
Compared Literature
The Couple and the Triangular Temptation in the European Literature
of the 20th Century (1929-1967)
Ph. D: Camelia-Meda MIJEA
Scientific coordinators:
Univ. prof. dr. Rodica POP
BABES-BOLYAI University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Univ. prof. dr. Alain MONTANDON
BLAISE PASCAL University (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Date of public sustaining: May 15th, 2012
Doctorate Board:
Rodica POP, BABES-BOLYAI University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Alain MONTANDON, BLAISE PASCAL University (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Éric LYSØE, BLAISE PASCAL University (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Bertrand WESTPHAL, Limoges University (Limoges, France)
Corin BRAGA, BABES-BOLYAI University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Mircea ARDELEANU, LUCIAN BLAGA University (Sibiu, Romania)
Giving Thanks ................................................................................................................................. 4
List of Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 6
General problems ..................................................................................................................... 6
Methodological approach ........................................................................................................ 7
Historical and cultural context ............................................................................................... 11
Choosing the authors and the corpus ...................................................................................... 22
Aim of research and previous approaches .............................................................................. 31
Organization and structure of the thesis ................................................................................. 35
The first part
Intimate writing : source of fiction. Personal and literary archives ...................................... 37
Problems ....................................................................................................................................... 37
I.1. Personal archives ............................................................................................................. 38
I.1.1. Simone de Beauvoir. The study of life in fiction and in the personal writing....... 49
I.1.2. Henri-Pierre Roché. The literary text as self-revealing ......................................... 73
I.1.3. Franz Hellens. The autobiographical stakes .......................................................... 96
I.1.4. Alberto Moravia. The social reality as the origin of fiction ................................ 116
I.2. Literary archives ........................................................................................................... 134
I.2.1. Simone de Beauvoir. North American inspiration ............................................. 137
I.2.2. Henri-Pierre Roché. The filiations of love morals............................................... 146
I.2.3. Franz Hellens. The work under the sign of heterogeneousness.......................... 153
I.2.4. Alberto Moravia. The disposition towards the human tragedy ........................... 162
Resumption of concepts .............................................................................................................. 183
The second part
Formation and constraints of couples ...................................................................................... 185
Problems ..................................................................................................................................... 185
II.1. Meeting stages ............................................................................................................... 186
II.2. Meeting space................................................................................................................ 210
II.3. Family constraints ........................................................................................................ 226
II.4. Social constraints .......................................................................................................... 264
Resumption of concepts ............................................................................................................... 304
The third part
Dissolution of the couple............................................................................................................ 306
Problems ..................................................................................................................................... 306
III.1. The crisis of the couple .............................................................................................. 307
III.2. Intrusion of the third .................................................................................................. 355
III.3. The love triangle ........................................................................................................ 407
Resumption of concepts ............................................................................................................... 456
The fourth part
Failure of the triangular relationship ..................................................................................... 458
Problems ..................................................................................................................................... 458
IV.1. Death ............................................................................................................................ 459
IV.2. Hope............................................................................................................................. 491
IV.3. Solitude ....................................................................................................................... 497
Resumption of concepts ............................................................................................................... 500
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 502
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 508
Index of names ............................................................................................................................. 537
Key-words: love, couple, third person, triangularity, family, society, crisis, dissolution, failure
General corpus
This thesis deals with the existential evolution of the couple and of the love triangle in
three countries (France, Belgium, Italy) of the Europe of 1929-1967, the being the following: La
femme partagée [One woman, two love affairs] by Franz Hellens, L’Invitée [She came to stay]
and La femme rompue [The woman distroyed] by Simone de Beauvoir, Jules et Jim [Jules and
Jim] by Henri-Pierre Roché şi L’Ennui [The Empty Canvas] by Alberto Moravia. These texts
propose a similar analysis of the love theme, which is characterized by the affective separation
and the experience of a love triangle. Besides the fact that the love affairs are always complex
despite the historical, economical and social conditions of the characters, the corpus contains
texts in the middle of which there are couples from different geographical and cultural
The aim of this research is that of identifying, in the framework of three cultures (French,
Belgium, Italian), the similar existential patterns, regarding the love relationships which ignore
the cannons and acknowledge the experience of breaking out. Our reading is focused on
observing the way in which the characters involved in an inextricable sentimental story deal with
their situation. In our opinion, the way in which the thematic network of thirdiness is treated
represents the leading thread of the corpus; a similar view of the love story, from euphoria to
failure, is presented by the four authors. The great questions around which this thesis is centered
are the following: the structure of the couple, the triangular relationship viewed as an attempt of
salvation and the failure of both relationship and couple.
