No 1 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School


No 1 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No.1 – Friday 5 February 2016
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
A very warm welcome to the new
school year! I hope you have had
relaxing and happy holidays and that
your children are refreshed to start
the new school year. This has been a
busy week with 88 kindergarten
children and 215 Year 7 students
joining the school on Monday. In
addition, quite a few students have
joined all other years. We wish them
all a successful and happy time at our
9 February
Photo Day – Primary School and Year 8-10
11 February
Kindergarten and Year 6 Parent Info Evening
16 – 17 February
Year 8 -10 ensemble Music Boot Camp
16 February
Primary Swimming Carnival - Dickson
16 February
EFS Year 7 Parent Meeting - Library
16 February
Meet the Year 7 PC Teachers – Hall
17 February
Secondary Swimming Carnival – Dickson
School values
17 February
Year 1 and 2 Parent Info Evening
Our school values of respect,
cooperation, honesty and fairness
18 February
Year 3,4 and 5 Parent Info Evening
are for the whole school community
and underpin all that we do and say.
We have high expectations of every
child. Academically we would like to see all students doing their best to achieve their potentials. Our strong student engagement
team will support students in their emotional and social growth. Please do not hesitate to call the school and make an
appointment if at any time you have concerns. The school psychologist, Sue Forrest, is also available to speak with, and support
parents and their children.
New teachers
Each year we welcome some new teachers to the school. This year they are:
Isabelle Chevreau – Year 1 French teacher
Lilas Monniot-Kerr – Year 3 French teacher
Hebe Petkovic – Kindergarten English teacher
Alisha Tooma – Year 2 English teacher
Sada Ramsamy – Primary and secondary
Bryce Anderson – PE and Food Technology teacher
Susan Bird – English teacher
Paula Charles – Spanish teacher
Julia Gale – English teacher
Miyoko Hodson – Japanese teacher
Bronwyn Palaskas –Technology teacher
Tessa Yvanovich – Humanities teacher
We also welcome back Danielle Olney to the Visual Arts position after a year’s absence from the school. Lyn Maley has returned
to the Front Office after three years overseas on a posting with her husband. Welcome back Lyn!
School hours
At this time of year I remind the school community of the school hours.
9.00am to 3.15pm
8.45am to 3.15pm (3.09pm on Thursdays)
There are 30 minutes of supervision before and after school hours, so I ask that students do not arrive at school before
supervision starts.
Road Safety
Please drive carefully when dropping off and collecting children. We acknowledge that
this is a very busy school with very little parking for parents. Primary parents are
asked to join the queue at the primary drop-off point, please do not park there and
be patient for others to move ahead.
School Safety
Last year we introduced several measures to the school to improve the safety of
students and teachers. These include the gates being locked at 9am. Any student late
to school is asked to enter through the Front Office. All parents are asked to enter the
school through the Front Office and to sign in whenever entering the school during
the day.
Term 1 2016
1 February – 10 April
Term 2 2016
26 April – 1 July
Term 3 2016P
18 July – 23 September
Term 4 2016
10 October -16 December
Voluntary contributions
Thank you to those families who have already paid their school voluntary
contributions. I sent a letter to all families last week explaining the need for family contributions to the school this year. This is
vital for the school to keep at the cutting edge of best practice in the world. We aim for excellence every day. My letter can also
be accessed on Telopea’s Skoolbag App.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and what this means for our school
This year students in Years 6-10 can bring their own devices to school for use in the classroom. We will be aiming for all students
to have a device, so if you have not already purchased one for your child, the recommendations can be found on the website at
Assessment Calendar
Secondary parents please look out for the Term 1 Assessment Calendar. I recommend that this be placed in a prominent position
in your home and that your children consult this regularly. It is an opportunity for you to work with them in planning their time
wisely. Time management and organisational skills will be supported at school but are also areas where you have an important
role to play.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members of our school community a happy and rewarding year. I invite you to be
involved with the school. You are all members of the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association (P&C) which works closely with the
school, Emmanuel and me to support every child. I look forward to working with you so that together we can deliver the best
possible education for your children in a safe and caring environment.
