PUBLICATIONS Jean-Noël Proust Academics M.Sc. University of


PUBLICATIONS Jean-Noël Proust Academics M.Sc. University of
M.Sc. University of Poitiers (Sedimentology and Geochemistry) 1987 Thesis: “Overview
and field study of eolian deposits in the rock record from the example of the Late
Proterozoic periglacial eolian deposits in western Mali”
Ph.D. University of Strasbourg (Sedimentary Geology) 1990
Thesis: “The sedimentary record of glacial fluctuations in the late Proterozoic deposits of
western Mali”
“Habilitation à diriger des recherches”, University of Lille, (Sciences) 1997 Thesis:
“Architectures of siliciclastic and carbonate shelf sediments”.
101. Subduction of sea-floor asperities revealed by a detailed stratigraphic
analysis of the active margin shelf sediments of Central Ecuador. Marine Geology.
Proust JN, Martillo C, Michaud F, Collot JY, Dauteuil O (in press).
100. Flare-shaped acoustic anomalies in the water column along the Ecuadorian
margin: relationship with the active tectonics and gas hydrate location. Pure and
Applied Geophysics. Michaud F., Proust JN, Dano, A., Collot JY, Guiyligo G.,
Hernandez M.J., Ratzov G., Martillo C., Pouderoux H., Loayza G. (in press).
99. Distinguishing natural evolution and human impact on estuarine sedimentary
development : a case study from the Vilaine estuary, France. Estuarine, Coastal and
Shelf Science, 163, 143-155. Traini C, Proust JN, Menier D, Mathew MJ (2015).
98. 16500 ans d’activité sismique en Nouvelle Zélande préservée dans les
sédiments marins profonds. WebINSU-CNRS 19 janvier 2014, Proust JN,
Pouderoux H, Lamarche G (2014).
97. Late Eocene paleogeography of the Proto-Paratethys Sea in Central Asia (NW
China, S Kyrgyzstan and SW Tajikistan). Geol. Soc London Spec. Publ., Darius
Central Asia. Bosboom R, Dupont-Niveta G, Mandic O., Proust JN, Ormukov Ch.,
Aminov J (2014)
96. Quaternary sedimentation and active faulting along the Ecuadorian shelf:
preliminary results of the ATACAMES Cruise (2012). Marine Geophysical Research
DOI 10.1007/s11001-014-9231-y. Michaud F., Proust JN, Collot JY, Lebrun J-F, Witt
C. , Ratzov G.,, Pouderoux H., Martillo C., Hernandez M.J., Loayza G., Penafiel L.,
Schenini L., Dano A., Gonzalez M., Barba D., De Min L., Ponce G., Urresta A.,
Calderon M. (2014).
95. Submarine paleoseismology of the northern Hikurangi subduction margin of
New Zealand as deduced from turbidite record since 16ka. Quaternary Sciences
Reviews 84, 116-13. Pouderoux H., Proust JN, Lamarche G. (2014).
94. Testing sequence stratigraphic models by drilling Miocene foresets on the New
Jersey shallow shelf. In: Moutain G, and Proust JN (eds),” The History and Impact of
Sea-level Change Offshore New Jersey themed issue”, Geosphere, 9, 1236-1256.
Miller KG, Mountain GS, Browning JV, Katz ME, Monteverde D, Sugarman PJ, Ando
H, Bassetti MA, Bjerrum CJ, Hodgson D, Hesselbo S, Karakaya S, Proust JN,
Rabineau M (2013).
93. Statistical classification of log response as an indicator of facies variation
during changes in sea level: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 313.
Results of IODP Exp313. In: Moutain G, and Proust JN (eds),” The History and
Impact of Sea-level Change Offshore New Jersey themed issue”, Geosphere, 9, 4,
1025-1043. Inwood J, Lofi J, Davies S , Basile Ch , Bjerrum Ch, Mountain GS, Proust
J.-N, Otsuka H, Valppu H. (2013).
