Bibliographie gestion des risques et sécurité du patient


Bibliographie gestion des risques et sécurité du patient
Bibliographie gestion des risques et sécurité du patient
Sites Internet méthode en gestion des risques
Présentations power point de l’INRS sur l’arbre des causes : comment construire l’arbre des causes,1,Savoir%20construire%20l’arbre%20d
Les arbres de défaillances
L'île de la Nouvelle-Systémique :
Systems analysis of clinical incidents – The London Protocol, Vincent C.
Institut européen de cindyniques (science des dangers) :
Sites Internet sécurité du patient
a) International
- OMS – World Alliance for Patient Safety :
- OCDE – OECD Work in Patient Safety :,3343,en_2649_33929_37090539_1_1_1_37407,00.html
b) Canada
- Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients :
c) USA
- AHRQ :
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement :
- Veterans Affairs – National Center for Patient Safety :
- Institute for Safe Medication Practices :
- FDA – MedWatch :
- Joint Commission International Center for Patient Safety :
- Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority :
- Quality Interagency Coordination (QulC) Task Force :
- National Patient Safety Foundation :
- The Leapfrog Group :
d) UK
- National Patient Safety Agency :
e) Australie
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare :
- NSW (New South Wales) Department of Health :
- Australian Patient Safety Foundation :
- Australian Council on Safety and Quality in Health Care :
f) Nouvelle Zélande
- Ministry of Health :
Amalberti R, Auroy Y, Berwick D, Barach P. Five system barriers to achieving ultra safe health care. Ann
Intern Med 2005;142(9):756-65.
Chang A, Schyve PM, Croteau RJ, O'Leary DS, Loeb JM. The JCAHO patient safety event taxonomy : a
standardized terminology and classification schema for near misses and adverse events. Int J Qual
Health Care 2005;17(2):95-105.
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de Marcellis-Warin N, Baumont G. L'analyse des incidents et accidents dans les hôpitaux. L'adaptation
de la méthode Recuperare développée par l'IRSN. Préventique Sécur 2004;(73):21-7.
de Marcellis-Warin N. Analyse des incidents-accidents liés aux soins au Québec : le modèle
Recuperare-santé. Risques Qual 2005;2(3):145-53.
Doing the "right" things to correct wrong-site surgery. Patient Safety Authority 2007;4(2):29-45.
Edmondson AC. Learning from failure in health care: frequent opportunities, pervasive barriers. Qual Saf
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Quaranta JF, Brigato K, Staccini P. Application des cindyniques aux risques hospitaliers. Tech Hosp
Rasmussen J. Risk management in a dynamic society. A modelling problem. Saf Sci 1997;27(2-3):183213.
Vincent C, Taylor-Adams S, Chapman EJ, Hewett D, Prior S, Strange P, et al. How to investigate and
analyse clinical incidents: clinical risk unit and association of litigation and risk management protocol.
BMJ 2000;320(7237):777-81.
Woloshynowych M, Rogers S, Taylor-Adams S, Vincent C. The investigation and analysis of critical
incidents and adverse events in healthcare. Health Technol Assess 2005;9(19):1-158.
Livres et thèses
Agence française de normalisation. Systèmes de management de la qualité. NF EN ISO 9000, X 50130. Saint Denis La Plaine: AFNOR; 2005.
Agence nationale d'accréditation et d'évaluation en santé. Principes méthodologiques pour la gestion
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Amalberti R, Mosneron-Dupin F. Facteurs humains et fiabilité : quelles démarches pratiques. Toulouse :
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Amalberti R, de Montmollin M, Theureau J. Modèle en analyse du travail. Paris : Lavoisier, 1999.
Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Pibarot ML, Papiernick E. Optimiser la sécurité du patient.
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Morel C. Les décisions absurdes. Sociologies des erreurs radicales et persistantes. Paris: Gallimard;
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. How to change practice. Understand, identify and
overcome barriers to change. London: Nice; 2007.
Reason J., Managing the risks of organizational accidents, Ashgate Publishing Company, Brookfield,
Reason J. L'erreur humaine. Paris : PUF, 1993.
SECTOR. Etude sur l'expérimentation d'outils d'évaluation de risques industriels. Etude pour la direction
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When Things go Wrong. Responding to adverse events. A Consensus Statement of the Harvard
Hospitals. Massachusetts: Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors; 2006.
World Health Organization. WHO draft guidelines for adverse event reporting and learning systems.
From information to action. World alliance for patient safety. Geneva: WHO; 2005.
Sites Internet nationaux
Haute Autorité de Santé,
Académie de Médecine,
AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality),
Joint Commission International center for Safety Patient,
Institute for Healthcare Improvement,
Santé Canada,
Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada,
Ministry of Health, New Zealand,
New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority,
Health Fundation,
National Health Service,
Patient safety authority, Pennsylvanie :
Executive Office of the President. Patient safety and quality improvement act of 2005. Statement of
administration policy S.544 2005. <>
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Institute of Medicine, Kohn L, Corrigan J, Donaldson M. To err is human: building a safer health system.
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PW. Longo DR, Hewett JE, Ge B, Schubert S. The long road to patient safety: a status report on patient
safety systems. JAMA 2005;294(22):2858-65
Baker GR, Norton PG, Flintoft V, Blais R, Brown A, Cox J, et al. The Canadian Adverse Events Study:
the incidence of adverse events among hospital patients in Canada. CMAJ 2004;170(11):1678-86.
Baker GR, Norton PG. Adverse events and patient safety in Canadian health care. CMAJ
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Reeder JM. Patient safety: cultural changes needed corrected. Healthc Pap 2001;2(1):48-54, discussion.
Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande
Baldwin I, Beckman U, Shaw L, Morrison A. Australian Incident Monitoring Study in intensive care: local
unit review meetings and report management. Anaesth Intensive Care 1998;26(3):294-7.
Beckmann U, Baldwin I, Hart GK, Runciman WB. The Australian Incident Monitoring Study in Intensive
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