project identification - Buletinul Universitatii Petrol


project identification - Buletinul Universitatii Petrol
Universităţii Petrol – Gaze din Ploieşti
Vol. LX
No. 4/2008
Ştiinţe Economice
Interactive Ideas
Irina Gabriela Rădulescu
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti, Bd. Bucureşti 39, Ploieşti
e-mail: [email protected]
In this issue, we are presenting an international project entitled “Making a difference to expand
university’s profile” coordinated by Joanne Fortin, Manager Communications & Public Relations, IBM
Canada and associate professor PhD Irina Rădulescu from the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti. In
the same issue, we have included a presentation of three international conferences: “Quelles mobilités
pour l’espace européen de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche ?”, Bucharest, 27 - 28 October
2008, which was organized by Embassy of France; “Gaudeamus International Exhibition-Book for
study”, an ample cultural event held in Bucharest and International Scientific Meeting „Multifunctional
agriculture and rural development (III) – rural development and (un)limited resources“ on 4-5th
December 2008 which took place at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun. The editorial event presents
“International Trade”, by Irina Gabriela Rădulescu.
Key words: project, international conference, editorial event
Successful Project
Project identification
Project name: Making a difference to expand the University’s profile
Project type: Corporate Service Corps Program
Period: 2008
Project manager: Joanne Fortin, Director, Communications & Public Relations, IBM
Canada Lteé
Project coordinator: Irina Gabriela Rădulescu, Associate Professor, Petroleum-Gas
University of Ploieşti
Project description
The mandate is to develop a comprehensive communication plan to support the mission and
responsibilities of the Department of International Relations of the Petroleum-Gas University of
Irina Gabriela Rădulescu
Ploieşti. The project is part of the CSC Program with IBM and will be carried out over a onemonth assessment of its mandate and long-term goals. The plan intends to provide an overview
of recommended public relations and communications initiatives.
The plan will take into consideration the critical role this department currently plays in
expanding the awareness of the University’s Curricula in the European educational sphere and
elsewhere in the world. It will also underline the vital contribution this Department is making to
support the University’s strategic plan developed for the period 2007 – 2011. At the present
time, the Department is responsible for developing life-long learning programs, forming
partnerships with other universities and increasing the visibility of all the University programs.
Among its long-term goals, the Department must:
Increase the number of incoming foreign students and teachers;
Leverage the undergraduate and graduate curricula in cooperation with similar institutions
in Europe through European projects;
Increase the institution’s visibility in the European educational space;
Introduce a network of universities with academic compatibilities to increase the results of
shared projects.
In order to properly align the communications goals and objectives with the business goals
identified in the University’s strategic plan, we will apply the RACE formula (research,
analysis, communication, evaluation), a recognized methodology widely used by public
relations and communication practitioners worldwide that applies concepts, skills and practices
creatively and responsibly.
The research phase will assess, through qualitative/quantitative and/or primary/secondary data
collection, the environment under which attitudes and issues are perceived by all constituents. In
this case, communications audits, person-to-person interviews, press content analysis, surveys
or questionnaires will be useful and adequate tools to provide valid facts.
The analysis phase will aim at making sense out of the data collected and developed accurate
conclusions. Problems and opportunities will be identified including factors which may inhibit
effective communications practices. This section will conclude with a set of proposed
communications objectives.
The communication phase will cover the activity portion of the plan. It will include
recommended approaches and tactics designed to address the needs of targeted groups for
specific results. In this project, it is anticipated that near and long term initiatives may be
recommended or integrated using the SMART formula: SMART, MEASURABLE,
Finally, the evaluation phase will review the validity of the predetermined goals and objectives
with the use of a measurement system to gauge the success of the proposed communication
program. In this section, key factors such as preparation (input), implementation (output) and
impact (outcome) will be included to reinforce the importance of providing a final evaluation
report directly linked to set objectives. This section will also establish a detailed budget to
facilitate the identification of priorities described in the near, mid-term and long term proposed
Action Plan
The action plan will be carried out with the following approach in mind: one or two phases of
the RACE methodology will be developed and in motion at all times. It is planned that regular
Interactive Ideas
meetings will take place throughout the process to provide an assessment of the findings at the
end of each week.
1. Week 1: Introduction and review of the mandate. The first week will assess the support to
be provided to put the research and analysis phases in motion. It is anticipated that meetings
will occur with University officials and members of the International Relations Department.
2. Week 2: The second week will review the facts collected in the research phase to complete
the analysis phase.