92. Impact of synkynematic sedimentation on the geometry and dynamics of
compressive growth structures: Insights from analogue modelling. Tectonophysics,
608, 737-752. Barrier L., Nalpas Th., Gapais D., Proust JN, (2013).
91. Sédimentation littorale : état des lieux et recherches en cours. Géosciences (La
revue du BRGM pour une Terre durable), 17, 26-35. Proust JN, Tessier B,
Chaumillon E (2013).
90. Sequence boundaries are impedance contrasts: Core-seismic-log integration of
Oligocene-Miocene sequences, New Jersey shallow shelf. In: Moutain G, and Proust
JN (eds),” The History and Impact of Sea-level Change Offshore New Jersey themed
issue”, Geosphere (GSA), 9, 1257-1285. Miller K, Browning J, Mountain G, Bassetti
MA, Monteverde D, Katz ME, Inwood J, Lofi J, Proust JN (201389.
89. Fresh and salt water distribution in passive margin sediments: insights from
IODP Expedition 313 on the New Jersey margin. In: Moutain G, and Proust JN
(eds),” The History and Impact of Sea-level Change Offshore New Jersey themed
issue”, Geosphere (GSA), 9, 1257-1285. Lofi J, Inwood J, Proust JN, Monteverde D,
Loggia C, Basile Ch, Hayashi S, Stadler A, Fehr A, Pezard Ph (2013).
88. Transgressive systems tract of a ria-type estuary : the Late Holocene Vilaine
River drowned valleys (France). Marine Geology, 337, 140-155. Traini C, Menier
D., Proust JN, Sorrel P (2013).
87. Architecture stratigraphique des marges passives et niveau marin global.
Forage de la plate-forme du New Jersey (Expédition 313 – ECORD-IODP).
Geochronique, Stratigraphie, 122, 44-47. Proust JN, Mountain G. et les scientifiques
de l’expédition 313 (2012).
86. Building a 18,000 Year-Long Paleo-Earthquake Record from detailed Deep-Sea
Turbidite Characterisation in Poverty Bay, New Zealand. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst.
Sci., 12, 6, 2077-2101. Pouderoux H., Lamarche G., Proust JN, 2012
85. Architecture stratigraphique des marges passives et niveau marin global.
Forage de la plate-forme du New Jersey (Expédition 313 – ECORD-IODP).
Geochronique, Stratigraphie, 122, 44-47. Proust JN, Mountain G. et les scientifiques
de l’expédition 313, 2012
84. A Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Archaeological Heritage in the Vilaine
Estuary: a geo-archaeological approach. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
7:2, 183-199. (companion paper), Shi B. Proust J.N., Daire M.Y., Regnauld H., Pian
S., Lopez-Romero E. 2012
83. Coastal changes and cultural heritage: Toward an assessment of vulnerability
through the Western France experience. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
7:2, 168-182, Daire M.Y., Lopez-Romero E., Pian S., Proust J.N., Regnauld H., Shi B.
82. Control of alluvial sedimentation at foreland basin active margins: A case study
from the north-eastern Ebro basin (south-eastern Pyrenees, Spain). J. Sedim. Res.
Barrier L., Proust J.N., Nalpas Th., Guillocheau F., Robin C. in press
81. Postglacial (after 18 ka) deep-sea sedimentation along the Hikurangi
subduction margin (New Zealand): characterisation, timing and origin of
turbidites. Marine Geology, 295-298, 51-76. Pouderoux H., Proust JN, Lamarche G.,
Orpin A., Neil H. 2011
80. The Miguasha Fossil-Fish-Lagerstätte: a consequence of the Devonian land-sea
interactions. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 91, 4, 293-323. Cloutier
R., Proust JN, Tessier B. 2011
79. Palaeohighs: their influence on the North African Palaeozoic petroleum
systems. In: B A Vining and S C Pickering (eds), Petroleum Geology: From Mature
Basins to New Frontiers - Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference.
