parler de soi


parler de soi
PARLER DE SOI Introducing ourselves : Se présenter Piste audio extraite des podcasts de l’académie de Créteil (‐ Transcription : ‐ Hello! ‐ Good morning! ‐ What’s your name? ‐ My name’s Ellen. What’s your name? ‐ My name’s Kate. Where do you come from? ‐ I come from England. And you? ‐ I come from America. How old are you? ‐ I’m 9. ‐ Me too! When is your birthday? ‐ My birthday is in November. And you? ‐ My birthday is in January. ‐ Ok, have a nice day! ‐ Thanks, you too! See you on Monday. Goodbye! ‐ Bye, bye! Name country age birthday Ellen England 9 November Kate America 9 (and not 2 !) January Attention aux majuscules ! Prénoms, noms de pays et mois de l’année. Likes and dislikes : Dire ce que l’on aime manger ou non Piste audio extraite des podcasts de l’académie de Créteil (‐ Images : logiciel Lecture Plus et clipart Windows Transcription : Jane and Helen are at Jane’s house. It’s 8 o’clock, time for breakfast. Jane: Hey, Helen, do you like bread? Helen: Yes, I do. Jane: And do you like cheese? Helen: Oh, no I don’t. Jane: Do you like ham? Helen: No, I don’t. Jane: So, what do you like? Helen: I like cornflakes and milk, I like bacon and eggs but I don’t like sausages, mushrooms, tomatoes and tea. Pets: Exprimer la possession Piste audio extraite des podcasts de l’académie de Créteil (‐ Transciption : Tina: Have you got a pet Susan? Susan: Yes, I have. Tina: What have you got? Susan: I've got a parrot. Tina: What about you , Jenny? Have you got a pet? Jenny: No, I haven't. I don't like pets. Tina: What about you Charlotte? Have you got a pet? Charlotte: Yes, I have. I've got a cat and a dog. Tina: What colour is your cat? Charlotte: He is black. Tina: Ho, he's a black cat!... and what colour is your dog? Charlotte: My dog is brown and white. Tina: Great! She is a brown and white dog!!!! Susan Jenny Charlotte X Can / Can’t: Dire ce que l’on sait faire Hello, I’m Ellen. I can dance, I can sing and I can play the piano. I can’t play the guitar and I can’t swim.