sommaire - summary 2


sommaire - summary 2
Liste des foumitures - Supplies ...............................................................................................................•........... 3
Processus de collection / Gradation manuelle - Collection process / Manual grading ............ .... „ ......... .... . „ .. „ .. „ „ „ „ „ .. 5
Processus de collection / Gradation informatique - Collection process I Computer grading ... „ „ ........ „ ................. „ „ ..... 6
Processus de collection / Bareme d'evolutions - Collection process / Evolution scales ...... „ .. „ ..... „ ..•.. „ „ „ .................... 7
Methodes generales de gradation .................... „ .............................................................• „ ..........•••.......... „ ........ 8
General grading methods .. „ „ .. .... .............. ..... ................. ................................................................ .......... ... ...... 9
Differentes evolutlons de gradation (methode manuelle)„„ ......... „ .. „.„ .....•.•.........•....•.......... „ .............................. 14
Different evolutions for grading (manual method) ............... .. ............. ................. ...... .. ..... ................ „„„ .............. 16
Exemples d'evolutions des details ...................................................................................................................... 18
Examples of evolution details ................................... „ . ....... ............. .... ................................... ........................... 20
PREMIERE PARTIE - PART ONE··············--········································································ 22
Prise de mesures LAYETIE - Taking measurements LAYETTE„ .. „ ........ „ ... „„ ..............•.......•..•.•... „„.„ ..................... 22
Prise de mesures BABY - Ta king measurements TODDLER ....... „ .... „ ........ „ „ „ ........•...•.•.•....... „ „ „ „ .....•...•.......•... „. 22
Prise de mesures ENFANT - Taking measurements CHILDREN „ ..... „ ............................................ „.„ ...........•...•...... 24
Prise de mesures JUNIOR fi Ile et gar~on - Ta king measurements JUNIOR girls and boys •..•...... „ „ „. „ ...................... „. 24
Tableaux de mesures (en fran~ais - anglais) - Measurement Table (in french - english) ...•. „ .. „„„„„„ ....•.......•.....•.... 26
Tableaux de mesures (en allemand - espagnol - japonais) - Measurement table (in german - spanish - japanese) ... „. 28
Tableaux de mesures (en portuguais - norvegien - coreen) - Measurement table (in portuguese - norwegian - korean) 30
Tableaux de mesures (en italien - indonesien - chinois) - Measurement table (in italian - indonesian - chinese)„ ......... 32
Gradation Corsage LAYETIE - BABY (du 60 au 104) ..•••.. „ ..........•...• „ .... „ ....••.. „.„.„ ... „ .......•...•... „.„„„„„„„„„ .... 34
Grading Bodice-LAYETTE - TODDLER (from 60 to 104) . .............. . „ .............. .. „„ ..................... ................ „ .... „„„„„36
Gradation Corsage ENFANT (du 104 au 134) - Grading Bodice - CHILD (from 104 to 134) ................... „„„„„ ..... „ ..... 38
Gradation Corsage JUNIOR GARCON ou UNISEXE - Grading Bod ice - JUNIOR BOYS or UNISEX ......... „ .. „. „ „. „. „ „ „ „ .. 40
Gradation Corsage JUNIOR FILLE ................................................................................ „ ................ „ .•.......... „ ..... 42
Grading Bodice - JUNIOR GIRL „„„ „ .. „ ............. ... „ ... „ .. „ ... ............... ... ...............................................................44
Gradation Manche LAYETIE - BABY - ENFANT - Grading SLEEVE - LAYETTE - BABY - CHILD ....................................... 46
Gradation Manche JUNIOR gar~on et filie - Grading SLEEVE - JUNIOR boys and girls........•.. „.„ .......... „„„ ... „ ....... „ ... 48
Gradation Col - Grading Collar ............................................................................... „ ........................••.......•...•••.. SO
Gradation Pantalon LAYETIE - Grading Trousers - LAYETTE .......... „„„ ......... „„„„„ .......... „.„ .................................. 52
Gradation Pantalon BABY - Grading Trousers - TODDLER„ ....••..... „ „ „ .......... „. „ „ „ ......... „. „ „ „ „ „ ........................... 54
Gradation Pantalon ENFANT - Grading Trousers - CHILDREN ...... „ „ „ „ ...•.. „ ... „ „ „ ...... „ .. „. „. „. „. „ ..........•...•.•....•..... 56
Gradation Pantalon JUNIOR gar~on - Grading Trousers - JUNIOR boys ............. „ ............. „„.„.„„ .........•...•.•...•........ 58
Gradation Pantalon JUNIOR fi Ile - Gra ding Trousers - JUNIOR girls ................................ ........................•................ 60
Gradation Jupe BABY - ENFANT - Grading Skirt - TODDLER - CHILD „ ...... „ ............•.•.• „ .. „ ..... „. „ .....•...•.• „ .• „ .•••...... 62
Gradation Jupe JUNIOR filie - Grading Skirt - JUNIOR girls ••...... „ ........... „ ...... „ ......... „ „. „ ........••...•... „„.„ ............• 64
DEUXIEME PARTIE - PART TWO ............................ „ ... „„.... „.„ ..... „ ....... „ ..... „ .....•.. „.„ ...„ 66
Gradation par baremes d'evolutions - Grading by evolution scales .. „ ..... „„„„„ .......... „„„ ..................... „ .... „ .......... 66
