HyperQualLite Rental User`s Guide Windows Edition - On-Rev


HyperQualLite Rental User`s Guide Windows Edition - On-Rev
User’s Guide
Windows Edition
[email protected]
Note: Print this document in landscape mode.
HyperQualLite User’s Guide version 1.0.0.
Copyright © 2004-2013 Raymond V. Padilla.
Address: 9723 Boerne Haze, Boerne, TX 78006.
Rev. September 3, 2016 .
HyperQualLite is an application developed with LiveCode by Runtime Revolution (TM) software which is owned by Runtime Revolution Limited, 91
Hanover Street, Edinburgh, U.K. EH2 1DJ. Includes copyrighted code licensed from Scott McDonald PC Services, and copyrighted code licensed
from Curry Kenworthy. All rights reserved by the respective copyright holders.
Introduction .............................................................. 4
System Requirements ...............................................
Installation ...............................................................
Quick Start Instructions ............................................
The Elements of HQL ................................................
Cards, Fields, and Buttons …………………..……
HQL Application Card ............................ 6
Data Card …………………………………….. 7
Tag Inspector Card ………………….…..…. 7
Spell Checker Card …………………………. 7
Exemplar Card ....................................... 11
Menu Bars and Drop Down Menus ...................
HQL Application Menu Bar ………………..
Data Card Menu Bar ………………………..
Exemplar Card Menu Bar ……………..…..
Menu Bar, Button, and Keyboard Equivalents ……...... 29
Using HQL ................................................................ 32
Known Issues ……………………………………………….. 40
HyperQualLite (HQL) is designed to assist qualitative data analysts in the management and analysis of text data. HQL is
based on the electronic equivalent of the traditional paper note card. In HQL the note cards are digital. Text data are
entered into individual cards and the cards are collected into a stack (file) to create a qualitative data set. Analysis within
various qualitative research traditions proceeds by isolating and coding (called tagging in HQL) various “chunks”
(segments) of text data. These coded data chunks are called “exemplars” and placed individually in exemplar cards, which
in turn are collected into stacks. Note: In this guide “file” and “stack” are used interchangeably.
Conceptually, HQL consists of a main application card, data cards, and exemplar cards (which are derivative of data cards).
As data and exemplar cards are accumulated, they are arranged in stacks. Each stack is stored as a separate file. Data are
entered directly into each card or data can be imported using various methods. HQL provides various procedures for
saving data as text files that can be opened and manipulated using an ordinary word processor. HQL also features direct
printing from the various stacks.
System Requirements
The Windows version has been tested with Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. The HQL application alone requires
about 6.3 MB of memory. However, data and exemplars files require additional memory. When opened, the entire content
of each data or exemplars file is loaded into memory. The amount of memory required for data and exemplars files will
depend on the size of each file and the number of files opened simultaneously. One way to save memory is to close data
and exemplars files that are no longer being actively used. They can always be reopened as needed. The screen size
should be large enough to comfortably display the various cards.
Initial Installation
HQL is distributed exclusively as rental software and is sent to the renter via email as an attached zip file. Notice: Google
mail will not accept delivery of the Windows .exe HyperQualLite application. Options: (1) Choose an alternate email
provider, (2) Receive app as ISO 9660 disk image -- Windows 8 automatically handles this format. For earlier Windows
operating sytems use the free trial version of HQL to check file handling.
To install HQL using zip file:
1. Use your email program to open the email message containing the HQL software. Remember that email messages may
be placed inadvertently in the Trash folder of your email program so check there, too.
2. Locate the HyperQualLiteFolder.zip file attached to the message.
3. Unzip the HyperQualLiteFolder.zip file to get to the HyperQualLiteFolder. The latter contains the HyperQualLite Windows
application and associated files. It is important to properly locate the HyperQualLiteFolder at the start. Two good locations
are the Desktop and the Applications folder (although the folder can be located at any location). Avoid changing the
location of the HyperQualLiteFolder after tagging (coding) starts.
4. Start the HQL application to make sure that it is running properly. Keep only one copy of HQL on your computer to avoid
confusion in running the software.
5. Notice the reference files that are include in the HyperQualLiteFolder, e.g., the Rental Agreement
Note: Installation of HQL using the ISO 9660 disk image (.iso file) is similar to the above procedure without the need to
unzip the file. Instead open the .iso disk image and move the HyperQualLite application and files to the desired location.
Rental Renewal Installation
If you are renewing an HQL rental, first delete the expired HQL application from your computer. Download the newly
rented application as noted above, but note that the renewal file has the name HyperQualLiteRenew. Open the newly
arrived and unzipped HyperQualLiteRenew folder. Move the newly rented HQL application in the renewal folder to the
existing HyperQualLiteFolder where the expired version was located. Also move any desired resource files in the renewal
folder to the existing HyperQualLiteFolder. Do not keep the expired copy and the newly rented copy of HQL in the same
computer in order to avoid confusion and unexpected results when using the software. Delete the expired HQL
application. After moving the various files from the renewal folder this folder may be deleted.
Note: See note above for installation of HQL using the ISO 9660 disk image.
