SNCF seeks to generalize environmental management (EMS)


SNCF seeks to generalize environmental management (EMS)
SNCF seeks to generalize environmental
management (EMS)
Environmental performance is understood, measured and improved by means of management tools. Given the
tightening regulations, the development of ISO 14001 certification strategies and the implementation of
Environmental Management Systems (EMS) have helped bolster SNCF's environmental management response.
1. Gouvernance
Stratégie et organisation
SNCF considers environmental management as an added lever for development, capable on its own of improving
performance through reducing resource consumption and preventing risks.
Taille de l'entreprise
Entreprise de plus de 500 salariés
> The objective here is to promote ISO 14001 as the reference standard throughout the company and to
generalize EMS by 2015 to all SNCF facilities, ensuring that each one is equipped with its own environmental
management system.
This pivotal role assigned to environmental management is exhibited, first and foremost, by fast-tracking the ISO
14001 certification procedure, which during 2014 was extended to Infrastructure's industrial units as well as all
Chiffre d'affaires
31.4 Milliards d’euros (2015)
260 000 (2015)
2, place aux étoiles, CS70001
93633 La Plaine Saint Denis, Cedex
major rail stations. For more minor entities, the EMS implementation step is ongoing, in applying the main
requirements of the ISO 14001 Standard.
An online CSR awareness / education module was tested in 2013 for deployment at the beginning of 2014.
Targeting all employees, this module seeks to establish a common vision for the Sustainable Development
challenges ahead as well as for the definition of CSR.
The EFFIA Synergies subsidiary offers training in specific fields like: industrial environmental bases, waste
handling, EMS, environmental audits (according to the ISO 14001 Standard), Classified Facilities for
Environmental Protection (ICPE), in-house computing tools dedicated to the environment, IMPACT and OASYS,
and environmental law.
SNCF's main requirements consist of: a committed management team, a known set of top-priority environmental
Entreprise Parrain du World Forum for
a Responsible Economy 2016
goals, a structured compliance assessment process, a professional monitoring system, and performance controls
and evaluation.
A Best Practice initially identified in 2012 by The World Forum for a Responsible Economy and updated in
Florence Cousin, Chargée de
Communication Développement
Contribution à la performance de l'entreprise
Mise à jour le
Mardi, 24 Mai 2016
> Measurable and standardized environmental performance
> Improved energy performance
> Monitoring of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
> Drop in CO2 emissions
> Reductions in other environmental impacts
> Risk mitigation.
Bénéfices sociaux, environnementaux et/ou de gouvernance
Entities fully aware of priorities in terms of the environment and sustainable development
All industrial units now hold the ISO 14001 certification.
36% of Group units feature an ISO 14001-certified EMS or else an adapted EMS.
For 2013 as a whole, nearly 450 employees with the Épic entity attended the 70 sessions.
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Pour en savoir plus
Consult SNCF's SNCF's