Gwendoline de Mûelenaere - gemca


Gwendoline de Mûelenaere - gemca
Gwendoline de Mûelenaere
Belgian, born in 1986
[email protected]
Université catholique de Louvain
Group for Early Modern Cultural Analysis (GEMCA)
Faculté de Philosophie, Arts et Lettres
Place Blaise Pascal, 1 - bte L3.03.21
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Since October 2012: PhD student in History of Art, Université catholique de Louvain
◦ Research Fellow F.R.S.-FNRS
◦ Thesis in progress: “Thesis Prints in the Southern Netherlands in the 17th and 18th
centuries. Iconological analysis of the relationships between art, science and power”.
Supervisor : Prof. Ralph Dekoninck
2009-2010: Post-graduate certificate program in Art Market and Valuation, Institut
d’Études Supérieures des Arts (IESA), Paris
◦ Specialisation : Graphic arts
2004-2009: Master in History of Art and Archaeology, Université catholique de
◦ Specialisation: Middle Ages – Modern Times
◦ Academic minor in Law (30 ECTS)
◦ Master dissertation: “Analyse iconologique du thème de la chute de l’idole lors de la
Fuite en Égypte”. Supervisor : Prof. Ralph Dekoninck
◦ Grade: magna cum laude (“grande distinction”)
Peer-reviewed articles
“Disputatio and Dedication. Seventeenth-Century Thesis Prints in the Southern Low
Countries”, De Zeventiende Eeuw. Cultuur in de Nederlanden in interdisciplinair perspectief,
31, 2, 2015, p. 284-306. DOI:
“Double Meaning of Personification in Early Modern Thesis Prints of the Southern Low
Countries: Between Noetic and Encomiastic Representation”, in Walter S. MELION and Bart
RAMAKERS (eds.), Personification. Embodying Meaning and Emotion, Leiden/Boston, Brill
(Intersections, 41), 2016, p. 433-460.
“La mise en abyme dans les affiches de thèse : paratexte et méta-narration”, in Tonia RAUS
and Gian Maria TORE (eds.), Sonder l’abyme. Poétiques de la mise en abyme dans les textes
et les images, Presses universitaires de Rennes (article submitted).
“Omnia singularem disputationi conciliabant celebritatem. Les défenses de thèses dans les
Pays-Bas espagnols”, in Ralph DEKONINCK, Maarten DELBEKE, Annick DELFOSSE, Koen
VERMEIR and Caroline HEERING (eds.) Cultures du Spectacle Baroque entre Italie et anciens
Pays-Bas (article accepted).
“Cadre(s) gravé(s) : les affiches de thèse dans le décor éphémère de la soutenance
académique”, in Nicolas CORDON, Edouard DEGANS, Elli DOULKARIDOU and Caroline
HEERING (eds.), Jeux et enjeux du cadre dans les systèmes décoratifs à l’époque moderne
(article submitted).
Other publications
“Les thèses illustrées dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux à l’époque moderne : enjeux esthétiques,
scientifiques et politiques”, GEMCA : Papers in Progress, t. 2, n° 2, 2013, p. 217-233. URL :
“Les scènes de chasse d’après Frans Snyders conservées au château de Freyr”, in J.
TOUSSAINT (ed.), Freyr-sur-Meuse. Un patrimoine exceptionnel en province de Namur,
exhibition catalogue, Namur, Musée provincial des Arts anciens du Namurois, 2013, p. 309333.
“La chute des idoles lors de la Fuite en Égypte. Analyse iconologique d’un récit apocryphe”,
Koregos (Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique), 49,
available online since March 2013 at
Conference papers
19 August 2016: “Thesis engravings dedicated to Archduke Leopold William of Austria
(1647-1656)”, panel Religious Crosscurrents in the Art and Patronage of the Southern
Netherlands sponsored by Historians of Netherlandish Art (HNA), Sixteenth Century Society
Conference, Bruges.
13 February 2016: “Displaying Gift-Giving: Thesis Prints in the Spanish Netherlands”,
conference Placing Prints: New Developments in the Study of Print, 1400-1800, Joint Annual
Renaissance Early Modern Postgraduate Symposium, Courtauld Institute of Art, London.
7 July 2015: “Italian thesis prints and Flemish collaborations: Michel Natalis, Arnold van
Westerhout and Robert van Audenaerde”, presentation during the summer school Printmaking
in Italy and the ‘Flemish’ contribution (16th - 17th century) organised by the Academia
Belgica and the Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome, Academia Belgica, Rome.
27 March 2015: “Images of the Courtier in Flemish Thesis Prints (17th-18th centuries)”, panel
Images of the Courtier, 1500‐1700 I: Figure and figuration organised by the Université de
Genève, 61st annual conference of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA), HumboldtUniversität, Berlin.