Quick Start Instructions
If you are eager to get started do the following:
1. After installing HQL on your computer (see above), start the application.
2. Use the main menu on the HQL application card to create a new data stack. Pay attention at the directory prompt to
name the new file and make sure that you locate the new file as desired. Do not use extensions when naming the file.
3. The new data stack will contain a blank card. Enter data in the Data field. The Data field is active when a blinking
cursor can be seen in it. If the cursor is not showing in the Data field, either click in the Data field or use the Tab key to
place a blinking cursor within the Data field. The tab key moves the cursor from one field to another.
4. Use the Edit menu or the control panel of the data stack to make additional cards after data have been entered into the
first card.
5. When all the data have been entered, use the Tag menu to isolate chunks of text in the Data field and tag (code) the
chunks. These tagged data chunks are now called “Exemplars” and placed in new exemplar cards and stacks. When
starting out, create a new exemplars stack.
6. Open any exemplars stack file to continue coding and recoding of the data.
7. Text files, which can be opened by a word processor, can be created using the Output menu. These files can be
printed using a word processor. However, the Print menu also allows direct printing of data and exemplars directly from
Use the Help menu to access more detailed quick start instructions.
Consult the rest of this User’s Guide for detailed instructions.
File Conventions
HyperQualLite produces various files. Note: In this document the words “file” and stack” are used interchangeably. The
following defaults apply to file names and locations while using HQL.
1. Files made from the HQL main menu
a. New data file: The new data file will be placed by default in the same folder where the HQL application is located. Do
not add extensions to file names. HQL automatically adds DAT.hql to the file name provided by the user when creating
the new data file. Do not remove or alter the characters that HQL adds to the file name provided by the user. Doing so
will prevent files from opening.
Example: User names data file: MyProject
HQL will name the file: MyProjectDAT.hql
2. Files made from a data stack
a. New exemplars stack file: The new exemplars file will be placed in the same folder where the current data stack is
located. Do not add extensions to exemplar file names. HQL automatically adds EX.hql to the file name provided by the
user when creating the new exemplars file. It is important to locate exemplars files in a folder where they will not be
subsequently moved. Moving an exemplars file after it is created will cause the trace function to fail. Although the trace
can still be done manually, it is more convenient to do tracing automatically.
Example: User names exemplars file: Joe
HQL will name the file: JoeEX.hql
b. New tag list file: The new tag list file will be placed in the same folder where the current data stack is located. The
default file name provided for this file is fileNameDATTag.txt where fileName is the name of the data file from which the
tag list is created.
Example: The data file name is MyProjectDAT.hql
The tag list file name will be: MyProjectDATTag.txt
c. Output everything: This file will be placed in the same folder where the current data stack is located. The default file
name provided for this file is fileNameDAT.txt where fileName is the name of the data file from which the output file is
Example: The data file name is MyProjectDAT.hql
The output file name will be: MyProjectDAT.txt
d. Output marked cards: This file will be placed in the same folder where the current data stack is located. The default
file name provided for this file is fileNameDATMarked.txt where fileName is the name of the data file from which the
output file is created.
Example: The data file name is MyProjectDAT.hql
The output file name will be: MyProjectDATMarked.txt
e. Output sorted: This file will be placed in the same folder where the current data stack is located. The default file name
provided for this file is fileNameDATSorted.txt where fileName is the name of the data file from which the output file is
Example: The data file name is MyProjectDAT.hql
The output file name will be: MyProjectDATSorted.txt
3. Files made from an exemplars stack
a. New tag list file: The new tag list file will be placed in the same folder where the current exemplars stack is located.
The default file name provided for this file is fileNameEXTag.txt where fileName is the name of the exemplars file from
which the tag list is created.
Example: The exemplars file name is JoeEX.hql
The tag list file name will be: JoeEXTag.txt
b. Output everything: This file will be placed in the same folder where the current exemplars stack is located. The default
file name provided for this file is fileNameEX.txt where fileName is the name of the exemplars file from which the output
file is created.
Example: The exemplars file name is JoeEX.hql
The output file name will be: JoeEX.txt
c. Output exemplars only all cards: This file will be placed in the same folder where the current exemplars stack is
located. The default file name provided for this file is fileNameEXOnlyAll.txt where fileName is the name of the exemplars
file from which the output file is created.
Example: The exemplars file name is JoeEX.hql
The output file name will be: JoeEXOnlyAll.txt
d. Output exemplars only marked cards: This file will be placed in the same folder where the current exemplars stack is
located. The default file name provided for this file is fileNameEXOnlyMarked.txt where fileName is the name of the
exemplars file from which the output file is created.
Example: The exemplars file name is JoeEX.hql
The output file name will be: JoeEXOnlyMarked.txt
NOTE: In all cases where a default file name is provided the user can replace or modify the default value. However, the
file extension or enhanced file extension provided by HQL cannot be overridden. Likewise, the user can change the default
folder location for the new file when the file is created. It is recommended to use the default names.
