ESSEC Alumni


ESSEC Alumni
How has International leadership changed since 2001?
What about generational differences?
What are emerging leadership requirements for high potential leaders?
OASYS Consultants, ESSEC ALUMNI and SCIENCES PO ALUMNI are pleased to
invite you to a presentation followed by a panel discussion « WHERE IS
On Thursday, October 20, 2016
At Capital 8 Conference Center
32 rue de Monceau, Paris 75008 – Metro : Courcelles, Monceau, Miromesnil
18h30 sharp
Presentation: « An International leadership perspective »
Using a data base of 50 000 leaders, 6 000 Companies in 20 countries over 15 years
by David RINGWOOD, Vice-President, Management Research Group
The presentation will be followed by a Panel Discussion, facilitated by Jerry KNOCK,
Directeur Associé, OASYS Consultants, with the participation of:
- Christophe THURIEAU, Président Ipsen Innovation
- Frédéric GAUTIER, People@3DS (Dassault Systèmes) EMEAR Vice-President
- Claude BURETTE, Directeur Associé Oasys Mobilisation
- Susan RUHL, President Disrupt HR (Denver, Colorado), Co-Chair OI GLOBAL PARTNERS
- David RINGWOOD, Vice-President Management Research Group
Welcome, from 18h
A cocktail will close the event
Please click on the following link to register : I want to register

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