publications - Laboratoire d`Astrophysique de Bordeaux


publications - Laboratoire d`Astrophysique de Bordeaux
Jean-Marc HURÉ
Université Bordeaux 1,
351 Cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence
Observatoire de Bordeaux
OASU/L3AB/ERA & UMR 5804, 2, rue de l’Observatoire, BP 89 33270 Floirac
e-mail : [email protected]
Site Internet :
1. Huré, J.-M., 2003,
“Contributions à l’étude des disques. Modèles d’accrétion, outils pour l’équation de Poisson et applications”,
Thèse d’habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot
2. Huré, J.-M., 1994,
“Structure radiale des disques d’accrétion dans les noyaux actifs de galaxies”,
Thèse, Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot
Articles en préparation (à la date du 30/01/06)
1. Huré, J.-M, Pierens A.,
“A prescription for the smoothing length in disks”
2. Huré J.M., Pelat D.,
“Generic ptential/density pairs for flat, finite size disks”
Articles soumis (à la date du 30/01/06)
1. Steinacker J., Chini R., Nielbock M., Hoffmesiter V., Nürnberger D., Huré J.-M., Semenov D.,
“Modeling the NIR-silhouette massive disk candidate in M17”
2. Hersant F., Huré J.-M., Duschl W.J.,
“Enhanced dust settling in the outer solar nebula”
Publications dans des revues à referee
1. Pierens A., Huré J.-M., 2005,
”How does disk gravity really influence type-I migration ?”
Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters, 433, 37
2. Huré J.-M., Pierens A., 2005,
“Accurate numerical potential and field in razor-thin axi-symmetric discs”,
Astrophysical Journal, 624, 289
3. Huré J.-M., 2005,
“Solutions of the axi-symmetric Poisson equation from elliptic integrals. I. Numerical splitting methods”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 434, 1
4. Pierens A. & Huré J.-M., 2005,
“Solutions of the axi-symmetric Poisson equation from elliptic integrals. II. Semi-analytical approach”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 434, 17
5. Hersant F., Dubrulle B. & Huré J.-M., 2005,
“Are circumstellar disks turbulent ?”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 429, 531
6. Subr L., Karas V. & Huré J.-M., 2004,
“Stellar dynamics in a galactic center and the oblateness of the inner cluster”
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 354, 1177.
7. Pierens A. & Huré J.-M., 2004,
“Rotation curves of galactic disks for arbitrary surface density profiles: a simple and efficient recipe”,
Astrophysical Journal, 605, 179-182
8. Karas V., Huré J.-M., & Selemerak O., 2004
“Gravitating disks around black holes”
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21, 1-51
9. Kawaguchi T., Pierens A., & Huré J.-M., 2004,
“The origin of optical emission from super-Eddington accreting Active Galactic Nuclei: the case of Ton S 180”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 415, 47
10. Huré J.-M., 2002,
“Origin of non-Keplerian motions of masers in NGC 1068”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters, 395, L21-L24
11. Huré J.-M., 2002,
“Note on the “Dead Zone” in Layered Accretion Models”,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 54, 775-779
12. Bockelée-Morvan, D., D. Gautier, F. Hersant, J.-M. Huré, & F. Robert, 2002,
“Turbulent radial mixing in the solar nebula as the source of crystalline silicates in comets”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 384, 1107-1118
13. Hersant F., D. Gautier & J.-M. Huré, 2001,
“A Two-dimensional Model for the Primordial Nebula Constrained by D/H Measurements in the Solar
System: Implications for the Formation of Giant Planets”,
Astrophysical Journal, 554, 391-407
14. Collin S. & Huré J.-M., 2001,
“Size-mass-luminosity relations in AGN and the role of the accretion disc”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 372, 50-58
15. Huré J.-M., D. Richard, and J.-P. Zahn, 2001,
“Accretion discs models with the β-viscosity prescription derived from laboratory experiments”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 367, 1087-1094
16. Huré, J.-M. and F. Galliano, 2001,