The Elements of HQL
The main elements in HQL with which the user interacts are fields and buttons, which are contained in cards that are
collected into stacks; there are also several menu bars that contain various drop down menus. Following is a description
of the main HQL elements. Note: In the following sections, the figures show cards from the Macintosh version of HQL.
However, the cards look exactly the same in the Windows version. The only difference is that cards in the Windows version
have the drop down menus located just above the card while the Macintosh version has the drop down menus located on
top of the screen.
Cards, Fields, and Buttons
A field is a container for holding text. A button is used to start or stop some procedure. Fields are contained in cards that
are designed to hold information relevant to qualitative data management and analysis. Besides the HQL application card
(Main Menu), there are two types of cards -- data cards and exemplar cards -- in HQL, each with various fields and
buttons. Utility cards that include the Tag Inspector and the Spell Checker supplement these cards.
The HQL Application Card (Main Menu)
This card appears after HQL is started and is used to create new data stacks or open stacks that already exist. Figure 1
shows the HQL application card. Some of the button functions also can be activated from the drop down File menu. The
Help menu includes quick start instructions (click on the Help menu and then select “Help”) and the rental agreement. The
Help menu also includes a search field for getting help regarding use of the Macintosh. Click the X to clear the selection
field and make the other Help menu items visible.
Figure 1. The HQL application card.
The bottom of the card shows information about the renter (not shown in Figure 1). Additional rental information can be
seen by double clicking the HQL logo (Q) in the yellow parts.
The Data Card
A data card (Figure 2) typically is used to enter text data, for example, from structured or unstructured interviews,
observations, etc. The various buttons perform the indicated tasks. The Xview # and Ques # fields are especially useful in
structured interviews for collating output data by question number (use the Output menu) if the user enters the interview
number in the Xview # field and the question number in the Ques # field. The Import button allows the user to
import .docx and .odt text files into either the Data or the Notes fields. Large documents can take a substantial amount of
time to load.
The Tag Inspector Card
When a data stack is open the user can show the Tag Inspector by clicking the Tag Inspector button on the right hand side
of a data card. By default, the Tag Inspector is hidden when a new data stack is opened or created. Figure 3 below shows
the Tag Inspector. When open, the Tag Inspector is shown as a “drawer” attached to a data card.
The Spell Checker Card
HQL provides a spell checker that can be used in the Data or Notes fields in data cards. Figure 4 shows the spell checker
card. The spell checker has two modes. In the Settings mode (activated by clicking the Set button) the user can set which
field to check, where to check (current card, marked cards, or all cards in the current stack), and which dictionary to use
(United Kingdom, Australia, or USA). In the Settings mode only the settings buttons and the Done button are enabled.
The Spell Checking mode is activated by clicking the Spell button. The same card is shown as in the Settings mode but in
the Spell Checking mode all of the buttons and fields are enabled. Generally speaking, the settings for the spell checker
should be set first before activating the Spell Checking mode. When a stack is newly created the default settings are Data
field, Current card, and USA. Note: The spell checker settings also may be changed while in Spell Checking mode.
When the spell checker is launched it will conduct a spell check according to the current spell checker settings. If no
misspelled words are found, the spell checker card will not be shown. Instead a dialog message is displayed confirming
that the spelling check was completed with the current settings. If a misspelled word is found with the current settings,
the spell checker card will appear and the user can make corrections or make other choices regarding the misspelled word.
Figure 2. A text data card (flag not set).
Figure 3. The Tag Inspector Card.
Figure 4. The spell checker card. In Settings mode only the Done and settings buttons are enabled.
The Exemplar Card
When a chunk of text is extracted from a data card through a tagging (coding) operation, the text chunk is considered to
be an “exemplar” of some concept or category that the text chunk exemplifies. Text chunks are usually tagged so that the
concept or category to which they belong can be identified. Exemplar cards provide various procedures for retagging and
filtering (sorting) cards according to their tags. Figures 5 shows an exemplar card. In Figure 5, items not specifically
glossed work the same as in a data card.
Figure 5. An exemplar card (flag is set).
Menu Bars and Drop Down Menus
The various HQL menu bars and associated drop down menus constitute an important part of the interface between the
user and the HQL program. Each menu bar has its own set of drop down menus and each drop down menu includes a list
of related selections. Many of the menu items include keyboard equivalents. A significant number of menu selections also
are implemented through buttons on the various HQL cards. Following is a summary of each HQL menu bar and its drop
down menus.
The HQL Application Menu Bar
This menu bar has two drop down menus.
File Menu
The File menu has three menu items:
New Data File – Stack…: Selecting this menu item allows the user to create a new HQL data file (stack).
Open Data File – Stack…: Select this menu item to open an existing HQL data file (stack).
Quit: Click to quit the application (when quitting you will get the opportunity to save your work).
Note: The first two items of the File menu also can be selected by clicking equivalent buttons on the HQL main menu card.
Help Menu
This is the last drop down menu in the HQL application menu bar. When the Quick Start menu item is selected a set of
quick start instructions is displayed. The Hover Help menu item is used to turn On/Off hover help. When Hover Help is
turned on hovering over a button, label, or other controls will display a brief description of the button or control’s
function. Choose Hover Help Off to turn off hover help. A copy of the rental agreement is available through this menu.
