Cours de Philosophie de la Physique. Physique Quantique et


Cours de Philosophie de la Physique. Physique Quantique et
Cours de Philosophie de la Physique. Physique Quantique et philosophie
février 2010
Plan du cours (3 séances de 3 h) : 1. Introduction générale au cours de Philosophie de la physique. - 2. Les
débats sur l'interprétation de la mécanique quantique : physique et philosophie. - 3. Perspectives actuelles
sur la philosophie de la physique quantique.
(Remarque : Pour une bibliographie sur le thème Physique et philosophie, voir celle donnée dans M. Paty, La
philosophie et la physique, in Jean-François Mattéi (éd.), Le Discours philosophique, volume 4 de
l'Encyclopédie philosophique universelle, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1998, chap. 123, p. 21042122.).
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Results, World Scientific, Singapore, 2001.
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COHEN, Robert S., HORNE, Michael & STACHEL, John (eds.) [1997a]. Experimental
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COHEN, Robert S., HORNE, Michael & STACHEL, John (eds.) [1997b]. Potentiality,
Entanglement and passion-at-a-distance. Quantum Mechanical Studies for Abner
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the History of Quantum Theory, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1992.
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EINSTEIN, Albert [1989-1993]. Oeuvres choisies, trad. fr. par le group de trad. de l'ENS
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D'ESPAGNAT, Bernard [1994]. Le réel voilé. Analyse des concepts quantiques, Fayard,
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FLATO, Moshe et al. (eds.), Quantum mechanics, determinism, causality, and particles,
Reidel, Dordrecht, 1976.
FRASSEN, Baas VAN [1991]. Quantum Mechanics, an empiricist view, Oxford
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FREIRE Jr., Olival [1999]. David Bohm e a controversia dos quanta, Coleção CLE,
Centro de Lógica e Epistemologia, Unicamp, Campinas (Br), 1999.
FREIRE, Olival [2004]. The Historical Roots of “Foundations of Quantum Physics“ as a
Field of Research (1950-1970), Foundations of Physics, 34, 2004, 1741-1760.
FREIRE, Olival [2006]. Philosophy enters the optics laboratory: Bell’s theorem and its
first experimental tests (1965-1982). Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern
Physics, 37, 577-616.
FREIRE, Olival [2007]. Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in the Research on the Foundations
of Quantum Physics: E.P. Wigner's Case. In: Boaventura de Sousa Santos. (Org.).
Cognitive Justice in a Global World: Prudent Knowledges for a Decent Life. Lanham,
MD: Lexington Books, p. 203-224.
FREIRE, Olival [2009]. Quantum Dissidents: Research on the foundations of quantum
mechanics circa 1970. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 40, 280289.
GELL-MANN, M. [1994]. The quark and the jaguar. Adventures in the simple and the
complex. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1994.
GELL-MANN, M. and HARTLE, J. [1990]. Quantum mechanics in the light of quantum
cosmology. In W. H. Zurek (Ed.), Complexity, entropy, and the physics of information
(pp. 425-458). Redwood City [CA]: Addison-Wesley.
GHIRARDI, G. C. [2008]. Collapse Theories, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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in Quantum Theory, Springer, Berlin, 1995.
HEISENBERG, Werner [1969]. Der Teil und der Ganze. Gespräche in Umkreis der
Atomphysik, Piper, München, 1969. Trad. fr. par Paul Kessler : La partie et le tout. Le
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JAMMER, Max [1974]. The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics. The Interpretations of
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quantique, Hermann, Paris, 1939.
MILLER, Arthur (ed.) [1989]. Sixty-two years of uncertainty. Historical, philosophical
and physical inquiries into the Foundations of Quantum mechanics (Proceedings of the
International School of History of Science, Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture,
Erice-Sicilia, 5-15 aug. 1989), Plenum Press, New York, 1989.
MITTELSTAEDT, Peter [1998]. The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the
Measurement Process, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK), 1998.
NEUMANN, John von [1932]. Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik,
Springer, Berlin, 1932 ; 1969 ; Dover, New-York, 1943. Trad. fr. par Alexandre Proca,
Les fondements mathématiques de la mécanique quantique, Librairie Alcan et Presses
Universitaires de France, Paris, 1947. Engl. transl., The Mathematical Foundations of
Quantum Mechanics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1955.
OMNÈS, Roland [1988]. Logical Reformulation of Quantum Mechanics. I
(Foundations), II (Interferences and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment) & III
(Classical Limit and Irreversibility), Journal of Statistical Physics, 53(3-4), 893-932.
OMNES, Roland [1994a]. Philosophie de la science contemporaine, Gallimard, Paris,
OMNES, Roland [1994b]. The interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Princeton
University Press, Princeton, 1994.
OMNES, Roland [1999]. Understanding quantum mechanics. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1999
OSNAGHI, S.; FREITAS, F. & FREIRE, O. [2009]. The origin of the Everettian heresy,
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 40(2), 97-123.
PATY, Michel [1988a]. La matière dérobée. L'appropriation critique de l'objet de la
physique contemporaine, Archives contemporaines, Paris, 1988.
PATY, Michel [à paraître]. Einstein, les quanta et le réel (critique et construction
PATY, Michel [à paraître]. L'intelligibilité du domaine quantique.
POPPER, Karl R. [1959]. The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Hutchinson, London, 1959 ;
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YOURGRAU, Wolfgang & MERWE, Alwyn van der (eds.) [1971]. Perspectives in Quantum
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