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Bonne récolte de papillons roses en Championnat de France
GP FFSA - Varennes - 31.05 & 01.06.2008
e premier partenariat entre la Fondation Julie Tonelli pour l’Enfance et la FFSA
pour les Grand Prix Karting 2008 s’achève à Varennes sur une note tout à fait
positive. Grâce à cette action, la Fondation a pû toucher un grand nombre de
supporters. Sur la dernière épreuve du Championnat de France 2008, plus de 50
pilotes portaient les couleurs de Julie soit près de la moitié du plateau : c’est un succès
! La Fondation Julie Tonelli pour l’Enfance est fière d’avoir soutenu la FFSA dans ses
efforts pour rendre plus attractifs les Grand Prix Karting.
Couronne française pour Thomas Mich et Brandon Maïsano
Thomas a dû faire face à un coup de stress quand il n’a pas pu prendre le départ de la
préfinale samedi. Il risquait d’être le seul pilote non-qualifié et d’ainsi laisser le champ libre
à ses rivaux. Heureusement pour lui, il n’en a rien été, le pilote MRT a pu remonter de la
44ème à la 12ème place en finale. Ses adversaires au championnat ayant connu des revers,
Thomas était quasiment assuré du titre de Champion de France KZ2 dès samedi soir. Il
s’est payé le luxe de se bagarrer le lendemain pour la victoire en finale.
Les choses ont été plus incertaines pour Brandon Maïsano : il a fallu attendre les tout
derniers tours de la dernière course de la saison pour connaître l’issue de son duel avec
Guillaume De Ridder. Malgré tous les efforts stratégiques du pilote belge, Brandon termine
second de la finale et remporte le Championnat de France KF2. Jonathan Hélias complète
le podium 100% Tonelli du championnat 2008.
Joli coup d’éclat de Flavien Bouzana en KF2, auteur d’une belle et longue bagarre dans
le peloton de tête, avec notamment William Benedetti, abonné aux 3èmes places à Varennes.
Sébastien Bailly, avec un matériel plus performant le dimanche, remonte 20 places en finale. Nils Bernardet est ravi de son nouveau châssis Maranello et en profite pour marquer
ses premiers points au championnat. Chez les Bluy, Elie, l’aîné, est venu se mesurer à son
cadet, Clément. Celui-ci l’emporte dimanche dans le duel familial après avoir été dominé
par son frère la veille.
En KZ2, Anthony Abbasse monte sur la seconde marche du championnat, tandis que son
coéquipier Alban Varutti réalisait des coups d’éclat atténués par des coups du sort. Alban
a cependant montré une belle progression sur l’ensemble de la saison et termine 5ème
au classement général. Sans doute un des plus rapides du plateau, Jonathan Thonon
repart avec une seconde place samedi, mais aussi un abandon mécanique sous la pluie
dimanche. Retour en Grand Prix FFSA également pour Florian, venu comme tant d’autres
se roder au 125 à boîte en vue de la Coupe du Monde, avec des performances tout à fait
La fondation Julie Tonelli pour l’Enfance tient à remercier les pilotes, chanceux ou malchanceux qui la soutiennent en portant les couleurs de Julie sur leur kart lors du Grand Prix Karting FFSA à
Essay :
En KF2 : Michael Albert (B), Sébastien Bailly (B), William Benedetti (F), Nils Bernardet (F), Clément Bluy (F), Elie Bluy (F), Flavien Bouzana (F), Paul Loup Chatin (F), Cyril Cuisinier (F), Julien Deschamps (F), Alexandre Humbert (F), Loïc Réguillon (F), Jeoffrey Rouchy (F), Stoffels Van Doorne (B), Mickael Vidal (F), Pierre Villedieu (F), Benoit Visnovsky (B).
En KF3 : Jimmy Antunes (CH), John Barbe (F), Nelson De Carvalho (F), Nicolas De Moura (F), Guillaume De Ridder (B), Henry Easthope (GB), Vittorio Ghirelli (I), Jonathan Hélias (F), Mathieu Jaminet
(F), Bryan Laloux (B), Adrien Leidinger (B), Vitto Lorenzo (F), Brandon Maïsano (F), Kevin Petit (F), Maxime Raphoz (F), Fabien Reposeur (F).
En KZ2 : Anthony Abbasse (F), Florian Alfano (F), Adrain Bort (F), Pierre Etienne Chaumat (F), Joffrey Demanse (F), Quentin Donniaux (F), Cédric Erbland (F), Gianni Gazzurelli (F), Mathieu Klinger (F),
David Manera (F), Laurent Marchandise (F), Gaetan Martin (F), Thomas Mich (F), Norman Nato (F), Thibault Riesser (F), Michael Ryall (GB), Yannick Savard (F), Jonathan Thonon (B),Alban Varutti (F).
