LATEX for beginners


LATEX for beginners
Programme et planning du cours
actualisé le 21/12/2014
LATEX for beginners
Par Amit Raj Dhawan (INSP)
Le vendredi matin de 9h30 à 12h00, du 14/02 au 14/03 2014
Jussieu, Atrium, salle RC15
Le vendredi matin du 23/11/2012 au 18/01/2013
à l’UTES (Atrium 1er étage)
Cet enseignement a lieu dans une salle informatique de l’UPMC
Important : veuillez vous munir
-de vos login/password de l’UPMC
- et/ou d’un ordinateur portable personnel
-et/ou d’une clef USB formatée en FAT32
1. Introduction to TeX and LaTeX
General discussion about TeX and LaTeX processing
Typesetting vs word-processing—WYSIWYM vs WYSIWIG
LaTeX document structure: Environments and Classes of LaTeX2e.
Section commands
2. Coding LaTeX
Controlling text, spaces, breaking pages
Document layout, page layout, headers and footers
Packages and macros: Babel, hyphenation, and simple macro definitions
Advantages of pdflatex
3. Mathematics
Mathematics typesetting basics
amsmath package—advanced typesetting
4. Hyperlinks, graphics, and bibliography
URLs and Hyperlinks with LaTeX
Embedding graphics (EPS, PNG, JPEG, PDF)
Bibliography with BibTeX
5. Exercises
Production of a very short dummy PhD thesis PDF using LaTeX
An “advanced” course dealing with boxes, tabulars, graphics, other packages including beamer (for
presentations) and TikZ (for embedded graphics) is scheduled later in 2014
A specific session focused on the production of a PDF-compliant e-thesis with pdflatex will also be proposed