What about you, what do you do at the weekend?


What about you, what do you do at the weekend?
In use
Andréa va à l'église.
Elle lit.
Elle fait des achats.
Nina a 20 ans. Le week- end, elle va à la piscine et fait
du vélo. Elle est sportive.
Souvent le samedi soir, elle sort avec des amis. Le
dimanche, elle dort, elle voit un bon film ou lit un bon
bouquin !
Elle choisit des chocolats.
In the webdoc, Andréa is wandering around Aix- en- Provence. What does she
do? How does she feel? How do you say it by conjugating common verbs in the
present tense?
To conjugate - ER verbs, have a look at the Grammar memo In the present tense. Here, we are going
Have a go yourself
What about you, what do you do
at the weekend?
to learn how to conjugate other verbs.
Plug a microphone into your computer
and click on the recording tool on the right.
To sum up
In the present tense, verb endings are fairly regular:
Je -e or -s
Tu -es or -s
Il/ elle/ on -e, -t or -d
Nous -ons
Vous -ez
Ils/ elles -ent
But beware! The most common verbs (aller, faire, avoir, être) have irregular endings!