French key language guide


French key language guide
French key language guide
Linking ideas
et = and
en plus = what’s more
mais = but
si = if
parce que / car = because
aussi/également = also
ou = or
avec = with
pour = for, in order to
normalement = normally
d’habitude = usually
en général = in general
donc/alors = so (therefore)
cependant/pourtant = however
par exemple = for example
par contre = on the other hand
Asking questions
Quand? = When?
Qui? = Who?
Quel(le)? = Which?
Qu’est-ce que? =What?
Où? = Where?
Pourquoi? = Why?
Comment? = How? What like?
Combien? = How
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Ordering ideas
Giving opinions
d’abord = first
au début = at the start
pour commencer = to start with
premièrement = firstly
ensuite = next
deuxièmement= secondly
puis = then
déjà = already
après = after
enfin = finally
en fin de compte = ultimately
je pense que = I think that
je crois que = I believe that
à mon avis = in my opinion
selon = according to
je suis d’accord = I agree
je ne suis pas d’accord = I don’t
c’est vrai = that’s right/true
c’est faux = that’s wrong/false
More questions
Saying where
Est-ce que … ?
= Is it (true that) …?
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
= What is it?
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a?
= What is there?
Quelle heure est-il?
= What time is it?
devant = in front (of)
derrière = behind
sur = on
sous = under
dans = in
près (de) = near (to)
à gauche (de) = on/to the left (of)
à droite (de) = on/to the right (of)
en face (de) = opposite
Saying how much
or how often
très = very
assez = quite
un peu = a bit
trop = too
beaucoup (de) = a lot (of)
ne … pas assez = not enough
plus ... que = more than
moins ... que = less than
quelquefois = sometimes
parfois = at times
de temps en temps = from time
to time
souvent = often
Saying when
toujours = always
tous les jours = every day
maintenant = now
aujourd’hui = today
demain = tomorrow
hier = yesterday
le lundi = on Mondays
le matin = (in) the morning
l’après-midi= (in) the afternoon
le soir = (in) the evening
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French key language guide
Subject pronouns
je = I
tu = you (one person, informal)
il = he
elle = she
on = we (also used to mean people in general)
nous = we
vous = you (group of people or formal)
ils = they (masculine or mixed group)
elles = they (feminine)
j’aime = I like
il aime = he likes
j’adore = I love
il adore = he loves
je n’aime pas = I don’t like
il n’aime pas = he doesn’t like
je déteste = I hate
il déteste = he hates
je préfère = I prefer
il préfère = he prefers
préféré = favourite (check the accents!)
Possessive adjectives
mon/ma/mes = my
ton/ta/tes = your
son/sa/ses = his or her
These all agree with the noun which follows
not with the gender of the owner.
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Avoir = to have
j’ai = I have
tu as = you have
il a = he has
elle a = she has
on a = we have
nous avons = we have
vous avez = you have
ils ont = they have
elles ont = they have
1. Use ‘avoir’ for ages, e.g. j’ai 12 ans.
2. Il y a = there is / there are
3. Il n’y a pas de = There isn’t / there
aren’t any
Faire = to do / to make
All these can also mean: make(s)/making:
je fais = I do ( or make) / I am doing (making)
tu fais = you do / you are doing
il fait = he does / he is doing
elle fait = she does / she is doing
on fait = we do / we are doing
nous faisons = we do / we are doing
vous faites = you do / you are doing
ils font = they do / they are doing
elles font = they do / they are doing
Emphatic pronouns
et moi/toi/lui/elle = and me/you/him/her
avec moi/toi/lui/elle = with me/you/him/her
pour moi/toi/lui/elle = for me/you/him/her
Être = to be
je suis = I am
tu es = you are
il est = he is
elle est = she is
on est = we are
nous sommes = we are
vous êtes = you are
ils sont = they are
elles sont = they are
1. c’est = it is
2. ce n’est pas = it isn’t
Aller = to go
je vais = I go / I am going
tu vas = you go / you are going
il va = he goes / he is going
elle va = she goes / she is going
on va = we go / we are going
nous allons = we go / we are going
vous allez = you go / you are going
ils vont = they go / they are going
elles vont = they go / they are going
Commonly misspelt words
Je m’appelle, tu t’appelles, il s’appelle
yeux (‘ye’ as in eyes, ends like ‘deux’)
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