The Methodology Approach
Due to the fact that the five novels deal with the fragile love affair, all the themes which
derive from here and constitute our study allow the building of a common network shared by the
authors, network which feeds our means of reading, an intrinsic thematic method. In the
meantime, the choice of the corpus, justified by a comparable theme, is also confirmed by the
generic choice peculiar to the four authors. Thus the novel becomes a space in which the love
affair is declined in all the forms of its destruction. Indeed, the chosen authors are seen from the
perspective of the theme they treat, a theme split into two axis within their texts: the
psychological and the social ones. We agree that, in order to study such a vast theme, several
methods would be possible, but we avoided the idea of a pluridisciplinary approach to insure the
coherence of discourse and to more deeply treat the aspect that seemed the most relevant to us.
Studies of René Girard, Jean Baudrillard, Alain Montandon, Mikhaïl Bakhtine, Claude Kaufman,
Gaston Bachelard, David Gascoigne, Philippe Ariès, Georges Duby, Laure Adler, Denis de
Rougemont, Jean-Paul Sartre, among others, were used by us as a theoretical support in treating
the love relationships illustrated by the chosen writers.
As a psychological theme, love – represented under the shape of a couple or a triangular
relationship – can be treated through a method that will allow us to define the types of the
characters, to decipher the main stakes of the existence of their relationship and to analyze the
reasons which lead not only to the destruction of the mechanism on the grounds of which the
couple had been founded, but also to the acceptance – wanted or imposed – of a third partner.
Also a social theme, love, as illustrated by the corpus, allows us to have a socio-historical reading
of the texts and thus to place the characters in the context of their contemporary society. The
socio-cultural factors are indispensable for the analysis of a character’s life. The social context is
intimately and inevitably related to history, taking into consideration that the social progress of
the 20th century could not have taken place in the absence of the historical changes: wars,
revolutions, territorial mutations have weighed heavily in constituting of a society and its
governing rules.
Several thematic networks have drawn our attention during this study. Firstly, the
relationship between the partners in a couple is determined by the elements that constitute the
love networks - lust, seduction, jealousy, guilt, hatred. The rivalry born as a result of the
appearance of the third person brings about a deviation of the lust with a consequence in the
development of a whole lot of negative effects having as a result the final effect of these novels:
death, hope, solitude.
However this context is not sufficient for defining the complexity of love relationships:
the social networks ― the taboos, rules of behaviour, prejudices ― are being added as an
indispensable condition to the even existence of the couple. Thus the universal configuration in
which love evolves is twice conditioned.
The social background of the love affairs (in couple or apart) is directly reflected in the
language (of the couple or the third persons). The love vocabulary, the syntax of the sentences
and the means of expression contribute to the vision of love as expressed by the authors.
Therefore our thematic reading is enriched with the stylistic aspects, which allow us to deepen
certain thematic networks that reveal a common lexical background of the feelings and events
lived by the characters as well as of certain recurrent stylistic means. Owing to the faculty that
humans have to react differently in similar contexts and in confrontation to similar contexts, it is
interesting to observe the characters’ reactions based on their association of ideas and values, all
of these being obvious in the evaluation of the poetic function of their language.
These themes can be the source of an ambiguous analysis on behalf of the authors we are
studying: besides the fictional invention, an important source could be the writing of the novel as
an out spring of the autobiographical and/or diary research. Therefore the writing in itself works
as a pretext for the writing of the novels. We are indeed exploring a corpus of biographical texts
in which the writers become main characters ― their alter-ego’s having a fictional identity ―,
being at the same time writers of autobiographies or diaries that will be present during the
analysis. It is our duty to specify that the writing in itself does not have in view a theory of the
genre in itself, but an outlining of the genre of the novels in corpus, therefore a part of reality and
truth that is transferred into fiction, that sequence of the thesis being necessary due to the
personal writing that is part of the novels. The ultimate aim of the present study is the thematic
approach of binary and triangular relationships.
Choosing the authors and the corpus
Due to the vast subject we had to impose three essential limitations in selecting the corpus.
Firstly, there was a limitation in time. The period covered by the theme of our interest
(1929-1967) may seem too vast, but the texts themselves justify their association. In spite of the
distance in time, the novels have a similar development of the theme of love. The choosing of
two chronologies apparently opposite – the novels being from two epochs parted by the World
War II – was answering our wish of exploring the similar development of the couple over a long
period of time, for observing its evolution and changes. The chosen chronological section starts
with the period between the wars and WW II with the novels La femme partagée by Franz
Hellens published in 1929 and L’Invitée by Beauvoir in 1943, continues with Jules et Jim by
Roché in 1953 also comprising a story lived in the 20s and 30s, and ends in the 60s with the texts
L’Ennui by Moravia published in 1960 and La femme rompue by Beauvoir in 1967. We came to
the conclusion that the way in which the triangularity is treated in these texts had a paradoxical
evolution on the time axis: an attitude rather liberal in the first half of the century and more
conservative in the 60s.
