video formes -


video formes -
Festival mternational
Programmes Jeune public
14-00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
-Programmes leune public / entree libre / vair programme p.3
Studio Multimedia
Creation, conception : sites Internet,
serveurs Intra et Extranet,
homes et CD-ROM interactifs, visites VR,
modelisation 3D, video .
Une Minute video
Prix de la creation video
Prix de la creation multimedia
La nuit du printempselectronique
20 mars, 21 h/3 In
Progromrre inedil de performances multimedia et musicales
scene d s I'atrium
Violin Pourer, performance interactive de Sleino Vasulka
chapelle du musee
Captives rte N+N Corsino (projection)
scone de lratrium
Lo poetique spectrale, concert didocIique d'Alexondre Gherbon, artiste
compositeur ovec Marco Horval et Magoli Imbed
chapelle du musee
Compositeurs o l'ecoute de Robert Cohen {projection}
scene de Natrium
thebtre ORL de Vincent Juiliord (projection)
Hot Spectrum . performance et images de Cecile Bobiole,
musigae de Fred Bigot
chapelle du musee
Global Groove de Nam June Poik (projection)
scene de I'atrium
Simple solutions to big problems, concert et images de John Brossetl et
Shake the Tree
Ertr&e : [hors viddoPass] :40 F
redudion/30 F detenlei ;rs du videopass, etudionts, carte Ci1ejeune
den andeurs d'errploi
12estaurotion sur place
Bus rl' 1, 9, 16
Novette retour (gratuit)
Mongonelli, Duran Dubai distribution
Le Musee des Beaux-Arts de Clermont-Ferrand
4, bd Robert-5chuman - Clermont-Ferrand
MI . : 04 73 28 13 13 - Fax : 04 73 28 19 69
Email : sourlbis@sourlbis .co m
Internet : www .souribis .co m
16 :00, Cha elle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
"Projection cle toutes les videos de /'atelier contours
Une minute video / entree fibre.
18 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" I- ft's just on illusion (baby boom}, Ulriko Byttner, France,
1998100 :00 :51 " 2- Kangaroo, Pierre Yves Clown, France,
1998/00 :02 :47 " 3- 2 can be 1, Cecile Bobiole, France,
1997/00 :03 :35 " 4- Ccr.blou (aboutbluel . Philip Hirsch, Allemogne,
1997/04:04:00 " 5- Workman, Pierre Y.,es C ouin, France, 1998/
00 :06 :00 " 6- Vamposan, Olives r'dsi?os Todorovic, Yougoslavie,
19981 00 .19 :47, Y.O.
" 7- Door Corry, Jcel Kr. , : . USA,
1997/01} :45 :00, VO.
20 :15, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
CollecIif Jeune Cinema - Imcge .s du cinerna d fr6rent/experimentoI
" I- Lo femme qui se poudre, Patrick Bok,,rnowski, France, 1970 - 72
16mrn N/B/ 00 :18 :00 " 2- Una Vita, Dommicue Noguez, France,
1981 ,16 mm . coul, muel/ 00 :08 :017 " 3-Al[amour], Takal-iko fiiriuro,
Japon, 1962 - 63, 16mm, N/B, / 00 :10 :1 )0 " d- Ex, Jacques Mor.ory,
France, 1969, 16mm, soul/00 :04 :00 " 5- Plus lard, Eric Oriot, France,
1998 16mm, /00 :10 :00 " 6- «lh, Jer6me de M ;ssolz, France, 1996
video/00 :12 :00 " IVsemoire;s ;, Gerard Coirascki, `ronce, 1998/99,
video/00 :16 :00
Programme competition n' 2
22 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" I- The Lullaby, Marina S -karupo, Ukraine, 1998/00 :01 :40 " 2Uocte et-- ., avnolcs Drouhin, France, 1998/00 :03 :00 " 3- 5'aime
pla}~r shoot again, Ti burce, France, 1998/00 :03 - 20 " 4- Pet elektroniske noturmaleri - The electronic landscape . 'Vsoegaard Pernelle,
Donernwk, 1998/00 :04 :00 " 5- Salt/flesh, Uwe Richterich,
Allemogne, 1998/00 :05 :11 " 6- Car cosse, Vincent Amouroux,
France, 1998/00 :06 :00 " 7- Seuls les eternuements sont eternefs,
