Éléments de bibliographie


Éléments de bibliographie
Éléments de bibliographie
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Éléments de bibliographie
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Éléments de bibliographie
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[3], Sur la représentation des fonctionnelles continues, Rend. Acc. Linc., 23-1
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[4], Sur les fonctionnelles d’ordre entier d’approximation, Rend. Acc. Linc., 23-1
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[5], Représentation d’une fonctionnelle continue, satisfaisant à la condition du cycle
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W. R. Hamilton
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Magazine 25 (1844), no. 3, 489–495.
G. H. Hardy
[1], A course of Pure Mathematics, Cambride University Press, Cambridge, 1921.
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G. W. Leibniz
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[1], Mathematicians at war. Volterra and his French colleagues in World War I,
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F. Mémoli
[1], On the use of Gromov-Hausdorff distances for shape comparison in “Proceedings of PBG 2007,” Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
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of point cloud data, Found. Comput. Math. (3) 5 (2005), 313–347.
K. Menger
[1], Untersuchungen über allgemeine, Math. Annalen 100 (1928) 75–163.
A. D. Michal
[1], Differential calculus in linear topological spaces, PYOC. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
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A. M. Micheletti
Éléments de bibliographie
[1], Metrica per famiglie di domini limitati e proprietà generiche degli autovalori,
Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa (3) 26 (1972), 683–694.
I. Newton
[1], Method of fluxions and infinite series, Heney Woodfall, London, 1736 (written
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J. Pierpont
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D. Pompéiu
[1], Sur la continuité des variables complexes, Ann. Fac. Sci. de Toulouse Sci. Math.
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W. Rudin
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Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 49 (1943), 100–108.
Éléments de bibliographie
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