The About menu item provides contact information.
The Data Card Menu Bar
This menu bar has nine drop down menus. The menu bar is displayed when a data stack is opened
File Menu
The File menu items are shown below.
The menu items have the following functions:
1. Open Stack: Opens an existing HQL stack.
2. Save Stack: Saves an open HQL stack.
3. Save and Close Stack: Saves and then closes an open stack and also removes the stack from memory.
4. Revert and Close Stack: Closes an open stack while ignoring any changes made to the stack since the last save then
removes the stack from memory.
5. Quit: Click to quit the application (when quitting you will get the opportunity to save your work).
HQL does not execute automatic saves. It is up to the user to save work routinely and frequently to preserve changes.
If making numerous changes in a field, it is a good idea to execute Save Stack frequently because the Revert and Close
Stack selection reverts to the last Save Stack. To avoid losing changes inadvertently, whenever the user Quits the HQL
application the user is prompted to save all open stack, if so desired.
Edit Menu
The edit menu items are shown below.
The menu items have the following functions:
1. Undo: Cancels the immediately preceding operation.
2. Cut Text: Deletes selected text and places it in the clipboard.
3. Copy Text: Places the selection in the clipboard but does not delete it.
4. Paste Text: Pastes text from the clipboard at the position of the blinking cursor. The Paste Text menu item can be
used to manually import text from external text files.
5. Clear: Deletes selected text (but does not place it in the clipboard).
6. New Card: Produces a new blank data card and places it after the current card.
7. Copy Card: Places a copy of the current card in the clipboard.
8. Paste Card: Pastes a card after the current card if the clipboard contains a card. Otherwise it does nothing.
9. Cut Card: Removes the current card and places it in the clipboard. Use the Paste Card menu item to paste the card.
10. Delete Card: Removes the current card (and does not place it in the clipboard).
11. Select All Data: Selects all the text in the data field of the current data card.
12. Select All Notes: Selects all the text in the notes field of the current data card.
Note: When all the text in a field is selected typing anything in the selected field will replace the entire selection. When
such replacement occurs inadvertently immediately select the Undo menu item to restore the deleted selection.
Find Menu
The Find menu is available only in data stacks (in exemplar stacks the find menu items are included in the Go menu).
The Find menu items are shown below.
The menu items have the following functions:
1. Data: Allows the user to search for text in the Data field only. The input provided by the user is any string. If the
target text is found, the text cursor is placed just before the target text.
2. Notes: Allows the user to search for text in the Notes field only. The input provided by the user is any string. If the
target text is found, the text cursor is placed just before the target text.
3. Find Again: Continues the search after the first match is found. If another match is found, the text cursor is placed
just before the next target text. Find Again is executed as a loop so that the cursor eventually returns to the first hit. It
will continue to go around the same set of hits indefinitely. Executing the Find Again selection before a Find has been
executed results in an error message.
Go Menu
The Go menu items are shown below.
The Go menu is used to carry out various navigation functions as follows:
1. First: Goes to the first card in the current stack.
2. Prev: Goes to the previous card in the current stack.
3. Next: Goes to the next card in the current stack.
4. Last: Goes to the last card in the current stack.
5. Skip to Number…: Asks the user for a card number in the current stack and goes to it. A card’s number represents the
position the card currently holds in the stack. HQL displays a card’s number at the bottom of each card. The button on a
Data card showing a number sign (#) has the same function as this menu item.
6. Skip to ID…: Asks the user for a card ID number in the current stack and goes to it. A card’s ID number is assigned
automatically by HQL and does not change regardless of the position the card holds in the stack. HQL displays a card’s ID
number at the bottom of each card. The button on a Data card showing the letters “id” has the same function as this
menu item.
Note that the above menu items can be executed by clicking buttons on Data cards. These buttons are located in the first
and second rows of buttons on the left hand side of the navigation panel.
Also note that there are several navigation buttons on Data cards that have no drop down menu equivalents. These
include the Flag, Cancel Flag, and “Zip” buttons (Fig. 2 above shows the Flag button while Fig. 5 shows the Cancel Flag and
“Zip” buttons). They have the following functions:
1. Flag: When clicked, flags a card like a page marker in a book. Before clicking, this button shows a flag icon. Only one
card can be flagged at any given time.
2. Cancel Flag: After a Flag button is clicked its icon changes to a flag overlaid with the international prohibition sign (red
circle with diagonal bar). When this button is clicked the card flag is cleared and the Flag button is reset. The flag button
can be reset from any card.
3. “Zip”: This button is visible only when the Flag button is set. The button icon is a flag with left and right arrowheads.
Click this button from any card to go to the card that was last flagged. Clicking this button also resets the Flag button.
These navigation buttons are especially useful when the analyst wants to trace exemplars back to their source data stacks.
After first setting the flag in an exemplar card and then going to the corresponding data stack (as in a Trace operation),
the user can return quickly to the flagged exemplar card from the data stack by clicking the “Zip” button on the data card.