“The global structure of thin, stratified α-discs and the reliability of the one layer approximation”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 366, 359-362
17. Huré, J.-M., 2000,
“On the transition to self-gravity in low mass AGN and YSO accretion discs”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 358, 378-394
18. Collin, S. and J.-M. Huré, 1999,
“Influence of the metallicity and of the irradiation on the structure of accretion disks around massive black
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 341, 385-398
19. Huré, J.-M., 1998,
“Properties of self-gravitating α-discs in AGN revisited. General scaling laws,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 337, 625-649
20. Hameury, J.-M., K. Menou, G. Dubus, J. Lasota, and J.-M. Huré, 1998,
“Accretion disc outbursts: a new version of an old model”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 298, 1048-1060
21. Hameury, J.-M., J.-P. Lasota, and J.-M. Huré, 1997,
“A model for WZ SGE with ‘standard’ values of α”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 287, 937-940
22. Drira, I., J.-M. Huré, A. Spielfiedel, N. Feautrier, and E. Roueff, 1997,
“Infrared transitions probabilities and radiative opacity of SiO”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 319, 720-724
23. Huré, J.-M. and E. Roueff, 1996,
“Analytic representations of rovibrational dipole matrix elements for the CO molecule and its isotopomers”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 117, 561-568
24. Lasota, J.-P., J.-M. Hameury, and J.-M. Huré, 1995,
“Dwarf novae at low mass transfer rates”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 302, L29
25. Huré, J.-M., S. Collin-Souffrin, J. Le Bourlot, and G. Pineau des Forêts, 1994,
“Structure of the outer regions of accretion discs in Active Galactic Nuclei: the influence of opacity,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 290, 34-39
26. Huré, J.-M., S. Collin-Souffrin, J. Le Bourlot, and G. Pineau des Forêts, 1994,
“Structure of the outer regions of accretion discs in Active Galactic Nuclei”,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 290, 19-33
27. Huré, J.-M. and Roueff E., 1994,
“Comments on the rovibrational intensities of high vJ-states of CO molecule in its X 1 Σ+ ground state”,
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 165, 583
28. Huré, J.-M. and Roueff E., 1993,
“Oscillator strengths for IR rovibrational transitions of CO”,
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 160, 335
Comptes rendus de colloques
1. “Numerical simulations of the GG Tau circumbinary disk”
Pierens, A., Dutrey A., Guilloteau S & Huré J.-M.
SF2A-2005: Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française, meeting held in Strasbourg, France, June 27-July 1st,
2005. Eds.: F. Casoli, T. Contini., J.M. Hameury and L. Pagani, EdP-Sciences, Conference Series
2. “Accelerated migration of low mass planets in self-gravitating disks”
Pierens A. & Huré J.-M.
SF2A-2005: Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française, meeting held in Strasbourg, France, June 27-July 1st,
2005. Eds.: F. Casoli, T. Contini., J.M. Hameury and L. Pagani, EdP-Sciences, Conference Series
3. Steinacker J., Chini R., Nielbock M., Hoffmesiter V., Nürnberger D., Huré J.-M., Semenov D.,
“Modeling the NIR-silhouette massive disk candidate in M17”, in Protostars and Planets V
4. Huré, J.-M, Pierens A., 2004
“Probing the black hole/torus in AGN”,
SF2A-2004: Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française, meeting held in Paris, France, June 14-18, 2004, F.
Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, F. Meynadier and L. Pagani (eds), EdP-Sciences, Conference Series.
5. Pierens, A., J.-M. Huré, 2004,
“Density splitting method in non-axi-symmetric thin discs”,
SF2A-2004: Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française, meeting held in Paris, France, June 14-18, 2004, F.
Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, F. Meynadier and L. Pagani (eds), EdP-Sciences, Conference Series.
