Bulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary Calendrier


Bulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary Calendrier
Bulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary
18 mars 2012 -4e dimanche de carême B – Le courage de la vérité
Sûrs de l’amour indéfectible de Dieu pour l’humanité et pour chacune et chacun d’entre
nous, nous sommes appelés à entrer dans la foi. Nous irons vers la vie et la lumière et
nous pourrons faire la vérité.
Samedi 24 mars
Ministres prochains
Dimanche 25 mars
Marguerite Sigur
Jean et Louise Fournet
Danielle Poirier-Heine
Dominique Lefebvre
Les Chevaliers de Colomb
Les Chevaliers de Colomb
Les Chevaliers de Colomb
Maximilian Labrecque et Rebecca Bangha
Claude Boily et Gerry Fijal
Roy Klassen
Reine –Agnès Ndzié
Revenu des offrandes: 10 et 11 mars: 1532,00$
Intentions de messes
Sam 17 mars: Messe d’action de grâce
Mar 20 mars: † Olive Labrosse
Mer 21 mars: † Charlotte Lowe
Jeu 22 mars: † Maurice Gaudou, frère de Marguerite Sigur
Jeudi 17h30 : † Gunter Adams
Sam 24 mars: †Carlos Cruz, oncle de Karla et Rosa Cruz
de la part de
Marjorie Tabuno
Helen Kurio
Famille Lowe
Carmel et Rudy Klassen
Marcelle Adams
Karla et Rosa Cruz
Pour les lundis et vendredis, voici les intentions pour les messes privées de l’Abbé Noël.
Nous vous encourageons de garder ces mêmes intentions dans vos Prières.
Intentions de messes
de la part de
Lundi 19 mars : Suoad Aziz Muhktar
Mère de Leila Nasrat
Vend 23 mars : Intentions particulières
Assignation diocésaine
Messages Variés
Calendrier paroissial
Brunchs des
Chevaliers de Colomb
Dimanches: 22 avril,
13 mai, 10 juin
Mardi 27 mars
–Soirée de Réconciliation à 19h pour la Paroisse.
–Réunion et souper des Chevaliers de Colomb 18h et 19h.
–Dames de Ste-Famille – Messe à 19h00, suivie de la
Mardi 10 avril
Jeudi 12 avril
réunion. Bienvenues à toutes les paroissiennes de Ste-Famille.
Samedi 14 avril –Retraite pour les candidats à la Première Communion.
Lundi 16 avril –Réunion du Comité des finances à 18h15.
Together in Action
Si vous faites des
parlez à vos amis
d’ailleurs, vous comprendrez que la plus
part des diocèses organisent une levée de
fond semblable à celle du Diocèse de
Calgary afin de venir en aide aux
organismes qui aident les démunies.
L’objectif 2012 pour notre paroisse est de
13 997$. SVP pensez-y; tous vos dons
sont appréciés.
Prier le chapelet
L’icône de Notre-Dame de Guadeloupe sera
dans la paroisse, le dimanche 25 mars. Les
Chevaliers de Colomb vous invitent à venir
réciter le chapelet à 19h00.
Faire part
Le 13 mars, M. Laurent Patenaude, le
frère ainé de Bernadette Pagé est décédé
en Saskatchewan. De la part de tous les
paroissiens, nous offrons nos sincères
condoléances à Bernadette.
Il faut avoir le courage de mettre de côté ambitions et
projets qui détruisent le vrai sens de la vie, qui est
seulement de croire à l’amour de Dieu.
Bienheureuse Chiara Badano
Le mercredi 14 mars, nous avons eu le
plaisir de célébrer le Sacrement de
Réconciliation et de Pardon.
Nous souhaitons remercier les parents et
les grands-parents qui travaillent avec leurs
Félicitations : Ophélie C., Stéphanie C. Q.,
Vincent L. L., Elias T., Emery T. et Magnus
Ce fut pour nous une soirée agréable et
intime. Abbé Noël et Nicole
Félicitations aux membres du personnel et
aux familles de l’École Sainte-MargueriteBourgeoys qui ce dimanche serviront le
repas Feed the Hungry.