Tag Menu
The Tag menu is used to tag (code) text chunks in data cards. The Tag menu items are shown below:
The menu items have the following functions:
1. Tag Selection: Tag (code) selected chunks of text in the Data field. First select the text chunk in the Data field using
the mouse then choose Tag Selection from the Tag menu. This menu item is also executed by clicking the Tag Selected
Text button above the Data field.
2. Auto Tag: Automatically tag chunks of text in the Data field. When this menu item is activated, the user will be asked
to enter the text to find. HQL will search for the target text in the entire stack and at the user’s option either create a new
exemplars stack with all of the found text chunks as exemplars or add the found text chunks as new exemplars to an
existing exemplars stack. The found text chunks often will be “ragged”, i.e. start and end arbitrarily. The intent is for the
user to trace back the found chunks to the original data stack and there manually create a “proper” exemplar from the
original data. Thus, Auto Tag is considered an exploratory procedure and is not intended to produce “finished”
3. Do Tag File: Makes a text file that contains all of the tags in the current data stack. Use a word processor to access the
tag file. Set the word processor to recognize all files; otherwise the tag file may be dimmed and therefore inaccessible to
the word processor. Once the tag file is opened with a word processor, the file may be saved in any format supported by
the word processor. Note that using the clipboard the contents of a tag file can be imported to the Tag List field in the
Tag Inspector when it is in Edit mode.
Output Menu
The Output menu is used mostly for exporting text data from HQL. Use a word processor to access the text files. Set the
word processor to recognize all files; otherwise the text file may be dimmed and therefore inaccessible to the word
processor. Once the text file is opened with a word processor, the file may be saved in any format supported by the word
processor. The Output menu items are shown below.
The menu items perform the following functions:
1. All Cards: Creates a text file that includes all the information in a data stack. This is a good way to create an archival
copy of all the information in a data stack.
2. Marked Cards: Creates a text file of selected fields using only cards that have been previously Marked (using the Mark
button) in the current stack. The user can choose to output the Data field only, the Notes field only, or both the Data and
the Notes fields of the marked cards.
3. Sorted: Creates a text file for outputting data by either interview number (Xview#) or question number (Ques#). This
menu item is especially useful for structured interviews where an interview schedule with numbered questions is used for
each interview. To prepare the data set, first assign a number to each interview. Enter that number in the Xview# field of
a data card. Then enter the question number from the interview schedule in the Ques# field. Enter the answer to that
question number in the Data field of the same card. Continue entering the answers to all of the questions for one
interview, one answer per card (add as many new cards to the stack as needed). Then do the same for each of the
remaining interviews. When the data set is complete, use the Sorted menu item to output the answers to a single question
collated across all the interviews. By repeating this operation with different question numbers, the user can collate all the
answers in the data set by question number.
Print Menu
The Print menu allows the user to print text directly from HQL (as compared to the Output menu which first creates text
files which can then be printed). All print operations display both the page setup and the print dialogues before printing.
The Print menu items are shown below.
The menu items perform the following functions:
1. Card Data: Prints all the text in the Data field in the current card.
2. Card Notes: Prints all the text in the Notes field in the current card.
3. Card Data and Notes: Prints all the text in both the Data and Notes fields in the current card.
4. Stack Data: Prints all the text in the Data field of each card in the entire stack.
5. Stack Notes: Prints all the text in the Notes field of each card in the entire stack.
6. Stack Data and Notes: Prints all the text in the Data and Notes fields of each card in the entire stack.
7. Marked Cards: Prints the Data field only, the Notes field only, or both Data and Notes (at the user’s option) for each of
the marked cards in the current stack.
Note that when using the Print menu the user can choose to print to a PDF file instead of a printer. This opportunity will
be made available when one of the printer set up menus is displayed while executing a Print menu item.
Status Menu
The Status menu provides feedback to the user about various program functions and conditions. The Status menu items
are shown below.
The menu items have the following functions:
1. Chars in Data: Displays the number of characters in the Data field of the current card.
2. Chars in Notes: Displays the number of characters in the Notes field of the current card.
3. Current Font: Displays the current font name and size of the current data stack.
4. Use Default Font: Changes the font in the current data stack to Verdana 12.
5. Change Font . . .: Displays the fonts installed in the user’s computer from which a font selection can be made. In data
stacks the selected font applies only to the Data, Notes, and Tag List fields; it also applies to the Tag List and Default fields
in the Tag Inspector card. The default font for HQL is Verdana 12.
6. Change Font Size . . .: Use this menu to change the text size of certain fields (see Change Font above) in data stacks.
Text size options include 10, 12, 14, 18, 22, 26, and 28 points. Unaffected fields keep the HQL default text size: Verdana
7. Default Tag: Displays the tag that is automatically displayed during a tagging operation for the current card (but the
user can override the default tag). The default tag is changed every time a new tag is entered. The default tag also is
shown in the Default Tag field of the Tag Inspector. In the Tag Inspector the default tag can be changed by typing a new
tag in the Default Tag field or by clicking one of the tags shown in the Tag List field.
