Le Vocabulaire de “L`étranger” Par Albert Camus. édition : Folio


Le Vocabulaire de “L`étranger” Par Albert Camus. édition : Folio
Le Vocabulaire de “L’étranger” Par Albert Camus.
édition : Folio- Ch : 1
Chapitre I:
Veiller: to watch over (a dead person)
Congé: leave of absence.
Pareille: same; like; such; equal, alike.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Deuil: bereavement; mourning.
Revêtu: (revêtir) to assume; to take on, to have, to put on:
Allure: charm
Étourdi: ( étourdir) absent minded, unthinking, –– to stun to daze, to become intoxicated
with words:
Fallu: (falloir) be necessary, be required, have to, must do
Brassard: floaty, armband.
Couru: (courir) to run, to roam, to rove.
Hâte: haste; to be in a hurry (avoir hate)
Cahots: jolt, lurch
Réverbération: repercussion, écho;
Assoupi: dozing, to fall asleep briefly
Tassé: (tasser) packed in; to pack down; to press down
Serré : [Serrer—(vt) to grip or hold tight—serrer la main à qq’un-to shake one’s hands]
Retirer: to take off; to take out; to remove; to withdraw; to take away.
Soutien: backing, support, wage-earner, emotional support,
Reprochait: (reprocher) to criticize someone, blame, reproach.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Retirée: retraité
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vieillards: old people.
Bavardant: (bavarder) to talk, to chatter, to gossip
Taisaient: (taire) not to reveal; to hide, to keep hush
Jacassement: Chatter
Assourdi: to deafen, to muffle,
Veiller: to watch over, to see to it that
Enfoncées: to push in, to dig one’s hands into one’s pockets.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bière: beer, lager,
Bégayé: to stammer, to stutter
Gêné: embarrassed, feeling awkward, discomfort
Tortillant: (tortiller) to wriggle, to twist
Garde: attention; alert, fender, forbid
Dirigée: ( Diriger) to be in charge, to run, to manage, to lead, to direct
Chancre: lesion; petit ulcère
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blancheur: whiteness, purity
Bandeau: headband, patch over eye, blind fold, headpiece
Frelons: hornet
Bourdonnaient: (bourdonner) to hum, to buzz, to drum
Geste: gesture
Dos: back
Verrière: glass roof, glass door, sun lounge
Bavardé: talkative, indiscreet, blabber mouth
Étonné: to be surprised
Interrompu: Interrompre,– to interrupt
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corbillard: Hearse (n.m)
Indigent: (adj)–destitute, poverty stricken, poor.
Pensionnaires: (n.m/f)– boarder, guest, dweller.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Épaissie: épassir, s’épassir ––To thicken
Commutateur: Switch (electric).
Réfectoire: (n.m), –– refectory?
Éteindre: To switch off the lights.
Éclat: Brightness (Light)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Empilé: empiler–– vt, To pile up, to stack up
Doux: soft, sweet, gentle.
Réchauffé: réchauffer–– To reheat, to warm, to get warm (feeling warm in the inside).
Somnolé: vi, – To doze (off).
Frôlement: [Frôler-n.m]—contact, light touch.
Paru: [Paraître]—To seem, to appear, it seems that, it appears to be….
Éclatante: Illuminated, bright…
Courbes: (adj)—Curved, [Courber: v, to bend, curve).
Se Dessinaient: se dessiner (vi), to be outlined,--figuratively speaking: To Emerge.
Pureté: Purity.
Blessante: (adj)—hurtful , [Blesser: to wound]
Aveuglante: Blinding.
Grimçât: (adj)—Creaking noise, Grinding.
M’échappait : Escaped me.
Peine: (n.f)—sorrow, sadness, --trouble, difficulty …
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tablier: (n.m)—Apron,
Cordon: (n.m)—Cord, string.
Serrait : To fit tightly .
Taille: Waist.
Serrait à la taille: to fit tightly at waist..(at one’s size).
Ressortir: To go (come out), emerge from…
Bombé: (adj)—Rounded, bulging.
Tenaient: [Tenir], to hold on to something like a cane, a stick, something else..
Cannes: (n.f)—Walking sticks, canes.
Lueur: Glimmer, glow, spark, gleam.