3. Week 3: The third week will be devoted to developing the communication plan and
evaluation phases.
4. Week 4: The last week will concentrate on a final review of the facts and recommendations.
As discussed with the CSC program organizers, presentations and reports by IBMers will be
completed till the end of the month.
Given the special context of this project, only the strategic portion of the communication plan
will be completed. However, the plan will cover recommendations for an implementation plan
to follow.
In addition, the CSC fellow responsible for the project will remain at the disposal of the
Department and the University officials to act as a facilitator throughout the process and to
provide additional insights in communication and public relations when required.
Joanne Fortin: [email protected]
Irina Gabriela Rădulescu: [email protected]
International events
Seminaire franco-roumain « Quelles mobilités pour l’espace européen de
l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche?”, Bucarest, 27-28 octobre 2008
Dans la période 27-28 octobre 2008, l’Ambassade de France en Roumanie, Service de
Coopération et d’Action Culturelle a organisé à la Faculté de Droit dans le cadre de l’Université
de Bucarest le séminaire franco-roumain appelé « Quelles mobilités pour l’espace européen de
l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche ? ». Y ont participé les vice-recteurs avec les
relations internationales au cadre des universités de Roumanie.
Les travaux du symposium ont compris des discours d’ouverture, tables rondes,
communications et débats.
Les discours d’ouverture ont été tenus par : M. Henri Lebreton (Conseiller pour Coopération et
Action Culturelle de l’Ambassade de France en Roumanie) et M. Flavius Baias (Doyen de la
Faculté de Droit au cadre de l’Université de Bucarest).
Au cadre des tables rondes (4), organisées durant les deux journées on a abordé les thèmes
Politique et mise en application de la mobilité dans les grandes institutions académiques -cas
particulier de la mobilité France/ Roumanie/France (Mme Katja Lasch modérateur, Directeur
DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) ; Mme Annick Suzor-Weiner, vice-
Irina Gabriela Rădulescu
présidente pour les Relations Internationales, Université Paris Sud et membre du groupe
d’experts en mobilité de la Comission Européenne ; Mme Alina Cristovici, Coordonateur des
Programmes Communitaires au cadre de l’Université de Bucarest;
Quelles sont les barrières dans la voie de la mobilité ? (M. Etienne Cazin (modérateur),
Coordonateur pour l’Europe de l’Agence Campus France ; M. Ion Stancu, Vice recteur
Recherche de l’Académie d’Etudes Economiques de Bucarest ; M.Radu Damian, Directeur de
l’Agence Roumaine d’assurance de la Qualité dans l’Enseignement Supérieur) ; M. Nouras
Lupulescu, Doyen, l’Université Transilvanie de Brasov);
Comment peut-on faciliter la mobilité ? Réflexions et instruments de facilitation (M. Michel
Farine (modérateur) Attaché pour Cooperation Universitaire et Scientifique ; M. Pierre Compte,
Viceprésident de la Comission du Titre d’Ingé ; M. Sorin Zaharia, Directeur de l’Agence
Nationale pour les Qualifications dans l’Enseignement Supérieur et Partenariat avec le Milieu
Economique et Social ; Mme Iulia Mihail, Directeur de l’Office Roumain pour Science et
Technologie, Bruxelles);
Bonnes pratiques : Mobilité des étudiants et chances d’embauche-programmes communitaires,
mise en valeur du parcours de mobilité, etc (M. Henri Lebreton (moderateur) ; Mme Madlena
Nen, coordonatrice Erasmus Roumanie, ANPCDEFP ; Mme Florence Dobelle, chef de la
Mission Economique de l’Ambassade de France en Roumanie (représentant Ubifrance pour la
Roumanie) ; M. Olivier Allaret, Directeur de Ressources Humaines, Ubisoft Roumanie ; Mme
Oana Toiu, Présidente de la branche roumaine de l’Association Paneuropéenne);
Les trois communications présentées le premier jour du symposium (lundi le 27 octobre) ont
abordé les sujets suivants :
2 millions d’étudiants Erasmus – bilan, impact et perspectives (M. Johannes Gehringer,
Comission Européenne, DG Education);
Mobilité en France/mobilité France-Roumanie (M. Michel Farine, Ambassade de France en
Roumanie, Service de Coopération et Action Culturelle);
Mobilité en Roumanie/mobilité Roumanie-France (Ministère de l’Education, de la
Recherche et de la Jeunesse de Roumanie).