8. Stacks in Use: Displays a list of all the stacks currently in memory.
9. Clear Marks: Clears (unmarks) all marked cards in the current stack. It’s a good idea to Clear Marks before Output,
Print, or other operations that use the Marked card property. After the stack is cleared of all marked cards Mark only the
desired cards (by clicking the Mark button) to make sure that only the desired marked cards are used in Output, Print, or
other procedures. The mark button shows an icon with the letter “M”. Note: To clear a single Marked card, click the Mark
button on that card.
Help Menu
The Help menu is the same as described above under “The HQL Application Menu Bar” (with the rental agreement omitted).
The Exemplar Card Menu Bar
This menu bar has eight drop down menus. The menu bar is displayed when an exemplars stack is opened. Many of the
menu items are the same in both Data and Exemplar cards. Therefore, only menu items unique to exemplar cards are
glossed here. For common menu items see the section above related to data cards.
File Menu
The File menu items are shown below.
These menu items have the same function as those in the File menu for data cards (see above).
Edit Menu
The Edit menu items are shown below.
These menu items have the same function as those in the Edit menu for data cards (see above).
Go Menu
The Go menu items is shown below.
Except for the last two menu items, these menu items have the same function as those in the Go menu for data cards (see
above). The last two menu items have the following functions:
1. Find Tag: Search for a tag in the Tags field only. The input provided by the user is any string. If a target tag is found,
the text cursor is placed just before the target tag.
2. Find Again: Continues the search for a tag after the first match is found. If another match is found, the text cursor is
placed just before the next target tag. Find Again is executed as a loop so that the cursor eventually returns to the first
hit. It will continue to go around the same set of hits indefinitely. Executing the Find Again menu item before a Find Tag
has been executed results in an error message.
Tag Menu
The Tag menu items are shown below.
The menu items have the following functions:
1. Filter Cards: The user enters a tag to search for in the current stack. A copy of every card that contains the target tag
in the Tags field is placed, at the users option, in a new or existing exemplars stack. Use this menu item to “sort”
exemplars by tag. Clicking the Filter button on an exemplar card also executes a Filter action.
2. Tag Card: Adds a tag provided by the user to the current card (if the tag is not already present). The new tag becomes
the Default Tag so that the next execution of Tag Card offers the default tag (which the user can override). So Tag Card
can be used as a “rubber stamp” to add the same tag to various cards one at a time. Clicking the exemplar card button
whose icon is a tag with a “1” executes a Tag Card action.
3. Tag All Cards: Adds a new tag provided by the user to each card (if the tag is not already present) in the current stack.
Clicking the exemplar card button whose icon is a tag with a “+” executes a Tag All Cards action.
4. Replace Tag: Asks the user to enter a tag to be replaced in the entire current stack. The user also enters a new tag as
the replacement. Each time that the target tag is found it will be replaced with the new tag. The total number of tags
replaced is displayed for the user. Clicking the exemplar card button whose icon is two arrows “chasing each other”
executes a Replace Tag action.
The Replace Tag procedure cannot be undone. However, if the user immediately selects the Revert and Purge menu item
from the File menu, the stack will revert to the last save. Use the Open Stack selection from the File menu to reopen the
purged stacked.
Note: To replace a tag only in the current card select the tag and type a new tag. After adding a tag, make sure that there
is a space between all tags.
5. Delete Tag: Removes the tag entered by the user from the entire stack.
The Delete Tag procedure cannot be undone. However, if the user immediately selects the Revert and Purge menu item
from the File menu, the stack will revert to the last save. Use the Open Stack selection from the File menu to reopen the
purged stacked.
Note: To delete a tag only in the current card, select the tag and delete it. After deleting a tag, make sure that there is a
space between tags that are not deleted.
6. Do Tag File: Makes a text file that contains all the tags in the current exemplars stack. Use a word processor to access
the tag file. Set the word processor to recognize all files; otherwise the tag file may be dimmed and therefore inaccessible
to the word processor. Once the tag file is opened with a word processor, the file may be saved in any format supported
by the word processor.
Output Menu
The Output menu items are shown below.
The menu items have the following functions:
1. Everything: Creates a text file that includes all the information in the current exemplars stack. This is a good way to
create an archival copy of the information in an exemplars stack.
2. Marked Cards: Creates a text file using only cards that have been previously Marked (using the Mark button) in the
current stack. All the information in the marked cards in sent to the output file.
3. Exemplars Only: This menu item has two submenu items.
3a. All Cards: Creates a text file that includes only the exemplars from all the cards in the current stack. The output can
be formatted in one of two ways. If the user chooses formatted output, each exemplar in the text file will be numbered as
X.0, X.1, X.2, etc., where X is a number entered by the user. The collection of exemplars also may be given a title at the
user’s option. If the user chooses not to format the output then the exemplars in the text file will be separated by three
asterisks (***).
3b. Marked Cards: Creates a text file that includes only the exemplars from all marked cards in the current exemplars
stack. The output can be formatted as noted in 3a above. It is a good idea to do a Clear Marks operation on the
exemplars stack (see Status menu above) before selecting this menu item. After all cards are cleared of marks then mark
only the cards that are desired for the Marked Cards submenu item.
