case interfoc


case interfoc
Name of project/organisation
Projet : INTERFOC formateurs occasionnels
Organisation: CAFOC de Clermont-Ferrand (public centre
of trainers training, depending of Ministry of Education)
Name of project manager
M. Christian LALLIAS
Conseiller en formation continue
E-mail address
Type of initiative
[email protected]
Small / Medium Enterprises
Number of trainees who have completed the training
Less than 50 for the while, but negotiations in progress
Duration of project
Training path: about 20 hours
Is the project specifically aimed at the training of trainers
or is it another type of e-learning initiative?
Specifically aimed at the training of trainers on line, but
also possibility of technical assistance through some
modules to help implementation on distance. But also a
comparison of different cultural conceptions of trainers in
firm (INTERFOC is an European project, which has
involved 8 partners from 7 countries)
Which dominant model of eLearning was used in this
Supported self-learning
Blended learning
Possible but not
compulsory presented
Design: concerning distance learning
11. Which of the following technologies have been used to
deliver your project?
Web site
12. Within your project, which of these new roles did your
trainers / teachers have to undertake?
Instructional / System Designer
Subject Matter Expert
10. Did the trainers involved in the project need to
acquire/develop new skills in order to develop/deliver this
Yes (but the involved trainers are experimented trainers
since more 15 years in training of trainers). They
developed new skills in distance training aspects, but not
in the other ones
If yes, at which stage(s) in the development/delivery of the
Other(s): Translators
With reference to the following questions please describe the project explaining why this is an example of innovative
Why was this project undertaken? What outcomes were you seeking to achieve?
INTERFOC is a on-line training system based on Internet
Its aim: to prepare intern occasional trainers (in firms, corporates, administrations,) to train in face-to face with groups, in
individualised training curricula, in on line training.
Description of the way the project was developed and delivered
INTERFOC is a pilot-project, a project within the programme Leonardo da Vinci – 1998 (European Commission)
Main actors concerned with the project
8 partners (publics et privés) in 7 countries: France (CAFOC Clermont-Ferrand, public training centre for adults & EDF-GDF,
Electricité de France, puiblic firm), Italy (2 private training centres, Scienter &CERFORM), Spain (private training centre Lluis
Vivès), Germany (University Erlangen-Nürnberg), Grèce (Kentro Kronos, private training centre), République Tchèque
(University of Ostrava, Meter Silesia).
What was achieved
An on-distance training path (application = 2500 pages –screen)
6 training paths:
Training systems – What is an occasional trainer in firm.
To prepare, design and pilot a training session
Positionner, et aider à construire le parcours d’apprentissage.
Accompany & support the trainee.
Accompany & soutenir vitual groups.
To validate the (within and after training).
Each module represents: a learning-unit, a memo (personal database for each user), an application unit (aide à la mise en
pratique concrète). 7 languages: all INTERFOC sessions are available in German, Spanish, French, Greek, Italian, tcheque,
In what way would you say it is an example of innovative practice?
L'originalité d'INTERFOC : the constitution of a mixt partnership (public and private training centres big firms) and production
of common contents, translated in 7 languages.
The target group, internal occasional trainers in firms (they are not often taken into account); the combination of a training
cursus with a provider of assistance in implementation.
Are the results of this project transferable and/or scaleable
Yes, concerning methodology & processes, it is possible to use the skills to elaborate other products for other target-groups
and in other fields. That is the case with 2 projects in progress
with VolksWagen : a system of on-line training for in firm teachers/trainers
with University Ostrava (Rép tchèque) : a system of on-line training for teachers/trainers of migrant people, refugees and their
Other results
INTERFOC has been selected by the Unit « Valorisation & Dissémination of Innovation » of Brussels Commission (Direction
Générale de l’Education et de la Culture) to be presented as an example of good practice within the following exhibitions :
NETD@YS Europe 2001, EMPLOYMENT WEEK 2001, European colloquia & exhibition - 27-29 November 2001
BRUXELLES, European colloquia & exhibition Valorisation of the results of Leonardo da Vinci's programme - 29-30 April 2002
MADRID, Colloquia Le programme Leonardo da Vinci, instrument pour la formation professionnelle des petites et moyennes
entreprises - 28 June 2002 BUCAREST
CAFOC Auvergne is now involved as partner in European projects in on line training (e-learning) :
2 Projects Leonardo da Vinci : "Europe Trainers" ( Promotor : Wolkswagen coaching GmbH - Allemagne) & "E-Chance
for Women" (Promotor: Université d’Ostrava - République Tchèque)
1 Project Socrates: Trainers for European Citizens (Promotor : Université d’Ostrava - République Tchèque)

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