Le séminaire franco-roumain a pris fin par des conclusions et des perspectives, tous les
participants se déclarant satisfaits par les présentations et les débats qui ont eu lieu durant les
deux jours.
Les participants, représentants des universités roumaines, d'ambassades de pays membres de
l'Union européenne, partenaires de l'Ambassade de France ou encore les représentants du
Ministère de l'Education, de la Recherche et de la Jeunesse roumain débattront de cette question
centrale de la mobilité autour de tables rondes.
Cette rencontre de travail aura pour objectif final, dans le cadre de la PFUE, de faire parvenir un
état des lieux de la mobilité dans les universités roumaines et un certain nombre de suggestions
au Ministère français de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.
Pendant la dernière partie du séminaire on a présenté des conclusions et de perspectives.
Le séminaire a été un succès.
Associate Professor Irina Gabriela Rădulescu, PhD
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti
Interactive Ideas
Gaudeamus International Exhibition – Book for study
The fifteen edition of the Gaudeamus International Exhibition-Book for study, an ample cultural
manifestation, with more than 400 exhibitors, took place in Bucharest, between November, 1923.
More then 100.000 visitors attracted by the celebration of the book had the opportunity to find
thousands of volumes displayed with generosity in the stalls of the publishing houses which
attended this meeting.
The Romanian Society of Radio, the organizer of the manifestation, has developed a complex
programme sustaining the Romanian educational market, the programme LECTURA (Reading)
whose main components are:
Gaudeamus International Exhibition – Book for study;
Gaudeamus Caravan;
Gaudeamus School book Exhibition.
Gaudeamus International Exhibition book for study which was organized in collaboration with
Romexpo S.A is today recognized as one of the most important event from Romania, devoted to
education. The structure of exhibitors is representative in this way: publishing houses,
institutions of education, books and newspapers distributing agencies, printing press, enterprises
in education and multimedia, non-governmental organizations.
Gaudeamus International Exhibition – book for study have had the following main objectives
concerning the educational offer:
launching the Romanian book market by creating some major events over the public;
promoting in Romania some educational methods and supports aligned to European
presenting a complete educational offer in a competitive frame, largely advertised in the
connecting the Romanian educational offer with its main component at the international
level, the main target being the control of Eastern European market;
supporting some exceptional editorial projects and educational programmes of major
importance for the national culture.
The exhibition had five sections:
The educational and professional offer stock presents information referring to the national plan
for collaborations, the infrastructure, material base, the honour list of the students and
professors, published books, and specifically coordinate.
Gaudeamus Arts Exhibition;
The National Invention Drawing-Room for Young People;
The Romanian Press National Drawing-Room;
The Educational Multimedia Section.
The impact of the event can be discovered in the significant growth of the sales volume from
one edition to another as well as the member of the events organized by the participants mainly
through meetings with writers or book releases.
Irina Gabriela Rădulescu
As this edition of the exhibition, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti has participated with its
own stall in which the book production of the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti publishing
house was displayed.
With this occasion it was observed a great interest in publishing some works of great value
which cover a wide range which our readers showed interest.
This aspect was highlighted by the great member of visitors which stopped and asked for
information and purchased numerous volumes books.
We consider that this year our experience justifies the future participation at this kind of events
which contributes significantly to a better knowledge of the didactic and scientific activities
developed at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.
Director of the Publishing House of the
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti
Prof. Ph. D. Şerban Vasilescu
Department of the Library of the
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti
Emil Dan
International conference “Multifunctional agriculture and rural development
(III) – rural development and (un)limited resources“
The Institute of Agricultural Economics from Belgrade in cooperation with other international
universities and research institutes from the Republic of Serbia, France, Romania and Poland
organized the International Scientific Meeting „MULTIFUNCTIONAL AGRICULTURE AND
RURAL DEVELOPMENT (III) – rural development and (un)limited resources“ on 4-5th
December 2008 on Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun. The ceremony was opened by the director
of the Institute of Agricultural Economics from Belgrade, Mr. Drago Cvijanović.
This important conference has had as
scientific sections the following:
Multifunctional agriculture
Rural development
Market and competitiveness
Resources allocation
Production and productivity
The participants of this international meeting
were from the Republic of Serbia, Poland,
Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the
Republic of Moldova. Our university was
represented by some of our colleagues from
the Faculty of Economic Sciences like associate professor PhD Ioan Done , lecturer PhD Mirela
Matei, lecturer PhD Corina Ene, assistant professor Jean-Vasile Andrei and assistant professor
Adrian Stancu which has presented theirs scientific papers:
Mirela Matei, Ioan Done, Jean-Vasile Andrei, Corina Ene, Adrian Stancu - Some
Disadvantages of Biofuels Production Using Agricultural Products – Section I;
Ioan Done, Mirela Matei, Jean Andrei - Implications of Weather on Development and
Diversification of Exchanges` Activity – Section V;
Interactive Ideas
Adrian Stancu - Influence of Ordinary Preservation Temperature on White Wine
Quality – Section V;
Corina Ene - Challenges in Measuring Household Food Security – Section V.