Warm regards
Kerrie Blain
Special Message to all Parents and Carers
If you are experiencing financial difficulties throughout the year, please do not hesitate to email the Principal
and/or make an appointment with her to discuss how you would like the school to assist. There is an Equity
Fund in the school for this purpose as we aim for every child to have equity of education in the school.
Bienvenue en cette nouvelle année scolaire! J’espère vous avez passé de bonnes vacances reposantes et que vos enfants sont
prêts à démarrer cette nouvelle année. La semaine a déjà été bien occupée avec l’arrivée de 88 enfants en Maternelle et de 215
élèves en classe de Cinquième qui ont rejoint notre école lundi. Plusieurs nouveaux élèves ont également intégré d’autres
niveaux. Nous leur souhaitons une année scolaire heureuse et couronnée de succès.
Valeurs de l’école
Les valeurs de l’école – respect, coopération, honnêteté et équité- concernent toute la communauté scolaire et soustendent ce que nous disons et faisons. Nous avons de hautes exigences pour chaque enfant. Nous souhaitons que chaque élève
fasse de son mieux pour atteindre son potentiel à l’école. Notre équipe Vie Scolaire est là pour soutenir les élèves dans leur
développement affectif et social. N’hésitez surtout pas à contacter l’école à tout moment pour prendre un rendez-vous si vous
avez des inquiétudes. La Psychologue scolaire, Sue Forrest, est disponible pour s’entretenir avec eux, et pour apporter un
soutien aux parents et à leurs enfants.
Nouveaux enseignants:
Chaque année, nous accueillons de nouveaux enseignants dans notre établissement.
Au Primaire, bienvenue à:
Isabelle Chevreau – Enseignante française en CP
Lilas Monniot-Kerr – Enseignante française en CE2
Hebe Petkovic – Enseignante australienne en Grande Section de Maternelle
Alisha Tooma – Enseignante australienne en CE1
Sada Ramsamy – Enseignant au Primaire et au Secondaire
Au Secondaire, bienvenue à:
Bryce Anderson – Professeur de Cuisine et d’EPS
Susan Bird – Professeure d’Anglais
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Paula Charles – Professeure d’Espagnol
Julia Gale – Professeure d’Anglais
Miyoko Hodson – Professeure de Japonais
Bronwyn Palaskas –Professeure de Technologie
Tessa Yvanovich – Professeure d’Histoire-Géographie
Nous retrouvons avec plaisir Danielle Olney comme professeure d’Arts Visuels après une année d’absence. Lyn Maley a repris son
poste au secrétariat après trois années passées à l’étranger avec son époux. Nous souhaitons à Lyn un agréable retour!
C’est le moment de l’année pour rappeler les horaires de l’école à notre communauté.
9h00 à 15h15
8h45 à 15h15 (15h09 le jeudi)
La surveillance des élèves à l’école est assurée 30 minutes avant et après les cours, nous demandons donc aux élèves de ne pas
arriver avant le début de la surveillance.
Sécurité aux abords de l’établissement
Nous vous demandons de rouler prudemment lorsque vous déposez ou récupérez vos enfants. Nous sommes conscients qu’il y a
beaucoup d’activité aux abords de l’école et qu’il y a très peu d’emplacements pour se garer. Les parents du Primaire sont priés
de faire la queue au dépose-minute situé du côté Primaire et d’attendre patiemment que les véhicules progressent.
Sécurité dans l’établissement
L’an dernier, nous avons mis en place un certain nombre de mesures visant à améliorer la sécurité des élèves et des
enseignants. Parmi ces mesures, la fermeture des grilles dès 9 heures. Tout élève en retard doit entrer par l’entrée principale de
l’école. Nous demandons aux parents de bien vouloir utiliser l’entrée principale de l’école et de signer le registre se trouvant au
secrétariat lorsqu’ils entrent dans l’école pendant la journée.
