RICH - Annuaire Réseaux VA


RICH - Annuaire Réseaux VA
Network "RICH"
Réseau des Investigateurs pour le Carcinome Hépatocellulaire
1. The network
Coordinator / Manager
Jean-Claude Barbare
03 22 66 80 60
03 22 66 80 60
[email protected]
One stop-shops (for sponsors that
would like to propose a Protocol to a
Amandine Bellenguez
Réseau National RICH - Direction de la Recherche Clinique et de l'Innovation CHU d'Amiens - Hôpital Nord - 1, Place Victor Pauchet - 80054 Amiens Cedex 1
33 3 22 66 77 33
33 3 22 66 80 60
[email protected] ou [email protected]
Clinical Trial investigators
Pr Eric Nguyen-Khac - CHU d'Amiens - Hôpital Nord / Dr Frédéric Oberti - CHU d'Angers /
Dr Jean-Frédéric Blanc - CHU de Bordeaux – Hôpital Saint-André / Pr Isabelle OllivierHourmand - CHU de Caen - Hôpital de la cote de nacre / Pr Patrick Hillon - CHU de Dijon Hôpital le bocage / Pr Philippe Mathurin - CHRU de Lille - Hôpital Claude Huriez / Pr
Philippe Merle - CHU de Lyon - Hôpital de la croix rousse / Pr René Gérolami - AP-HM Hôpital de la conception / Pr Jean-Pierre Bronowicki - CHU Nancy - Hôpital de barbois / Dr
Yan Touchefeu - CHU de Nantes - Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu / Pr Albert Tran - CHU de Nice Hopital de l'archet / Pr Christine Silvain - CHU de Poitiers / Pr Gérard Thiéfin - CHU de
Reims - Hopital robert debré / Dr Eveline Boucher - CLCC de RENNES - Centre Eugène
Marquis / Dr Pierre Michel - CHU de Rouen - Hôpital Charles Nicolle / Pr Jean-Marie Peron CHU de Toulouse - Hôpital de Purpan / Dr Jean-Louis Legoux - CHR d'Orléans- Hôpital la
source / Dr Armand Abergel - CHU de Clermont-Ferrand - Hôpital Estaing / Pr Jean-Luc
Raoul - CLCC de Marseille - Institut Paoli Calmettes / Dr Eric Assenat - CLCC de Montpellier
- Centre Val d’Aurelle Paul-Lamarque / Pr Vlad Ratziu - AP-HP - Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière /
Pr Gilles Pelletier - AP-HP - Hôpital Paul Brousse / Pr Jean-Didier Grangé - AP-HP - Hôpital
Tenon / Dr Valérie Boige - CLCC - Institut Gustave Roussy / Dr Charlotte Costentin - AP-HP Hôpital Henry Mondor / Pr Jean-Claude Trinchet - AP-HP - Hôpital Jean Verdier /
2. Clinical investigation of the network
Subject/thematic of the Network
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Type of Clinical investigation
Network Creation year
Commercial clinical trials
The RICH Hepatocellular Carcinoma Trials Network is recently founded,
nationwide group of investigators that has grown out of the CARNOR network in
north-western France.
Number of clinical trials followed by
the Network in 2010 and 2011
3. Others
RICH's Commitments : To measure, structure and optimize the procedures and
organizational structures for pre-screening. To facilitate and improve patient
inclusion, in compliance with GCP and regulatory procedures. To estimate trial
feasibility and the inclusion potential at various centres. To monitor inclusions in
real time. To create a national register of industry-sponsored trials on HCC. To
develop and harmonize procedures and tools for administrative and financial
management as part of a quality-focused approach.
Updated the : 19/03/2013