12th June 2015.pub - Caulfield Junior College


12th June 2015.pub - Caulfield Junior College
From Amanda,
Internaonally Accredited School
June 12th, 2015
186 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North
Website: www.caulfieldjc.org.au
Email: caulfi[email protected]
Principal: Amanda Mclean
Assistant Principal: Vicki Phyland
Statement of Interna)onal Mindedness
At Caulfield Junior College it is an
understanding that students will develop the knowledge
and skills to appreciate our own and other people’s
cultures; exploring differences and embracing them in
order to become responsible ci/zens of our world.
June 15th School Council Mee/ng.
June 23—3 /4 Science Incursion.
June 24—Student First Aid Incursion 3/4 and 5/6.
June 24—Dream Puppets Incursion—Preps.
June 25—3/4 Science Incursion.
June 26– Last Day of Term. 2.30pm finish.
July 13th—Curriculum Day—Pupil Free Day.
Term 1: 28 January to 27 March
Term 2: 13 April to 26 June
Term 3: 13 July (pupil free day) to 18 September
Term 4: 5 October to 18 December
Noces sent home this week
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Caulfield Junior College Cake Stall:
This a@ernoon our school community had the pleasure
of purchasing scrump/ous cakes, slices, muffins and biscuits baked by our parents to support the Parent CommiCee, Hebrew Immersion Program and the French Sec/on Elec/ve cake stall fundraising event. I hope you had
the opportunity to enjoy the delicious treats and thank
the CJC parents for organising, baking and facilita/ng this
wonderful event for our school community.
Camp Australia, Pupil Free Day – Monday 13th of July:
On Monday 13th of July staff will undertake professional
learning in Restora/ve Prac/ces facilitated by Chris Daicos. This week Camp Australia has opened their online
booking system to book your child/ren in to support families. In order for the program to run, Camp Australia
requires a minimum number of 18 children. If you intend
to access this service, please book your child/ren online
ASAP as parents need confirma/on earlier, rather than
later as to whether the program will run.
St John First Aid Incursion:
On Wednesday 24th of June years 3 to 6 students have
the opportunity to aCend an incursion facilitated by St
John First Aid. The First Aid in Schools Program will develop student skills in First Aid awareness. The program
is age-appropriate and integrates with the AusVELS curriculum. This incursion is free of charge.
Camps, Sport and Excursion Fund:
The Victorian Government has recently introduced a new
financial assistance plan to assist eligible families with
the costs for school camps, sports and excursions, to the
value of $125 per year for primary school students. If
you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a
temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.
The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards
expenses rela/ng to school camps, excursions or spor/ng
ac/vi/es for the benefit of your child.
Applica/on forms can be downloaded from the following
Closing date: The applica/on form should be lodged at
the school by Friday 26thJune.
Parent Teacher Interviews:
Parent/teacher interviews will begin week 1, term 3 and
conclude Friday 24th of July. Interview /mes are for ten
minutes only. If you require a longer /me to discuss issues and concerns about your child with the teacher,
please contact your child’s teacher and make a /me that
is convenient for both par/es. Interviews will be booked
via school interviews online. The details on how to make
a booking will be sent home with school reports.
Chers Parents
Ac/vités et événements prévus pour ce 2eme trimestre
-le 23 et 25 juin : incursion pour les CE2 et CM1 sur des
expériences chimiques.
-le mercredi 24 juin : envoi des bulle/ns scolaires du 1er
-Vendredi 26 juin : dernier jour d’école du trimestre, fin
des classes à 14h30.
Bulle/ns scolaires
Les deux bulle/ns scolaires du 1er semestre de votre enfant (bulle/ns français et australien) lui seront remis le
mercredi 24 juin. Dans la même enveloppe, vous trouverez un tableau des plages horaires pour les rencontres
avec les professeurs de votre enfant : vous pourrez choisir
un créneau sur les 2 premières semaines du 3ème trimestre, du 13 au 24 juillet.
Forma/on des enseignants – Visite du Conseiller Pédagogique AEFE
Toute la semaine la FSE a accueilli M. Denis Bourguignon,
Conseiller Pédagogique de l’Agence pour l’Enseignement
Français à l’Etranger (AEFE) pour la zone Asie-Pacifique. M.
Bourguignon, qui effectuait ainsi sa 3e visite à CJC en 3 ans,
a travaillé avec les enseignants sur les thèmes de la différencia/on et de la pra/que de la langue orale par les
Site interac/f gratuit de ressources
Nous vous recommandons vivement ce site qui vous proposent des exercices en ligne de français pour les élèves
du préscolaire à la 6éme. Certains exercices sont bilingues.
Dear parents
Important events and acvies for the 2nd term
-Tuesday 23/06 and Thursday 25/06: chemistry Incursion
for Y3/4.
-Wednesday 24/06: end of semester 1 reports sent home.
-Friday 26/06: End of the term, dismissal at 2.30pm.
Both your child’s reports (French and Australian) will be
given to him/her on Wednesday 24 June to take home. In
the same envelope you will find the parents-teachers interview me slots available at the start of term 3 from
July 13 to 24.
Teachers’ professional development – Visit of AEFE Pedagogical Advisor
This week the FSE had the pleasure to welcome M. Denis
Bourguignon. M. Bourguignon is the Pedagogical Advisor
for the Agency of French Educaon Abroad (AEFE) for our
Asia-Pacific zone and this was his 3rd visit in our school.
M. Bourguignon work with teachers on various topics
such as differenaon and students’ oracy skills.
