Vaidya Smith Atreya Ayurvedic Healing for Women


Vaidya Smith Atreya Ayurvedic Healing for Women
Vaidya Smith Atreya
Ayurvedic Healing for Women
Extrait du livre
Ayurvedic Healing for Women
de Vaidya Smith Atreya
Éditeur : Lotus Press
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Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, D-79400 Kandern, Allemagne
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Table of Contents
Foreword by Elisabeth Hesse, MD ....................................xi
Introduction .................................................................... xiii
PART ONE—Ayurveda and You
The Ayurvedic Perspective .................................... 3
You as an Individual Woman............................... 5
The Female Anatomy According to Ayurveda ... 19
Imbalances and the Disease Process.................... 33
A Modern Look at the Hormone System ........... 41
How Substances Work in the Body.................... 53
PART TWO—Ayurvedic Treatments
7. The Ayurvedic Method....................................... 73
8. Depression............................................................ 83
9. Premenstrual and Menstrual Difficulties ........... 99
10. Premenopause .................................................125
11. Menopause and Postmenopause ....................... 143
12. Cysts, Fibroids, and Tumors ............................ 155
13. Other Problems..................................................173
14. Nutrition as a Healing Power ............................187
Appendix 1. Getting off
Pharmaceutical Medications.......................207
Appendic 2. Pregnancy and Childbirth
According to Ayurveda...............................211
Appendix 3. Aphrodisiacs and Fertility ...........................215
Appendic 4. Herb Glossary .............................................219
Appendix 5. Resources ....................................................223
Bibliography .....................................................................233
Index .................................................................................237
About the Author ……………………………………... 242
Excerpt from Vaidya Smith Atreya, “Ayurvedic Healing for Women “
Publisher: LOTUS PRESS
Excerpted by Narayana Publishers, 79400 Kandern,
Tel.: +49 (0) 7626 974 970-0
Table of Contents
List 01 Figures
1. Thinking, as commonly perceived ......................86
2. Thinking, as perceived in Ayurveda ................... 86
3. Depression from an Ayurvedic perspective .........86
List of Tables
1. The Main Qualities of the Three Humors............ 8
2. The Seven Dhatus, Sublevels, and
Waste Materials..................................................... 24
3. Summary of Endocrine Functions and
Relations............................................................... 48
4. Sample Formula for a Therapeutic Powder......... 79
5. Formulas for Treating Depression ...................... 95
6. Formula for Case History 1 ................................ 97
7. Formulas for Treating Headaches .................... 102
8. Formula for Case History 2 .............................. 104
9. Formula for Case History 3 .............................. 105
10. Formulas for Treating Cramps and Pain ........... 106
11. Formula for Case History 4 .............................. 107
12. Formula for Case History 5 .............................. 108
13. Formulas for PMS Types .................................. 110
14. Formulas for Treating Amenorrhea.................. 115
15. Formulas for Treating Dysmenorrhea ............. 116
16. Formula for Case History 6.............................. 118
17. Formulas for Treating Menorrhagia................ 119
18. Formulas for Treating Leukorrhea .................. 121
19. Formulas for Treating Premenopausal
Symptoms........................................................... 135
20. Formula for Case History 7.............................. 137
21. Formula for Case History 8 .............................. 139
22. Formula 1 for Case History 9 ..........................150
23. Formula 2 for Case History 9........................... 151
24. Formula for Case History 10............................ 152
25. Formulas for Treating Uterine Cysts................ 161
26. Formulas for Treating Breast and
Lymphatic Cysts ................................................ 163
Excerpt from Vaidya Smith Atreya, “Ayurvedic Healing for Women “
Publisher: LOTUS PRESS
Excerpted by Narayana Publishers, 79400 Kandern,
Tel.: +49 (0) 7626 974 970-0
Table of Contents
27. Formula for Case History 11 ..........................165
28. Formulas for the Reduction and Removal
of Uterine Fibroids ..........................................168
29. Formula 1 for Case History 12........................170
30. Formula 2 for Case History 12........................170
31. Formula for Treating Cystitis...........................175
32. Formulas for Balancing Water Metabolism ......175
33. Formulas for Treating Vulvodynia ....................178
34. Formulas for Treating PID and
Endometriosis .................................................. 180
35. Formula 1 for Case History 13 .........................182
36. Formula 2 for Case History 13........................ 183
37. Effects of the Six Tastes on the Doshas ............194
38. The Six Tastes in Pure and Complex Forms.... 195
39. Diets for Lowering the Three Doshas.............. 198
40. Formulas for Detoxifying the Liver ................. 203
Excerpt from Vaidya Smith Atreya, “Ayurvedic Healing for
Women “
Publisher: LOTUS PRESS
Excerpted by Narayana Publishers, 79400 Kandern,
Tel.: +49 (0) 7626 974 970-0
Vaidya Smith Atreya
Ayurvedic Healing for Women
Herbal Gynecology
262 pages, broché
publication 2007
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