futur proche notes with answers.notebook


futur proche notes with answers.notebook
futur proche notes with answers.notebook
October 19, 2010
le Futur Proche
= the near future
Subject + conjugation of aller + infinitive (+ prepositional phrase)
I am going to swim. = Je vais nager.
She is going to travel
Elle va voyager en France.
to France. =
We are going to eat a
sandwich. =
Nous allons manger un sandwich.
Using aller twice!
(going to go)
They (m) are going to go
to the restaurant. =
Ils vont aller au restaurant.
You (pl) are going to go
Vous allez aller au café.
the café. =
Le Négatif
Same rules as always!
You (s) are not going
Tu ne vas pas regarder la télé.
to watch the TV. =
They (f) are not
going to stay.
Elles ne vont pas rester.

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