Contributions volontaires
Un grand merci aux familles qui ont déjà versé leur contribution volontaire. J’ai envoyé un courrier aux familles la semaine
dernière pour expliquer l’utilité des contributions des familles. Il est vital que notre école reste à la pointe des pratiques
pédagogiques qui se font dans le monde. Nous visons chaque jour l’excellence. Vous pouvez retrouver ce courrier sur
l’application de Telopea Skoolbag.
J’apporte mon ordinateur à l’école
Cette année, les élèves de la Sixième à la Troisième pourront apporter leur propre ordinateur portable à l’école pour un usage
pédagogique en classe. Nous souhaitons que chaque élève puisse avoir un ordinateur. A cet effet vous trouverez nos
recommendations sur le site internet de l’école dans le cas où vous ne l’auriez pas encore
Calendriers des évaluations
Nous demandons aux parents du Secondaire de consulter le calendrier des évaluations du Premier Trimestre. Je vous suggère de
placer ce document dans un endroit visible de la maison afin que votre enfant puisse le consulter régulièrement. C’est une
occasion pour vous d’aider votre enfant à organiser son temps de manière judicieuse. L’école apportera tout son soutien aux
enfants dans la gestion du temps et les compétences d’organisation mais ce sont également des domaines où vous pouvez jouer
un rôle important.
Je profite de ce bulletin pour souhaiter à tous les membres de notre communauté scolaire une heureuse année pleine de
réussite. Je vous invite à être des parents actifs et impliqués au sein de l’école. Vous êtes tous membres de l’association de
parents d’élèves P&C qui travaille en étroite collaboration avec l’école, Emmanuel et moi-même dans l’unique but de soutenir
chaque élève. Je suis heureuse de travailler avec vous afin qu’ensemble nous puissions offrir la meilleure éducation qui soit à
votre enfant dans un environnement sûr et chaleureux.
Sincères salutations
Kerrie Blain
Message à l’attention de tous les parents et tuteurs
Si vous rencontrez des difficultés financières pendant l’année scolaire, n’hésitez surtout pas à envoyer un
courriel à la Principal et/ou à prendre rendez-vous avec elle afin de discuter de l’aide que l’école peut vous
apporter. Il existe un Fonds d’Aide Sociale dans notre établissement crée à cet effet, car nous souhaitons que
chaque enfant reçoive une éducation de façon équitable.
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Canteen News
Welcome back. Please find the 2016 canteen menu attached to this newsletter. To ensure students get their preferred meal, you
are encouraged to submit a lunch order. For high school students, please write your lunch order on a paper bag at the canteen
no later than the end of recess. For primary students, please leave your lunch order bag in the basket in your class room.
Teresa Shea
Canteen Manager
0409 722 343
School Band Practice
Wed 8.00am Before School Wind Ensemble (non-Year 7)
Thu 8.00 Year7 Before School Band (Year 7 EFS and Australian Stream)
Fri 5 Feb – Before School Jazz Band first rehearsal
Tues 16 Feb – Boot Camp (all day). Year 8-10 Wind Ensemble Members
Sat Feb 27 – Canberra Show TBC (all bands)
Thur 3 March (after school) - Sat 5 March – Jazz Retreat at Burrinjuck
Thur 5 May – Sat 7 May – Band Camp TBC - all band members. Year 7 members on Fri 6th and Sat 7th May only
Thurs 19 May – National Eisteddfod, Jazz Band only – late afternoon, TBC.
Sat 21 May – National Eisteddfod TBC, all band members, morning only
Sydney Tour – Thursday 15th Sep – Sat 17th Sep 2016 TBC
NB 2017 France and Belgium tour:
Thursday 21 September 2017 – Thursday 5 October 2017 for the 2017 band members (Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band)
Course Costs and Materials
Costs: $45 per student for the semester if the student possesses their own instrument.
$90 per semester for students using a school instrument.
