Staelens, CV - Squarespace


Staelens, CV - Squarespace
210 eleventh avenue, ste 201
new york, ny 10001
t 212 226 3768
f 212 226 0155
e [email protected]
(born in1960 and 1968 in Paris, France)
Ghyslaine and Sylvain Staelens first became an artistic team in 1996, when the two self-taught artists decided
to move into the remote countryside of D’Auvergne. This volcanic region provided them with plenty of
materials with which to create sculpture, bas-relief, masks, figurines, totems, and crucifixes. The wood, roots,
and rusted metals that they found there soon became indispensable to their work. Starting from sophisticated assemblies of tree branches and roots, the couple manufactures creations that give
rise to animal and human forms. The two artists have a deep fascination with Latin American and African
tribal art, an influence which figures heavily in their work. Often the figures are embedded with nails and wires
and oxidized to give the appearance of rusted metal, which they use in reference to the various mental
entities that stimulate us or torment us. For the artists, the flexible and solid wire symbolizes attachment, the
barbed wire and the nails symbolize suffering and horror, and the branches represent discipline, rigor, and
control of the spirit. The Staelens’ sculptures have been exhibited internationally throughout Europe and in America, most notably
at Galerie Susi Bruner in Zurich, 32 Fine Art in New York, Galerie de la Halle Saint-Pierre in Paris, Intuit Show
in Chicago, and Cavin-Morris Gallery in New York.
Forest Amuletum: New Sculpture by Ghyslaine and Sylvain Staelens, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
ST-ART, Galerie Jean Greset, Strasbourg, France
Outsider Art Fair Paris, Cavin-Morris Gallery, Paris, France
In Dreams Begin Responsibilities: 30 Years at Cavin-Morris, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Art Paris Art Fair, represented by JP Ritsch-Fisch Gallery, Paris, France
The Metro Show, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Outsider Art Fair, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
The Metro Show, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Praisesongs for the Numinous, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Outsider Art Fair, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Mycelium, génie savant-génie brut, Centre d'art contemporain Abbaye d'Auberive
Musée des Arts Buissonniers, Galerie Grand'rue. Poitiers
Musée des Arts Buissonniers. Saint Sever du Moustier
The Metro Show, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Outsider Art Fair, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Restless II a MIX! Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Âmes sensibles, Musée d’Art et d’archéologie, Les Ecuries. Aurillac
Jardins secrets, Galerie le Cœur au Ventre. Lyon
Outsider Art Fair, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Galerie Balthazar. Clermont Ferrand
Faceshifting – Masking the Spirit, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Outsiders, Au-dessous des Volcans. Mauriac
Restless, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York
Galerie du Musée de la Halle Saint Pierre. Paris
Galerie Eqart. Marciac.
Art Partagé. Rives
Espace Korova. Lyon
Outsiders, Au-dessous des Volcans. Mauriac
Musée de l’Art en Marche. Lapalisse
Art Partagé. Grenoble
Galerie Susi Brunner. Zurich
Biz’Art-Biz’Art. Le Vaudioux
Outsiders, Au-dessous des Volcans. Mauriac
Hang-Art. Saffré
Art Partagé. Rives
Outsider Days, l’Art en Marche, Haarlem. Pays-Bas
Force et mouvement, Espace Miramar. Cannes
Collections : Cérès Franco. Musée de la Fabuloserie, Dicy. Musée de l’Art en Marche, Lapalisse.
Musée des Arts Buissonniers, Saint Sever du Moustier.