Good Success for the Pink Butterflies at the French Championship
GP FFSA - Varennes - 31.05 & 01.06.2008
he first partnership between «Fondation Julie Tonelli pour l’Enfance» and FFSA
for 2008 Karting GPs ended at Varennes on a very positive note. Thanks to this
partnership, the Foundation was able to reach a large number of supporters. At
the last round of 2008 French Championship, over 50 pilots displayed Julie’s
colours, i.e. almost half of all the participants: quite a success! «Fondation Julie Tonelli
pour l’Enfance» is proud of having supported the FFSA in its efforts to make Karting
GP more appealing.
French Crown for Thomas Mich and Brandon Maïsano
Thomas had to face a stressful situation when he could not take the start at Saturday’s
pre-final. He risked being the only unqualified pilot, leaving his opponents a clear field.
Luckily for him, everything went well and the MRT pilot climbed from 44th to 12th position in the final. When all his opponents had problems, Thomas was almost sure of
winning the title of French KZ2 Champion already on Saturday evening. He was even
afforded the luxury of fighting for victory in the final.
The situation was more uncertain for Brandon Maïsano: it was necessary to wait until
the very last laps of the last race of the season to know the outcome of the duel with
Guillaume De Ridder. Despite all strategic efforts made by the Belgian pilot, Brandon
finished second in the final and won the French KF2 Championship. Jonathan Hélias
completed the 100% Tonelli podium for 2008 Championship.
Nice results for Flavien Bouzana in KF2, after a hard fought race in the leading pack,
especially against William Benedetti, always third at Varennes.
Sébastien Bailly, with a more performing equipment on Sunday, recovered 20 positions
in the final. Nils Bernardet was delighted with his new Maranello chassis and took advantage of it to score his first points in the Championship. In the Bluy family, Elie, the
eldest, raced against his young brother Clément. Clément was the winner of Sunday’s
family duel, after his brother had dominated the previous day.
In KZ2, Anthony Abbasse conquered the second step of the Championship podium,
while his team mate Alban Varutti showed some excellent performances, though limited by his bad luck. Alban, after showing remarkable progress throughout the season,
finished 5th in the overall ranking. Perhaps one of the fastest pilots, Jonathan Thonon
made his return with a second place on Saturday, but was also forced to withdraw for
mechanical problems in the rain, on Sunday. Return to Grand Prix FFSA also for Florian,
who came, like many others, to run in for 125 gearbox with a view to the World Cup, with
a very convincing performance.
The foundation «Julie Tonelli pour l’Enfance» wishes to thank all the lucky (and unlucky) pilots who support it by displaying Julie’s colours on their karts during the Grand Prix Karting FFSA at
In KF2 : Michael Albert (B), Sébastien Bailly (B), William Benedetti (F), Nils Bernardet (F), Clément Bluy (F), Elie Bluy (F), Flavien Bouzana (F), Paul Loup Chatin (F), Cyril Cuisinier (F), Julien Deschamps
(F), Alexandre Humbert (F), Loïc Réguillon (F), Jeoffrey Rouchy (F), Stoffels Van Doorne (B), Mickael Vidal (F), Pierre Villedieu (F), Benoit Visnovsky (B).
In KF3 : Jimmy Antunes (CH), John Barbe (F), Nelson De Carvalho (F), Nicolas De Moura (F), Guillaume De Ridder (B), Henry Easthope (GB), Vittorio Ghirelli (I), Jonathan Hélias (F), Mathieu Jaminet
(F), Bryan Laloux (B), Adrien Leidinger (B), Vitto Lorenzo (F), Brandon Maïsano (F), Kevin Petit (F), Maxime Raphoz (F), Fabien Reposeur (F).
In KZ2 : Anthony Abbasse (F), Florian Alfano (F), Adrain Bort (F), Pierre Etienne Chaumat (F), Joffrey Demanse (F), Quentin Donniaux (F), Cédric Erbland (F), Gianni Gazzurelli (F), Mathieu Klinger (F),
David Manera (F), Laurent Marchandise (F), Gaetan Martin (F), Thomas Mich (F), Norman Nato (F), Thibault Riesser (F), Michael Ryall (GB), Yannick Savard (F), Jonathan Thonon (B),Alban Varutti (F).
Campionato di Francia: buoni risultati per le farfalle rosa
GP FFSA - Varennes - 31.05 & 01.06.2008
a prima partnership tra la Fondazione per l’Infanzia Julie Tonelli e la FFSA per i
Grand Prix Karting 2008 si conclude a Varennes con toni decisamente positivi.
