HOMEWORK 3-12a Show your work! - Baltimore City Public Schools


HOMEWORK 3-12a Show your work! - Baltimore City Public Schools
Parent’s signature
Name: ___________________________ Date: __________________
Show your work! No calculators.
Résous et fais une addition pour
762 + 80+ 202 =
1274 - 81 =
Arrondis à la plus
Round to the nearest hundred
241 ≈ ________
Il y a _____centaines,_____
361 ≈ ________
dizaines, et______unités dans
472 ≈ ________
la somme.
1241 ≈ ________
2361 ≈ ________
7472 ≈ ________
Dessine un tableau qui
représente la multiplication cidessous. Finis la phrase qui
décrit ton tableau.
6 sevens =
5 sevens + ___ seven =
Draw an array to represent the multiplication
sentence. Write the other multiplication
sentence that matches the array.
3 x 6 = _____
679 ≈ ________
879 ≈ ________
(5x7)+(__ x7) = 35 + ____ =
1679 ≈ ________
5879 ≈ ________
has a value of 7.
1368 ≈ ________
3x6= ____ x _____
Monsieur Lee a 312 livres sur son bibliothèque et 568 livres sur une autre bibliothèque.
Trouvez la somme et arrondis à la plus proche dizaine et puis centaine.
Mr. Lee had 312 books on one bookshelf. He had another 568 books on another bookshelf. Find the actual sum then solve by
rounding to the nearest ten and hundred.
Grade 3
Skills: Unit 1 – Unit 3 block 3
Parent’s signature
Name: ___________________________ Date: __________________
Show your work! No calculators.
Ecris 6092 en:
Forme de mot (Word form )
Lilia a dit que 5X6=6X4, est-elle
correcte? Pourquoi ?
Lilia said 5x6=6x4. Is she correct? Prove it.
Fluency Practice:
25 ÷ 5 =
3 x 7 =
7 x 3=
Forme développée (Expanded form)
6 x 4 =
4 x 6 =
Forme d’unités (Unit form)
___milles, ____centaines,___
5 x 4 =
dizaines, ____unités.
8 x 4 =
Use the letter k to represent the
unknown and then solve
Dans un paquet de Kit Kat il y a
20 pièce de bonbons. Si chaque
personne a eu 2 pièces, combien
de personnes ont eu le bonbon?
A bag of Kit Kats had 20 candy bars. If each
person received 2 candy bars, how many
people got candy bars?
4 x 5 =
Arrondis à la plus proche
Round to the nearest 100 by using the two
hundreds the number is between
827 is between ______ and
_____ and is closer to _______
4 x 8 =
5 x 3 =
3 x 5 =
5 x 7 =
7 x 5 =
201 is between ______ and
45 ÷ 5 =
_____ and is closer to _______
Monsieur Joseph a 32 employés qui travaillent en 4 groupe égales pour créer un
programme d’ordinateur. Combien d’employés y-a-t-il dans chaque groupe?
Mr. Joseph has 32 employees working in 4 equal groups to create new computer programs. How many people in each group?
Grade 3
Skills: Unit 1 – Unit 3 block 3