The Geological Society of London, 1-18. Eschard R., Braik F., Bekkouche D., Ben
Rahuma M., Desaubliaux G., Deschamps R. & Proust J. N. 2011
78. Integration of the risk of heritage loss into the vulnerability assessment of the
South Brittany coast (France): implications for coastal vulnerability analysis. Textuel. Pian S., Regnauld H., Daire M.Y, Proust J.N., Shi, David
B., Menier D. 2011
77. Controls on active forearc basin stratigraphy and sediment fluxes: the
Pleistocene of Hawke Bay, New Zealand. Bull. Soc. Geol. Amer.
doi:10.1130/B30243.1 GSA F., Proust J.N., Pettinga J.R., Barnes P.M. 2011
76. The New Jersey (Passive) Margin Scientific Drilling Project (IODP Expedition
313): Untangling the Record of Global and Local Sea-Level Changes. Scientific
Drilling. Mountain, G., Proust JN and the Expedition 313 Science Party 2010
75. Sedimentary archives of the French Atlantic coast (inner Bay of Vilaine, south
Brittany): depositional history and late Holocene climatic signals. Continental
Shelf Research, 30, 10-11, 1250-1266. Sorrel Ph., Tessier B., Demory F., Baltzer A. ,
Bouaouina F., Proust JN, Menier D., Traini C. 2010
74. Sedimentary architecture of the Loire River drowned valleys of the French
Atlantic shelf. - Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 181, 129-149. Proust J.N., Renault M.,
Guennoc P., Thinon I. 2010
73. The last post-glacial transgression as recorded into incised-valley infilling in a
rocky coast context with low sediment supply (southern Brittany, Western
France). Bull. Soc géol France, 181, 115-128. Menier D., Tessier B., Proust J.N.,
Baltzer A., Sorrel P. 2010
72. Seismic stratigraphy of the Vendean-Armorican Platform of the French Atlantic
Shelf: new insights into the history of the North Atlantic Ocean. Bull. Soc géol
France, 181, 37-50. Huerta P., Proust JN, Guennoc P, Thinon I. 2010
71. Contexte géologique et paléo environnemental en Bretagne-sud au Pléistocène.
In : Autour de la Table. Explorations archéologiques et discours savants sur des
architectures néolithiques à Locmarriaquer, Morbihan (Table des Marchands et
Grand Menhir), Serge Cassen (ed), laboratoire de recherches archoalogiques,
CNRS et Université de Nantes, Action collective de Recherche 2003-2006 et
colloque International de Vannes 2007, pp 800-813. Menier D., Scaillet F., Proust
JN, Cassen S. 2009
70. Des sites archéologiques en danger sur le littoral et les îles de Bretagne.
Chronique 2002-2008. Bulletin de l’AMARAI, 21. p. 91-104. Daire MY, LopezRomero E en collaboration avec Bihan S., Carrier P, Langouët L., LeGoff JC,
Lemouland Q., Le Quellec JM, Proust JN, Regnauld H, Roué D 2009
69. Inner forearc sequence architecture in response to climatic and tectonic
forcing since 150ka: Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. J. Sedim. Research, 79, 3-4, 97124. Paquet F., Proust J.N., Barnes P.M., Pettinga J.R. 2009
68. Sedimentary supply as evidences of the relief variations of continental
margins. Géosciences, 9, 18-25. Rouby D., Dauteuil O., Proust JN, Robin C.,
Guillocheau F. 2009
67. IGCP 499: Devonian land-sea transitional settings. Workshop and fieldtrip to
the Awaynat Wanin area of the southern ghadamis Basin, Libya, April 23-30, 2008.
Episodes, 31, 4, 438-439. Königshof P., Proust J.N., BenRahuma M. 2008
66. Incised-valley morphologies and sedimentary-fills within the inner shelf of the
Bay of Biscay (France): a synthesis. Journal of Marine Systems, 72, 383-396.