6. Huré, J.-M, 2003
“Uniformly rotating polytropes: high accuracy determination of the Dyson-Wong sequences”,
SF2A-2003: Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française, meeting held in Bordeaux, France, June 16-20, 2003. Eds.:
F. Combes, D. Barret and T. Contini. EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, 237
7. Pierens, A., J.-M. Huré, and T. Kawagushi, 2003,
“Mid-IR to X-ray spectral modeling of a super-Eddington AGN: Ton S180”,
SF2A-2003: Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française, meeting held in Bordeaux, France, June 16-20, 2003. Eds.:
F. Combes, D. Barret and T. Contini. EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, 210
8. Huré, J.-M., 2003,
“Self-gravitating discs: what can we learn from the dynamics of maser spots?”,
Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy, meeting held in Meudon, France, July 23-27,
2002, Eds.: S. Collin, F. Combes and I. Shlosman. ASP (Astronomical Society of the Pacific), Conference
Series, Vol. 290, 167
9. Huré J.-M., 2001,
“A computational method for solving the Poisson equation in self-gravitating astrophysical fluids”
Accretion, Turbulence and MHD - Stability and Instability in Astrophysical Flows, proceedings of the
JENAM1 , held in Munich, Germany, September 2001, parallel sessions
10. Huré J.-M., 2000,
“Disques circumstellaires, disques standards et nébuleuse primitive”,
Chronologie de la formation du Système Solaire, Les Houches1 , Winter school, February, 2001
11. Bockelée-Morvan, D., D. Gautier, F. Hersant, J.-M. Huré, and F. Robert, 2002,
“Turbulent Radial Mixing in the Solar Nebula as the Source of Crystalline Silicates in Comets”,
The Origins of Stars and Planets: The VLT View. Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held in Garching,
Germany, 24-27 April 2001, 445
12. Bockelée-Morvan, D., D. Gautier, F. Hersant, J.-M. Huré, and F. Robert, 2000,
“Turbulent Radial Mixing in the Solar Nebula as the Source of Crystalline Silicates in Comets”,
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting, 32
13. Collin S. and J.-M. Huré, 2000,
“The Size-Mass-Luminosity relation in AGN: link between the BLR and the accretion disc”,
proceedings of the JENAM, parallel sessions, held in Moscow (Russie, Mai 2000)
14. Hersant, F., D. Gautier, and J.-M. Huré 2000.
“A new 2-D model of the Solar Nebula constrained by D/H observations in the Solar System : Implications
on the the formation of giant planets.”
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting, 32
15. Huré J.-M. and D. Richard, 1999,
“Accretion discs in AGN, viscosity and shear instability”,
in proceedings of the JENAM: AGN in their cosmical environment”, parallel sessions, Toulouse (France),
Sept. 7-11, 53
16. Huré, J.-M. and S. Collin, 1998,
“The Accretion Disk in NGC 4258”,
Accretion Processes in Astrophysical Systems: Some Like it Hot!, 285
17. Huré, J.-M., 1998,
“Vertically Averaged α-disks and Self-Gravitation”,
Accretion Processes in Astrophysical Systems: Some Like it Hot!, 137
1 non
18. Collin, S. and J.-M. Huré, 1998,
“Pregalactic production of heavy elements by quasars”,
IAU Symp. 184: The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies 184, 465
19. Hameury, J.-M., J.-M. Huré, and J.-P. Lasota, 1997,
“A Model for WZ SGE with “Standard” Values of α”,
ASP Conf. Ser. 121: IAU Colloq. 163: Accretion Phenomena and Related Outflows, 279
20. Huré, J.-M. and E. Roueff, 1996,
“Rovibrational dipole matrix elements for CO”
VizieR Online Data Catalog 411, 70561
21. Roueff, E. and J.-M. Huré, 1995,
“The Rovibrational IR Spectrum of CO”,
ASP Conf. Ser. 81: Laboratory and Astronomical High Resolution Spectra, 288
22. Huré, J.-M., S. Collin, and G. Pineau des Forets, 1994,
“Structure of outer regions of accretion disks in AGN. Non irradiated, vertically averaged accretion disks”,
IAU Symp. 159: Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of AGN 159, 483
23. Huré, J.-M., S. Collin-Souffrin, J. Le Bourlot, and G. Pineau des Forêts, 1991,
“Molecules in Agn’s Accretion Discs”,
IAU Colloq. 129: The 6th Institute d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP) Meeting: Structure and Emission Properties of Accretion Disks, 445
Communiqués de presse (Observatoire de Paris-Meudon & α-Galileo)
1. Pierens A., Huré J.M., 2005 (mai),
“On the likely effect of disk self-gravity on low mass planet migration”
2. Huré J.-M., 2002 (décembre),
“The outer parts of accretion discs in active galaxies unveiled”
3. Collin S. and Huré J.-M., 2001 (avril),
“The accretion disks around super-massive black holes: do they really exist?”