4. Merge Stacks: Takes the current exemplars stack and a second exemplars stack specified by the user and merges the
second stack into the current stack. This means that all cards in the second stack are added to the first stack. The second
stack is left intact by this operation. However, the current stack is expanded by adding all the cards of the second stack to
the current stack following the current card. To append cards at the end of the first stack, first go to the last card of that
stack before doing a Merge operation. To preserve a copy of the first stack intact, duplicate the stack before doing a
Merge operation.
Print Menu
The Print menu items are shown below.
The menu items have the following functions:
1. Exemplars: Prints all the exemplars in the current exemplars stack.
2. Marked: Prints all the exemplars for Marked cards in the current stack.
Note that when using the Print menu the user can choose to print to a PDF file instead of a printer. This opportunity will
be made available when one of the printer set up menus is displayed while executing a Print menu item.
Status Menu
The Status menu items are shown below.
The menu items have the following functions:
1. Current Font: Displays the current font name and size of the current data stack.
2. Use Default Font: Changes the font in the current data stack to Verdana 12.
3. Change Font . . .: Displays the fonts installed in the user’s computer from which a font selection can be made. The
selected font applies only to the Exemplar, Tags, and Tag List fields in exemplar cards. The default font for HQL and
newly created stacks is Verdana 12.
4. Change Font Size . . .: Use this menu to change the text size of certain fields (see Change Font above). Text size
options include 10, 12, 14, 18, 22, 26, and 28 points. Unaffected fields keep the HQL default text size: Verdana 12.
5. Default Tag: Displays the tag will be used by default in the next tagging operation in the current exemplars stack. The
default tag is the last tag used. The user can change the default tag during a tagging operation.
6. Stacks in Use: Displays a list of all the stacks that are currently open in HyperQual Lite.
7. Clear Marks: Resets (clears) all marked cards in the current stack. It is a good idea to Clear Marks from the current
stack before doing an operation that uses marked cards. After clearing the stack, mark only the cards desired for the next
operation. This will prevent including extraneous marked cards during an operation that works on marked cards.
Help Menu
The Help menu is the same as described above under “The HQL Application Menu Bar” (with the rental agreement omitted).
Menu Bar, Keyboard, and Button Equivalents
Many of the menu selections have keyboard equivalents. The following table summarizes these keyboard equivalents.
Hold down all the modifying keys indicated then press the Other Key shown in the table. Note that some of the menu
selections also have button equivalents.
Menu Selection
Menu Bar
Quit HyperQualLite
File Menu
New Data
File – Stack…
Open Data
File – Stack…
Data Card
Menu Bar
File Menu
Open Stack...
Save Stack
Save and Close
Control Key
Other Key
Button Available
Menu Selection
Control Key
Edit Menu
Cut Text
Copy Text
Paste Text
New Card
Other Key
Button Available
Go Menu
Find Again
Status Menu
Chars in Data
Chars in Notes
Default Tag
Clear Marks
OutPut Menu
Find Menu
Exemplar Card
Menu Bar
File Menu
Same as data card
Edit Menu
Same as data card
Menu Selection
Control Key
Same as data card
with two additions:
Other Key
Tag Menu
Filter Cards
Tag Card
Tag All Cards
Replace Tag
Delete Tag
Status Menu
Default Tag
Clear Marks
OutPut Menu
Go Menu
Find Tag
Find Again
Button Available
Notes on Using HQL
1. I am doing structured interviews where every subject will be asked the same set of questions. How do I enter the
Make a new data file (stack) from the HyperQualLite (HQL) Select menu.
Document your project in the Notes field of the first card. Include the project name, name of the investigator, etc. Also
include a copy of the interview schedule (questionnaire) in the Notes field of the first card. Don’t crowd things. Leave
plenty of white space to increase readability.
Put the answer from one subject (interviewee) to one question in a single data card. Assign a number from 1 to N to each
subject. Put the number of the subject in the Xview# field. Assign a question number from 1 to N to each question in the
interview schedule (questionnaire). Put the question number in the Ques# field.
After entering in the Data field the answer to question one by subject one, make a new card and enter in the Data field the
answer to question 2 by the same subject. Enter 1 in the Xview# field and 2 in the Ques# field. Continue in this manner
until all the answers by subject one have been entered into the stack. When finished with subject one, make a new card
and enter the answer to question one by subject 2. Put 2 in the Xview# field and 1 in the Ques# field, etc. Repeat as with
subject one until all the answers for subject two have been entered. Finish entering data for all other subjects in the same
The fields at the bottom of each card show the id number for the current card, the number of the current card, and the
number of cards in the current stack.
2. I am doing unstructured interviews where I am asking different questions to different subjects, although some
questions may overlap across subjects. My interviews are more like a conversation. How do I enter the data?
Make a new data file from the HQL Select menu.
Enter the responses for subject one, along with your questions set off in square brackets, into the Data field of the first
card. When more than one card is used for one interview, the Xview# and Ques# fields may be used as an index so that all
the information for one interview can be outputted as a whole. Many interviews will fit in just one card. Document your
project in the Notes field as suggested above.