$60 per semester for students using school drums, school guitars or keyboards.
Music Tuition.
Private tutors are available and lessons can be arranged through Charlotte Winslade at ACTAM on 0419 309 918. Their website is if you would like to look into this area.
Guitar tuition on site is also available through Mojo Guitars – Cameron can be contacted on 0431 550 005 if you are interested in
pursuing after school guitar lessons.
Please feel free to contact me on 6142 3382 or by email (more reliable) if you have any questions to do with band, tuition or just
to say bonjour or g’day.
Careers Development …. for Year 9 & 10 students
As the Career Development Officer for students at Telopea Park School, I’m looking forward to working with all Yr 9 & 10
students this year. I encourage all students over 14 years of age to participate in a Work Experience (WEX) placement and to
explore different career pathways. All students are eligible to participate in 10 days Work Experience per year at a time that
suits them and the school. They do not need to use all 10 days as one block. Preferably students are encouraged to have a WEX
placement for 2, 3, 4 or 5 day blocks. They can be as creative as they like in using these 10 days and I invite all students to
discuss with me, the various options to suit their needs. Research has indicated, that students who explore different career
options at high school, are more satisfied with their chosen careers in later life.
As the Career Development Officer at TPS, I work two days per week (Wednesday & Thursday ).
My office is on the ground floor of the secondary 3 -storey building and my contact details are:
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0407110853
Phone: 02 61423388
Fax: 02 61423348
I encourage all students to use the room at lunch and recess to explore and discuss any queries they may have.
experience (WEX) placements must be made through me.
All work
While setting up the room, it has come to my attention that it is missing a small fridge (bar size). If you are aware of a small
fridge that could be donated to this room, I would be very pleased to hear from you.
Looking forward to working with students and parents during 2016.
Susan Alexander,
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Telopea Park School,
Career Development Officer
Ph 061423388
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all students and families of Telopea Park School for 2016. I hope everyone had a
restful break and are ready to make an enthusiastic start to this year.
The Student Services Team of Telopea Park School provides a wide range of support for students and their families. Please feel
welcome to contact myself, Mrs. Kylie Louis (614 23379), Ms. Mary De Poorter (614 23393) or the appropriate Year Co-ordinator
to discuss concerns and enable us to facilitate relevant appointments and communication on your behalf. Year Coordinators
include Year 10, Mr John Daniels, Year 9, Mrs. Kirsty Hilson, Year 8, Mr Nick Rothwell and Year 7, Ms Hollie Aerts.
At the beginning of this year, each student has been provided with a Telopea Park School Diary to support organisation and
provide information about the school for both your student and your own reference. Over the coming weeks, collaborate with
your student by requesting to view and sign semester Unit Outlines for each subject, discuss which items on the Assessment
Calendar are relevant, and help them plan their study accordingly. Our Year Coordinators are also available to assist your
student in study organisation and goal setting. I hope all students reflect on their past achievements and set challenging goals
to work towards this year. A Study Group is available on Wednesday afternoons from Week 2 for assistance with homework and
assignments in our flexible learning space, A1. Please contact Noni See (614 23358) in Student Services for permission notes
and information on the Homework Club. Mathematics support is also available in the Library on Thursday lunchtimes for all
As part of the New Year, please be reminded to inform Student Services of any change in contact details such as phone numbers
or addresses as soon as possible. It is imperative that the school has up to date information with which to communicate as
Attendance is crucial for students to achieve their potential and maintain connectivity with the school. School hours are 8.45am
– 3.15pm, Monday – Friday. Students arriving late to school are expected to sign in at Student Services, regardless of time,
with a note explaining their absence. Absences are reported on each student’s record as a legal requirement. A parent/carer
must contact the school within five days to explain an absence from school. The most effective way of communicating with the
school is via email: [email protected] or phone: 614 23385 (with a subsequent letter or email).