Le courage de la vérité
« Le langage de la Croix est folie pour ceux qui se perdent. Mais pour ceux qui sont
en train d’être sauvés, pour nous, il est puissance de Dieu », dira l’apôtre Paul aux
chrétiens de Corinthe (1 Cor, 18 et s). Cette sainte Croix que nous allons baiser de nos
lèvres, dans quelques jours, nous convoque à la suite du Christ qui l’a embrassée, à
avoir le courage de la vérité. Le courage de la proclamer. Le courage de l’enseigner, à
temps et à contretemps. C’est ce qu’on attend du prêtre dans la responsabilité pastorale que l’évêque lui
confie. C’est ce qu’on attend du fidèle laïc en raison de l’engagement baptismal au cœur du monde.
Congrès de la foi 2012 : Bâtir un monde meilleur…un réveil s’impose!
du 1er au 3 novembre 2012, Edmonton
Notre congrès triennal se prépare!
En plus de notre conférencière, madame Michèle Boulva, directrice de
l’Organisme catholique pour la vie et la famille, nous vous offrirons audelà de 40 ateliers!
Il y aura quelque chose pour les 18 à 99 ans, c’est garanti!
Parents, grands-parents, enseignants, catéchistes, musiciens, pasteurs,
jeunes adultes…on vous attend.
Les informations et l’inscription sortiront en mai dans les paroisses et les écoles.
Pèlerinage en Terre Sainte 2013
Le CÉFFA organise un pèlerinage catholique en français de 12 jours en Israël du
1re au 13 avril 2013. Les détails seront disponibles sur notre site web dès le début
de mai 2012. Si vous désirez qu’on vous envoie les informations directement,
prière de communiquer avec le bureau de direction du CÉFFA.
Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre, Cochrane
Women's Weekend Retreat - April 13-15
Retreat Theme: "Seeking the Face of God"
For information or to register, contact Marilyn Warne, 403-246-9167 or
Teresa Grice 403-329-8967
Men’s Weekend Serenity Retreat – March 30 to April 1
Retreat Theme: “Fear the Gateway to Love”
For information, contact Philip K 780-430-8784 or Lawrence at 403-681-1117
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
Announcements from the Catholic Pastoral Centre for
March 11th 2012, Third Sunday of Lent
Social Justice Ministry
Outdoor Way of the Cross: Come join us for the Annual Outdoor Way of the Cross at St.
Mary’s Cathedral on Good Friday, April 6th from 9:30am - 12pm. It will be a prayerful
meditation through the inner city, reflecting on the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Just
as God reached out to us in Christ, we are called to reach out to our neighbour in mercy, love
and justice. Please dress according to the weather as this is an outdoor event. For further
information, please contact the Social Justice Office at 403-218-5519 or e-mail
[email protected].
Homelessness and the Faith Community - an informative evening on Tuesday, March 13, 7 to 9
pm at Altadore Baptist Church (4304 - 16 St. SW, Calgary). Andrea Ranson, Calgary Homeless
Foundation, Yvette Rasmussen, Inn from the Cold and Myron Krause, Calgary Mustard Seed will
share how homeless people and those at risk of being homeless are being served by these
organizations. Learn how The Seed, The Inn and Acadia Place, all strongly supported by the faith
community, work together with the Calgary Homeless Foundation in the 10-Year Plan to End
Homelessness in Calgary. Find out where we, as people of faith, can contribute more meaningfully to
this effort on behalf of our brothers, sisters and their children.
RSVP to Colleen at [email protected], 403-243-4304.
Liturgy Office
Save the date: Chrism Mass 2012 | Monday April 2, 7:30 pm, at St. Mary's Cathedral.
Doors open at 6:30pm. During this Mass, the Bishop blesses the oil of catechumens, the oil
of the sick, and the oil of chrism. The chrism is freshly prepared for the baptising of
catechumens at the Easter Vigil and the other oils are blessed on this day as well. As the
Bishop is the only minister who can bless chrism, this liturgy ritualises his presence through
the chrism that will be used by priests and deacons of the diocese throughout the year.
Youth Ministry
Massive Worship has been facilitating training and formation for Catholic musicians. This
year’s conference will be held at St. James Parish in Okotoks from March 30 to April
1. This is a great opportunity to be rejuvenated in your ministry, receive hands on training for
your instrument, experience practical workshops in youth ministry, and be inspired by others
working towards the same goal. For more information please contact Mary Ann Donaleshen
at [email protected] or 403-218-5516.
