bass holograms


bass holograms
Bass Holograms radio show Tapage Nocturne (France Musique)
Bass Holograms, video sample
Floy Krouchi composer and musician
+33 (0)6 24 99 81 41 - [email protected] -
Floy Krouchi is not accompanied by a sound or light technician so this staff must
be provided by your venue.
For additional technical information:
Alexis Derouet sound and light technician
+33 (06)6 43 06 27 67 - [email protected]
Césaré, Centre national de création musicale
Les Docks Rémois - 27 rue Ferdinand Hamelin - 51450 Bétheny (France)
+33 (0) + [email protected]
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Césaré, Centre national de création musicale is a state backed organization presided by Fabrice Thuriot,
and assisted by Claire Peillod and Sophie Charpentier. It is a partner of the Portal for contemporary
music, piloted by the Cdmc aswell as the PROFEDIM (Syndicat Professionnel des Producteurs, Festivals, Ensembles, Diffuseurs Indépendants de Musique). Césaré, Centre national de création musicale
is accredited by the Ministère de la Culture et dela Communication/DRAC Champagne-Ardenne, the
Conseil Régional de Champagne-Ardenne/ORCCA, le Conseil Général de la Marne et la Ville de Reims.
With the help of Sacem and la Copie Privée.
Siret 378200703 0049 / Ape 9001Z / Licences 1-1055376 /2-1055374 / 3-1055375
Electronic Bass Solo
Floy Krouchi
Electronic Bass Solo
Floy Krouchi
fretless bass and electronic composition
Inspired by Indian music and its most ancient instrument, the Rudra Veena,
Floy Krouchi has developed an augmented bass which uses electronics and
real-time transformation. Within stripped down bass frequencies and the
slowness of oscillations a relationship to silence is mapped out, one that
takes us to the very edge of sound, “inside time”.
Rhythm, mass, fabric - from noise based pulsation to amplified silence each solo is a unique piece, recorded at a precise moment in time, numbered
and dated like a painting or an artefact.
The Bass Holograms series is a Césaré coproduction. In 2014, commissioned by the GRM and
entitled “Bass Holograms #105” order. Presented at: Elektricity festival (Reims), Multiphonies
GRM (Paris), Le Phénix (Valenciennes), Lieu Multiple (Poitiers) and Nuit d’Hiver festival
She was able to extend this project thanks to a residence at Villa Medicis Hors
les murs in 2009 and released the album A Stream of Love with Indian songstress
Sumathi. Since 2010, she has created Hôrspiel radiophonic pieces for la Muse en
Circuit and l’Atelier de Création Radiophonique at France Culture : Hijras diaries
and Couvre-feux were awarded the Prix Italia in 2011, the prix international d’Art
radiophonique Luc Ferrari in 2010 and the Phonurgia Nova prize in 2013.
Floy Krouchi composes musical pieces and sound performances for different media
- concerts, exhibitions, web-art, experimental video, cinema, dance, installations and has regularly collaborated with various artists and trans-disciplinary collectives
in Europe and in India.
In 2012, she took part in Kassel’s Documenta 13. In 2014, she recorded an album,
Below Sea Level, with Mark Bingham at the Piety Street studio, New Orleans, and
took part in the New Delhi Biennial.
Her pieces - solos or collaborations – have been presented in France (Palais de
Tokyo, Nuit Blanche, GRM, Présences Électroniques, Elektricity) and abroad (Spain,
Germany, Italy, Belgium, UK, Poland, Czech republic, USA, China, Sultanate of Oman
and India).
Floy Krouchi
Composer, bass player, interpreter and performer
Floy Krouchi, alias Drfloy, has been present
in the world of electronic music since 1994.
She began her voyage across electronic and
electroacoustic waters as a founding
member of the group Mafucage (Dub/Indus/
Positive noise) where she played bass and
toured France, Europe and even China. She
works with tape recording devices, drum
machines and samplers and has attended G.
Favotti’s electroacoustic course at the
In 2003, she took her instrument to India to study ragas with Pandit Hindraj Divekar
and created Sakhiri a multimedia piece exploring gender identity featuring members
of the Hijra community, which toured on the Indian subcontinent.
© Aude Paget / INA-GRM