Secondly, we had to impose a geographical limitation to three countries of Western Europe
― France, Belgium, Italy ―, neighbouring countries, equally close and apart in their evolution
and the culture of which transcends the geographical barriers. These places suffered in a different
way the devastations of World War II, a fact that had consequences on their literary scene, but we
were especially interested in the fact that the love vision is pretty similar to the chosen writers.
What we could notice as a similarity among these three countries and, therefore, among the
writers in the corpus, is the tradition of the psychological novel, which makes the deeds and the
words of the characters match a pattern of the universal theme which lies outside any territorial or
historical peculiarity. The two concepts that are the theme basis of our thesis ― the couple and
the love triangle ― should be placed in the context of a literature circumscribed to the same
continent, Europe. The geography of the corpus articulates itself around this theme common to
the authors. The choice of the three countries was not dictated by criteria of neighbouring
territories, but firstly by the treated theme and then by the historical period.
A third important limitation, this time on a personal view, regards the writers in the corpus.
The list of writers preoccupied by this theme is, of course, much larger, but our choice was
determined on the basis of several aspects common to the authors: all of them treat the same
theme, that is the problematic love affairs; they all lived in the same epoch marked by a serious
fight between two mentalities: the tradition and the old morals perpetuated, on one hand, and the
appearance of a new society, with its revolutions and innovations, on the other hand; they
manifest a rebellious conduct that intrigues their contemporaries; they had a personal experience
of the triangular relationship that they describe through their characters; they adopt the same
narrative genre – novel and short story; they are all representative writers of the universal
Organization and structure of the thesis
The four main chapters that compose the present study have, each of them, several parts,
according to the aspects we intend to study.
We start by analyzing the inspiration sources – personal and literary – that help to the
writing of the texts. This part, entitled « L’écriture de soi : source de la fiction. Archives
personnelles et archives littéraires » (“Intimate writing: source of fiction. Personal archives
and literary archives”), suggests a route from the autobiography or intimate diary to the novel,
also evoking the literary patterns used by the writers in their process of artistic evolution. The
writers in the corpus integrate into their works, in a little or greater measure, aspects from their
personal life that they try to elicit through their writing. Our endeavour was to make an inventory
of the personal and literary archives that served them as a source of inspiration. In other words,
the sources of the authors are twice fold conditioned: by the literary context specific to each of
them and by the context of their personal life. The literary works are a reflection of the
intellectual knowledge of the authors, their spirit of emulation fed by their personal readings, but
mostly their personal life or one that they had witnessed. Personal experience often leads to the
achievement of a literary work, personal memory being the primary source of inspiration for the
authors. Through biographical data, fiction may develop itself into proteiformic occurrences
which offer the creator the possibility of self-analysis and self-understanding. The phenomenon
of transposition reflects the importance of a certain event in the life of the creator and the place
that the latter grants to it making it surpass the limits of intimate frame and confessing it to
others, even if hidden under the veil of fiction. The present chapter should have as an aim the
reconstruction of the genesis of the proposed novels, the identification of the way in which the
novels mirror the experience of the authors. Starting from the five texts of the corpus (L’Invitée,
La femme rompue, La femme partagée, Jules et Jim, L’Ennui), we follow an intricate track that
takes us from the interpretation of life to the interpretation of the work. On one hand, we observe
the work as a rewriting and reinterpretation of life, as returned into the past crowned by the
opening of a new perspective upon the facts, crowned thus by a reevaluation of the latter through
artistic means. On the other hand, we remark the use of real as a source of inspiration for
inventing of another alternative or possible real, as a starting point of escape and retrospection.
Besides the surrounding reality, all the writers in the corpus have their own intellectual and
artistic sources, which they follow with passion. Their inspiration is also fed by the works and
ideas of their favourite artists, especially Russian, French and American, keeping nevertheless an
incontestable originality. In the first part of this chapter we observe, in a corpus of texts more or
less biographical, the way in which the four proposed writers ― Simone de Beauvoir, HenriPierre Roché, Franz Hellens and Alberto Moravia ― extract from their life the more important
events in order to turn them into fiction, in an attempt of freeing themselves of their interior
demons. The confession and the fiction bring, in the same time, liberation and the understanding
of the past. In the second part, we try to discover in the works we studied the literary models, the
artists that influenced them. The literary archives constitute the intellectual and professional body
that each writer possesses, the literary sources that allow him to evolve himself as a man of letters
and to develop his own narrative technique. We do not talk here about imitation, but about certain
tracks that the different readings have left in their memory throughout the years, knowing that
literature, actually general knowledge as a whole, is a dynamic process, an open system based on
the transhistorical and transnational transformations.