We recommend the following site which contain a lot of
free online exercises in French for students from PREP to
Y6, some of them are bilingual.
Gilles et Sébasen
Dear Parents/Guardians
Students in Prep A and B are
hosting an end of term assembly on
Wednesday the 17th of June. We
would love for you to join us and
help celebrate our first semester
of school and an exciting two terms
of learning.
The assembly will be in the
Multi- Purpose room at 2:45pm.
Danyelle, Emily and the prep
Monday Morning Assembly 15th June.
Parents are welcome to attend
our Monday Morning Assemblies on the
oval at 9am.
Congratulations to next Monday’s
CJC Values awards recipients:
Bike Shed Reminder
The bike shed is locked at 3:50 p.m. Students
need to collect their bikes and scooters before
this /me. Thank you!
Please remember to address any email
correspondence to the below address.
Asher Yates
Mack Mann
Abygael Latouche
Estelle Lebeau
Phong Nguyen
Tom Dagoneau
Timna Gafni
Lauren Belfils
Romain Blanchet
Sienna Thomson
Joshua PeTer
Prep A
Prep B
Prep C
Prep E
1 /2 C
Elizabeth Waters
Aanya Garg
Nahia Boulart Abel
Chloe Gold
Natalie Israel
Elodie Walmsley
Melisande Rouillon-Steuer
Jordan Wolfson
Kelly Sullivan
Ella Sayag
Joshua Dube
Olivia Dunn
Margot Petrie
Jeanne Lamy
caulfi[email protected]
This will ensure your correspondence will
be attended to in a timely manner.
The Crossing with lights on
Balaclava road is there for the
students safety. Please remind your children that,
when crossing Balaclava Road, they must walk up
to the crossing.
Don’t forget to download the free apps Qkr,
Skoolbag and Schoolmate.
Payments can be made via Qkr.
Loads of informa)on about CJC is on Skoolbag
and there is informa)on about the curriculum
on Schoolmate.
Public no/ces or adver/sements in the newsleCer
are accepted in good faith but the school does not
necessarily endorse the content. A charge is made
for commercial adver/sement.
Interested participants can contact Youth Service on 9524 3676
to register their details.
Bonjour à toutes et à tous et Bienvenue dans ce Term 2!
Nous faisons appel à vous aujourd'hui pour dynamiser et étoffer la collec/on de livres et manuels éduca/fs pour les bibliothèques des
établissements de l'EFM à savoir l'Ecole maternelle française (de Renown et Brookville kindergarten), l'école primaire (Caulfield Junior
College) et le collège (Auburn High School).
Vous voulez faire du tri, faire de la place dans votre bibliothèque, vos enfants ont grandi et passent aux romans policiers plutôt que
Tchoupi, alors, pensez à nous! Nous avons toujours besoin de livres pour offrir un large choix à nos enfants dans les bibliothèques
Quoi donner?
- des livres pour tout âge mais en FRANCAIS ou bilingue FRANCAIS/ANGLAIS
- BD, atlas, documentaires, romans, Albums
- dic/onnaires, manuels scolaires
- des magasines, mensuels, cahier de vacances (non remplis SVP)
- des jeux éduca/fs
Quand donner?
Term 2
Tout le long du terme 2 vous pourrez déposer vos livres!
Où déposer les dons?
Nous allons placer des caisses pour déposer vos dons (tous types / âges confondus)
Pour Renown : dans la classe EFM
Pour Brookville: dans la classe EFM
Pour CJC: à l'accueil
Pour Auburn : à l'accueil a l'aCen/on de Genevieve Papon
Qu'allons nous faire de ces dons?
Nous allons les trier par âge et les donner aux bibliothèques de chaque établissement EFM (Renown et Brookville, CJC, Auburn High
Pour certains, ils seront revendus lors d'un bookstall comme fundraising au bénéfice de l'EFM et cela permeCra ainsi de pouvoir
acheter des équipements ou supports pour les enseignants du cursus français.
Equipe fundraising Anne-Gaëlle Person / Cécile Lamy ([email protected])
Bibliothèque CJC: Catherine Blanchy ([email protected])
Geneviève Papon ([email protected])
Toute vos sugges/ons ou remarques sont les bienvenues.
Merci à toutes et à tous!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear parents,
We hope you have spent nice Easter Holidays and you are ready to begin this Term 2!
Today, we are calling on you to revive and enrich the collec/on of books and educa/onal books available at the libraries of the EFM
Schools: Renown and Brookville Kindergarten, Caulfield Junior College and Auburn High School.
You want to make room in your bookcase, your children have grown up and have moved on to police novels rather than Tchoupi,
then, think about us! We always need books to offer a wider choice to our children in the French-speaking libraries!
- Books for any age, in FRENCH or bilingual FRENCH/ENGLISH
- fic/on, non-fic/on, atlas, dic/onaries, comics, schoolbooks ...
- Magazines, ac/vity books (non used)
- Educa/onal games (French or bilingual)
During Term 2, you'll be able to donate your books!
Boxes will be available :
- at CJC : at the office
- at Renown & Brookville : in the EFM classrooms
- at Auburn : at the front office to the aCen/on of Genevieve Papon
Your books will be sorted out and dispatched to the different libraries.
Some will be sold at bookstalls and money will go towards EFM fundraising.
Fundraising Team: Anne-Gaëlle Person / Cécile Lamy ([email protected])
Bibliothèque CJC: Catherine Blanchy ( [email protected])
Geneviève Papon ([email protected])
Feel free to contact us if you have any other ideas or comments !
Many thanks !
Camp Australia holiday club for the June/July Holidays.