Parents/carers are encouraged to have signed up for SMS/emails which notify when a student is marked not in attendance at
school by 11.00am each day. Please, also, note that students are not to attend school before 8.15am each day with the
exception being Wednesdays to attend the weekly Breakfast Club from 8.00am. Students requiring leaving the school for any
reason during the day are must provide a permission note from a parent/carer, collect a Leave Pass at Student Services and wait
at the Front Office at the requested leaving time. It would be greatly appreciated if students could gain their Leave Pass as early
as possible in the day and are punctual when waiting for their parents/carers. Students are also reminded that if they become
unwell during the school day they need to request a note to attend Sick Bay and then wait for Sick Bay to contact their
Telopea Park School has a school colour code which should be adhered to by all students. Please be aware that students are
required to wear appropriately coloured clothing as part of the school dress code. Black leather shoes are an Occupational
Health and Safety requirement of many subjects and students not adhering to these regulations may be excluded from taking
part in classes in Arts, Technology and Science. Please refer to Pages 32-33 of the Telopea Park School Diary for more detail
regarding the Uniform Dress Code Policy.
Students are not permitted to use mobile phones in class, nor inside the school buildings. Please also be aware that security of
personal items is the responsibility of students. If students need to bring valuable items to school, please secure the valuables
and do not leave items in bags whilst unattended. PE provides a secure storage of items during class. Student Services can
store valuables for the day when items must be brought to school. Students are strongly encouraged to keep their valuables in
lockers, PE storage or on their person whilst at school. Please refer to Pages 36-37 of the Telopea Park School Diary for more
Please feel welcome to communicate any information or concerns to Student Services so we can best assist your student in
achieving to their potential. I wish all students a wonderful 2016.
Kylie Louis
SLC Student Services
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Welcome to the 2016 school year. We have had a few staff changes since the term 4 newsletter. Kirstyn Millar has transferred to
Mawson Primary School and is looking forward to having responsibility for one Kindergarten class and eventually returning to the
pre-school sector. I very much appreciated Kirstyn’s attention to detail and expertise in literacy as well as the care she took with
her students-setting them up for their next 12 years of schooling. Sarah Buckley (Year 1) has taken up a position at North
Ainslie Primary School. She will be greatly missed by both the students and staff. Sarah was instrumental in establishing the
school garden and leading the K-6 Sustainability Project. Our work in Sustainability was showcased on a number of occasions
throughout 2015 to students and staff from other schools.
Hebe Petkovic will be teaching three Kindergarten classes and Trish Scanlan will teach K4 on Fridays. Alisha Tooma joins the
year 2 team, having previously taught in Queensland and English as a Second Language in France. Isabelle Chevreau has joined
the year 1 team having previously taught at the French Australian Pre-school. Year 1 English will be delivered by MaryAnn
Cremen and Sandy Bauerle. Lilas Monniot-Kerr will be teaching year 3 and some EFS classes in the secondary school. Anthony
(AJ) Duncan will be teaching classes in both years 3 and 4.
A number of notes were sent home on Thursday, some of which require a prompt response. The Swimming Carnival (years 2-6)
will be held on Tuesday 16 February and preparation for the year 5 and year 3 camps is well underway. A Parent
Information evening for each year level has been scheduled for weeks two and three, commencing with Kindergarten and
year 6 on Thursday 11 February from 5.00-6.00pm. This is an opportunity for you to hear about the teaching program and
meet the teachers. Parent teacher interviews will be scheduled from the 29-31 March. Prior to the interviews, you will
receive a mid-semester progress report.
Supervision is provided from 8.30am. The primary and the Kindergarten gates will be unlocked at 8.30am and then locked again
at 9.05am. If your child arrives after this time, please enter via the front door of the school and proceed to the Primary Office
and sign them in. The primary gate will re-open again at 3.10pm and close at 3.45pm. The playground equipment is only
available to the students in the After School Care Program and is supervised by their staff.
The streets surrounding the school are very busy. Please be vigilant. On Tuesday morning some parents expressed concern
about another driver doing a U-turn. Please also be aware, that parking tickets have been issued to parents at pickup time.
