souvent on
chante des chansons.
We start our day with circle time, This is the moment
when we sit together to sing some songs , and talk
about the weather, the date and count how many boys
and girls are here today.
Ensuite, nous allons aux toilettes puis nous mangeons le goûter
que nos mamans préparent à tour de rôle pendant une semaine
pour toute la classe et nous ne manquons pas les en remercier.
Ensuite, nous allons en récréation. On y joue avec des petits
vélos ou dans le bac à sable. On peut voir les plus grands dans la
cour à côté ou les rejoindre lors des jours de pluie.
After that we go to the bathroom and wash our hands for the
morning snack. Our Mommies take turns to bring a snack in for
the week to share with each other, and we like to thank them
each morning. After we have had our snack we go to the nursery
playground and play on the bicycles and in the sandpit. We can
see the older children playing in the big playground, and on
rainy days we join them.
On fait plein d’activités dans la journée, on apprend à découper, à peindre, à compter, à parler
français et en anglais…
During our school day we learn a lot of things,
we learn to cut, to count, to speak English and
Nous allons manger à la cantine à 11h10 où
nous rencontrons les enfants de MS et GS.
La nourriture est bonne et équilibrée.
Lunch time is at 11:10. We go to the big Canteen area where we meet the MS and GS
children. We are learning our best to try to
eat a lot food that is new to us.
Après la cantine, nous allons à la sieste à
13H30 puis on retourne en classe lire une
histoire et chanter des chansons.
After eating we go to sleep in the sleeping
room until 13:30 and then we go back to
the class to read a story and sing some
À 14h05, les parents arrivent et nous rentrons à la maison avec eux ou en bus. C’est la
fin de notre journée. A demain pour une
nouvelle journée à l’école!
At 14:05 some of the children get ready to
catch the school bus while the rest of us sing
the Goodbye song as our parents arrive to
take us home.
See you tomorrow for a new school day!
Notre emploi du temps de Moyenne Section
Our Day In The Bilingual Moyenne Section
Notre classe se trouve au premier étage, près de la salle de musique et des élèves de 1ere année de la section britannique. Nous sommes 22 élèves dans notre classe de Moyenne Section
et tous ensemble, nous apprenons deux langues: l’Anglais avec David Treston et le Français
avec Florent Buatois. Wan Ting, l’assistante de la classe s’occupe aussi de nous et nous passons de bons moments tous ensemble. The MS class is upstairs along the British year one
hallway, next door to the music room. We are happy to be up there and feel a lot bigger being with the older girls and boys. There are 22 children in our Moyenne Section class and together we learn two main languages on different days. Our English Teacher is Mr David
Treston and our French Teacher is Mr Florent Buatois, Wan Ting is our class assistant and
she looks after us, and makes us feel happy. We love speaking both English and French and
enjoy learning with all our classmates.
Au début de la journée, on s’assoit sur le banc autour
du tapis pour le regroupement, on parle du temps qu’il
fait dehors, de la date, et on compte les présents et les
absents. We start our day with circle time, We go
through the morning routines and talk about the date
and the weather and check the attendance and count
how many students we have in school this day.
Ensuite nous allons aux toilettes laver nos mains
pour manger le goûter. Nos mamans se relaient
chaque semaine pour fournir le goûter à toute la
classe; nous leurs disons un grand merci! Ensuite,
nous sortons en récréation, nous jouons avec les
autres enfants de MS et de GS ainsi que ceux de la
section anglaise. After that we go to the bathroom
and wash our hands for the morning snack. Our
Mommies take turns to bring a snack in for the
week to share with each other, and we like to
thank them each morning. After we have had our
snack we go to the big playground, and meet and
play with our friends from GS and the
On fait plein d’activités dans la journée: on apprend à tenir correctement notre crayon, à découper, à peindre, à
compter, à parler français et anglais… au travers d’ateliers
qui nous apprennent petit à petit à être plus autonomes.
Now that we are bigger we need to learn to hold our pencils properly and we need to start to practice to write and
count and add things. We do a lot of workshops and activities to help us to gain these competencies and become
more autonomous.
Nous allons manger à la cantine à 11h10 ou
nous côtoyons les enfants de PS et de GS. La
nourriture est bonne et équilibrée.