Chaumillon E., Proust J.N., Menier D., Weber N. 2008
65. Littoraux et volcanisme en Nouvelle Zélande : du forçage direct au contrôle en
relais. In « Les littoraux des îles volcaniques : une approche environnementale »
Samuel Etienne et Raphaël Paris, eds, Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal,
Clermont Ferrand, 226p. Regnauld H., Goff J. R., Nichol S. L., Chagué-Goff C., Proust
J.N. 2008
64. Climate and Tectonic Changes in the Ocean Around New Zealand. EoS
Transactions, American Geophysical Union 89. No.31 (29 July 2008): 277–288.
Proust, J.-N., Lamarche, G., Migeon, S., Neil, H.L. 2008
63. Cartographie de la dynamique du littoral armoricain au Quaternaire. In
« Dynamiques et représentations du littoral », Presses Universitaires de Rennes,
pp.63-65. Menier D., Proust J.N. 2007
62. Inherited fault control on the drainage pattern and infilling sequences of late
glacial incised valleys, SE coast of Brittany, France. In: Robert W. Dalrymple, Dale
A. Leckie and Roderick W. Tillman (eds) « Incised valleys in Time and Space». Soc.
Econ. Paleont. Miner. Spec. Publ.., 85, 85-98. Menier D., Proust JN, Reynaud JY,
Guillocheau F., Guennoc P., Tessier B., Bonnet S., Goubert E. 2007
61. Cartographie de la dynamique du littoral armoricain au Quaternaire. In
« Dynamiques et représentations du littoral », Université de printemps du Réseau
des Universités de l’Ouest Atlantique. 24 au 28 avril 2006. Nantes – Saint-Nazaire.
Presses Universitaires de Rennes-RUOA, pp.63-65. Menier D., Proust J.N. 2007
60. Characterizing earthquake recurrence parameters for offshore faults in the
low strain, compressional Kapiti-Manawatu Fault System, New Zealand.. J.
Geophys. Res., 112, B12102. Nodder S.D., Lamarche G., Proust J.N. Stirling M. 2007
59. Tectonic and climatic controls on sediment budget. Campagne Geosciences MD
152 (24 January- 7 February 2006), Mer de Tasmanie et SW Pacifique, Nouvelle
Zélande. 108p. Proust J.N, and Marion Dufresne ship board party 2006
58. The origin and nature of seismic reflections of sharp-based shoreface deposits
(Upper Jurassic siliciclastics, Northern France). Geophysical Prospecting, 54, 211–
236. Braaksma H., Drijkoningen GG, Filippidou N, Kenter JAM, Proust JN 2006
57. Sedimentological, petrophysical and seismic characterization of an Upper
Jurassic shoreface dominated shelf-margin (The Boulonnais, Northern France). J.
Sedim. Res., 76 (1), 175-199. Braaksma H., Proust JN, Kenter JAM, Drijkoningen
GG, Filippidou N 2006
56. Sedimentary architecture of a Plio-Pleistocene proto-backarc basin: South
Wanganui basin, New Zealand. Sedimentary Geology, 181, 107-145. Proust J.N.,
Lamarche G., Nodder S., Kamp PJJ 2005
55. Distribution of diagenetic alterations in siliciclastic shoreface deposits within
sequence stratigraphic framework: evidence from the upper Jurassic, Boulonnais,
NW France. J. Sedim. Res., 75 (5), 943-959. Al-Ramadan K., Morad S., Proust JN, AlAasm I. 2005
54. Long-term slip rates and fault interactions under low contractional strain,
Tectonics, Vol. 24, 4, TC4004.
10.1029/2004TC001699. Lamarche G., Proust J.N., Nodder S.D. 2005
53. Geologic evolution and geodynamic controls of the Tertiary intramontane
piggyback Meso-Hellenic Basin, Greece. Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., t. 175, n° 4, pp. 361-381.