We are a SunSmart School and we will be having a blitz on the wearing of hats before school and during breaks. A note will be
sent home requiring your signature should your child be on the playground without a hat. He or she will also be required to sit in
the shade.
If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or Julien Dugas or Kathy Solomko (years K-2) and Maria Magdic
(years 3-6).
Robin Egerton
Deputy Principal, K-6
Bienvenue en cette nouvelle année 2016. Nous avons eu quelques changements d’enseignants depuis la dernière newsletter de
l’année. Kirstyn Millar est à présent à l’école primaire de Mawson et est impatiente d’enseigner à une classe de Maternelle avant
de retrouver l’environnement de la crèche. J’ai beaucoup apprécié la minutie de Kirstyn, son expertise dans l’enseignement de
l’anglais ainsi que l’attention qu’elle portait à ses élèves pour les préparer au mieux à leurs 12 prochaines années à l’école. Sarah
Buckley (CP1) enseigne à présent à l’école primaire de North Ainslie. Elle manquera beaucoup à la fois aux élèves et aux
parents. Sarah fut à l’initiative de la création du jardin de l’école et du projet Développement Durable. Nous avons pu montrer
notre travail sur le Développement Durable à de nombreuses occasions en 2015 aux élèves et enseignants d’autres écoles.
Hebe Petkovic enseignera aux trois classes de Grande Section de Maternelle et Trish Scanlan enseignera en GS4 le vendredi.
Alisha Tooma rejoint l’équipe de CE1 après avoir enseigné dans le Queensland et l’Anglais Langue Etrangère en France . Isabelle
Chevreau rejoint l’équipe de CP après avoir enseigné à l’école maternelle franco-australienne. MaryAnn Cremen et Sandy Bauerle
enseigneront l’anglais aux classes de CP. Lilas Monniot-Kerr enseignera en CE2 et aux classes d’EFS au Secondaire. Anthony (AJ)
Duncan enseignera en CE2 et CM1.
Un certain nombre de courriers ont été distribués ce jeudi, merci de répondre rapidement aux plus urgents. Le Swimming
Carnival (CE1 à Sixième) aura lieu le mardi 16 février et les préparatifs aux camps des CE2 et CM2 sont en route. Une réunion
d’information à l’attention des parents sera organisée pour chaque niveau en semaines deux et trois, en commençant par les
classes de Maternelle et de Sixième le jeudi 11 février de 17hOO à 18h00. C’est l’occasion de rencontrer les enseignants qui vous
détailleront les programmes. Les réunions de parents d’élèves auront lieu du 29 au 31 mars. Vous recevrez auparavant les
bulletins de mi-semestre.
La surveillance à l’école est assurée à partir de 8h30. Les grilles du Primaire et de Maternelle sont ouvertes à 8h30 puis fermées
à 9h05. Si votre enfant est en retard, vous devrez entrer par l’entrée principale de l’école et vous rendre au secrétariat du
Primaire où vous signerez le registre de présence. La grille du Primaire rouvre à 15h10 et ferme à 15h45. Les espaces de jeux ne
sont accessibles qu’aux élèves inscrits à la garderie du soir et sont sous la surveillance d’un membre de leur équipe.
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La circulation dans les rues avoisinantes est très chargée. Nous vous demandons d’être vigilants. Mardi matin, des parents ont
remarqué une voiture faisant demi-tour dans la rue. Sachez également que des PV ont été dressés aux heures de sortie de
Nous sommes une école suivant le programme SunSmart et nous serons particulièrement vigilants sur le port du chapeau avant
les cours et pendant les récréations. Vous recevrez une note à signer si votre enfant se trouve dans la cour sans son chapeau sur
la tête. Il ou elle devra également rester à l’ombre.