In the second chapter, entitled « La formation et les contraintes du couple » (“The
formation and constraints of couples”), we observe the genesis of the couple, what feeds and
makes it possible, the getting together and passion, but also the difficulties encountered due to the
hostility and prejudices that the lovers have to face. The relationships treated here come out of the
common frame and are sometimes shocking, either because of the openness of the characters’
behaviour, or because of the contradictory human associations. In a first part we analyse the
amount of feelings that the characters have since they meet, the positive or hostile situations that
their passion encounters, the decisions that have to be taken in the defense of the new couple. We
observe here the factors determining their encounter and follow the stages throughout which the
love affair develops. We also focus, in the second part, on the places that affect the evolution of
the couple. Indeed, the space in which they lead their existence – urban, rural, restrained,
enlarged, permanent or temporary – seems to have a great influence over the disposition of the
characters and their feelings, especially in the period when the couple is in formation, but also
during its evolution. Therefore, the space can prove in favour or disfavour of the dynamics of the
love process. In the third part, the couple is seen in their daily life and in intimacy. We observe
them as an entity formed by two human beings searching for a common denominator, that is the
inner organization and the principles that guide them in order to preserve their autonomy. In the
meantime, we have to mention the fact that the couple does not live alone, but surrounded by a
large family, parents, brothers, sisters. In this respect, we study the existence of the couple in
relation with the family, the degree of insertion or avoidance in the family relationships and the
way in which the characters fight for keeping their intimacy and stay together despite the
sometimes hostile attitude of their family. A fourth landmark in analysing the beginning of a
relationship is represented by the social dimension. The forming of the couple is also reported to
the society, in conflict or harmony with it. The social dimension is, nevertheless, multiple: it
involves regulations, rules, values, temporality, determined by the different social and cultural
environment that represents the background of the studied works. On one hand we study the
social interaction among the characters and their way of integrating in society or self seclusion,
and on the other hand their reaction towards the bourgeois morals in the spirit of which they were
raised and also their fight against compromises and taboos they have to face continuously
throughout their existence.
The third part of this thesis focuses on the dissolution of the couple, in a chapter entitled
« L’éclatement du couple » (“The dissolution of the couple”). In this stage we study the
constitution and evolution of the triangular relationship, the agreements and disagreements that
unite or break up the relationships between the characters. We start by observing the first signs of
dissension, then the aggravation of the conflicts under the influence of a third person who enters
the scene as a friend or a seducer, fact which determines the setting up of threesome (ménage à
trois) or of a partition at least tolerated. The life of a couple is permanently subject to enemy
forces that endanger its unity. The couple is fragile, because it is conditioned by several factors
which are both intrinsically and extrinsically. The internal conditions ― the routine, the end of
passion or the impossibility of satisfying expectations misunderstood or misconveyed ―, as well
as external influences ― the social environment or the presence of a third person ― threatens the
couple and awaits for its weaknesses in order to destroy it. The present chapter studies the
circumstances and the mobiles that shake the couple. We divided it into three parts that show the
forerunner stages of the denouement of the couple. The first part analyses the moments of crisis
between the partners, the cleavage that is born from the incongruence with oneself and the other.
In the second part, dealing still with the issue of the crisis of the couple, we study the appearance
of the third person and we observe the circumstances in which this person becomes a menace. We
try to draw the portrait of this third person and reconstruct the puzzle of the relationships in
which he enters, but also to underline the transformations inherent to his interference in the life of
the couple. The consequence of the shaking of the couple is the dispersal of their love towards the
third, the shifting of the affection towards the latter who becomes both their destroyer and their
saviour: destroyer because he reveals the couple their own weaknesses or creates others; saviour
because he assists the couple in reconstructing itself, but adding himself as an integrating and
indivisible part. Seducer or seduced, the third proves to be in love with one of the partners, but
close friend to the other who, in his turn, shows him some affection close to homosexuality. The
proximity of the three partners and the struggle that appears in this context makes us presume, in
the third part, the forming of a triangular relationship, assumed as the only remedy of an
unwilling breaking up of the basic couple. The place of the third in the couple consolidates itself
into a complex relationship - threesome – the ultimate stage of the dissolution of the relationship.