Diocesan Youth Rally is coming up for students in grades 7-12. Please plan to come to this
year’s Rally to be held on Saturday May 5th in Lethbridge. Details are in your parish, and
on the website at youthrallycalgarydiocese.com. Please consider making a donation towards
sending someone who cannot afford it to this Rally (the fee is $50 per person). If your parish
is sending a bus to the Rally please email [email protected] and let us know. We
will make every effort to connect students with buses so they can benefit from this Rally. 75
volunteers are needed! If you can help please contact:
[email protected] or call 403-218-5516.
Youth Ministers’ Gathering will be at St Luke’s Parish, Calgary on March 14. Call Nancy
at 403-282-9844 for more information.
Stewardship Office
Saturday, March 24, 2012 from 7:00 to 10:00pm join us at St. Mary’s Cathedral Hall for
an evening of fun, food and music! The Stewardship Office in partnership with the University
of Calgary Catholic Community is hosting a benefit concert featuring local artists to raise
funds and awareness in support of the Feed the Hungry Program. Sponsorship
opportunities are available. Please call Eden D’Souza at [email protected] or
Ecumenical & Interreligious Office
Holocaust Remembrance Service will be held Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:30pm at First
Alliance Church, 12345 - 40th Street SE Calgary. Featuring the stories of Corrie Ten Boom
& Maxiimilian Kolbe and memories from Jacques Mydlarski (Holocaust survivor). For more
call 403-252-7572.
Life and Family Resource Centre
God Squad 2012 annual conference for men presents “Striving for the Goal”, Building our Faith,
Family and Community with Curtis Martin, president and founder of FOCUS and co-host for
EWTN’s “Crossing the Goal” and Phil Lenahan of Veritas Financial Ministries and treasurer for
Catholic Answers. Date: March 16-17. Place: Holy Name Catholic Church, 2223 – 34 Street SW,
Calgary. Cost: $40.00 before Mar 1, $50.00 after Mar 1. Doors open at 6:00 pm.
Fund Raising Banquet for The International Institute for Restorative Reproductive
A wonderful night to hear moving stories from leading experts in the field and to help raise
funds to support this work. Information and Registration is available online at
www.reproductiveinstitute.com or by emailing [email protected] or by calling 1323 739-7755.
On March 31st, 2012 Banff, Alberta will serve as the stunning backdrop to an international
gathering of physicians, allied health professionals and individuals interested in Restorative
Reproductive Medicine, which aims to diagnose and correct underlying reproductive
conditions. If you have an interest in reproductive health issues, this conference is a must.
Information and registration is available online at www.reproductiveinstitute.com, by emailing
[email protected] or by calling 1-323-739-7755.
The Calgary Catholic Medical Association presents: Awakening Hope for Life "Procreation
Without Sex: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) And Other Techniques And How They Have
Affected Us”. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Rene Leiva. The event takes place on April 26 , 7:00 –
9:00 pm at St. James Parish in Calgary, 5504 – 20 Street SW. Tax deductible donations
are appreciated.
The Calgary Diocesan Marriage Preparation program “For Better and For Ever”, has been
adapted for couples in one or more of the following circumstances: living together, previously
married, beginning marriage with children, couples 45+, or those who wish to have their
marriage blessed in the Church. For information and/or to register call the Life and Family
Resource Centre at 403-218-5504 or email [email protected]
Charities and Development Office
Catholic Charities asks everyone to mark their calendars for Bishop’s Dinner 2012 to be held
Thursday, October 18, 2012. This year’s event will acknowledge our Diocesan Centennial year
(November 30, 2012-November 29, 2013) as we “Celebrate the Past.” Look for invitations to be in the
mail and ticket order forms in the parish by mid-May.
Catholic Charities is excited to announce the date and location of the 22nd Annual Golf Tournament
in support of our Feed the Hungry program. This year we will be enjoying the amazing course at the
Silvertip Resort in Canmore on Monday, August 13, 2012. If you have any questions about the
tournament, please contact Jordan Dahlke at 403-218-5532 or [email protected].