Introduction to the history and conservation of the Non


Introduction to the history and conservation of the Non
International Course on
Stone Conservation SC13
SESSION: Introduction to the history and conservation of the Non-Catholic Cemetery
INSTRUCTOR: Amanda Thursfield
TIME: Friday, 19th April/ 11:30 – 13:00 (1.5 hours)
A short introduction to the history and management of the Non-Catholic Cemetery combined with a
section on conservation issues in preparation for the work that will be carried out on the site during
the course and the practical sessions scheduled for June.
• to make participants more aware of the context in which they will be doing their practicals
• to enhance awareness of the practical problems of running the site and the regulations for
those working there
• to introduce ourselves to the staff and students on the course
• to get to know the participants better
• origins; name; size; people buried; management
• conservation issues; problems of site; challenges; history, present policy
 = Essential reading material
 = Available online
 Stanley-Price, Nicholas, and Amanda Thursfield. 2011. The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome:
Management and stone conservation. In Jardins de Pierres: Conservation de la pierre dans les
parcs, jardins & cimetières = Conservation of Stone in Parks, Gardens, and Cemeteries: 14es
journées d'études de la SFIIC: Paris, Institut national du patrimoine, 22-24 juin 2011. ed. M.
Stefanaggi and V. Vergès-Belmin. 64-71. Champs-sur-Marne: SFIIC Section française de
l’Institut international de conservation. Available on the Non-Catholic Cemetery website at:
 Stanley-Price, Nicholas. 2014. The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome: Its history, its people and its
survival for 300 years. Rome: Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome.
©2013 J. Paul Getty Trust and ICCROM