Articles de vulgarisation
1. Collin S., Huré J.-M., 1997,
“Quasars et trous noirs”, Pour la science, 16 (hors série), 80
2. Huré J.-M., 1997
“La divulgation grand public”,
Ouverture sur les sciences, les sciences de l’Univers, Ed. Flammarion
3. Ruphy S., Huré J.-M., 1996,
“L’astrologie”, La Recherche, 293, 84
4. Huré J.-M., 1996,
“Les quasars”, Le livre de l’année 1996, Ed. Larousse
5. Huré J.-M., Zahn J.P., 1996,
“Le soleil”, La Recherche, 282
6. Huré J.-M., 1996,
“Embryons d’étoiles dans M16”, La Recherche, 282
7. Huré J.-M., 1995,
“Hale-Bopp, la comète du siècle ?”, La Recherche, 281
8. Huré J.-M., Alter A., 1995,
“L’énigme des sources gamma”, La Recherche, 280
9. Huré J.-M., 1995,
“Zodiacale poursuite”, La Recherche, 279
10. Huré J.-M., 1995,
“Halo la masse manquante ?”, La Recherche, 277
11. Huré J.-M., 1994,
“Mercure en froid avec le soleil”, La Recherche, 270
Nouvelles scientifiques et chroniques
• Dans la revue La Recherche: Les astéroı̈des: la ruée vers l’or ? (272) — Sept nouvelles lunes autour de
Saturne (272) — Pour quelques poussières de moins (273) — Titan: premières images du sol (273) — Des arcs
gravitationnels à haute résolution (274) — Mais d’où viennent ces photons gamma (274) — Un cratère pour
Clémentine (275) — Quand une étoile meurt (275) — Des quasars faméliques (276) — Mission lunaire: le retour
(276) — Einstein encore violé (277) — Derrière Abell 2218 (277) — Observer les douches cosmiques (278) —
Deux français dans l’espace (279) — Saturne la boule à zéro (279) — Un AStre est né (280) — Les naines blanches
de l’amas M4 (280) — Hommage à Chandrasekhar (280) — Galaxie aux confins de l’Univers (281) — Qu’est ce
qui fait tourner 51-Pégase ? (282) — Ca bouge sur Io (282) — Gliese 229B, la première naine brune (283) —
La ceinture d’astéroı̈de tient bon (284) — Une comète s’est brisée (285) — La piste du grand attracteur (285) —
Mars en gravité décalée (286) — Des jeunes étoiles à l’air “big” (286) — Pleins feux sur Pluton (287) — La lune
en mille morceaux (288) — Quasars: un trou noir avec ou sans disque (288) — L’enfant de COBE (288) — Eros,
attention, danger (289) — L’anneau jovien, poussière de volcans (289) — Ganymède du bout des doigts (290) —
Thémis observe le Soleil (290) — La nébuleuse NGC604 (291).
• Dans la revue CD-RAMA: Les yeux au ciel (15) (critiques des CDROM ludo-éducatifs d’astronomie “Redshift”
et “Distant suns”)

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