Lunch time is at 11:10. We go to the big Canteen area where we meet the PS and GS children. We eat healthy foods, with a nice
balance of fruits and vegetables.
Nous avons grandi et nous ne faisons plus la sieste
l’après-midi; nous retournons jouer dans la cour
puis nous pratiquons d’autres activités en groupes.
Now that we are bigger we don’t sleep
anymore at school and we get to play one more
time in the playground. We also go back to class
and do some more afternoon
À 14h10, les parents arrivent et nous rentrons à la maison avec eux ou avec le bus.
On se dit au revoir et c’est la fin de notre
journée. At 14:10 some of the children get
ready for the after school classes and others get ready to catch the bus. The rest of
us wait for the teacher to say goodbye and
for our Mommies, Daddies or Nannies to
pick us up.
Ein Bambusbett und ein Bambushaus im Deutschen Kindergarten?
Ja, das ist wirklich wahr! Unsere Kindergartenleiterin Frau Kendzia hatte vor einem Jahr als sie
nach Taipei kam die Vision, den Gruppenraum der Pandagruppe noch attraktiver zu gestalten.
Im Rahmen der für die Kindergartenarbeit so wichtigen Funktionsecken sollten die Leseecke und
das Spielhaus verbessert werden. Was bot sich da mehr an, als die traditionelle Bauweise in
unserem Gastland Taiwan mit den Ansprüchen eines modernen Kindergarten zu vereinen. So
entstand die Idee, ein kuscheliges traditionelles Bett aus Bambus zur Leseecke zu wählen und
auch das Spielhaus aus Bambus bauen zu lassen.
Mit Meister Hsu aus dem Landkreis Changhua wurde ein Experte gefunden, der mit viel Liebe
zum Detail diese Leseecke und das Haus bauen wollte. Da dieses einmalige Projekt unser
schlankes Budget gespregt hätte, freuen sich unsere Kinder besonders, dass die Firma
Mercedes Taiwan sich bereit erklärt hat, das Lesebett, das Bambushaus und die vielen kleinen
Möbel zu finanzieren.
Am 9. September war es soweit: Der CEO von Mercedes Taiwan, Herr Kern, übergab die neuen
Einrichtungsgegenstände höchstpersönlich den Kindern im Beisein des Bambusmeisters, Herrn
Hsu. Wir danke der Firma Mercedes ganz herzlich für das Herz für die Kinder!
Dear Parents
It was really lovely seeing so many of you at the ‘Hello’ afternoons last week and the previous
week. I know there is a great deal of information to take on board, but the children are doing
well in their new groups, and soon it won’t feel like the beginning of a new year at all. I walked
around the school today, and all classes without exception were working well, with the
children busy, happy and learning! The staff looked pretty happy too and that’s always a good
Miss Corry and I also held a workshop for parents of children new to TES, and that was well
supported too! It’s really good to see so many of you at these various events, we hope it is a
sign that you appreciate the opportunity of coming into school.
Best wishes
Ruth Martin
Head of the British Infant Section
In this weeks Wen Lin Journal we introduce a new section to our newsletter - the ‘Teacher Feature’. In each
edition we will publish a short article about a member
of staff working in the Primary Section. This is for 2
1. To help recognise all the different staff that work at
the Swire Primary Campus and 2. To be a bit of fun! We
hope you enjoy the feature!
This week we start off with two members of staff:
Name: Mrs Ruth Martin Code Name: The Boss
Likes: Drinking tea, eating chocolate, cats, swimming and
shopping for shoes and handbags (and my husband ofcourse). Favourite thing: My digital photograph frame.
When I grow up: I want to be as lovely as my mother-inlaw who has now sadly passed away. She was the most
beautiful human being you could ever wish to meet.
Name: Miss Gibbs
Code Name: AKA Little Miss Ronster Monster
Likes: Traveling, music, food, reading, riding my bike , playing
touch/rugby and going to the gym.
Favourite thing: Spending time with friends and family.
When she grows up… she would like to be a Blue
Peter Presenter.
Over these first few weeks I am delighted to say that the children have settled wonderfully
into their Year 2 classes. Daily routines
Miss Hosken
Miss Gibbs
Mr Smith
Mr Stapeleton
On Thursday, 8th
B5LW came to visit the Year 2
classes .They currently are working on Instructional Texts. They
wanted to came and explain how
to play their games. It was a huge
success as The Year 2 children
were able to play their games with
ease. Well done B5LW from
year 2!