Ferrière J., Reynaud J.-Y., Pavlopoulos A., Bonneau M., Migiros G., Chanier F., Proust
J.-N. and Gardin S. 2004
52. The Pleistocene cape Kidnappers section in New Zealand: orbitally-forced
controls on active margin sedimentation? J. Quaternary Science, 19, 6, 591-603.
Proust J.N., Chanier F. 2004
51. Histoire géologique du Massif armoricain depuis 140Ma (Crétacé actuel). Bull
inf. Géol. Bassin de Paris, 40,1, 13-28. Guillocheau F., Brault N., Thomas E.,
Barbarand J., Bonnet S., Bourquin S., Estéoule-Choux J., Guennoc P., Menier D.,
Néraudeau D., Proust J.N., Wyns R. 2003
50. Controls on acoustic properties of Late Jurassic siliciclastic rocks (Boulonnais,
northern France). Geophysics, 68, 1, 58-69. Braaksma H., Kenter JAM, Proust JN, V.
Dijkmans, T. Van Hoek, G. Mahieux 2003
49. Influence of eustasy and tectonism on reef architecture in Early Permian reef
complexes, southern Urals, Russia. In: Zempolich William G. and Cook Harry E.
(Eds) Paleozoic Carbonates of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS):
Subsurface reservoirs and Outcrop Analogs. Soc. Econ. Paleont. Miner. Spec. Publ.
74, 205-218. Vennin E., Boisseau Th., Proust J.N., Chuvashov B.I. 2003
48. Multiscale analysis of waves reflected by complex interfaces: Basic principles
and experiments. Journal of Geophyscal Research, 107, B9, 2184. Le Gonidec Y.,
Gibert D., Proust J.N. 2002
47. Influence of the syntectonic sedimentation on thrust geometry. Field examples
from the Iberian chain (Spain) and analogue modelling. Sedim. Geol., 146, 91-104.
Barrier, L., Nalpas T., Gapais D., Proust J.N., A. Casas, S. Bourquin 2002
46. Les vallées fossiles de la Baie de la Vilaine: Nature et évolution du prisme
transgressif du Pléistocène armoricain. Bulletin de la Société géologique de
France, t. 172, n° 6, pp. 737-749. Proust J.N. , Menier D., Guillocheau F., Guennoc P.,
Bonnet S. 2001
45. Primary or secondary ash turbidites : how to make the distinction ? An
example from the Miocene of New Zealand (Mahia Peninsula, North Island).
Sedim. Geol. 145, 1-2, 1-22. Schneider, J.L., Le Ruyet, A., Buret, C., Chanier, F.,
Ferrière, J., Proust, J.N., Rosseel J.B. 2001
44. Le système fluvio-estuarien pléistocène moyen-supérieur de Penestin
(Morbihan) : une paléo-Loire? Bulletin de la Société géologique de France t. 172, n°
5, pp. 563-572. Brault N., Guillocheau F., Proust, J.N., Nalpas T., Bun J.P., Bonnet, S.,
Bourquin S. 2001
43. Field and seismic images of sharp-based shoreface deposits in the
Kimmeridgian-Tithonian deposits of the Dover Strait. Implications on sequence
stratigraphic interpretations. J. Sedim Res. 71(6), 944-957. Proust, J.N., Mahieux,
G., Tessier, B. 2001
42. Radiolaires dans les formations polygéniques du Paléozoïque supérieur du
bassin préouralien. Stratigraphie et corrélations géologiques. Russ. Akad. Nauk,
t7, n°1, 41-55. Chuvashov B.I., Amon E.O., Caridroit M., Proust J.N. 1999
41. Radiolaires dans les formations polygéniques du Paléozoïque supérieur du
bassin préouralien. Stratigraphie et corrélations géologiques. Russ. Akad. Nauk,
t7, n°1, 41-55. Chuvashov B.I., Amon E.O., Caridroit M., Proust J.N. 1999
40. Stratigraphie sismique et séquentielle haute résolution des formations du
Jurassique supérieur du Boulonnais (Nord de la France) C.R. Acad Sci. Paris, 328,
341-346. Mahieux, G., Proust, J.N., Tessier, B., De Batist, M., Chamley, H. 1999
39. Architecture and sequence stratigraphy of a late Neogene incised valley at the
shelf margin, Southern Celtic Sea. J. Sedim Res., 69 (2),351-364. Reynaud, J.Y.,
Tessier B., Proust J.N., Dalrymple, B., Bourillet J.F., De Batist M., G. Lericolais, Berné
S., Marsset T. 1999
38. Eustatic and hydrodynamic controls on the architecture of a deep shelf sand
bank (Celtic Sea). Sedimentology, 46, 703-721. Reynaud, J.Y., Tessier B., Proust J.N.,
Dalrymple, B., Marsset T., Bourillet J.F., Lericolais G., De Batist M. 1999.