Laura Jeanne Leave, 1998/00 :09 :00 " 8- Pull-a sculptural dance: Jane
Thomburn, Grande-Bretagne, 1997/00 :09 .00 " 9- Ale16ia. Denis
Lelon , Mariela Codiz, France, 1998/00 :10 :25 " 10- Territoire(s),
Male Bensmail, France, 1997/00 :28 :00
Mercredi 17 mars
Programme leunes publics
14 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" Programme Jeues publics / entree Are / noir prograrnme p-3
Programme competition n° 3
18 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" I- Sans litre, Judith Josso el Kate ROSS, France, 1998/00 :05 :10 " 2
- Totem, Fr - ;i ,rir_ Tachou, France, 1998/00-07 :00 " 3- Eat like a winner, Dan Boor c . Greg Durbin, Luis Vu idovi'to, USA, 1998100 :08 :18 "
4- Commuter's (tell, Rosemary Dean, 1998/00 .12 - 00 " 5- Ofskd6r,
Samuel Bester, France . 1997/00 :14 :01) " 5- Tathoto, Patrick De
Geelere, France, 1997 ;'00 :35 - 170
20 :15, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugnx
Global Groove, Nam June Paik, Coree, et Jahn J . Godfrey, USA,
!W3/0''_ ,
30 " L'orchestre, 2bigcew Rybsozynski, Pologne,
Programme competition n-
22 :00, Chapelle ties Cordeliers, place Sugny
" I- Annick, Natasha 'ock . Canof , 1998 :00 :02 :02 " 2- Sur la
terre, un homme observe le monde, Valerie Crenleux, Fra :rce,
1997/00 :02 :17 " 3- Ghost dance, David Harding, Grande- Bretagne,
" 4- Ich tank, David Larcher, France,
1997/0' 13 :15
1998%00 .58 :50
14 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Su ny
I- Compost, Sebaslie Pesat, Canada, 198/00 :03 :20 " 2- A vif,
IAr;z. ;- r : u . 1998/00:05 - 20 " 3- Si jamais to mer, Isabelle Hoyeur,
Canada, 1998/GO!05 :45 " d-
Le miroir aux olouettes Gael Ie Lucas,
France, 1997/00 :06 :54 " 5- J'excecre le noir, Romy Duherr'Jerdiere,
France, 1997/00 :08 :30 " 6- La Dame au chapeau noir (1001
Buttons), Victor Azeev, R,issie, 1998/00 - 03 d3 " 7- Balyk (Kitchen stories) (Histoires de cuisine}, Victor Azeev, Ru, :,ie, 1998/00 :03 :27
Programme competition n` 5
16:00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" I- De Profundis Clamavi 2, 3, Jin - li Kong, F " r :nc:e, 1998100 :03 :56 " 2Jeroime, C&ife Bider, trance, 109R ./00 05 :C10 " 3- Paranoid, John Brigden,
Auslrelie, 1998/00 :05 :23 " 4- Id6ogrammes-videogromme, lily Tournay,
France, 1998/00 :05 :30 " 5~- Organic . Noil,oniel Emprin, France,
1997/00 :06 :20 " 6- Jeune bOllirne h-isle dons un hain, Vincent SeycW,
France, 1997/00 :08 :38 " 7- Le present du regard, Christine Rltieys, Prance,
1998/00 :13 :0 " 8- Compositeurs o l'ecoute, Robes Cohen, France,
1998 1 / ,Y) 31 :00
Les Inspecteurs de /'Art Officiel et du Ban Gout
Programme competition
18 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
I- cl/h (Centilitre per hour), Ingru~ 'rWn e?, Allemagne, 1997/
}:03 :{)0 " 2- Monipuler son corps, Loe'ria Bourget, France, 1997/
0:04 :00 " 3- Extender, Beat Brogle, Philipp Schmid, Suisse ; 1998/
0:05 :00 " 4- Visiter, Erik Dettwiler, Suisse, 1998100 :05 :30 " 5- Sans
titre 1997, Saoine Mossenel, France, 1997/00 :05 :30 " 6- Maleno,
c'est du cinema, Sabine Massenet, France, 1997/00 :06 :00 " 7Toccato, Silvano Repetto, Suisse, 1998/00 .06 .06 " 8- Minusmann
(L'homme mains), Ralf Steffens, Allernagne, 1998/ 00 :06 :30 " 9-Le
temps posse / Time JpQsses, Nelson Henricks, Canada, 1998/
00.06 :30 " 10- Cru5r7, Nelson Herri4s, 1997/00 :12 :00 " I IHombrequeparecelorca (+) La Luna, ,loss Romon Do Cruz, Espogne,
998/00 :14 :20 V.O .