The benign countenances of the third, declining himself under the aspects of friendship,
homosexual attraction, seduction, to which contributes the hospitality of the couple as well, have
a delaying effect upon the forming of the love triangle, but not upon the elimination of this
Actually the triangular configuration, alternatively harmonious and tumultuous, is
symptomatic for the accentuation of the crisis of the couple and the beginning of the destruction
of this entity. The triangularity imposes itself as a positive phenomenon, but which evolves
towards destruction. Its philosophy presumes the crisis of the couple and implies a three sided
geometry of the love life, a space dominated by the distribution of the forces which acts in such a
way that the trio causes the dissolution of the duo: a dialectic that changes radically the relational
poles and brings about the creation of a new duo. This love geometry defines a field of tensions,
of forces that attract and oppose themselves. Two typologies define the love triangularity: an
equilateral triangle which can be a system of equal relationships among the three characters that
share friendship and complicity, but in reality it is a simulation of equality, since one of the
partners soon becomes a passive force that the other two dispute; from this context results an
isosceles triangle, absolutely unequal, which clearly positions the two poles in opposition to the
third partner and which, through the hostile feelings that he generates, brings about the
dissolution of the original couple. What we want to demonstrate in this stage is the manner in
which a threesome is carried out, starting from the theoretical project until its application. We pay
a significant attention to the triangular configuration, knowing that the actors play oscillatory
roles that place them in turn on a position of dominator or dominated.
Finally, the fourth and final stage, entitled « L’échec de la relation triangulaire » (“The
failure of the triangular relationship”), illustrates the crashing of the couple, the failure of the
duo and trio relationships. The reason for the sentimental failure, as well as its consequences
represents our focus in this last stage. The tensions, anguish, jealousy announce the exacerbation
of the despair, as well as a rising desire of the characters to redefine their love, which can be
translated through a desire to reconstruct the structure of the couple (both of the initial couple,
and of a new one with the third in its component) on the ruins of the destroyed trio. Although it
has strengthened the energy of the couple destroyed, the trio does not survive the dissensions
brought about by the attempt of achieving an equal partnership. Hence the dramatic epilogue to
which leads the crisis of these love stories. In short, the failure of the trio is generated by the
aware partnership of the object of love or lust. This context leads to the failure of both love, and
friendship, throughout a painful process of finding solutions to the relational conflicts. The failure
of the couple declines itself in three stages: the death of one partner in the couple or of the third,
the parting generating in the hope of self acceptance and the acceptance of the other, the
loneliness as an existential vacuum which is brought about by the death of the partner or by the
suffered abandon. The failure of love passion is inevitable and is based on the disappearance of
one or two members of the trio. The agonic triangular relationship is equally subject both to the
force of the persons who decide upon their own life (and that of the others) and to the force of the
destiny, irrevocable and often deadly. Therefore, death, hope or solitude are three denouements
that represent three criteria of classification of the theme of the corpus.
On a whole, our working hypothesis favours the following on a psychological, social and
lexical plan the carrying out of the love affairs in the texts that constitute the corpus.
The corpus of the thesis
1. HELLENS, Franz, La femme partagée, Paris, Bernard Grasset, 1929. Translated into
Romanian: O femeie, două iubiri, translation and preface by Camelia-Meda Mijea, ClujNapoca, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, coll. « », 2009.
2. DE BEAUVOIR, Simone, L’Invitée, Paris, Gallimard, 1943.
3. ROCHÉ, Henri-Pierre, Jules et Jim, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « Folio », 1953.
4. MORAVIA, Alberto, L’Ennui, Roman traduit de l’italien, Paris, Flammarion, 1961.
Édition originale : La Noia, Milano, Bompiani, 1960.
5. DE BEAUVOIR, Simone, La femme rompue, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « Folio », 1967.
Works and critical articles about Simone de Beauvoir
1. AUDET, Jean-Raymond, Simone de Beauvoir face à la mort, Lausanne, L’Âge d’homme,
coll. « Lettera », 1979.
2. BAIR, Deirdre, Simone de Beauvoir, traduit de l’anglais (États-Unis) par Marie-France de
Paloméra, Paris, Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1991.
3. FRANCIS, Claude, GONTIER, Fernande, Les écrits de Simone de Beauvoir. La vieL’écriture, Avec en appendice Textes inédits ou retrouvés, Paris, Gallimard, coll.
« NRF », 1979.
4. GENNARI, Geneviève, Simone de Beauvoir, Paris, Éditions Universitaires, coll.
« Classiques du XXe siècle », 1958.