17 January 2015: “La mise en abyme dans les affiches de thèse: paratexte et méta-narration”,
interdisciplinary conference Sonder l’abyme. La mise en abyme dans les textes et les images,
organised by the Institut d’études romanes, médias et arts (IRMA), University of
30 August 2014: “17th-century thesis prints in the Southern Low Countries”, conference Een
Gouden Leertijd. Interdisciplinair historisch congres organised by the Werkgroep de
Zeventiende Eeuw, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
6 June 2014: “Personifications in Early Modern Thesis Prints in the Southern Low Countries:
Noetic and Encomiastic Representations”, panel Personification: Embodying Meaning and
Emotion in the Low Countries, 1400-1700, international interdisciplinary conference of the
Historians of Netherlandish Art (HNA), Boston University.
9 May 2014: “Les encadrements gravés des affiches de thèse dans le décor des soutenances
publiques”, international study days Jeux et enjeux du cadre dans les systèmes décoratifs à
l’époque moderne, Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA), Paris.
28 March 2014: “From Engraving to Academic Defence: The Image as a Frame in Flemish
Thesis Prints”, panel Frames and Framings: (Re)negotiating Text-Image Relationship
organised by the GEMCA, 60th annual conference of the Renaissance Society of America
(RSA), New York.
12 July 2012: “Thesis defences of Jesuit students at the Collegio Romano. The case of Ilario
Frumenti”, summer school Roma in Festa. Staging and Experiencing Festival Culture in
Early Modern Rome, Academia Belgica, Rome.
Invited lectures and seminars
5 December 2014: “Relations de patronage mises en image dans les gravures de thèses
flamandes (XVIIe – XVIIIe siècles)”, Study day of the doctoral school ED4 Le renouveau des
études sur les relations diplomatiques et culturelles, Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels.
10 March 2014: “Enjeux symboliques des gravures de thèses dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux”,
course Questions spéciales d’iconologie (teacher Prof. Ralph Dekoninck), Université
catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve.
30 January 2014: “Les thèses illustrées dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux à l'époque moderne:
enjeux esthétiques, scientifiques et politiques”, workshop of the GEMCA, Université
catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve.
7 December 2013: “Les gravures de thèses dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux (XVIIe et XVIIIe
siècles). Rapports entre arts, sciences et pouvoirs”, PhD day Pouvoir(s) et représentations,
training of the graduate college (ED4), Palais des Académies, Brussels.
8 November 2013: “Aux marges des conclusions: l’image-cadre dans les affiches de thèses
(XVIIe - XVIIIe siècles)”, workshop of the GEMCA Cadre 3 – Cadre et décor, Université
catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Scientific activities
19-29 June 2016: Participation in the summer course The Age of Rubens in context organised
by the Summer Course for the Study of the Arts in Flanders, Antwerp.
6-10 July 2015: Participation in the summer school Printmaking in Italy and the ‘Flemish’
contribution (16th - 17th century) organised by the Academia Belgica and the Koninklijk
Nederlands Instituut Rome, Academia Belgica, Rome.
8 May 2015: Co-organisation of the opening afternoon of ModerNum (Réseau des
Modernistes francophones de Belgique), entitled “Une vie de recherche(s). Témoignages
pluridisciplinaires autour des Temps Modernes”, Royal Library of Belgium (KBr), Brussels.
9-15 July 2012: Participation in the summer school “Roma in Festa. Staging and
Experiencing Festival Culture in Early Modern Rome”, organised within the framework of the
Belgian federal research project Cultures of Baroque Spectacle between the Southern
Netherlands and Italy, Academia Belgica, Rome. Virtual exhibition on:
Research networks
Since 2016: member of the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (SCSC)
Since 2014: member and organiser of ModerNum. Réseau des Modernistes francophones de
Since 2013: member of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA)
Since 2013: member of the Historians of Netherlandish Art (HNA)
Since 2012: member of the Group for Early Modern Cultural Analysis (GEMCA)
Research stays
Mid-May – mid-July 2015: Research stay at the Academia Belgica, Rome.
Grant from the Fondation Princesse Marie-José.
September – October 2013: Research stay at the Academia Belgica, Rome.
Grant from the Belgian Historical Institute in Rome (B.H.I.R.).
February – June 2008: Erasmus exchange at the Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy.
Professional experience and other training
April – Sept. 2012: Art Spec, Brussels. Assistant for an insurance broker of works of art.
2011 – 2012: Certificat d’études en outils de gestion, ICHEC-Entreprises, Brussels.
Sept. 2009 – June 2011: Internships and fixed-term contracts in art consultancy firms
specialised in Old Master Paintings (Étienne Bréton and Éric Turquin, Paris). Placements
in auction houses: Sotheby’s, Paris (Old Master Paintings dept.); Pierre Bergé & Associés,
Brussels (Old Furniture, Works of Art and Paintings dept.).
Language skills
French (native speaker), English (B2), Italian (B1), Dutch (B1).