Associate Professor PhD Ioan Done
Head of the Department for Economy and Business Administration,
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti
Editorial Event
Comerţ internaţional
by Irina Gabriela Rădulescu
La mondialisation des échanges est notre réalité celle de toutes les entreprises, des
multinationales comme des petites et moyennes entreprises. Toutes sont les acteurs du
commerce mondial. Commerce mondial qui est un bien public mondial et reste une des clefs de
la croissance du progrès économique et social, de la lutte contre la pauvreté.
La mondialisation des échanges repose sur l’intégration de chaines logistique et financière qui
réclament transparence, prévisibilité et sécurité.
C’est le rôle de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) en coopération avec les autres
institutions internationales de définir les outils et les bonnes pratiques liées à la facilitation des
Les différents chapitres de l’ouvrage traitent de tous les aspects du commerce international et de
toutes les questions auxquelles sont confrontées aujourd’hui les entreprises.
Le premier chapitre intitule « Théories concernant le commerce international » explique les
théories classiques et modernes du commerce mondial.
Le deuxième, « Du GATT à l’OMC » fait une analyse des principes fondamentaux du système
multilatéral, dont le rôle est de libéraliser mais aussi de réguler le commerce mondial.
Le chapitre 3, « L’Organisation mondiale du commerce et ses implications sur le droit
international » explique la place et le rôle de l’OMC et de soin droit dans l’ordre juridique
international. Le champ d’action de l’OMC est vaste et porte sur des sujets très nombreux, tels
Irina Gabriela Rădulescu
la libéralisation des services, les obstacles techniques au commerce, l’investissement,
l’environnement, la propriété intellectuelle etc. Quand on parle du « monde de l’OMC » il est
impossible d’ignorer l’influence anglo-saxonne marquée par des concepts tels la
constitutionnalisation du droit de l’OMC, le linkage, le forum shopping, la fragmegration ou la
rule of law.
Le chapitre 4, « La dimension interculturelle de négociations commerciales internationales »
aborde la dimension interculturelle qui comporte les valeurs, les coutumes, les comportements
et les pensées façonnées que les membres de la société emploient.
Le chapitre 5, « Exporter – un enjeu majeur pour l’entreprise », explique quels sont les raisons
environnementales et stratégiques poussant à l’internationalisation des activités.
Le chapitre 6, « Le protectionnisme commercial : théories et instruments » fait une analyse et
une classification des obstacles commerciales.
Le dernier chapitre provoque les lecteurs par plusieurs sujets et exercices de synthèse.
L’ouvrage de madame Irina Gabriela Rădulescu, écrite dans un stil modern, eficient qui permets
la transmission claire des connaissances, réussit d’approcher de ses lecteurs – étudiants et
professeurs des facultés économiques qui sont intéresses de connaître et d’intégrer dans
l’environnement international des affaires.
Prof. univ. dr. JEAN-DAVID AVENEL
Institut de Recherche en Gestion, Université Paris 12, Val de Marne
Doctor Honoris Causa de l’Université de Riga
Opinii interactive
În acest număr vă prezentăm un proiect internaţional intitulat “Making a difference to expand
university’s profile” coordonat de Joanne Fortin, manager Comunicare & Relaţii Publice, IBM Canada
şi conferenţiar universitar Irina Rădulescu de la Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti. De asemenea,
am inclus prezentarea a trei conferinţe internaţionale: “Quelles mobilités pour l’espace européen de
l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche ?”, Bucureşti, 27 - 28 octombrie 2008, organizată de
Ambasada Franţei; “Gaudeamus International Exhibition-Book for study”, un eveniment cultural amplu
ce a avut loc în Bucureşti şi conferinţa internaţională „Multifunctional agriculture and rural
development (III) – rural development and (un)limited resources“ din 4-5 decembrie 2008 ce a avut loc
la Facultatea de Agricultură din Zemun. Evenimentul editorial prezintă lucrarea “Comerţ internaţional”,
autor Irina Gabriela Rădulescu.