5. JEANSON, Francis, Simone de Beauvoir ou l’entreprise de vivre, suivi de deux entretiens
avec Simone de Beauvoir, Paris, Seuil, 1966.
6. KRISTEVA, Julia, FAUTRIER, Pascale, FORT, Pierre-Louis, STRASSER, Anne (dir.),
(Re)découvrir l’œuvre de Simone de Beauvoir. Du Deuxième Sexe à La Cérémonie des
Adieux, Paris, Le Bord de l’eau, 2008.
7. MOI, Toril, Simone de Beauvoir. Conflits d’une intellectuelle, Traduit de l’anglais par
Guillemette Belleteste, Préface de Pierre Bourdieu, Paris, New York, Amsterdam, Diderot
Éditeur, Arts et Sciences, coll. « Actualité », 1995.
8. POISSON, Catherine, Sartre et Beauvoir: du je au nous, Amsterdam-New York, Rodopi,
9. ROWLEY, Hazel, Tête-à-tête. Beauvoir et Sartre : un pacte d’amour, Traduit de l’anglais
par Pierre Demarty, Paris, Bernard Grasset & Fasquelle, 2006.
10. SALLENAVE, Danièle, Castor de guerre, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « NRF », 2008.
Works and critical articles about Henri-Pierre Roché
1. BASCH, Sophie, « Henri-Pierre Roché entre influences et apparences ou le roman vrai de
Jules et Jim » in La Nouvelle Revue Française, Paris, no. 440, septembre 1989, pp. 74-82.
2. BETTENFELD, Françoise, « Henri-Pierre Roché ou La chasse au bonheur », in La
Nouvelle Revue Française, Paris, no. 553, mars 2000, pp. 226-236.
3. ERULI, Brunella, « La costruzione di Jules et Jim: Roché e Hessel », in Rivista di
letterature moderne e comparate, vol. L, Fasc. 3, luglio-settembre 1997, Pisa, Pancini
Editore, pp. 297-322.
4. FLÜGGE, Manfred, Le Tourbillon de la Vie. La véritable histoire de Jules et Jim, Traduit
de l’allemand par Nicole Bary, Paris, Albin Michel, 1994.
5. KEPLER DU TOIT, Catherine, Henri-Pierre Roché : À la recherche de l’unité perdue. Le
devenir d’un écrivain, Thèse de doctorat soutenue à l’Université de Pretoria, 2005, [en
6. RELIQUET, Scarlett, RELIQUET, Philippe, Henri-Pierre Roché, l’enchanteur
collectionneur Biographie, Préface de Stéphane Hessel, Paris, Ramsay, 1999.
7. ROCKENSTROCLY, Xavier, Henri-Pierre Roché. Profession: écrivain, Thèse de
Works and critical articles about Franz Hellens
1. BEN ALI, Sourour (dir.), Les écritures poétiques de Franz Hellens, Centre de Recherches
Universitaires Blaise Pascal, Maison de la Recherche, coll. « Littératures », 2003.
2. DE SMEDT, Raphaël (dir.), Franz Hellens. Recueil d’études, de souvenirs et de
témoignages offert à l’écrivain à l’occasion de son 90e anniversaire, Bruxelles, André de
Rache, 1971.
3. FERNANDEZ, Ramon, « La Femme partagée, par Franz Hellens », in La Nouvelle Revue
Française, XXIII, 193, 1er octobre 1929, pp. 558-560.
4. FRICKX, Robert, Franz Hellens ou le Temps dépassé, Bruxelles, Palais des Académies,
Académie Royale de langue et de littérature françaises, 1992.
5. GRISAY, Auguste, L’œuvre de Franz Hellens, Liège, Éd. de l’Essai, 1962.
6. JALOUX, Edmond, « La Femme partagée, par Franz Hellens », in Les Nouvelles
littéraires, 329, 2 février 1929, p. 3.
7. NACHTERGAELE, Vic, Franz Hellens entre Mythe et Réalité, Colloque international
organisé à la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven les 25 et 26 novembre 1988 par la section de
Littératures romanes, Louvain, Presses Universitaires, coll. « Symbolae » 1990, vol. 4.
8. PAULHAN, Jean, Le dernier Disque Vert. Hommage à Franz Hellens, Paris, Albin
Michel, 1957.
9. POULET, Robert, « La Femme partagée, par Franz Hellens », in La Revue Européenne,
5, 1er mai 1929, pp. 1847-1849.