Grazie a questa azione congiunta, la Fondazione ha potuto contare su un cospicuo numero di sostenitori. Nell’ultima prova del Campionato di Francia 2008 più
di 50 piloti indossavano i colori di Julie, ciò significa circa la metà dei partecipanti alla kermesse: un successo! La Fondazione per l’Infanzia Julie Tonelli è fiera di aver sostenuto la
FFSA nel suo impegno per rendere più accattivanti i Grand Prix Karting.
Alloro francese per Thomas Mich e Brandon Maïsano
Grande nervosismo per Thomas sabato quando non ha potuto partecipare alla prefinale.
Ha rischiato di essere l’unico pilota non qualificato e di lasciare dunque campo libero ai
suoi rivali. Fortunatamente per lui tutto ciò non è accaduto e il pilota MRT in finale ha potuto rimontare dalla quarantaquattresima alla dodicesima posizione. Visti i problemi avuti
da tutti i suoi avversari in campionato, già alla volta di sabato sera Thomas era quasi sicuro
di essere Campione di Francia KZ2. Domenica si è persino concesso il lusso di battersi per
la vittoria in finale.
Situazione invece più incerta per Brandon Maïsano: è stato necessario aspettare gli ultimi giri della gara della stagione per sapere chi l’avrebbe spuntata nel duello tra lui e
Guillaume De Ridder. Nonostante tutte le strategie messe in atto dal pilota belga, Brandon
conclude secondo in finale e conquista il titolo di Campione di Francia KF2. A Jonathan
Hélias l’onore di completare il podio del campionato 2008 100% Tonelli.
Buon exploit di Flavien Bouzana nella KF2, autore di una bella e lunga battaglia nel gruppo
di testa, in particolare con William Benedetti, che a Varennes ha collezionato tutti terzi
Sébastien Bailly, domenica, grazie a un mezzo più performante domenica, ha rimontato
di venti posizioni in finale. Nils Bernardet, estremamente soddisfatto del suo nuovo telaio
Maranello, ne ha approfittato per aggiudicarsi il suoi primi punti in campionato. Per quanto
riguarda la famiglia Bluy, Elie, il maggiore, si è confrontato con suo fratello minore Clément, uscito vittorioso domenica dopo essere stato battuto dal fratello maggiore sabato.
Nella KZ2, Anthony Abbasse si è classificato secondo in campionato mentre il suo compagno di squadra, Alban Varutti, ha avuto alti e bassi. Prendendo in considerazione tutta
la stagione Alban ha comunque dimostrato una bella progressione terminando quinto in
classifica generale. Indubbiamente uno dei piloti più veloci, Jonathan Thonon riparte in
seconda posizione sabato, seguito poi da un ritiro sotto la pioggia di domenica. Ritorno al
Grand Prix FFSA anche per Florian che, venuto come tanti altri a mettere a punto il suo 125
con cambio in vista della Coppa del Mondo, ha avuto prestazioni più che convincenti.
La Fondazione per l’Infanzia Julie Tonelli desidera ringraziare tutti i piloti, vincitori e vinti, che durante il Grand Prix Karting FFSA di Varennes hanno portato i suoi colori:
Nella KF2 : Michael Albert (B), Sébastien Bailly (B), William Benedetti (F), Nils Bernardet (F), Clément Bluy (F), Elie Bluy (F), Flavien Bouzana (F), Paul Loup Chatin (F), Cyril Cuisinier (F), Julien Deschamps (F), Alexandre Humbert (F), Loïc Réguillon (F), Jeoffrey Rouchy (F), Stoffels Van Doorne (B), Mickael Vidal (F), Pierre Villedieu (F), Benoit Visnovsky (B).
Nella KF3 : Jimmy Antunes (CH), John Barbe (F), Nelson De Carvalho (F), Nicolas De Moura (F), Guillaume De Ridder (B), Henry Easthope (GB), Vittorio Ghirelli (I), Jonathan Hélias (F), Mathieu Jaminet
(F), Bryan Laloux (B), Adrien Leidinger (B), Vitto Lorenzo (F), Brandon Maïsano (F), Kevin Petit (F), Maxime Raphoz (F), Fabien Reposeur (F).
Nella KZ2 : Anthony Abbasse (F), Florian Alfano (F), Adrain Bort (F), Pierre Etienne Chaumat (F), Joffrey Demanse (F), Quentin Donniaux (F), Cédric Erbland (F), Gianni Gazzurelli (F), Mathieu Klinger
(F), David Manera (F), Laurent Marchandise (F), Gaetan Martin (F), Thomas Mich (F), Norman Nato (F), Thibault Riesser (F), Michael Ryall (GB), Yannick Savard (F), Jonathan Thonon (B),Alban Varutti

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