37. Initiation d'un bassin piggy back: l'exemple du bassin mésohellénique.
C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris., 326, 567-574. Ferrière J., Reynaud J.Y., Migiros G., Proust J.N.,
Bonneau J, Pavlopoulos A., Houzé A. 1998
36. High resolution seismic and sequence stratigraphy: relationships between the
seismic record and the sequence stratigraphic picture. Marine Petrol. Geol., 3064,
15, 4, 329-342. Mahieux G., Proust J.N., Tessier B., Debatist M. 1998
35. Carbonate platform drowning in a foreland setting: the Upper Carboniferous
platform in western Urals. J. Sedim. Res., 68, 5, 351. Proust J.N., Chuvashov B.,
Vennin E., Boisseau T. 1998
34. Individualisation d'un bassin avant arc au cours du fonctionnement d'une
marge active: la marge Hikurangi, Nouvelle Zélande. C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris. , 325,
615-621. Buret C., Chanier F., Ferrière J. Proust J.N. 1997
33. Etude taphonomique et synécologique du genre Tubiphytes: exemple des
bioconstructions de Tratau et Nizhni-irginsk du Permien inférieur de l'Oural
(Russie). Geobios, 30, 5, 635-649. Vennin E., Vachard D., Proust J.N. 1997
32. Diagenetic and paleogeographic significance of clay and other sedimentary
components in the Middle Devonian limestones of western Ardenne, France.
Palaeoecol. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimat., 129, 369-385. Chamley H., Proust J.N.,
Mansy J.L., Boulvain F. 1997
31. Sédimentologie et biostratigraphie des dépôts kimméridgiens et tithoniens du
Boulonnais. Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord, t.4, 2ème série, 121-134. Deconinck J.F., Geyssant
J.R., Proust J.N., Vidier J.P. 1996
30. Etude sédimentologique et biostratigraphique du stratotype du Bashkirien
(Oural du sud, Russie). Bull. Centre Rech. Expl. Prod. Elf Aquitaine, Pau, 20, 2, 341366. Proust J.N., Vennin E., Vachard D., Boisseau T., Chuvashov B., Ivanova, R.,
Masse P. 1996
29. Sequence stratigraphy and Paleogene tectonic evolution of the Transylvania
basin (Roumania, Eastern Europe). Sedim. Geol., 105, 117-140. Proust J.N., Hosu A.
28. Nature, géométrie et préservation des sédiments silicoclastiques dans les
systèmes de bas niveau des bassins de marge cratonique (Protérozoïque terminal,
Mali, Afrique de l'Ouest). Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 166, 6, 649-661. Proust J.N. 1995
27. Sequence analytic approach of the Upper Kimmeridgian/Lower Tithonian
storm-dominated ramp deposits of the Boulonnais (Northern France). A landward
time equivalent to offshore marine source rocks. Geol. Rundsch, 84, 255-271.
Proust J.N., Deconinck J.F., Geyssant J.R., Herbin J.P., Vidier JP. 1995
26. Sequence stratigraphy of source rocks applied to the study of the
Kimmeridgian/Tithonian in the Northwest European shelf (Dorset/U.K.,
Yorkshire/U.K. and Boulonnais/France). Marine Petrol. Geol., 12, 2, 177-194.