10. THYALET, Georges, « La Femme partagée », in Nord, 1er cahier, avril 1929, pp. 113115.
Works and critical articles about Alberto Moravia
1. AJELLO Nello (dir.), Alberto Moravia, Intervista sullo scrittore scomodo, Roma-Bari,
Laterza & Figli, 1978.
2. CAMON, Ferdinando, MORAVIA, Alberto, Io e il mio tempo. Conversazioni critiche con
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3. CECCATTY, René de, Alberto Moravia, Paris, Flammarion, coll. « Grandes
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4. DEL BUONO, Oreste (dir.), Moravia, Milano, Feltrinelli, coll. « La Biblioteca Ideale »,
5. DUFLOT, Jean, Entretiens avec Moravia, Paris, Pierre Belfond, 1970.
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Bernard Grasset, 1958.
7. LONGOBARDI, Fulvio, Moravia, Firenze, Il Castoro, No. 30, 1969.
8. MORAVIA, Alberto, ELKANN, Alain, Vita di Moravia, Traduit de l’italien par JeanMarie Laclavetine, Paris, Bourgois, 1991. Édition originale : Vita di Moravia, Milano,
Bompiani, 1990.
9. PALMIERI, Silvana, Il mare dell’opacità. Una lettura di Moravia, Roma, Edizioni
dell’Oleandro, 1998.
10. PARIS, Renzo, Moravia, una vita controvoglia, Firenze, Giunti, coll. « Mercurio », 1996.
11. SICILIANO, Enzo, Alberto Moravia, vita, parole e idee di un romanziere, Milano,
Bompiani, 1982.
General critical bibliography
1. ALBÉRÈS, R.-M., Histoire du roman moderne, Paris, Albin Michel, 1962.
2. ANSPACH, Marc R. (dir.), Cahier René Girard, Paris, L’Herne, 2008.
3. ARIÈS, Philippe, DUBY, Georges (dir.), Histoire de la vie privée, Paris, Seuil, 1985.
Tome 5 De la Première Guerre Mondiale à nos jours, 1987.
4. ARON, Paul, SAINT-JACQUES, Denis, VIALA, Alain (dir.), Le dictionnaire du
littéraire, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, coll. « Quadrige », 2002.
5. BACHELARD, Gaston, La poétique de l’espace, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France,
coll. « Quadrige/PUF », 1957.
6. BAKHTINE, Mikhaïl, Esthétique et théorie du roman, Traduit du russe par Daria Olivier,
Préface de Michel Aucouturier, Paris, Gallimard, 1978.
7. BARTHES, Roland, Fragments d’un discours amoureux, Paris, Seuil, coll. « Tel Quel »,
8. BAUDRILLARD, Jean, De la séduction, Paris, Galilée, coll. « Folio / Essais », 1979.
9. BAUDRILLARD, Jean, GUILLAUME, Marc, Figures de l’altérité, Paris, Descartes &
Cie, 1994.
10. BIRON, Michel, La Modernité Belge, Bruxelles, Labor, Les Presses de l’Université de
Montréal, coll. « Archives du Futur », 1994.
11. BOLDEA, Iulian (dir.), European Integration between Tradition and Modernity.
Proceedings of the International Conference 20-21 September 2007, Târgu-Mureş,
Editura Universităţii « Petru Maior », 2007.
12. BRUNEL, Pierre, CHEVREL, Yves (dir.), Précis de littérature comparée, Paris, Presses
Universitaires de France, 1989.
13. BRUNEL, Pierre, HUISMAN, Denis, La littérature française des origines à nos jours,
Paris, Librairie Vuibert, coll. « Guides », 2005.
14. CHARTIER, Pierre, Introduction aux grandes théories du Roman, Paris, Bordas, 1990.
15. CHEVALIER, Jean, GHEERBRANT, Alain, Dictionnaire des symboles. Mythes, rêves,
coutumes, gestes, formes, figures, couleurs, nombres, Édition revue et augmentée, Paris,
Robert Lafont/Jupiter, 2002.
16. DAHAN-GAIDA, Laurence (dir.), Logiques du tiers. Littérature, culture, société,
Besançon, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, coll. « Annales littéraires de
l’Université de Franche-Comté », série « Littérature et histoire des pays de langues
européennes », 2007.
17. DELAMARRE, Bernadette, Autrui, Paris, Ellipses, coll. « Philobac », 1996.
18. DOUBROVSKY, Serge, Autobiographiques : De Corneille à Sartre, Paris, Presses
Universitaires de France, coll. « Perspectives critiques », 1988.
19. FRICKX, Robert, TROUSSON, Raymond, Dictionnaire des œuvres. Lettres françaises de
Belgique, Vol. I Le roman, Paris-Gembloux, Duculot, 1988.
