Notification of incapacity to work/disability


Notification of incapacity to work/disability
Notification of incapacity to work/disability
Company Contract no.
Surname First name
Date of birth Social insurance no. 756.
Street/no. Post code/city
Personal details of insured person
What was the insured person’s annual salary for AHV when incapacity began? Is the insured person employed by several employers?
 Yes
 No
If yes, which?
Incapacity due to
 sickness
 accident
Start date of occupational incapacity
Type of sickness/accident Degree of employment/occupational incapacity
Attendant doctors (for hospitals please also indicate the department)
Other insurance companies with an interest
Accident insurer Daily sickness benefits insurance
Military insurance
 Yes
Claim/reference no.
 No
Other insurance (incl. foreign social security insurance)
Has a notification of early recognition been made to the Federal Disability Insurance?
Notification made on
Notification by
IV office responsible
Compensation fund responsible
Notification of incapacity to work/disability
Swisscanto Flex Collective Foundation
If an insured person is at least 40% incapacitated for more than 60 days within a 90-day period, this must be reported. The
“Notification of disability” form from our reinsurer Swiss Life must be completed, signed by the insured person and submitted to
Swisscanto Flex Collective Foundation with the necessary documents.
At the same time as registering with Swisscanto Flex Collective Foundation, please ask the insured person to notify Federal
Disability Insurance (IV) to ensure early registration. This ensures that contact is made as soon as possible with the insured person
whose capacity for work is limited due to health reasons and who runs the risk of a chronic health problem developing. The following may register a claim: the insured person, his/her legal representative, authorities, employers or third parties who regularly
support the insured person or who care for him/her on an ongoing basis. The notification can also be made without the agreement of the insured person, as long as s/he has been informed of this in advance.
Documents required:
 The “Notification of disability” form from Swiss Life
 Medical certificate
 Accident and/or daily benefits statement
Place, date
Stamp and signature of company
Swisscanto Flex Collective Foundation
of Cantonal Banks
Stockerstrasse 33
P.O. Box
8021 Zurich
Notification of incapacity to work/disability
Swisscanto Flex Collective Foundation
Reset form
Print form
Information sheet on disability/incapacity for work
Information sheet for the employer
Early registration
Measures are in place to ensure that the existing position is maintained or that the employee is integrated into a new position
in order to prevent a long-term incapacity for work. Experience shows that after just a six-month absence, the chances
of successful reintegration into the world of work reduce considerably.
 Please inform us if an insured person was at least 40% incapacitated for work for more than 60 days in any 90-day period.
 If no notification or a delayed notification of the early registration is made to the IV office, the foundation is entitled to post­
pone the payment of benefits.
Requirements for disability pension
An insured person is deemed to be disabled if s/he is expected to be partially or fully incapable of working on a permanent basis,
or for a long period of time due to a physical or mental health problem caused by sickness, infirmity or accident and if s/he can no
longer carry out or can only carry out in part the professional activity s/he performed prior to the incapacity occurring, or another
activity that can be reasonably expected of him/her, and must therefore suffer a reduction in income. Incapacity for work of less
than 40% is not deemed to be a disability and therefore does not justify any claim to benefits from the pension fund.
Level of disability in %
From 40% ¼ pension
From 50% ½ pension
From 60% ¾ pension
From 70% 100% pension
When does the entitlement to IV benefits begin?
The entitlement to IV benefits begins at the end of a one-year qualifying period at the earliest. During this year the incapacity for
work must average at least 40% and once the qualifying period has expired the incapacity for work must be at least the same. In
addition, the entitlement to a pension arises six months after receipt of notification by the IV office at the earliest and at the end
of the month following attainment of the age of 18 at the earliest.
Incapacity for work does not immediately mean inability to earn
The IV differentiates between incapacity for work and inability to earn.
A person who is incapacitated for work is a person who can no longer be employed in his/her previous profession or field of
activity due to a health impairment. The level of the incapacity for work is determined by the doctor.
A person who has an inability to earn is a person who no longer has any earning ability within the whole of the relevant work
market. Only the inability to earn applies when determining the level of incapacity. This is determined by the IV office.
When does the entitlement to an IV pension come to an end?
The entitlement to an IV pension expires when the conditions are no longer met and at retirement age according to the AHV at
the latest.
Notification of incapacity to work/disability
Swisscanto Flex Collective Foundation

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