3. How do I tag (code) data?
In HQL data coding is called tagging. This makes it easier to understand conceptually what is going on in the so-called
coding process. There are three ways to approach data tagging in HQL: Manually, semi-automatically, and automatically.
To tag manually, use the mouse to highlight the desired text in the Data field of the current card of a data stack (file).
Normally complete sentences are highlighted. Click “Tag Selection” from the Tag menu to execute the tagging procedure.
You can also click the Tag Selected Text button above the the Data field. Answer the various prompts to complete the
tagging operation.
As a general rule, put all your tagged data in one exemplars stack. The tags can be filtered (sorted) later in the exemplars
stack if you want to separate all the exemplars with a particular tag. Generally, it takes a while for the tagging scheme to
settle down so it is better to work with one exemplars stack than with a large number of exemplars stacks while the
tagging scheme is changing.
Semiautomatic tagging involves the use of the Find command. Use this command in the Find menu of data stacks to find a
particular text selection. If the found text is of interest for tagging purposes, highlight a chunk of text to create an
exemplar (complete sentences are recommended, unless there is a specific reason to do otherwise). After the tagging
operation is completed, execute the Find Again command until the entire stack is processed. Keep in mind that
semiautomatic tagging does not guarantee that every possible relevant exemplar has been located. Only manual coding
can achieve exhaustive results.
Automatic tagging results when the Auto Tag selection of the Tag menu is activated. The user is asked to enter the text to
find in the stack. For each case where the text is found, HQL will produce a new exemplar card and put in it an exemplar
of arbitrary length which also contains the entered text. It is generally a good idea to put all exemplars resulting from an
auto tagging operation in a new exemplars stack. Exemplars produced automatically are “ragged” in that they may start
and end abruptly. There also may be irrelevant exemplars, depending on the exact form of the text entered to find. The
intent of auto tagging is for the user to closely examine the auto tagged exemplars and then, using the navigation features
of HQL, to return to the source data for each exemplar of interest and manually produce a well formed exemplar from
those found automatically. As with semiautomatic tagging, automatic tagging does not guarantee that all relevant
exemplars will be found. Again, this can only be done manually because a relevant exemplar does not have to contain the
text used in the search.
The tag Inspector button on the right hand side of the navigation bar displays a list of all tags in the current stack and
other useful information. Click the button a second time to hide the tag Inspector. By default, the tag Inspector is closed
when a new stack is opened.
4. How do I navigate?
Use the navigation panel below the Notes field or the Go menu.
The navigation buttons have the usual meaning: first card, next card, previous card, last card. Use the # button to skip to
a card by entering that card's number; use the id button to skip to a card by using its card ID number.
Each card also has a Flag button. Click this button to flag a card. Only one card can be flagged at a time. When the Flag
button is activated it disappears and two additional buttons are shown on each card: The Cancel Flag button (with red
circle) and the Zip button (flag with two arrows). To cancel the flag from any card in any stack, click the Cancel Flag
button. To return to the flagged card from any card in any stack, click the Zip button.
The Flag button is particularly effective when used in conjunction with the Trace button in exemplars stacks. First set the
Flag on the current exemplar card by clicking its Flag button. Then click the Trace button to return to the data card from
which the exemplar in the current card was created. When ready to return to the flagged exemplar card, click the Zip
button from anywhere in any stack. The flagged card will be made the current card. To reset the flag from any card in any
stack without returning to the card originally flagged, click on the Cancel Flag button.
To navigate to closed stacks, use the Open Stack selection from the File menu. The button on the right side of the
Navigation panel marked "C" will make a new card when clicked.
5. How do I move among card fields?
Use the mouse to click in the desired field. Not all fields can be edited.
Press the Tab key to advance from one editable field to the next.
Known Issues with Windows Version
Due to operating system differences between the Macintosh and Windows computers, the following issues have been
noted with the Windows version of HQL. These issues do not materially affect the usability of HQL.
1. In Windows Vista and Windows 8 the application and data stack icons are only partially shown.
2. Even though all window controls are shown only the minimize control works. This is intentional to avoid the user
losing data because the user forgot to save changes. Use the File menu to close windows.
3. In Windows Vista, when the HQL main menu stack is minimized and the user quits the application, a false error
message is issued. Maximize the main menu stack before quitting the application.
4. The HQL application icon and the data stack icon may not show until the HQL data stacks are associated with the HQL
application. Generic icons may show instead.
5. In Windows 7 and 8, after HQL is running use the File menu to open data stacks. Avoid double clicking on data stacks
to open them. If a data stack is double clicked while HQL is running a second copy of the HQL application will be opened.
If this is done inadvertently, quit the newly started redundant copy. It is good practice to open data stacks only from the
File menu after the HQL application is started. See also 6 below.
6. In Windows Vista, if a data stack is double clicked before HQL is started, the HQL application will launch but the data
stack that was double clicked will not appear on the screen. To view the data stack open it from the HQL File menu. See
also 5 above.

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