Construction d'apres le Tableau des Mesures (TM) .. „ .•.•..•...... „ ........•.. „ ........••..•........ „. „ ............... „ „ .. „ ... „ „ „ „ ... 70
c;:onstruction based on a Measurement Table (MT) ... „.„.„.„„ ... „„„„„„.„ .... „.„„„„ .... „„„„„„„.„„„.„.„„„.„„„.„„72
Evolutions encolures, epaules et longueurs de manches .................. „ ........ „ .......................... „„„ .. „„.„„„„„„„„„ 74
Ęvo l utions for necklines, shoulder and sleeve lengths-head ease ......... „ .. „ ............ „ „ ................... „. „ „ „ .. „ .. „ .. „ .. „ 74
Ęvolutions de tailles Chemise I Polo I Chemisier - Si ze evolutions shirt I polo I blouse . „ „ „ „ „ ......• „ .......... „ „. „ ......... 76
Ęvolutions de tailles Robes / Hauts I Jupe - Si ze evolutions dress I tops I skirt ..•.. „ ... „ „ „ ...... „ •..•....... „ ... „. „ „. „. „ ... 77
Ęvolutions de tailles Sweat-Shirts / Pantalon - Si ze evolutions sweatshirts / trousers ................................................ 78
Evolutions de tailles T-Shirts - Size evolutions T-shirts •...... „„ ............ „„„ ........•. „„„„ ... „ ...•....... „.„„„„„„„ .. „ .. „„ 79
Modeles LA.YE'TTE - LAYETTE outfits ••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 80
Dors-bien - Jumpsuit .. „ ....... „ .. „„ ......... „ ..• „„ ....... „ ... „ .......... „ ...•. „ ................ „ ...... „„„ ................... „. 80
Robe chasuble - Jumper dress ......... „ .. „ ....•. „„ ....... ................ ........ „ ..................... .............................. 80
Sweat shirt zippe capuche - Zipped sweatshirt with hood .„„ ................... „ .................. „ .................. „ .... 81
Cardigan ras du cou - Crewneck cardigan .•.••. „ „. „. „ ....•..• „ „ „ .. „ .•...... „ „ „ „. „ ..•.•... „ ... „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „. „. „ ...... 81
Combinaison pilote - Pilote jumpsuit .......•..••.............•. „„ ....... „ .... „.„ .............•. „ ••................................. 82
Pantalon a taille elastiquee - Trousers with elasticized waistband .............................................................. 83
Combinette - Playsuit ...............................•.........................................................•............................... 83
Modeles ENFANT - JUNIOR - CHILD - JUNIOR outfits ...•.••.....•••••••••••••.••.•••.••••.•••.•..„„„•• „ •••••••••••• „ •••••••••• „ •••• 84
Polo pour gar~on - Polo shirt for boy ...........•............... „ ........ „ .................................. „ .................... „ „ „ 84
Chemise pour gar~on - Shirt for boy .................................... „ ............................................................... 84
Chemisier - Blouse ............................................................................................................................. 85
Blouse - Top ............................................•.........•...............................................„ .............................. 85
Sweat shirt zippe a capuche manche raglan - Zipped sweatshirt with hood and raglan sleeve ................. „ .... 86
Sweat shirt, manche kimono - Sweatshirt, kim ono sleeve ........................................................................ 86
T-Shirts - T-Shirts .............................................................................................................................. 87
Cardigan - Cardigan .......... „ •..••..•.•.•.......•.•••.•..•.•..•.•..••.•..•......••••••••••••.•.•...•..•...•.•••.••••••.•.•.•••.•.•.•••.•.••• 88
Robe T-Shirt a capuche, manche longue - T-Shirt dress with hood and long sleeve .................................... „ 89
Robe coupee taille a plis - Pleated dress with seam at wa i st ..................................................................... 89
Robe 3 trous - Sleeveless sheath dress ................................................................................•................ 90
Robe bain de soleil - Sun dress ..................• „ ................................... „ ........................ „ ...... „ ................ 90
Jupe droite, type "jeans" - Jean Skirt .........•....•.................•...•......... „ ................................................... 91
Jupe taille elastiquee dos - Skirt with back elasticized waistband ............ „ ...............................•.......••, ..•... 91
Pantalon, type "jeans" - Jean Trousers ................................................................................•...•............. 92
Pantalon pour fi Ile - Girl's trousers ••............•............................... „ ... „ ...... „ .............. „ „ ........ „ „ „. „ .•.•.•.• 92
Pantalon, taille elastlquee - Trousers with elasticized waistband .... „ .......................................................... 93
Impermeable filie - Raincoat for girl .................................................................................•.................... 94
Manteau matelasse - Quilted coat ..............•............ ..................................................•......•..... „ .•...•...•.. 94
Impermeable pour gar~on - Raincoat for boy .....................•.......... „ „ „ ......................... „ .. „ .. „ ...... „ ........ 95