Pour toutes questions, n’hésitez surtout pas à me contacter, ou à contacter Julien Dugas, Kathy Solomko (pour les classes de
Maternelle à CE1) ou Maria Magdic (classes de CE2 à Sixième)
Robin Egerton
Principale-adjointe (classes de Maternelle à Sixième)
2016 is looking to be an exciting year with lots of planned events, projects, groups and activities: breakfasts, discos, playground
equipment installations, and much much more! There has never been a better time to get involved in your school community.
Here are a few things you might like to consider doing this year:
Volunteer to be a reader for the primary school
Be a parent representative on one of the many school committees - curriculum, technology, bilingual education, etc
Nominate for a P&C Executive position at the AGM on February 10
Join a subcommittee for the promotion of special projects (music, playground equipment, etc) or to help raise much
needed funds for the school
Volunteer to help out at fundraising events or just come along and support them
Passionate about something? The P&C is always keen to support new ideas and the formation of subcommittees. Get a group
of friends together and do something for the school that you care about!
Stay Connected! Visit our website:, subscribe to our emailing list or watch for Events and Community News on the Telopea Skoolbag phone app.
The P&C will be hosting a welcome drinks evening for all new and returning parents and carers.
When: Wednesday, February 10th at 6pm
Where: Secondary Staff Room in the main administration building.
Come along for a social chat and then stay for the P&C’s Annual General Meeting. You’ll get a better idea as to what goes on in
your school community as well as the social events and projects we hope to undertake this year.
The P&C AGM will be held on Wednesday 10 February at 7pm in the Secondary Staff Room. The AGM will include the election of
positions to the P&C, including the P&C Executive. For a description of the roles and committees, please refer to our website: For further information, please contact the President, Paul Haesler:
[email protected]
P&C’s Constitution re: the election of office bearers
(1) The office bearers are to be elected at the annual general meeting.
(2) Notification of the election is to be circulated to all members in conjunction with the notice of the annual general
(3) At each AGM of the association, all positions shall be declared vacant. Previous office bearers shall be eligible for reelection.
(4) The Principal shall conduct the election and declare the result.
(5) Nominations are to be invited at the annual general meeting, and may be on the basis of self-nomination. If a
nominated member is absent, written consent to the nomination must be tendered.
This year, the P&C will meet every 2nd and 8th Wednesday of each school term. Please mark these meeting dates in your diary
and come along to as many as you can:
February (AGM)
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Do you know anyone into rapping or performance poetry in languages other than English? Plans to celebrate International
Mother Language Day on Sunday 21 February 2016 include a spoken word event. If you know of anyone who might interested in
participating, please contact Canberra Region Languages Forum via email: [email protected]
The Telopea Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association is a great way for families to meet and join in a range of community
activities. We help bring the school and parents closer together, contribute fundraising assistance to the school, undertake
special projects and organise social events throughout the year. From breakfasts and discos to the annual school fete, the P&C
aims to promote a friendly, community-oriented atmosphere where everyone is welcome. ALL parents and carers of children at
the school are eligible members of the P&C.
Hello fellow parents and carers of Telopea Park School students,
Jacinda Still’s two year term expires on 31st March 2016, hence I am calling for nominations for the up-coming vacancy of a
parent representative on the Telopea Park School board. I thank Jacinda for her work on our behalf, and encourage everybody
who is interested in contributing to the school community in this particular manner to nominate using the attached nomination
Please contact me (see below) or any of the current TPS parent representatives on the school board if you have any questions
about the role. Information can also be found at .
Peter Roberts
Assistant Return Officer
Telopea Park School P&C Association
0410 307 338
[email protected]
Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 11.00am – 12.00noon
Order and pay securely on the web:
[email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
Telopea Park School P&C
Before and After School Care Program
Services eligible for Child Care Rebate and Child Care Benefit
Before School Care, After School Care, Holiday Program
Extra Curricular Activities
Phone: 02 6273 2553
Email: [email protected]
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2016 Enrolments Now Open
If your child attends the primary school, you are eligible to enrol for
outside school hours care which includes:
Before School Care – 7.30am-9.00am (breakfast provided)
After School Care – 3.15pm-6.00pm (afternoon snack provided)
Holiday Care (during school holidays) – 8.00am-6.00pm
These services are eligible for the Child Care Rebate and Child Care
We also offer a range of extra-curricular activities starting week 3 of term
1. Activities include French homework, French reading and games, art,
cooking, taekwondo, tennis, yoga and capoeira.