Nid de Rides: a nest of wrinkles…
Hoché: [hocher]—shakes one’s head…
Dodeliner: To nod one’s head gently.
Rang: Row, string, rope..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Affaissés: [Affaisser]—To subside, to collapse.
N’osais Pas: [Oser, v,i]— to dare to do, or to dare to say something..
S’est Penché: [Pencher]—lean over, to lean over, to bend over..
Secoué: [Secouer]—To shake up, to rock, to shake one’s head.
Bredouillé: [Bredouiller]—To mumble, to stammer.
Renseigné: [Renseigner]—To give information to somebody.
Liée: (adj) very friendly with, or close to…
Soupirs: [Soupir, n.m]—Sigh, to breath one’s last…
Sanglots: [Sangloter—v,i ]—To Sob.
Reniflait: [Renifler, v,i ]—To sniff, to sniff up..
Reins: (n.m)—kidney, to have back pain…
Pénible: (adj)—Hard, painful, tiresome.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A la longue: To drag on all day long, at length…
Clappements: [Clapoter, v.i ]—To lap.
Couchée: (adj)—lying down, in bed.
Fausse: wrong, fake, false, forged…
Tassés : (tasser) to pack down (qqch) to cram something into.
Menton: (n.m) Chin
Agrippées: (Agripper—vt) to grab, clutch, (pour arracher) to snatch, [s’agripper à—to
cling on to]
Toussé: (Tousser—vi)—to cough.
Crachait : (Cracher—vi) to spit, to spit out.
Carreaux: (n.m) floor tile, wall tile, X-checked fabric.
Crachats: (n.m) spittle (no pl.) spit.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arrachement: To tear off, to pull out,
Incommode: (adj) inconvenient, uncomfortable.
Cendre: (n.f) Ash (es)
Accru : [Accroître—vt] s’accroître (vi)—to increase.
Platane : (n.m) Plane tree.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cloche: (n.f) Bell.
Remueménage: (n.m) Commotion.
Interpellé : (vt—Interpeller) To call out to, to shout at, to take in for questioning.
Auparavant: (adv) before (hand).
Baissant: To lower (radio, voice, sound), to turn down noise.
Averti: (adj) well informed—[Avertir- vt, to warn somebody of something, to inform.]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L’espèce: (n.f) Species, sort, kind, types…
Accordé: [Accorder (vt)—faveur] to grant (de l’importance/de la valeur à qqch) to attach
value to something.
Puéril : (adj) childish.
Curé: (n.m) Parish Priest. -!Vicar!!!
Prévenu : Prévenir (vt), To avoid, to prevent, to warn somebody.
Choeur: Choir, chorus.
L’un de ceux-ci : one of those/these.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Encensoir : (n.m) Thurible, censer.
Prêtre : (n.m) Priest.
Se Baissait : (vi) To bend down.
Régler : Well ordered, stable, steady, rule (be within the rule of something)
Longueur: (n.f) Length, by a length.
Chaine: (n.f) Chain, string, production line of work.
S’est relevé: (vi) to get up. To recover from.
Coup: (n.m) (heart choc), knock, blow, shock.
Prièrs: (n.f) prayers.
Drap : (n.m) (de lit) Sheet, woolen fabric.
Déléguée: (adj) delegated, ! (n.m/f) delegate, representative.
Incliné: [Incliner (vt)] to tilt, to incline, tends towards something.
Osseux: (adj) bony.
Rangés : (adj) Orderly, steady, ! To put in order, to arrange.
Plumier: (n.m) Pencil Box.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Empruntée : (adj) ill-at-ease, awkward.
Feutre: (n.m) felt-tip-pen.
Mou: soft, sluggish, limp, feeble, (un homme mou)! wimp.
--ôté : (ôter—vt) to remove, to take away qqch à qqun! to take something from
Blafard(e): (adj-Fem) wan, pallid .
Peser: to be heavy, to be heavy on or to lie heavy on somebody, to influence heavily on
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Infirmière : nurse
Cyprès : (n.m) Cypress.
Menaient : mener—to take, to lead], a passage, a route that will lead you somewhere.
Trêve: (nom. Fem) rest, break, truce—(to take a break from something—studies, work,
Débordant (e)—Déborder—verbe intransitif : (adj, fem) overflowing, tireless, boundless,
[To Boil Over--] le fleuve a débordé de son lit—the river has burst its banks.
