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April 2014
Dear Reader.
The wheel cannot be reinvented… But it can certainly be improved!
Chances are you were able to arrive at your desk this morning thanks to prehistoric technology: the wheel. That round thing fixed to an
axis that was ingeniously invented by an unknown person some 5000 years ago.
It is so perfect that after a "few" years of successful trials no one has reinvented it.... it is perfect just the way it is... not quadrangular, not
triangular, not cubical... Just round.
Nevertheless, it has certainly been improved, and the best proof is found in Formula One. Wheels, and their covering, the tyres, have
become this sport's spoiled child, they even have warming blankets!
Jokes aside, in the early 70s it was realised that with bad tyres even the best car doesn't stand a chance. So the research began.
Experiments with compounds, playing alchemist to find the perfect proportions of ingredients added to the rubber to improve grip, wear,
its overall performance. So it can last longer than the current 120 km. Research on the surface, slick vs. grooved, tread pattern, groove
mm cavity.... Inventiveness to make it faster; from the 4 seconds that it took in the 90s to the current record held by Webber's Red Bull at
2.05 seconds.
Basically, what the Formula drivers nowadays refer to as tyre management which, together with fuel efficiency, is the main key to
winning a race.
One wouldn't think that that Neolithic dude had it in mind to entertain a global audience of 450 million; maybe that glory should really
be pinned on the Formula 1 engineers.
Likewise, our engineers tookAmericans Samuel Clegg's and Jacob Selvan's invention (or at least their first patents), the air cylinder, a
basic round in/out linear motion device and improved it, enhanced it, to give you that boost that your application needs. Welcome to
April's edition of e-matters
The European Marketing Centre
SMC Corporation
Cher Lecteur,
Si la roue ne peut pas être réinventée... elle peut certainement être améliorée !
Il est probable que vous soyez arrivé au bureau ce matin grâce à une technologie préhistorique : la roue. Vous savez, cet ingénieux
objet rond fixé sur un axe, inventé par un illustre inconnu il y a quelques 5 000 ans de ça.
La roue est d'une telle perfection qu'après « quelques » années de fructueux essais, personne ne l'a réinventée. Elle est juste parfaite
telle quelle : ni quadrangulaire, ni triangulaire, ni cubique... juste circulaire.
Néanmoins, elle a incontestablement été améliorée ; la meilleure preuve en est la Formule Un. Les roues sont devenues, revêtues de
leurs pneus, l'enfant gâté de ce sport. Aujourd'hui, elles ont même des couvertures chauffantes !
Blague à part, au début des années 1970, on a réalisé qu'avec de mauvais pneus, même la meilleure voiture au monde n'avait
aucune chance. La recherche a alors commencé. Les chercheurs ont testé divers composés, jouant aux alchimistes pour découvrir les
proportions idéales d'ingrédients à ajouter au caoutchouc afin d'améliorer l'adhérence, de ralentir l'usure et d'optimiser les
performances globales des pneus. Tout cela dans le but qu'ils puissent tenir plus longtemps que les 120 km actuels. Les experts se sont
penchés sur leur surface : lisse ou rainurée, type de sculpture, profondeur millimétrique des rainures... Ils ont redoublé d'inventivité pour
accélérer leur remplacement : de 4 secondes d'arrêt au stand dans les années 1990 au record de 2,05 secondes actuellement détenu
par Mark Webber pour l'écurie Red Bull Racing.
De nos jours, ce que les pilotes de Formule Un appellent la gestion des pneus est, avec le rendement du carburant, la clé de la victoire
en grand prix.
On peut difficilement imaginer que notre ancêtre du Néolithique avait dans l'idée de divertir un public international de 450 millions de
personnes ; peut-être les lauriers doivent-ils véritablement revenir aux ingénieurs de Formule Un.
De la même manière, nos ingénieurs ont repris l'invention (du moins les premiers brevets) desAméricains Samuel Clegg et
Jacob Selvan, le vérin pneumatique, un appareil cylindrique basique à mouvement de rentrée/sortie linéaire, et l'ont amélioré pour
vous offrir le coup de fouet dont vos applications ont besoin. Bienvenue dans le numéro d'avril d'e-Matters.
Le Centre marketing européen
SMC Corporation
SMC's Basic Round Cylinders with a premium dash
This month we present the upgraded versions of two SMC round air cylinders. Sometimes innovation means improvement, change, continuous development so
that we can provide you with premium versions of existing products.
Long life, reliable service cylinders that provide a straight-line, in/out linear movement capable of coping with a wide variety of applications.
Among their improvements it should be highlighted the transparent bracket that betters the visibility of the auto-switch status . A bigger focus should be placed
in the CG1´s elimination of protuding elements that has make its profile much cleaner which prevents them from accumulating any sort of dust or dirt.
Standard strokes of double acting models (up to 63mm bore for CG1-Z and 10 & 16mm bore for CJ2-Z) are stocked in our European Central Warehouse
for quick delivery.
Series CG1-Z - Round Air Cylinder
Series CJ2-Z - Mini-Round Air Cylinder
Main Technical Features
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Main Technical Features
Main Technical Features
• Bores: Ø20, Ø25, Ø32, Ø40, Ø50, Ø63,
Ø80 & Ø100
• Strokes: up to 1500 mm
• Double & Single Acting
• Double & Single Rod
• Male & Female Rod End Thread
• Rubber & Air Cushion
• Varied Mounting Brackets
• Bores: Ø10 & Ø16
• Standard Strokes: up to 200 mm
• Double & Single Acting
• Double & Single Rod
• Improved deflection thanks to the mounting
of a wear ring in the piston rod
• Several head covers and mounting brackets
available as standard
• Air Cushion or Rubber Bumper
Premium Dash - To adjust to more specific requirements
• Non-rotating rod
• Direct mount
• Rod boot
• Air-hydro type
• Clean room version
• Copper and fluorine free
• Water resistant
• Many others such as: rod end shape modifications, heat and
cold resistant, low speed, heavy duty, stainless steel, dual stroke,
tandem cylinder or food industry standards-friendly versions
• Transparent Auto Switch Bracket
Premium Dash - To adjust to more specific requirements
• Non-rotating rod
• Direct mount
• Built-in Speed controller
• Clean room version
• Copper and zinc free
• Many others such as: rod end shape modifications, heat and
cold resistant, low speed, dual stroke or food industry standardsfriendly versions
• Transparent Auto Switch Bracket
For all Series CG1-Z, please click here >>>>
For all Series CJ2-Z, please click here >>>>
SMC is Close to You
08/05/2014 - 14/05/2014
Düsseldorf, Germany
Messe Düsseldorf
Hall 12 Stand 12A22
SMC - Your Partner in Packaging
Come and visit us in Hall 12 Stand 12A22 to see for
yourself how SMC can support you in terms of Safety,
Energy Saving or through Air Quality Technologies.
Among the main products on display will be:
• The full range of ionizers
• Temperature control devices
• Solutions that comply with the Machinery Directive
• Automatic Leak Detection System (ALDS)
For more info on Interpack 2014, please click here >>>>
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SMC - European Marketing Centre Zuazobidea 14, Pol. Industrial Jundiz
01015 Vitoria - Spain
[email protected]
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