Herbin J.P., Geyssant J.R., El Albani A., Colbeaux J.P., Deconinck J.F., J.L. FernandezMartinez, Proust J.N., Vidier J.P. 1995
25. Apports de la sismique très haute résolution à l'interprétation génétique des
bancs sableux de la Mer Celtique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 320, II, 125-132. Reynaud
J.Y., Tessier B., Proust J.N., Lericolais G., Marsset T., Berné S., Chamley H. 1995
24. History of development of of Sterlitamakian shikhans: early Permian reefs of
southern Preduralye. Proceedings of the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry (in
Russian) 25-34. Chuvashov B., Proust J.N., Boisseau T., Vennin E. 1995
23. Glageon: une coupe du Givétien en Avesnois (France). Sédimentologie,
diagenèse, géologie régionale. Bull. Soc. Belge Geology, 103 (1-2), 171-203.
Boulvain F., Coen-Aubert M., Mansy J.L., Proust J.N., Tourneur F. 1994
22. Notions élémentaires de stratigraphie séquentielle illustrées par un exemple.
Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord., T3, 5-25. Proust J.N. 1994
21. Marine to non marine sequences architecture of an intracratonic glacially
related basin. Late Proterozoic deposits of the West African Taoudeni Basin in
western Mali. In Deynoux et al., eds, " The Earth's Glacial Record: facies models
and geodynamic evolution". Cambridge University Press.p.121-145. Proust J.N.,
Deynoux M. 1994
20. Biostratigraphie et paléoenvironnements des couches de passage
Kimmeridgien/Tithonien du Boulonnais: nouvelles données paléontologiques
(ammonites), organisation séquentielle et contenu en matière organique. Géologie
de la France, 4, 11-24. Geyssant J.R., Vidier J.P., Herbin J.P., Proust J.N., Deconinck
J.F. 1993
19. Structure, sédimentologie et minéralogie des argiles des formations de
Beaulieu et d'Hydrequent (Dévonien supérieur du Bas Boulonnais). Ann. Soc.
Geol. Nord., T2, 123-134. Lefrançois A., Deconinck J.F., Mansy J.L., Proust J.N. 1993
18. Caractérisation géochimique de la matière organique et minéralogie des
argiles du Kimmeridgien du Boulonnais. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord., T2, 113-120. El
Albani A., Deconinck J.F., Herbin J.P., Proust J.N. 1993
17. Nouvelles données sédimentologiques dans le Kimmeridgien et le Tithonien du
Boulonnais (France). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 316, II, 363-369. Proust J.N., Deconinck
J.F., Geyssant J.R., Herbin J.P., Vidier J.P. 1993
16. Expression sédimentologique et modélisation des fluctuations glaciaires.
Exemple des dépôts du Protérozoïque terminal au Mali occidental. Sci. Géol. Mém.,
n°92, Strasbourg, 165 p. Proust J.N. 1992
15. Late Proterozoïc glacially controlled shelf sequences in Western Mali, West
Africa. J. African Earth Sci., 12, 181-198. Deynoux M., Proust J.N. 1991
14. Effets conjugués de l'eustatisme et de l'isostasie sur les plateformes stables en
période glaciaire. Exemple des dépôts glaciaires du Protérozoïque supérieur de
l'Afrique de l'Ouest au Mali occidental. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, (8), VI, n°4, 673-681.
Proust J.N., Deynoux M., Guillocheau F. 1990
13. Water transfer cylindrical structures in the Late Proterozoïc eolian sandstones
in the Taoudeni Basin, West Africa. Sedim. Geol., 66, 227-242 Deynoux M., Proust
J.N., Durand J., Merino E. 1990
12. Anatomie fonctionnelle d'une fermeture de bassin sédimentaire:
Protérozoïque terminal, groupe glaciaire du Bakoye, Afrique de l'Ouest. C. R. Acad.
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