Programme Danemark carnet de voyage
20 :15, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" I- Lowell celebrates Kercuac, Lars Movin et Stee.n Moller Rasmussen,
anemor{, 1998/00 :35 :00 " 2- The Meet Caf6, Rasmus Kjaer,
cremar~, 1996/ 00 :05 :00 " 3- Larm / Noise, Trine Vesler, Do nemark,
'r>95/00 :08 :00 " 4- Rew, Joii Krogsgoold, Henrik Brahe, Donernark,
+995/00 :04 :00 " 5- Mellem Lys Og Skygge / Between Light and
Shadow, Lars Johansson, Danemark, 1996,`00 :16 :010 " 6- Det
Eleklroniske Naturmaleri / The Electronic Landscape, Pernelle
'A~jegoard, Do nernark, 1998/ 00 .04 .00 " 7- A very kinky story, Susan
'innum, Do nemark, 1994/00 :06 :00
Programme cornpetition n'8
22 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" I- Bad day, ouiso Fiich, 1997/07 :02 :30 " 2- Viva la muerfe,
rrrrerll Gorgi(ird et Bruno Coilel, f ronce, 1998/00 :03 :36 " 3Sondwaves, Anne Checler, USA, 1998/00 :03 :50 " 4- The lost piece,
the last supper, Melanie K :)rn, France, 1998/00-04-30 " 5- Take Me
Home, Will Hulse, 1998/0(7-06 :30 " 6- Dust, Anthony Atonasio,
998/00 :09 :010 " 7- Survival signs, Mounir Fotmi, Maroc,
?98/00 :12 .30 " 8- Ospedole, Dr yden Goodwin, 1997/00 :17 :00
" 9- One with everything, Do iiel Reeves, 1998/00 - 21 :00
liendredi 19 mars
Programme comp6tition n' 9
14 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" I- Tension, Camille Courau, France, 1998/00 :01 :08 " 2- Sans titre,
Co-nil!e Courau, France, 1998/00 :01 :50 " 3- Bain route, Matthieu
Aschehoug, France, 1997%00 :02'00 " 4- Loki, Peter Simon et Anselm
Weidmann, Allemagne, 1998/00 :04 :30 " 5- Anodo, Pedro
Bollesteros, Espa ne, 1997/00 :07 .30 " 6- inhabited, .martin Lemieux,
Canada, 199800 .1 1 :00 " 7- La demesure, aaa
BP 71 63001 CLERMONT-FERRAND Tel 04 73 3112 73-fax D4 73 37 24
02/e-mail : videcrormes@naF,fr/www.not . rr/pprtners/v+deoformes
Stephone Be'beder, Frorc.e,1998/00-11!38 " 8-Fl&near III-Benjamins
skygge (Benjamin's shadow), Jensen Torben Skjoct, Danemark,
1998/00 :38 :00
Programme comp6tition n` 10
16 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" I- Pcetics of simulation, Ruben Guzrnan . Argentine, 199 ,-()0 :05 :00
" 2- Ghost, Steve Hawley, Grande B!etogne, 1998/00 :05 : 14 " 3- La
notte, 1Vlarietoure Ca7ir . France, 1997/00 :06 :30 " 4- The underground cathedral Fre&~ ict Abrams, Pologne, 1998/01 .45 - 00
Programme steina Vasulka hommage
18 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" 1- Binary Lives, Peter Kirby, Fra- :- e, 1996/00:43 :00 " 2- Summer
salt, Steino Vasulku, USA, 1982,;0.' 05 :00 3- Voice windows, Steina
Vasulka, USA, 1985'00 :08 :00 " 4- Pyroglyphs, Steina':bsulko, USA,
1985/00 :2-7 :00 " presentation Dominique Belloir
Programme Chine carnet de voyage
20 :15, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" l- L'¬I6phant d grosse queue, coliectif, 1997/00 ;08 :00 " 2- Object,
Lin Yi [in, 1997/00:06:00 " 3- Ping Pang, Lin Yi Lin, 1997/ 00 :10:00
" 4- See how long you con stand it Zoo bong, 1998/ 00 :08 :00 " 5-
A social survey, Zna Liang, 1998/00 :06:00 " 6- Inherited genes, Zoo
Liang, 1998/00:03:00 " 7- Face, ii Yong, 1998/00-30 :00 " 8Games, Zoo Liang, 1998/00-10 .00
presentation Pierre Bongiovanni, direcleur du CICV Pierre-5chaeler,
accompogne de Lydie Jean-dil-Panel
Programme comp6tition n tt
22 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
" I- Pogeformance, Arnaud 'Gerrnain, Vincent +Vourin, France,
t 998/00 :01 :00 " 2- has Wunder, Matthias Fitz, Allemagne,
1997,/00 :02 :57 " 3- Drive in, Yannick Bressan, France, 1998/00 :04 :00
" 4- Symphonie pour un repos, Antony Fayada, France, 1997/00 :0410
" 5- 110i '', Chode M' Nosri, Belgique, 1997/00 :05 :00 " 6- Mooze,
Coilec'if ESEC, Frame, 1998,`00 :06 :15 " 7- El barco, Arturo Morinho,
Argentine, 1998/00 :08 :30 " 8- O pret de foi, FranGois Daigle,
1998/00 :1 1 :00 " 9- The worm place, Marohello Wrcodo, Argentine,
1998/00 :36 .00
Table ronde La Tribune des Critiques
10 :00, Chapelle des Cordeliers, place Sugny
La viefeo exposee
Avec Patrice Allain, Mo Gourmelon, Monique Maza el
Sabrina Zannier,
Moderateur : Nicolas Thely
Entree libre
Radio Campus, 93,3 Mhz
CPAV, videosynergie

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