Mrs Bond
Mrs Castilo
Miss Trehern
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Dear parents Year 2 would like to invite to
VIP Day.
When: 30.09.11
Where: Yr 2 Classrooms
Time: 1pm
It is a chance for you to come in and find out what your children have been learning in our
‘This is me’ We look forward to seeing you there!
Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the school,
Our PSHE theme for this half term is ‘New Beginnings’ and in assembly this week I told the children a
story about a young girl in a small village in Uganda, who was able to go to school for the very first time
due to a charitable donation. I wanted to help the children realise how lucky they are in having the opportunity to be educated and that the best way to show their appreciation is to make the most of their talents
and strive to do their best. We talked about the opportunity to have a ‘fresh start’ - leaving behind things
from last year that didn’t work so well and embracing new ways of working. The beginning of the school
year is the best time to develop good routines, particularly in ensuring homework is completed on time.
Please can you help us with this by signing your child’s home/link diary each week.
Maths Workshop In order to de-mystify the way we teach Maths in school we
would like to offer a workshop to parents.
The first , led by our Primary Maths Coordinator, Mrs Gill Elrick, will be held on
Wednesday 21st
September at 6:30pm. We will demonstrate methods of
calculation for the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).
There will be two groups for the workshop - one covering Years 3 and 4 and the other , Years 5 and 6.
The workshop is for parents only and light refreshments will be available from 6:00pm. Our second workshop will cover fractions and will be held in November.
Collection of children after school/after ECAs
We want all children to go home safely after school. Please help us by reminding your child of the
All children going home by car must go to the canteen and wait to be collected.
They must sit at the tables and parents inform the teachers on duty at the doors of the canteen.
If children miss their bus then they must come to the office and the secretaries will inform you.
After school children are not allowed to be in the Infant playground or on the field (unless involved
with an ECA) and may not stay at school unsupervised.
After ECAs all children are taken to the canteen. They are then taken to the bus loading bay or they wait
to be collected. If you are going top be late please contact the receptionist on 8145 9007.
I look forward to seeing you at the Autumn festival tonight.
Kind regards
Adele Corry
Head of British Junior Section [email protected]
The Year 3 children took part in an activity day. We had lots of fun
making crazy costumes, doing outrageous obstacle courses, silly
statue games and hilarious house building! We learnt how to work
together and have fun! Don’t you wish you were in Year 3!
Dear Parents,
Breaking News!
Are you a parent of Primary Campus? Do you have a READING MANIA? Are 3 books not enough for your children? If so… our PARENT
BORROWING PROGRAM is exactly the one you need!
EPC parents are now eligible to borrow maximum of 5 books for two
weeks under their own account!! All you need to do is to provide
our library staff with your borrower details for creating a personal account for our library (see the last page.) As a good example to our
children, we’d like you to take good care of our library books and to
return the loans on time.
For those who already have a parent borrower account, please let us
remind you how you can change your password and how our OPAC
(Online Public Access Catalogue) can help you in the following pages.
We welcome everyone to visit our amazing Library and discover the
wonderland in books. However, owing to the fact that the Library is
also part of the teaching center, we will only open to parents every
school day from 15.00 to 16.00. For safety reason, all children should
be under supervision of a parent in our Infant Library.
Welcome, new library member!
Here are a set of simple instructions to get you acquainted with Oliver, our library
Your parent account user name: firstname..lastname
Your password: 1234
To use your new parent account:
1. Go to:
2. Enter your user name and password
Once in Oliver, you are able to:
Search books in OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
Be notified of the arrival of your favourite magazine’s latest issue
Enter you interests and be notified when resources fitting those are processed into the catalogue.
Reserve up to 5 books (you can only reserve a book when it is on loan.
Please note that you’ll not be able to reserve it if it is available.)
See the list of items you have on loan
Renew your loans*
*Please remember to renew your loans before the expiration date.
A charge of NT$ 5 per item will be charged for each day overdue.
For new Parent Borrowers:
Please feel free to fill out the application form and submit it to our Library staff.
Taipei European School Primary Campus
Given Name:
Cell Phone Number:
Child’s Name & Class:

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