Tressaillir: verbe intransitif – to give a start, --to thrill—tressaillir de joie
Paysage: [nom masc.] Landscape—paysage montagneux (hilly landscape)
Déprimant!: (adj—Depressing), [Déprimer—verbe transitif, to depress, to be depressed]
Claudiquait : Claudiquer—verbe intransitif—To Limp
Légèrement!: adv--Slightly—loucher/boiter légèrement—to have a slight limp
Entouraient: Entourer—verbe transitif! To Surround—entourer qqch ou qq’un de…
Dépasser!: verbe transitif ! To pass, to overtake, to outrun, to go beyond, to
overstep—dépasser les limites…
Bourdonnait : Bourdonner—verbe intransitif—To hum, to buzz ! La salle bourdonnait
du bruit de conversations—The room was buzzing with the sound/noise of conversation.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crépitements : n.m—du feu ! Crackling, rattle…
Sueur : n.f—Sweat ! Suer : verbe intransitif—To Sweat (suinter-to ooze, (fig) to exude
– à grosses gouttes—to sweat profusely. )
Coulait : Couler—vb intr. To flow, to run down on cheeks, to Leak
Joues : n.f—Cheeks
M’éventais : éventer : vb.trans.—To Fan—je m’éventais avec mon mouchoir
Employé (e) : n.m/f—Employee
Pompes Funèbres : Ceremony / Funeral Parlor
S’essuyait: essuyer: vb.trans—to wipe [s’essuyer (après le bain—to dry oneself, to dry
Crâne : the skull/the head..
Soulevant : Soulever : vb.trans.—To lift, to raise—to lift the cover of something..
Bord : n.mas.—the edge/side of something—le bord de table…
Tape : n.fem—Slap—(ça tape…)
Hâtait : hâter—vb.trans.—to hasten, to hurry
Feutre à bout de bras: felt hat at the end of one’s arm.
Gouttes : Drops
Perlaient: perler—vb.intrans. —To form in droplets.
Gorgée : adj, filled with—saturated with
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Insoutenable : adj, (chaleur) unbearable
Gourdon : n.mas--Asphalt, tarmac
Enfonçaient: enfonçer qqch dans—to push (to drive something into) to break open, to
cause to cave in
Pulpe : n.fem.—Pulp
Cocher: n.mas. —Coachman
Bouilli: bouillir—vb.irr—to boil—to seethe with anger
Pétri (e): d’orgueil [adj, filled with Pride]
Boue : n.fem—mud
Laqué (e) : adj, Lacquered.
Crottin : (de cheval) – n.mas—dung ou manure.
Vernis : n.mas.—Varnish, glaze…
L’encens : n.mas.—Incense.
Nuée : n.fem.—a cloud of (heat) , a swarm of (insects)
Constaté: v.t (remarquer)—To note, to state that.
Rattraper: v.t. —To recapture, to make up for lost time.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tempes: n.fem. —Temple—un coup à la temple (a blow to the side of the head)
Insolation : n.fem.—a sun stroke,
D’énervement : n.mas.—irritation, annoyance, edginess, restlessness.
Ruisselaient : ruisseler (vt) to stream , to drip : la sueur ruisselait sur son front.
S’écoulaient : s’écouler (v. pronominal intransitif) to flow out, to pour out.
Rejoignaient : rejoinder (vt) to rejoin, to meet (up with)
Formainet : (vt) to form, to shape
Détruit : (vt) to destroy, ma vie est détruit—my life is in ruins.
L’évanouissement : n.mas.—fainting, blackout—fading.
Eût : (avoir--imparfait)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pantin : n.mas.—jumping jack, puppet.
Disloqué : disloquer (vt) to dislocate, to break up, to dismantle, to break into pieces.
Racines : n.fem—roots
Mêlaient : mêler (vt) to mix, to combine, to be a mixture of,
L ‘attente : n.fem— être dans l’attente de quelque chose—to be waiting for.
L’incessant : (adj) continual, ceasless, constant.
Ronflement : n.masc.—snore, snoring, Roaring of Car Motors , throbbing.
Fin du Chapitre 1- (pages 9-31)