20. GASCOIGNE, David (dir.), Le moi et ses espaces. Quelques repères identitaires dans la
littérature française contemporaine, Caen, Presses Universitaires de Caen, 1997.
21. GASPARINI, Philippe, Autofiction. Une aventure du langage, Paris, Seuil, coll.
« Poétique », 2008.
22. GENETTE, Gérard, Figures III, Paris, Seuil, coll. « Poétique », 1972.
23. GIRARD, René, De la violence à la divinité : Mensonge romantique et vérité
romanesque, La Violence et le sacré, Des choses cachées depuis la fondation du monde,
Le bouc émissaire, Paris, Bibliothèque Grasset, 2007.
24. GUILLAUME, Astrid, BENAYOUN, Jean-Michel (dir.), Continuité et modernité du
français. Colloque international de langue et littérature française 24-26 mai 2007,
Braşov, Presses Universitaires Transilvania, 2007.
25. GUSDORF, Georges, Lignes de vie, Paris, Odile Jacob, vol. 1 Les écritures du moi, 1991,
vol. 2 Auto-bio-graphie, 1992.
26. KAUFMANN, Jean-Claude, Sociologie du couple, Paris, Presses Universitaires de
France, coll. « Que sais-je ? », 1993.
27. LACHAUD, Denise, Jalousies, Paris, Hachette littérature, coll. « Pluriel », 2000.
28. LASCU-POP, Rodica, BACONSKY, Rodica (dir.), Michel de Ghelderode… Trente ans
après, Actes du troisième Colloque international Cluj-Napoca, 22-24 octobre 1992, ClujNapoca, Clusium, 1995.
29. LASCU-POP, Rodica (dir.), Randonnées francophones. Minilectures en contexte, ClujNapoca, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, coll. « », 2007.
30. LECARME, Jacques, LECARME-TABONE, Éliane, L’Autobiographie, Paris, Armand
Colin, coll. « U », 1999.
31. LEJEUNE, Philippe, Le pacte autobiographique, Paris, Seuil, coll. « Points Essais »,
32. LEJEUNE, Philippe, BOGAERT, Catherine, Le journal intime. Histoire et anthologie,
Paris, Textuel, 2006.
33. LILAR, Suzanne, Le couple, Bruxelles, Les Éperonniers, coll. « Passé Présent », 1987.
34. LIVI, François, La littérature italienne contemporaine, Paris, Presses Universitaires de
France, coll. « Que sais-je ? », 1995.
35. MONTANDON, Alain (dir.), Dictionnaire raisonné de la politesse et du savoir-vivre. Du
moyen âge à nos jours, Paris, Seuil, 1995.
36. MONTANDON, Alain (dir.), Le livre de l’hospitalité. Accueil de l’étranger dans
l’histoire et les cultures, Paris, Bayard, 2004.
37. NADEAU, Maurice, Le roman français depuis la guerre, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « Idées »,
38. PICON, Gaëtan (dir.), Panorama des idées contemporaines, Nouvelle édition revue et
augmentée, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « Le point du jour », 1968.
39. QUAGHEBEUR, Marc, Balises pour l’histoire des lettres belges de langue française,
Préface de l’auteur, Postface de Paul Aron, Bruxelles, Labor, coll. « Espace Nord », 1998.
40. RAIMOND Michel, Le roman, Paris, Armand Colin, coll. « Cursus », 1989.
41. RAVOUX RALLO, Élisabeth, Méthodes de critique littéraire, Paris, Armand Colin, coll.
« U », série « Lettres », 1999.
42. REUTER, Yves, Introduction à l’analyse du Roman, Paris, Dunod, 1996.
43. ROBIN, Régine, Le roman mémoriel : de l’histoire à l’écriture du hors-lieu, Longueuil
(Montréal), Préambule, coll. « L’Univers des discours », 1989.
44. ROUGEMONT, Denis de, L’amour et l’Occident, Paris, Librairie Plon, 1972.
45. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Actes du Colloque International Les âges en miroir.
Pour une problématique de l’intergénérationnel, numéro dirigé par Rodica Lascu-Pop et
Pascale Auraix-Jonchière, série « Philologia », Cluj-Napoca, no. 4, 2008.
46. TADIÉ, Jean-Yves, La critique littéraire au XXe siècle, Paris, Belfond, coll. « Agora »,
47. VALETTE, Bernard, Le Roman. Initiation aux méthodes et aux techniques modernes
d’analyse littéraire, Paris, Nathan, 1992.

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