For more information:
Phone: 02 6273 2553
Email: [email protected]
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As we start a new school year, we would like to remind you, parents and students about our services and how to best prepare
for bus travel in the new year.
Details of all school and regular bus services are now available for parents and students to begin planning their journeys. Minor
changes have been made to ACTION's dedicated school services in 2016, but we ask that parents and students familiarise
themselves with the most suitable route, times and stop locations. School bus services are available to school students only
however, parents with young children may apply to travel on these services for a few weeks to help their child get used to bus
travel. Please use the links below for further information on our bus services:
School bus timetables
Regular bus timetables
We are urging parents and students to check MyWay cards and top up if required. MyWay cards can be topped up automatically
using the handy autoload service, online, over the phone via the ACTION information line (13 17 10), or in person with a MyWay
recharge agent.
New bus fares came into effect on 2 January 2016. Single trip concessions cash fares will remain $2.30 and MyWay fares are now
$1.13. School Students are almost $60 a month better off when using MyWay rather than paying a cash fare to and from school.
Parents and students can find more information at or by calling 13 17 10.
ACTION would appreciate your assistance in circulating this information to students and parents using your existing
communications channels, such as school emails, newsletters or notices.
We wish you the best of luck with the 2016 school year.
Public Transport | Territory and Municipal Services Directorate | ACT Government
Level 2, Macarthur House, 12 Wattle Street, Lyneham ACT 2602 | GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601
After School Tennis Coaching with Tennis Canberra
We are excited to deliver tennis programs to all our school within our tennis community. We are holding after school tennis
lessons at one of our tennis club in Canberra's Inner North and South. If you can place the following information in you next
newsletter we can help get more players on the court this summer.
Tuesday at Majura Tennis Club, Dickson
Wednesday at Reid Tennis Club
Thursday at Barton Tennis Club
Monday & Friday at Old Parliament House Gardens
- Time: 3:30 - 6pm (see website for specific times)
- Levels: Aces (ages 4-6), Cubs (ages 5-7), Junior Club (ages 6-9), Junior Squad (age 9+)
Booking and more information please visit or email us at [email protected]
Enjoy the first week of the school year,
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The Australian Air Force Cades is one of the premier youth organisations in Australia with a focus on Aviation.
At 315SQN we are now taking enrolments for our first intake of 2016.
We are looking for students between the ages of 13-17 years of age who have an interest in Aviation.
Recruiting sessions are being held at the Squadron which is situated at HMAS Harman on the following dates:
9 Feb and 16 Feb commencing at 6.30pm; and
13 Feb commencing at 0830.
Any interested persons should send their details to the following email: [email protected]
NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
Proviseur/Head of French
Deputy Principal K-10
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Conseiller Pédagogique Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Appointed Member
Mary Welsh
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2015
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Staff Member
Nick Rothwell
Staff Member
P&C Member
Laura Beacroft
P&C Member
Hugh Griffin
Student Member
Philippa Evans
Student Member
Divij Madan
French Government
Eric Soulier
Australian Government
French Government
David Atkins
Catherine Hodier
Board Secretary
Katherine Solomko
Mary Ryan
P&C 2015
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
[email protected]
Andrew Medlin
Emma Burns and
Laura Beacroft
Assistant Secretary
Raana Asgar
[email protected]
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Justin Brown
Andrea Grazziadelli
Debbie Tucek
Public Officer
ACT P&C Delegate
Grants Officer
Catriona Dove
Perry Head
Bernadette Kelly
[email protected]
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Chris Burge
Peter Roberts
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Clair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
and Jacinda Still
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Returning Officer
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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